Did warhammer ruin the Total war franchise?
Did warhammer ruin the Total war franchise?
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No, it saved it.
if by ruined you mean saved, yes
it was ruined when it was bought by Creative assembly. Warhammer is just raping a corpse at this point.
I mean Sega not creative assembly.
Yep, have not played three kingdoms yet but so much of the companies resources are tied into selling this shitty monster battle game. I miss the based historical titles. .
No, I dislike warhammer but any features it has or will add will be restricted to a fantastical setting so we won't see the pope raise the dead or anything like that. The only lasting effect warhammer will have on the series is that fantasy will be open for exploration in the future.
TL;DR No it's not ruined
hopeful mount and blade takes over this niche with its new war engine. Though there needs to be a top down mode for it to be more user freindly.
Saved it. History faggots can eat Roman dick.
Hero units, focus on fantasy over historical battles. Removal of formations, naval combat, etc.
Kill yourself sub human history faggot.
Mount and Blade is a fantasy game you fucking mouth breathing retard.
No but no competition is ruining it. They make small incremental jumps that a game like 3K seems like a massive leap just for heaving better diplomacy than Attila/Warhammer.
Naval combat fucking sucked in Shogun 2 and Rome 2. Its the same shit as sieges, its never been good but people dump on Warhammer's version or lack of it
In pretty every single TW game, if you attack a walled settlement you won if you got the walls. Its basically unchanged except they half-assed even what we had with awful unit positioning on walls, monsters can't destroy walls, and a severe lack of good siege maps or battle maps in general
No, Creative Assembly was dead before that, see the shitshow that was Rome 2
It ruined the fanbase/threads however.
three kingdoms had formations and a historical mode
didnt save the game from being shit though
I really don't think we need to worry about hero units in the future, I doubt William the conqueror or Genghis Khan will be single handedly killing millions of people at a time. Formations are in 3k and confirmed for Troy, as for naval battles that is the only feature I think it gone for good. Fantasy stuff will likely stay in there own containment corner while the features we have come to expect will likely make a return in future mainline releases.
fuck off zoomer. Warhammer fantasy sucks so bad that not even games workshop cares about it.
The series peeked with Shogun 2 total war. Its been downhill since then.
GW is bringing it back because of Total Warhammer's success.
Its still a garbge setting. Its just edgy lord of the rings.
you mean life support
>Its just edgy lord of the rings.
Imao the only simmilarity is that elves lives on the west
Nope much more than that. GW are so fucken creatively bankrupt. I pity any adult that are still interested in 40k or Fantasy.
>Nope much more than that.
Then enlight us all
it lets me play as egyptian skeletons and vampirates and lizard spacemen so I like it, I wish CA would get their shit together and fix the massive amount of bugs
Its so annoying, 40k has the coolest setting and factions yet 90% of its games suck ass while Fantasy gets all the good shit (its still a good setting but inferior to 40k).
More quality 40k games when?
Age of Sigmar is more original than Fantasy and a much better setting.
>Its so annoying, 40k has the coolest setting and factions
>More quality 40k games when?
You get what you deserved
Dawn of War 1 & 2 are great, I wish they would make a 40k Total War game though.
You got the high elves and the wood elves....but EDGY GRIM DARK!!!
You got the proud stubborn dwarves who hate Elves BUT EDGY GRIM DARK!!!!
You got the corruptable men BUT EDGY GRIM DARKKK!!!
Warhammer takes most of its aspects from Tolkein but just makes them Edgy. In fairness most shitty fantasy writers do similar things. Its a pretty shitty genre because there are so few original writers.
No it has prolonged the life of the series and actually demanded CA put in some effort into units. I seriously doubt the series will have a good future post WH3 though. I'm 90% sure we're going to see Medieval 3 as the game after WH3 and they will fuck it up bad.
>gets all the good games
lol dude fantasy only got 3 good games compared to the small mountain 40k has. Just wait and be patient bro 40k will get their chance to shine.
I accept your concession
>You got the high elves and the wood elves....
>You got the proud stubborn dwarves who hate Elves
1) Tolkien dwarves didn't hate elves, they just don't trust them
Tolkien dwarves are jews (literally), Warhammer dwarves are scots
>You got the corruptable men
>Warhammer takes most of its aspects from Tolkein
Warhammer takes most of its aspects from Moorcock who built his multiverse on Tolkien and Hovard deconstruction.
>there are so few original writers.
And you don't even known them
I adore it even if i have complaints.
Yeah fantasy gets less games but they are overall much higher quality, 40k gets a lot of games but they are mostly low budget trash. What was the last decent 40k game we got? Mechanicus? Deathwing (really stretching it here)?
It was so good that it made every previous and subsequent historical title pale in comparison.
>More quality 40k games when?
Never since GW believes it's gamedevs should pay for 40k license
Thanks for further proving my point
You mean like the Gotrek and Felix series or the mary and marty sue series? yuck I have better things to write. Deconstruction is still unoriginal. How are the Dwarves in Warhammer Scots? They speak with a scottish accent? Thats literally it. Nothing about their culture is scottish. They are still the same expert craftsmen and miners as they have always been since Tolkein.
Zoomers dont like well balanced games like pic related. They need their big monsters to stay interested. Children are the worst gamers.
>Warhammer dwarves are scots
They aren't, they're based on Yorkshire. Hence the Yorkshire accents.
Also WH2 is fun but the series has been going downhill since RTW.
this but only for the historical games
>You mean like the Gotrek and Felix series or the mary and marty sue series?
Nope. And btw, Gotrek and Felix are series, which was written by a few writters.
>Deconstruction is still unoriginal.
>How are the Dwarves in Warhammer Scots?
Names. titles and clan structures, aesthetic
>They are still the same expert craftsmen and miners as they have always been since Tolkein.
Which is false, since in Tolkien's legendarium Noldors were the best craftsmen
>They aren't, they're based on Yorkshire.
So scots? Pretty sure York is near the Scotland's border.
>says a fucking weeb
Not really. Yorkshire is in England and they are in fact English.
And its all formulaic trash.
apart from clan names which is a huge stretch since clans have been used by multiable cultures there is nothing scottish about the dwarves. Even their aestetic is pure tolkein fantasy.
And no Dwarves were expert craftsman and miners in LOTR not always the best but they were. As you said they were based on Jewish
The Darkness That Comes Before is the only good fantasy title since Tolkein. Everything else is for emotionally stunded man children.
>Not really. Yorkshire is in England
But near the Scotland
No , it brought the variety it needed but now they just need to improve diplomacy and sieges
dont need to be a weeb to appreciate a superior game.
>And its all formulaic trash.
You mean..?
>apart from clan names
And aesthetic-wise they are also different from all famous depiction of Tolkien (games, movies and cartoons).
>The Darkness That Comes Before is the only good fantasy title since Tolkein. Everything else is for emotionally stunded man children.
Shogun 2 superior to anything only due to mo-cap animation
Not fair to say it peaked when it's been all over the place quality-wise.
For historical games it peaked with Medieval 2
As in the whole warhammer fantasy setting is formulatic trash. The fact that you are blind to this is not my problem.
Nah Shogun is better than Medieval 2. Although Medieval 2 had better mods.
their historical games have been trash for ages and they're obsessed with graphics when the gameplay has been stagnant or even getting worse with newer games
i wish another big company would step into the same genre and take a huge fucking shit on creative assembly
Total War games doesn't even look good to begin with. I'd be happy with Med 2 graphics if it meant larger battles, more complexity etc.
It's literally the second best Total War behind Rome 2
>As in the whole warhammer fantasy setting is formulatic trash.
Just like any other game setting
>The fact that you are blind
>says a guy calls any fantasy steriotypes are Tolkien's rip off
Top kek
only way for larger battles to work is for smarter AI having units under your command be able to make independant decisions. In Attilla units would constantly just come to a stop if one horseman runs into an enemy unit while your trying to flank.
stay mad virgin.
Its the game in the series thats so good theres LITERALLY no reason to play any of the other installments.
Its like Yakuza 0, the only game to play and ever to play. Everything else in the Yakuza series is bad compared to this masterpiece
Can someone explain the sieges suck meme to me?
I played both medieval II & most of the modern ones, do people just complain because they only have to scale one wall only?
>stay mad virgin.
Projecting much?
Any time the AI in any game does decisions for you it's infuriating shouldn't be a thing ever in a strategy game. The Atilla shit and similar stuff is just CA being lazy never bothering to fix shit.
You will play DoW1 for the rest of your life and you will like it!
>Well balanced
>Best unit in the game is the initial peasant spears and will beat 1v1 late game units as long as you press the *I win* stance
I love Shogun 2 but let's not pretended it was well balanced.
It is if the scale is increased. If the scale is increased more than micromanaging huge armies will become difficult. Unless you have unit sizes of like 500 people or something.
Its pretty bad but the series was not really in a very good position before. Rome 2 total war may have been the death of it.
40 units per army and unit sizes of whatever 300-500 would be an improvement. There's not much micro management going on when two armies actually engage in the melee.
I agree for historical but there's a good enough amount of micro for warham just based on the sheer amount of abilities you have between lords, heroes and units(memestacks need not apply).
I seriously doubt we will see any fundamental changes between WH2 and WH3. But yeah historical games needs some love on the scale front.
What I really want to see is being able to have armies with no generals like in Shogun 2 and earlier and get rid of the fucking supply line extra tax shit. I want to be able to leave 4-5 troops in a town to defend it instead of either relying on the garrisons or stationing a fucking general in there forever.
>Fucking Rome 2
Honestly, Warhammer is the only good thing to happen to Total War since FotS
Eh pretty sure samurai units can route Ashigaru even in spear wall stance pretty easily.
Yes, completely and irreparably. Absolute dogshit game.
fots came out after Empire and Napoleon.
Yeah and overall just more depth to armies. Don't know what's its called in English but civilians following armies around performing various duties common in the Thirty Years War. Visual change on units, officers, etc etc. Pretty sad that the series hasn't really evolved much.
Not really the point m8, I'm saying Total War has been a mostly shit series for like a decade now so TWWH hardly 'ruined' it
The Last Roman was pretty good.
1v1 Yari Ashiguaru beat both No-Dachi and Yari Samurai if they're in spear wall. Katana Samurai beat them but take so many loses that it's still not a good engagement cost-wise. Worst part is you can still use the yari wall offensively since you can usually just run them in and activate it once the enemy starts charging you(which they almost always do)
I tested. Was not even close. Ashigaru 1v1 in spear wall were stomped by No-Dachi.
>he fell this hard for the yari meme
Dumbing it down to attract room temperature IQ retards is the exact opposite of saving.
Sieges go one of two ways in TWWH:
>You're the attacker
Huddle your units up on one edge of the map, use your arty to take out enough towers to avoid being harassed, then pick off the enemy at your leisure with wizards, archers and artillery, because the enemy will happily sit atop the walls getting slaughtered and will replace depleted units with fresh ones. When most ammo is expended, breach the wall and pick off stragglers with your infantry and/or monsters.
>You're the defender
Leave a token force on the walls to activate the towers, then clog up the choke points around your victory point with infantry. Let the enemy grind themselves down on your infantry as you pick off units with your artillery, ranged units, and fliers.
It's more fun than Attila's sieges, though.
It's been getting simplified and cut down for over a decade now.
At least Warhammer has faction and army variety.
Thrones and 3K show they are incapable or unwilling to to stop the trend of removing and simplifying stuff until everything is one faction with no city building options.
It was dumbed down long before.
ITT histcucks btfo
I wish CA for once would invest their shitty budget on AI. It doesnt matter what setting they use, if the AI is shit then its not fun. Imagine a general with a cautious trait barely using all his troops at once. Or a general with a cunning trait using nearby trees and hills for ambush and faint tactics and such. As of now the AI in every game uses the same dumbass tactic and it gets boring
Even the most boring setting like the American Civil War could be immensely fun if the AI is good
>People will tell you with a straight face that Warhammer ruined Total War, while Total War: Rome 2 exists.
the factions are kind of unique on the campaign map but the combat still boils down to the same stuff most of the time, fantasy elements should allow them to make the combat more varied
A bad game that didnt change the direction of the series
A bad game that changed the direction of the series.
>40k the superior setting
I bet you haven't even read The Nagash trilogy
>At least Warhammer has faction and army variety.
Too much faction and unit varaity ruins balance.
reading warhammer books is for manchildren.
Yes and?
And I suppose you read mystery novels so you can guess the plot twist long before the exposition confirming just how high your intelligence and maturity levels can be?
no mystery books are for boomers.
that's the fucking definition of saving though
>series doesn't get sales
>devs use a popular IP to draw in a new crowd and add quality of life features that older fans think are casualizing the game
>game sells a lot, enough to justify making 2 sequels
You forgot about the towers having enough range to cover the entire fucking map, forcing the attacker to bum rush all their units without having an option to keep some at a safe distance as a backup
no its the definition of ruining it.
Warhammer unironically saved the series, the nature of the setting and the DLC format has allowed CA to get really experimental and creative with both the turn based and battle modes. I won't say its always succeeded, but a lot of risks have paid off in a massive way (the Kangz and Vampirates unique mechanics, constantly tweaking and retooling the magic system, lessons learnt in asymmetrical balance) and will greatly help and influence the other games moving forward.
Yes and no. I dont want ot thing that anyone plays these TW games for an actual depiction of historic combat, but just something based on the different settings, the problem with WH is that it goes hard into the non realism-obviously-like having units recharge after combat and formations barely mattering as individual unit stats are what matters first and foremost as a single entity tears ass through hundreds of units and battles move at a pace where infantry are able to run as fast as the cavalry as units are lost by the second if in combat.
What I would like to see now is a TW game based on historic fantasy and pantheons. Like having roman legions fighting alongside titans against Samurai who are assisted by kami spirits and shit whilst the forces of the anglosphere dog their borders with paladins working in force with immortal kings and dragons. Go hard.
Weeb game warhammer rapes it
>towers range entire map forcing a rush
>siege equipment less usefull due to monsters and magic ladders
>Siege towers are usefull but take too long to build when you can just rush the walls
>incredibly easy to cheese by picking off defenders with arty and archers on the walls where they should be more protected
>no bonus for defending on the walls (in M2 the towers could shoot units on the wall) meaning there is no point in defending them
>this leads to most defense being in the chokepoint city centre
>cities are way to smal
>can’t have artilery of weapons teams on the walls
>units can still destroy gates with their hand weapons
much better than what was before
only good game in the franchise cuck
Cool, but not everyone has to read Tolstoi or Voltaire all the time. People can enjoy simple things. You fucking elitist.
Was it really?
Why is mp so shit?
> Lmao, enjoy defending 19 chariots
> Lmao, flying units rush
> Lmao, archers with skirmish on
It saved the non-40k part of the Warhammer franchise.
and thats a bad thing
No but the Warhammerfags who joined the fanbase did.
That was Empire.
Total War was never good until they made Warhammer.
this /twg/ is pure cancer now
>40k has the coolest setting and factions
God I wish.
They are making mini rule books for fantasy.
No new sculpts and I doubt said rules are going to be as good as AoS' considering how fucked fantasy has always been in that department.
>I personally don't like the game, therefore the franchise is ruined
>40k has the coolest setting and factions
Just plain wrong
What books would you reccomend someone to read from that genre?
They have promised new armies, new models, new lore and new rules. Whether they are forgeworld resin or plastic is yet to be confirmed but they are opening a second factory to cope.
>tfw you route doomstack after doomstack of ten thousand folded samurai with nothing but peasants with sticks
It's legit the first decent Total War since Shogun 2.
Rome 2 was shit. Emperor edition didn't fix it, like putting glaze on a turd.
Atilla. Rome 2 copy with fishfaced, hunchback troops that looks fucking uncanny as hell. Boring campaign.Uninteresting setting.
Thrones of UK, no one played this game so we don't know how bad it is.
Three Kingdoms, literally only made to milk the Chinese market.
Fucking chad Warhammer enters the stage.
Breaks the mold of only history titles. New record for amount of different units in a TW game. So many races. Big world. Rich lore.
Nah but for real, it did kinda save the franchise. You don't have to like it if you're a history fag. You can be both like me, but imo, history TW hasn't been good since Shogun 2.
Hope like fucking god they'll make an Empire 2 and actually make it good. Would literally blow every other TW game out of the water.
The series? No
The fanbase? Sure
Try the Divide Et Impera mod for rome 2. It pretty much rekindled my love for the series. It reminds me a lot of Stainless Steel for Medieval 2.
It's literally not. Fantasy Battle is the patrician's game. In 40k it's devolved into one army of buzz lightyears versus another and now it's gotten to the point where they had to make the buzz lightyears bigger to get the 40kids to keep buying more.
What are you, stupid? It's their most successful game
total war warhammer fans bought the same game twice and all this fucken dlc. The fan base was certainly ruined.
t.has never played fantasy
fallout 4 was the most successful fallout game. Same logic.
Golden BOI
fallout 4 is the best fallout too, so what's your point?
>Holy Britannia
Was it really that bad? I was always interested in that time period.
>tfw will never have a GOOD tw game based around the age of pike and shot
>tfw will never have a game centered around it at all
Every faction looked and played WAY too similar. Even in the older games the factions had distinct feelings to their armies, in that one it just didnt lend itself to trying other factions and playthroughs. You play one, youve played them all.
no one wants to fight religious wars with WHITE MEN.
Are there any Total War games that let you play the Danes and rape and pillage your way through England?
warhammer total war is the most woke total war title.
>total war was only good x games ago, all the ones after were shit
>warhammer comes out
medieval 2
i think there is a good english civil war mod for med 2
40k is for children and mentally deficient manchildren
Nooooo no different armies, mechancs, units, spells and others I want for the 10th time realistic ching chung pong armies same armies on both sides
yes exactly its the most balanced way. Take your monster battle royale shit elsewhere.
lol the only mentally deficient manchild here is you, your setting is trash, your armies are boring, you have 2 good games and you think your hot shit. fantasy always have and always will take a back seat to 40k because fantasy always was and will be the lesser of the two franchises
youre both children
Enjoy your red super soldier vs blu supersoldier kid
>le balance is all i cares about
kys competitive idiot
>40KUCK talking shit when there hasn't been a good 40K game in over a decade
There was one last year.
its far more interesting. Shogun 2 everyone basically had the same army and it was basically the perfect total war game. FOTS was also based. Warhammer fans are so fucken dumb they buy the same game twice.
I will
*you're, grammer is important sweetie :^)
>Shogun 2 everyone basically had the same army
yeah sounds fun as fuck
may as well have only one fraction in the game
>fantanigger talking shit when his franchise hhas been literally retconned out of existence to be more like 40k
enjoy your new life support mode
New races
New map
Same game
I guess Rome 2 and Attila are the same game as well.
Rome 2 and Attila are basically the same game but there is more difference between them than warhammer 1 and 2. You paid full release price for dlc you dumb cunt.
it is the best game of the series. Zoomies like you need bright colors to keep you interested in whats happening on the screen. Warhammer total war is as deep as a puddle.
>it is the best game of the series.
For me it's Med 2.
This. But honestly? If they added building progressions like in the older games and formations for all, then it would've been even better.
Med 2 has better mods but for base game experience nothing beats Shogun 2.
No. 3K failing despite being the best Total War since Shogun 2 did.
The ONLY redeeming factors the game had were the recruitment system and Siege battles being good. That's literally it.
What do you want to see in Warhammer 3? I hope they rehaul the Diplomacy systems like in 3Chinks. Better buildings would also be appreciated. Building the same shit in every settlement gets tiresome. Add more resources so we can have cities dedicated to different shit like research, food, gold, military etc.
When paradox adds battles is the day total war dies.
Medieval 2, Attila and Thrones of Britbog
im sure that will be right after they fix endgame stability
Thanks for the answers. How bad will Medieval 2 feel after playing Warhammer 2 and 3K? Are there a lot of missing features or QoL?
also independent recruitment and movement without generals.
Pathfinding and charging is broken along with half the unit abilities
Basically every improvement from 3K would be a godsend.
>mobs / general looser infantry feeling less awkward and rigid
>denser formations for appropriate infantry
>more impactful cavalry charges
>actually good diplomacy
>buildings that have any amount of variety to them at all beyond one or two generic eco buildings and a bunch of recruiting requisites
>bringing back fucking minor settlement battles holy shit fighting on empty fields despite defending a settlement is retarded
>bringing back dynamic overworld-based map generation so we're not endlessly playing the same three maps
>music that's actually good
>battles that actually feel dynamic (I don't mind the slow realistic style either but warhammer is fucking lightyears from that)
>sieges that don't suck fucking balls
Between 3K's above average amount of effort for the series and Warhammer's complete fucking lack of detail and soul there's no way I could go back to Warhammer 3 if they just shove out another DLSequel. I can't stick with 3K either because lmao 1faction and it's various other problems, but still.
You have no clue of what you are talking about, warhammer fantasy isn't grim dark in the slightest.
>Barbarian Invasion
>Med 2
Legend of Total War here
Some missing QOL but the combat is pretty much the best in the series, formations actually work how you would expect them to, if pike and shot worked how it did in Med2 it would be a far different game playing WH, and infantry doesnt move at the speed of cavalry like in WH so positioning is actually important since repositioning during a fight in progress can spell distaster.
Get Stainless Steel mod, it rebalances things and brings everyone to a level where they can use actual infantry instead of peasants for a long time.
oh, also formations, but that one's obvious
Full-scale city sieges, fucking hell we literally have the models for the cities in the background that are navigable via camera, why the hell can't we fight in there?
I wonder who still watches his streams and videos? Guy is so boring and he is doing same things over and over again.
because the pathfinding is dogshit, if you've ever played a modded city map it is horrendous
I always use flyers to attack sieges. I rarely lose any units because you can stack all your units on one enemy on the wall.
That's mostly due to lack of real ability to mod it right.
They work fine in literally every other total war game, before and after. Attila, ToB and 3K all have full cities which work fine.
youtube's been pushing his videos ridiculously hard, though
Med: Viking invasion
Rome: barbarian invasion
Med 2
Rome 2
Rome 2: Empire divided
Tilla: Age of charlemagne
I think Thrones of Britannia has something similar
When will M2 newfags understand that Tilla and S2: FotS are the peak TW's?
Middle earth was grim dark before warhammer existed.
What do you mean, the AI can't handle the new modern units since it still uses vanilla shogun 2 AI and spams wooden ships to disrupt your economy.
The only thing FoTS has going for it it's the novelty of the setting and the music.
FotS is still the best gunpowder tw we god
i thought the music was ok in warhammer, though i guess it could have been more varied
Fuck the goddamn minor imperial settlement map
People really hate the idea of surviving doomstacks over doomstacks instead of steamrolling factions even on legendary difficulty for whatever reason. Even if Western Roman Empire is pure CBT, it's by far the most kino campaign in a Total War game by far.
I really liked that in Attila you get a giant empire on the verge of collapse. For me most interesting part of total war games is the early and mid game. The only campaigns I finnished were with Shogun 2 factions and a Western Roman Empire in Attila. In Warhammer I stopped playing around turn 100 everytime I started a new campaign, because at that point the AI is not a threat to me anymore and I won.
TK sucks dick and I WANT to like it -- if Attila received even one fucking patch post-launch it would've been my favorite in the series, but it's woefully abandoned despite having the deepest civ management and the best siege battles
I dont have a computer good enough to run it. Is it really that good?
Attila had so much potential. For me it is straight improvement over failure that was Rome 2 at that time. But bugs and attrocious performance really bother me.
>Even if Western Roman Empire is pure CBT
It's not even hard if you just kill off the fucking emperor with his autism penalty ASAP and secure Hispania / West Africa / Britain properly.
Since was the operative word there. It's not a high bar to pass, and it's definitely not as good as S2. It's the first game that doesn't feel like a lazy cashgrab since but has various problems that make it have limited lasting appeal.
Yeah but early game you're at the mercy of Faction Leader trait RNG.
If you get at least 3 factions with the following traits, you're fucked:
>Hates Rival Empires
>Hates Western Romans
I remember when I was a young lad and play a demo of rome total war from my brothers PC Gamer magazine. It contained the historical battle of lake trasimene and I was hooked on this shit. My 11 year old mind was obssessed. I must have played through that battle 12 times or more. I got the full version for my birthday and played none stop. Seeing the current state of the franchise makes me sad. Bring back the history.
This game looks disgusting compared to Warhammer.
>Warhammer is all style over substance
>Rome 2 was a huge failure
>Medieval 2, Shogun 2 and Atilla were the best
The best Total War game since Shogun 2. Has more concurrent players than any other game and that says a lot.
that people in general have bad taste?
That people doesn't like strategy and tactical games?
At least I hope we'll get the Dogs of War in the 3rd game.
lmao cope
>select 20 units
>click enemy
>hero kills half army
These, plus stuff like Dogs of War and other mercenaries for very quick conscription. Also Chaos Factions overhauls. Give Warriors and Beastmen settlement structures in specific places on the map to not make them die out instantly. Also further expand the monster hunting mechanics further with addition of regular hunts for small bonuses and crafting items from grey to blue (so in other words it would be full Monster Hunter, but Warhammer Fantasy) and add commandments to them.
Most people like simple things.
I enjoy ToB more than R2
>Did warhammer ruin the Total war franchise?
One step backward each new game
we're not talking about three kingdoms
you can blame your space marines for ruining everything
it just needs fucking formations and i'll absolutely love it.
Yeah, fuck those fantasytards, now everywhere you go you can't talk about historical without this autists complaining how the pope won't be able to summon Jesus in Med III or someshit like that
>Heroes are op in a transposition of romance of 3k
No shit dude. Its totally justified by the game itself. Also you can play the game like a normal tw if you want, there is a choice in the beginning of the game.
Nah. Oversimplified stuff is not good. In case of Warhammer they should've gone with adding formations for everyone and not simplifying settlement building progressions. Hence why I am using the ultra urbanization mod. Pity it only affects province capitals only and not also minor settlements.
As much as I like Med, I'd love to see more Empire. With extra colonialism and colonizing.
Would rather we gotten LoTR tbhq. Atleast there I can play as Rohirrim chads
>never played a game on new engine as I couldn't get into them and ran like garbo
>finally get warhammer for cheap after getting new cpu and installing on ssd, runs fine now
>blast through a long orc campaign in a few days
Downloaded WHII now and fuck me there's a lot of options in the large campaign, how are the Skaven?
good and fun with the DLCs
bad and boring without the DLCs
avoid pestilens and rictus campaigns at all cost
Still waiting for Moulder, Throt and literal Frankenstein armies.
Do people actually doomstack? It’s such a scummy way to play the game and takes all the fun out of battles.
its how you win loser.
No, i play as Bretonnia and use the broken heroes and lord to win my battles for me.
Bunch of salty histcucks everywhere on Yea Forums. Accept that we are superior and take your sloppy seconds.
2023-2024 will probably be total war warhammer 40k
>takes all the fun out of battles
confirmed for not having actually used a doomstack. there is nothing more satisfying than smashing thousands of rat-fucks with a doomstack of Dread Saurians, two Saurus Scar Veterans on Carnosaurs, led by Kroq-Gar on Grymloq, all backed up by a Life Slann mage and Lord Kroak.
What's wrong with pestilens and rictus?
pestilens start in lustria with is 100% forests, skaven rely heavily on missile units and artillery
rictus has a shitty gimmick of getting minor buffs after breaking treaties and you exclusively fight dark elves or high elves if you decide to go to ulthuan
this is the state of total war, fuck me dead.
I downloaded the thing with all the dlc because I didn't feel like paying like 90 bucks for one game, I'll see how next sale goes
Thanks I'll check the leaders out
>It's more fun than Attila's sieges, though.
I see you never stormed a city with dogs