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Other urls found in this thread:

hollowknight.wiki.fextralife.com/Completion Guide

I honestly really don't care wich metroidvania or metroidlike you love, as long as it's not shitstained: ritual of the shit.
If you like that game it's a 100% mark of terrible taste.
Everything else is fine.

Is that contrarianfag number 896 on youtube?

thread is now about the grey mourner, and how she screams when she cums.

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Why is the game full of bug women? I only want bug men.

That can be arranged as well

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>Was curious how to finally 112% this game since I only did a 67% run and dropped the game without touching dlc
>Suddenly a hk thread
How the fuck do i 112% this game without wasting time?

>didn't love the alternative route where the player gets stuck in Deepnest early on
>doesn't enjoy challenge for the sake of it

lmao e-celebs
not even once

yo fuck this nigga automatically for making that one majora's mask video that pops up on my youtube recommendations all the time

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I'm playing Hollow Knight for the first time right now. I'm a big Metroid fan.
It's pretty fun. My main complaint is that zones look the same within themselves. There's variety between zones for sure, but within zones, all the rooms look pretty much identical outside of a central shaft. Everything is high-contrast with a lot of black. It's the look of the game, but it's something I'm not personally a big fan of.
Gonna stick with it, though. It's decent fun so far.

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Females are the larger and longer-lived sex of most insect species. The predominence of female characters in Hollow Knight makes sense in that context.

>the problem is that the more demanding and exhausting a game is to play the greater the rewards should be
he's retarded

quick, which bug is best girl

Uh you just do shit area by area basically bro, sounds like you're the kind of fag who uses a guide so just do that.

Also I'm not touching this e-celeb shit but I'm guessing that video is by Nerrel, right? The retard who said The Last Jedi was underrated?

I don't remember the names, my man.
That reminds me: when shopkeepers talk, like the map lady, their voice dialogue volume is louder than the rest of the game and it blasts my ears out.

There are lots of good bug men in the game. Personally I liked how HK mixed in bug biology to make several of the female bugs out to be extremely deadly cannibals.

you can adjust the volume of voices independently. and any other answer other than the 'friendly mining bug girl' is wrong.

There's actually a lot of interesting variety between the rooms of the zones. Depending on the props or designs withim a room, they're usually contextualized rather well. Though this isn't as obvious in the "wilder" areas.

I'll never trust Willoh again

I suppose you're right. It's just that the aesthetic of the game makes everything sorta blend together due to all the dark shading.
Like I said, it's not a flaw. The game is pretty. It's just something that I'm not a fan of. I'm sure it'll grow on me, since I'm not even four hours in.

i just wanted moth grandma to hug me

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Fair enough. I'm still not used to metroidvanias as I have these moments where I think "where now?". Also yes the guy in the video is a giant faggot and shouldnt be taken seriously

It's not all NPC voices, though. It's only when shopkeepers say something when their list of items open. It's very odd.

I've talked to that chick once. She's too nice to not turn hollow by the end. This game has enough Dark Souls parallels that I'm calling that right away.


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Here's a tip - don't stress too much about hunting down the grubs because there is an item you can find in an area that gives you a map for all of them. You will need a key from The Queen's Gardens to enter this place, so there is your hint.

Unironically sounds like shitter completely filtered by the game.


Reminds me of when that retard who made Braid couldn't figure out you could cut the vines holding the logs up in Greenest and blamed the game for it.


The entire idea of needing a reward in a fucking video game is stupid. The exception is when the reward is more gameplay. No matter what you do the reward is a meaningless bit of data. Overcoming a challenge and experiencing what a game has to offer is the most substantial thing to experience. Getting a costume or an item that makes it easier for getting through a tough challenge is a minuscule part of why someone should bother doing something in a game. Needing that reward is pure brainlet rhetoric.

Thanks user. Guys like you give me hope for this board

Hollow Knight is so good bros, replaying it for the second time and doing things in a completely different order after getting the wall jump is so nice. Although playing it through again, I'm noticing some stuff where the pacing could be better. Also, why the hell does the forgotten crossroads get infected halfway through the game. All it does is make it harder to get around. Nitpicks aside, it's still one of my favorite games ever. How many times have you replayed it Yea Forums?

I'm doing steelsoul and it is the most anxiety inducing shit believable

Three times.
First when it came out three years ago. Only did the normal end and bowed out.
Second to come back to it after someone telling me how good it actually is so went for the full 112%.
Third to get the steelsoul achievements.

I think Hollow Knight is more for fans of Dark Souls than Metroid. This Nerrel video reminds me a lot of Somecallmejohnny's review of Dark Souls where the difficulty and obtuseness exhausted him instead of intrigued him.

>Also, why the hell does the forgotten crossroads get infected halfway through the game.

Because you released a seal and/or defeated Lost Kin. Unless you're asking why the devs did that, and its to make the backtracking less repetitive by changing up the level to make it challenging while also reinforcing what a danger you're facing (and to make you question if you're doing the right thing).

Good luck. Be careful on Watcher Knights, that's the SS run ender. I got my steel soul and speedrun achievements so I'm kinda HK'd out at the moment. But its such a fun game. Can't wait for Silksong.

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He complains about getting buttfucked in deepnest early but the game literally tells you to visit the city of tears to get the nail upgrade before fighting the mantis lords if you're too much of a pleb. the nonlinear structure of hollow kngiht is one of its greatest strengths, baffles me that he has the gall to compare it to shitty metroid rom hacks.

>Hollow Knight shitpost thread immediately turns into a thread discussing the game
You anons are alright.

To be fair thats most Hollow Knight threads (and most threads on Yea Forums nowadays in general).

the only way to defeat shitposting is with shitposting

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why does he talk like that?

Cute as fuck. Post more.


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God I love this game so much.

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He actually makes only one interesting point.

And it's the idea of spreading some of the shoppable items as shit in the world you can pick up. Though that drastically invalidates money even more so if you get less shit you have to buy.

Go be a FAG somewhere else. Yea Forums likes Bug girls only.

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How the fuck is Ori 2 releaseing before HK2?

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Metroidvania are pretty much about getting rewards, upgrades to make you more powerful or open new paths, in fact a common criticism of Super Metroid is how unrewarding another missile expansion is as a reward for exploring.
I can understand both sides though, a boss fight is more engaging than exploring, so a lackluster reward shouldn't matter so much if the fight was fun.

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woah is that a silksong character

It's a game they've worked on for nearly a half a decade. Back by Microsoft and with an allstar dev team.

Silksong is only made by three+1 blokes in some aussie shithole. A sequel that's only been worked on for three years with the free HK DLC and Switch port getting in the way.

I'm sorry but i'm gonna have to strongly disagree with both of you and agree with
Because it's clear that effort-reward is baked into metroidvanias as a genre, getting a new ability, a new item etc, it keeps you pushing foward.
The final DLC for Hollow Knight, to name one, should've REALLY given you new pins or modifications for said pins.
And you know why i feel confident saying this?
The ONLY REASON why it doesn't give you gameplay shit as reward is because they ran out of time and wanted to move on to Silksong.
That's it.

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There are a ton of upgrades in HK though. Outside of movement abilities you have the badges, and things like pale ore to boost your attack power.

Yes the ant queen from the trailer.

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I seriously don't get Yea Forums.

I played the game before I even heard about it on Yea Forums, let alone Reddit which I don't visit. The art is beautiful, so is the music, the characters are fun enough, there is that sense of exploration, and controls are fluent and tight. One of the best games I've played.

Fucking year later I visit Yea Forums. And you cunts just need to hate one game since it apparantly is liked on Reddit (as if you hive mind retards differ in any way from those retards). I'm just fucking glad I got to ACTUALLY PLAY AND ENJOY THE GAME before few bitter buttercunts over the internet gave their dissatisfied 'meh' to everything from their basement of bitterness and jealously

Fuck you

>literally 0 porn of her

>No matter what you do the reward is a meaningless bit of data.
That's retarded, you might as well say that all video games are meaningless and a waste of your time because all they are is data.
What a completely autistic take.


>The final DLC for Hollow Knight, to name one, should've REALLY given you new pins or modifications for said pins.
No fucking way, because the vocal crybaby minority bitched and whined about how hard nad unfair and bullshit Godhome was. Even though it was just mean to be a fun boss rush mode that they went way over the top on delivering, people acted like it was a total insult to play it for the endings.

If you locked actual content behind that, the shitters would rage.

>The art is beautiful, so is the music, the characters are fun enough, there is that sense of exploration, and controls are fluent and tight

Ori had superior to all those

>I seriously don't get Yea Forums.
Here's a chart:

-This game is too popular: bad
-This game isn't too popular (bonus poitns for edgy and redpilled): good

You're a hyperbolic retard.

Ori had 0 boss fights retard. hk is better just based on that.

We're not talking about Godhome though.

Shit I doubt the dumb e-celeb complaining even reached that far. We're just talking about the base game which has plenty of rewards appropriate for its challenges.

How is S&S not mentioned?

>Ori had superior
Everything BUT the gameplay.
Controls, and movement in Ori not to mention level design was a bit wonky here and there.
HK is definitely more mechanically tight.

>That's retarded, you might as well say that all video games are meaningless and a waste of your time because all they are is data.
But that's exactly what they are.

That feel when stuck at 110% 'cuz I can't, for the life of I, beat nightmare king grimm and zote one after another.

I liked Hollow Knight's better. But Ori was very good as well. Does it feel that bad to admit everything doesn't exist on BEST/WORST scale only?

>Why does this game have a consistent tone and atmosphere!
>The areas like greenpath, the hive, the city of tears, the waterways, and deepsnest aren't varied enough! I need things to go from bright neon cities to pitch dark forests!
>Why doesn't the game constantly reward me with powerups! What do you mean my reward is lore and worldbuilding that doesn't help me beat the game faster!
>I can miss things???? In a metroidvania??? And that makes it harder for me?????
>Some areas are harder than others? I need all of the areas in my non-linear game to be at the same difficulty or else it isn't fair!

Wow what a shitter

Thank you chart guy

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Is Salt and Sanctuary a metroidvania? It feels way more like a 2D dark souls game. Which honestly sounds similar in my head but it still doesn't have the whole feeling of "Get a new upgrade, go to a new place."

He's not wrong. I played a fuck ton of metroidvanias over the last 5 years and the only one I felt dragged too long and became boring was Hollow Knight.

I feel like the shitsouls crowd are the ones elevating this title more than it deserves to be.

You mean 111%? THats where u should be.


>Is Salt and Sanctuary a metroidvania?
>It feels way more like a 2D dark souls game.
One in the same.
You have seen the truth.
Now imagine a 3D Castlevania game made by Miyazaki.

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I mean 112%. Pantheon of hallownest doesnt count towards completion percentage.

Ori is horribly overrated. I've been playing it on Switch and I've run into several softlocks and insta-deaths from off-screen. It looks and sounds nice but it's poorly designed in a lot of ways.

Damn, then something else is missing. I'm at 110% and other than the pantheon I don't recall anything else missing.

It just became too popular for Yea Forums. You can bet your ass it got a fuckton of praise here at first. It still does, but now that it's pretty clear that this is the most popular metroidvania at the moment a large amount of people naturally begin to shift their opinions towards utterly hating it and every little flaw it has is disastrous enough to make it the greatest sin in video game history.

Some people are also just addicted to (You)'s and will shit on anything popular even if they don't actually hate it.

use a completion guide hollowknight.wiki.fextralife.com/Completion Guide

probably missed trials or didnt awaken dream nail

This post is so sad, so wrong and so lonely. I'm giving it a sympathy (you).

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i hope you enjoy silksong Yea Forums

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>new pins

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If only I could play it now

Prediction: the next "we used to love it but now we hate it" game on Yea Forums will be Pathologic.
It has blown up in popularity and has been featured by a lot of big youtubers (notably a big ass leftist youtuber, a huge red flag for Yea Forums).
By the time all the parts of Pathologic 2 are out the board will have turned on both games massively and will start systematically shitposting the game and all threads regarding it.
Not even the eurojank slave cred will save it, it's getting too big for Yea Forums.

Screencap this, it'll 100% play out exactly this way.

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What don't you get? In the beginning a smaller amount of people played it and hyped it up, then more and more people play the game and because of the previous hype some are disappointed, more people play therefore more varied opinions and criticisms arise, there is no mystery.

I forgot the official name, i just call them pins because they remind me of pins in TWEWY.

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I mean it is a walking simulator, Yea Forums hates walking simulators.

Why are 90% of people who review video games mush mouths that really should not be making a living with their horrendous voices?

I thought silksong is gonna release soon but then i remember i mixed up ori and HK and am sad again

I know what you meant I just don't understand why anyone would need to use them.

I prefer Rabi Ribi

can i enjoy it even if i'm bad at bullet hells

Becuase the game's lack of direction limits your freedom of movement and is incredibly stressful


I'm not watching a 20 minute video of somebody rambling about how Hollow Knight is flawed, but really saying that they just don't like the metroidvania genre at all, given that the majority of complaints are just about backtracking or difficulty.

Give me the spark notes.

ok so how the fuck do i beat markoth ascended in pantheon of hallownest? Ive played through this game 2 times but just cant beat that dude even in the hall of gods.

>tfw TWEWY and Hollow Knight are some of my favorite games
>tfw will never get TWEWY 2

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can't believe he prefers axiom verge to esa. blasphemous opinion honestly.

What? Why wouldn't you use charms? They're helpful as fuck and you're heavily encouraged to use them. I've never heard of someone going charmless unless it's a challenge run.

Axion Verge is the purest big balled dinstilled actual Metroid experience on the market to this day.
It's definitely not for everyone but there's a reason why it has such a strong reputation.


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>Axiom Verge is rated higher than ESA and HK

Yeah nah.
This lad is full of bullshit.

Ori didnt have the same risk/reward exploration that I enjoyed in both dark souls and hollow knight. The only thing I liked more in ori was the graphics

pls respnd

>finish 105%
>do Grimm troupe stuff
>now have boss rush stuff left
Does disabling all of the upgrades give me something special or is it just for challenge?

Dash Slash.


Whining about the fall into deepnest being unfair is unbelievable. I can't believe what a dipshit this guy is.

you get a shiny light symbol

doesnt work i always get hit as his movement is so random.

Its a little of both. You get movement upgrades via brands and they're pretty awesome, but there aren't many of them.

You can beat Hollow Knight in a few hours.

Ive beaten hollow knight and really liked it, should i play axiom verge or ori next?
I have both in my library already

He had the same criticisms I've posted about HK for months here but now that a Youtuber said them, I can't post them anymore or else I'll just be met with retorts that I'm parroting him.

ori. ori 2 releases in 8 days.

Who is the best boss and why is it this fly nigga? NK, of course.

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I also had the same issue with this.Also there werent different gameplay mechanics in each zone as much as i wanted.But it was a great game overall.

he is right that the game is utterly filled with powerups and its clear he places a big emphasis on this, but the game poses no real difficulty and many of the powerups for the gun are not significant in changing progression. axiom verges exploration powerups are fine- the wall phasing and the drone- but otherwise the game is just unremarkable mechanically. esa has much tighter and satisfying mechanics and bosses.

i share some of his complaints about hollow knight. there are far too few significant powerups in that game, it's true. but that is buffered by a strong set of mechanics and challenging fights that are in themselves satisfying to defeat. the video maker's big issue is he places little value on internal reward/feelings of satisfaction after conquering a difficult boss vs external reward. he prefers external reward so much that he likes the useless laser upgrades in axiom verge.

Good enough for a bug

i wanted to fug moth grandma

ESA's grapple hook alone elevates it beyond Axiom Verge. And I liked Axiom Verge but goddamn, its a real one and done sort of game. ESA and Hollow Knight both have a lot more meat to sink your teeth into, and far more entertaining boss battles to use those upgrades in.

When you beat the trials with your stuff locked, you unlock blue health upgrades to use for the pantheons. This is very handy for the fifth pantheon. Remember you can lock one thing at a time if its too tough for you.

He is the Nameless King of Hollow Knight

That isnt Pure Vessel

Is TWEWY worth looking at? Should I go for DS or Switch?

Who was he?

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Yeah TWEWY is great, I'd say DS if you can but I've heard the Switch version is still good.

>Is TWEWY worth looking at?
Holy fucking shit, yes. It’s one of the most unique and complete experiences out there.
>Should I go for DS or Switch?
Switch port is alright but the DS version is where it really shines, both mechanically and narratively.

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dark souls games are not Metroidvanias nor are they metroid-like you soulstroglodyte
That's like saying Devil May Cry is a third person RPG, or Monster Hunter is a Hack and Slash

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The world design is similar, sometimes, in some ways, but unlocking passage to new areas through new abilities or tools that actually physically enable your character to access them, while also making general navigation (even through previously traversible zones) faster or easier, is kind of a big part of metroidvanias. Souls and its ilk all just use keys and progression flags to open up new areas, and the only thing that makes old areas easier is being a high enough level to ignore or one-shot the enemies.

Pure Vessel is a great fight, I may have preferred him if I fought him before Grimm honestly.

Grimm is just too perfect, though.

the ancient nailsmith

Wrong, if anything they're gonna hate the ressie 3 remake because 2 did so good already and Capcom has been on a fucking roll.
They already started to hate Disco Elysium because the dev said something they didn't like despite it being a good game, watch as they just fucking seethe over Deltarune 2 or some shit because it blew up in popularity or something .
Yea Forums just sincerely hates fun so much it's practically reddit

Salt and Sanctuary has you gaining new abilities that physically enable your characters to access new areas so it counts.

>Disco Elysium

The devs are known socialists

This game has too many girl bugs in it.

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This guy is unironically the best vidya reviewer right now

Lol, what a bitch. FILTERED.

I get it, I do. But you can't just pretend she looks like that when her legs are literal sticks. You just can't.

On opposite day, sure

What's he thinking?

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Salt and Sanctuary is not Dark Souls though.
it's a blatant 2D copy of Dark Souls made for a Metroidvania but it's not Dark Souls.
Dark Souls is a semi-linear RPG that has you building up stats and weapons to fight better, there are no abilities in Dark Souls or Bloodborne that allow you to traverse to new areas or change the way the game plays in terms of both combat and exploration.
So no, Salt and Sanctuary doesn't count. It's literally just two concepts mashed together, but it ain't Dark Souls.

Nigger who gives a fuck, the game is still good

A) I never called it Dark Souls
B) I did call it a Metroidvania, which it is.

I don't get it. I've literally never played any of these indie trash titles. Yet I KNOW that they will NEVER be anywhere close to being as good as Metroid or Castlevania, because they have absolute garbage aesthetics that should turn anyone who isn't a little girl off.
People actually play these unoriginal shitty Metroid clones unironically?

>man I'm gonna fucking die if I go back out there

It’s the only of the few Squeenix games that I actually like so yeah, I’d say it’s worth checking out.

Yes, if you've beat it before and you know where everything is.

I decided to do a guideless run because everyone told me that's how it's best played, with no spoilers, no beginner tips, nothing. You also just further emphasized how pointless it is to have that giant map with all those pointless mini-bosses and empty, samey areas, thanks for that.

Hollow Knight isn't bad, it's just-- boring.

people that aren't 14yo edgy boys do.

I can only hope you're joking because you sound like a pathetically simple person.

ITT: They hated him because he told them the truth

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An ironic statement for someone who didn't address a single point I made.

for now I'm only agreeing on hollow knight with him. Also would like to say "git gud" at Ori, controls are tight in it.

This is the guy who defended The Last Jedi to be a contrarian clickbaiter so I doubt that.

>I'm going to leave my only means of defending myself here, surely nothing bad will happen to me

>not being able to enjoy a large variety of styles and having a great time with a game regardless
I actually pity you, man.

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It doesn't surprise me that a guy who thinks things like optional bosses are pointless also doesn't know what irony is.

>Hollow Knight

>The Map is boring

>Most the secrets you find don't give you powerups
Yeah, this guy definitely did use a save editor like he said, because anyone who's played the game knows the money you get in those secret areas and/or selling what you get there powers you the fuck up pretty damn fast.

>perk style upgrades are the most common but you're limited to only using a few at a time
Hey guys Zelda is a terrible game because you start with only 3 hearts.

>missing one room in this map can put you at a major disadvantage for this entire game
Wow it really is a terrible metroidvania if it wants you explore and punishes you for running through quickly and ignoring everything. Why won't this game show me where to go and give me everything every time I enter each room?? Just terrible design!

>I had to google what the spirit stuff was because I couldn't be bothered to play the game
Ok now I'm starting to wonder if this is a troll or the most casual faggot in the world.

>this metroidvania is too open

>this game traps you in areas you aren't prepared for
No it doesn't. La Mulana does that. Hollow knight allows you to go into harder areas than you're prepared for, but you can get out if you aren't some fortnite playing zoomer and actually have platforming skills. At worst it punishes you for exploring too deep without saving, but punish =/= trapping. That's like saying you're "trapped" in world 1-1 of Mario because you aren't good enough to jump over the first pit.

>it's common practice to put a save point before a boss room
Ok finally, a legitimate complain! It's only one, but I guess that's something.

But yeah, the general thing I got from this was:
>Hollow Night is bad because it didn't hold my hand and it's hard!

Which is probably why it's in my top 3 games of all time. It's the first metroidvania I've played in a decade that didn't bore me to tears, because I actually had to try while playing it.

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Why not?

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>like to pointlessly mash buttons at bosses for no reward at all in exactly the same looking locations
>calls others simple

I actually watched that video, and I didn't agree with him on everything, still he had some good points.
He is still absolutely correct about motion controls and metroidvanias

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>why fucking jellyfish?

>I actually watched that video, and I didn't agree with him on everything, still he had some good points.
no he didnt.

A good aesthetic matters. These games lack it. It only takes a single glance to tell.

shut the fuck up, retarded ESL
ori is an artsy mario platformer and boring as shit

You know, I actually agree with a lot of things that this guy is saying, and I like Hollow Knight. The lack of substantial powerups in the overworld was apparent to me within an hour or so. Probably the reason why I wasn't having as much fun as Super Metroid. Felt more like a boss-rush game with Metroid-like elements on the side. I'm probably generalizing a lot when I say this, but I feel like the people who overrate HK just haven't played Super Metroid before. It's kind of a curse in that the game is the prime example of perfection in the subgenre, yet it is also an early entry into it. So everything gets judged against it and only it, because nothing has surpassed it. SotN is the only thing even close.

I haven't watched his video on that, but I unironically believe that TLJ was the best of the 3. Granted all of them are shit, but TLJ had SOME things that weren't necessarily bad ideas. And a couple of the things that made it so shit were merely done in the wrong way. The real brainlet opinion is that TFA was the best of the trilogy. So I can somewhat sympathize with people who think that TLJ wasn't as bad.

>I haven’t actually played the game

>but I feel like the people who overrate HK just haven't played Super Metroid before
Hollow Knight controls far better than Super Metroid.

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Tell me about the map girl


She's a big bug

Looks like a dyke to me.

This pic is alright. The first one just isn't the same character.

Hollow Knight is very aesthetically pleasing, actually. You should actually play the game user, I'm sure you'd enjoy it if you had an open mind about it.

Of course I haven't, I've already stated that. Who would play a game that looks like garbage, and is just an inferior copy of a game they've already played countless times already? A woman, maybe? That's certainly the type they're aesthetic attracts.

You okay bro?

DS for sure. It's how it was meant to be played.

>That's certainly the type they're aesthetic attracts.
Did you just type "they're" instead of "their"? lol

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Keep playing. It keeps the same theme but finds hundreds of different ways to appear different and you'll play it so much you'll know the map inside and out.

Also I'm not watching some e celeb fag go on about their contrarian opinion to get clicks. Fuck off faggot zoomer/shill. Have sex.


I just told you about the mapgirl, looks like an unwomanly dyke.

I don't see it. Super Metroid only has a higher learning curve for controls but they both control great. Super Metroid is also plagued by the fact that a lot of SNES pad stock membranes are worn out by now and people mistake that for making it harder than it needs to be. Or have the misfortune of playing on Switch with the god awful switch pro dpad or joycon """dpad""". Or you're using the ass default button mappings. I don't know a single soul who doesn't change the buttons before they start playing.

>I don't see it
You don't see controls, you feel them. And Hollow Knight has far, FAR better controls than Super Metroid.

What's the fun in Super Metroid? I thought finding charms was more interesting than yet another [something] tank. I don't think the beams are that interesting other than the ice beam. 2D Metroid bosses always feet like missilespamfest. I feel like the preference comes from liking space as a setting rather than the gameplay.

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>It's kind of a curse in that the game is the prime example of perfection in the subgenre, yet it is also an early entry into it.

the issue for super metroid is that it's combat is not that impressive. pretty much every other element of the game is incredible, but engagement with enemies is not very interesting, they primarily serve as easily dealt with obstacles rather than challenges. and so other metroidvanias can attempt to one up super metroid in its most mediocre facet, combat. and hollow knight i think unambiguously surpasses super metroid in this regard.
it is precisely because super metroid is such a seminal game that people like the video maker can sort of sublimate all of the games strongest attributes/general design and say "yes, this is all a metroidvania should ever be."

What does your girlfriend think of the map bug?

She's not awake for me to ask her, would probably not even guess that is even a girl at fist glance.

I hate it when my hand falls asleep too, I'm sorry user

That's kinda cringe user calling your hand your girlfriend.

Fuck this game's platinum trophy

I wish anyone on Yea Forums still cared about Environmental Station Alpha, I just beat it a few weeks ago and had a lovely time. Doesn't surprise me that the e-celeb hates it, its a huge casual filter.

that bad, huh?

Not him but Bloodstained is pretty fun.

But everyone mentions ESA. I'm not a huge fan since you get a single type of attack and there's a lot of "oh this isn't an upgrade, just a terminal that opens some paths".

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Based and redpilled, fuck e-celeb niggers

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I wanna eat this bread.

it's basically perfect. i can't think of many flaws for it. it's not discussed because we're well past the game's initial release. it doesn't mean it's not adored.

Is the PS4 version of Hollow Knight any good?

Nobody mentions ESA, at least not anymore.

Yeah I've heard its fine. The Switch version is the one that has had slowdown issues but I thought it was since patched.


I mention it alongside Rainworld. They're bretty alright

Different user, I agree its probably better than Super Metroid combat but I personally don't find Hollow Knights combat all that good, its a bit too simple, especially for a game with so much combat focus, it even has a coliseum.
Even with your spells/nail arts/charms its not as complex or varied as something like Valdis Story, Symphony of the Night or Salt and Sanctuary.

In what way though? SM has better physics which gives it more tech and variety, whereas HK doesn't and has that fucking awful pause after you get hit. But the problem here is you're comparing SM which has more control functions to HK in the first place as well as movement that can preserve your speed's momentum unlike HK. Hollow Knight is more shallow, but you always feel in control of your character for the most part. The depth that comes with Super means it obviously takes getting used to, but after you do you have the same sense of always being in control. Neither are bad because of this.

Final boss fucking sucked and never found the Radiant guy. Hate games with so much criptic bullshit. If I need to look up a guide that's shit game design.

yeah i don't mean to say hollow knights combat is complex, but rather that it finds the right balance of simple but tight controls that produce a satisfying reaction based game. super metroid has absolutely nothing on the fluidity and satisfaction of hollow knights combat. there are obviously more complex systems out there but hollow knight finds this satisfying middle of simple and snappy.

hollowfags are dumb and shitty just like the shitty dumb game they like

I found his complaint about the area design being boring to make no sense. Its been like 2 years since I played Hollow Knight and I could remember and distinguish each of the areas he showed in his video. Yeah it's a lot of dark blue but that's the aesthetic, it looks beautiful imo.
The point about there not being enough exploration rewards and secret upgrades is also silly when theres all the abilities, the sword upgrades, the maps, the benches and railways, the masks and soul upgrades, as well as the 40 ish charms to find.
I agree the lore from the trees is cryptic but people like that dark souls shit for some reason. For me the difficult platforming bits are fun to do regardless. Beating them is the reward.

>the Radiant guy
Are you talking about the Radiance?
If so that is far from cryptic user, you literally just have to get through all the areas and then talk to the White Lady (which shouln't be difficult to figure out since she gave you half of the charm) and from there you can easily get the Radiance.

>never found the Radiant guy
Literally just look at your map and go to the places you haven't been to you brainlet.

>Hollow Knight is more shallow
No it just controls better.

I'll draw you porn, just explain her design to me and where's the pussy at

This is the kind of person the OP video appeals towards. Retarded ESLs.

But how? You just keep saying this, but don't give any actual reasons. The HK fanboy's brain is as shallow as their controls.


Can you understand how some platformers are better than others and that 'complexity' of controls doesn't matter (or harms it)?
e.g. super meat boy is a better platformer than say sonic

What was his endgame?

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oh god ooh fuck shit's about to go down in the manlet caves

>there are no abilities in Dark Souls [...] that allow you to traverse new areas


crashing this kingdom

that's all anthro porn

just draw a woman and attach animal bits, then pretend you're not just attracted to the human female parts

I really cant understand people who insist that the game has a good story and characters. It's like an anemic Souls game story at best and that's saying something

Don't respond to him, he's retarded.

Even if you dislike the story it has a number of charming characters.

no see dark souls is the best game because of all the story you have to piece together yourself by watching vaatividya videos and reading item descriptions less is more god its so kino bros

If you need a youtuber to piece together what's happening in Hollow Knight you probably have brain problems.

What type of "people" hate hollow knight?

But you still haven't actually said anything about either game. Just

Not, why. Complexity of controls does matter when you compare the game, because it's needed to distinguish between bad controls and controls that have a skill ceiling. Super Metroid is the later because you can have consistency in control and additional options that all serve a purpose. Bad controls are inconsistent for no reward and serve no purpose and cannot be overcome. Shallow controls likewise are the opposite and can hurt a game for not giving additional options to reward players to the point that it often hurts the gameplay, but I don't think HK's controls really hurt it at all, just that they're shallow. You only think Super Metroid has bad controls because you're bad at the game.

I think it's more pushback on the fanaticism that a lot of HK fans exude. Similar to how people say OoT is overrated even if it's a good game

I don't think Super Metroid controls badly but here are a few things to criticize about it
>Needing to press select in the middle of combat to switch to missiles and super missiles, I know you can change this but its still a bit awkward having to cycle and changing controls can make more problems, later 2D Metroid show a dedicated missile button works better
>Aiming is a bit stiff, this is mainly a problem before you get a spread beam. Later Metroids have much more precise aiming controls.
>Not a problem for me but a lot of people don't like the hang time of jumps, its not one smooth motion which makes people think its floaty.
>The input for morph ball and wall jumping can be a bit wonky, especially on modern controller d pads, since you can easily mess up the input with an accidental diagonal, also a dedicated morph ball button would have been a good idea.
I admit a lot of this is the fault of having fewer buttons compared to modern controllers and probably some memory limitations

>missing the point this badly
>passive aggressive attitude
pretty fucking shoddy review

Just beat the first panheon, do I keep going?

The Hollow Knight hatebase is far more obnoxious, as this thread demonstrates quite neatly.

Yeah you want to beat the first four for sure for the cool boss fights.

How do you differentiate between fanaticism and praise?

People who like good games.

hollow knight is better than all those games combined

They mostly mean that characters are charming fairytales and game handles sense of mystery well, "good story and characters" just used too liberally

If you say a game is good, on Yea Forums of all places, you're a shill. This is the place where we hate everything because it's easier than to play.

>Needing to press select in the middle of combat to switch to missiles and super missiles,I know you can change this but its still a bit awkward having to cycle and changing controls can make more problems
Certainly true, but again, just about no one uses the default control scheme and for an old game you have a very large amount of re-mappale options. I remap my cancel to select and weapon select to a face or shoulder button like the later games.

>The input for morph ball and wall jumping can be a bit wonky, especially on modern controller d pads, since you can easily mess up the input with an accidental diagonal
This is because people are fucking mashing constantly. If some people are able to do it consistently, but others are not, the problem is between the chair and the controller, not the game's controls. Or the controller.

well ain't you a smart cookie metaposter

>doesn't want a game to linear
>wants the open map to hold his because he's lost
What an absolute tard

Man you sure do love making excuses for Super Metroid

Do you like "too open" metroidvanias?

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>Or the controller.
Forgot to add after this, accidental diagonals are often because of worn out membranes which makes the dpad mushy.

>Man you sure do love making excuses for Super Metroid
I'm not making excuses, I'm stating facts which obviously you don't want to hear. Question is, why are you making excuses for your inability to just git gud and learn how to properly time your wall jumps?

>If some people are able to do it consistently, but others are not, the problem is between the chair and the controller, not the game's controls. Or the controller.
Did you have a stroke while you were typing this?

This is a fresh new complaint I never imagined.

having all bindings activated at once for a pantheon will make them shine on the door, you don't need to do it unless you want a challenge. at 8 bindings used on pantheons, you unlock 3 points of shield in every rest room when doing a pantheon, 4 shields for 12 bindings, 5 at 16, and a secret area at 20

You can disagree but I think the challenge of things like wall jumping and space jumping should be the timing and not the input execution.

>be me
>play this game for 45+ hours
>have to finish hollow knight, the grimm troupe, and radiance but i've put it off for weeks
there's no fucking way i'll ever do the pantheon lads. how can anyone do it

Why did you skip grammar school user?

You dont need to do them all at once, you can do the bindings one at a time.

>hornet: "oh no, they're hot"!

Just finished Hollow Knight, and he has a point. This game punishes you way too much when you're underpowered, making exploration just not fun because it's too risky and tedious. But I know hollowdrones will never EVER admit their favorite game has a problem.

desu I havent bothered doing the pantheon dlc it sounds kinda boring but radiance and the last boss of grimm troupe are very fun and worth doing.

Did you skip school in general? Depending on the quality of your controller's D-pad you're going to be having trouble with things like wall jumping in Super Metroid.

>too risky
>punishes way too much
Ever tried getting good at video games instead of blaming video games for being too hard for you?

>You can disagree but I think the challenge of things like wall jumping and space jumping should be the timing and not the input execution.
>and space jumping
Wait a minute, are you actually trying to say you have any challenge at all doing space jumps?

They're not as hard as you think. I had more trouble with Trial of the Fool and the first three pantheons.

>This game punishes you way too much when you're underpowered, making exploration just not fun because it's too risky and tedious.
I never felt this way. I thought it had a good risk/reward element to the exploration.

How exactly does the game punish you "way too much"?

You can always be a little bitch and exit out of the game to warp back to a bench.

>"it's to make the backtracking less repetitive"
>only makes it longer and more tedious
Yeah that's a stupid decision. The stronger enemies were enough.

>plays a metroidvania game
>doesn't like challenge
Garry's mod is that way -->

Eh it just means you have to route yourself differently through an area that's pretty small, has several entrances and exits and a stag station warp. I didn't find it to be as offensive as you're making it out to be.

I'm saying that like wall jumping an accidental diagonal input can force you out of it.

>he can't jump
Absolutely FILTERED

I absolutely agree but they don't have depth. Maybe I'm making a complaint based off of my hatred for retarded "lore" youtubers who overblow the aspect by doing faux deep dive videos on the game

>Depending on the quality of your controller's D-pad you're going to be having trouble with things like wall jumping in Super Metroid.
If you had a brain, you'd realize that's exactly what I fucking said. Let me rephrase that last sentence for you to make it more easily digestible for that tiny brain of yours
>If some people are able to do it consistently, but others are not, the problem is between the chair and the controller, not the game's controls. Or the problem is the controller.

Stop mashing

>I absolutely agree but they don't have depth
Ehh, Quirrel, Cloth and Hornet come to mind. Depth is a pretty nebulous term - they aren't blockbuster characters but they've got their little arcs and their character journeys. Even that one faggot who wanted to get to the arena to fight only to end up dying felt like a nice addition to the game's world.

i am attracted to the human female parts but the bug parts make my dick even harder for reasons i cant really explain

>blah blah git good
I finished the game so you're dumb
Basically if you start exploring early in the game (without good charms/abilities/powerups) you might end up in some difficult area where you'll simply get fucked, eventually even losing all geos (I'm talking before the bank thing). Backtracking to go back to where you came from can be really hard in these areas when you're underpowered, making you basically stuck there. You can do it of course, but it's annoying, and for someone who just started playing it's easy to suppose that the whole game is like this. If you stick with it long enough you'll eventually get enough powerups to explore without issues, so it's a temporary thing.

>I finished the game so you're dumb

Let's see that save file screenshot.

why is hornet so fucking based?

when the fuck is silksong releasing?

You're as good at writing as you are at Hollow Knight.

1. Because she was trained in the art of war by bees
2. Eventually

i get you, difficulty isn't really your style. id recommend minecraft to scratch that low-stakes exploration itch

>Basically if you start exploring early in the game (without good charms/abilities/powerups) you might end up in some difficult area where you'll simply get fucked, eventually even losing all geos (I'm talking before the bank thing).
And how is this the game punishing you in an unfair way? Its just geo. Outside of the Deepnest "trap" you should never be stuck in an area, so I don't really get what you're talking about.

>contrarian fags trying to downplay hk
>all their excuse translate into how they were filtered
you know the rules

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Axiom Verge getting some love makes my heart warm.

It's an area I've already seen a hundred times. This only makes backtracking even more tedious in it. Also the stag station is near one of those locked paths so fuck that.

People suck if off pretty regularly, its not like its ever not gotten love. Frankly I found the bosses to be a pretty big let down.

>filtered by cornifer

Why are you going through the Forgotten Crossroads 100 times prior to breaking any seals?


Hollow Knight drones exposed for the retards they are. Can't figure out how to wall jump in Super Metroid, and can't figure out grammatical relations.

>Hollow knight is hard
Was Hollow Knight your first platformer?

He's not the guy crying about the game being unfair

>mfw beat the game for the first time before that gay humming was introduced

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I'm talking about losing 2k geos in the beginning because I decided to explore fog canyon while underpowered.
>it's just Geo
again, it's something that will bother only people who just started playing

I swear you hollow Knight fags are the most obnoxious fanbase I've ever seen, you can't even say ONE thing you didn't like about the game without getting 5000 replies of retards saying "git gud" or "it's simply literally not true because I didn't experience that". The game is great but you're autistic.

Holy shit, the YouTube comments are filled with the same defense posts that are regularly posted here when people shit on it. Who the fuck is going around defending such a mediocre game all the time? Reeks of astroturfing.

>Meaningless bit of data
Life is strange 2 is out mate.

Fog Canyon has the fucking bank, user. What the fuck.

I wouldn't say it punishes you but using the basic nail against the higher HP enemies can be tedious, the nail smith probably should have been in Dirtmouth so you can't miss him.

Fog Canyon is an extremely easy location. You managing to die twice there only speak volumes about yourself, not the game.

But you can't even explore Fog Canyon early on, bro

>Basically if you start exploring early in the game (without good charms/abilities/powerups) you might end up in some difficult area where you'll simply get fucked, eventually even losing all geos (I'm talking before the bank thing).
>I'm talking before the bank thing

>I'm talking about losing 2k geos in the beginning because I decided to explore fog canyon while underpowered.

Hollow Knight whiners, ladies and gentlemen

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Guess by "too open is bad" they mean the pacing becomes less predictable and can fall apart, due to somewhat open nature of the world. Especially by the end, when player is only left with overcoming last secrets and challenges that they didn't finish for some reasons while naturally playing. Coming back to that may feel like a chore.

Jon is not a retard and his criticisms are usually on point. You might be a faggot.

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Typicial HK hating shitter. I swear the only "criticisms" of the game I've seen so far are of it being too hard for paltry abilities of these "people"

That's pretty odd since the game gives you three dreamer symbols to go for and the black egg temple symbol on your map.

Unless they're talking about how hard it is to figure out shit to fight the Radiance, but these people used guides so its kind of a moot point.

Are you sure you understand what a Metroidvania is?

Jonathan Blow is very definitely a retard.


Look at him tard rage over this fucking game

But he is my favourite p-celeb :(

That's nice and all but have you ever heard about sawblades?

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I would ask you to back up what the fuck you mean by 'punishes you too much when you're underpowered' considering I never once had any problem even remotely close to that, but it's more likely that you'll call me a seething hollowcuck/drone/tranny/nigger/whatever buzzword is used nowadays to 'win' arguments.

He has the False Knight on his map and has somehow failed to find his way to Greenpath? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

I think he bailed on the thread because everyone was laughing at him

Guys I'm afraid I'm too hyped for Silksong so no matter how good it will be it won't meet my inflated expectations. What do

hollowniggers are the most annoying people i've ever seen.

My review: It looks like a gay tumblr flash game so I won't even pirate it.

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>>perk style upgrades are the most common but you're limited to only using a few at a time
>Hey guys Zelda is a terrible game because you start with only 3 hearts.
You're not limited to using a few hearts in Zelda at a time. You've got a lot of good points in your post but you really got lazy on this one.

>>this game traps you in areas you aren't prepared for
>No it doesn't. La Mulana does that.
La-Mulana does that far less than you make it out because you're often missing 2 items to even get into those areas. His point was mostly about Deepnest and it's true for that. Yes, you can get out if you're not a retard but you are trapped in there considering most first timers are going to simply stumble through a hole and then save right there before realising they're trapped.

>It's the first metroidvania I've played in a decade that didn't bore me to tears, because I actually had to try while playing it.
Probably because it's more of a love letter to Dark Souls than Metroid or SotN.

>it's another hollow knight video from an e-celeb
>he calls the game hard
every fucking time.

>it's a chore to play through all these spikes
>it's unrelenting
these are direct quotes from the video. am I fucking drunk or is hollow knight really not that bad?

I like hollow knight the most out of the Metroidvania games (that I've played) because it's casual game (the entire genre is casual, deal with it) that has a very mild challenge to it.

am I lit here? why does EVERYONE call HK a hard game?

>first 20 minutes of ESA has more variety than 20 hours of Hollow Knight
based youtuberfag

by the way everyone, play Environmental Station Alpha, it's a good video game :-)

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>all that falling into acid at 8 minutes
How does he do it? Is he just pretending to be this bad to clown around?

Its funny because prior to the dlc stuff being added most people on Yea Forums thought the game was too easy. All the "hard" shit is end game optional content.

I can't imagine him liking ESA since its way, WAY more cryptic than Hollow Knight and has a more abrupt difficulty curve.

People probably ignore those and make exploring the main goal. And since the game is big they get burned out when it comes to finishing it.
After this thread and vid I'm not sure anyone knows what a Metroidvania is. Give me your take

How retarded do you have to be get lost in HK early on?

The game is literally filled to the brim with directions. Signs, dialogue, NPCs, and fuck even Cornifer's first three maps guide you to where you have to go. And if that wasn't enough the Dreamer reveal literally marks the three chucklefucks on your map. If I had my way, I'd remove those Dreamer markers completely.

So he claimed that he entered deepnest through the mantis lords and was also trapped by the pitfall, even though these two are completely different ways of entering the area.
The nigger didn't even play the fucking game

No, I understand your frustration mate, but that's just not a really big issue to the people who play these games I feel. I kinda was in the same situation where I went too far exploring somewhere around mantis lords and died with my lat bench being fuck knows where. But gettings these geo back was a fun challenge, I died like 5 times after getting them. I might not be for everyone and that's fine.

For some reason Failed Champion was the hardest boss for me

Well he did note that there's checkpoints before every boss except one which he omitted for some reason I guess and that bosses can go down much quicker than in HK. So it might have harsher difficulty spikes but it wastes far less of your time, which probably made all the difference for him. And I wouldn't really call it cryptic until you get into the secret hunting side of things and try to go for 200%, the main game is straightforward enough.

There's a pit you can fall into but yeah, I think the dude was just exaggerating because the deepnest trap people talk about is not the mantis lords entrance. And if you can beat the mantis lords you should be fucking fine in deepnest anyways so I dont get what the problem is. And Cornifer fucking warns you right from the start of that route, which makes it doubly funny.

I guess I should rephrase it a little - I don't think a guy crying about Hollow Knight's early game is good enough to beat ESA. Stuff like Restless Spirit or even Overgrowth would be too much for him.

No idea, it gets challenging in DLCs, but that's it. Even Grimm didn't take me that much to beat, and I didn't even have i-frames on dash when I've tackled him. I mean inclusion of boss rush mode and iron mode implies game is doable at least for 80% by a normal person.

>The Hollow Knight hatebase is far more obnoxious, as this thread demonstrates quite neatly.
It's more obnoxious because the criticisers think you're too fanatic, so they up the ante in the hopes of cutting you down to a level of reasonableness. Even then, most of this thread has actually been HK fans ignoring the review and others disregarding it because he has to be a shitter to have views like that. Are you really surprised there's so much pushback when everyone is so quick to say "git gud" at the first complaint? It seems that like the game, Hollow Knight threads even mirror Dark Souls threads from 8 years ago. Just hope HK2 isn't like DaS2 and cause internal division to ruin future threads.

This vicious cycle of praise and criticism has actually worked to level out on the fanbases of different Final Fantasy games so there is a precedent, but FF threads on Yea Forums are all about shitflinging so they're a bit different regardless.

>complains about optional bosses being too hard

>doesn't show absolute radiance
>doesn't show nightmare king grim

>shows fucking powered up crystal guy
>shows fucking super mantis guy
>two of the easiest bosses in the game
holy fuck so this is the power of a Yea Forums-celeb. lmao stick to making texture packs to shitty zelda games nigger hahaha

All the git guds I'm seeing in this thread prior to yours are people who agree with the reviewer, hilariously enough.

Man, some of you guys sure get angry about videogames

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He's so tiny, how did he satisfy the Queen?

BBV (big black void)

say "videogames" one more time motherfucker, I dare you

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>having trouble with Traitor Lord and Enraged Guardian
>getting mad at early Deepnest route, one of the best experiences in the game
Is this guy retarde---

>Axiom Verge better than HK and ESA
Absolute mouthbreather.

How the fuck is anyone supposed to take this filthy eceleb seriously?

I'm the guy from earlier in the thread asking about hk difficulty.
what is hard about beating the base game? I just don't get it. I've been hearing for years about how hard this game is, but I beat it deathless in 35 hours TOTAL playtime no guides.

what's the deal? why do people consider the game hard? can anyone explain? in the video he shows two very easy optional bosses as being too hard, and several instances of him not reacting to audio queues that at the end of the day take only one heart.
so I don't get it, I'm not gonna say git gud. I just don't understand? you don't have to git gud. you barely lose anything for dying. just play.

what's the deal with HK = hard meme?

>>getting mad at early Deepnest route, one of the best experiences in the game

>nigger eceleb makes retarded video with retarded arguments criticising a game I love the shit out of
>i will now have to deal with faggots spouting these retarded "arguments" every time i try to discuss the game on Yea Forums
why wouldn't i be angry

Axiom Verge is definitely better than Hollow Knight

>How many times have you replayed it Yea Forums?
I did the under 5h run and the under 20h 100%
and the no deaths run
I lost count

he has made some good videos before. I just don't understand his HK criticisms. seems like he's another one of these people who played it because he felt like he had too rather than that he wanted too.

I think part of it is that people get flustered after taking damage and end up facetanking and trying to mash their way to victory. Or they try to heal again and again in bad spots and end up basically slowly dying while dealing no damage.

In short, people just get flustered and blame the game rather than trying to understand why they just lost 9 health to a faggot crystal bug who has one easily avoidable attack.

Getting trapped in Deepnest early on is a fantastic adventure. Getting the tram pass and going all the way to Kingdom's Edge feel like you strayed off the intended path so mich that it feels incredibly exciting.

Who cares about rewards at that point? The sheer breadth of the world teases itself to the player. Shit is thrilling as fuck and is an experience I never got to feel in literally any other Metroidvania.

It's hard in the same way that Dark Souls is hard because the game apes way too much from From. That the game punishes mistakes with degrees of harshness.

wow he sure Blows. back to puzzles criatura de huevo

He has made one good video before, which was the RE6 video. I've given him multiple chances since then and he's not great.

the fact is
>total content
axiom verge falls short of HK in all of these categories objectively without even getting into subjective categories. it forces me to rate it lower, and this is coming from someone who loves axiom verge.

Steel soul is amazing, it makes you completely change how you approach the game. Beating Watcher Knights with one mask remaining was one of the most intense moments any video game has provided me with

Yeah I did Deepnest early on in my second playthrough and it made shit feel totally fresh.

Ehhhhh I dunno about that. Definitely not better in terms of bosses.

all I've heard about AV is how boring and tedious it is while bringing nothing new to the table

It makes me laugh when people call it a Metroidvania, because there's no vania in it at all. Its Metroid.

It has one thing in common with Castlevania.

An unnecessarily large amount of useless weapon pickups.

What a dumb cuck, who the hell watches those people?

The phase ability and the corruption gun are pretty unique I think.

so what though? you don't lose anything for dying.
>inb4 my money
the money this very video says isn't a power up/worthwhile

so IDK what does it really ape from FromSoftware besides the story telling? losing something upon death with a chance for recovery?

checkpoints? bullshit from came up with that
emphasis on bosses? bullshit fromsoft came up with that either.
punishing mistakes? is dark souls the first game that ever punished a player? I doubt it.

All these people know is dark souls so they apply the label to anything and everything. ITS THE DARK SOULS OF METROIDVANIAS BROS OH A BENCH THIS IS A BONFIRE, THIS IS THE BONFIRE OF THE GAME GUYS

Nah I like him a lot but he can be a real up his own ass straight to dvd matthewmatosis sometimes.

jesus christ what the fuck

This guy is redbox MM at best.

I really hated having to hit every single wall with both the drill AND the glitch gun. Looking for illusory walls is such a fucking chore in this stupid game.

holy shit lol

is steel soul really that hard? I don't get it.

I'm not trying to brag. outside of the watcher knights, what is hard about steel soul?

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Most Metroidvanias are just Metroid though. You'd get Snailiad classified as a Metroidvania despite being a flash version of Super Metroid with snails. Metroidvania should only refer to those specific Castlevania games.

Seems like his biggest complaint is not enough rewards. I loved the game the way it is, and so did a shitton of other players. I don't think those complaints are really valid when they are not actually an issue for people playing the game.

its like the journalist who couldn't figure out the cuphead tutorial

Music and presentation are both subjective, and I think Axiom Verge is better at both. Presentation especially because of the art style. Hollow Knight does have more content objectively though, yes.

>Ehhhhh I dunno about that. Definitely not better in terms of bosses.
I think bosses are the one thing Hollow Knight does really well. But the powerups, areas, secrets, and weapons are all more interesting to me. Secrets especially. Finding that one wonky ass glitch area that you get warned about when you find it was straight up cool.

It has a slow start in comparison to Hollow Knight. If you like experimenting with the environment, it just keeps picking up steam.

you don't understand, the money I get from a secret isn't a reward, but I'm mad about losing it.

you need to have a very high iq to understand my videos

Its hard because people can quickly get in over their head and wrack up damage, I guess. Depending on how depowered you are HK himself can be kinda tricky, since I did my steel souls and 5 hour run in the same file. But I think there's an intimidation factor to attempting it, dying early and getting disuaded from attempting again.

music and presentation are not subjective. I'm sorry but I disagree. HK's music has already entered gamings history

>main interaction in the game is to swing the sword
>here's a unique looking platform
>here's an enemy near it so you can accidentally cut it even
>wtf how am I suppose to know you can cut it?!
Witness had puzzles that needed you to think outside of the box with your limited world interaction tools, how he is not getting that vine cut

I didn't say it's hard though, just that it gives each action much more weight because of the risk of permadeath, and therefore creates a unique experience
you DEFINITELY used this as an opportunity to brag lmao

Attached: ss.png (1160x79, 26K)

>a higher percentage of players have beaten pantheon 5
>a higher percentage of players have beaten the game in less than 5 hours
okay that's actually really weird to me, because those are both harder than beating it deathless

You can only give up on the last one (5)

not as spoopy as loosing all your progress tho


If I didn't post the achievement everyone would reee that I hadn't actually done it. how should I have asked my question in a non-bragging tone? it's just an honest question. where is the challenge in deathless HK? see like I'm proud of you for doing it, but I considered it a fun challenge, not a hard one.
^ you see what I'm saying? pantheon 5 is FAR harder than deathless, and yet more players have done it.

I don't understand. sorry about the typos very drunk right now.

You keep talking about how easy SS is even though it being hard was never a point in any of the posts I made. Are you going to reply to this one saying SS is easy too?


Attached: brapanada.png (848x1200, 1.03M)

at least post something that wasnt already in the thread

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with no survivors!

Yakuza series has a lot of bug men.

I played it for like 2 hours and it was so fkin boring and absolutely mind numbingly easy.

small white dick spotted

Shut up retard let him have his perfectly reasonable opinion. Stop shaming HK fans with your rabid autism.


Why is he whining about rewards when Mantis Lords arguably has one of the best charm rewards in the game?

And getting stuck in Deepnest arguably opens up so many paths in the game. Is that not a reward?

>67k reviews on steam
>overwhelmingly positive
There is a shitton of people who love the game and they will defend it using valid arguments, which is what you are seeing here and on youtube.

He did not like it for a reason he can't understand is coming up with convoluted reasons to portrait his subjective dislike as something objective.

He seems to be in it solely for tangible powerups which is a very strange mindset to have.

Reminder that the best looking character is the old stag

Attached: stag.jpg (1280x1302, 489K)

I know, but the user I replied to asked if disabling all of them did anything specific

Why do people hate Hollow Knight?
>reads this thread
Oh. That's why
You guys are a bunch of wankers

I actually had a lot of disdain for it before I played it, just because the art looked so horrible to me from screenshots. It looks a lot better in-game.

pure kino
I really hope we meet the newborn one in silksong

Just a few hours on the first game.
Mantis lord boss, seems easy
The other two fuckers join, laughs stop

Im going to get filtered sooner or later, right?

>I hate this single player game because of people on Yea Forums!

I don't think you're reading the post correctly.

No I think I've got it.

thats pretty much why I stopped playing it, the backtracking gets super boring and tedious

You just go at it enough times and you';ll beat it. I did and I'm terrible at it.

He finds out why people hate it, for some nonsensical (not enough rewards/i'm lost help) reasons, and says that people who do that are wankers.

The game's pretty easy if you're going for the default ending
Optional content has some absolute annihilators though

user I think you misread his post. You got the opposite interpretation.

Doing my second playthrough after playing it once on launch.
It's amazing how much different my route is from the first time I played. First time I went to deepest with a broken nail, now I went there with 3rd nail and double jump.

>Unbreakable Strength

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I refuse to believe that. Just like you wrote in your original point, this viewpoint is just to silly for anyone to genuinely have it.

user we are on Yea Forums. Tis a silly place.

I did laugh when he shat on Hollow Knight for all these minor quibbles then immediately started talking about how fresh and exciting the ugly pixelshit game was

you did give him the flower, right

Attached: 20200302043056_1.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

I gave it to godseeker too


does his acknowledgement of criticism come across as dismissive to anyone else?

haha wouldn't it be funny if you masturbated and doused Hornet in a deluge of cum and she has to drink her way out of the cum puddle haha

I need to get back on and practice cos I want to see Pure Vessel, I got filtered by fucking Uumuu cos it is slap bang in the middle of the pantheon.

It's kinda funny how I lost interest early on, but by the end was super invested. The literal opposite of what I've seen everyone else complaining about.

I have to agree. Boiling down any criticism to "git gud" is a copout imo.

Hollow Knight is one the best games I've ever played desu

the worst part about hollow knight is it's insentience to be "retro"
there are docents of buttons on a modern controller but just to be "le nostalgic nerd" they but the only other attack you have on pushing the normal attack button + up which makes it harder to use fast combat engagements where you already have to jump around to avoid death
only having such a small amount of useful attacks also makes the game somewhat boring in the later half

Why the fuck was she a dyke for the Traitor Lord's daughter?
And why the fuck did the Traitor Lord's daughter have the void eyes?

Imagine hating one of the best parts of the early-game.

Stunbling on Deepnest early is pure ludo.

It's really a lie though, you barely see shit in the first 20 minutes of ESA and that's like 5% of the game. He probably played for exactly that long and decided it's good enough to contrast with HK.

>Literally all the girls in this game are shit
Not like I wanted to fuck a bug anyway.


I played it last year, what was wrong with it besides being a less good Castlevania with some jank?

I think I get what he's saying about all the environments in hollow knight being the same, but I have to disagree. Yes, they all have the same cut/paste geometry, but all the areas have a distinct feel to them. The music and the enemies matching the tone of their respective areas really help sell the world Team Cherry sought to build.

I got it on pc and tried playing with my gf. Got stuck in a log in the first 10 minutes of the game and got softlocked so I had to restart the whole opening sequence. Ori feels more like a flash game than even hollow knight, christ. I don’t even get the hype around the gameplay, or the story either. It looks kinda pretty I guess? But the game just isn’t fun and lacks a lot of polish. Was super disappointed. Easily the most overrated game I’ve ever played

> 'friendly mining bug girl'

Tell me about the bees, why do they dab?

Hollow Knight scared me too many times, bros. How do I get over fear?

I’ve literally never heard or seen anyone talk about this game, and you’ve outed yourself as a faggot for admitting to watching a lefty youtuber. Berniebros aren’t allowed on Yea Forums. I suggest you leave this board and never return you faggot nigger

true that, Hollow Knight is the closest to a 2D Souls I have ever seen

Why should I care about this person's opinion?

>the world is too big and samey
>too repetitive (ie: benches are too far apart and I died twice in a row and lost all my geo because I’m trash at the game)
>why isn’t every collectible in this game a new ability?
>exploitation and surprises are terrible. Everything should be predictable and easy for my pea brain to understand
There, now you don’t have to watch it

Is Hornet actually going to be a dyke? I fucking hope not.

because muh majora's mask mods

sorry I don't play zeldashit

Get good? Markoth is one of the bosses that really dicks over players that don’t like to use damaging spells. Not using abyss shriek whenever you get the chance on him will really cripple you

I don't know what you guys are at, HK was just fine.

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Bitch-ass motherfucker won't even play La Mulana.

Attached: mulbruk.gif (118x129, 22K)

More importantly, what the fuck was this thing?

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I'm sorry what exactly is the problem with the reward just being more fun shit to do?

Some have therized that it's a coffin for Herrah's husband.

You shouldn’t. He’s just some asshole with a sexy accent who’s intentionally contrarian so he can get views

>implying you need consent from a fucking bug

How do I beat all pantheons with all bindings? I haven't even done the fifth one, but I want to be completionist, help.

I got 7 hours in the game total, mostly from just trying to start this game over and over again since its launch. but I always just lose interest and absolutely hate the browser flash game look. I just cant get over it. maybe this game just isnt for me

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Remind me where this was.

Metroidvania that are more metroid than castlevania suck.

I just had the coolest idea guys

At the end of Silksong after you beat the final boss, you have the ability to travel back to Hallownest to take down an alternate final boss, The Knight. You destroy him and banish the void corruption back into the abyss

In the Beast’s Den in Deepnest

why WOULDN'T you?

Pretty much this. His complaints are either straight whining about it not being as much of a power fantasy as he wants, or preference like him not liking games that challenge consistency at areas (Soul Sanctum shouldn't have a bench), or shit taste like disliking that the game allows you to mess up. All over he's very non-specific in his criticisms. E.g. when talking about the punishment for death he just says it's bad and then compares it to if you lost your missiles when you died in Metroid - you need those to navigate the world and kill the bosses / certain enemies, while geo is superficial in HK, so it doesn't work as a direct comparison and even if he did that would be a simple appeal to common sense instead of explaining/demonstrating why HK's death system is bad (I agree that it is ftr).

Oh, right, I did that area quick because it's fucking spooky. Talking to Hornet there was nice though.

At least we won't have to deal with an influx of shitty opinions in the 3 La-Mulana threads a year.

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Isn't that the clown who's been making that nauseating texture pack? Oh, yeah, he's also a last jedi apologist.

I don't recall it even having anything remotely scary besides deepnest, which honestly could get pretty fucking terrifying at times

Unfortunately hollow niggers turn every thread discussing a metroidvania that isnt hollow knight into a shitposting thread.

Isn’t this the same dude who said TLJ is good?

I never understood the appeal of Hollow Knight. Who wants to play a Metroidvania without the best part of Metroidvanias (collecting upgrades and gear and becoming an unstoppable god by the end of the game)?

Deepnest was fine with other music, and those creepy fuckers who reanimate the dead bodies is something I saw coming. Nosk however scared the shit out of me, also the Royal Waterways was way spookier for me. Also the fucking long bitch in the stag station jumpscared me, what a cunt.

>Bro, why do you want to play a game with tight controls and fun bosses that are challenging? I just can't figure it out.

That is most certainly not the best part of Metroidvanias
And you get pretty fucking strong by the end of Hollow Knight too
the sanic spiders that were a part of the foreground and not actual enemies scared the fuck out of me

There's plenty of handsome bug men, user.

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>not enough rewards
Is this guy high? HK is literally fucking drizzled with rewards.

He's comparing every game to Super Metroid you autists. That's the metric.

I loved the challenge of hollow knight. Both in terms of gameplay and exploration. It's been so long since I felt like I was truly going on an adventure, exploring the seemingly endless depths of a new world like HK made me feel. I didn't look up any guides, I faced the world with nothing but my own skill and wits. Did it take a long time? Sure, but I loved every minute of it. Instantly one of my favorite games of all time.

I honestly pity people with so little willpower or patients that they can't handle anything that doesn't hold their hand and treat them like a baby.

I don't play Metroidvanias for a challenge, I play them to see just how hard I can break them. Hollow Knight utterly fails at giving the players those kinds of options out of some misguided desire to be "hardcore".
>tight controls
That's a pretty basic fucking bar to pass and not something worth praising. It's not like it's even hard to have "tight controls" in a game with basically no physics to speak of. Your character's movements are literally just directly mapped to your control inputs. Revolutionary.

>Actually managed to lose his money in Hollow Knight
This guy must be an IGN reviewer or something. Not watching the rest of the video.

barebones flash game for secondaries that started calling themselves geeks and gamers after dark souls got big

Yea Forums is a contrarian hellhole. Also there's a good chance a good amount of the people that shit on it in threads didn't actually play the game or are just way exaggerating how much they dislike it for (you)s and because people enjoy being mad.

Seems like the kind of guy who'd get instantly filtered by Dark Souls.

In fact, his opinions mirror 1:1 all those critics back in 2011.
And faggots here say HK isn't a blatant soulsclone.

Feels great when I got best of both worlds because I was playing the game while a friend who had already played watched, so I had a comfy time, but also I rarely relied on him for stuff and I explored the game at my own pace and rhythm. I feel like I had the best way to experience this game, but that might be my own bias.

>It's not like it's even hard to have "tight controls" in a game with basically no physics to speak of.
Then why doesn't everyone just do this, instead of ruining their games with clunky animation locks and inertia? The more snappy and direct a game controls, the better. It's not something unique to Hollow Knight, but the game still deserves recognition for not falling into the same sorts of pitfalls everyone else did. Including Super Metroid, because that game is sluggish as hell and controls like absolute shit.

If I press left, my character should go left. If I press right, my character should go right. If I press jump, they should jump. No long turning around animations or gradual slowdown.

>It's bad because it's challenging
I don't give a fuck what you came for, because the game isn't that. Exploring the game, and fighting bosses is a good time, and it treats those aspects very well. A game is not bad because you're not overpowered to hell and back. You're fine to like those things, but to say Hollow Knight should've been that is completely retarded.

>A game is not bad because you're not overpowered to hell and back.
Yes it is. If you want a challenge, then gimp yourself. Don't deprive everyone else of fun by eliminating one of the core concepts of a video game (the growth of your character).

>How many times have you replayed it Yea Forums?
Once. Played it before the DLCs and got filtered by radiance after like 30 hours. Played recently with everything and got filtered by absolute radiance after like 100 hours.

Did this fag even reach the Radiance?

>I don't play Metroidvanias for a challenge, I play them to see just how hard I can break them.

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shut up nigger

>Game is hard game is bad
You sound like drooling retard. Play a game with cheat codes, that seems to be up your alley. I'm the type of mother fucker that never plays on hard mode, but the challenge of Hollow Knight felt fair and fun. I had a good time learning to fight the bosses. Their aesthetic combined with the combat makes for such a visually exciting and fun game. Gimping yourself is retarded, and makes things stupid. The bindings are for that, and I hate them. You sound like you got filtered by the first boss and then cried about it online. Stick to only Mario games, clearly you can't handle anything else.

Hollow Knight has character growth.
If you don't want a challenge, then use cheats. Don't deprive everyone else of fun by eliminating one of the core concepts of a video game (engaging gameplay).

But the MC does get stronger as the game goes on? You get extra movement options, more spells and pins that allow your nail to change and do different things

Yeah I agree with what he said. HK needed a goddamn hint system for at least the main story. I don't give a fuck what you autists say, that would improve the game a ton.

Some of the levels are atrocious to get lost into and that's what made me stop playing the game.

Ahh yes, a video game commentator with "refined tastes". Clearly his opinions are objectively superior to that of the plebeian masses. Remember to always listen to the critics and not the actual audience.

Please don't tell me you guys played with a keyboard.

Stop trying so hard newfag

Are you retarded?
Cornifer's first two maps lead you to the boss.
The Greenpath sign at the start tells you it leads to the city.
Quirrel tells you to go the city.
Hornet goes to the city.
If you stumble upon the dreamers they LITERALLY mark your map of where the dreamers are located.
There are signposts fucking everywhere telling you where shit is.
Talking Elderbug will give you hints of areas you could go to.

Are you all fucking retarded? Add in the map pins and HK is filled to the brim with directions. What the actual fuck is going on?

>he complains about falling down into deep nest

small brain

It really doesn't. I don't get what's so hard for people to understand about the fact that you need to explore in a genre that's all about exploring.

All of that is pointless without a precise mission marker. You can't expect people to pay attention to obscure clues and flowery gibberish.

Just follow points of interest retard. Hornet is a prominent point of interest in the start and she leads you directly into the City.

From there any direction you take will essentially progress the game. Even if you find the Dream Nail last, it'll still be fine.

>got my friend to play the game right after I beat it
>he could only use a laptop keyboard because poorfag while I used a controller
>he somehow beat the entire game including godmaster twice as fast as I did

Attached: 1554822527175.jpg (479x558, 65K)

keep in mind he complains about the mantis lords' entrance too, and talks about them as if they were the same
I think it's possible he hasn't even played the game

Yes? I've always played everything with a KB.

I use a controller for 2D games because I'm used to the D-pad, but I can't see why a keyboard would be any worse for platformers like this

Oh drones, I get it. Because bugs.

Git gud :)

This, but also I'm glad I had the brains to make Deepnest literally the last location I went to, despite unlocking it extremely early game. Being trapped in Deepnest early would've given me a mental breakdown.
>He doesn't explore as much as he can but instead tries to beat the game as fast as possible
I literally never understood this mindset. The most cryptic shit was finding tree mommy so you can get a piece of the Kingsoul, and then heading back to The Abyss once you got everything. But just explore dude.
Holy fuck, are you my friend? He introduced me and some other friends to Hollow Knight, one of them just played with a keyboard and despite giving less of a shit about the game than my friend who was a massive fan, he still managed to beat the game quicker than all of us, and doing everything as well.
Keyboard is so bad for this game, and insanely awkward. Controller is far more comfortable.

Nice so I see you used a walk through, congratulations.

I don't even recall the name of those characters nor I have any desire to.

Are you an actual peabrain? HK is barely obtuse.

>it's all about exploring
No seriously, eat a dick if you think Hollow Knight is fun to explore. Especially those long vertical levels

The video showed some of them.

>I don't even recall the name of those characters nor I have any desire to.
Okay so then why would play a game your clearly don't give a shit about?

I played it with keyboard and mouse and it felt much better than using my controller.

It is fun to explore though. Sorry you don't like it but maybe don't play games that are all about it next time? I mean I typically avoid FPSes because I'm not really into the gameplay yet I don't bitch about the newest COD having too much shooting or something.

You can spend 100 hours walking around Hollownest without wasting time just by enjoying the gorgeous music and nostalgic scenery.

Attached: 1564351468761.gif (600x331, 2.28M)

This, I had significantly more fun exploring Skyrim.

But it is, don't tell me you never had the tracker charm equipped.
Odd to me, I could never platform with the keyboard, or hell even properly fight with it. Try to slash in different directions while moving would've been hell with keyboard.

>and mouse

Attached: 1481696495298.png (288x242, 136K)

I'm afraid you don't like exploring. You just like taking walks.

>all challenge in a game should derive from the player's self-imposed restrictions
This is casual talk. A game shouldn't give everyone an easy ride and then tell you to gimp yourself in order to provide a challenge.

Nice onions bait.

Use cheats if you want an easy run

Hollow Knight has little worth exploring.

What were some of you're beginner experiences that you remember because you were a dumbass? One of them for me was getting the mantis claw and trying to wall jump from wall to wall instead of just scaling a singular wall.

>dude why go walk 2 hours through the mountains if there is no fast food place nearby? We found a waterfall... so fucking what?????
Again, you just like taking walks.

>Jew girl who takes your money and runs
Was pretty funny.

Nerrel's a numbskull who can't move past his first impression of things. His Mana review was absolutely awful.

I got bored around the part where you have to fight the mantis lords, just wasn't feeling it sadly

He has 110k subs though, so his opinion is worth more than yours by default.

>fall into deepnest early
>die and lose a bunch of geo
>too spooked to go back there and recover my stuff
>basically stay as far away as i could from that part of the map until i was forced to go there

Attached: 1557263463450.png (750x500, 752K)

>I need some popular youtuber to tell me what to like and think!
Reddit is the other way, fuckwit. Now run along

I backtracked a lot more then I needed to and I grinded up for the bug lamp thing

This. It's why I never make any decisions of my own without checking Pewdiepie's opinion first.

>try steelsoul run
>discover early deepnest
What a ride

Attached: gpTdtZse_400x400.jpg (391x391, 19K)

What the fuck is wrong with this guy.

>Why doesn't the game constantly reward me with powerups!
Not to mention, the gam does reward you with power ups (charms).

Just a reminder this is the same guy that forced players to keep a mouse button clicked for several hours throw a literal movie in order to complete a puzzle

Beat PoH with a keyboard on a laptop, nigger. Lick my asshole for all I care

Let's hope Team Cherry don't listen to retards like these.

Hey I was ready to hate this guy but he shilled Axiom Verge so he's ok in my book

I think there's no need to worry, all the DLCs for HK added more hardcore content, with godmaster even going a bit too far in my opinion

They clearly do listen to the wrong people. Otherwise the second game wouldn't have the stronk femail protagonist meme.

You just posted cringe bro

holy shit

That was so fucking stupid. What the shit is this guy trying to achieve?

He's just autistic. Like actually.