Played some Melty Blood with my friend and I beat his C Akiha Seifuku with my C Neco Arc Chaos. Pretty embarrassing for him. He also can't seem to grasp the concept that a character being able to win neutral more easily makes them a better character. He thinks "combo potential" makes a character better. I kept trying to remind him that combos don't mean anything unless you can win neutral but he didn't seem to understand.
How do I tell my friend he's bad at games?
You don't, enjoy the time spent with friends because one day you'll be too grown to "hang" with each other and you'll wonder why you ever let petty shit like this get between you.
Suck his cock
Tell him if he beats you you'll suck his cock
better off not saying anything most people cant handle finding out they suck at games
Whats your friend's name, is he cute? He doesn't need a loser like you.
If he keeps at it, he will learn himself. Also, there are a lot of people who already know they are only average/sorta shit, but doesn't stop them from enjoying themselves or to keep trying.
just play the game and enjoy your friends' company you tard
You're bad at fighting games if you play Melty. People only play dead games like Melty because nobody good plays them
Yeah, I believe that he will eventually improve. I just got irritated by how much he downplays the importance of neutral and how much he overestimates the importance of combos. Thing his, I'm pretty sure he has more hours in Melty Blood than I have, but we both play a shit ton of the game.
>Melty Blood with my friend and I beat his C Akiha Seifuku with my C Neco Arc Chaos
In english, dumbass
I play Melty simply because I think it's a lot of fun. But yes, I would say the Melty community as a whole isn't very good at its own game.
You would understand what that means if you play Melty Blood.
You're right. I have another friend who's obviously pretty autistic, and while he's super intelligent, he can be a straight up asshole about it sometimes. It rubs off on me a bit so my other friends have to suffer. This shit reminds me of how nasty some of my friendships in high school got because of petty shit
tell him if you lose you suck his cock and suck his ass.
Play a better fighter retard.
Lots of anons spitting truth. Try not to be too arrogant about it, just maybe drop tidbits about the importance of nuetral and such. At the end of the day if he doesnt wanna improve thats on him. Id just call him out if he trys to downplay you. My old friend would try and downplay me but id just beat him and not say shit, some people just seethe while you stay humble and if they still seethe then thats on them.
More like ZZZZ-Sei.
Just enjoy his company and play games with him. Be glad you have someone to casually play Melty with to begin with.
True but i like melty so i keep playing it. Even after all these years. F-powered Ciel represent
Pseudo melty thread
What do all you faggots play as.
suck his dick i think