blizzard polish
Blizzard polish
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Shamans wear mail and two specs can have a shield on top of that
I hate demon hunters so god damn much
Shaman oppression is unironically a real thing and has been forever.
Icebound Fortitude is THREE FUCKING MINUTES for THIRTY PERCENT. But yeah, it's fine, literally halved DK healing, DH is fine though don't need to touch any of that bloated fucking broken-ass horseshit kit.
>both provide nearly the same damage mitigation, albeit 4% of it is random on demon hunter
>the other one has 30 seconds longer cd
same for pally
>same for pally
>playing any class in D3
Get a load of this guy
>same power different class
did the diablo3 team work on wow at some point?
It was especially obvious in vanilla. The most blatant example is the pathetic 5% more mana you could skill compared to the 10% intelligence of the paladin.
Let's be fair here, Demon Hunters have to play as elves and that alone is such a huge con that it more then makes up for the difference, being critically weak to cock and all.
Reading the 30 second longer cooldown last made me chuckle. Blizzard hardly put any effort into balance. I am convinced they would give specific classes absurd good abilities or short CDs to those they wanted people to play more for whatever expansion.
They literally did with BFA alongside the WoW team
dh have no self heal, res and wear leather
My Blood Elf isn't weak to cock at all!
Elves are either weak to cock, or have massive futa cocks that others are immensely weak to! There's no in-between and we all know it!
Okay bringing futa cock into it is quite unfair.. she actually is weak to them.
Who isn't weak to futa cock?
A very fair point~
Polish blizzard
I think a good futa dicking is what everyone needs.
You homogeneity balance types ruin so many fucking games it's unbelievable. You scream about diversity but the second there's even a hint of individuality in any class you scream and cry until it's changed for the worse.
Uh, people who aren't faggots?
It's not gay if it's a girl's cock.
Pally had one good expansion and even there they got completely shat on by DKs
It is extremely gay if it's a girl's cock
Women can't have cocks, so you're taking dude dick. Ergo, you are gay. Pretty simple, dude.
>He can't tell the difference between reality and fiction
You are jacking off to penises.
That’s gay
Shamans deserve it, boring shit class.
The first moment in my life i played WoW in vanilla i saw one of those shitty totems, i decided i would never play a shaman in my life, and never have.
It's definitely what I need!
>he needs coping mechanisms to combat his closet homosexuality
I'm curious, do you guys consider yourselves straight?
The thing is that it's still homogenous, the spells are virtually the same but with different numbers, thats all.
No, why would i give a shit?
I do meme that it's not gay to make anons who think I'm serious mad though.
>Implying the abilities exist in a vacuum
>Implying they aren't just one piece of a matrix of abilities, talents, gear, etc
Legit retard.
same goes for Druids too, in 12 years or whatever I never leveled either class past 10.
What about warlock opression?
Had a good run from last patch of vanilla through BC, ever since then has literally been abandoned, all cool shit given over to demon hunters.
One is a tank and one isnt ? Unless Shaman can tank now, in which case lolmao retail
Yeah, and the DH has a better toolkit in every area, not just this. Its not even their only defensive
>Interesting thread
>Two retards shit it up with ERP
Both of those are DPS spec abilities
Demon Hunter is overpowered by design, Activision wants an easy to play class for the casuals
I don't expect any nerfs in shadowlands either
thats what you get for playing the ooga booga nigger class, bitch
>dh have no self heal,
I don't think you could consider calling the minimal healing ability non-resto shamans have self healing.
They have better self heals than DK's too, especially in pvp now after DK got another nerf
>seeing william shatner shooting lightning didn't instantly make him want to be a shaman
MoP was peak Demonology Lock, had so much fun getting my Fel flames and Black Harvest Title.
people who dont have AGP
>Ghost Wolf
>Astral Recall
>Earth Elemental
Their pure performance may be different, but you're a fucking retard if you think two Defensive cooldowns not being EXACTLY the fucking same is indicative of anything.
>slaps huge futa dick across your face
Dumb slut.
>rogue staple Evasion is now a cross-class skill that others get too
Zero class identity. Everyone can heal themselves, stun enemies, etc. Everyone can do everything.
yeah I remember when I put up in fight portals with my warrior
Heroic leap is essentially a personal warlock portal though
I hate Yea Forums
>noone can dodge from behind
>except demonhunter
its just the easymode retard class
They're blind anyway, why would they be better at dodging from the front
I hate retards like you, because no matter how strong warlock is, no matter how rollface fucking easy it is to top meters, you still bitch. They were weak, merely weak, for ONE PATCH in Legion, then the waterworks came and you got buffed into the stratosphere and stayed there the entire rest of the fucking expansion. Warlock has been incredibly strong ALL FUCKING EXPANSION in BFA, and apparently this means you're "literally abandoned". Also, you were absolutely broken OP in TBC, you fuckwit shiteater, but apparently that merely counts as a "good run".
Also, fucking nothing got taken from you and given to demon hunters, their meta is completely different from how yours was, and you don't even need it, you still have dickgrab of gul'dan which is the only good spell in that dumb, dead kit.
>flavor text in tooltips
Triggers me so much. It's a video game, no one is shifting into any elemental plane, just tell me what the ability fucking does
I even remember some warlocks bitching in MoP of all expansions.
Others got used to their absolutely busted state in that expansion and thought they'd get to be like that forever.
Yea Forums hates you too user.
nigga double jump alone beats half that, and fel rush and VE beat the other half, mobility alone beats the entire Shaman utility kit, and that's not even getting into dumb shit like darkness or their various talents
>those demonhuntards that couldnt do the magetower
I don't think that guy was honest, or else he wouldn't have mentioned fucking water walking, something that basically everyone gets to have now.
Not to mention how enhancement has been fucked for a while and feels like absolute shit to play.
Blizzard shat the bed so hard with class design it's not even funny.
Nobody realizing shamans also have earth elemental's -40% for 8 sec + gw being the best it's ever been
y'all suck at sham tbH
i hate the legion classdesign
enhance went from ugabuga push in face melee gameplay to keep up buffs and scream at the screen for proccs gameplay
legion in general ruined so many speccs
Havoc has both Darkness which is a raid wide 20% chance to avoid all damage from any source, and Netherwalk which is an outright immunity.
I remember having to do it as a frost DK and just boggling that my DH buddy couldn't fucking manage the same shit I had to go through despite being able to quintuple ninja backflip past every single mechanic while I had to practically RP walk the whole thing.
ya it's almost like there are things besides these just two abilities
right, ya fuckin tard?
Plus all the reworked sounds and animations, dear God it's like Blizzard doesn't get what made the game feel fun. You could distinctly see every time you procced windfury, and you also heard it. Stormstrike had decent sounds, too. Now it's all barely visible, gets drowned in visual clutter and sounds like wet farts.
I remember legion affli was literally unkillable because he would just life drain you to full hp while having billion absorbtion
>Demon Huntards are boring as sin to play
>they're also sleep inducing to fight
I'm only annoyed because they can see though my Stealth as Rogue. Other than that they're just the boring "babby's first DPS/Tank" class
>we'll never get anything like the tank mage tower again
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fuck I don't even want to goddamn remember it fuck you, some complete retard afflock would rollface drain in our NH progression and still come in at second on the meters simply because she could live through all the mechanics despite refusing to do them. Fuck Blizzard for enabling that shit.
>demon hunter attacks you in open world
>if he is stronger you cant escape
>if he is weaker he just runs away, kills one mob and comes back with full hp
nigger class
>come back to game
>dude do mage tower its super hard
>collect free catchup gear
>needed more tries to finish ret magetower than i did for protpal magetower
it was so weird for me
the protpal tower was just a dps check and the ret tower actually had mechanics i had to do
but i probably came back too late and did the towers when they were super easy
Mage best, fuck other classes and fuck jannies.
Why are warlocks always in a constant state of bitching about their class?
Prot paladin had a kit that handled that extremely well, specifically. I think it was due to the silences.
>returned to WoW too late to enjoy mage towers
>just in time to suffer though BfA
Hopefully shadowlands is actually an improvement
>dh have no self heal
>hogwarts houses with abilities tied to them
>with blizzard balance
i already see myself getting mad that i have to grind rep for another house to get a better ability
The pure DPS classes have a higher retard ratio, and warlock takes the most effort to play of the four, so when they fail, they just blame their class.
shadowlands looks more of BFA
I think Im going to skip it and play when wow is f2p
it isn't about the numbers. Warlocks lost all of their personality, along with all of their weird utility, because muh game design bring the player not the class even though it's a game with different classes so obviously you're bringing the classa asehrtuawoethetahu3
fuck you all niggers mages were beaten to death by blizzard until 8.3
I play mistweaver monk.
>button says life cocoon
>its actually lay on hands
the tank challenges were the hardest when they came out.
with catchup gear they became some of the easiest ones.
It's a tauren.
I dont expect anything from blizzard anymore.
If it looks like things cant get worse, blizzard finds a way to go beyond.
Did mommy not love you?
Is pretending to be a big man on the internet how you deal with being a neglected child?
It will be especially fun if you want to play multiple specs.
Seriously I wonder who the fuck comes up with shit at Blizzard. You will have obvious best choices like you always do and everyone will flock towards them.
they can only make it work if they make all covenant abilities exactly same with different visuals (kinda how covenants supposed to be?), making it like second talent tree, but current essence system is kinda already second talent tree which you need to unlock... kinda how covenants supposed to work?
9.0: covenants
9.1: slight covenant rebalancing in all the wrong directions
9.2: covenant rework
9.3: covenents no longer matter due to X reason
>lost all of their personality
like being able to spam shadowbolt for top dps in 3+ expansions?
>plebbit filename[2]
Now this is epic
Warlock was so busted in legion
HIS legacy lives on
>getting mindbroken by the wow forum
Dude was fucking hilarious
you should know by now that blizzard class designers differ VERY heavily. some design teams are blessed to shit in koticks office and they get a slap on the wrist, but if certain other class teams *cough* DK,shaman and release Demonolyg lock *cough* as much as even suggest or want to change a thing that makes the class nicer to play or fixing a shit playstyle or downright broken shit they get fired, shat on in return an told to shut up. its so obvious by now how some class design teams are favored or actually care about their class
Everything except bloodlust and Reincarnation dont matter in combat.
Havoc DH are cancerous in BFA. Its a fact.
How come shamans are oppressed when the lead dev is one?
more based
Not like Bloodlust matters outside of 5 mans anyway considering how mages and hunters can do it, too.
i did ret mage tower in like four tries
i dropped prot mage tower because fuck this shit
Maybe he's a masochist.
This. Otherwise you're going to have one covenant that is better than the rest, and at best that'll change depending on spec. Wouldn't surprise me if they turn out to be the tank covenant, ranged dps covenant, melee dps covenant, and healer covenants.
*legion release demo lock
>the protpal tower was just a dps check and the ret tower actually had mechanics i had to do
>but i probably came back too late and did the towers when they were super easy
Before the protpally tower got nerfed only one dude managed to clear it, the dps check on it compared to the other tanks was huge. Then with it getting nerfed and later the next tier came out and it turned into a joke.
they designt he game accoridng to spreadsheets, data and very little feel and gameplay or experience on how the game actually plays at high level.. or even casual level
>because muh game design bring the player not the class
>simplify everything so much so it becomes the other way around
lead dev needed an excuse for his grey parses
when ghostcrawler was the class designer holy priests were never amazing and always overshadowed by discipline and when he left it turned out that he mained a holy priest.
ion is a havoc demon hunter
You seem to think that each class has a design team and that's fuckin cute, but no, they have a class design team for all classes, and they don't really play all the specs of all the classes, so some just get kinda forgotten. This is on top of Blizzard's philosophy of refusing to just tune based on actual, visible player metrics and feedback and to instead use only internal witchcraft and soothsaying to divine what changes should be made, all while adamantly refusing to just communicate why the changes they do make are made. And one more problem, they have a policy to not make major balance changes during a tier, so if you're in the garbage at the start of the tier, expect to stay there. They have one of the most active theorycrafting communities any game has ever had, with TONS of data, and they just don't care.
He's a resto main, so he's not real.
Ion's shaman was looking pretty casual the last time I looked at him in the arsenal. That was at least a year ago though.
This. Unless your class is broken to the point of literally being able to solo current dungeon or raid content, they don't care.
oh yeah bfa was supposed to be a pvp expansion
that went nowhere lol
>pvp expansion
>no pvp content
>no pvp balancing
>no pvp gear until 3/4 of expac in and its just a weekly cap for a random pve item. Enjoy your three belts in a row cuck
I cant believe I fell for these lies
>people ask blizzard pvp designer directly how pvp scaling works
>he posts some shitty paint comic that explains absolutely nothing
that was so insane
the communitymanagement of blizzard is so bad
wait can you post this
ion is such a fucking snake oil seller
remember around 8.1 when he said that gears power should relate more to its ilvl
then we get fucking CORRUPTION
it was obvious from vanilla days that the designers don't understand the game at nearly the level that the playerbase does.
same problem with poe, actually. the devs say how little they actually play the game, so most of the time they're making decisions not based on experience, but on theory.
holy fuck billion dollar company. they prob paid him hundreds per hour to jerk off in ms paint
i never thought i'd miss the 'resilience will fix it' memes
>first panel :this player has better gear than me, so i lost
>second panel :this player has better gear than me so i lost
The big issue here is why shouldnt a player who spent more time and effort gearing be rewarded with being able to stomp shitters?
thought the very same.
what changed? peoples feelings arent as hurt when they get gobsmacked as a fresh cap vs someone who's been slingin his cock around the arena all patch?
I think it's more of "holy shit I got stomped in 2 seconds and did like no damage wtf" vs "holy shit I got stomped but did some damage"
because people feel that gear shouldnt be the only deciding factor in an encounter.
how is that hard to understand?
In a game with an endgame vacuum, two players shouldn't be able to exist in said vacuum with enough of a number gap to make it so there is no game to be played.
Players need to be rewarded for being good at the game just as much as they should be rewarded for being persistent.
With crazy stat inflation, you don't even need to try to kill someone who's one tier above you. Having more stat sticks should give you an advantage, not a free win.
>remove all forms of healer mobility including travel form and roll
>increase blur and life cocoon cd to 4 minutes
>cloak of shadows now only prevents magic damage and not effects
>all healing reduced by 80%
>all mana costs increased by 80%
>all forms of cc that are not slows share diminishing returns
>corruption essences and azerite are disabled
There, i just saved wow pvp
Wasn't there a period when you actually WERE stronger in PvP by only equipping certain green gear? I'm pretty sure I remember something like this, but BfA is such a shitshow I've lost count.
I do remember leveling players being a lot stronger than a fresh 120 could ever be due to legendaries still working for them.
the thing is from cata-legion pve gear did not matter in pvp for the most part
and then they forgot to put in pvp vendors in bfa
and then it was better to wear low ilvl items with better secondaries
Or maybe, player stats shouldn't inflate like mad with every new tier.
you still stomp on people by overgearing. In fact even with this fuckretarded scaling system its probably even worse than say in classic because the way pvp in retail works by having every class be built with self heals and absorbs. A character 50-100 ilvls below would even be able to scratch you
My guess its there so you dont literally explode fresh max lvl character with one shadowbolt because the powercreep in this game is obscene
the 3 weeks after timeless isle came out was the best time I ever had in wow because I played on a mostly dead server where I was in the only raiding guild that wasn't complete garbage
In full ToT gear with a few heroic pieces already we shat on absolutely everyone using the ordos transformation gimmick that made you hostile to both factions
3 mid level raiders corpse camping 15 people at once
i do not care for this new system
But think of the 4 raid tiers, everyone needs to feel special!
Doing it as a Demon Hunter was probably the easiest version of it for me. All the mobility in the world to go from bubble to bubble along with massive AoE for the 2nd phase. The tank version was even easier since you had 2 (TWO) ways to unfuck yourself after getting knocked off the island.
I don't know how you came to that conclusion. If anything it seems like they're trying too hard to win the Classic crowd over to retail.
How else are you going to make players feel like they're actually growing in power? Introduce new abilities you only get by entering a new raid tier that become baseline when an expansion is wrapped up and the next one is released?
there was also this
"scaling" systems fucking suck in general.
I hated ever since BC how leveling up would make your gear shittier because the actual value of gear bonuses was dependent on player level. So a level 68 had technically shittier stats than level 64 if they both had the same gear.
Of course, it didn't matter all that much because hit chance penalty from level difference was so brutal.
played my rogue until ashhide mushan mount and it was a blast the entire way
i've never got so many hate whispers in my life. i got a taste of angwe's legacy
once they mentioned that players can start feeling a difference in power when they get about 10% stronger.
you dont need excessive scaling to make a difference.
by doubling down on timegating and AP grinding?
I really enjoyed Legion's DKs what happen?
bfa was very rushed and they ignored all the feedback from the beta
I went back to the game despite not having played for that entire expansion just to get those coins and tears, and it was well worth it. All 500 of them solo in the world, tons of fun.
>Cata launch
>decked out and gemmed with resilience gear on a rogue with Recuperate specced for around 9% HP per tick
>Start a week late due to being busy
>resilience totals out to about 85~% damage reduction and another 10% from talents
>level 85s can't kill me because they can barely damage me while I whittle away their inflated HP
>recuperate ticks literally keep me topped off if there's not 3 or more 85s on me due to how gear scales and everyone being back to 15% crit
It was a hilarious time, I didn't want to level.
I will never forgive them for allowing Breath of assdragosa to be the "meta" ever since it ws introduced it has been a curse on the entire class. in Legion the strike spec and part of frost THAT THE DESCRIPTION ACTUALLY SAYS ITS SUPPOSED TO BE, TWO HANDED OR DUAL WIELD YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HIT THINGS WITH CHUNKY WEAPON STRIKES was actually realized on the later parts of the expansions lifespan..but then they fucked all that and started clean again with bfa with breath as the focus YET AGAIN. fuck them
DH is the only good class in retail. Everything else is just boring.
One of them is a taking class. One of them isn't.
Guess which one retard...
>caring about wow pvp
Literally the most retarded form of pvp in all of video gayms
None of that matters in nuwow.
He was clearly unstable before he was moderating. The WoW offtopic forum back in 2004-2005 was honestly as good as Yea Forums. There was some insane shit on that board.
based retards
at least realm forums were always fucking spicy. unless youre on one of the larger servers, the forums just are there to keep a few server admins busy before they're outsourced
Never saw it that way, makes it night and day now that’s it’s been out to words in front of me. I always held the notion the class was always unbalanced even through balancing patches and it makes a massive amount of sense a company like activision would influence something like that
WoW OT became shit when Coreiel started moderating.
Go back to playing classic you drooling retard
Destruction warlock in MoP was my favourite time ever in WoW though, casting while walking was crazy
demon hunters remind me of like a 11 year olds first time playing dnd
ok so my guy is really fast, and he does a lot of damage, but he also vamps. he also has a BIG damage cooldown but its not ever on cooldown really, he also has a good defensive on a low cool down and he can stun and he can go invuln
DK was the exact same way during Wrath launch and most of the expansion but people with nostalgia goggles strapped tight deny that now. Hero classes are designed to bring in the nostalgia from past WoW lore and give people easy "cool" gameplay, which with Blizz fans happens to be the edgelord classes.
>release allied races and heritage armor
>both features that encourage playing alts
>in one of the worst patch times in history for playing alts
What were they thinking?
>What were they thinking?
That's the problem, they weren't.
no argument retard
"The longer you have to wait at timegates to get anything in this game, the longer you stay subscribed"
>make new race
>people want to come back to play the new race
>they need to farm rep to play the race they want to play
>they dont come back because that sucks
why did they make the new races rep locked? thats so weird
>heroic leap
Sorry I haven't been playing for a long time. What the fuck is that.
>Play Warrior
>Be weakest class at the start of an expansion
>Be an unkillable god-man by the end
>the start of BFA when lvs110 were stronger than 120
>killing 2 120 gankers as a lv112 disc priest
god it was such a mess
the first 2 days of the expansion were the only fun ones
He never said anything about strong or not you idiot
The class is just piss easy and uninteresting to play, hell affliction filler is litterally shadowbolt spam for some reason
I actually quit warri because of how shit he is.
>comparing two abilities in a vacuum
man Yea Forumsermin are fucking stupid
you're all unironic filthy casuals who know nothing about video games
I think DH press more buttons than Greater pyro though.
Warmode was a good idea both in theory and execution, but this game's community is malignant ass cancer who wants to rush to endgame as fast as possible and the devs are malignant ball cancer who design all content to exist there.
Same as Vanilla, then?
alliance was already a dead faction in legion
it was clear from day one that every alliance player would just turn it off
crossrealm phasing made sure that there is literally no servershard where alliance is not outnumbered
Same as literally every expansion, honestly.
you shouldnt stand openfield like that if you have no stops for big piro
close. it's all one big scheme to make money
make alts nearly impossible to keep up in the metagame at max level, and then release new races
it's not races for new alts, it's races for race changes.
What is it with Blizzard and big stupid incomprehensible visuals? I play this game and even I can't tell what's happening.
Demon Hunters are not a class, they are a feature.
>go on intentional content drought
>fire excess developers
>free mount if you subscribe for 6 months
corporate mmo market
>delete arenas and battlegrounds, the only pvp will be world pvp
>make every class unique as they were before
>delete battlepets
>delete furry races and gnomes
>pve content should be better since noone works on pvp content
Here, I fixed WoW
>DPS DH has better defensive CDs than tank DH
Imagine playing a VDH LMAO
They should retire allied races and make them a souvenir
i mean for you it was too difficult to read and comprehend what game is being talked about. which is actually in this context extremely hard to do. With this level of stupid id be mindblown if you had any significant achievements in either WoW or D3. Like legitimately you would not be ablo to hit mearly GR70 with this level of inteligence and likely get killed in any matchup by a guy who was trembling becouse it was his first world pvp in WoW.
t. First patch tourist, or worse r*tardin main
they do tons of burst right now, unless you are talking about raiding, they are fine (even then you can do well)
Sounds fine to me except they better delete the Undead and Elves before taking my William Diaperbaby away from me.
and can heal
raiding parses mean anything for PvP self healing... come on man if you dont play or un dderstand the game why would you say anything. Does it feel good to be called a retard?
they do alot of self healing in pvp too, this is not even mentioning the invulnerability frames they get from blade dance, or darkness
>never going to have any of the fun 2H specs again like enh or frost or blood dps
>Never going to have an honest to god support class againIll be there in an hour just need to finish some stuff here
The most I can hope for is rogue to stay strong in shadowlands. I dont like raiding or pvp but M+ has been fun this time around so as long as they keep it up Ill be happy with it
It's even worse for PvP because you only have one fucking heal if you're not a resto shaman, it has a cast time and doesn't really heal that much. Sure, you can spend maelstrom to make it an instant cast (from what I remember) but that means lowering your damage output, too.
My main problem with the game is how it has become this builder-spender shitfest where everything feels like some sort of variation of rogue. It's not really fun how most of your abilities hit like a wet noodle while only one or two are allowed to deal any damage.
What's even worse is the new damage display. One of WoW's strong points was, in my opinion, how damage/crit numbers popped out very well, informing you that you've dealt damage. This has only gotten worse since now there's a gorillion different things going on at once, so the big stuff just gets drowned in lesser shit.
Part of that is the guy's shittu UI
If you're talking about eye beam any decent player will save a stun or kick for eye beam when fighting a DH and if that happens they die.
>it's not races for new alts, it's races for race changes.
Yet if you race change, you can't get the heritage armor, which is a big draw for allied races, at least until they give a set to every non-allied race.
what exactly was "fun" about 2h specs when they literally didnt change your playstyle at all as the only difference is how often the damage numbers pop up
>remove all races besides orcs and humans
>remove shit classes that don't fit orc and human lore
>open pvp on every server
>drop all your items on death
>lose a level every death
>delete battlegrounds and arenas of course
>remove wow token and shop stuff
>bring back skill training with huge gold costs
>bring back talent points every level but combine with current talent system
>delete flying mount speeds above 60%
>attunements to raid require beating every single raid in every single expansion
>you have to fully complete MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20/40, and a reintroduced Naxx before you're allowed to raid Kharazan, etc
>to play shadowlands raids, you need to have beaten every raid from MC to Nyalotha
>make professions great again, incredible utility and ways to make lots of gold for each one, with huge time investment
why play demon hunturd when monk exists?
because playing a monk just gives you depressing thoughts about superior iterations of the class
RIP fistweaving
RIP tigereye brew
RIP old storm earth and fire
>Lets just make a diabloclone with a warcraft skin with nothing but hardcore on
At some point you have to accept that these games just arent your thing
>worshiping a fat boomer whos only accomplishment is being the main star in a reddit series
What is a reddit series?
it's a perfect cover. it sold race changes like mad.
They have a fucking shit ton of healing without ever using eye beam some dumb faggot retard at blizzard thought it was a good idea to give them a 30s meta burst with 70% leech
DH can mana burn
>do UH DK's to see how bad it was on release
>not even well geared nor artifact fully dressed
>beat that agatha cunt with little to no issue thanks to all the imps and Death Strike
>do Outlaw's
>well geared, artifact decked out
>fight literally comes down to Roll the fucking Bones
>spend a solid week attempting constantly until finally get the fucking stupid 5 buff roll at the last 30% of the fight and kill before I'm killed
And then Blizzard fucked artifact appearances even MORE with BFA, making the whole fucking thing utterly pointless and contrived. Fuck those kikes, I'm glad I left.
>Irs another minigamers complain about meaningless minigame episode
Whew every time.
He had an excuse For his sub tankbvll dps.
>tank class has a shorter defensive CD
>DPS/healer class has a longer defensive CD
holy pally is literally the best healer right now
Few got to experience what the shaman class was like in PvP back when windfury was OP as hell and you could get everything from the arcanite reaper, to the unstoppable force, to even sulfuras and just ream on cloth wearers. Helps that shamans had tools to break kiting but you definitely needed the PVP snare break trinket to truly be effective.
vengeance doesnt have blur dummy
I was talking about WotLK
sounds fucking gay, you are hired
80% of the stuff you said is just fucking retarded
>One of our shaman got Sulphuras on classic
>He raidlogs
I cant be more mad about this
First patch tourist and/or r*tnigger.
DK got its legs broken after release lmao, became mid/low tier dps and absolute meme tier tank while prot and holy where godlike.
And ret was king faggot of the faggot lands in minigames along with protholy.
And top 3 M+ tank.
>still supporting blizzchink
>want to start fresh in shadowlands
>Ghosting the old guild, all non-irl friends removed, new server, opposite faction etc
>Only content left that I enjoy is M+
>Dont want to tank or heal
Rogue or shaman? How much do we know about shadowlands changes to either?
Rouge is mandatory as you get higher up in the M+ ladder
Shaman is more of a raid class than M+
Well, what did you expect in the first place?
Brain damage is rampant within the WoW community, which quadruples here on Yea Forums.
Instead whining about Activision to bring all other classes on the DH's level (not in terms of gameplay, but power and fun), instead they are crying because DH is the only class that isn't jewed and they want it jewed. It's like they adore getting fucked in the ass.
Oh yes I remember those days when the dk could self res as a zombie who then explodes on death, straight up out of the intro dks could fight geared 70s and win, fun but yea blatantly over powered
no u
>>Ghosting the old guild, all non-irl friends removed, new server, opposite faction etc
>>Only content left that I enjoy is M+
>>Dont want to tank or heal
Not only will you be raiding, youll be healing as a class you dont like because youre a bitchboy that cant just tell your guild you dont want to heal anymore. Itll just be a new group of people walking all over you