Immortality bad

immortality bad

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ive been alive for 24 years and it sucks, can you imagine living forever?

But I don't wanna die...

without death there is no reason to live.
why get up today when theres always tommorow, etc...

>Ruling bodies will destroy the world because they don't care about anything except maintaining their own power, and when the signs start showing up that they are the cause of the end, they will start stamping out the little people and pretending that their victims are the problem instead

Miyazaki has written the same story in every game he's been a part of. He's not even slightly wrong, but you can pretty much summarize any game with his name stamped on it with this exact template.

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Okay but imagine if you weren't sad lonely virgins and you actually had a good life, you probably wouldn't want to die then

Immortality bad
>yoko taro
Robot lives matter
*plot twist* I am very smart :)

Someone add more directors

Stop playing japanese games.
>fun bad (TLoU)
Still better than
>game bad (Death Stranding)

That doesn't sound much like Bloodborne's plot.


Well, if you were suddenly immortal I can think of a lot of things to do that you otherwise can't.

His games are not related to class. It's more related to human nature, our flaws and it's consequences.

To a hammer, everything's a nail.

Apply this notion, in your own words of course, to Sekiro and Bloodborne. I'd like to read your dense take on this.

This game isn't actually made by me, I'm just credited for marketing reasons

In the span of your lifetime you'll notice behavior patterns that suck the joy out of things. The magic will be gone. Over an eternity you'll just go mad or extremely bitter.

This makes no sense. Here's the actual trope
>mankind tries to achieve godhood but instead it is cursed for its arrogance. you must now defeat god to remove the curse


Shinji Mikami goes well with that too

Flawed logic. If the only reason you continue to live is life's transient nature then you might as well just kill yourself now.

>Church of Yharnam ignores the Byrgenwerth adage and decide to experiment with the Old Blood recklessly. The entire city grows in population and productivity and wealth to the point where no city can compare, supposed immortality is an easily accessed thing, and otherworldly knowledge is ripe for the studying
>Suddenly they realize their folly has resulted in huge swathes of the population transforming into beasts
>Most of the leadership have also transformed into beasts, but instead of simply saying "Stop drinking this fucking blood", they opt to instead form a massive cadre of hunters, who massacre the beasts and become drunk on bloodshed and carnage
>Population continues to worship their communion and communication with the Old Ones and the church maintains its grip through the use of the Hunters, most of the population is blind to what is causing this, and the bloodmoon being obfuscated by Rom is only a patch to an inevitably apocalyptic problem

There are plenty of greater elements and themes at play here, but it's the same exact thing. Sekiro I have yet to finish (got walled at Juzo and got mad, so I need to revisit), so I'll reserve my statements on that matter entirely.

I'm not denying that, but I can definitely say that pretty much every game he produces has this message interspersed in there somewhere.

I would do anything for immortality and eternal youth. I hate life, but at the same time it's great cooming and coonsuming. With immortality and eternal youth I could create more and more.


That isn't relevant in Last Raven, 4, or For Answer (even though you could make a case for it being the corporations' fault), Dark Souls 1, or Deracine.

im a nihilist, so that practically is my philosophy, but id rather just let natural causes kill me.

That does not apply to Dark Souls though.

Shit user I didn't mean every single game. But it is a trope for him. Annoyingly so, because he already did the best version of it in BB and he should stop

Not to the main story, but it does apply to some of the characters/locations

My point is his autism about the threat of the Powers That Be and their willingness to crush the weak when they know they are the problem echoes in every single game he has a direct input on. It's relevant in every Dark Souls except for 2 (where he was just a supervisor), it's the literal backdrop of events for Bloodborne, and while it's subtle, I can reach to an unhealthy degree and say that King Allant knew he fucked up royally when he contacted God, but rather than simply leaving its innards and telling it that it shouldn't have been bothered with, he opted to indulge in magical powers and summon demons into the world alongside soul magic. The "problem" then becomes the random brainless demons smashing people rather than the fucking monstrous God he summoned into the world.

Absolutely patrician. Goes to show that even the smallest of brains can be based. Fuck fart sniffing retards with no ambition that think getting to live forever is some kind of hell.

Tangentially. It ain't the core of it at all.
The true core is our incapacity to accept the inevitable end.
In Bloodborne by the cure through blood.
In Dark Souls by Relinking the Flame.
In Demon Souls through pacts with Demons.
In Sekiro with corrupted immortality.

They were all means to extend what should be dead and the consequences of their choices is for player to deal with and put a stop so the natural order may be reestablished.