Well, Yea Forums? What did Tem learn in cooleg?
Well, Yea Forums? What did Tem learn in cooleg?
Im ashamed of myself. I have fapped to this like 10 times
Post it.
Nothing because college is a Jewish meme who grants you next to nothing but a useless paper in life.
this, i wish i've never went to college ever, i want my time back
she learned to unpair her phone from the bluetooth speaker in the living room while she masturbates to undertale porn animations.
I want to fap to this, where do I find it
Post good audios
What a shame.
You go to college to go out drinking every other day and accrue massive amounts of debt. It's basically a pretty expensive 3 year vacation where you do whatever the fuck you want before you're kicked into the real world.
Or you could live in Europe and do it entirely at the expense of taxpayers.
Oh sorry, I'm actually from Denmark, I was just putting on American dialect to relate to the loser who wasted his burgerbux without reaping the benefits. University was great.
how to fuck hooman of course
post the vocaroo
post the greentext
But i live in Europe too so your attempts at mocking americans really fell flat all the way.
But you're right nonetheless, even if it's free, it's still a waste of time... I've spent 6 years in college, so much wasted time, I shouldn't have listened to my parents.
It may be hot until you think about what she actually looks like
> she
That pull off pants are quite useful for good jokes. Especially with Blastoise's.