Imagine if Nintendo remade Ocarina of Time with the budget of Final Fantasy VII Remake...

Imagine if Nintendo remade Ocarina of Time with the budget of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Nintendo could never do something that ambitious.

Attached: ocarina_emulated.0.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 85K)

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that's basically BoTW

Not at all. BotW is a different game not a remake you retarded nigger

Was just talking about this with a friend the other day. I don't think its a matter of ambition or decision making, I truly don't think the zelda team has it in them. Zelda has gone downhill over the years, I enjoyed exploring botw for a while but shrines, korok seeds and divine beast """"dungeons"""" were not worthwhile rewards.

>first episode for the young Link arc, second for adult Link up to the Water Temple, third for the rest
Yeah, I'll pass.

FF7 raised the bar in terms of storytelling, setting and characters.
Ocarina of Time was a really good game, but it's really Nintendoey, no one would take it seriously, they did good to put a remake on the 3DS, they might just port that and call it a day.

Why would Nintendo even bother with this? They could use the exact same budget to make a new game.This guy has it right

Please no, please fuck off as far as possible. Just remove yourself from the internet for good. You limp wristed, bean drinking, retarded subhuman ape.

So you want it to be remade in many episodes with the first episode being just the deku tree? kek

ocarina of time was a revolution in gaming and was far more influential than your garbage final fantasy crap you retarded square cuck

>FF7 raised the bar in terms of storytelling, setting and characters
Ocarina of Time is better in all those categories.

>imagine if Nintendo spent 6 years to remake 15% of ocarina of time

How is botw ocarina of time?

it's the same shit dude, minus the memorable dungeons.

It isn't at all but thanks for exposing yourself as a retarded faggot

Nintendo has so much money they’re not even attempting to compete with Sony or Microsoft

They could, but they don’t want to for some reason

Xenogears has a better story and presentation then FF7

Botw isn't ocarina of time. I'm saying BOTW is what Nintendo does with the budget of Final Fantasy VII Remake, instead of remaking OOT.

Imagine if Nintendo made a BL Dating Sim starring all their young protagonists.

BOTW isn't even 15GB kek. FFVII remake is 100GB. you can't compare the level of ambition, toddler.

>Somebody actually using filesize to compare games


That's because Ocarina of Time is a game whereas Final Fantasy VII is a movie.

They already remade Zelda 1

FFVII remake is going to be trash like every SquareEnix title in existence.

>I would rather have a new game then a remake of an old game that still holds up

And THAT is why Xeno is the better JRPG franchise.

Or, more succinctly, Tekkun wants what Hashi has.

Attached: duh372ur93j48u.png (497x350, 173K)

Competent devs actually know how to compress their games.

Breath of the wild is basically Zelda 1 in 3D

toddlers SEETHING

Deluded Xenocuck. This remake alone will sell more than the entirety of the xeno franchise in its first month

it would still be 720p 30fps because of how shit nintendo hardware is. really wish they would open a PC store.

This. OP is retarded

Dragon quest builders is good

>nintendo remaking OOT
>not screwing it up

Attached: remake_OOT_compare1.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

not made by nintendo. that was made by grezzo you dumb cuck

Aside from a few cutscenes it's superior. With Nintendo actually making it they would be sure to capture the atmosphere of the original.

So that would make Destiny 2 more ambitious than the majority of video games because its 150GBs on the PC. I don't think you can compare file sizes and use that to determine anything other than how well compressed the game is.

Attached: 1582512905132.png (360x360, 130K)

Squeenix couldn't either since you only play in fucking Midgar.

"heh heh heh..." is NoA fanfiction though

I'm fucking glad that they didn't since it would be released when I'm in my 50s

he's right though