What platoform are you getting Wonderful 101 on?


the last poll was heavily rigged and spammed across social media. let's try this again

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Other urls found in this thread:


PS4 for sure. All games play best there.

Definitely PS4. It's action game paradise. DMC V, Bayonetta, Vanquish, NiER Automata, God of War, etc.

As a core PS4 player that's my vote. Perfect smooth 60fps at 4k? Sign me up.

Considering I play my PS4 for at least 7 years each and every day it makes most sense to get it there. Plus I don't play PC nor do I own a switch

Played the PS4 version at PAX East. Gorgeous 60fps (devs told me it goes up to 90fps on the PS4 Pro) and no more touch control gimmicks so the game is actually playable now. If Sony feature this more then it could be a big hit.

PS4. Easy.

>1 poster

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That explains why there's only one vote for ps4 right now.
Then again I expect it to shoot up because there's no captcha on it.

As a gay man? Gotta be PS4.

PC master race.

>heavily rigged
I don't think so.

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I'm a massive tranny faggot, so of course i'm getting it on PS4

I wonder if a PS4/PC port would've happened if the strecth goal wasn't pushed by people wanting to replay the game on Switch.

>8 posts saying they're voting for ps4
>only 3 ps4 votes

Whatever system it's cheapest on when I feel like getting it.

As a memeber of the LGBTQA+, I gotta go with the PS4

Switch and PC but I voted PC because that's my preferred version.

PC all the way, potential for modding in new Wonders will be great.

Attached: boyonettavanquishbundle1.jpg (1536x864, 133K)

Imagine the mods

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>18 posts
>13 IP's
Someone is crying, by the way it was the Switch version they showed on PAX, not the PS4 version.

>heavily rigged
>same results
the denial

maybe neither poll was rigged

Either Switch or PC. I haven't decided which yet.

Ps4 is best

Why do sony ponies have such a weird complex about niche games? Can't even have a Deadly Premonition 2 thread without them shitting things up even though PC has the biggest fanbase for DP1DC

they are called sonyroaches for a reason

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>13% is PS4
Despite being 13%....

Switch. The platform it's meant to be played on.

I already have it on the Wii U.

Bought it on Wii U years ago and finished it thrice.
Why would I buy another version?
You guys should play exclusive games on intended gaming platforms and beggin for NEW games instead of ports.

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Lifelong Nintendo fan here.
I've realized the PS4 is a way better console that actually has games and much stronger than most PC so I'm getting it there

Waiting for a potential Xbox One release. If it never releases on Xbox One I'll just ignore it since I own it on Wii U anyway.

Wii U
I already played it

How much do you think the Kickstarter will end at?

It's been climbing pretty fast the past few days. It'll make it to 2m for sure but I don't know about 2.25m

So you're dead?

Samefagging about getting it on the PS4 is the weirdest shitpost I've seen in a while. Especially since the thread started with a poll that would immediately expose the samefagging.

Snoys are dumb, more at 11, unless its some 4D chess from Nintendo fanboys.

They've updated the Blossom City challenge and now the plastic centinels cards challenge is getting the JP trailer for Project G.G. 2000 likes

That's gonna get crushed, the last youtube likes goal was 14k and that barely even took 2 days

New Defense of Blossom-city update.

We need 2000 likes for this video:

Looks like they linked to the wrong one on the main page.

I want to play it portably but I’m worried about the resolution/framerate so I’m not sure about ps4 or switch yet

What a blunder
>Replacing the retweet challenge with a youtube like challenge
>When the retweet challenge would have finally succeeded

It hit about 3200RTs, had they updated the wonder power for it the goal would have been well under that by now.

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They've stated that portable mode is aiming for 720p/60fps. We don't know what the docked performance will be like but I doubt it would be any worse than the WiiU version.

None, it flopped for a reason.

I have a Switch but in all cases I favor PC if available. Fuck you SNK.

Getting it on switch.
Fuck console war faggery though, just enjoy the game on your console of choice and be happy it's not console exclusive and near everyone will get to play it(sorry xbros).

Also they've re-added the 10k studio tour tier to the campaign, only now it includes everything from all the previous tiers as well (originally it was the same as the pure platinum tier)

I'd love to back this tier but I'm already reaching out way farther than I should backing for the 12'' statue already.

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I'm a bit resentful that richfags get to experience this kind of stuff but at least it goes toward more stretch goals for me.

Yeah compared to most of the other kickstarters I've looked at this is a really expensive one.

I'm a little jealous that it's an all included tier now though since it used to be the same as pure platinum. I'd really like the whole collection out of this kickstarter but I just can't do 10k. Plus I think they've said when first announcing that backer tier that travel expenses don't get covered either.

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That's not pc.

Docked footage:


Performance looks fantastic

I'll be replaying my wii u version.

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are you going to say "it's rigged" every time PS4 gets in last place?

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PC or switch, haven't decided yet.


got it on wiiu like 5 years ago

PC during a Steam sale. I bought it for $10 at Wal Mart when they had Wii U shit on clearance and I refuse to pay $60 for the Switch port.

Simple, because they don't get the good ones.

pc because i dont own a switch

>unless its some 4D chess from Nintendo fanboys.
4D chess would be sonyfags pretending to be Nintendofags pretending to be sonyfags user.

>I refuse to pay $60 for the Switch port.

it's $40

Probably PS4 cause that things just sitting there and feel bad for it

Still overpriced.

Whoops meant to say undocked performance. No idea how this game will run in handheld mode. I did catch that gameplay though and it runs way better than it did on WiiU. WiiU was 60 with drops but this was like solid 60, assuming it's not a bullshit build i.e. the PC version

PS4 because I chose physical tier.

I have it on WiiU but I'll be getting Remastered on PS4. Dualshock will probably be great for the controls.

>Switch for comfy and portability (also possibly motion control shenanigans)
>PC for glorious 5000 FPS on 4K
>PS4 for ???
Not entirely sure what the PS4 has over these other options. I mean I get why they're porting it there since it has the largest current installbase but I'm not sure why people on this board would play it there

>Dualshock will probably be great for the controls.

said no one ever

Don't be fooled. Blossom City runs pretty much perfectly on Wii U. Game is struggling during end-game sections. And it will struggle in shitch version too. But they will never show you such footage. For obvious reasons.

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PS4. The novelty of playing a Nintendo game on a non-Nintendo system is too great for me to ignore. Plus, I like trophies.


I'd rather not use Switch controls for it and I prefer the right analog placement.

I'm using a DS4 for the PC version.
If I was getting the Switch version I'd be using the Joycons. I'm not going to piss myself over which controller is better because they both work the fucking same.

PC will be by and large the superior version purely due to the planned Ultra Wide resolution. You'll be able to do this on any version of the game but PC will be able to do it without black bars at the top and bottom.

Attached: WIDE.png (1524x438, 897K)

I wish I got the Wonderful Toys tier on the first go but I missed it. I'd love a toy set of the main team but the remix tier is just stupid overpriced for a set of Keshi figures. If I'm shelling out almost a grand for anything it's not eraser rubber dollar store toys.

Attached: dollar store toys.jpg (590x404, 243K)

I still can't decide between ps4 and switch
they should show all the differences before the kickstarter ends

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I'm getting my updated card, that's all I care about.

>ps4 in last place again


dont worry about it

i haven't seen a poll yet where PS4 wasn't dead last

they never buy the games they "get hype" for, even dreams bombed

They said Switch version would have Gyro

Wonder if that means that you can draw with gyro controls because that would be awesome

I bought it on Wii U way back when, but want to support the game and also want a better framerate and faster loading times.
Would be pretty dumb to get it on Switch since it's barely more powerful than the Wii U, I really doubt there'll be a noticeable difference.

According to their FAQ

1080/60 docked, this is supposedly the gameplay they were showing at PAX
720/60 handheld
1080/60 normal version
2k/60 PS4 Pro
1080/60 benchmark (they haven't stated if there will be more resolution or FPS options), Ultra Wide resolution support

I really don't know how you could pick anything other than PC, ultra wide alone makes it for me I used to play the WiiU version with my tablet controller sitting next to my TV so I could watch the second screen. It really adds to the gameplay. I'm getting a second monitor just for this game.

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A shame it won't reach all it's goals
but at least it will hit the 2M mark

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>Would be pretty dumb to get it on Switch since it's barely more powerful than the Wii U, I really doubt there'll be a noticeable difference.

the only dumb thing here is your comment.

do you prefer muh portability or muh 4k

There was one or two first person shooting sections that could use gyro aiming on the WiiU version if I remember right, that's probably what they mean.

Recent gameplay on the Switch version at Pax had significantly faster loading times than the Wii U version.
Regardless I still will grab the PC version for higher frames and resolutions.

Offended shitchtard, how sweet!

Right analog placement is the same tho

Hi Eric
Botw sold 16 million units on Switch
You were wrong, be a man and admit it
And no, screaming like a sandnigger on a tranny discord server doesn't count.

The part with the missiles falling from the sky is significantly better in the Switch footage. Probably not 60fps but not low enough to be a major problem either. Anyway, PC will always be the superior choice for performance.

will it be sixty if i don't use the kickstarter?


Only difference is Kickstarter copies release 2 weeks early and get all the DLC for free.

It's the same price either way but backers get an exclusive cover, early shipping and free DLC.

Probably around 40 but you dont get the DLC for "free"

Probably PC. I don't travel much so it seems silly to get it on my Switch for a lower quality experience when my high end PC is right there.

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Switch just because the sticks on my DS4 are fucked and I don't want to buy a new controller right now.

I really want them to release system requirements for the PC version already. My budget PC was good enough for the Bayo and Vanquish PC ports so I hope it'll be optimized similarly or better. I just hope they don't do something stupid like omit Win7 support.

I've already sent them a few messages asking for system requirements but it seems like all they're giving is the resolution and FPS details for now.

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>25000$ each day
Unlikely, unless it suddenly gets a huge push thanks to indecisive people and youtubers or someone with influence bumping it, then it wont happen.

Kickstarters usually make most of their money in the first and last few days. If it follows the same trend of some others it could even break 3 million still. I'm keeping my expectations low but 2 million is likely.

shame about the dlc not too bad. thanks

We're almost at 2M and we got 3 days left. How is this happening?

>one minute apart each
really makes you wonder...

None of them, I tried the Wii U demo and it was shit.

I don't get it either and wish there was this much support back in 2013. Better late then never, though.

That's how cult classics work, and it didn't help then/helps now that it was exclusive to a console that sold like shit lifetime and wasn't even a year old at the time. People without WiiUs want to play it, and people who did want it to succeed.

GOTY 2013 is now GOTY 2020. Feels good.

PC or Switch, either way I'm able to pirate it on both platforms so that's cool

I'm currently broke so I'll probably pirate it on the switch

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I want to fuck the prince's sister.

Me too, user. Me too.

And the big alien woman

PC easily. If I'm going to watch the Funderful Misadventures of Blunder Red, it's going to be on the most powerful and expensive device available.

Gonna double dip and go for Switch and PC.

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PC. When the remaster releases, there will be a week of whining on Yea Forums at least because the gameplay will not be what people expect and things like climb attack are not explained.

>What platoform are you getting Wonderful 101 on?
>exclusives on consoles
>everything else pirated on PC
>except multiplayer games

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My fucking man, same here!

The tutorials have been updated. It's still going to filter a lot of people but they'll have fewer excuses than before.

>complaining about rigged poll
>no option for "none" and/or "I already own it on "Wii U"
Thanks for wasting my time.

>tfw incredibly tempted by the Wonder Mask tier

I've always been thinking of trying to make or having a custom one commissioned or something but the prospect of an official one is just too much for me. I wish they had some real previews of what the rewards are like though, like I can't imagine dropping over 5000$ on a statue they haven't even made a mock up for like the jacket.

Dude there are so many new tutorials in that gameplay trailer, casuals are going to have no excuse this time. It actually does tell you about climb attacks and how they stun enemies this time.

I think the one thing that's important though is they need to beat players over the head with BIGGER MORPH = BETTER. I've watched so much gameplay of casuals who just make the smallest sized sword and complain that enemies take too long to kill. The worst is with Unite Whip. People strip the spiked enemies with the smallest size whip all the time then complain it takes too long, when a max size whip can strip the spiked enemies in like 2 goes.

PC. Own a switch but this isn't a game I'd play in handheld mode.

I hoping you still have to buy Unite Spring.

That alone will filter most.

Dodge could be optional desu but block really should be a default attack, especially considering enemies like the tanks almost completely require using it.

How would you even do stick inputs on a KBM?

I'd figure that KBM controls would just have you drawing shapes using the mouse. It would probably be kind of complex to implement, I wouldn't be surprised if this were a gamepad only game. Movement in an isometric game with platforming using WASD sounds hellish.

I think a full 100 morph whip is guaranteed to strip an enemy in a single turn but I might be misremembering. It's a little hard to time since it has such a short duration but that's your reward if you pull it off. Once you get the timing down it really negates the complaint about having to use the whip against those guys. I can see how using a small whip would make them tedious.

The sad thing is stuff like Bigger = Stronger or Jelly = Blunt Attacks seem really intuitive to me but I guess people just don't stop to think for a second.

A 100 size whip will always strip the armor off a spike tank in one go, but a 100 size whip doesn't complete strip armor off the mechs it still leaves like 1-2 parts, which you can then strip off with a 20 size whip. Compared to using only the smallest 10 size whip, I'm pretty sure stripping a mech takes like 8 fucking goes that way. It takes forever doing it that way.

I think some people just don't play games inquisitively and just regard self-inflicting problems as the game's design rather than their own lack of experimentation or creativity. Which is a pretty big problem for a game like this considering how complex some of the harder enemies are, you really need to actually try to figure out how best to approach them.

>and I prefer the right analog placement.
Then you would be playing on Wii U, PC or Switch.
The DS4 analogs are far too close together for a game that uses both.

Wii u

Why is the shipping for the physical copy +655 yen for the US and +545 yen for literally everywhere else?

Because America sucks.

Maybe they're trying to do people a favour considering everything will ship from the US and everyone's going to get obliterated by import fees

>all those yurops in the KS comments cancelling their pledges over the prospect of having to pay 8 euros in import charges.

for a kiddy game, tw101 has a lot of tna shots

>and wish there was this much support back in 2013
You do realize the WiiU version ended up selling 27k in Japan alone right? There's only 28k backer for the kickstater. I'm sire there will be more people that get it after release, but it still needs to do another 125k ish to match that worldwide

it sold only 5000 copies on launch

>kiddy game

user this game is rated T for tittie

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the japanese rating is for 12 year olds

I had it on Wii U but I’m thinking of getting it on ps4 for this reason too. Also better performance. Fuck it though I might get it on switch too, this game deserves it. Even though it’s surrounded by shitposting it still feels so good to see it come back


I'm getting my KS copy for the Switch for the special cover, but I'm also gonna get the PC version and play that one the most, so I guess that's my main platform.

>Even though it’s surrounded by shitposting it still feels so good to see it come back

Wonderposting is the good of shitpost though, the kind of shitpost that happens when a good game gets played.

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which version do i get? im fine with whatever, im just really worried about the controller im gonna be playing with. PS4 stick doesn't feel as snappy as the Wii U gamepad wich is what made some motions easier to pull of in 101, and the switch pro controller's sticks feel way to big. maybe im just crazy.

Get a mayflash and use the WiiU pro on whatever console you want.

Assuming they reveal all the stretch goals before the end, what are you expecting to see in there?

There can't be more than 3 Luka missions so they must have something else in mind.

reminder that for every sale of this game, a cut of the money goes to Nintendo, even if you buy the ps4 version. this is fucking ridiculous
Boycott TW101R

Why should Nintendo not get money when people buy their game? I'm sure Sony will get money from Death Stranding PC sales as well.

They probably decided to just completely ignore that one now because the post they wanted retweets on was an advert for their presence at PAX, which is over now. It would serve no purpose to promote it.

Wonder what the second to last social media challenge will be before the cosplay challenge?

They still have one of the Platinum Four to announce, it might tie into that.

I'm finding it hard to make any real predictions, but I'd really hope at least some stretch goals they had in mind were for more normal levels.

Also I'd personally love to see new punch out fights added, those really were some of my favourite parts of the game.

I wonder if that retweet challenge screwed with their plans after it took them over a week to skip over it. 3 days on the campaign left and they hardly have any time left to make announcements, maybe they'll do an update with another challenge tomorrow.

And I'm wondering if anyone's done a cosplay yet, I haven't seen much about that. Considering the reward is just something silly I wouldn't be heartbroken is no one did a cosplay but it would be disappointing.

Quit samefagging

I will pirate it on PC.

For all the shit people give Platinum's WiiU games' framerates, they're some of the best running games on the console. In comparison BotW runs at a silky smooth 20-25fps.

PC, maybe Switch at some point, definitely not PS4.

>Game Competition with Hideki Kamiya

Fuck I'd love that

I hope you enjoy it.

In terms of performance,
>PC > PS4 > Switch > Wii U
In terms of unscrubbed content
>Switch > Wii U > PC / PS4

The PC and PS4 versions will likely have a bunch of references scrubbed out. Maybe not some of the actual gameplay references like the Punch-Out fights, but the visual ones like Wonder-Gamer having a Famicom on his head. The PC version has the potential to have these references modded back in though for a complete experience, but the vanilla version will still be scrubbed.

Is this a joke? Or just a shitpost? Hard to tell the difference nowadays.
The PS4 version has been dead last in every single poll on this and we've had like at least half a dozen of them.

If we ultimately get the official numbers after the kickstarter has concluded and the PS4 is still dead last, will you claim that the entire kickstarter was rigged?

Do you not know how shitposting works? If the OP doesn't have enough substance (because like you said it's like the 6th fucking time we had this thread) then you put something absolutely retarded in it to give it a secondary discussion topic.

I fucking want it bad man. I'm entertaining the idea of upgrading to P-Star tier way too seriously when the Pure Platinum Tier is already beyond what I can really safely spend. Usually hate travelling too.

I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with it though. If only that weren't the only tier that had all the trophies, mask and jacket in one package I could at least live without the tour.

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Ok? That still leaves 22k ww for launch which isn't unreasonable given the ltd

Switch for handheld mode, PC version for best performance and possible mods

I'm not even close to being able to afford it so maybe my advice doesn't mean much but I think you might be better off leaving it for someone who can make that decision more comfortably. I doubt Platinum want anyone to bankrupt themselves for a tour.

It is a potentially once in a lifetime deal though so it's only natural to be tempted. Hope it goes well, whatever you choose.

I think W101 doesn't actually have a ton of Nintendo stuff. I think even Travis Strikes Again had more

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Mah ninja.
I'll personally triple dip (quadruple dip if you count the Wii U version).

I thought everyone on Yea Forums bought a Switch because they were PC owners, wouldn't owning a PS4 or Xbox be better if you were a poorfag? Smash is literally the bloodborne of Switch, you guys bought a console for one game, lol.

can someone help me decipher this mess of a post?

Yeah not like I'm a richfag or anything, I just have some extra disposable income saved up from not really spending much on games or figures last year. Going in on the 12'' statue needs me to take some money out of savings too but this whole thing is a once in a lifetime deal in general, and for my all time favourite game yeah I'm gonna do that.
I'd be drowning myself in credit dept if I actually took on the Studio tier, and if I were really going to go ballistic collecting EVERYTHING I already missed my chance to fly out to Wonfes or PAX for that merch anyway. I'll live.

Off-hand there's Wonder Gamer's hat being a Famicom, Wonder black playing a Game&Watch style handheld and a bunch of themes in the game are based on the old Famicom startup jingle.
And of course the Punch Out bosses.

They are releasing this game multiplat under Nintendo's blessing so I suppose there's the chance of certain content being removed or altered at their behest, but really most of this stuff is either completely minor or would fall squarely into the realm of acceptable parody. I'd be surprised if anything actually got taken out. I think people are getting too worried over this stuff when nothing's been officially confirmed at all.

>Not even once on al difficulty levels

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Nintendo is only the best console if you're a PC owner, makes no sense that everyone is getting the Switch version when it should be PC at the top. If everyone is poorfags who only own a Switch and no PC, then it shows everyone on Yea Forums are just autistic smash players.

>Nintendo is only the best console if you're a PC owner, makes no sense that everyone is getting the Switch version when it should be PC at the top.
>If everyone is poorfags who only own a Switch and no PC, then it shows everyone on Yea Forums are just autistic smash players.
This makes no sense. Stop letting smash live in your head rent-free.

Better performance
Playing the game again because it's awesome
Realizing that games are shit now and barely anything original that's worthwhile ever comes out anymore and it's better to just hope for old underappreciated videogames to get enhanced versions that see a wider more accessible release. Like if it were only a switch port I would sympathize with not having any interest in the game after playing the WiiU version but the fact that this shit is going multiplat is completely crazy. I played the WiiU version to DEATH and I have no qualms buying it again on PC to replay it there.

i'm getting it on the switch from the kickstarter but i might buy it again on pc when it's cheap

Yeah, I looked back to check. There's also the Super Scope. Didn't know about the jingles though. That is kind of a lot.

I think the performance on switch will be good enough that the option to play handheld or tv kind of outweighs some of the pc perks for a lot of people. It's not like DOOM or anything

Oh yeah the super scope, I hardly ever used that in game so I didn't really remember it.

yes but PC hasn't had physical releases since the early 2000's and I kinda like to have one to display

PC since its free

Would have bought it if it was on xbox. Now ill be skipping it, waiting for a port maybe

For the most part physical PC games never stopped, they're just boxes with steam slips in them. Maybe very rarely they might include a disk.

The W101 PC version is apparently just going to be the code slip though. I'm still getting it but I wish PC users would get some nice disk art to go with it.

This shit makes my autism flare up and I already know it's going to happen with NMHIII too. The Return trailer has an honest god N64 with the trademarked logo in it, not even a Pretendo64 and Suda said he wants to bring back all the shirts back and then some so I imagine it'll have more Nintendo ones, maybe even unique moves too. That's before we even get into controls scheme differences (most likely favor switch) and performance (most likely favoring everything else given it's ue4)

And this is a show for 6 years olds in Japan.

Attached: wagon best toqt3.14.webm (853x480, 1.56M)

Does the game have any online features?

The base game didn't have any beyond Miiverseposting IIRC. It had local multiplayer though.

We'll just have to see what happens to the PC and PS4 ports I guess. This game being multiplat at all is still crazy, like at least NMH isn't owned by Nintendo.

Not counting Miiverse, no. It did have some local multiplayer modes though. It might be possible to set up some remote play shenanigans to play it online with people.

Just saw a gameplay, why anyone would want to play this trash?

it's fun and hard

>second screen.
>It really adds to the gameplay.
Adds what? There rarely was anything important on the gamepad, it's not that important to have it visible at all times. If anything, I'm way more into getting rid of it whenever possible + Switch is a nice medium to get the game on a portable, not like the second screen appearing at times will be a big problem, even on a small screen.

congrats on being one of the other 5 people who bought a Wii U and W101 on Yea Forums

I just love the radar view man.

Also certain parts of the game could absolutely benefit from having the secondary screen be as huge as possible for clarity. That stupid first person tank section in 008-B is one of them.

The USD exchange rate has gone up (physical copy from $40 to $42). If I back it now will it go up before it releases?

Attached: 1397435770409.png (160x152, 24K)

Whatever the exchange rate is when they request payment is what you'll pay.
>tfw paying in maplebux and the exchange rate is flying around like crazy
God I hope it goes down when the campaign is over because it's currently going up

You're warned when you back that the exchange rate can change how much you end up paying before the campaign ends. Because your contribution is the original yen amount, you'll get hit with whatever exchange rate paypal is using when the campaign ends.

I meant kickstarter

>all on PC with better graphics and framerate and controls except for GoW which isn't an action game but a movie

So glad I'm not a console baby anymore. Just finally had to sell my useless Switch and accept Metroid Prime 4 is vaporware.

i kinda want to buy it on my switch, but why when i get it on steam

Backers who ask for physical copies get special cover art if you care about that.

Any update on a release date? I’m getting it on PS4, bern watching play throughs of the Wii U version it looks really fun.

Every platinum game seems to grab me but bayonetta.

The kickstarter said rewards would be handed out in April but IIRC they then twitted the game would come out in May. Whether the game as a whole's been pushed back to May or the backers will get the game a month in advance is unknown.

>not getting it on Switch
holy shit nigger what are you doing

Backer copies ship two weeks early, around the start of May it seems like.

>Whether the game as a whole's been pushed back to May or the backers will get the game a month in advance is unknown.
Except we literally know that backers are gonna get it 2 weeks early in April

Public release date is April but kickstarters get it early in May

Enjoying the game in ultrawidescreen 8k 144fps in VR with mods

Is it a reversible cover like Bayo 2?

I believe they've said it's a reversible cover. It'll also include the normal retail cover as well.

Everyone is getting it on Switch.

torn between switch and ps4. though i never have used my switch undocked or had use of it in public

I'm not.
I could if I wanted to but I'm not.

I have switch and pc but even I know to get it on pc
>best grafix
>use any controller
I plan to wait for the "all W101 HQ ingame models" mod and watch my computer die

what's with this meme where people pretend every game gets mods

Because whenever PC is involved, you always hear about mods for it. And since people hear how some games have them, they think all games can have them.

Unless this game's files are structured in a dirt simple way I doubt there would be any serious modding effort. Bayo with all its popularity hardly ever got any mods and the mods it did get were just model swaps.

It's still a possibility for the PC version but I'm not expecting it.

Still though PC version will be better for the graphics options. I seriously doubt the Switch or PS4 versions will get any anti-aliasing.

I bought it day one on Wii-U and own a switch but I'm still getting it for PC for that performance.

So why should I get the game on switch?

It's gotten another 25k since you posted that

Apparently, PG is being coy about the IP's ownership. Some are thinking it's changing hands and they can't talk about it yet, but some are thinking that they're not allowed to talk about it to mitigate further "put Nintendo title on PC/PS4" talk.

What do you think?

I haven't been watching it that closely but I don't think it's gone up that much. It has made more money today than any of the last four days though, seems like the final uptick is starting. Hope to see a lot of movement before the end.

Nintendo still owns it but doesn't want Nintendo to advertise that so people don't start thinking Nintendo has plans to go third party.

Absolutely based

Makes sense.
I imagine part of this deal was that any potential sequels (yeah I know) will remain Nintendo exclusive.

I'd imagine platinum would be interested in obtaining the IP from nintendo if they thought they could, considering how emblematic of the company this game is, but if they succeeding in negotiating something and it wasn't transfer finalized before the kickstarter than it sure is fuck isn't going to happen now that the campaign proved to be huge success.

It's been explained in a previous thread but IPs hold a ton of value to a company, and even a failed IP is worth keeping in the off chance that it might prove to be successful in the future, which is exactly what happened here.

I think it's far more likely that they're just trying to be hush hush about the whole nintendo multiplat thing at the back of everyone's mind.

Double dipping Switch and PC. Fuck PS4.

>btfos armstrong in one fucking line

I was gonna get it on Switch until I found out they were porting it to PC as well.

Considering all the "does this mean Bayo 2 and Astral Chain on PC" begging that popped up... I can see why.

Naked chibi bayonetta mod


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What date do backers get the game since we get it early?

I already had it on Wii U and it's a mediocre game lol
You can't see SHIT due to the perspective being extremely zoomed out

General release date is May 20
Backers get the game around 2 weeks earlier

Imagine the SFM

Attached: 1393976005920.png (824x725, 362K)

I would seethe if ASTRAL CHAIN came to PC because i just recently bought it

I'm assuming they'll happen, but I guess they might not since TSA bombed so hard and Suda is making III joycon heavy. NMH has always been a Nintendo/GhM thing and then Marvelous comissions ports. I'm 100% getting the Switch version of that for the controls, but I wish Suda wasn't so hung up on UE4 since it doesn't perform well on the system. They'd unironically probably be better off port 1/2 from the wii and then building III in that engine

There are more than enough ways to tell where you are and the enemies are enormous. Plus you can zoom in and out at your leisure.

Can you mod that in?

If they had gotten full rights it would have been finalized by now and would definitely be advertising it. I suspect it's still shared, but I can't figure out why Nintendonwas dropped from the copyright legal line

Up until now, I was sure I was going to buy it on the Switch but honestly, I might go for the PS4 now, just because of the controller. That might change soon since I might buy a Pro for DMC3:SE.

>but I can't figure out why Nintendonwas dropped from the copyright legal line
Nintendo considers this a very special exception and doesn't want people thinking they're open to porting their shit elsewhere.

Steam as long as I can use my switch or ps4 controller on it
>game has a switch or PS4 version
>steam version only has XBONE button prompts
hate that shit

Might change soon, Nintendo and Microsoft have talked for awhile about cross system controller usage along with button prompts for each system

this game makes me hornier than playing bayonetta tbqh

Why play on anything else?

What's the deal with the social media missions? the youtube video has already been liked more than enough and they still haven't updated it to move to the next goal

It only updates on Mon/Wed/Fri. They might change that since we're nearing the end but so far that's the schedule.

time zones how do they work

They're gonna have to change it if they want them all to get finished. At this rate we'll get the next mission on wednesday, and even if it's completed promptly, we won't even get the last mission until the final day.

ps4 unless they offer 2K options for PC. So far it's 1080p only

Attached: horse.jpg (1024x768, 194K)

Same but I put over 100 hours into it. A pirate wouldn't be unforgivable. If it does happen it won't be for a while anyway as Nintendo still want it exclusive and W101 was basically a gamble by Platinum and a much more niche title.

how does PS4 only have 60 votes? what the actual fuck?

Is it not 4k on PC?

Switch for portability or PC for better graphics, you pick PS4 if that's the only thing you have.

I don't think so, the image they posted specified 1080p for PC

You people underestimate just how niche the game is.

I refuse to believe that's not a mistake, if it's 4K on the Pro, it'll be 4K on PC. They probably just don't want anyone thinking they need a computer capable of running it at 4K.

Even if it's somehow not available Day 1 it'll be patched or modded.

They already confirmed ultrawide support so its not going to be locked at 1920x1080

does ultrawide necessarily mean 2/4K? can something not support ultrawide and be limited to 1080p?

nu-GoW isn't really the same thing as the others, arguably even NiER isn't

>implying Nier is more of an action game than gow'18

I think it's a bit more in line than Onions of War is but not by much, which is why I said it arguably doesn't belong with the rest either

Technically Ultrawide would still be 1080p since that refers to the vertical resolution but the point is there will be options for the resolution beyond the standard 16:9 1080p. At that point there's no reason to lock out an option for 4K.

>mfw last week i spend the money that was supposed to go to my w101 ks copy on an escort instead
>mfw i got there she was fat and not attractive
>mfw i was horny so i went for it anyway
AHHHHHH I need to find a gf, that was not a good way to spend my money.

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Well it's a shame if you can't contribute but you can always buy it later at least. Keep your head up.

Sorry that i didn't mean to quote you, it was more like a general comment on the thread. Thanks anyway.