It's over bros

it's over bros

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Based. Pyramid Head only made sense as James Sunderland's guilty conscience. There's no good reason to include it in any other game ever, except if said game were to bring James back for some reason.

Didn't he say if he made a new SH he would kill Pyramid Head at the start of it?


>4.6 million likes

I can't believe they got the drop on our nigga pyramid head.


4.6 thousand user

>i would kill him in it's opening
what did he mean by this? He wasn't the mascot until the movie and homecoming shoved him into everything.
Pyramid only works as a personal antagonist to James. Heather had her own monsters

Kojima will fuck this up with his fucking Hollywood friends

P.T. was absolute kino tho

has nothing to do with silent hill.

What a fucking faggot holy shit

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He was put in the movie and in homecoming because he was the mascot in the first place.

It was still better than anything released after 3.

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>twitter screencap thread

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>Norman Reedus
>Silent Hill

i wonder

What? What does the voice and mocap actor have to do with anything?

No more Hollywood fags in vidya

I would argue that Pyramid Head as the town's executioner in olden times could theoretically allow him to function as a "punisher" for anyone who came to Silent Hill and felt that they needed to atone for previous actions, but that his design and personality traits should be altered significantly in each appearance in order to reflect the personalized struggles of whoever he's there to confront.

But copy/pasting the same design in every installment doesn't make any sense, no.

Basically, I think it's okay to keep the actual pyramid shaped head because that's a real person who existed in the town that there is physical evidence of, but he should wear look and act different otherwise in each installment.

I'm still mad bros

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How does that not make it a Silent Hill game? It's really starting to sound like you are retarded.

You literally just explained why Pyramid Head shouldn't be in every fucking Silent Hill thing out there.

>''people'' still don't get ph was only made for james

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have you ever played the original team silent games fag?

But why is he in sh origins too? I think he is part of silent hill, he just doesn't interfere with every person

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>having a c-list actor working in a game set in silent hill, that shares the same themes and elements a silent hill game does, automatically makes it unrelated to silent hill
??? Do you need help? I think you need to learn how to communicate like a human being, maybe you would be able to get your point across, then.

Once again - BASED

>working in a game set in silent hill, that shares the same themes and elements a silent hill game does

Feel free to point out those themes for us.

I never owned a PS2 and even I understand that the enemies are based on the protagonist's psyche.

For you? Nah, I'll just keep making you seethe.

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it's 4.6k, OP is a hue

That was The Butcherâ„¢

Though it could be either the Red God or the Yellow God I don't think the people behind that story thought that far ahead

Oh i see you're just some retarded basing your points on youtube reviews. I'd not be surprised if you never played any of the classic games.

They never will, Pyramid Head is the mascot of Silent Hill forever now.

I'm reading through the wiki right now and I think the problem might be more exaggerated than people make it seem.

I think the only pieces of media that really bastardizes his existence are the movies and and spin-offs which shouldn't be taken seriously anyway.

He's not in 3 or 4, he's only a painting in Origins, he's involved in a joke ending in Downpour, and in Homecoming he does have a reason to be there, even though he shouldn't really be fucking with Alex all that much.

>I think it's okay to keep the actual pyramid shaped head because that's a real person who existed in the town that there is physical evidence of, but he should wear look and act different otherwise in each installment.
shut up retard
what a fucking awful idea

You should really go somewhere that actually appreciates someone trying to defend objectively shit things, like Reddit, for example.

>PT came out almost six years ago
I hope I get the virus and die fuck this gay earth.

Well the fun of it is watching people like breakdown into blabbering messes of name calling and incoherent thought, so going somewhere that such responses are immediately hidden by a voting system kind of kills it.

Also they don't appreciate loli on Reddit so you guys are stuck with me.

I don't mean that dude, he doesn't even have a pyramid head, but on the hotel when you look trough a hole on a wall you see og pyramid head. Can't remember if he appears anywhere else desu

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That's Valtiel's job.

That's something I would give Downpour some credit for. They had the chance to just be as lazy as Origin's Butcher or even Homecoming's direct reuse of Pyramid Head, but when they needed a new figure to fit a different role, they made the Bogeyman. It's definitely a contender for one of the least evocative designs in the franchise, even counting Homecoming's boring hazmat humans, but they still ended up using him creatively and didn't bank on something that was "iconic to the franchise."