Recommend me a videogame with a liberal leftist plot that is actually good like pic related

Recommend me a videogame with a liberal leftist plot that is actually good like pic related

Attached: H2x1_NSwitchDS_NightIntheWoods_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 119K)

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From what I can tell from the first few missions of MGS Peace Walker, that is a pretty leftist game. I mean, the dude wants to turn Central and Latin America into socialist countries to stop the USA imperialism and Snake helps some sandinist revolutionaries. Based af.

Disco Elysium.

Isn't that the game about people unable to adapt and blaming capitalism for it

By the end the game turns into
>He's crazy and wants to nuke the world for no reason!
>Also ghosts are real and robots have feelings!
It's still a good game but if you're looking for political commentary this aint it

>He's crazy and wants to nuke the world for no reason!
Probably a parody of Che Guevara, then? He once said that he would have used all Russian missiles against the US even if it cost Cuba's annihilation...

>that is actually good like pic related
>like pic related

Oh, that's a shame... I had never seen such a thing in any videogame before. Also, the black and yellow flag with Snake's anarchist speech made me afraid of Snake reveling himself an anarcho capitalist. That would be dumb and disappointing.
Based Che.

No actually they specifically call Big Boss Che Guevara because he's the good guy who stops the nukes
No I'm not making this up

>americans still seethe about El Che
It's beet 50 years already, let it go.

Kentucky Route Zero, which I almost never see discussed on Yea Forums presumably because it would be called an SJW movie game. But it's incredible, and the politics are never "shoved in your face," whatever that even means.

I'd say it's more about a bunch of teens becoming adults, with some refusing to grow up.
Maybe what you're really looking for is a game which can resonate with you given the age group you belong to.

Since you posted Night in the Woods, I'd say undertale maybe.
It still has that "gay is ok" and other millenial mindsets if that's what you really itch for.


Can someone explain the appeal of this to me? I guess I was expecting an RPG and instead it seems to be a visual novel tied together with minigames, I'm wondering if I'm missing anything.
I don't not like it, but I haven't found the desire to get through it recently

That's it. You figured it out. Fags like to read, and don't really play [vidya] games.

What are you referring to?

>liberal leftist plot
>redneck cult is kidnapping people and throwing them into the planet's anus
I mean... kind of?

I mean the antifa stuff and the fact that every second character is a homo

Attached: file.png (320x312, 227K)

but that movie game was garbage.

why didn't you like it?

Just NiTW in general

Even though I'm a white nationalist I love this game

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