Yea Forums isn't giving YandereChad all of their money

>Yea Forums isn't giving YandereChad all of their money
What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums?

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has he tried looked less Jewish and less fat? i thought he became fat in the more recent pictures

>Reminder that between when he first pitched the game to Yea Forums and at least 2 and a half months from now, YandereDev will have been developing this game for about half the amount of time between HL2 EP2 and HL Alyx and one year from then he will have spent half the amount of time Duke Nukem Forever took to release

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People still know who this guy is? I guess what they say about never leaving Yea Forums is true.

I, EvaX humbly submit a toast, to Nicholas Alexander for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III so he may play Defense of the Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your DOTA.

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He makes like 5k a month on patreon

>so obsessed with him that you memorized the video to the point of being able to recite it in your sleep

You people are insane.

Is that a coom chalice?

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How's saltybet coming along Eva? You winning?

Wow, what a guy. I never would've imagined.

evaxephon detractors are worse than him
pass it on

What was he thinking?

I copy and pasted it from online lmaooo
However, I probably could recite it because it's probably my current favorite meme. Shit cracks me up.

hey op remember, the guy is ugly just like you but you're the one making webms about him while he produces entertainment and gets paid for it.

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>while he produces entertainment

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Based Ruka poster

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Yeah the videos of him pretending to know how to code are quite entertaining

>current meme

Kill yourself you fucking newfag. Christ I miss when children were afraid to fucking post.

Still way too much

how come you earn nothing from all your coding talent bro?

>implying consume the cum chalice is not a popular meme at the moment
You're embarrassing yourself grandpa

I don't make shovelware for virgin weeaboos
Also I thought you got bullied off this site

Faggot children drudging up shit from a Yea Forums thats been dead for 12 years. Kill yourself you newfaggot.

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>been dead for 12 years
>despite yandere dev/evaxephon being far more of a public figure now than he was in the past
So fucking out of touch, grandpa


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just let it go, this was funny a couple years ago but nothing has changed since, discord trannies just brought the meme back

I'm indifferent to degenerates who hang themselves out there for attention. They will do anything for a comment, there is nothing more boring than that. Look, I'm ugly. Look, I'm socially maladjusted. Look, this is my incessant stream of thought for all to see. Look.