Fashionable Vidya Armor thread

Fashionable Vidya Armor thread
I am a simple man, and I love beautiful armor in my video games.

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The best vidya armor as far as I'm concerned.
Nice balance of cloth, metal, and mail.
Another recent set I'm partial to is Claude's timeskip armor set from FE3H.

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I am nomura and I approve

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>the best vidya armor as far as I'm concerned

Attached: faraam set.png (500x750, 287K)

Tell me about her
Why does she wear the mask?

If I take the mask off would you coom?

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>the first post already posted what I wanted to post
>and in much better resolution
well fug

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No one cared who she was before she put on the mask

I fucking love Titania's armor.

Attached: Titania_Heroes.png (1017x1867, 1.87M)

It would be extremely sexy

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Still the best design in Fire Emblem

Battle dresses can be good.

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>a fucking beach towel hanging from generic armor

are you retarded by chance?

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Patrician armor.

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For (You)

I fucking love the female Odagaron set.

Attached: odagaron.png (895x1577, 2.63M)

Embarassing contrarian

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