What are you guys mad about this time?
Baldur's Gate 3
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Divinity Original Sin 3
I can't see my forehead
I'm mad that the githyanki are playable, despite the fact that they're stupid and evil. Githzerai are much better.
Will it have waifus?
Best case scenario
I'm fine with that.
It seems to have nothing in common with Baldur's Gate I or II other than the city of Baldur's Gate.
Yes. There's a trio of tabaxi Assassin Rogue / Way of Shadow Monk multiclass sisters pretending to be the same ninja that you can marry.
No pre-rendered backgrounds no buy.
I mean baldurs gate II doesn't actually have baldur's gate in it either.
Right. It was in Amn.
The game its not rtwp so its automatically better
this, i love original sin, but, i want a baldurs gate game
It seems that the game will be the best.
don't get me wrong, im a huge DOS1/2 fan, but honestly the game seems like Divinity Original Sin 2.5 with a baldur's gate skin over it.
>Watched the 1 hour demo
>Looks like DOS3
Pleasantly surprised, I was scared that they were going to give in to the 5 neckbeards that basically want the exact same game as 20 years ago with zero changes. This is basically all the greatness of DOS gameplay in a much better setting, I'm optimistic.
>no vorpal sword
Githyanki like going on dangerous quests to get back their swords, though.
Do you know what is alpha version?
It's Original Sin 2.5 instead of a D&D or even BG game. Just a lazy cashgrab sadly.
A term that became meaningless in the past decade because everyone uses it to showcase games that are well past the alpha stage?
>"This is just an alpha! You can't criticize it yet. Don't you dumb asses know what alpha means?"
>change font in some menu and release
>DOS artstyle
>biowhore-like convos with VA and possibly janky animation (might get fixed, who knows)
>Verylikely DOS writing and shitty cheeky humour
>Maps we've seen feel cramped
At least it's turn based.
*I laugh at user for thinking this is good writing*
And that's a fucking shame.
I'm scared shitless it will devolve into dos tongue in cheek or a the typical Bioware sarcastic mc.
Jesus just bring in Avellone or Ziets.
In a word, no.
Beamdog tried. Tried being the operative word.
>my face when all CC spells are removed because zoomers want to be able to walk through their own Web spells and cant so instead they are going to replace them with ranged weapon abilities like Pinning Shot from brainlet-tier srpgs.
It's going to be shit fellas. *throws shoe for damage than a mace can do*
Pinning shot was a skill in DOS2 and that shit had plenty of variety in spells and skills, I wouldn't worry. The throw thing I actually think it's kind of cool that you can throw anything.
What issue do you take with ^0xXx^9Shadow_Heart_^7Sephiroth_^3Supersaiyajin^0xXx, user?
No but it had the same protagonist, which is a reason you would make a sequel in any game for.
How would you make a sequel to a finished story with the same protagonist?
Improvised weapons are a thing in 5e, though.
>Pinning shot was an ability in divos2
Yea, that's kinda my point. It's definitely not in D&D.
>improvised weapon means you can throw your boots and do more damage than a mace
I don't know if that's how that works.
More like Divinity: Andromeda's gate lmao.
The Dark Alliance games had Baldur's Gate in common as well.
5e is fucking boring.
Past tense in dialogue.
That shit needs to go.
>The writing shwon in the demo was fine
I legit don't like the *I drew my blade then, knowing what to do.*
The mind flayer looks like an African
You don't like the inner monologue?
Lovecraft is that you?
Looks like shit, buggy demo, terrible enemy AI, poorly implemented RNG/dice rolling. I can't wait to see what a shit show the early access gameplay will look like.
Yeah, I really don't. I know it's subjective but I'm already tired of it after just the first gameplay. I get why they're doing it but it's not for me.
>that embarrassing picture
yep, that's a nice, deep cringe from me.
beamdog is crying and nothing is sweeter.
If he knows what a Githyanki is based on the first option, wouldn't he know the answer to the second option. Or is this a schrondinger thing where your supposed knowledge doesn't become reality until you select an option.
>montaron is smiling like he just ate a nice piece of pie
That's not Montaron.
Dilate tranny
Would you?
Jaheira is cute, but completely different style. Shit renditions, all in all.
I think it's meant to be an establishing character moment. Is your dude knowledgeable about the outer planes and their denizens, or do they need that shit explained? Conversely, it's asking "do you know everything about this setting, or do you want the Cliffs notes?"
Githyanki use magical silver greatswords.
>fucking an orc
not even once
>Ray Romanos wife from that sit-com
That you know what Tigers are, does not mean you know what they hunt most often.
>no Faldorn, Kagain, Quayle and Yeslik
>Minsc uses second game portrait
Ryouko is lazy. Lazy!
uh... isn't that a gith?
>5e is fucking boring
Funny how people are fine with 2e in the first two games, especially because 5e is the most similar edition to 2e
Yes? Why do you think she spends her time thinking about monster food instead of practicing with swords?
Not gonna lie, I would. I think people will quickly get used to her looks.
I'm angry that every level 1 shmuck in your party starts with high class armor and clothes.
They're in the second part, but anons don't want it posted.
The armor designs are soulless.
Full VO means the writing will be limited and the quality of the VO will be much lower overall.
The writing has been poor so far and th e *** tumblrspeak is offputting.
Does anyone have a screenshot of the character menu opened with all four characters in the party and their stats. I remembering seeing it but I can't find the right video or the right part in it.
Well, most armor isn't super-expensive in 5e anyhow, and a lot of backgrounds include nice clothes of some variety. Plate mail is the exception, but maybe Larian thinks that having the best armor type for STR characters cost twenty times as much as the starting armor for a two AC increase is silly.
It also wasn't claiming to be the next game in the series.
I want to kiss that alien.
> especially because 5e is the most similar edition to 2e
So which youtube influencer did you get this from?
Don't do it, user, it's a trap.
You're positing that 3rd/3.5 or 4e were more similar?
>for a two AC increase is silly.
It's almost like D&D is a roleplaying game and prices are supposed to reflect flavor not mechanics.
Are all D&D games or turn-based games going to be called Original Sin clones now? For people that keep calling TBfags zoomers, it's funny how you associate tabletop gameplay with a late 2010s game series.
Honestly, 4e is probably the most similar to 2e, if only because it's the only one since without a la carte multiclassing.
It's more to do with the graphics, ui, animations, low quality full VO, and artstyle. It literally looks like a divinity OS fan mod.
The gameplay demo basically looked straight out of Fort Joy. Doesn't help that the UI isn't done so they just used DOS2s.
>The devs are learning and used original sin as a basis for the game.
>It's in early access and shit's bound to change
>Imagine seathing this hard over it.
Jesus christ you faggots will get mad over anything.
Personally I'm quite excited for it, the RTWP was necessary for making the game apply to a bigger audience, but it's not DND... this however.. is dnd.
>Are all D&D games or turn-based games going to be called Original Sin clones now?
No? This game is an Original Sin clone because it's literally just fucking DivOS2 cut and pasted and then glossed over with some surface detail and with some of the UI words changed to match D&D terminology. It literally is a clone of Original Sin 2.
I'm glad Larian is making it
They're the only developer in business these days that can make a proper RPG
Not 4th that's for sure, but 3rd is definitely closer.
Everyone parrots the "lel it's just like AD&D because it's simple" line, not realizing that it was autisticly detailed. The damn game had rules down to the specific level you should be getting land or getting your proper class name. Not to mention the fact that the basic gameplay differences are night/day different. 5e handles the player with kid gloves, AD&D will kill you happily on the first fight, no fucking rez either. 5e is balanced around classes, AD&D is balanced around flavor. Wizards are powerful because that makes sense, that's the only reason it needs.
>the RTWP was necessary for making the game apply to a bigger audience
Fucking what
It looks nothing like DOS besides the UI which is obviously placeholder.
>They're the only developer in business these days that can make a proper RPG
How far we've fallen.
Given the time frame when the game was released, they wanted a game with combat speed on par with Diablo... so I mean, it makes sense.
You have clearly not played tabletop DnD if you think otherwise. 5e is just a streamlined 2e, and also way more balanced.
4e is the most different edition of them all, what are you on about? Most hated it because it was too different (though there are alot of other reasons too)
4e had multiclassing in the form of multiclass feats, though. 2e had two kinds - dual-classing by changing careers and multiclassing by splitting levels.
This post is literal gibberish.
Neverwinter > BG
2nd edition was by and large way more detailed and much, much harder for newcomers compared to D&D Normiedition. mentions it, but a 9th level fighter could start a cohort, there were rules for strongholds, titles, etc. and the magic was WAY better. There's so much more to it, but I honestly wish I could find players that were interested in playing 2e because I loved DM'ing it. 3/3.5e were also fun.
You can't prove those chickens weren't mine, cowboy.
You may need to get your head checked, pal. Making it TB is casualizing it. TB is a result of limitation of TT and isn't necessary when a computer calculates all the rolls on the fly. TB in crpgs only serves to simplify things for casuals.
I think he's trying to say BG originals had RtwP to appeal to Diablo gamers, but is an ESL.
Based NWChad
>Turn based
Pick one. Retard.
>5e is just a streamlined 2e
Right I remember how in AD&D every class had a magic variety subclass. I also remember how characters in AD&D with non magical abilities arbitrarily had limited uses of those abilities a day. I also remember how much they tried to make sure that everyone had the same power level in AD&D.
Motherfucker in AD&D if you drink two potions close together your fucking stomach might explode. 5E is not the same game I don't care how much all your critical role circle jerking youtube friends say so.
I can't unsee Egoraptor's wife whenever I see this goblin
>my super autistic dnd edition that takes 15 years to understand the rules is so much better than new stuff
>reeee how dare you have fun with new editions!!!! CASUALIZED! CASUALIZED!
>t. hengeyokai
Yes. Stay out of our system if you don't like it; 4e and 5e were a mistake. 2e was peak D&D and 3/3.5e was acceptable so long as you didn't try to throw in the kitchen sink with published material.
I don't mind people getting the armor. I wonder why they start in it.
Look at her, or at the demon dude that gets posted. How will their gear progression look like? Will a leather loincloth +1 be better?
ok boomer :)
Well of course they have differences, but nothing you said is in any major way defining the system, just some small nitpicks. And even with these differences 5e still more similar to 2e than 3.5 or 4e.
3.5 is the feat edition, where 80% of everything is a trap option, and 4e has mostly uses of abilities per combat. And you are saying 4e is the most similar?
Are you actually saying some classes should be weak on purpose? Do you really like that everything is better dualclassed into wizard? Do you like rogoues, monks etc being completely outclassed?
>I don't care how much all your critical role circle jerking youtube friends say so
I dislike critrical role probably as much as you, but you bringing it up tp "insult" me really doesn't help your case.
>Look at her, or at the demon dude that gets posted. How will their gear progression look like? Will a leather loincloth +1 be better?
Maybe Larian will be the first that can make all levels of armor good instead of starting wearing a fucking loincloth even if you're canon an accomplished warrior/adventurer/mage already. Or maybe they just don't have the shit tier armor in yet so they just slapped whatever they had that looked cool for the demo.
>he thinks autistic is an insult to someone that played AD&D
I hated Divinity's conversation style and I hate this too.
It's a sad day that your kind celebrates the dumbing down of everything.
Shrewd move. People will like and share whichever one they support, and it all goes back to their account.
>Alignments aren't used anymore
Feels bad. Half the fun of DnD for me was the arguments over the morality of every questionable action.
>Are you actually saying some classes should be weak on purpose?
yes, it's a roleplaying game, it makes complete sense for a fighter to be king of the pack at level 1, but a wizard to be the best at level 13.
>Do you really like that everything is better dualclassed into wizard?
Literally only happend in baldur's gate, you try that in a D&D game your whole party would be wiped, that's months of progress gone.
>Do you like rogoues, monks etc being completely outclassed?
I play thieves because I like the flavor, I like being able to do things without taking a nap first.
At least 3rd edition was willing to kill you, and it was at least still attempting to build things around flavor.
This game was only difficult in that you had to have meta data in order not to fuck yourself in your build. A lot of fights you could out-right avoid. The combat was legit fo2 which is to say not difficult at all.
Yeah, but it's not nearly to the degree of 3.x or 5e. Your class identity is much stronger in 2e and 4e since (dual-classing aside) you never leave what class(es) you start as.
Bit of an aside, but while I find 2e multiclassing kind of neat (fuck yeah, Fighter/Mage), dual-classing has to be the most batshit fucking crazy rule in any version of D&D.
The only parts of 5e that are like 2e are when you pick a class archetype it's sorta like a kit (though 4e basically had that too) and the fact that armor is listed as changing your AC to a specific number instead of being listed as giving a bonus (i.e. studded leather sets your AC at 12 instead of being +2 AC), the latter of which was done purely because Mearls is a nostalgia-addled goof.
>being older and therefore having lived more is somehow looked down upon
>young people these days are so brainwashed that they have even let them selves be divided against their own people based on a 5 year age difference.
Maybe its you that has the problem.
RtWP did not make you a badass tactical gookclick master. It was just an extremely shitty turn-based game presented as a real-time game for marketing purposes.
>leather loincloth
Stop playing shitty survival sims
Seriously, what shitty games do you play that do this? Starting armor in D&D is wizard robes, leather armor/studded leather armor, splintmail/chainmail/bandedmail then you get half-plate and plate armor by like level 3.
>yes, it's a roleplaying game, it makes complete sense for a fighter to be king of the pack at level 1, but a wizard to be the best at level 13.
Good thing this is still completely the case. The difference in power is not as big as it used to be for sure, but caster supremacy is still a thing.
>Literally only happend in baldur's gate, you try that in a D&D game your whole party would be wiped, that's months of progress gone.
I give you that, but wizards are still completely broken, and multiclass is also always an option.
>I play thieves because I like the flavor, I like being able to do things without taking a nap first.
And rogues are just better in about any way in 5e. Actually all classes are way better to play except for maybe wizard (just because it is weaker than in 2e). Just compare a Paladin between the editions. The one in 2e is just plain boring, smiting evil while shielding your party with auras on your summoned steed is cooler than being a budget "i attack" fighter imo.
>At least 3rd edition was willing to kill you
Difficulty is completely reliant on the DM. 5e can be just as deadly, and is designed with homebrew in mind. But I also think death saving throws are very poorly handled.
>and it was at least still attempting to build things around flavor
I don't understand this? How is 3.5 more flavourful than other editions?
The writing.
Who gives a fuck about these RTwP and TB babbies flinging shit at each other when it's clear as day the writing is fucking trash so it's not going to be worth playing anyway? I thought Larian was going to do BG justice but man it's as bad as Dragon Age.
This isn't even true. It reinvented the wheel as far as crpgs were concerned, you fucking faggot. Its a very good interpretation of table-top combat. No one goes to see a movie based on a book to watch some guy read the fucking book.
>Owlcat gives us cute Elf
>Larian gives us cute Elf options in the character creator
Why can't Western devs give us cute Elves?
>rtwp is less casul.
In BG if you were facing a tough enemy you could just send in one of your melee guys to kite them around the battlefield while your mages cast their spells. Also telling your mage to cast a spell and then waiting at least 10 seconds until they actually get around to it is pretty shit.
Nigger, you're slapping the space bar every .5 seconds to issue new commands. You're just playing a very shitty turn-based game.
Belgium isn't western?
Why do you all resort to reducing everything into absurdity and then arguing from a point of incredulity?
I just want a game to play. It feels like nothing good has come out for so long now.
I don't understand why you guys are hung up on this when it's the first decent D&D game we're getting after two decades of Atari shit. I'm pretty sure it's called Baldrs Gate 3 because it takes place near Baldurs Gate. You aren't playing as the same character anymore. Pillars of Eternity already exists for you to play
They should've just named the game Waterdeep kek
They don't even buy games that play like BG. They'll say ooooh it was made by SJWs or something but the real thing is that they're fake fans of the genre. Same thing as how nobody that says Planescape Torment is their favorite game has actually played it.
NWN was pretty based. NWN2 was pretty based. Pathfinder is based on D&D 3.5 and Kingmaker is pretty based. This doesn't look a whole lot like D&D compared to those games.
5 seconds of rtwp is like a minute of TB lmao.
admitting you have to pause every 5 seconds just exposes your brainlet IQ btw
That's how D&D has always worked. Any party since the 70s starts out with enough money to buy full plate. You're thinking in the video game logic Bioware made up and not how 2E actually was
>Pillars of Eternity
That IP is deader than the hollowborn .
>Pathfinder is based on D&D 3.5
That's the worst version of D&D and I find Pathfinder & 3E/3.5 players focus too much on being le epic special snowflake badasses instead of desperate treasure hunters using their wits to survive, which is what D&D was like before the fucking Magic the Gathering cunts bought the license. 5E is closest to good D&D but not close enough
I'm by no means a table-top purist but i've played a lot of it and not once did I imagine the combat to be everyone taking turns wacking on each other with zero agency.
That's quite a fantasy world you're living In. Life as schizo must be interesting.
The game still exists for you to play. This game is obviously made as a continuation of what the Devs have already been doing in their career, not what Bioware & Black Isle did 20 years ago. Go play Siege of Dragonspear, the transwoman won't hurt you, it's one line of dialogue
My point was DIVOS3 Baldurs Gate doesn't look like any edition of D&D. We will have to wait and see though. I know I will be right. We have seen exactly zero things D&D related in combat but a bunch DIVOS related. I suppose the one thing was improvised weapon but that's just a hand-over from divos anyway kek.
I like RTWP because I find that mode changing makes it feel like more of a "game" and makes getting into it harder. With RTWP no matter what you're doing, you're playing by the same rules. Same reason why someone might not like cutscenes in their otherwise uncut singleplayer FPS game.
This. Even if Deadfire sucked the first game was still solid.
>the transwoman won't hurt you, it's one line of dialogue
That was the least of the problems. I really hated that expansion. The writing was subpar.
Playable necromancers when...
What do you mean by "zero agency"? Elaborate or shut the fuck up. I play OSR 1E, when a turn meant 60 rounds, and a round 100 segments.
Im mad they obviously use the baldurs gate name for quick bucks, which makes no sense because div os2 was a huge sucess, they couldve just made os3 and be done with it.
I was hyped at first, the trailer looked promising, catching a certain atmosphere. But the gameplay reveal lacked "soul" and atmosphere left and right. Too bright colors, even for a wooden/forest setting. Im also no fan of the dialogue presentation, cutscenes are not needed and doesnt give me room for imagination. Animations were lackluster, but that can be worked on. Turn based mode Im fine with. I also like the interaction with the world, makes it more like playing a tabletop. But I do strongly hope they dont go full madman on the elemental interaction. It suited divinity, but I don't want this shit to be such a huge focus. Give me plain dnd combat.
Companions seem kinda meh but its too early to complain about that. In general I hoped for something different, at least some sort of anecdotes to the bg games. It really seems like they slapped the bg title to a divinity game. I hoped for more creativity in that regard. All in all Im a bit dehyped, but I will follow closely what the game will become, because I'm a sucker for dnd/forgotten realms.
It doesn't look like the old games so I can't feel nostalgia for it
>4e or 5e
Give me my skeleton armies back.
The game is designed to be paused every time you need to issue a new command. It is turn based. it might charitably be described as a turn based game in which you don't have to re-issue commands to the zero-effort, brain-dead martial characters once you've set them on "kill," but it is turn-based. Just done shittily.
or like irl, you can ask questions already knowing the answer.
Awww are you mad somebody claims that hipsters pretend to demand old school games just do it to sound hardcore? Arena shooter revivals all fail, every BG styled CRPG besides Pillers of Eternity got no sales. Pandering to your vocal minority is about as profitable as going woke.
I miss my nigga Durance like you wouldn't believe.
holy shit that should've been ported into the original BGs
>thieves explode because their whole SHIT class relied entirely on chugging Invis potions to land backstabs for x8 damage (assuming the enemy wasn't Crit Immune ahaha ohnonono imagine being a fucking thief)
What im getting at here is any system where you mostly get XP from monsters and not treasure is already "not D&D" to me, so I am about 20 years beyond the gripes you have. This includes the original baldurs gate where you get XP for doing quests which is the most un-D&D thing imaginable. In classic D&D you could instantly die from any trap or special attack, the only turns were "your team" & "enemy team", and you didn't get XP until you had the treasure chests back at your room in the tavern.
get a load of the zoomer retard
How in the fuck do you think i mean it fuckface? I was pretty explicit in differentiating between what turn-based combat looks like and RTWP. Turn-based doesn't look in the slightest bit what I imagined a battle looked like in table-top.
Nigga what? A fighter rolled somewhere around a hundred gold, regular breastplate was like 400. Pretty much the first choice every warrior type had to make was "good weapon or good armor?"
What do you mean when? We've had those since forever.
That's fair, thanks for not shitposting. Perhaps the devs could add an option yo toggle the choices with what the player character actually says.
Bruh I've already got Wasteland 3 preordered. Sales are irrelevant to me because I'm not the one making the money, and neither are you.
What do you get XP from in D&D if it's not from quests or monsters
I find it fascinating there's people so mentally Ill they genuinely beleive in a conspiracy of people pretending to like certain video games.
He's saying XP shouldn't be the primary driving force. Your characters don't see big floating xp markers above enemies heads when they kill them, they're looking for loot.
this isnt a bioware game, it's a dnd based game. you dont begin games in rags
Back in the day, money directly correlated to XP. Finding ways to get as much treasure as possible with as little fighting as possible was pretty much the way to play.
I prefer turn based to rtwp but it does have some downsides for me. Battles take a long time so they are forced to cut down on party sizes which is a huge bummer. It also doesn't simulate in my mind like a real battle, since moving one by one makes for less immersion.
I'm not sure what I wanted. I played through BG 1 and 2 recently and this doesn't give me any BG vibes at all. It looks like D:OS2 combined with Dragon Age Inquisition. Thats not necessarily bad and I'm sure I'll buy it. Maybe it will hit the right notes in the end.
Thieves were the most useful class when Gygax ran games, he just didn't realize that other DMs wouldn't try to kill the players in cheap ways as much as he did so mechanically thieves ended up underpowered. In practice if Gary ran a D&D game any party without a thief to scout for monsters and traps would end up dead pretty fast. You gotta understand this was the era when players took 10 foot poles into dungeons to poke EVERYTHING before they dare touch it
That doesn't sound as interesting
You can't have a rich character with a low level or a poor character with a high level
Rogue archetypes will always be shit in video games because they're class abilities shine when roleplaying and absolute player freedom are available in tabletop form
larian could just not make the armor look like shit. they hired a shit ton of people for this game. they should have a lot of 3d model and animation slaves
>Baldur's Gate 3
>Pathfinder Wrath
>Wasteland 3
What else we got coming?
>5e is fucking boring.
How so?
The other replies are correct. Your characters are looking for wealth and wealth brings agency to hire tutors to learn new fighting techniques and spells. Therefore originally you gained 1xp for every gold coins you found. Some dungeon masters even forced you to SPEND the gold first to level up.
So in other words, the people crying not muh d&d don't have alot of historical perspective. D&D changes dramatically every decade. This isn't the D&D of 1998
nothing. i'm going through BG2 again and still having blast with it. stop projecting your anger onto strangers on Yea Forums. it just makes you look like a little faggot.
I guess there's VTMB2 if that still qualifies as a CRPG.
>I'm not sure what I wanted
We should keep trying knew things instead of arguing and rehashing over old ideas.
No you misunderstand. XP represents the EFFORT to RETRIEVE the gold from the dungeon. Gold you had before becoming an adventurer doesn't count.
Most people don't realize that the majority of D&D's life was pure dungeon crawling and roleplaying is a relatively new aspect.
Imagine the autism required to build this.
Well yeah but you're still going to gain xp and gold at a 1:1 rate so there's less build variance
>download 2013 reprint of AD&D 2e rules
>see this
My fucking sides. At least they aren't cucked enough to actually rewrite a book.
NWbros, sometimes I long for NWN3, but this BG3 debacle makes me glad it hasn't happened.
They're saying why they exclusively write he, not why you should say xir.
Why aren't video game levels this big
NWN2 was already a rape of the NWN IP.
>doesn't follow the same MC
>doesn't continue the same plot
>isn't in the same engine
>wasn't even made by based Bioware
NWN2 should've been called something else. Being set in Neverwinter is just a cheap cash grab to cash in on the popularity of the original.
That's what makes it awesome. Thats also why Roguelikes are more authentic D&D than actual RPGs. Everything took place in one dungeon, the town above, and the wilderness outside which connected to some smaller dungeons for variety
Ehh back then roleplaying was still a thing. Look at Robilar, he betrayed the other player characters by releasing demons and turning to Lawful Evil so he could level up faster. He hired mercenaries, sent them into deathtraps, and adventured alone so he could keep all the XP for himself. That's definitely roleplaying and that was a game from 1970s
Imagine it's the 70's and you're a teenager with literally nothing else to do and you just had your nips blown off by the how new thing called D&D.
Looks fine to me
I bet most people complaining haven't even played the first two anyway
At least it played the same and built on the core of the game instead of making a fag game.
Fuck those French fucks, I'm never buying another Larian product ever again.
That's just the first floor of your typical dorf fort bro.
Memory space mostly. I can almost guarantee you there are megadungeon indie games out there. Mainly traditional roguelikes that have no graphics
They used to be, look up some classic CRPGs from the olden dayes.
I enjoyed both but I can agree that they were very different games.
Did you know that before todd howard took over TES, it's primary goal was taking the D&D experience and putting it in video game form?
>Memory space
This isn't 1985
I have, older games don't really have big levels, but they tend to feel bigger because you might not have a map
>older games don't really have big levels
He says when the post above his is about Daggerfall...
Build variance didn't exist back then. Roleplaying was more about HOW you played not WHAT you played. Also different classes need different amounts of XP to level. Thieves would always be higher levels than wizards, because a thief has to learn or die in tense situations while a wizard has to study his ass off to learn spells
Absolutely nothing, I am looking forward to it!
Trips confirm.
And Fallout was basically Gamma World a D&D spinoff. Warcraft and Starcraft were essentially Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. Alot of old video games should've been copyright infringement honestly.
So what's with Bhaal fucking so many people?
Ever heard of Zeus? That mortal pussy is like way good
Compare this with a Skyrim dungeon.
A daggerfall with good combat and actual depth would be the holy grail of gaming.
He wanted to kick off the battle royale craze before anyone else got big on it.
Then go make it!
Well Dwarf Fortress adventure mod is Daggerfall with depth, it just doesn't have any graphics or good combat. Entertaining combat sure, but not good in the traditional sense
Daggerfall dungeons are such shit. If you're playing Daggerfall Unity, for the sake of your sanity please find the mini dungeon mod.
Trickery is afoot.
He knew he was gonna die and knew he could technically possess the body of any mortal related to him. So when magical fuckery temporarily made all Gods Mortal with physical forms, he took the opportunity to have alot of kids
I have no talent and am of middling intelligence.
I think they need a separate "main character" storyline, to coincide with the "companion storyline" (fuck those starting characters, I consider them companion characters, I want my own character in a CRPG) and not force a companion storyline onto players. Note that I liked this approach in D:OS2, like borrowing some storytelling elements of JRPGs, but please not in Baldur's Gate.
In D:OS2, if you want to fully immerse in the story line, you have to play as one of the characters, and do it six times. It's possible for a minority to replay the game multiple times, but in all honesty, most players don't have time for that shit, and most players are not fools and bootlickers (aka. cancerr fanbois) to devs, so they play as they wish, and like me, most would just play it once, and replay it some other time. They should not gate the story based on the character you selected, THAT'S ARTIFICIAL INFLATION OF GAME TIME.
Is it Bar Wench that was shitslapped by Elminister and had her magic restricted Edwina or Badass OP cursed girdle Edwina? This is important.
Look at those sidepaths that go nowhere!
Ironic that 80s parents flipped out about D&D when it was a better alternative to catching AIDS or getting addicted to crack or getting murdered or Trafficked or any of the other horrible shit happened to kids back then
My two big hobbies are nerd shit and music and one group of my idols grew up to be like John Carmack while the other words stood in line to inject the same heroin needle. Parents were so fucking stupid
Did other Gods fuck around too?
Nice digits.
Shes a Githyanki, she's a descendant of Mindflayer slaves who fought for freedom and became space pirates. Shes literally an Alien from another planet
I'll be honest I never finished Skyrim. i only got as far as the mages college about 3 times. It's the shittiest game i've played in a very long time. I feel like I should like it at some level but seriously fucking hate it and myself when I start it up. It's wasted potential the game. Even with mods, which I have tried 100s, it's absolute dog shit.
Not sure I'm more of a Greyhawk fan than a Forgotten Realms one. Go ask /tg/
Funny story both of my parents were christian missionaries and STILL bought me an AD&D board game. I can't remember what it was called but it was like some noob shit and awesome as fuck. They never got the whole "It's demons blahblahblah" and they were straight up teaching fucking tribals the word of god. People are hypocrites and really dumb.
parents hated rock music too
I only hope someone tries to convert A Dance with Rogues to a more recent RPG.
In the 1950's comic books were believed to be the leading cause of juvenile delinquency, homosexuality and divorce. Before that novels were believed to be the reason women became hysterical.
Well let's be real here, superhero comics are pretty gay
Adults hate everything.
>Stop reading and go outside
>Stop watching TV and read a book
>Stop playing your computer games and watch TV
>Stop watching TV and go outside
That it's Baldur's Gate 3 instead of Baldur's Gate something else, or simply Divinity Original Sin 3.
I had a bit of an experience with that. My mother was quite concerned when I got into D&D that I would become a destitute Satanist with a gambling addiction (because the game involved dice, you see - why she never took issue with literally any other game involving dice, I will never know). Eventually, I just sat her down and made her watch me play a game with friends. When she realized that the game ultimately amounted to some improv acting and basic maths, she apologized, and stopped taking everything her dingbat church friends told her about my hobbies at face value.
It wasn't superheroes back in the 50's, it was horror.
I can't even imagine my mother ever actually considering she might be wrong about anything yet alone apologizing for it. Your mom's okay.
How anyone can call green texting implications as player responses okay is beyond me.
It ruins player immersion and is one of my main reasons for dropping DOS2 like dogshit. It's awful to roleplay with it.
Is Minsc in the game?
No but Boo is.
My point is that kids in basements playing D&D made it out of the 80s with more of their minds and bodies intact then kids who outside
Besides, nobody knew how deep the rock music rabbit hole actually went. Parents were going after Twisted Sister in court when literally Satanic black metal kids were burned churches
daggerfall is the only TES game I still go back to play
I think so too. Her willingness to hear me out on little stuff like that helped us keep a good relationship, I feel. A lot of kids in my hometown weren't quite so keen to keep in touch with their families.
It's called narcissistic personality disorder kek
Improvised weapons are usually a 1d4 unless they're equivalent to an actual weapon
How fucked up is that that skyrim supposedly a masterpiece of hand crafting is nothing but prefab assets anyway. It's fucking depressing when you realize that if procedural generation technology didn't take a TWO DECADE LONG hiatus then today we'd have computer generated worlds that blow the "handcrafted" ones of this timeline out of the water.
*cucks you*
>if procedural generation technology didn't take a TWO DECADE LONG hiatus
it doesn't though, why would you assume that?
People just don't like randomly generated worlds because they feel samey
I find most Boomers and Gen X are like that, preferring to act like lawyers about any disagreement, rather than diplomats. Granted, alot of the dumber millennials who listened to their parents too much are like that too.
>when literally Satanic black metal kids were burned churches
Hey! They weren't satanic.
Still better than what some of my friends got. I knew a kid who wasn't allowed to have a key to his own home and wouldn't get inside until his parents got home from work which was about two-three hours after school ended.
What mode should I play for single player DOS2? Have only briefly played one CRPG before but I do want some challenge, just not the kind that's meant for true lords/experts. The suggestions from Google search are mixed as fuck.
not sure what your point is user; I owned the 2e book back when it was new and that shit was in there, it was just to say 'we say he throughout the book because its easier that way'
>it doesn't though, why would you assume that?
The amount of work being done on it was incredibly small compared to the early 90's and today. I wish toady had a studio
That's mostly because they're trying to make the connection be a twist. It's actually working somehow, even though the press kit spoiled that the Dead Three (Bhaal, Bane, and Myrkul) are the real villains.
I'm guessing "hang at a friend's place" was a punishable offense, and he was expected to wait at the door like a cocker spaniel?
before baldur's gate weren't most of the vidya like that too? now it's so character and story driven, I bet they'd hate having to make a whole party of characters who have no story impact.
Wait, so the game takes place before the time of troubles? Or was Bhall supposed to beCyric?
It is likely going to be full of faggot characters and the few good looking females are going to have a shit entitled behavior.
That seens to be the norm in western games nowadays,
WHAT? lmao that's not very safe. We could basically do whatever as long as we were home when my parents got home to show them shit was done then we could go back to doing whatever until dinner. My parents were straight up hard line christians too. Just not dickheads. Kinda like oldschool cool but with a heavy hand of god if things were not in line. I suppose they understood that humans are humans and not some evil experiment of god that needed constant reminding of how worthless they are like some christians.
Nah. They came back, due to dumb writing. You run into their cultists in the D&D module that BG3 is supposed to be a prequel to - apparently they didn't do so well for themselves, given they're reduced to first act sub-antagonists.
What denomination?
We've been having nice discussions for a while without the flamewar faggotry. Why not fuck off since you don't actually play the games?
Literally answering the OPs question
Who would have guessed that the dark alliance games actually ended up being more faithful to Baldurs Gate 1/2 than the actual 3rd installment lmao
Protestant. After they got back from the jungle they sorta gave up on the church as they felt it wasn't actually inline with god or jesus' teachings. I was raised reading the bible but have only been to an actual church a hand full of times.
>wrathgods get a succubus and this fair lady
>dos3keks get a goblin slut
This just reminded me about how much it pissed me off how little the story of BG mattered not only to Toril but even just the sword coast in greater forgotten realms lore. Why does every video game adaptation to an existing story that isn't Lucas star wars do this?
If he went to a friends' place she would call to check he wasn't playing games, which was forbidden.
Right, you guys finally hit the social goal for the queen romance, didn't you? Mazel tov. Hope it's a good one.
Don't forget, lich mode
That sounds depressing.
>that's not very safe
Also pretty shitty in the winter, yeah.
But Shadowheart tho
Looks the perfect mate for my duelist/swordsaint.
Yep, that makes 3 top-tier wives in total and 2 more companion to be revealed.
Procedural generation is more popular than it ever was, look at the roguelite genre of games
there is nothing scary about a fucking sea creature like just don't go in the water just don't build a fucking boat. oh is there trouble afoot? let's go to the park instead of the beach LOL
Yeah. But at least she never threatened to call the cops to my house like another friends' grandma did. I knew a lot of really weird people now that I think about it. Most of them weren't even overtly religious, just crazy.
Still, none of them ever took offense to my RPG hobbies.
I guess there were bizzarre no-latchkey-kids kek. Seriously, were they afraid of him finding their cuck-dungeon?
>You will meet Camellia in the raging flames of Kenabres. She is a noble, able to maintain her stiff upper lip amidst the chaos that has engulfed the city in the wake of the demon invasion. A talented shaman, she seems eager to lend you her aid and fight under your command, but she won’t tell you much about herself, deflecting your questions with a polite yet fleeting smile. Even her alignment stays hidden, thanks to a special amulet the girl refuses to take off. If you’re willing to put in some effort, Camellia could open up to you, becoming your friend or even a lover.
>Until then, a girl must keep her secrets.
>Even her alignment stays hidden
>a special amulet the girl refuses to take off
What if the octopus builds a boat and comes to you? Didn't think of that, huh, smart guy?
More likely than you think, the mother always took the car to work and made the father take the bus despite his commute being longer.
But this has nothing to do with the thread, nevermind all that.
Well, I'm happy for you, user. Sounds like the game's shaping up pretty well, especially since the devs have ironed out most of the kinks in the engine from release. Have you thought about the sort of character you'll be playing?
i wonder how it is related to the original trilogy, apart from having the same name.
is it set in the sword coast and that's it ?
Dude it's a fish it can't rbeathe air
Apparently it's set in Baldur's Gate, and Bhaal plays a significant role in the game.
>original trilogy
>only had two games
that's prolly his point, you wouldn't make a sequel for a finished story.
based ruskies
baldur's gate will be a location in the game.
Tell that to his face not online see what happens
Nothing. Dont give a fuck about BG2 boomers.
Im in for competent CRPG.
I'd like to see RTwP, but without direct control of your party - you can only set up advanced AI sets + battle commands, (like pre-fight buff up.)
Trickster will be the first, Lich the second. Honestly, all these possibilities are not making CC easy. Neither does Double Reactivity.
Back in those days an expansion was basically an entire new game. It's Baldurs Gate 1, Baldurs Gate 2 and Throne of Bhall. These days they just give you DLC which is basically paying for the finished product.
Throne of Bhaal, while technically an expansion, is often treated as a third game. It's also technically a trilogy even if you don't, since Siege of Dragonspear exists now.
It's not a trilogy unless there's a number three in there, bucko
how can anyone go back to rtwp after playing poe2 turnbase update?
well that settles it. it has more of a claim to the title than BG2 had. 2 didn't even have Baldur's Gate as a location.
Siege of Dragonspear doesn't exist.
>playing poe2 with TB
Why do you hate yourself
Say that in red.
>playing PoE at all
Why do this when there's better games?
It does, user. There's not much reason for it, but it does.
I really like its roleplay abilities. And multiclassing is fun as fuck.
Those were more "please buy our products and fuck us nerds, cute girls" notices more than sjw shit. You're perspective is skewed here. Back then there was an effort to represent girls in hobbies to encourage them to participate so that guys could get laid. It was all very transparent back then kek
In modern parlance, they were being Simps
Shes not a Goblin, shes a female form of your best bro from Planescape Torment.
Yea Forums straight up lied to me about there being no based hot girls in Outer Worlds so I don't listen to you homos anymore
Well I mean, in D&Ds case, RPG video games are their bastard child so it's more traditional that vidya take a backseat to lore in the game manuals
>playing Outer Worlds
It's not that bad aside from the main "villain" being a retard
Some questions
a) Is it a sequel to Kingmaker or it's own thing?
b) can we romance succubus
c) can we romance Queen
d) can we romance this noblewoman (I assume we still have not met the goal...)
Try to stop me, because that's what I'm doing right now
a) takes place at the same time in another region
Why social justice warriors hate bg3 and like pf?
With baldurs gate 3 announced funding for the kickstarter has gone up kek.
A.) It canonically takes place after the events of Kingmaker, but is largely unrelated.
B.) Yes. She is one of the most well-known waifus in all of Pathfinder.
C.) Yes. It was actually the last social media goal - it was achieved quite recently.
D.) Yes.
That would be more reasonable if the inclusion in the lore wasn't just "shit happened but no one noticed" even though the story of BG basically has everything being completely fucked.
A completely different module, happens around the same time as KM, but in another place. They don't want to specify a year just yet.
I mean with the game play reveal of Baldurs Gate 3.
You can romance all of them + there is one more waifu that's unrevealed.
Noble wife cutie is technically still a stretch goal, but with the amount of money that are pouring in, we'll be hitting that in no time.
Thanks, Swen.
And thank you, retarded BG3 dev that made the uggo gith cucking you a feature.
baldurs gate has always been considered a trilogy since throne of bhal is essentially bg3.
>thanks Sven
This is unironically true. Money started pouring in directly after people saw the gameplay revealed DIVOS3.
Honestly, don't care, I will likely give BG3 a go too, since it will let me play a drow, but this look interesting enough too.
Hopefully we will get noblewoman romance. Also, I assume her alignment is actually ''evil'' considering that she is member of that serpent cult. I wonder how that will work out or why she's even a member of it.
This bitch is definitely a chaotic evil demon lord
I'd prefer LE devil wife.
You got a full version of this?
>throne of bhal is essentially bg3
Lol. You are so young.
astarion's little vampire flashback, looked pretty well done. what little we saw of it
I'm sure i'll play it too. Turn-based while not my first choice I still enjoy.
I'm excited for the game but grease isn't flammable in d&d, that's an obvious divinity Infulence.
This one?
My guess is yuan-ti or some such.
I'm not mad, I'm just genuinely disappointed.
>Hopefully we will get noblewoman romance.
It's almost a given at this point. I would be surprised if we didn't hit that stretch goal.
And I'm fine with that. The best Kingmaker waifu was a LE tiefling after all.
Maybe so but turn based is what the system is built around
Although this does have the entire team moving at once instead of just one character which is an odd departure.
This is one thing I seriously hated about the DIVOS games. It's a cheap gimmick to add the illusion of depth to the combat. Just make a fucking spell that does fire damage over time. Pretty sure D&D has burning damage/acid damage some lighting spells that strike a few times etc. You don't need this shit. I could be wrong because I know fuck all about 5e.
Actually yeah maybe flammable grease is a 5e thing, even in older editions it was a fairly common house rule.
grease being flammable is fine, and would fly in an actual dnd session. just dont have ant flammable blood
Ranking Beamshit characters:
thanks bro
It isn't in 5e. But yeah, one of the things Larian mentioned was that they were adding in a bunch of common house rules and reworking some of the things that didn't really work (Like Rangers).
Maybe because not everyone has access to magic? Shit like this was what allowed your fairly normal warrior to kill a bunch of enemies by lighting up an oil slick that leads to a bunch of explosive barrels.
post it
Thats Bioware for you the best parts of BG was wandering the land uncovering the conspiracy in BG1 and fucking arounx with side quests in BG2. Epic save the world stories were played out even back then
Grease being flammable is one of the houserules.
And yeah, with how they tackle 5e rules and spells it looks like they are trying to modify 5e abilities, so it plays very similar to DivOS. Why do weapons get active abilities that are almost carbon copy of DivOS ones? 5e doesn't have that.
Ehh wizards who run out of spells using torches to light casks of oil like grenades is an old D&D stable
>This doesn't look a whole lot like D&D compared to those games.
Yeah, it looks like D&D instead! What the fuck were they thinking? Where is my real time action soulslike D&D game?
That's actually the half size one
I want to be a little elf girl and have a futa illithid mommy eat my brain and lay her eggs in my skull, and my womb
And it so happens that all those "houserules" are very reminiscent of DOS2 rulesets. Convienient.
>Where is my real time action soulslike D&D game?
Dark Souls 1, if not for everyone calling it a berserk rip off, is actually the closest we'll ever have to 2e D&D action game.
>the game is not gonna run on current consoles
What the actual fuck Swen
What did you do
But in 5e wizards have cantrips, so they don't need to do this enviromental shit.
user, that sounds dangerously close to a complaint about having more options available in combat.
You mean demon's souls
The mage hand shit really highlights how bad an idea infinite use cantrip's are, kingmaker gets around this by making the only cantrips simple damage spells and minor buffs and even then having free light with no cost still ends up too good. Here they are trying to add more use for utility stuff and I get the impression that if you don't have a mage hand caster in your party you are gimping yourself.
It's not. It's just curious how blatantly ripped off those "new options" are from OS2, despite Larian going on and on how this is not DivOS 3 but BG3.
That's why offensive cantrips hurt creativity. I'm not getting how Larian trying to make vidya more like tabletop osba bad thing. I don't care if they did it in their older games too
No, Dakkon was a Githzerai, this girl is a Githyanki.
Wow, Pathfinderfags only caring about romance options, what a surprise.
I mean, Souls does take alot from D&D. Particularly everything pertaining to the Bonfires aside from respawning and fast travel
>I always imagined my battles in table top to be people going 1 at a time and taking turns hitting each other.
Literally the dumbest fucking argument against RTWP. Love it or hate it it's a hell of a lot more like what people imagine a battle to be then turn-based 1v1 combat.
The only thing I dislike about it is the Origin character gimmick they did in D:OS2. In practice it just meant less content for someone playing as a custom character.
console cpus can't handle the constant passive checks, bro.
Well pretty much nobody is denying this game is an OSclone though. I mean it's good news for fans of OS1&2 but I can see why BG fans are fucking pissed.
Dude, it's not coming going to be finished for like 2 years or so. It's going to be beta tested maybe the end of the year beginning of next after the new consoles release.
>console fags getting crpgs
This should never have happened to begin with.
With the premade characters I wonder if we will be able to take certain parts from them for our custom characters, in particular I would like to make my own vampire spawn character and still get some of the bonus dialogue related to that. The legwork is already put in with the premade so it should be easy for them to add the ability for any character to have it.
It's like 2 autists. As a pathfinder fag I find romance in RPGS to be abhorrent.
I know. I mean, doesn't CRPG mean computer rpg because of how much of a spreadsheet these games were and weren't comfortable to be played on a console back then.
I think this is why BG3 looks like DAI aesthetically
I don't even know how people slogged through BGEE on consoles. I played it briefly on my ipad and it was annoying. Them being developed with consoles in mind usually means things like controlling the player and the UI is clunky and slow for KB&M. Like, skyrim was so annoying until that mod came out to fix the ui.
At least, as a reskin of OS2, that can easily be modded.
Can I kill it instead?
If not, wont bother playing.
It's not really about consoles, but about its capabilities. Aka how (fucked) ready our PCs are for DOS3.
they are addressing this.
>wtf bruh, he was north korean and she's south one, those are completely different!
OS2 was fairly optimized.
I think Swen is referring to all the bullshit environmental gimmicks that might kill your processors.
Remember that mine section where you need to defend a tower? I dare anyone to say they had a rig that could run that section higher than 30 fps due to how much of a shitstorm it was.
There cannot be two skies.
turned based dungeon and fortress exploration should be fun
Yeah but if you look at what he actually said in the quote it's no different than what OS2 did.
But DOS3 doesn't look anything special. It literally looks like modded DOS2 with higher texture fidelity. It's not exactly Cyberpunk 2077. So, where is the problem?
Oh, sometimes I forget my rig isn't the average. Yea, that does suck for a lot of people if it's going to be a resource killer since for the most part the rpgs worth playing aren't very demanding.
B-but BG 3 isn't a DivOS clone! No sir!
Ask larian
>"I don't think that current-gen consoles would be able to run it. There's a lot of technical upgrades and updates that we did to our engine, and I don't know if it would be capable of being able to actually run on those things.
>Maybe it could run, but then we would have to tone down the textures and this and that and it wouldn't look as cool anymore."
Maybe they just don't want to screw with porting it to console right away and are just going to later down the road for the new ones?
We'll see how it runs on early assess builds I guess.
i dunno what tell you, the issue is easy enough to solve with more writers, which they do have now.
Divinity's biggest flaw was Diablo loot which BG3 thankfully doesn't have.
Are you implying that's not a massive difference?
I dunno, all giths look the same.
Dios mio.
What is this pic of? I keep seeing shitpost edits with this background.
the weapon skills shit worries me, also using mage hand to push people around. There's taking a few liberties while adapting shit to a videogame and then there is giving a fucking cantrip the ability to block pathways and push enemies around.
Did they even show short rests?
You are in a Baldur's Gate thread, Larianfriend.
Is it really necessary to write 1d8 when you can simply write 1-8?
Hell yes. It matters not for me, for a woman is a woman. Even if it's mentally a dude who got genderbended.
If they spoonfeed the maths the game automatically becomes shit.
Zoomers can't do a simple math.
Oh, look. A randomly generated loot. Exactly how it was in DOS2. And yes, it doesn't work this way in 5e. A given type of armor always has the same AC. And shield is always +2 AC.
I guess that's also "an improvement upon the system"? Just admit that's a DivOS 2 reskin and end this charade.
2d6 and 2-12 is not the same.
>Pin down
The fuck is this bullshit? Where did Larian pull this from?
Fair enough, but it implies that your player knows what 2d6 is. Which isn't a good thing from a game design POW.
Fuck no. D&D alignments are restrictive. Not to mention sometimes stupidly done. Like the system qualifying sympathizing with a villain with a tragic past as Chaotic Good. It's retarded.
So they left the dice rolls for weapon damage (and I can already see Larainfags bitching about that) but they changed the AC into percentage values. Consistency, please?
I agree. They should have simply replaced their OC origin characters with general custom characters, and made the writing they did for each one related to the background you pick. If you pick vampire spawn, you get all the shit they wrote for astarion, pick criminal and they have another series of personal quests etc. That way, anyone could experience it by picking a background (just like custom plot hooks recommended in the DMG and various official modules) and they would avoid spoiling exactly who you'll get as a companion. If I meet two people having an argument, and one of them is one of the origin characters, then I know going in that they will be the companion and the other guy will be a nobody. That's dumb and kinda spoiled any surprise in divinity os2. It's not like in baldur's gate, they let you choose to play as Edwin, dynaheir and Khalid - making it feel special when those people asked to team up.
But user, Larian doesn't want to make Baldur's Gate. They want to make DivOS2. And this 5e license just seems to get in the way.
That pin down ability uses the same exact icon from DOS2 lmao
Concerning potion miscibility - it's still there, albeit it's a variant rule and the results are much less deadly.
They stated they reused a lot of D:OS2 assets to showcase gameplay. The end result will look different.
It's truly in alpha.
Can someone explain to me what the fuck this is supposed to be?
I saw this lazy Zbrush shit in dragon age too.
>bg1, 4gb
>bg2, 4gb
>bg3, 80gb
>If you pick vampire spawn, you get all the shit they wrote for astarion, pick criminal and they have another series of personal quests etc.
This user gets it. Backgrounds actually mattering is a really great thing for RP.
Think it's supposed to be brigandine
Divinity original sin are not competent crpg's though?
But it is you idiot. I don't understand people like you. A character usually acts completely within a certain alignment.
A lawful good paladin of Sarenrae could believe that even a succubus could redeem herself, which could be chaotic or neutral good, but it doesn't mean he stops believing in his ideals of following the law for the good of all.
Likewise, a lawful good paladin of Erastil might believe demons and devils alike are all inherently evil, can never be redeemed and need to be wiped out for the safety of everyone involved. This would be viewed as evil to the Sarenrae paladin and LG by a citizen who had his family murdered by hellspawn
An artist being ignorant of actual historical outfits.
>Literal tweens hitting puberty
Fucking hell what happened to Yea Forums?
> Cuirass: Heavy Armor (18 AC) (5e Full Plate) vs Cuirass: Medium Armor (14 AC) (5e Breastplate)
I think the issue here is that they haven't filled out the names for item chart as of yet.
player created characters still have backgrounds that the writers can work with.
...Except the graphics and UI are the one for one DOS2 rips and the mechanics are what have changed fundamentally.
However, D&D allignments are (and should be) very black and white.
Killing an unarmed person who surrendered is evil. A LG character might only in extreme circumstances kill said person. In reality, morality isn't black and white, but D&D is a game.
its a wip for a game 2 years or so away from release.
Can but not have to. Lower your expectations.
Dragon Age Origins
fuck alignments
Roflmao if you think they will change assets that are "done" you are fucking delusional.
>but they changed the AC into percentage values
nigga, you can see the math behind ac in the text box.
You wouldn't waifu a gremlin, would you user?
>Complaining about dicerolls in a game based on D&D
Also, 1d8 might be the same as 1-8, but 2d8 isn't the same as 2-16, since the middle part is more likely to be rolled (6-10) than the extremes.
>speaking about growing up in the 70s, 80s
devs said no randomly generated loot means more than twitter posts of a game that's two years off.
So, why are they showing this? It only managed to polarize people and turn the BG fans off. Shouldn't they just wait until at least their interface and mechanics are developed enough so it doesn't look like a carbon copy of DOS2?
They are an indie dev, they could've waited with this reveal. There is a reason WotR only shown small snippets of their game.
>"Also, as I have often noted, a paladin can freely dispatch prisoners of Evil alignment that have surrendered and renounced that alignment in favor of Lawful Good. They are then sent on to their reward before they can backslide."
>"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is by no means anything but Lawful and Good. Prisoners guilty of murder or similar capital crimes can be executed without violating any precept of the alignment. Hanging is likely the usual method of such execution, although it might be beheading, strangulation, etc. A paladin is likely a figure that would be considered a fair judge of criminal conduct."
-Gary Gygax
They changed everything to %, just like original BG. You can still see all the rolls being done, though.
It's a computer game, not ttg.
I can't get over the graphics. And the ui for the spells is hideous, not at all what I imagine when you say DnD magic. This is Kingmakers icon for magic missile and its so colourful, I really loved it. I think Gale casts it in the gameplay of BG3 and it just looked like a red guiding bolt in the same video
they believe showing a game that's a true wip will garner the respect of fans.
Bringing them in for a hanging, or executing them on the spot were always different things to me. But what he says does sound logical, a Paladin would have the authority to judge somebody on their crimes and be their executioner.
Alright, you showed me user, allignments aren't that black and white in D&D either.
>and I can already see Larainfags bitching about that
As for AC, look at the gameplay reveal stream again. Look at the character sheet. AC is in.
larian is indie but they have considerable funding for this game being able to have 300+ employees, consulting with two mocap studios, and having very nice cgi intros.
BG didn't have percentage values. It never told you anything, just showed the math in the text box.
And it was for the better, cause all those "95%" and "misses" cluttered the screen.
Again, 2d8 is not the same as 2-16. It would be inconsistent to write '1-8' and '2d8' on different items. It's a game based on D&D, so obviously you're going to have dicerolls. Deal with it.
That's not hypocrite you gook. It's not believing a game is for heathens.
There's actually a D&D campaign that leads to the vidya game. You already would know the 'real antagonists' if you play that.
It's a pretty good campaign imo.
Exactly like bg2 did with the stronghold questlines depending on MC class.
>turn based combat aka old man combat
>Larian writing
>4 person party
>gay and cuck romances
>visual style more similar to Dragon Age than BG
Did I use a mod then? I distinctly remember seeing % when I played BG. Maybe my memory is fading and I'm becoming a demented boomer.
You kow very well it would be harder if it was real time.
But worse
I'm 27, the stuff I talked about happened before you were even born
>Hates 5e and turn based combat
Ofcourse. Zoom away my friend.
Have you seen owlcat's PF WotR gameplay video? 7 minutes of auto-attacking using the old engine, demonstrating nothing new except for being able to turn the camera.
We don't know why devs do these things, but they do them.
At the very least the BG3 reveal showed that it is in fact using 5e. We saw skills, classes, out of combat skill usage, dice rolls, some plot, companions, a bit of character creation, out of combat turn based mode, sneaking, environmental manipulation, and a lot more. It was an actual gameplay reveal.
Ofcourse you are user. I'm actually 28, and I can smell the underaged on you. Nice try though.
>likes 5E and bebby mode combat
>calls someone else a zoomer
>Turn-based doesn't look in the slightest bit what I imagined a battle looked like in table-top.
I'm not sure why it's anyone elses fault that you're retarded and somehow imagined your fucking initiative, turns, dice rolls, and a set order of player and npc actions to "not be turn based" in your head. It's actually even more retarded if you somehow picture some rtwp grotesque clusterfuck of a scenario when playing tabletop user
5e is garbage, so that's a con.
D&D had some %-rolls. I don't doubt you saw them, but they're not present for everything.
BG3's percentage just shows you AC vs your attack bonus or whatever 5e's equivalent is (I think proficiency bonus), and gives you the likelihood of success based off the two. You could technically do this for all D&D games. The dice roll only happens when you commit to your action.
No, it would be more frustrating and more 'challenging' in a way fast-paced games are challenging.
It wouldn't be more difficult. The most difficult games are turn-based. I prefer to use my brain over having quick reflexes.
Here's SWEN the FAGGOT quite literally saying this is just a divinity reskin with a baldurs gate name on it to sell more copies because he believes divinity games are just so fucking good people need them.
>everyone moving at the same time
Turn based zoomers, everyone. Can't handle more than one unit moving at a time even with a pause button.
Which is why it isn't a sequel, just like the black hound wasn't going to be a direct sequel either. The bhalspawn story was done and dusted, all of those characters got pretty definitive conclusions, there was never any chance any game was going to do a direct sequel and use the same characters again.
you're an idiot, the guy is completely correct in assuming not everyone takes their turn perfectly as determined by intiative. It's meant to simulate 6 seconds as a full round and RtwP reflects this a whole lot better than turn based
>Thinks turn-based is easy
I see you're a grandmaster at chess?
>It's not a bad game, just a bad Baldur's Gate game.
This a fallacy. Turn based and RTwP D&D games use the same skills and rules. The only difference is that Turn based doesn't pressure you as much, whle RTwP requires you to both think and act quick. RTwP requires more skill, which is why every casual streamer used the TB mod for Kingmaker to beat bosses.
Why losers cry, and marketers post about shitmaker?
>there is nothing scary about a fucking sea creature
I mean, they straight up drain your int - or was it wis i forget, either way - when they attack you instead of your hp and you get fucked sideways if you left either of them as a dump stat, and generally even if you didn't you die much faster than to hp damage. mindflayers are gaylords, almost as gaylord as vampires but not quite.
Gygax was based. Too bad what he created has been pozzed to shit and ruined by decadent shitbags who barely bathe.
If all the pieces in chess moved at the same time that would make the game far more difficult and you know it.
>it's not a bad game, it's just a bad [franchise] game
People who say this should be euthanized.
Am I the only that's annoyed by this bow description? It's such a short description and it gets so many things wrong.
Not only it is a quippy "ha ha lulsorandom" writing typical to Larian, it gets the lore wrong. Elves would NEVER drive any tree to extinction. Because they are fucking ELVES.
>watch television and movies
>can't play a board game with your friends
ok. not hypocritical at all. I think maybe you misinterpreted the conversation I was having with not-you.
RTwP is made for grafixx faggots who want their shit to look fancy. TB is for chads who actually want strategic depth to their games.
Agreed, RTwP is more 'realistic' to how it would look, but I don't care. I want some depth to my game, not a clusterfuck.
Can you try that again, Pajeet? This time in English.
No, it doesn't, rtwp fanboys are massive cucks. D&D has always been turn based, if you imagined it any different you're an actual retard. I bet you imagine 40k as not being turn based either, monopoly isn't turn based either I bet? Risk? All tabletop and board games are turn based, your brain is just fucking cooked sunshine.
>tb is more strategic
>even though the rules are the same but it requires faster thinking
Turn-based casuals lmao.
It would make it retarded, just like how RTwP is retarded. If you weren't a brainlet you would understand that.
But everyone is very clearly *not* moving at the same time, y'know, what with the fact you all roll for initiative, have a turn order, and have to go around every player and mob individually rolling and spending your turn.
It is a game, it is not a real scenario, if you imagine it as anything other than a game you're being very dumb.
I like the dark souls spells better than the DnD/Pathfinder ones.
>I'm actually 28
Wow and you're still here? BWAHAHAHAAHA LOOK AT THIS DUDE!
I don't have horse in this race, my problem is with Larian's poor writing, but do you honestly think that you're meant to roleplay like that? That everyone just stands around like a retard while one guy does his actions? Because that's retarded. P&P is turn based because there's no other way to do it.
Yeah, all mentally challenging games are based around fast reactions and aren't slow paced at all.
Oh wait.
>same rules
>but with faster reflexes and thinking
That's called difficulty, zoom-zoom. Turn Based is objectively easier.
Zoom away little faggot. Go whine about how your parents don't understand you and how life is so difficult.
Careful. This gonna be you in 15 years.
This analogy doesn't work if the rules are the same for both, but one is faster. Then it becomes about quick thinking, and that's the issue with RTwP for zoomers. You can't handle thinking on your feet.
Fuck this dumpster fire.
>Still not accepting the fact that games like chess, checkers and basically every puzzle game has people deliberately taking their time to think over their moves
>Still thinks these games would be 'harder' if pieces moved at the same time
Why don't they exist then? Why are all mentally challenging games turn-based?
It's ironic you're calling anyone a zoomer, when you're too young to even understand basic facts.
Turn-based games are mentally challenging. Fast-paced games are a different kind of challenging. I like to use my brain user, you should maybe do that too sometimes.
>doesn't look like BG1-2
>doesn't feel like BG1-2
>doesn't seem to have the gameplay focus of BG1-2
>doesn't have RTWP like BG1-2
>doesn't seem to have the same story beats as BG1-2
I was never into Baldur's Gate that much but if I was a hardcore fan I'd be pissed too, it looks too fucking much like D:OS2. If they incorporate the armor shit into it, it will be even worse.
>these faggots that can't think abstractly and need everything to be exact replications of something that is limited by the fact that a computer isn't doing all of the dice rolls behind the scenes.
It's fine that you don't like RTWP but don't pretend it's not far more accurate of a depiction of D&D combat than turnbased. You're just using reductionist fallacies to prop up an argument because you know you're fucking retarded.
Anyone that thought their battles were 1:1 how they playing them out on TT are devoid of any creativity and should fuck right off when talking about a video game.
Lawful Evil God of Tyranny. He also died in the Time of Troubles but returned using a plan similar to Bhaal's, but with only a single heir.
The three of them were actually mortals who ascended to godhood together, too. They divided a former god's (Jergal) domain between the three of them.
So ironic you're calling others zoomers, when fast reactions is exactly what zoomers are good at, while boomers are better at slower paced thinking. Dont even care about your argument, but it's hilarious that you don't see the irony.
Combination abilities cannot exist in rtwp, they can exist in turn based, giving more options. Positioning doesn't matter in rtwp, because once the fight has begun anytime you spend not wildly swinging your weapons or casting to end combat as soon as humanly possible is completely suboptimal and wasted, so re-positioning for almost anyone doesn't happen.
The strat in rtwp games is always the same, buff yourself up to the fucking teeth with about a dozen different spells - that all last minutes - then engage. Turn based no buff lasts minutes, they last a set number of rounds, so you cannot pre-buff your self and then cruise through entire lengthy combats with them all still up. It is much much easier to cheese enemies in rtwp systems, you generally have much more ability to pull mobs individually rather than have entire groups be chained together so they all activate when you try this.
But the best part is
>requires faster thinking
The icons and graphics are nicer, but only DS2 actually had a nice amount of spell variety.
Weird how people also kept saying that it would've been a good game had it not had Dark Souls in its title.
It's been scientifically proven that having faster reaction times is linked to IQ brainlet. You don't have to be some twitch shooter pro to play fucking RTWP. Fuck off.
In tabletop, they can straight up extract your brain once they successfully grab your head with tentacles. Int damage in melee was probably roundabout way to implement this, since there's no grappling in any pc d&d iteration I know of.
>you can only set up advanced AI sets + battle commands
You can just play Final Fantasy XII right now.
Shut up dad you're not even my real mom
So many ancient fossils in this thread, gross.
>D&D is turn-based
>However, the vidya would need to be RTwP to better reflect how D&D plays
Nigger are you fucking dumb? Do you even play D&D you zoomer? Ofcourse RTwP doesn't fit a D&D game better. Ofcourse it's going to be turn-based. Did you get dropped on the head when you were little, or what?
Imagine thinking games designed for 75 iq niggers are mentally challenging.
It's not about which is quicker, it's about having to control 6 chars at the same time. These fuckers don't have the attention span for it. Generation autism with adderall dependency.
cope. it will be 4 chapters, 4 hubs with surrounding wilderness. NOT baldurs gate.
You can select a background,and so they should write their OC donut steel character arcs for each of those instead of just the premade ones.
Like I said, ALL vampire spawns should have the same quest/dialogue etc as astarion.
All criminals get another one, all nobles a third one etc.
Instead, they're making astarion get his own unique arc, and a player made vamp spawn will just have some generic crap.
It would be a really simple fix - move origins into the background you select, and use the stuff they wrote for origins as plot hooks - a'la 5e DMG and module recommendations.
That's what irks me.
Well, as well as knowing who will be a companion.
And what is to say that turn-based combat in vidya doesn't reflect the same 6 seconds as a D&D turn? Why does that need to suddenly be 'realistic'?
Why do you want to change a core aspect of what makes D&D good in the vidya game, just so it 'looks more realistic'?
Fuck off with that shit.
I still have no idea what connection The Dead Three has with illithids and tadpoles. It's farfetched as all fuck if the leaks are true. It's like Santa Claus teaming up with borg.
I'm kinda surprised how Larian have been the only ones making use of the co-op rpg market gap in the past decade.
Now they're even adding in streamer interactions so stream viewers can fuck with dice rolls and shit like that.
>reductionist fallacies are the only way to prop up my bullshit argument
I'm not having this conversation brainlet. You're a cultist faggot. No one cares the game is turn-based. No one cares that you can't think abstractly. No one cares you have no imagination. These are things you are going to have to deal with yourself.
Unfortunately you know those stories will only be for their pre made faggots, all of whom will be companions you meet. Instead of being tied to the background that is a choice for any player character you build.
>P&P is turn based because there's no other way to do it.
That's because there IS no other way to do it, whether it's tabletop or a videogame. Rtwp does the exact same things, it just hides and obscures all the information about turns and how long they each are and duration of things, so your guy stands there like a retard and swings, then stands there like a retard for a bit before he can do anything else again. How many times in bg did you chant, cast a spell, then try to cast something else another but your character literally can't and stands there for eternity being a dumbfuck before they then begin to cast the next thing, because there are timers and cooldowns and turns going off in the background but you just have no access to actually see them user.
You wanna have a go in a round of chess user? See who has 75 IQ.
They've already said Illithids aren't the true antagonists in this game. Most likely they're just what gets the ball rolling.
My bet is you get the tadpole under control through divine intervention and are roped into some stupid god scheme.
>real time with PAUSE
yes, definitely requires fast thinking retard
>Positioning doesn't matter in rtwp
Based turnbased retard.
>it's just a half-elf with facial tattoo
Americans needs to be stopped before they ruin fantasy genre forever.
What are you even trying to say faggot? Turn-based is the best way to represent a turn-based game. This isn't rocket science. Stop being so retarded.
>hurr durr i imagine big epic battles after we've entirely finished the combat i play it back in my head like a movie where it all happens at once
you are the only retard here user.
Holy shit not even once because I don't have ADD. You fucking know when thier turns are and when to queue a spell if you aren't a god damned sperg. This is just proving that you dumb motherfuckers just didn't know how to play the games and are blaming it not being easier for you to understand top fuckingkek get fucked brainlet.
Half-elf with a tiny nose, frog skin, and facial tattoos. Yes.
>This a fallacy. Turn based and RTwP D&D games use the same skills and rules
not really. There's plenty of differences especially when considering positioning and movement. I mean in BG you have original spells like Improved Alacrity which wouldn't really make much sense in a turn-based system. Same with lighting bouncing off of walls. You also can't kite enemies around the battlefield in turn-based to exploit their AI.
I Like both turn-based AND RTwP and think each one has its own strengths and weaknesses but this sperging out is just sad. Its obvious that Larian excels at turn-based tactical combat so that's what they went with.
>since the game was turnbased
How else could it have been you retard? There are limitations to how fast someone can roll a fucking dice and do the math on it. There is literally no other way of doing it
>the only way to implement it is a 1:1 recreation
You're slow and I don't care about this conversation anymore. You niggers have proved in your own posts you don't even understand the mechanics and just flat out sucked and it made you frustrated.
>Larian excels at turn-based tactical combat so that's what they went with.
They even said as much. Something along the lines of
>this is what we're good at, and since D&D is already turn-based we just decided right there it'll be turn-based
I've never played Chess and have no desire to do so.
But sure I'm a brainlet because I don't think videogames are mentally challenging in any form other than competitive multiplayer.
T. 163 IQ hydro engineer.
The worst thing is that you can't pick a class for origin character like in DOS2.
Fuck, should have been romance option. Fuck her (him) so hard that she chooses to remain a woman and now loves your dick.
>Still pretending RTwP is more challenging when it's objectively easier
A lot of depth is lost in RTwP games, because everything moves at the same time. You can still pause the game every second so there is literally no added challenge, just frustrating.
Again, all difficult games are turn-based. There is simply no denying that. Games like chess, and many more board games, are all turn-based.
A rigid turn system where a person goes first then another, allows for a deeper and more complex ruleset. If you allow people to all go at once, the ruleset needs to be simplified.
But... why?
Why would Bhaal care about illithids and tadpoles? It's not a part of his portfolio, illithids are useless to gods, because they are not even from this realm and he has easier ways to get what he wants than this overly-convoluted plan with superspecial tadpoles. He just needs one sucker to start killing people in his name - willingly or by accident, just like Sarevok and that's it. None of it fits.
>Holy shit not even once because I don't have ADD
>queuing abilities
So you're an afk retard player that just likes to watch it play out mostly controlled by ai and feel like you did something?
Bitch, I'm not sure what you're not understanding. You cast a spell, you queue another, there is still a lengthy period where they will stand there and do absolutely nothing - and it is not the same length of time as a fighter will stand and do nothing between a swing so it is not just a generic turn timer.
Have you ever played tabletop? Spells almost never take multiple turns to chant before casting, and then discard your next few turns so you recover before you can even start chanting - not even casting yet - again.
In tabletop you can sling a spell a round easily, the same number of spells thrown as attacks a fighter can do. In bg, a fighter will get about fucking 5 or 6+ attacks per spell cast once you pay attention to the chant time, the hidden cooldowns and everything else.
If you have genuinely never noticed this in bg, you haven't played enough bg or are simply not paying attention. You absolutely NEVER know when anyones "turn" is coming up in bg unless you have the option enabled that pauses it every time it happens - which if you use it would defeat the point of it being rtwp in the first place.
What the hell is this gif and why am I laughing so hard?
Funny. Owlcat said they were balancing combat around RTwP, and that TB mode would of course be easier.
>The animation
>The writing
>The colour palette
>5e instead of 2e or 3.5e
>Four companions max
Not really. It's pretty much New Morocco.
What edition did WotC buy it? I assumed it was always theirs
>okay so you have pause so its not about speed, its about controlling 6 chars
really makes you think
Competitive multiplayer games are only mentally challenging if they are turn-based, otherwise they are challenging in different ways. Being an amazing footballer is challenging, but it doesn't mean you need to think. Most football players are dumb as rocks.
That's the difference. I'd never claim other types of games aren't challenging, it's just that the type of challenge is not what I want. I want to think and be strategic, not have the highest APM.
You're implying it's the nature of them being turnbased that makes them challenging and not the puzzle, faggot.
>5e instead of 2e or 3.5e
>thinking WotC would EVER allowed anyone to use a previous edition when they always want to advertise their newest one
user what kind of dreamland do you live in?
honestly, I'm just getting into disliking wotc.
Im saying that in order to have a complicated game, it needs to be turn-based.
Yeah Starcraft is definitely just about having high APM.
What sort of satisfaction does taking 30 minutes per fight in Divinity against the computer give you?
You're so full of shit lmao. Unless it's turn-based no matter what it is it won't be complicated or difficult? Jesus christ you actually believe this horse shit? How fucking biased are you?
Funnily enough the turn-based mod that follows Pathfinders table top implementation was far easier and less complex than the base game with RTwP.
we don't know what the rolls were though. If the shoes was a 1d4 and he got 4 and the mace was a 1d10 and he just got a bad roll it doesn't mean that shoe>mace. Also, this is a balancing issue that can be ironed out well before release.
Yeah because half of the "challenge" in rtwp comes from wrestling with the AI that keeps spazzing out and doing shit you didn't want it to do.
>I expect the game to play it's self unless it takes everything and stops it so i can use 1 person at a time with nice big pauses inbetween
No one has this issue but plebs that haven't learned how to play with RtWP. That's sorta everyones point when "arguing" with TB fans.
You mean like half of swen's gameplay stream?
But that was just him fucking up.
>At least it played the same
It played like shit, play NWN 1 and then 2 and you will see how the controls and UI got worse.
Nah. It's the same with Pathfinder 2. They said they're balancing combat around RTwP, and as a result, TB is easier. One comment was people would cheese hard encounters by activating TB.