>"You have been removed from the lobby." >"Host has disconnected from the session." >"Connection lost to opponent."
Let's take a look at my inbox. I sure do have a lot of messages.
86 unread messages, oh my
>ur shit >You only win because you're a scrub >Don't play this game again I have reported you, and I'm blocking you >You only won because you use throws you spammer >You only won because you juggle
>Giant wall of text explaining why I am the worst human being that has ever played this fighting game, and why they are superior even though they kept losing.
What a great video game medium with such a healthy community. I sure am glad this genre is one of my top choices.
I have played hundreds of Tekken 7 matches and haven't got 1 (one) message and nobody ever disconnected during a match maybe the PS4 makes it too tedious to send messages
Juan Turner
You're just not good at it. OP here, and Tekken 7 is the game I'm mostly talking about.
People aren't going to rage quit, and send hate mail after they beat you user...
Charles Lopez
It isn't 2009 and you're not playing SFV, ragemail is super uncommon these days
Brandon Foster
if they complain about juggling then you must be 3rd dan or someshit
Kayden Flores
>playing a fighting game online Support your locals, friend
Just because you can't play doesn't mean its "suuuper uncommon these days."
If you were good, believe me its a waterfall of hatemail
Grayson Brooks
everybody knows hatemail is only on PC these days pc fats can't cope with losing in a 1 vs 1 game
Julian Garcia
No one is sending you hate mail because you lose every game.
Scientific indisputable fact.
Dominic Sanchez
Is it worth going to my locals if there are only like 3 people there? The only things active at my locals are smash and tekken, and I'm no good at either.
Christian Bailey
you're playing against people that complain about JUGGLES in Tekken, no wonder you fucking win
Joshua Russell
Ryder Collins
>86 unread messages Who did you have to fuck to get that number?
Jeremiah Bell
local play is more fun and you're playing the game like it's supposed to be played a lot of shit that works online wouldn't fly in local
Nathaniel Rivera
You don't go to locals because you're good. You go to locals to GET good.
Matthew Clark
post some of the hate mail
Landon Edwards
Hatemail might be one of my favorite things about online. It's gives me strength. I'm jealous of the people who seem to get loads of it.
Joseph Wood
He can't cause he's larping
Wyatt Reyes
I figured, but at the same time I feel like if I'm too much worse than them, they won't want to play me because it's not fun.
Alexander Taylor
Post the oldest one
Adrian Phillips
OP here, The one that sticks out is a message after a player disconnected right as I was about to win playing Tekken 7 in blue ranks.
>"I remembered you're smurf name, I am blocking you, and I hate liars."
the reason this one's weird is everything in that hatemail is false. I don't have a smurf... I'm not lying about my skill, or anything else for that matter... and I don't know why he felt the need to message me just to tell me he is blocking me.
Ethan Lee
I once beat this girl on PS3 P4Arena Ultimax. >Added her one day >She doesn't play the game >Just sits in the lobby rping or some dumb shit >Challenge her >Win by instakilling her as Yukiko >she gets very upset and unadds me with some long ass message At l east I play the game :^)
Parker Kelly
This to be honest
Kayden Ramirez
I stopped playing fighting games because locals are a three hour train ride away that I can't afford and I'd rather player other shit when I'm at home.
That's where you are wrong! They would love to beat the shit out of you while you struggle to adapt. Then once you adapt they'll hsve a whole new bag of tricks for you
Caleb Perry
Well I wrote one of the most recent ones, but if you think I'm going to screenshot a message with my name on it, and then upload it just to make some retard like you who's literally played a fighting game for 20 minutes of his whole life and doesn't know what I'm talking about; well then, you are mistaken.
Landon Ramirez
Anyone want to play AH3LMSS!!!!!! with me?
Hudson Young
>Opponent finally starts blocking the iad >Start doing empty jump lows
everytime i astral some scrub on any installment of blazblue
>connection to opponent has been lost
fucking fags and children :D
Carson Smith
Just black out your name. Hate mail is funny and how hard is it to take a photo on your phone then smear it?
James Rodriguez
>visit my local >LGBT pins and flags on everything >fat people talking about Bernie Sanders and pestering me about politics >top player is a blatantly male assburger who wears womens clothing >sets were interrupted because someone tried to kill themselves in the toilet
Fighting games attract the most concentrated forms of autism, don’t be too surprised.
Leo Bennett
I'm sorry for the fact you went through this, and the fact that I broke out laughing very hard.
Austin Davis
It's fun because everyone has to go through the process of getting stomped on when they're new. Getting good enough to the one stomping is an honor and privilege.
I’ve been a regular at my locals for 8 months now, and honestly most of the people there are pretty chill and fun to be around. I mean, there is one guy who gets a bit too angry and yell/pops off when he loses, but what can you do? I almost consider it a compliment at this point lmao
>implying locals are worth going to unless you live in or near a city Boston is a good 100 miles from my place and i'm not gonna waste all that gas just to get wiped in pools