What does Yea Forums think of R6 Siege?

What does Yea Forums think of R6 Siege?

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i suck at it , so therefore its bad.

Is the book Rainbow Six worth reading?

Used to be great, gets gradually worse every season. Best time was around after Ubi finally got BattlEye in on the game, late season 1 thru late s2 the game was at its' best

This. It's garbage and dead now.

The main plot is mindnumbingly stupid, there is some good tactical stuff sprinkled in

>been released years ago
>they still didnt fix obvious bugs and gltiches that break the game
>this is supposed to be a world renowned AAA studio

Best time was when they didnt have those tranny snowflakes operators in the game.

The thing that killed the Rainbow 6 name and showed a whole generation fat women operators and ''''tactical'''' overwatch like heroes is what Rainbow 6 is. Even if you were to look at only the game, its been declining in quality for the past year or longer

great game that Yea Forums hates because it takes skill

it's in the best state it's ever been

Ebin, simply ebin samefag shill

Great. Played it for 2-3 years on Xbox but stopped playing it after getting my 5400rpm hard drive PC. I truly hate my life.

R6 used to be about tacticool realism but now it's devolved into female operators from the moon using alien technology. I liked Raven Shield and New Vegas but I refuse to play this crap anymore.

>lag compensation and accurate hitboxes are bugs
based ignorant retard

>one of the top games on steam alone
very epic meme

>muh female operators
>muh realism

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you only say this because everyone was shit at the game in s1

I used to like it back in season 2 but then it got really popular and the target audience became zoomers and nu-males and the whole game is extremely pozzed now for example half the female ops look like trannies and they keep changing all the maps to make them balanced/boring for the esports cancer. I want to play rush on bf3 again i want to go back bros

Everything after Year 2 was a disaster and Y2 was already pushing it.

Devs and the subhumans influencing them should be publicly immolated. Until I can call my teammates out for being niggers, the game will continue to be complete ass as teamkilling over the slightest disagreement proves less penalizing than speaking the truth

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go seethe about women on /pol/ autistic frog

best game to grief


Started playing it yesterday. The drone shit at the start of the round gets stale quick. Some. People take forever to load in and for some reason there's no free operators. It's been fun so far tho I guess

wtf is wrong with you? I've played siege since closed beta and S2 was siege at it's worse due to Blackbeard's initial shield. Pre nerf blackbeard shut down entire floors/rotations/key hallways with incredibly limited counter play against him for the defenders. S3 with Cav punishing solo run ins, S4 with Hibana and Echo allowing the meta to grow in an interesting way and S5 completely changing the way the game was played, introducing new tactics and allowing for new bomb site options with Mira was when the game begun to peak.

>shoot him in the head
>only deal 25% damage
>accurate hitboxes

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The question is, if Siege is popular because of those pozzed elements, or regardless of them.
I still have fun playing and still chuckle when I see Gridlock's fat ass running around with a LMG.

after finishing I realised the first thing you'll say is OP Health and a fair point but without Op Health the game would not of sustained itself like it has.

It's not Rainbow Six and for that I hate it.
Even Lockdown is better than this pile of shit.

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>The question is, if Siege is popular because of those pozzed elements, or regardless of them.
literally nobody gives a fuck about the lore aside from /pol/tards

It's okay nothing special, I usually play it when I'm really bored

>only deal 25% damage

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Rainbow Six as a sign of a quality game has been dead since Lockdown, killed by Vegas, and then revived and kept alive to make a mockery of itself with Siege.

Good game hidden behind mostly bad maps.

>Massive MP shooter player
>Wanted to play Siege since it came out
>Haven't been able to play it all because Ubisoft's servers are incompatible my college's internet
>Went straight from undergrad to law school so I've been unable to play for going on five years

The same issue prevents me from doing anything in Wildlands or For Honor too. Division 1 and 2 work tho.

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Happens all the time with this shit game.Just watch Youtube videos for examples.This is what happens when they use AC's netcode for a game that is supposed to be competitive and tactical.

Ew, living in dorms is awful.
You lived in them for 5 years?
I moved into an apartment after the first semester

Not a dorm, on-campus apartment.

>Happens all the time with this shit game.Just watch Youtube videos for examples
no it doesn't retard, you just missed or had shit ping

My ping is always around 5-20.Also, there is a clear induction when the only part of their body that they reveal is the head but they only get 25% damage from after i see blood splattering from it.This happens regularly as well despite having no lag spikes or packet loss.This isnt even the only glitch that happens in the game since its ridden by them.You are a dumb faggot that rides Ubi's dick, case closed.

It's only fun to me when playing with friends. I did think about re-installing it a few weeks ago for old times sake.

>My ping is always around 5-20.Also, there is a clear induction when the only part of their body that they reveal is the head but they only get 25% damage from after i see blood splattering from it
post webm

You stupid nigger.Do i look like i regularly record my game play like some low test twitch faggot?Just go on Youtube there is a lot of examples for it.

As a Rainbow Six fan I hate the game as it is not a real Rainbow Six game...

But at least I didn't get fucked as bad as the Ghost Recon chads.

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why is it a question if it clearly doesn't matter

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It's still fun, but it's pretty obvious they're stretching it out by now with map reworks that feel worse than the original version and operators that just keep repeating.


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Honestly, the way they made the console versions of RS3 by removing planning and allowing you to survive more hits was a good thing
If only it followed that idea instead of completely removing planning starting with Lockdown

God, you are an imbecile.Dont reply to me ever again.

>only get 25% damage
Your a stupid fuck. A headshot wouldn't do less damage becasue of "muh netcode"
It'd either count as a hit, or not.

theme park is the only rework worse than the original, every other rework has been a massive improvement.

>Hereford Base
Theme Park is the only one that got better, though I weirdly miss the train area

boring camping. refunded after 2 games, dk why i expected it to be fast paced

Poorly designed and optimized. It was an accidental success based on something they made to just mess around with. Maybe when it was just the default operators it was golden, compared to now, at least. It was garbage but you dealt with it because it was worth the gameplay experience. It was trying to take itself somewhat seriously but now you have stupid shit like and it's just an embarrassment.

All that aside, it takes TOO FUCKING LONG to find a match. That is if you CAN because it's always "Ubisoft Servers Unavailable" or whenever you leave a match it always has to "remake playlist, update playlist, etc." or whatever bullshit it's always doing. I got it on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Seems to be the least terrible on PlayStation 4, but I don't understand why the player numbers are so high. It takes FOREVER to find a match. Where the fuck are all these players at? These numbers are inflated as fuck I swear.

Not in Terrorist Hunt, on any difficulty. Not in any of the match modes. With all these "players" it takes at least 15 minutes to find a match just to get team killed or have someone disconnect. Or you'll have someone on your team with a terrible connection that makes everyone wait while his hourglass fucking spins around like a retard.

I don't understand why they don't rework Favela and the University map that taken out.

>hur dur there could be nothing wrong with a game that was made by this trusted company

coping retard, bravo.

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Hereford base is better you shit eater. 3f being a little defender sided is better than it being a free attacker win because there's only one fucking staircase.

>All that aside, it takes TOO FUCKING LONG to find a match.
This is objectively wrong on PC and Xbox. Can easily find a game in under 20 seconds on casual, and about a minute on ranked. You have to have shit internet.
>It's badly designed because it has bizarre skins
That's fucking retarded, literally nothing you wrote is true

What I'm saying is that under no circumstance would a headshot ever be 25% damage. That's not how netcode issues work you complete moron. It either connects and is instant, or it misses and does nothing. MAYBE it'd screw up and act like it hit the body, but not consistently.

It's a competitive multiplayer shooter. What plot?

Ditched it after ela was introduced. The game was almost like MGS where everything was goofy but it felt the dev team wasn't really in on the joke so it was played straight... then came ela. AWFUL character design, overpowered as fuck, slow patches to bring her in line, the devs wanted to star introducing stupid shit like "lore" to the game etc. All we needed was a little paragraph on the bio screen and something to remember the character by like mute's tape on his mask, thermite's goggles or valk's potato face, but they had to start making retarded as fuck characters and trying to give them more character than they really needed. FOOKIN LAZER SOIGHTS>anything they have done in the past year or 2

It is successful because it is somewhat unique whilst appealing to braindead retards (tactical and hero shooter)
That doesn't mean it is good though

Sucks ass. Rainbow six died with Raven Shield. Vegas was dumb fun, but not a tactical shooter.

>This flavor text ruins the game even though you have to actively look for it.
I mean you didn't even criticize the actual issues during that point in the game

It is because the netcode is shit.What else could explain it.

Had it since release, still like it but am tired of it. Would recommend it, played all the r6 games.

I read it in highschool and loved it. If you want to hear a story about spec ops military guys, kgb espionage, biowarfare, and descriptions of tactical insertions and taking out tangos, it's a wonderful book.

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It's a dumb zoomer game. Basically fortnite with tacticool sprinkled in.

God your a fucking waste of space. You don't even know what netcode is or how it works, but when you're bad and frustrated you just go on here to shitpost about how it's always the games fault. You think those compilation videos of bugs on youtube are sufficient proof of bugs being hugely prominent when in reality most people will never even experience them. God help you.

A Zoomer game wouldn't have so much down time. The fact it doesn't have respawns denies your hypothesis

How do you explain when i shoot an enemie's head and blood splatters everywhere but i either deal zero damage or up to 25% at most when its the only thing revealing on my ACOG?You are a dumb faggot.

It's literally aimed at the add zoomer generation. Compare it to the older rainbow titles and SWAT series. It absolutely is a zoomer game.

you hit their arm retard

Don't compare it to Raven Shield and the older titles, it is blasphemous to mention them in the same sentence.
As shit as Lockdown is, at least it had a single player.

Then you clearly didn't hit their head.

>shoots at the head
>enemy remains statics
>"dude you actually shot the arm"
holy shit you are a massive coping retarded company drone

It's clearly going for a different style of gameplay. Stop being mad because it's not what you wanted (I can understand since it's clearly different, but that doesn't make Siege any better or worse, nor a game for zoomers)

It's fun.

>What is recoil

It's hard to be mad when Tom Clancy sold his name to Ubishit in 2008

What are you trying to show with that timestamp? The guy shoots all around a fucking enemy, even in his slowdown you can see how his crosshair is anywhere BUT the other guys head.

Why are you so stupid?I told you it happens even with guaranteed headshots since i obviously headshot the guy.
Go watch some videos before riding Ubi's dick like tards you are.

>Le funny gaem is ruined because it has grills
ebin :^)

>Raven Shield
Goddamn, has it really been that long. I'd wager a significant part of Siege's playerbase weren't even born when it was released.


expose two pixels of your elbow and youve already lost

Did you not read my fucking post earlier you stupid mong?
>You think those compilation videos of bugs on youtube are sufficient proof of bugs being hugely prominent when in reality most people will never even experience them
Yeah, thanks for proving me right. Showing a video from over a year ago and acting like it represents the whole of the game now is so fucking pathetic

I'd wager most of them don't even know what Rainbow Six is

You have really bad reading comprehension
>overpowered as fuck, slow patches to bring her in line, the devs wanted to star introducing stupid shit like "lore" to the game etc.
Obviously the point was that visual character design is hot garbage and they want their new stars to be blatantly overpowered because they're so proud of the character design. Everything about the game direction at that point in time showed that they wanted her to be the best character because they wrote her to be the best character. I left for the poor gameplay balancing and I didn't return because of the shit shift in art direction.

Lmao You actually have an IQ of room temperature.Another dumb retard in denial.These bugs happen since the alpha.Are you possibly not even age of consent yet?These zoomers ruin everything with their gullible and ignorant attitude.

I wish it was more of what it was imagined to be, instead of being what it is now.

mostly it takes knowledge not skill. map knowledge is the #1 largest advantage in the game.
so it rewards people without jobs who play 24/7 and punishes anyone who plays occasionally after work.

I'm skilled in shooters but six siege is not much about shooting at all it is all about positioning, ability mechanics, and peaking.

It's almost as if the whole Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six game series is based on a book Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy and I replied to this

Sorry, I meant years

Not really. Clancy is just boomer literature jerking off to cold war hijinks. He's not a particularly good writer. His books are the equivalent of netwerk tv shows such as homeland or 24. Entertaining for sure, but hardly cultural masterpieces.

>mostly it takes knowledge not skill. map knowledge is the #1 largest advantage in the game.
tell that to the sweaty jager/twitch mains plaguing plat, aim skill will take you far

Siege player here and is right.
The only one REEing at gender and whatnot in the game are Yea Forumsirgins since Yea Forums is /pol/ light anyway.
Actual players could not give a fuck. People actually playing the game care about OP shit like Lion and Blackbeard pre-nerf, about some uniforms blending in too well with the background, about shitty map design and all that stuff. Literally nobody outside of sad incels, and people who got so deep into "anti SJW" propaganda that literally any sight of any non-white male has them foaming at the mouth.
Yes the game is not pure hard-core tactical PvE shootan like old rainbow used to be, but who cares? It was made long after Clancey's death and it basically is called Rainbow Six for name recognition only at the point of release (Well and the fact that it started from a scrapped R6 project I guess)
Instead they made a still very tactical (the main difference is that you don't die AS quickly from body shots but you still die SUPER quick) shooter, with incredible levels of tactical terrain destruction. It's a really good fucking game.

just admit that you can't be arsed to record it yourself with shadowplay, which would easily enable you to review it frame by frame and dispel any notion of bad hitreg/netcode

Both are true. There are some teams that just field some really good aimers and win on the back of that, but map knowledge can totally swing a game. Knowing spots where you can hold extremely long angles, or somehow hold a window from 3 stories below are incredibly powerful.
Good droning is also a key.

I am not an incel but having special snowflake girls in a tactical oriented game is stupid especially under the title of Rainbow 6.Not to mention the vanilla operators werent some moba-esque operators which drastically changed after the game got some attention.I also hate how most of the new operators have their face open with a helmet or visor.Which wasnt the case with vanilla operators.If anything the game is milking their incel playerbase by pandering to them with releasing those kind of operators.

I mean it doesn't necessarily have to be shitty hitreg, could be that the other dude was just lagging like shit. I did encounter that a lot as well 2 years ago, have a bunch of screenshots on my old hard drive that's just killcams with the enemies head and full blood splatter behind them. I really haven't seen it in any of the recent patches tho, if it does still happen it has gotten incredibly rare.

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>but having special snowflake girls in a tactical oriented game is stupid especially under the title of Rainbow 6
and? nobody gives a fuck that has nothing to do with the gameplay.

Siege's original operators were already dumb special snowflake memes. Or do you think they were realistic?

Yeah, if you're into milsim, innawoods, operatan etc.
You can tell Clancy bought into cold war/red menace hysteria as is his plots sometimes just veer off into pure self congratulatory America good/foreign bad, for no reason at all.
He's great at detail though and shit like siege is a sad skidmark stain on his legacy in military fiction.
Honestly worth a read if you've ever enjoyed any pre-zoomer Tom Clancy videogame.

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Because games arent always solely based around gameplay alone.The problem i am talking about is believability and consistency.

They are much more well designed and they look more realistic than most of the DLC operators.This is a fact.

yes let me just use my magical emp grenade and electronic scanner very realistic

>Entertaining for sure, but hardly cultural masterpieces.
So a good book then? Fucking il/lit/erate hipster

They were special snowflake designs straight off the bat.

Just because you don't does not mean everybody does not too.
In first R6 the unrealistic female operators were wearing the same gear as men, including face cover.
With addition of moving holographic projectors we are approaching the wacky futurism combined with ideological progressivism that originals tried to avoid.
How long until we get trans furry Psionic operators and hoverboards?

Lots of things can be entertaining, doesn't make them worthwhile.

The scout drones at round start are the dumbest fucking shit fite me

This is literally an argument equivalent of "dude its a fantasy film it has dragons and magic and shit ".Just because there is sci-fi elements in it doesnt make it an excuse to turn the game into Overwatch.


>Just because you don't does not mean everybody does not too.
clearly they don't seeing as the game is now more popular than ever.
normal people do not care about silly operator lore, only /pol/ mongoloids like you who have to shit up everything with politics.

Why would you post that on a videogames board on an anime website? You being retarded on purpose?

Actually I want to properly scout an unknown and scary building as an attacker without knowing where the terrorists or the objectives are

>siege playing anything like overwatch
ask me how I know you haven't played this game

>anime website

>but having special snowflake girls in a tactical oriented game is stupid
Why? it's a game, not a simulation. Some liberties are taken to keep it more interesting. I mean would the game really be better if the entire character pool where the same 6'1 well build guy?
>especially under the title of Rainbow 6
Eh, it's just a name now. Clancy's long dead and none of the Clancy games really have anything to do with their base origins any more. That's just how it is.
>the vanilla operators werent some moba-esque operators
I mean, Vanilla had IQ in GSG9, and women aren't really seen in GSG9 units, so right there is the first hint that they are taking liberties. But even Vanilla had some of the "mobaesque" as you call them elements, Blitz with his flash shield, Jäger with his anti-grenate magic, Fuze with his grande-puck-drill thingie, Pulse with his wallack, Doc with his magic healing pistol, Ash with her breach rocket and mute & thatcher who somehow can take out electronics of the other team without affecting their owns (or phones). Not to mention the Loadouts. How come attackers are the only ones that get Claymores when they make way more sense on defenders? Why can't everyone take Flash or Frag or Both? Why isn't IQ's magic electric sensor on the arm of every operator? Why does only buck get an underslung shotgun? Because It's gameplay over realism.
>which drastically changed after the game got some attention
I'd rather say they were very careful with what they can do while the game was fresh, and now are more experienced with what they can add. I mean when would you say the game got popular and they went out of whack? The first things they added were traps, shotgun, throwable cams, rifleshield, fire/smoke arrow, interrogation and maybe then? Shootable hardbreach and disorientate drone?
Then it gets relatively tame again: Seeing footstepts, one sided mirrors, gu-mines, improved flash, improved disorient, variant on ash with flash, Calling some phones,

I played it once and I think it's shit. It's got some cool ideas like the destruction but the gadget shit is just ability/spells in disguise.
Something nobody ever seems to criticize the game for is it's absolutely disgusting handling of information:
I also refuse to believe the game isn't still p2p, it's impressive people can deal with playing it competitively or taking it seriously.
It's also a free2play game they charge money for. I really want to go back.

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and by that you mean do the same shit as you do in prep phase but after everyone spawns leaving you with even less time to attack

>yes, keep making a mockery of the series stood for in the past because that's business

The game never needed more operators.

Just close your eyes nigga.
You will not touch the first door anyway.

I liked it for some time, but one day, I was just playing normally and my operator's phone started ringing, which got me killed real quick when I tried to turn it off. From the day that new operator was released, I realised that the fun times were over, and new and shitty/gimmicky operators were going to keep coming, so I uninstalled.

Blowing shit up is very fun. Shooting feels pretty good. Fuck woke politics.

What has that got to do with the price of cheese?

>dude its a fantasy film it has dragons and magic and shit
Are you one of those retards who complain about bikini armor?


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damn dude use some lube

>been playing since alpha
>some faggot zoomer thinks i havent played it before

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Its a fine game, its not perfect.
the operators every season get less and less interesting. But I enjoy the map reworks, aside from heartford. I also wish everything wasnt so goddamn expensive with the in game currency, why is a fucking gun skin 30k renown?

The big selling point about the game though is that its unique when it comes the most of the shooters on the market. It also has tons of free weekends and goes on sale for dirt cheap all the time. I sucks that theyre scaling down content for the game for the next few years but at least they arent charging $60 a year like CoD to play the same game.

Siege was already making a mockery of the series

Cant believe faggotry warped an entire generation.

>the operators every season get less and less interesting. But I enjoy the map reworks, aside from heartford. I also wish everything wasnt so goddamn expensive with the in game currency, why is a fucking gun skin 30k renown?
because there are dumb ass whales who will shill out real money for it, also ubi wants to make siege free to play at some point in the future


Valk, Mira, Hibana, Frost, Maestro, Echo, Maverick and soon the wall crusher are good additions to the game to keep it varied.
Rest are sidegrades to existing styles, or cancer.

babies first fps made for people who lack mechanical skill of a true fps so they have to feel smart and tacticool

>bunch of cool characters I want to play
>have to grind a fuckton or pay for them
I like the game but I dropped it.

>Something nobody ever seems to criticize the game for is it's absolutely disgusting handling of information
is this supposed to be some coherent sentence with a point to it or what the fuck are you even trying to say

I haven't played since season 1 but Yea Forums hates it, so it's still good apparently

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literally everything you said after the first sentence does not matter

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And now with the new operators we get more interesting stuff to throw the meta around a bit. Seems fine to me. You act like you bought it on release and kept expecting them to turn this into Vegas 3, when it was quite clear that it's a "hero" based multiplayer game, but instead of going full overwatch, they went tacticool.
>I also hate how most of the new operators have their face open with a helmet or visor.Which wasnt the case with vanilla operators
Yes, vanilla had more helmets, sure. My guess is that this is for visibility reasons. easier to call what you killed. That's actually still an issue with the vanilla ops. at first sight, specially at some range, it's really hard to call if you killed smokre or mute, Jäger or Bandit, Doc or Rook because they look very similar. This is much better with the open face operators. You can pretty much always see when you killed a Maverick vs a Nokk vs a Nomad vs a Gridlock.
Again this is simple "gameplay over realism" if we went for realism, everyone would wear plain black or dark blue tactical gear and a ski mask. Would that be more realistic? Sure. Would that be better for the game? Probably not.
>If anything the game is milking their incel playerbase by pandering to them with releasing those kind of operators
Nah. these operators just make Yea Forums mad and little else. Actual people playing don't really care, they only care about how strong the operator and his gadget is. Nobody cared about finka being a woman when she was released, but everyone cared about the fact that her boost turned every weapon into death lasers with no recoil. Only the usual SJW conspiracy nuts that cry faul when another woman gets added to the game.

What did it stand for? Tactical shooting. That's still there. Just the setting has changed. Hardly a mockery.

I'm over 30.

Dude. you literally have no common sense.It is all about context of the title.It tries to sell itself of as a tactical game with sci-fi elements.At least it did.Now it is just like a moba game at this point.Not to mention there is a huge history of R6.Changing it for the sake of milking underage turbo virgins doesnt make it justifiable.It doesnt make any sense in the context of the game.

My boomer is probably showing, but what the hell are 'seasons'?

My main problem with the game that is not down to taste/brain damage.
For a fully priced game at start, it sure feels like a F2P one.
Not like the competition is getting any better.

It's fun but I can never truly commit to it and learning all the maps and metas just takes too long. For my taste, anyway. I just wish there was a a functional casual mode but it's overrun with smurfs, unintentional recruit pickers and leavers.

Its a piece of shit game with a cancerous community.

>his k/d is .76
you might as well stop playing the game

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They release multiple sets of operators each year, and a year worth of releases is called a "season". You can buy these operators with in-game currency, or buy a real money season pass and get them a week early.

To make shit more complicated, ranked play is also categorized in "seasons". Think of that kinda like a ladder in Diablo.

>of a true fps
here comes the csgotard thinking that rote memorization of decade old recoil and spread values is a feat of inconceivable skill

This could be applied to any video game

>muh k/d
Not an argument.

It is a mockery, the game doesn't even feature Rainbow for one.
It isn't a Rainbow Six game

Thanks for the (you) zoomers

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Ah, so basically just timed dlc. Smart.

Just speaking from my experience with the game. Played it yesterday again after not playing for a year and i was already done with it after 4 hours.

>t. died to a c4 trap and is eternally butthurt about it

thats just one part of it, and mostly a cs thing. basic aiming, positioning, awareness. In games like siege, it's not as important

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>cancerous community
This is probably 2nd worst team fps game to solo queue

scan this

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Are we ever gonna get a real Rainbow Six game again?

>basic aiming, positioning, awareness. In games like siege, it's not as important
ah yes, because standing out in the open while leaned the wrong way while listening to your favorite podcast will totally get you anywhere against people who will only expose their eye and muzzle for a split second before squeezing off a burst

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I miss the old R6 games. Shame that genre is dead now. And no, I dont have much faith in ground branch. Should've released that a decade ago.

press F for tacfps


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Terrible. When I played it, you would have people doing stuff like hiding behind something crouched and you couldn't see them at all. But on their screen though, their gun, part of the body and full head is clearly above the object shooting at you.

>complains about basic spotting mechanics which have been consistent since alpha
>starts flailing in his own shit screaming ZOOMERSZOOMERS when asked to elaborate on his incomplete brainvomit
if you wanted to complain about lion shitting on the intel mechanics you would've done so from the start you dumb piece of shit

>SJW conspiracy nuts
I like to see that this word has no meaning anymore, since you can see their actions and plans in plain sight.
Going back on topic, the way they shown GROM made me rather upset.
When you take an existing unit, priding itself in not giving extra vagina points in their open entrance tests, thus being 100% made up from men, and make its representation all female, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Siege is 1000x more tactical than old R6 multiplayers.

Ready Or Not might be good. Or not


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It's good
the devs can be fucking stupid sometimes, and I question how some of the players I run into can function as human beings with the amount of hate they hold inside of them
but it's still fun
and Clash was a mistake that I'm surprised was made
>"shields are awkward from a technical and gameplay standpoint so we won't make more"
>wait, here's a defending shield operator
>but she's removed from the game every other week due to glitches

lmao, okay zoomer

yep, it's retarded

not the same guy, just here to laugh at you

No my child, it isn't. And it's a worse game overall for it

>play any 3 speed
> run in and spray while zooming into pixels
okay dumbass

>basic aiming, positioning, awareness. In games like siege, it's not as important
and yet every thread there are people whining about dying to pixel angles so which is it

An example is Raven Shield, many many maps started with everyone on the team throwing set nades like artillery. Every R6 game had the bloom reticle so people would sprint around each other in circles spraying and praying. And Raven shield had the bullet come out of the top pixel of the model's head, so the highest skill snap shooting makes the snap shooting in siege look like it's for toddlers.
You people are just retards with nothing but nostalgia and no memory of reality, this is due to your brains being made of shit.

>tradeoffs are bad
if they'd take it out you'd complain about dying from uncounterable wallbangs instead

>highest skill snap shooting makes the snap shooting in siege look like it's for toddlers.
Isn't that how a fps should be?

No cause it was absolutely retarded

I like it. I wish we didn't have some of the more unrealistic ops like Finka and Lesion, but aside from that and the gay ass pizza skin I'd say its good. It has the same issues as every other shooter but you'll have a good time if you don't mind a learning curve and some jank

>spotting mechanics
As for the rest of your post, I don't understand it because I don't play this f2p Chaiwanese shit. I assume Lion is a champion that subverts the "spotting mechanics"?
I alt f4'd out the game as soon as I seen that zoomer shit on my screen.

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Well, it was designed to be a cooperative effort vs. AI, but yeah, people nostalgiafagging over RS vs human multi are retarded.
Those games were made for cooperation against bigger numbers.

To elaborate, most people wouldnt even bother with it. I played that game when it was ~15 with a bunch of 30 year old military guys. They would always comment how watching my screen made them want to throw up. It was extremely twitchy and the opposite of the whole tactical mindset. Theres no tactics when 2 people are spamming the lean button back and forth trying to pixel snipe each other, it's just pure twitch reaction time.
Setting breaching charges, using gadgets, cameras, communication, killholes, scouting, etc. Is 1000 times more tactical.

Then see it as a spinoff. Like Metal Gear: Revengeance Oh noes! A Metal Gear game but you don't really sneak and stealth and it's not at all like the other MG games!
That's what Siege is. It has the name, it has some elements of it, but it's not exactly the same as the old games. It's a different kind of game, but it's still a good game. Now if you can't deal with the fact that a game series with the same name tries something different, (and actually does it well) then maybe the problem isn't the game, the problem is you, sitting in your corner screaming "I don't like change!"

Yeah. I'm actually a big fan of the way they do their DLC, because it's both reasonable to get for free while at the same time not splitting the community by doing dumb shit like only allowing DLC owners to play certain maps or operators. Really surprising coming from Ubisoft, because they usually take the piss with their games monetization.

>like to see that this word has no meaning anymore, since you can see their actions and plans in plain sight.
The SJWs? Or the Anti-SJWs? Honestly, I used to be heavily anti-SJW until I eventually realized it's all just fucking crybabies, misrepresenting people and riling up the gamerbois by making "feminists want to take your gaems away! Rise up!" videos.
>thus being 100% made up from men
I mentioned GSG9 being the same. But that's just one of those things where realism is stretched for a video game. Like I said, if we went full realism, every operator would be a 6'1 buff dude with a ski mask on. That's a thousand times more realistic, but is that good for the game? GROM look distinguished from other operators and that's the more important part from a gameplay perspective and I personally really like playing the GROM units.

You gotta remind yourself, Siege is not a military simulation. It's a tactical hero shooter.

>Joining ongoing game
>Defense section is on the last round or just ended
>Join proper game
>Guy leaves after dying because he failed at peaking
>Join proper game
>Kicked for some reason or another seconds before the round starts
>Round starts
>Team leaves the objective and goes to obscure corners of the map in the hopes of getting the drop on the enemy
>Enemy beelines it for the objective kill me as the one guy on point and then the team proceeds to die trying to retake, but only after the bomb is planted, since they really wanna keep camping that one spot they picked
>Pick phase
>It's defense recruit, with only one wall reinforcement because goobysoft "balance"
>Playing doc
>Teammate gets hurt, runs off deeper in to enemy territory instead of coming back for a heal
>Teammate refuses to stand still for half a second so the stim can properly hit them
>Try to predict, they change direction randomly and the projectile misses
>Playing monte
>The team decides it knows better than you where to go, they enter from the other side of the objective and crawls their way to point while you are basically on point surrounded by 5 people all throwing explosives at you
>Play thermite
>Place a hole in a great spot
>Team proceeds to use the doorway and die
>Tell the team to care for frosttraps
>5 seconds later THUNK, dead
>Throw flashbang
>Teammate either runs in and get flashed or doesn't run/peak in at all after the explosions
This games great ... just gotta find people that you can work with.

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rb6 never had good pvp multiplayer because the game was designed around solo play. Which it handled great. Siege on the other hand is designed for multiplayer and it's still whack.

I don't know about all the shooting mechanics, but Raven Shield had far more depth when it came to basic things like reloading or even throwing a grenade. And it wasn't even a pure multiplayer shooter like Siege is in the first place. A lot of the fun was doing co-op and surviving against the AI with a custom weapon loadout. Not this class based trash.

>basic things like reloading
In what way?

limb penetration system was implemented in the meantime and today this is a headshot. nice 2 year old example

>but Raven Shield had far more depth when it came to basic things like reloading or even throwing a grenade
such as

>It's defense recruit, with only one wall reinforcement because goobysoft "balance"
thank god they're changing this next season

Its one of most arcadey fps on market disguised as tactical game. Only low skill players think its tactical, from higher gold on it gets way faster. You can literally cancel reload and keep shooting with mag your character just threw away. How tactical and realistic is that?

t. plat 2 tryhard

You had actual magazines and a limited amount. For example, if you only fired half of it and reloaded, you'd store the old one your character for later use.

Nigga what are you even talking about?
Site back, take a minute. think about the whole spotting thing and then tell us exactly what you think is wrong with it? Is it the fact that the game tells you when you get spotted? How the game tells you that you got spotted? That you don't know what to do when you got spotted? What's your issue here, they're not giving you (you)s because they're raging at your epic takedown, they're giving you (you)s because literally nocunt knows what the fuck you're talking about.

it's a tactical game. just because it has one glitch doesn't make it not tactical. The meta other people play doesn't make it less tactical either.

Ya thats a good point, forgot about that.

What are they changing, are they actually giving him 2 wall reinforcements? I'm still waiting for him to get impacts because they're common gadgets but apparently that would be "OP" somehow. Guess I don't even have to mention the fact that he doesn't have access to all the other shared guns added, like deagle and what spas 12. They just really don't want people playing him I guess, which just makes me want to play him even more.

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Bad, then fantastic, and now going back to bad again. Draconian ban system, kick started the roll back downhill, and the complete obliteration of tone from the recent operators as fucked the game for me.
Shits beyond suspension of disbelief at this point as is straight up sci-fi / future tech and super soldier shit.

its fun except for when you get shot through a tiny hole looking down the most random specific spot by some sweaty nerd with 4500 hours

Well, I mentioned the reload one already, but with grenades you'd have to actually put your gun away, take out the grenade, pull the pin and throw it. In Siege, you basically insta-throw it with your gun out like it's Halo or some shit.

Its not a glitch, its game mechanics. You can cancel ANY ANIMATION to shoot at enemy. The more you learn about siege the more arcade it gets.


that exists as a setting for siege custom games and it's annoying to play with for longer than a couple of matches. magazine rotation vs ammo pool is a game design decision that has fairly little to do with depth

nobody worth his salt "insta-throws" grenades though, if you want to get a kill with a frag nade you better cook it down to airburst timing or the enemy will just run away

the gameplay feels fine but i suck at it because it isnt my thing,the operators are getting more and more self-insertier and the people who play it piss me off generally.

Rainbow goes kinda halfway with the shooting mechanics.
For example, yes like anons said, they do the whole "memory bullets" thing, where if you throw away a half empty mag, you retain those bullets. But it also does the thing where if you shoot to empty and reload, you can reload a second time because one bullet will be chambered giving you one extra shot.

Here's the thing tho: I'm not sure if that's good or bad or neutral. I'm leaning towards good. The game is in many ways, definitely more arcade-y than older R6 games, sure. But it is really really good at what it does and I'm not sure it would be improved by bullet counting.
Plus, I disagree that just because it has these elements, it's somehow not tactical at all. The game still heavily makes use of flash/smoke/fire, vertical shots as well as killholes and long vertical angles trough multiple destructible holes plus the interplay of all the different gadgets and of course droning, camera work and general intel gathering. That doesn't go away just because in some teams you have 15 year olds with stupidly strong aim-game, that headshot like a motherfucker.

Wait ... does this mean I can no longer get the french shotgun as recruit? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, still, it's nice that they're finally making him more common of a pick. Wait, can I still choose the level of armor I get, because I like my 3 armor russian/french recruits.

>you can reload a second time because one bullet will be chambered giving you one extra shot.
siege has that too

>I like my 3 armor
what on earth for

the proper criticism about how siege handles ammo is that everyone has way too much spare ammo. it was better back when you could actually run empty with guns like the smg11, but then they decided to give it extra mags for some reason

Meant for

Doesn't really matter because the real gamemodes (ranked/unranked) don't let you pick recruit anyway. Recruit isn't supposed to be some super viable pick, it's supposed to be an easy noob operator that you get if you don't got anything else while learning the game.

You can still run out with some weapons. Mainly shotguns, which are used to make holes usually end up with only a couple shots in them to shoot at actual players.
But again, I don't think the game would be improved much if you frequently ran out of ammo.

Oh, shit I meant "Siege" goes halfway with the mechanics, not "rainbow" Yes I was talking about Siege doing both the magic magazines thing, but also having you chamber a bullet.

Well, I don't know about this custom game thing since I only ever played Ranked and it was never part of the general gameplay. But how can you say magazines don't have depth? It means you can't just always reload from a fat pool and spam bullets.

As for grenades, you still can use them a lot faster since you can do it while using a gun. Even C4 too. People would just love throwing them out fast if you were a shield character for example.

>Doesn't really matter because the real gamemodes (ranked/unranked) don't let you pick recruit anyway
I wouldn't be surprised if ubi brings him back later this year, removing him from ranked made sense when his loadout was complete trash but now he's actually viable. viable shotgun loadouts on attack and defense, only operator who can carry flashbangs and frags so he can clear an ADS and then frag out camping players by himself.

I just don't think guns like the R4C should have 240 rounds. You can prefire every angle you desire and the only thing you actually worry about is reload timing

Prefiring already has the inherent downside of announcing your location to the entire enemy team.

>But how can you say magazines don't have depth?
Because if we translate the current ammo pools into a magazine rotation you'd still end up reloading as often as possible to cycle fresh mags. It works in games like SWAT4 where you're rotating 4-5 mags at a time and shoot very little. But in siege it wouldn't make a difference for the majority of the gameplay

Siege played at even the lowest level is 50x more tactical than manage money and aim chest level for headshot

Game is awesome, but as this is not a coomer game, smash, any From Software game, people will say they hate it.

Well, guess it depends on the situation. But the game is just so wildly different that something tactical like that probably doesn't fit Siege anyway.

>Joining ongoing game
Low level? Get into unranked asap. not none, but definitely fewer leavers.
>Kicked for some reason or another seconds before the round starts
Community's toxic as shit. People used to regularly teamkill for literally any reason before they introduced anti TK systems. If you were solo and queued into a 4 stack, one of them would teamkill you each round and you could do NOTHING against it. bilibili.com/video/av39967685/
>Team leaves the objective and goes to obscure corners of the map in the hopes of getting the drop on the enemy
A valid tactic, you usually don't need too many people of spot, you should have at least 2 on, or above/below the spot depending on where it is.
>since they really wanna keep camping that one spot they picked
Probably a low rank issue so you get paired with other low rank/elo/mmr/whatever players, so they KNOW that roaming around for pickoffs and stalling is a good idea, but they're not experience enough to realize when they should come back to objective. That's not gonna get better till you climb.
>Teammate gets hurt, runs off deeper in to enemy territory instead of coming back for a heal
Same as above
>Try to predict, they change direction randomly and the projectile misses
If you told him on voice chat, and they don't keep their feet still there's nothing you can do.
Rest is all solvable issues that will plague any new player for a while.

What's good about the game having multiple layers of abstraction that exist just to give brainlets less to think about in a franchise that was trying to sell you a military fantasy.
The fact none of you faggots think anything of it is offensive to me. The game is designed for mass appeal(i.e you), not for fags like me who played Tom Clancy games before this mobile game trash.

Attached: akumar.png (500x327, 137K)

Eh, he's not supposed to be viable tho. Like I said he's supposed to teach the newbies.

You do that twice and someone gonna flank you. But I get what you mean. I'm not sure it's that much of an issue, since I don't usually see people pre-fire around "every corner", known spots sure but even then. I'd rather not get into a situation where People die because they worried weather or not they need to conserve ammo.

It would work if everyone had very limited ammo reserves because then you'd come back to half-empty mags earlier. But cycling through the 8 or 9 mags which you carry in siege would change very little about the decision process. You'd need to shoot and reload a lot to even come across a mag with low round count. In SWAT4 it's an actual consideration if you keep pushing forwards with 15 rounds or top off for the next room

ok boomer.

>I'd rather not get into a situation where People die because they worried weather or not they need to conserve ammo.
as I said my main example was the SMG11, which had the very real chance of running completely dry if you chose to magdump everywhere. And I honestly didn't mind it, but then again that was also when its recoil was ezmode and doing a full magdump was a viable option at even long range

Imagine being as fucking retarded as this guy.

Will there be finally Recruits available for DLC operator factions?
I hate it when the drop a challenge for them, and then everybody picks them regardless of ability to use them.

>not a coomer game
have you ever been to /r6g/ on /vg/?

i'll take that compliment

Attached: SUPERGOD5000PLUS.jpg (480x360, 19K)

>still doesn't actually elaborate what the fuck he's trying to convey
>The fact none of you faggots think anything of it is offensive to me.
just take your fucking meds already, the more you write the more you sound like the average schizo poster

8 or 9 is a lot though. I don't even think SWAT in real life carries that much. But if it was limited to like 5 or something for the primary (for example) and you had to go get ammo somewhere or could use an enemy weapon, things would be a lot different.

I roam but the moment someone dies on site I go there, or I roam around the point not in the basement when the points on the last floor. Seems better than sitting there for half the round, players normally enter in the first 30 seconds of the game from what I've seen, and if they don't they enter in like the last 30 because they're just sitting around the windows of the point or something. Also any idea how to deal with pixel peaks or what ever they call it when people can see you but you can't see them when they're peaking.

>having multiple layers of abstraction that exist just to give brainlets less to think about
>choosing between voice comms undetectable for the enemy or spotting alerting them to the drone presence but gives your teammate a good bearing to wallbang
>less to think about
reality inversion field: activated

More like have sex siege

Highly depends on the map thespot and the skill! There are some teams that lurk around for ages, and then in the last 10 seconds suddenly all collapse onto the spot and you don't know where the fuck the freight train came from that just hit you. But generally as a roamer it is a good idea to come back to where the action is, preferably shortly before they all jump on spot. As a roamer you don't have to be ON the spot at that moment (For example Pulse often can be underneath and use his gadget to throw C4 at the ceiling of someone planting) but you should be close enough to have an impact. Many noobs don't have the "game sense" for that.
>any idea how to deal with pixel peaks or what ever they call it when people can see you but you can't see them when they're peaking.
Drone. Drone drone drone drone all day. Most dirty angles are held by defenders, since people have to come to them. droning them in advance helps you avoid these peeks. Good players will usually have one drone ahead, and make calls, while the other follows the drone at a little distance.
Other than droning: try not to get angry. Every time you eat shit, watch the killcam, memorize the spot, try to either avoid it next time, drone it next time or prefire it (or both of the last, if you can) Same goes for spawnpeeks. Don't ever get mad at the enemy for using a "shitty cheap tactic" realize it's all part of the game. Put your drone to peek and runout spots you know before the round begins. Most people drive their drone into the objective for no reason. Usually that just means defenders kill it. But if you already know where they are, just bring your drone close to where you spawn and use it to check windows and doors before you run in. If you see somebody near a window, maybe spawn somewhere else in.
Just never Tilt, never get angry. Always die with the mindset of "Alright, what could *I* have done differently here to avoid this" because there ALWAYS is something you could have done.

> Implying /vg/ is not filled with autistic coomers and ERP on all possible games there.

That is every board.
The question is what are YOU doing here instead of any puritan board like Reddit or RetardEra?

sure adds a lot of depth

deep roaming isn't the meta anymore, you should be playing fairly close to site holding a key area. for example basement on bank you usually have a roamer playing on blue, in server, and in garage. close to site but not on site holding a key area.
>Also any idea how to deal with pixel peaks or what ever they call it when people can see you but you can't see them when they're peaking.
stay further away from walls when you're holding an angle, perspective favors the player who's further away from the corner. jiggle peeking is a good way to get intel too. on attack you should definitely be droning that shit out and prefiring it.

So if I am not an autistic retarded coomer I am a puritan huh. Why the hell would I be browsing those 2 cringefest boards.

You're still not making any sense. Either you use it when the tradeoffs are worth it or you explain your teammate where exactly to shoot. It's not rocket surgery but it sure as shit isn't a case of always doing it regardless of the situation either. Stop it with the schizoposting already

you really don't even have to drive your drone into the building to get intel, which outside walls are reinforced, how far away they sound, and the guns they're using is a ton of free information. memorizing gun sounds is really helpful. if I do drive my drone in it's to setup a cam for later so if a roamer tries to flank me I'll see them.

some, not all, whereas now they all are

>every operator would be a 6'1 buff dude with a ski mask on. That's a thousand times more realistic, but is that good for the game?

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Attached: averagesiegeplayer.webm (720x1280, 1.81M)

Why did the gadgets in this game slowly go from mostly sensible things like a sledge hammer and body armor to wacky batman devices

Not making a Uplay account, eat a dick Ubi.

>sensible things

Attached: 1.jpg (560x316, 63K)

MOSTLY sensible

>MOSTLY sensible

Attached: qgcw9rrymvdz.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

Most irl operators are 5'10 and either skinny or average build. Just look at delta force pictures.

Eh disagree, it's certainly helpful to get a few operator confirms in, likely place drones on some of the upper floors if available etc. But yeah, one of the most consistently annoying things I see random players do is driving their drone INTO the objective room for no god damn reason and getting blasted, just wasting one of their strongest attacking tools.

Luckily for you then, you can try to get an all incel team together and play recruit only. Pure male, pure mask, pure MGTOW.

t. A woman and a minority, respectively

>Mute and thatcher can jam/destroy electronics but only enemy electronics and now own electronics
>pulse and IQ were already posted
>Doc can shoot his healing pistol at somebody bleeding out from a gunshot wound and they're fine, if he shoots them again they're like new.
>Fuze has a drill he can just plopp to a wall or window that will shoot explosive hockey pucks into a room
>Jäger has a device that will shoot those same hockey pucks out of the air, same with other grenades.
>not batman
Meanwhile year 1:
>underslung shotgun, literal beartrap, rifle shield, wireless webcam with some sticky tape, smoke/molotov on a crossbow, literally just bullying people into giving up their friends with the most "batman" gadgets being a kind of mixture of Thermite and Ash's gadget but with smaller holes, and a drone that can stagger enemies
wow so batman. The most "wild" gadgets from non vanilla Ops I'd say are Vigils and Nokks cam invisibility, Nomads airjab, Lana and Alibies Hologram and Amaru gets an honorable mention because Batman is also a fan of using hooks to get to higher places.

siege playerbase is 90%+ white men /pol/tard

and what does this have to do with the game?

The worst part of this game is how long it takes to start it up and then get into a game.
Most games these days get you into the menu pretty quick but Siege is like worse than the Battlefield 2 days.

>Eh disagree, it's certainly helpful to get a few operator confirms in
the only difference between spotting and just calling them out from their gun sounds is you'll know when that operator dies which is something your teammates should be doing anyway. not worth losing a drone over.

You assume that you will always hear them shoot. At the beginning you likely only hear shotgun fire and impacts going off for rotations. Why would for instance a pulse shoot his UMP? He wouldn't. Ya still wanna get in and get a visual, maybe see a trap operator or two. No need to scan them but at least see them and call them out.

You can hear most operators gadgets being deployed even if they're not shooting and they will still be shooting out windows, radios, and outside walls for sound.

slow call of duty with gadgets, casual babby game
t. deny it and you tongue my anus

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>Criticizing a game he hasn't played
>Being proud

You're for making fun of yourself

fun but had to uninstall because it's hard to get into as a new player when you're matched against smurfs and everyone goes ballistic if they die

play with friends for your first 10-20 matches. Then consider playing solo after you get the gist of it

I always play with friends though. You do have friends right, user?

>bullets come from your eyes instead of your gun

Wouldn't work any other way

He's describing something perfectly plausible. In fact it's common. You shoot and your client naively predicts a hit and draws a blood spatter, but the server's position and time model has the guy off by a few centimeters.
Really old games didn't have this problem because their networking was delay based. This is more accurate in a sense but doesn't feel good and you have to get used to leading shots and projectiles based on the different network delay from game to game.

it's a cool game with a lot of potential but with each new season add more and more operators with more outlandish gadgets that cheapen the game. many of the new operators are also sjw'd dike women and shit. i still play it because my friends like the game but when they started adding shit like nomad the game took a turn for the worst.

I'm not aware of any developer actually going back and making huge changes to netcode. Let alone Ubisoft. Valve's fixed some bugs over the decades but they were really pretty minor.

Uninstalled a long time ago. The PC version gets patches specifically targeted at console versions. Console doesn’t get patches targeted at PC versions. One shot headshot will never get changed because console players can’t do it reliably. Ubisoft just does whatever reddit tells them.
Shields dead
Russian sentry gun dead
Game dead

more players than ever before

>Shields dead
Blitz is merely two notches below the strongest he's ever been. Stop being a Monty cuck and embrace the walking flashbang



>I'm not aware of any developer actually going back and making huge changes to netcode.
That's exactly what they did, they rewrote most of it during Y2. The netcode in siege used to be atrocious.

Everytime I played my team was one of three things
>silent autists who never communicate on any level and just run off and make me feel like I'm playing a free for all
>ebin teenage troll you fags that just teamkill then type shit like haha you mad :^)
>turbo dudebros
didnt really care for it