Other urls found in this thread:
>play the demo for a game I have already played and own
>playing a demo for a game I could go download and play on an emulator right now
Oh it's actually out? Hol up I'm finna turn on my PS Quad
I don't see it in the store
Does it usually take a while?
lol, same, shit has been gathering dust forever
but user this version is updated for Newthink 2013 edition and has GRAPHIX
idk, i'm updating my dusty ps4 so I can't access it yet
this trailer says is out
Fuck me...
fuck your ethics dept
you guys playing yet?
Why, where is the full release? hello?
its on da ps thingy. check the twitter.
its a demo its up
Already played it in 1997
I don't see it on the store, what so I look for?
games > demos
i hope someone gets some really good closes up of clouds face so we can see the mak clow.
>not on PC
who gives a fuck
I can’t find it on the eShop
Go to ps store scroll down to games and then click demo
been here too long to believe anyone played this game
>tfw the demo is already better than FFXV
Is there dual audio?
I have an exam on IV meds, central lines, lethal dysrhythmias, and hemodynamic monitoring tomorrow... I didn't need to know about this!!!
Thanks, downloaded for when i wake up.
damn xbros...its over...i thought we we're supposed to win...
based. dont play weeb games but im first to play
its fun
it's not.
user a hard days work on a farm is a better Final Fantasy game than FFXV.
An error has occured
Thank you! Found it. It’s actually real!!!
Oh please, you bitter cunt. You haven't had fun in years. Your opinion is irrelevant.
I prefer real games such as sekiro not press X to watch epic cutsenes
probably high demand
how does this game address trans issues of our modern age?
my dog farting is 10x better than FFXV
>FFVII thread
>mentions Sekiro out of nowhere
FromSoft niggers are absolutely mental it's not even funny holy shit
Sorry pal I'll wait for the actual release to play the demo
> A demo
>of 1/4 of a game
ffvii is made for girl gamers and onions gamers not for real gamers .
>t. FromCuck
>shinra grunt armor looks way better than what cloud has on
This is the type of faggot no one can please.
>tfw it's real
in bright lighting you can see the glow in clouds eyes but its almost green like aeriths or sephiroths wow.
barrets voice actor is pretty black. im surprised ethics department okayed this. white sois would be seething .
god damn barret hates white boys.
You played FFVII, this is FFVII Reboot Part 1/? Demo.
>Good game
>L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
Okay sneggiro
ignore the comedy genius you dumb faggots
Congrats, you got killed 5 seconds into the fight.
Yeah with my benis