Is this when gaming peaked?

Is this when gaming peaked?

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i think Uncle Dante was the best Dante.
but i do like Donte too.


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it's when pretty much everyone realized game journos were absolutely worthless, so yes, in a way.

Que te jodan

It's certainly when Yea Forums peaked

>not ''si''
3/10. would've been 7/10 if your donte at least had the moustache

Well, this is definitely when Devil May Cry has peaked.

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>La batalla final de Donté y Vérgin

no mucho bueno

>taking spanish this semester
>actually able to practice spanish by playing el donte's adventures
>actually willingly playing dmc reboot now

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NT really shouldve made this as a comedy game or something. Wouldve been 10x better.

agreed, instead of shakespearean it shouldve been quixotic


hijo de puta

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Lo siento, hermano...

Attached: Mi nombre es Danté.jpg (1920x1080, 705K)

Feel mad for the model