
DuskGolem, a leaker with a history of accurate RE info; is now claiming on Twitter that Capcom is going to have a big fiscal year (April 2020-March 2021) with 4 big titles and 1 medium sized title. One of these titles is Resident Evil 3 releasing in April, with another being an unannounced Resident Evil game that is NOT RE8; which supposedly got rebooted and reworked. The mystery RE game may or may not be the cancelled first person RE8 game with BOW werewolves mentioned in earlier leaks.

He also confirmed that there is no Code Veronica remake even in pre-production, and that a Dino Crisis reboot existed at one point, but ultimately got cancelled.


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damn, capchads literally can't stop winning

DuskGolem is a fraud

Big titles
>Resident Evil 3
>Resident Evil Revelations 3
>Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
>New Capcom VS game

Medium title
>Megaman X9

>DuskGolem is a fraud

We will see soon enough, because if what he's saying is true then Capcom will 100% mention having 4 big titles in their fiscal report at the end of the month

Asura's Wrath complete edition when

Capcom is back baybee!
Literally the best video game company in the business right now.

>a Dino Crisis reboot existed at one point, but ultimately got cancelled.
This better not be true. Capcom can get fucked until the end of time if it is.

>Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
God I hope so.

>But it may or may not be the cancelled first person RE8 game


Got turned into a spin-off, Code Veronica style.

Where the fuck is Megaman Legend 3?

Trapped in Inafundme's brain.

Time for the best RE protagonist to make a return.

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Next year... there's always next year.

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This medium title better be a new Ace Attorney. It's been ages. Fuck HD collections.

Dusk always says generic non-committal guesswork and then acts like he is Capcom PR or some shit implying he knows even MORE but "that's all i will allow myself to say for now folks"
No faggot, we don't need your ebin planned reveal, just say something if you know it or fuck off.

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I can't remember when this idiot ever revealed anything that came true.

Next week, on Netflix

one day lads, one day.

He also said Resident Evil 3 demo soon

If you are part of any RE community anywhere be it twitter or discord or whatever the fuck that isn't Yea Forums a lot of people in those communities take whole handfuls of salt when sharing his "predictions"

>resident evil 3
>resident evil revelations 3 (fps, ethan, werewolves)
>dead rising reboot (developed internally at capcom, theme park setting)
>idk probably devil may cry 5 SE
>megaman x sequel

i hope one of them is a new monster hunter on switch

Imagine thinking Megaman Legends 3 actually had a chance at all of happening in the first place, lmao.

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>Big titles
>New Capcom VS game
Capcom haven't invested big in a fighter in forever. I don't even think SF4 got that much money

I think that's a fairly good guess

As well as on PS4 and PS5 and Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

I wanted a dino crisis in RE engine so bad.

Guy has proven to be legit, he was pretty much right on RE7, RE2&3 Remake before they publicly existed.

lol, all he does is giving vague statements about some re game currently being in development and how he can't say more about it.

No shit? Any moron with a brain could tell you one is coming.

It'll happen, just you wait!

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>BOW werewolves
lets hope for some of the female variety
that'd be just great

no matter which fighting game it will never be big title
maybe medium or none at all