It's really fucking good now. I can't stop playing this shit

It's really fucking good now. I can't stop playing this shit.

Attached: no mans sky.jpg (639x361, 35K)

Looking forward to play this game in the future.

bro youre playing it post- NEXT . its shit man. Atlas rises had THE MOST PLANETS. they were unique and beautiful. Aesthetic. Exploration was actually fun as fuckunlike now with this shit. all they needed was the scale of next and you had the best NMS patch but NO they fucked it up

I wanted to keep playing it but it runs fucking bad in my pc
1060gb, ryzen 1600 and 8gb RAM
I thought it would run far better

Yeah, planet variety needs some touching up.
Pretty much my only complaint with the game at this point, besides the VR hud.

>a lot better
>really fucking good

You have your dream freighter yet? I'm still looking for my planet but I've got my perfect star destroyer.

>spend hours building elaborate bases, whatever tickled my autism
>have to go back and reconfigure them around a power source
No thanks, I'll just stop playing.

Didn't they manage to somehow make it even more laggy?

>Destiny but more Minecraft than Halo
No fucking thank you.

It's ok and pretty comfy

Play it on console :)

Sell me on this game Yea Forums

Pretty much this. That update broke all bases, and they didn't even bother to give you a tutorial on how to fix the issue. You're expected to find the schematic to get it instead.

This. Couple months ago game ran fine on my Xbox one. Now, I fall through the floor if I jet pack thrust too fast. I had to restart my 41 hour permadeath play through because when I warped to a new system I spawned INSIDE OF A FUCKING PLANET. I got stuck in a cave and fuckin died.

Finding aesthetic S rank fighters > exotics and livings

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Gimme a highlight heel of this game

No it isn't. It still has no actual content to speak of and absolute shit procedural generation and a joke of a combat system and a terribly written story. All they've done recently is make the UI slightly less shit.

The entire gimmick of the game is still half baked
Space combat still sucks
Planets need more than one biome

I mean, all the schematics you need is onboard the anomaly. You're suppose to summon and board it at least once after the huge update.

I've joined groups to grind quicksilver from the nexus and have seen people get destroyed by pirates and sentinel ships while flying S class fighters and exotics, I want it to range from bullying the ai to fucking bullshit like elite but I don't think a lot of the playerbase who never fly beyond boosting between planets and running from stuff could handle it.

where do I get ships besides buy them? Crashed ships are so rare and usually shit

>Zoomer: "I-It's good now!1!!!"

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Just find the most aesthetic ship you like/own, and then upgrade them.

use the signal booster or nav data to search for a trade outpost, the ones with a bunch of landing pads. Then either wait or reload the autosave from exiting your ship and it will respawn a new batch of the ships from the system with new stats, also ships will be better in the 3 star systems(wealthy/prosperous). I think your only options are to buy and find crashed ones.

I might play it, mainly because I got it for free somehow a while back and I just learned that what I thought were DLCs that kept on coming out are actually just free updates. Might as well give it a shot eventually.

also this, but upgrading costs a fuckton of units for the last bunch of slots, the current trick is to do this and then scrap all the cheap S class shuttles and low slot fighters/exotics and use the storage augs you get and saving yourself hundreds of millions of units.

Is the VR any good?

does this game have RNg cities to explore? or just cities in general? I like urban exploration but I'm yet to find a game that let's me do it.

Nope, but you can try building them yourself if you have a powerful PC.

Nope, the only structures to find are literally 4-5 copy paste buildings.

What a shame, I always figured that they could just reconfigure their rng code to make neat cities or at least space stations or some kind of civilized life

>or at least space stations

There are civilized lifeforms, you find them in said structures and space stations.

If only every non-shopkeeper NPC had any purpose other than teaching you one new word each after going through the same stupid dialogue menus every single time.

I like the travellers and their cryptic creepypasta lines, the game has some depressing existential shit it tries to delve into but it never goes hard enough.

Well some of them give you kind of a quest and reward. I had one send me to look for his buddy at a crash site, pretty basic but still.

I bought it a while back and tried it a few times. I usually played for a day and then said 'fuck this' and dropped it for months. But this time, it just clicked with me. It's pretty good now. The flying is still very simple, but making space bases is pretty fun.

I feel a lot of the space events they just added are unbalanced for new players, you can easily make millions just by flying between planets. I'm the kinda guy that appreciates a slow rise to fortune, so this was kinda annoying.

I haven't played in probably a year, what's new?

bump man sky

You can transfer stuff from your freighters to your inventory now.

lootbox egg ships and space anomalies in the most recent one, before that it was community quests from the nexus like in elite.

Playing it blind on PSVR, it's really fun even though it's blurry as shit and full of pop-in. How long does it take for me to be able to do multiplayer with randoms?

did SEA OF THIEVES also achieve his redemption?
every gameplay i see it's the same chest quest over and over, but it seems the player base is growing
did RARE actually put some content in that game?

8gb of ram really bottlenecks you in NMS for whatever fucking reason. Recently upgraded to 16gb here and a ton of my stutter went away, although I'm playing it locked to 45fps here since my CPU is still too shit to hit a clean 60fps.

is this game worth getting for VR?

Does it play alright with a controller in PC? I need a game I can play with a controller so I can kick my feet up and my cat will sit on my lap.
It's important to me, dammit.

It plays fine on VR controllers so I assume regular controller would be the same. Only thing I figure they changed for VR is since lack of d-pad, they made the quick menu a pop-up on your wrist that you interact with your finger.

They added some interesting long form quests but it's too little too late. Still best sailing game ever made. What could have been... :(

No, there's still not much content. The playerbase has stayed healthy just because of the game pass.

Probably because the game is still being updated. They can't go too hard since they're still adding more info.

>The early game is still the same boring shlock as before
How much time do I need to put in before I start seeing the actual improvements?

There aren't any actual improvements.

Underwater bases looked cool as fuck, but honestly based on the couple hours I've played I'm starting to believe people saying this

If this game had anything resembling interesting fauna and flora on planets I could be slighty interested

It's procedurally generated so probably won't suit your fancy
Subnautica this is not.

It's like Ark, they just keep adding new "content" instead of doing anything about the game being fundamentally boring and tedious. They need to overhaul the procedural generation, overhaul the combat system, overhaul the NPCs, and overhaul the UI before it'll ever actually be interesting.

2D NMS with frackin universe is a much better game experience imo

Attached: starbound.jpg (1100x1100, 54K)

My nigga

Nose size is in direct correlation to the size of your penis

>It's procedurally generated so probably won't suit your fancy
If the flora and fauna actually were procedurally generated it could actually be interesting, instead every planet of each type just uses the exact same plants on it with zero variation and all the creatures look and act exactly the same.
>But muh exotic planets
Are cool for five minutes on the first one until you realise there's nothing actually on it aside from three plants and one passive creature, and then you get to a second one and realise it's the same thing with a different skin.

the gameplay loop is so shit though.
>take 5 things to make 1 new thing
>take 5 new thing to make new new thing
>take 5 new new thing to make thing you actually need
>thing you actually need breaks when you go through a black hole and you have to start over

This weekend anomaly mission makes me want to mcfucking kill myself

I agree with a lot of that, but the UI is fine imo. And they did do a lot to make the game less tedious. Your inventory used to be *way* more restrictive, it made the game an absolute slog compared to how it plays now.

Better combat, better npcs, and better procgen would certainly add a lot to it.

>but the UI is fine
They only just in the most recent patch added the functions of splitting stacks at more than 1 unit at a time, and swapping an item with another item in a different slot.
They still have a long way to go with a lack of a basic sorting function, with how needlessly repetitive and awkward every dialogue interaction is, with how much of a pain it is to transfer anything between inventories, with how none of your base processors can take materials from your storage containers, with how the list of locations accessed from a teleporter doesn't display any of the information that's present on the galaxy map, and those are just the things off the top of my head when I haven't played it in months.

>They still have a long way to go with a lack of a basic sorting function
Hell you still can't fucking drag an item over another to swap their spots in your inventory. You have to have an open slot, move thing to that, move another thing to desire spot.

user I just said in the post you replied to that they added that in the recent update.

have put this game off. is this an inventory management game with alot of traveling?

That's an apt description, yes.

I dont fucking care, you dont get to lie and then 'make it better' later.
And if you bought it you're the fucking cancer killing video games.

>And if you bought it you're the fucking cancer killing video games.
I bought it and have 300 hours in it

>8gb RAM

Didn't for me when I tried yesterday, unless it doesn't apply to tech shit.

>every planet is still just one big biome
nah, still trash

what did this boomer mean by this?

That a good game is good forever and a bad game is bad forever. You know; a truth.

Risk of Rain started good but became bad when they introduced a bunch of gamebreaking bugs in an update that they never fixed.

...says the fly.

>Risk of Rain started good
Which is a good game... that got fucked up. What's supposed to be the issue?

The modern magic of Steam forcing updates on you so you can't think to a 'good' version to enjoy.

It's a clunky mess but it's ok. If you like to fully immerse yourself by self-turning, you have to constantly swivel your head to look at the HUD which doesn't follow your head movement. Certain things like scanning a copper vein will completely tank your frames and in general the game doesn't look nearly as good as it is non-VR.
The game is practically unplayable once you crank up post-processing and render distance. You pretty much are locked to mid if you want decent VR frames (90+). I have a 2080Ti/Vive Pro mind you. If you have entry level VR or an underpowered GPU I can't imagine what settings you need to play on to make this game run smooth.

Is the Colossus good yet

this game needs:
WAY more planet variety. even shit like rivers would go a long way. its sad that you need a mod just to have more than 6 types of daylight sky.
more power sources besides hotspots (ironically uranium is already in the game)
better and more space battles besides rescuing convoys
the alien races to actually do stuff
planets with actual deep oceans and a better underwater vehicle that's not loud as fuck and slow as fuck
more sandbox activities

TF2 started off bad, then became good, then became awful.

damn, I heard it had performance problems but thought they might've patched it by now

Enjoy the future btw