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nice music good ideas but not that good a game
You recruit 2 barbarian heroes, gain experience and murder everything on the map.
What about Emilia?
Only with all the expansions and the 5.5 fanpatch.
Obviously I am talking about the complete games. I also include WoG to HoMM3.
>counting the expansions
I can hear the music in this picture
is this 3 or 4?
>What happens here
What happens here?
Yo what fucking game?
Fucking newfags.
heroes of might and magic
Yeah, but which one? I think I played 3 but I don't remember the maps looking like that.
Ok I did my homework and looked it up. It's HoMM 4. Is 4 any good? The maps look very nice.
>Is 4 any good?
Pretty good, if you can handle it being a completely different game from H3.
Also, the campaign stories are great.
Shieeet. Do these games usually come with a random map generator for skirmish games?
It's a great game but HoMM3fags seethe because it's not exactly like HoMM3
It's soundtrack and writing shits on every other game in the series. Some units look a bit goofy, but it's nothing immersion breaking. Don't listen to plebs and try it.
It's my favourite specifically because I love the changes they made and how your hero works.
How the fuck can this happen in game?
I would rather go with HotA. WoG is too much of kitchen sink for me
I tried playing HoMM3 because apparently that's what most people consider the best but holy crap those graphics look like pre-2000s puke. At least HoMM4 seems like it has aged a little better (from screenshots, I haven't played either). I really liked how games like Age of Wonders II and Age of Empires II looked. Should I just take the plunge and play HoMM4?
Instal HD mod, it should help with graphics looking dated.
HoMM3 and HoMM5 are the good games in the series. Some uber contrarian might say HoMM2 or whatever, ignore these.
So if you can't stand HoMM3, try HoMM5. But it is one of those early 3D strategies. If you hated Warcraft III, its kind of like that.
Don't play the "HD" version, what you posted was the disgusting HD version.
ahhh fuck you people are confusing me
If he doesn't like how noisy the whole thing is with the little movements, sparkles and saturated colors, he won't like the original either.
Some people call it rich, or charming, others call it puke.
HoMM2 is great though, it is not contrarianism just nostalgia. Not all of us started with HoMM3.
I remember the necro campaign. You played as a necromancer who was so incredibly pragmatic level-headed about building an undead kingdom.
Heroes of Might nad Magic 4, this is a campaign map, Order - Emilia one if I remember correctly
Heroes 4 is radically different from other heroes but imo it's the best one
>turn based
Looks fine to me, it aged better than HoMM5
>holy crap those graphics look like pre-2000s puke
you should go see a doctor FAST because you might actually suffer from a brain tumor
Looks like shit, no unit upgrades, other than that the best HoMM game.
Don't buy the HD Edition or whatever Ubisoft is calling it. Use the free HD mod.
this is bait
this. good music, but badly balanced.
>Don't buy the HD Edition or whatever Ubisoft is calling it. Use the free HD mod.
oh yeah I should've been more clear.
Me = I was referring to the HD Edition.
I don't know if the HD mod is good or not.
Just that the released HD Edition is garbage.
So what is? They purposely made the sprites bad to trick people on buying their shitty hd version? Like shit like this ever worked.
Show me balanced HoMM game I'll wait.
They mean the recent Ubisoft remaster, which I think doesn't even include the game's original expansions. You want the original HOMM3 game easily gotten from GOG, HD Launcher, if you want a mostly faithful mod to add more to the game HOTA.
The HD mod is mostly quality of life features and proper scaling for widescreen monitors, it's not a remaster so you don't have to worry about that, and HOMM3 is beautiful enough to not need one anyways.
No. Its the map sprites not the models you see in the battle. Thats accurate and this faggot is spreading disinformation
They used overworld sprites that are much smaller and less detailed for comparison.
In the HD Edition I think they used one sprite to different scales for both battles and overworld.
They also seemed to draw their sprites based on the small overworld sprites which is why the bone dragon in Hd Edition looks so cramped and goofy.
I meant compared to the rest. No, none of them were perfectly balanced, but 4 stands out because it was clearly rushed.
I will outbait you
Disciples>HoMM>King’s Bounty>AoW
Based. Disciples 2 is peak soul.
Dropping this off here. Concert which took place 6 days ago with the group calling themselves Heroes Orchestra and Paul Anthony Romero.
I can't think of any blatant balance issues other than Vampires being OP and free.
>Make genies and titans
order is so broken
heroes 4 doesent have one but EEEH ignore that guy you might like it, personaly i like heroes 4 but you gotta realise they had no money
>ubisoft's (((hd)))) verision
lmao nice bait user
They really should've brought him back for 5. Would've been great.
Hell yea.
I'll agree with you on HoMM>King's Bounty.
>i now remember the town sieges
Fuck me they were so hard, you needed a maxed stack of units to even attempt taking it
I tried playing 4 not long ago, but it didn't really go anywhere. Game felt sluggish and clunky, even more than I remembered from all the way back when it came out. And I mean normal gameplay, not the fact that it somehow manages to work so awfully bad under newer OS while 3 functions perfectly fine.
Warlords 2 Deluxe>Disciples>Kings Bounty>Homm>AoW
naeh that's bait
actual opinion taken from my top 50 list:
MoM>Warlords 3>AoW2>Homm3>Homm2>Warlords 2 Deluxe
Where Warlords 3 to homm2 are #11-14 on the list
In most scenarios the main cities weren't meant to be captured. But you could still do it with heavy magic&potion stacking.
>Suicide 20 thieves to wipe everything
Nothing personel
But he composed for 5. He was involved with every HoM&M title so far.
Yeah I get what you mean.
I played when it was no and quit it early on.
Then I went back to it twice thinking things like "I could probably enjoy the campaign" or "it wasn't so bad", but I just don't see it as a playable game.
Music, interesting premise, some cool faction themes(while some are bland) isn't enough to excuse it.
Very different feel to the music though. 3 & 4 sounded much cozier.
You better mean Warlords Battlecry 3
Shit bait, m8
No I don't, it's a good spinoff but not as good as warlords 3.
I rank it on #32.
i keep getting btfo by ai in homm3, pls help
What? How? Dont tell me you play with one hero only and rush the capitol.
>Warlords 2
That's pretty spicy. I like it but I wouldn't say it's a very good game.
Overrated garbage.
It's not as high on the list as the others, down in the 30s, but I like the variety of the themes on the maps, and even the geography of the medieval fantasy maps are nice.
It's not really a game I can recommend unlike homm2 and warlords3 which I think hold up for people who didn't grow up with them.
What is this, Dink Smallwood?
This is what Yea Forums is like now. Its not even 'lol stop being reddit'.
Yea Forums has finally gone from being hating reddit, to being reddit, to now being gag tier reddit repost bullshit. I hate you all.
>finally downloaded the 5.5 patch.
>Was actually hyped playing again
>turns out they butchered by favorite hero
>lost all motivation and quit the game
i recruit one hero and after capturing the resources, camp at the cities and recruit/upgrade the creatures but after doing that i always get rekt by the ai
what hero?
Not him but the longer you wait the worse it gets.
How do you prioritize your buildings?
>Dink Smallwood
Red pill me on that game. Is it really that iconic?
My friend was telling me that there was this one unit which had an ability that was pretty OP and he was glad that 5.5 nerfed it.
It's not a good game, but for some reason a lot of people ended up playing it.
I wonder how much it costs to get art like this made for a game.
makes sense. her ability is pretty op.
you need to play smarter. Time spent camping is time the AI uses to creep and loot dragon hoards etc, so even if you have all your troops in tact, by the time they show up with 20+ all stats and fuck off artifacts you don't stand a chance.
any, desu whichever looks cool in the portrait, idk much about this franchise
Shit... that means they nerfed my favorite necromancer.
going for the money generating building first, then progress toward high level units
this. you need to explore and level up, gain spells, artifacts, ect.
despite being similar in many things to 3, 5 had a butchered map designs (similarly to 6 and 7) because of oversized 3d models. 4 still comes out as a superior game even with it's broken balance and questionable character models
>Wherever Yrwanna goes she is followed by a retinue of admirers who praise her beauty
>HoMM3 and HoMM5 are the good games in the series.
fuck off. 5 is much below 2,3,4. It's literally just babies first version of 3
Honestly for people new to H5 I simply would not recommend the 5.5 you should just play through TOTE and then if you like that go for the original campaigns since they’re harder and then go for 5.5 if you don’t like how the things are handled.
But in general when you compare to all the other HoMM titles 5’s TOTE vanilla is already the most balanced.
The music is great and so are the visuals in a lot of cases but some models look fucking really bad
>holy crap those graphics look like pre-2000s puke
They do so out o fear of being janked with one of her ears.
I mean on the other hand, she does have nice tits.
Do you use courier hero to supply your main hero with new units if you lack Town Portal . You can also bait AI to chaise your shity heroes out of the cities. AI tends to split their forces unless you are right in front of their gates.
>that mage guild
>those copy pasted buildings in the middle stacked on top each other
You’re delusional 2 and 1 are barebones if you only play HOMM to look at the pixels moving/artstyle and nothing else you need to fuck off.
visual aesthetics
ambitious prototype
5 has a song that's ripped straight out of tenchu wrath of heaven
(You) are delusional if you think Homm2 is barebones compared to 5, and just makes me assume that you never got into a series on a deeper than casual level
homm5's map design is atrocious because of the oversized models, just like in all the 3d homms, which completely trivialize it's grand strategy gameplay. There is almost never a reason to go wide with heroes as your maps will be almost always more similar to just branching hallways instead of actual maps
Furthermore the AI of Homm2 is better and mroe challenging than Homm5's too
Though I haven't played 5, 6 and 7.
why are you rating games you haven't played?
Not that guy, I find HoM&M 5 maps to be few and far between. Even ToTE doesn't make much difference in that regard, there's just not that many of them to begin with and I find them to be poorly designed.
Won't fanmade maps fix your issue with hallways though?
What are your favorite towns, bros?
>in 3: rampart, dungeon, fortress
>in 5: dungeon, necropolis, stronghold
Dungeon, Necro, Academy
I just like big dick spells and skellies.
Why does dungeon have minotaurs but fortress does not?
Are 6 and 7 irredeemable trash?
Which one was where they removed town screens?
Compromises had to be made.
Because labyrinth
You get 100% bull instead of a bull diluted by human. That's 50% more bull, per bull.
The only good thing both of those games have is the soundtrack. Heroes 6 has a remade grassland theme from Heroes 2.
w8, capturing capital in disciples was actually possible?
Because the gameplay of 4 is so bad that surely they must be better
should've said
Gauldoth half-dead is what made me the undeadaboo in my forming years
Tribes of the East>everything else, the order doesn't matter because none of them are better than ToE.
Anyway, 2 questions. Is Trial by fire any good, keep in mind i am homam fanatic since early childhood, and is the series completely dead now?
Homam VII is shit, but it had a free DLC with story from IV and IV's music. It was beatiful.
I'm guessing this can only happen if two players fuck around a lot under specific circumstances and with heroes that have very specific skill sets.
Because in Heroes of Might and Magic 1 they created 4 settings according to certain themes, magic, might, good and evil.
Good Might was the easiest, Farm lead by the Knight hero. Just standard medieval human units.
Good Magic, Forest lead by the Sorceress use creatures from fantasy and myth that tend to be more aligned to the hero, so you get elves and dwarves, but also unicorns and sprites.
Evil Might and Evil Magic is a bit trickier.
They went with Plains lead by a Barbarian for Might.
And Mountain lead by a Warlock for Magic.
The themes here are common enough in history, fairytales.
The gallant knight goes to slay the evil spellcaster up in his mountain stronghold, so mountain fits well together with the evil magic faction.
Dragons fit in better there as well, and they're a classical monster in fairytales.
Griffins go together with dragons so they fit as well.
After that it's a bit less clear.
Other obvious choices for enemies are orcs and goblins, but they could go anywhere.
Then there are mythical creatures like hydras, minotaurs, centaurs, cyclops.
The plains is dry so a swamp fitting for the hydra probably fit better for the Mountains.
The rest could've gone either way though probably. Goblins and orcs could work as foot soldiers under the evil wizard, the cyclop could fit in well with the caves since that's where they lived in myth.
Minotaurs were a common enough creature that they were probably near the top of the list to place, so it was a matter of wether they should belong to Plains or Mountain.
Minotaurs lives in mazes and they got a green hedge maze for homm1 and homm2, then a stone one in homm3.
homm1 Plains=homm2 barbarian=homm3 stronghold
homm1 Mountain=homm2 warlock=homm3 dungeon
Fortress didn't appear until homm3 when they stole the Hydra. It lived in a swamp in the warlock faction, but then they added a swamp faction so it fit better there, but no real maze for the minotaur.
So the reason Dungeon have Minotaurs is history.
>is the series completely dead now?
no new homm games, if that's what you mean. ubisoft loves to milk franchises though. I'm sure we'll see a new one at some point. the question is, how bad will it suck?
>ubishit promises to bring back one of the most beloved franchises
>new homm game
>it's always online
>it's a mobage
E3 showed a homm like game that I keep forgetting the name of.
Songs of Conquest.
It's in closed alpha and made by a small team so maybe we'll see it in 3 years.
Based taste
In Disciples 1 its practically impossible (but some people did). Disciples 2 made it more possible, especially with introduction of additional effects like poison and paralysis taking many turn also help.
>ubisoft loves to milk franchises though. I'm sure we'll see a new one at some point
You have no idea how right you are.
Shit found my bootleg Heroes 3 CD and licensed Heroes 4.
Didn't know I still had them.
>auto chess game in 2020
really keeping up with the trends ubisoft
What the fuck is that?
bullshit, that's what.
Based Ivan. Do you have russian games like Goldenland, Night Watch, Soldiers of Anarchy? I am not russian, and nobody has them here.
It's easy for Demons and Undead with Inkubi/Banshee.
No but I have Cossacks, Pilot Brothers and Orda (Opдa Ceвepный вeтep) which I'm not even sure has an international release.
Also have a bunch of educational shit like interactive encyclopedias from 1995.
Why didn't the genre catch on? Is it because the gameplay is too simple and the game only has like 1 viable build?
summoning units with two players not using them to attack
I play it every day good time waster
>ywn play another homm made by nwc
I think I'm missing something here.
>Tfw the creator of the series do some gacha now
> While ubisoft rape the corpse of the series again and again
>tfw your favorite series gets run into the ground over and over again with shitty sequels
The good days will never come back will they?
I wish we would get a Might & Magic XI
>tfw your lv 30+ campaign hero mows down an entire army by himself
Why is this allowed
imo elves should be in the front line and die because they have longer reach, while dwarves should be ranged
I like the idea of the heroes from homm4 become some one man army after grinding too much. It's feel like your party in the main series when they can't do jackshit at lvl 1 but destroy titan and dragon in the endgame like it was some mosquito
> Ancient weapon + haste on MM6
imo, dwarves and elfs working together is a fucking abomination against nature
pure fun
heroes IV was a really good game but plagued by shitty management.
People like you a the reason we got such boring factions in Heroes 5.
creature variety was so bad. it's boring if 3/4 of the town is just elves.
Look your niggers didn't like cool shit like the Forge faction in your generic fantasy, so you don't deserve anything else but generic fantasy.
Tolkien wrote them as friends with each other until elvish autism ruined their relations. There are many times where they stand together against common foe.
Tbh I don't know where the elves vs dwarves meme comes from.
What kind of factions would you like for a new homm?
Race and creature mix ups?
Still medieval fantasy, or more high tech?
less tech?
I like a knightly faction.
Homm1-2 was kinda neat in that it was purely mundane, but I'm not sure I prefer it over the homm3 one, the griffin was a nice addition to make it a little more exotic, but mabe the angel was too much.
In a lot of fantasy settings, they dislike each other because they're cultural opposites.
>Tbh I don't know where the elves vs dwarves meme comes from.
A lot of fantasy is just flanderization of tolkiens work.
So some dislike between dwarves and elves in tolkien turned into extreme war in warhammer
>Elvens are tall, magically inclined, nature lovers who live in forests
>Dwarfs are stocky, tech inclined, who exploit nature and live in mountains
Yeah, is a mistery why most fantasy has them against each other
I guess if you ignored the Silmarillion and only read LotR and the Hobbit then that would probably be the conclusion most people reach.
Shouldn't that ironically drive them closer though? They synergize well with each other. In fact, this is exactly what happened in the Silmarillion.
fuck off Thingol
what would you think of a HoMM inspired rape game with the gameplay of long live the queen?
You play as a male of course.
Asking for a friend
What did he mean by this?
sure, make a patreon now
I'm trying to take on the untapped market of HoMM rape games. How many HoMM rape games exist uh? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Even if it's a shit game with ugly drawings, there's only benefits on being the first
Okay, once I make a demo I'll shill it on Yea Forums and take all your rubles user.
How would it be homm inspired?
>that souless artstyle
kys moron
you level your skills (based on homm 3 or hoom 4), overcome events according to your stats and then you rape hoom units and maybe the female heroes, I don't know I can't write for shit, don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for new product!
>polacks love this game so much that they make concerts related to it 20 years later
King's Bounty (the Russian ones) > HoMM > AoW
all i have some shekels to spare my friend
King's bounty is really gun desu. KB2 is looking weird though.
How do they compare to the newer ones?
Why won't the guy behind the series make a clone of his own game and call it Champions of Mind & Muscles or something? If you won't find any publisher then make a goddamn kickstarter.
Homm 2,3,4 are all god tier good. 5 and onwards can just be ignored.
Who are "they"?
What was his endgame?
From the thumbnail I thought this thread was going to go in a very different direction.
old king's bounty games. haven't played anything older than King's Bounty The Legend.
5 is decent, don't be a faggot.
Me neither
5.5 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > didn't play the rest. 4 has the best campaigns by far and is arguably the comfiest.
Would you kindly keep faggotry to yourself?
As far as I know there's only one and it basically a prototype for the heroes series.
Then you have the revival with legend and the subsequent sequels rehashes like armored princes/crosswords, warriors of the north, dark side and now you have King's Bounty 2 in development, which is for some reason a third person rpg now with tactical battles.
>Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff
count as a Heroes or as King Bounty game?
It says HoMM, so it's HoMM.
King's Bounty never had any mention of that in its title.
What a disgusting design
ruling the world
Mad quest to rule the world. Endgame is unimportant journey and making friends like other expansion characters is a true reward.
How do you make friends on a mad quest to rule the world?
I like 5 but 2,3,4 all play differently and are fresh. 5 is just a rehash of 3 with long turn loading times
more pls
Is Tazar supposed to be a tiger man?
I don't think hes got the spell points for armageddon either.
>pixie is wearing a thong
ah right, had to change one of my maps because of that
Either you play Dungeon or you can fuck off right now. Especially you, Necropolis retards.
>I do play Dungeon, but in HOMM5
Based Giga Dark Elf.
The art in some of these are fucking great
unfathomably based user
It reminds me a bit of pic related.
Thanks that was nice.