Haha, us Gamers. Amiright? XD

Haha, us Gamers. Amiright? XD

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off

Any MMO player is pretty fucked huh

Fuck creepers.

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Forgive me wild boar for beating you to death with a stick

I'm not apologising to those 50 million jellies
they should get chaeldar to apologise to me
stupid fairy slut with a degenerate jelly fetish

Attached: Say it.jpg (908x300, 89K)

Baste. Blow up their prostates.


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>killed a crusader
yeah he is going to hell alright

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Why would a tribal god give two fucks about all that goofy western tomfoolery?

>African god depicted by a non African to fit their narrative
The hypocrisy of the left is astounding.

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>tribal god
>doesn't kill all enemies of the tribe on sight

>Depicts an African god that doesn't exist anywhere

I masturbated to this once

>african tribe god
>against racism/misogyny/facism and is fine with fags
something doesn't add up here

wheres the joke

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>extremely racist pre-colonial interpretation of an "African God"
>sending anyone else to oblivion for racism
Why is it that people who fight against bigotry are themselves extremely bigoted

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>stealing a old boomer comic

How fucking low can you go?

Here i fixed the joke

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This joke would have been a lot better without that stupid 3rd panel....

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I don't see the problem with your soul being completely disintegrated.
Not existing anymore, not even as a soul, is the absolute best rest you can get on the afterlife.

Still too long

These comics suck, you suck.

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A state of being instead of feeling seems more peaceful than being voided out of existence.

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clearly some ancient african god would care about racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, etc

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this is like a shittier version of this comic

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The second panel is actually a pretty good way to totally dismantle Pascal's Wager


yes, it's sort of a derivation of the atheist's wager

Unless if Joe was the most overzealous hunter of all time, this makes no sense

trying too hard

He hunted all those animals himself? Or are they all roadkill?

>People who eat meat are MURDERERS!!!

vegan comic bro


Attached: Electric Retard 3.png (980x1114, 419K)

actually the joke is still completely intact with just one panel

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But he didn't kill those animals. Someone else did. They would have died regardless of whether or not he bought the meat.

imagine having to make peace with plants before you go to heaven lmao

what game do you actually kill bowser

The only two vegans I met were disturbingly thin and lived sick all the entire time (one of them suffered from constant headaches) so yeah, I'll rather spend two years of eternity apologizing to those cows an chickens than having a miserable life.

God I hate these faggots so much

i would like to strangle the asshole who made this comic

If that's the case then that elephant in the back is going to show up to a lot of people because I can't even imagine how much meat you can get from an elephant.

>Joe killed an elephant
He's pretty hardcore

Blasphemy isn't funny.

not really
While the likelihood of the Wager succeeding may dramatically drop if all ideas of gods are included, you're better off by picking one, and that might as well be the Western Christian one

>cap and overalls
obviously a farmer/rancher. you'd cringe if you knew how many small birds and rodents and shit got chewed up by farming equipment. and my stepdad butchered a bison every month for a good 20 years. only animal we ever raised.

fucking vegans

Vegan diet is one of the unhealthiest diets you can have.

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i replied to the wrong post

I'm so sorry bro i didn't knew i was the bad guy, that Dormin faggot manipulated me

>Being this triggered because a webcomic made fun of you
You guys are no better than "did you dare to guess my gender" snowflakes.

Modern atheists and liberals are so fucking bourgeois it's embarassing

Where are all the potatoes, carrots, peas, oranges,...? They're alive too.

1/100 is still greater than 0

Did he at least raise the skeletons as his undead bison army?

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You are right, I'm going to my local representative to demand the government bans comics that make fun of me right now!

If you think about it, you might be killing millions in the future due to the butterfly effect.

it's entirely possible to be healthy on a vegan diet, it's just more complicated. The average vegan is much healthier than the average american.

Those don't have faces you can anthropomorphize.

He said he was quite tolerant

The second panel implies any pagan god could exist equally to the one true God of the Bible, but this ignores the fact that every pagan god, African gods included, haven't been forgotten with no consequences to be had. However, the prophecies of the Bible have all come true, with Jesus Christ being the chief of them.

Now it's made by Gray Larson

Attached: larson.png (321x271, 91K)

No it isn't. It's what 15 year olds come up with when they decide nihilism and the hope that you'll never be judged for your actions is cool and what popular people do.

The Wager itself is a meme anyway because it implies that the only reason to be a good and pious person is for the hope of a reward or fear of a punishment.

Mario Brothers? Don't you drop him in hot lava?

I knew I shouldn't have marathoned the Serious Sam series more than 10 times

What about the animals who eat other animals? Do they have to say sorry too?

animals dont go to heaven

Don't be silly, animals don't have souls.

>the prophecies of the Bible have all come true

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Animals are not intelligent, so they're incapable of doing evil.

Its apparently natural for animals to eat each other but not for humans to eat animals

Of course they do. They just don't have spirits.

>because it implies that the only reason to be a good and pious person is for the hope of a reward or fear of a punishment.
that's religion in a nutshell


this is really good

>Need to make peace to every mosquito and tick I killed to go to heaven
I have no regrets. Heaven is overrated anyway.

This. I don't remember the specifics but Jesus is somehow involved in like 2k pigs running off a cliff to their deaths in order to prevent some piece of shit sinner dying, and it's because animals don't have souls. God asks for animal sacrifice in the Old Testament anyway, it doesn't make sense for him to suddenly be vegan because a guy was too overzealous in hunting.

>it implies that the only reason to be a good and pious person is for the hope of a reward or fear of a punishment
and yet the religious constantly ask where atheists get morality from

>The average vegan is much healthier than the average american
Absolutely based and true.

Being a good person is its own reward, user. If you accept JC as your lord and savior just so you can go to heaven that isn't really accepting him and you still won't go to heaven. You have to actually mean it, and "I REALLY REALLY WANNA GO TO HEAVEN" isn't meaning it. It's like a child saying sorry because their parent told them to.

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They have come true. Look at the destruction of Tyre, or see the prophecies of Daniel. The whole Bible itself accurately predicts Jesus Christ's coming and death. Read Psalm 22 if you don't believe me.
Jesus Christ is true, user.

>flamethrower queef is funnier than most mainstream shit in the newspaper/on buzzfeed

Attached: beavis and butthead laughing harder.png (525x809, 822K)

Fuckin nice.

I didn't know coca cola was this BASED

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It's a good question because no atheist has a decent answer for it. Their morals are shaped by laws and the general opinions of society, which means their morals are pliable and fleeting. It's why so many people think it's totally normal and rational and good to kill babies just because they might have a hard life or because the mom doesn't feel like giving birth.

No it doesn't. Those were literal retcons made by the church.

goddamn you

the internet peaked with Electric Retard

futa daughter on mom incest is based

but futa mom on daughter incest is baseder

easiest way to make Yea Forums seethe

>Their morals are shaped by laws and the general opinions of society, which means their morals are pliable and fleeting
sure, but religious morals are just shaped by the laws and general opinions of society thousands of years ago

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Shut the fuck up

That's nothing special, the average non-american is much healthier than the average american.

I like this cuz it implies he's out looking for guys to obliterate.

Does he have to apologize to bacteria he kills while washing his hands?

>Being a good person is its own reward, user.
Then I shouldn't have to worship a deity.

post more of these

>tribal god
>judges people for tribalism
Great, this makes complete sense.

I love pbfcomics

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2 Futa dual penetrate a MILF

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Even if that's all you see it as, those morals aren't going to change. A 'moderate centrist' nowadays would be seen as an absolute fringe lunatic even 50 years ago.



Good save user

None of it is a retcon, user, and the levels of rewrites needed to lie would be massive, and moreover impossible. The prophecy of Jesus Christ is written in the book of Isaiah and it's there for anyone to read.
Whoever believes on Jesus Christ and confesses Him as Lord will be saved. I urge you to also believe on Him, user.

A farmer killed an elephant and a lobster?

>chug some napalm in Vietnam and kill millions of insects and small animals daily
>masturbate once and then apologize 50 million times to each potential life

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What's the difference?

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Archive of our own

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What are you getting so mad about? It's not like you're going to heaven anyway.

>It's a good question because no atheist has a decent answer for it.
I do not do bad things because it makes me feel bad to do so.

It's true though. There was no chance they wouldn't come true because they are either so vague it could match anything or so every day ordinary they happened within a few minutes f them being written.

>those morals aren't going to change
is that a good thing? You're betting on those morals being right, and assuming that there won't be improvements. Perhaps people will become less moral, but what if people develop a better sense of morality? How would you even know either way, without begging the question?

I tip my fedora to you good sir

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You don't have to, retard. Just because you don't like one outcome doesn't mean you don't have a choice.

the one and only

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What if there was a real asshole of a god who punishes everyone except for atheists? It's not 0 then.

what do they eat?

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that's not a high bar, the average rat has lower body fat than the average American, doesnt mean I look up to rats for health advice

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Why the fuck are you on Yea Forums?

This would actually be the funniest if it's an actual african god with an accurate depicition of what they believed it to look like.

discord dot gg /


Last panel needs the Joker added in.


can you find one that only likes nonbelievers and actually does dictate humanity’s fate?

what do rats have to do with anything?

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>the vaguest shit is now a prophecy
user let me sell you some horoscopes

>God is Dr. Light
holy shit

I can't find any deities


The Necrophiliac guy was the funniest character

It's a good website for discussion and I like talking to you anons. That's all. I have no ulterior motives in telling you about Jesus.


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Are you implying that video game characters aren't fictional and just pixels on a screen?


Where are these from? They're insane.

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>I have no ulterior motives in telling you about Jesus.
I do not believe you. Part of your religion is trying to convert other people.

All the ancient sources draw a distinction between two non-physical aspects of mankind. Usually one is the "animating force" that mankind shares with animals, while the other is "that which is higher" and often includes conscience, intellect, the divine spark, etc.

I call them soul and spirit for convenience in English, but they were sometimes called psyche and pneuma, for example. Many other variations.

more of these

Based Jesus poster.

I see you, brother!

God bless.

The scientific terms are sentience and sapience.

for Spy Checking

imagine getting offended by a pbf comic

Ariel Rebel for Dorcel Club. It's actually disappointing, she doesn't even get fucked. It took over a decade for her to get fucked on camera and it was all in shit tier photos anyway. BJ videos still good though.

God I wish that were me

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yes, it was all a prank, bro.

This is an incredibly naive and childish opinion on morality and it completely misses the point as well. What is a "bad" thing for you? Murder, rape? Is not doing those things all it takes to not be bad? What if your morality for what is bad and good is completely different to someone else's?

>but what if people develop a better sense of morality?
Do you see that happening any time soon, or ever? All the moral progress we've made in the last 100 years has done is lead to people becoming selfish narcissists that hate everyone, but most of all themselves.

I'm aware. The terms I used are thousands of years older, however, and thus have precedence.

Post the one where it's a billion fucking chinamen

Nothing will ever compare.

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>I have no ulterior motives
Wanting to convert people is an ulterior motive.
Well, if God wants to convert me he just has to appear in front of me and do something that only a god can do.
It should be easy given how he's omnipotent.

source for the jelly baby one is twitter.com/RGC__Comics/

Did you think when I was urging you to believe in Jesus Christ I wanted you to not believe in Him? I have no ulterior motives, as in, I have no other reason to tell you about Jesus other than for you to be saved by Him. I don't get anything for writing any of this to you.

It's full of people who most need to hear stuff like this.

>newfags think this is a vegan webcomic
>don't see the fucking elephant in the back

Attached: Untitled copy.jpg (900x299, 100K)

>Joe has to make peace with the people he killed at war
>Joe has to make peace with every animal he ate, or he otherwise killed (hunt, flyswatter, etc.)
>Joe has to make peace with every vegetable or fruit he ate, every grass he stepped on
>Joe has to make peace with every bacteria his organism killed to recover from illness
>Joe has to make peace with every cell of his body since he technically killed them all by "letting himself" die of old age

Pac-Man ghosts shouldn't be there. YOU never kill them, they're already dead.
Bowser has never canonically died.
You never actually kill sims. Their own stupidity and the limits of the game engine get them killed. Even if sims kill sims with mods, it's not YOU doing it. You're a third party observer. A god, if you will.
I see a number of implied animals in the background. Bible says it's okay to kill those as they exist for you to do so.
Goombas are plants. You're allowed to kill plants.

who the fuck hunts cows

I remember when this would derail threads for 200 posts with people arguing about what it meant and who was going to commit suicide.

Based. I want to drink cowgirl futa milk, through my ass




>kill a man
>just have to give him a hug
>wipe down a counter with clorox
>spend literal years apologizing to every bacteria

notice the eye colors

Do you really think one faggot rambeling on with the most generic missionary horseshit is going to convert anyone?

Sorry user no brownie points for spreading your dogma

It's not "naive" and "childish", it's how things work.
You should be mature and empathic enough to understand that you shouldn't do bad things because they're bad; because they inflict suffering on others and yourself.

Being good due to fear of divine retribution means that you aren't a good person at all; so if someone rewrote the religious dogmas to make something like murder not a sin they would start murdering people. Just look at muslims.

Gee, but they are the bad guys. Besides they are fictional characters? This is more like to forgive yourself, than forgive others.

I hope this is bait. Well done, if so.

That assumes there's no possibility of a god that rewards atheism or whatever.


>not posting the two page rant about how much he hates himself for this stupid fucking comic

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Does that mean i can have sex with pretty much any enemy from vidya i killed? Oh god finaly a dream come true

>Do you see that happening any time soon, or ever? All the moral progress we've made in the last 100 years has done is lead to people becoming selfish narcissists that hate everyone, but most of all themselves.
but you're making the assumption that what we're moving towards morally is worse than what we had before, the problem is that you only have the previous moral system to go by. By using older morality to judge newer morality as immoral, you're still just begging the question.

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Fucking kek

oh fuck it christmas!!!

If it works even once that makes it worth it, user. :)

>The terms I used are thousands of years older, however, and thus have precedence
religious terms don't just get precedence over scientific terms because you say so

Or the next Bioware game.

Based Zororo.

>Creeper aww man forgive me like we can go back in the mine and swing from side to side if you want

>Cum inside a woman
>Now have to apologize to millions of your sperm

May the Lord bless you, as well, user!
>Well, if God wants to convert me he just has to appear in front of me and do something that only a god can do.
>It should be easy given how he's omnipotent.
No, user, that would be tempting the Lord. Please don't allow such thoughts to consume you. Don't ignore all of the prophets, and the miracles of Jesus Christ, and the testimony of all the saints and nations. Please soften your heart to the truth. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He has given us more proof than we deserve. Please, user, you must have faith.
I completely agree. There is no reward for me telling you any of this. I'm only telling you because I'm partial to you guys on here.

yes they do

Faggots need to die

prove it

For those that don't get it: the monster kills people for not sharing food


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>It's a good website for discussion

>cum on my hand thousands of times
Oh no.

Jesus was a nigger and fucked donkeys lmao
Go back to raping kids or whatever you faggots do when pretending you're holier than anyone else

>Those don't have faces you can anthropomorphize.

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are you stupid?

Yes, it is

This joke is oddly specific but it gets the fictional characters right at least

are you?

Agreed, dipshit. They get precedence because they are older. You know, like I just said EXPLICITLY?

So, now, they START with precedence, having been around first. Now if YOU believe that there is good reason to use your so-called "scientific" terms, YOU have the burden of providing a reason that outweighs the innate precedence of age.

It's amazing how stupid and lacking in comprehension you "science" fags really are. You're just a repeater. You regurgitate things you were told in school and viciously attack anyone who departs from the script you were programmed with. Literally a cult.

Yes it is because you're totally missing the point of morality and the subjective nature of people basing their morality on what society has taught them.

>I do not do bad things because it makes me feel bad to do so.
It's so vague it's meaningless. If your morality dictates that giving a homeless man a coat because it's cold out is bad, then you won't do it. What you consider "bad" is completely subjective and would change based on where you were born and when and it's because you only look to laws and society to tell you what's good and what isn't.

I bet you fap to daily dose too

well, I did respond to the bait, so I guess a bit

futafags are still faggots


Hate it or love it, I've found no better place.
I'm not holier than anyone. I'm probably more sinful than you. I'm not above you, user, and I'm not wiser either.

Futas are not men

I think you’re missing the point, but ok

Ngl that twitter is kinda funny, his comics are way funnier tho, absolute comedic genius

Even shorter.

Attached: atkinson.png (480x360, 83K)

Nice! Epic! I like it! Have my upvote, kind sir

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Ok then
Still gay to like them

Is your point that we should just let morality be a totally malleable meme? Do you think we're becoming more moral, or less so?

Big Boss?

I'm disappointed that artist's other works never caught on as sequels to daily dose.


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sentience and sapience are words with agreed upon definitions, which allows for clear discussion. Psyche and pneuma do not have such clear agreement, and have many varied religious contexts.

Strawman. You literally provided "new words" for "old concepts", thereby implicitly validating the concepts themselves. Your sole objective is not to the concepts, but to the words used. So it always is with TV-raised idiot repeaters.

>makes organ harvesting farms featuring thousands of vat born permanently comatose humans because common scientific consensus says it's no big deal cuz they're not really people or whatever

nothin personnel, kid, we cannibals n vampires now


>What you consider "bad" is completely subjective and would change based on where you were born and when and it's because you only look to laws and society to tell you what's good and what isn't.
so where do you get your morality?

I don't understand this line of thought, it would be kind of bothersome to show up to every human and explain your existence, especially since a lot of people don't believe anything at face value.


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Nothing that you just said is true. The definitions of sentience and sapience are OFTEN disputed. Psyche and pneuma are clearly defined in many systems and often agree with one another.

You're a dumb liar.

Post the one about the dude at the urinal and his son.

>the plight of the white male sad sack

Attached: suicide rates by age and race 2004.jpg (488x345, 22K)

He's omnipotent, he could appear to every human at once with a lazy thought
God couldn't even be arsed to send prophets anywhere but the middle east, guess these japs burn in hell beause god's a lazy bum

my favorite book

It’s the only website where you can talk about topics like religion without a bunch of fags rushing out of the woodwork to try and tell you what another redditor told them about religion.

Gotta pump up those numbers kid

I'm not making a claim about whether or not we're getting more or less moral, you are. The problem is you're using old morality to criticize new morality, but have no explanation as to why old morality is better, other than that old morality says so


It also completely defeats the purpose of having free will, which is the biggest reason why it's silly.

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why does indian men just stop at 50?

It's called projection, you project your own weaknesses or "sins" on others.

big boss and venom you faggot

Steve pins down a creeper and fucks it up the ass

I do what I want

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Old morality doesn't tell me that doing drugs and killing kids is cool, so it's got that going for it.

Based proselytizing poster

If those chose the right god why did they go extinct?

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psyche and pneuma both mean soul and spirit. There is no clear definition because all religious systems disagree far more than they agree. While scientists argue over definitions, the argument is not based off ideology, which makes them better words.

Horseshoe theory is prevalent.


>The penis makes it better!
>no I'm not gay, it's a GIRL'S penis

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so you're begging the question again, very good

But how often would he need to appear? Time keeps going and new generations of humans are made. And besides, I'm not talking about heaven or hell, that's separate from a belief of a god. And how "visible" would god need to be? There are many things that aren't visible but we believe exist and teach in schools. For all we know, god appears all the time but we just can't interpret it that way because of our limited perspectives.

>would be kind of bothersome to show up to every human and explain your existence
Are you saying God is so weak that such a task would be bothersome to him?
Or does he not love us enough to do that even if it could possibly be the only way to save some people?

Most likely the english

Asians don’t have souls to save faggot.


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Something about the "bring me that ass" scene awoke something primal in me

i miss mr brown

what the fuck is it with online religious images and them all being absolute eyesores

What a hero.

How or why would an African God care about fascism?

if you feel attacked by the comic, it's because you are all those things, and you kinda deserve to be attacked

He's omnipotent. If he's too retarded to make himself obvious to his own creations than he's no god in the first place.
The entire argument that an ALL POWERFUL GOD is somehow unable to show himself to the whole world is retarded.

Those born in the wrong caste dont make it past 50, those born in the correct one dont commit suicide

well done user

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Der troon

>all religious systems disagree far more than they agree
>While scientists argue over definitions, the argument is not based off ideology
It would be hard to have made two more false statements. I don't think you know anything about religion or about science. Academia is FULL of ideology. All major religions have significant overlap is certain core beliefs with all others.

Regardless, I was the one making the fucking point and I will use whichever words I fucking prefer. The words used were correct, and "sapience" and "sentience" do not express the concepts any more clearly. You're just being a pedantic little shit who, like I said, is just emotionally reacting to seeing words outside his scripted vocabulary.

Blesses trips, checkmate atheists

He did make it obvious. We've all just turned our backs on him.

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Can we all agree that we all should eat certain animals? Cows? Too intelligent. Pigs? Fuck me if they aren't as smarter than some 70IQ retards- thats a no. Chickens? YES, fucking eat those dumb things. Insects? Obviously yes. Lamb? NO. Dogs? NOoOo. Cats? Are you shittin me?

Patrician taste

He clearly failed, then. How can an all powerful god fail? By not existing or not caring.

>killing kids to harvest their energy is good and moral because modern values are just as valid as ancient values
You coulda just saved us a lot of time and said this at the start, since it's pretty much what every discussion I have with an atheist about morality comes down to at the end.

this is hysterical

Failed at what? You're being punished for your sins.

You're somehow worse than hose /pol/ fuckers

I like how you stopped posting comic edits and just went right into being triggered

This would have been so touching if it ended two panels earlier. Now it doesn't make sense. Is he a sport hunter or something? There's no sign of that, unlike the picture of him as a young soldier in the background.

Please say what would satisfy as you for god to prove he exists. I'm not saying god necessarily exists, but that we don't have any real way of knowing. There are physicists, mathematicians, and astrologists who believe in god because of the (mostly) consistent logic behind universal systems. How would you convey to a bacteria that you exists?

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You have to understand my mom is funny like that.

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Of course they have souls, how else could they be alive?

Why didn't god protect them

The potential for life does not equal life, and people who aren't prepared to have children shouldn't have children and should have a final option available to them because no contraceptive is 100% effective.

>He did make it obvious
How so?

Attached: royal with cheese.png (1151x1081, 815K)

>fragile white male

Animals do not have moral agency. Humans have the ability to evaluate their own actions and so should be held to a higher standard.

>How would you convey to a bacteria that you exists?
God can communiacte directly to humans. He's talked to them before, if your fancy book is to be believed. This comparison is bullshit.
What's stopping him from showing up as a magic talking burning bush to everyone? He's all powerful.


Attached: 1571253107611.png (1116x1094, 1.51M)


The bible encourages eating animals
Dumb vegans

what's the artist name?

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>NOT posting dogisaga yet
Faggots all of you

Attached: 209_by_dogisaga_ddo3be9-fullview.jpg (1280x445, 97K)

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This ancient symbol shows up everywhere
How is it not obvious?

Attached: tumblr_p5woohyY9P1tiiakdo1_400.png (301x420, 22K)

>kill my unborn kid because it might have a hard life
Is this the power of modern day morally just atheist thought? When do we start killing people because they're depressed or lost their job?

>thinking that's real
The ABSOLUTE STATE of futanigger


Basically, Jesus was the Direct, see you at Armageddon!

Attached: 208_by_dogisaga_ddo3bd9-fullview.jpg (1280x400, 78K)

Attached: Cute!.gif (206x276, 596K)

God created us but didn't create the illusion we think we live in, that's on us. We chose the separation from god, we gained consciousness in the process but consciousness cannot exist without duality, without something else. Once you're tired of enjoying the illusion, you'll start your way back to god and the state of oneness. Take care good user.

i wish i could be killed for being depressed


Do you think it's a coincidence everyone on social media is depressed and suicidal?


How would you shorten this while still maintaining the slow bullet joke?

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this was very cute

It's not 1/100. The idea is that any conceivable god is possible, which effectively means it is 1/infinity =0. Also as others have stated the one true God may despise and punish believers and reward atheists. Most religious people refute this by saying there is evidence of their deities in history/the Bible/Quran whatever

What color are her panties?

>shortening gunshow comic
Go fuck yourself

this dude i swear

>When do we start killing people because they're depressed or lost their job?
When they make euthanasia legal.
I'd rather "kill" a clump of cells that will eventually become a child then let a child suffer through life. It's the lesser of two evils. Some people should not have children.

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me but unironically and in public
fuck w*men, but not literally

I didn't chose shit.
I didn't even chose to be born.
If your pathetic god wishes to punish us for his own incompetence, so be it.

>How would you convey to a bacteria that you exists?
I don't claim to be all all powerful and all knowing, so it's not unreasonable for me to lack the ability to educate bacteria on things. But God is all powerful and all knowing, so that means he should have both the power and knowledge on how to convey things to me in a way that I could understand.
On a side note, I just happen to coexist with bacteria, I never created it, set rules for it, and then punish it for eternity because it's too dumb to understand those rules.

Attached: 1563595185850.gif (700x487, 26K)

they had toxic culture

Wish the resolution on this was better so I could read it.
And wish it had a fucking source.

fuckin lol, shit user

I'm not on social media, not depressed, not suicidal, and don't believe in god. Checkmate theists!

Interesting premise, but why does god care about digital entities with no souls?

so does every animal get multiple apologies or does only one person have to say sorry to the animal to make it right for everyone who partook in the consumption of that beast?

Why do you think it's anyone's choice to make besides the child's whether they get to live or die?

you right

Most women are sociopaths.

It's not for them, it's for self forgiveness.

because if the child can make decisions on whether or not it wants to die then they can consent

Reallygoodcomics I think

Why should a parasite have a say in what the host does with its own body?


the greatest

Attached: 1.gif (700x484, 32K)

>All those Satan Morroc I killed for the equipment
>All those Bio Lab 2 and Bio Lab 3 mobs I killed for sport
>All this Vespers
>All those Anubis
>All those Porings

here we fucking go! I miss old RO.

Yeah yeah

factually impossible since every video game character you can kill respawns on newgame. therefore reincarnation is a thing.

Attached: mario party spin the controller so fast it dug into your hands.png (905x1034, 73K)

Actually great

>I have the answer
>No, I have the answer
>No, I have the answer
>No, I have the answer
>No, I have the answer
>No, I have the answer
this is why religion is retarded

t. fatass

this is fucking retarded. everything kills to eat. to survive you must consume others. all those animals he is supposed to be forgiven by also kill to live.
nature is not a benevolent loving mother. its a twisted sick an harsh mistress that only rewards the strong and forsakes the weak.

You did, we all did, we are all the son of god, but god means nothing, we are all a part of "it" of what is if you want and what is, is well it is everything and nothing, there is no different gods, there is no you, me or others, there is only oneness.
So a part of god said "fuck it, what if I was separated from what is" and since we are divine, it happened in an instant, we created an illusion with rules, with duality. This wonderful chaos you think you live is what we created. But there is a way out of course and once you're out, it's like it never happened.

Attached: hokay.gif (685x226, 61K)

where is the loss edit

animals don't have souls

>I have a baseless claim

No that's just regular Yea Forums shit.

I mean, using a gif is kinda cheating, but I also really dig it
gj user

The 'rational, scientific' answer throws itself in the exact same pile.
It's not just religion, everything is retarded.

Take your meds, man.

You really can't read, I'm not arguing that god is abrahamic in nature you morons. If there is a god, it would be beyond us to recognize it. Just like how a bacteria isn't really going to recognize us because of their limited interpretations of the world. Nowhere did I mention a christian god, I'm talking about a god in broad terms. Stop bringing up heaven, hell, the bible, morality, etc..

>when a tranny sees a hot woman

why doesnt it loop


>and I'm not wiser either

Attached: drivers.jpg (311x837, 75K)

explain this then

Attached: p11978_v_v8_aa.jpg (960x1440, 265K)

You'd be able to get in since they're ai and wouldn't be able to have the thought of forgiveness

it's dead

do you think they..

You can't bring back the dead


>God that rewards people who don't believe in God
Is he masochist?

I wanna tease that rip in her tights.

The joke is that he has a small penis

Attached: 1357054207820.jpg (480x2581, 325K)

You're a joke and you have a small penis

I don't even know if that statement is true to begin with. I doubt you and I have comprehensive enough grasp of the content posted on social media to conclude that most people there are depressed and suicidal.
And even if it was true, how can you say without a doubt that it proves your point? How can you be sure it's not the result of a million other possible factors? And do you honestly believe that human society has never felt hard times until now? The medieval times really sucked, with diseases and war all over the place, and I'm sure you'd consider the people of those ages more pious than we are now.

Hentai like this?

Enjoy the ride, it never ends ! And once you're tired of it, in this life or another, remember what you read today on Yea Forums. There is a way out.
Godspeed user !

Is this how secularoids view religion

H-how did you know?

>Progressive lefties think their current year moral philosophy is objective

We're having a lol thread without this gem?

Attached: 4tran.png (2534x1096, 2.15M)

All the redditors who reply upvoted this lmao

when did joe eat an elephant?

who the fuck eats elephants?

Attached: 1583027854474.jpg (512x348, 91K)

You saved this to your device

Jewish Hollywood propaganda.

They either think they are, or pretend to be.
If you took these people, gave them a gun and the freedom to kill themselves, how many of them do you think would go through with it?
Not that many, I can tell you.
Depression nowadays is just an easy way to wave all your problems and faults away.
>I couldn't get a job because I was depressed!
>I couldn't do my job because I was depressed!
>I can't do anything with my life because I'm DEPRESSED!
Then we have the clowns on the Internet posting ironic suicidal shit, constantly telling everyone about how much they want to die, how much they want it all to end.
But given the option to suicide, none of them would really do it.
They're human trash, all of them.

>apologizing to millions of Sw*dians

elephant is really delicious. kinda tought though so you wanna slowcook it to make it tender.

>tfw trillions of kleers because i have 4k hours in ss2 alone

what do you think happens when we die, Yea Forums?

Wtf is this even supposed to be

You empty your bowels apparently.

The same before you were born, it'll be an eternal empty void of nothing.

hopefully infinite nothingness


Trans rights

Why did this person make this?
Genuinely speaking what was going through their mind when they made this?
Did they want to make an atheist type joke about how
>how do you know you're worshiping the right god?
But then wanted to make a say
>homophobia, sexism, racism bad because it's bad

We're going to the great chinese cartoon board in the sky and shitpost for eternity

>muh miko is trans
fuck people who do this

Attached: negro.jpg (3264x1836, 1.15M)

Because the original posts in this whole reply chain were talking about a Christian god. How were any of us supposed to know that you suddenly decided to change the subject.

Why would I make peace with these fucking animals. I only like my domesticated animals. Fuck the others.

Same thing that's happening now, just without us involved.

How do you suppose?

Hopefully we get isekai'd to our favorite game.

Attached: spiders.jpg (704x672, 173K)

most touhou posters havent even played the games lol

because it cannot make that choice so someone has to choose for it

I have and I suck at them because my eyes arent that good. I stick to the manga and thats been declining lately

Oh no

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it'd be funnier if the thing that led Zororo to send the soul to oblivion was something totally innocuous that only makes sense in the context of an African tribe imo

This bitch probably has BPD or something. They like to pull that shit

oh wow

it basically said that if you are the things baizuos don't like, you should go to oblivion
I don't see how you can that not as an attack.

But he comes back, so obviously you didn't kill him.

eath is real. Jesus did not die to save you from hell but from death(non consciousness, dead people feel/know nothing). Hell exists but it is not forever. Jesus is the savior of the world, henceforth he saves the world. Everyone is saved, believers receive a special salvation with an earlier resection. Eternal torment contradicts Gods word, Gods standard of Justice is an eye for an eye, not an eye for eternity. Jesus did not suffer eternal damnation for sins, Jesus simply died. If eternal damnation is the wages of sin Jesus didn't pay it.It took Jesus 6 hours to pay for the sins of the world, he did not suffer forever. If it ended for Jesus is will end for you. There is only a finite amount of sin.

The trinity is a lie, if Jesus is God he can never die, people who believe in the trinity dont really believe in death or that Jesus can die but that his body died, this denies the gospel. Jesus is not God, he is Gods son. as his son he can die. Think about this , if the trinity is true where was the God part of Jesus? A triune god cannot become a binitarian God and then God back to a triune godhead. The whole thing exists to make sure you never believe in the death of Jesus.

Free will is a lie, God chooses who gets saves and when. This is important because it changes who is the savior. If free will is true, then it is you who save yourself. Jesus may do 99 percent of the work. But it is the 1% that you do that saves you, it is you who contribute the actual bit of work that saves. This is salvation by willpower, not by faith. This is having faith in faith and not having faith in Jesus.

If there is no free will and God chooses who gets saved and when, then it is God who saves. Jesus doesn't just try to save you, he actually saves you 100%. You contribute nothing. Jesus saves!

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imagine being punished by your perfect creator for doing what he designed you to do

also don't tell me he gave us free will and that makes us accountable, because God also has free will and yet he can do no wrong

Why do a number of these jokes work by just removing some of the text? And why the some artists make a VISUAL medium too wordy anyway?

Why is not that possible? Why does it even need to be masochism? Maybe people who are "atheist" during their life are better suited for whatever afterlife their is in this scenario.

the rational answer is that nothing has a soul because souls don't exist

Creepers literally do not deserve an apology.

Do I have to apologize to the player I stalk-PK'd, or the character?

>I have to make amends with literal fucking plant life


it's not even making fun of me it's straight up just not funny

>doesn't exist anywhere
It doesn't exist anymore because the tribe is extinct, you idiot.
There are many nameless ancient religious objects depicting religious entities we know nothing about.

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You go to the afterlife version of Yea Forums because you are here forever

Do you remember anything from before you were born? Exactly that

I am like 40% sure that's how afterlife actually works
Not that I wouldn't go to hell anyway but still

Christ stop crying you faggot it's just a comic

There is no afterlife, you dolt.

Their heaven was full so they had to stop accepting new people

You go to Equestria if you so desire.

what do you think you were before you were born?

RIP in peace Fat Kevin, sweet prince

Attached: cooler never jobs.png (900x576, 452K)

>loader was a male in the first, female in the second
they're different people

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No? lol.

Some people worship anime girls so I hypothesize those statues represent anime girls.

Yes? lol.

how does this work for identical npcs and multiple playthroughs

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Based on the proportions and ugliness I'd say western anime maybe

Literally how is futa gay? It's a hot girl who just happens to have a huge cock. I mean, what's gay about a cute girl with boobs and hips and everything? You're getting way too hung up on the dick part. Everything else is good too. And guys like me that like futa (who are straight btw) would have sex with a dickgirl but I would never suck her dick. Well maybe once but I definitely wouldn't swallow or anything (unless she asked nicely). So really I don't see the issue here.

check yourself. that's full on schizo.

literally everyone in RoR2 is different besides acrid

Clay had a hard life.

Attached: sl219.jpg (504x1527, 310K)

It's literally gay because it literally has a penis

They are from Africa. We are getting into NOI territory now.

The difference is that we’re not going to gangstalk the author’s social contacts and harass him on twitter until his entire career is ruined or he commits suicide

Why wouldn't we do it? People already think babies aren't human until they come out of the womb.

You go to the big PT boat in the sky.

based Ray

Reminded me of this

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Look at how many times you reference cock in your mad scramble to prove it isn't gay lmao you fucking faggot retard

Joe must like him some big fucking cars

This was my second girlfriend lol.
Said my banter hurt her feelings and that I shouldn't have held her and hugged her to show affection.
Wanted to split with me, and she was annoying and confusing so I said fine.
She said 'Wait what, you're not even gonna fight for it?'
I said 'No, you've clearly thought about this and it's the decision you want to make, I'm fine with that.'
Then hung up, because she phoned me to split up instead of doing it in person.
Her confusion at my not 'fighting for it' is still amusing.

What do you mean 'kinda fascist'?

Third panel is the best one because it triggered all the snowflakes in this thread.

Attached: dogs in heaven.jpg (395x2538, 387K)

>all these newfags that think pbf is trying to make a point for veganism here
PBF is pretty much required reading for being on the internet. If you haven't read it, you need to get the fuck out and not come back until you read every single page.

You have a penis, so you're gay?
The dick is literally the only non-feminine thing my dude. Everything else is feminine. I'm just saying you're way too focused on the dick and not seeing the bigger picture (which is a hot girl who also has a penis).

that ACHTUNG MINEN cracks me up every time

> kinda facist
Isn't that kind of an impossibleness...

man, just imagine if we could track down the artist and pay that dude to make a futa incest comic ending with the daughter impregnating the mom

>posting the l*ftoid edit instead of the original
Shame on you, faggot.

Attached: zororothegod.png (600x886, 527K)

If you dont focus on the dick, why a futa in the first place?

You're doing good user, thank you. I wish i was as brave with my faith and good with my words as you are.



I'm just so tired

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Do Trannies have a thing out against Crossdressers or something?

bruh what if like games is the 2nd dimension and we're 3 dimensional invaders every time we play a game

like what if every NPC is actually somewhat sentient but they just look like they lack free will from a 3rd dimensional perspective

what if psychopaths are just 4th dimensional aliens that are just playing a game bruh

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>You have a penis, so you're gay?
the shittiest argument ever

I hope buddhism is right, but probably you just get nothing

fug bros this is me but with anthro traps

>Satan Morroc
>bio lab
>old RO
zoomer pls
old RO is when Glastheim was the max you could go

At first glance I thought these were Lizard Rabbis

Yeah, apparently those are "trans" coded so they can morph em to the deathcult


Catholics don't believe animals have souls in the same way humans do.

What's he zipping if he's already in his underwear?


is he making amends with all the food the asian guy ate too?

Those priest, wizzard, knight big dick majorus runs

>all these triggered /pol/niggers

Attached: 1430950409255.gif (500x380, 189K)

>There aren't any rocks in heaven
>No magical pond in heaven where you can skip rocks all day
Heaven sucks.

>god discussion in LOL thread

Attached: Holy Shit Anon, You're Such a Fucking Faggot - Sore wa Kurokute Suketeita.png (1057x504, 1.12M)

me but with dragons and eeveemons

his foreksin

You get reunited with all your faithful pets in Valhalla

Valhalla > Heaven

Attached: Valhalla Dog.jpg (800x534, 165K)

It's not his fault, there are loads of games where you kill crusaders as crusaders.
The real question is "do all the muslims from CK2 count"?

>Being left-handed
Good call, Zororo.

His dick, obviously.

> "trans" coded so they can morph em to the deathcult
Can I have that in English, I am but a simple folk who doesn't understand the mystic words you speak

>Not having a zipper on your underwear
I bet you worship Zororo too you savage.

Way to go, Joe.
Nothing has a soul. It's an abstract early human concept to explain why we're self-aware.

Racist Misogynistic homophobic facists don't deserve to go to heaven. Based Zororo.

no, they're trans.

in the past 3 years every time I've prayed to God things have gotten worse so I believe he's real he just fucking hates me

Well, I did play the beta when Auto Counter Knight was a thing. Still, I was playing semi-solo that time. Peak RO for me was when I got some friends and had adventures on our own. Granted, with Rebirth Jobs, but that doesn't degrade the fun of those times.


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Attached: sl206.jpg (504x1567, 312K)

I'm right handed but I can only masturbate with my left hand, does anyone else do this?

Joe was the hunting king. What a Chad.

That's the obvious thing to do since you can keep your right hand on the mouse.

Dogs get to hang out in New Jerusalem with their new masters.


Attached: 1512136670910.jpg (526x430, 57K)

Libtards cannot into brevity for some reason.

How do we know the early human concept of 'soul' is inherently any more or less correct than what we have today?
What made it wrong over time?
My point being, we don't truly know. Maybe we never will. But stop touting your own belief as fact, for it is an assumption, and nothing more.

>japanese term for transgendered
Do these retards never do their research? Newhalf is Jap for tranny. Futa is just a woman that magically has a penis.

Become a misotheist, if God hates you hate him back.

It's something I started doing so I wouldn't have to take my hand off the mouse, so yeah. Still do it because I hold my phone with my right hand.

>A Hat in Time is tranny

I hate this meme, the bad guy is a tranny and literally every one in the game hates her because she's an irredeemable sociopath

If you troll people by posting Star Wars spoilers, you deserve to have your hands chopped off and then be killed!

Attached: IMG_20200301_170510.jpg (1000x1000, 159K)

Back when videocards weren't overpriced to shit

Did the guy that sung the Brains song from Billy and Mandy really say that?

>You have a penis, so you're gay?
If you have one too and I'm attracted to you then yes.

For once I agree, fuck people who spoil shit.

Attached: 1525488965442.jpg (1200x466, 104K)

like when you go to sleep but don't dream except you don't wake up and there's a pretty good chance it hurts first

I'm gonna go get an ice cream

Can I drink from the tap?

Attached: sakurako_with_the_tongue_out.png (595x720, 607K)

Hat kid says trans rights.
Hat kid is trans.
it was confirmed in the dlc.

Attached: tran kid.png (929x581, 44K)

It's why TERFs exist, trannies reinforce gender norms. A male who's slightly effeminate or a female that is slightly masculine, or crossdressers, or people who like the 'wrong' activities are all trans. Kanji in Persona 4 is trans because he likes to sew and cook. Naoto is trans because she pretended to be a male to pursue a career.

It doesn't matter what you identify as. It's literally the greentext meme stories of accidentally picking up a barbie so the police come and cut off your dick, except it's an entire group of people. This is also where "cracking eggs" comes from. They think if they just harass you hard enough because you said or did the wrong thing you'll become trans.

gonna need the full sized version

It's crazy how so many people have such wildly authoritarian murder fantasies.

Also right handed. I can masturbate with either but prefer using my left

I played the DLC and nothing in it implies this.

It literally says in the Bible God gave man dominion over beasts.

But you can't buy with money a loyalty. That's why Dude with money will get backstabbed.

Wait so then they're a recursive cycle;
Trans people minimize Crossdressers, some Crossdressers take offense and become TERFs, TERFs then minimize Trans, some Trans take offense and the cycle repeats.

Are they doomed to an endless downward spiral?

Attached: 1567694740407.png (1200x800, 1.3M)

Hat kid is trans

>How do we know the early human concept of 'soul' is inherently any more or less correct than what we have today?
How do we know Earth revolves around the sun? Scientific study. There's absolutely no indication of an energy pattern within the body that leaves after death, and people have tried finding one to verify their religion for centuries. The closest thing is the electrical impulses of the brain and that's hardly supernatural.
>But stop touting your own belief as fact, for it is an assumption, and nothing more.
You don't get to choose your facts.

Except that's how reason works, you don't just accept something as true without some sort of falsifiable proof. Can you prove that you don't die every night in your sleep and a clone with all your memories wakes up every morning to live on single day until he finally passes out and dies to repeat the process until your body no longer functions? Can you prove today isn't the only life you've lived and will ever live because all that awaits you tonight is oblivion and a new you with all your memories blissfully unaware his life will only last until he sleeps will awaken tomorrow? Then why don't you chose to believe in a soul? Makes no sense.

Stop being a child and learn to enjoy the ride instead of encouraging every director on the planet to rely on half-assed twists.

There is none.

Attached: 1573861328390.jpg (1628x1130, 262K)

sure ;)

*unzips dick*

Attached: 1582340742968.png (4908x1198, 2.56M)

untrue i have seen her fat penor

if I was the artist I'd have put a little smear of precum on the desk as well
I kind of want to learn to draw

>balls and dick imprint

Attached: 123385988.png (1356x934, 71K)


Prove it nigger

The girl who voiced her was shot and killed by her father.

Nice debate, but who is a winner?

Attached: 1581472106407.jpg (2356x2504, 462K)

As tragic as it is, it has nothing to do with the situation or question at hand.

Prove they're not trans :)

post more or sauce

>you don't just accept something as true without some sort of falsifiable proof.
You've done it for every single instance of scientific fact that you believe but either can't understand or don't care to know the proof for.

Attached: 1559669995674.png (357x657, 347K)

Prove it nigger

Attached: Your mother is called into the school for a PTA meeting and the principle has this face.png (1897x1942, 713K)

why would you lie to the man

>creative people
>Dress like whores, wear fake glasses, dye their hair an awful color, put fake moles on their face, wear too much cheap jewelry, and have schizophrenia
sounds about right

Attached: Trans Awakening.png (1920x538, 999K)

They havent killed themselves.

Maybe he did it because he read this thread and thought her daughter was actually fucking dogs.


have sex

Holy shit man, that's fucked up.

Goodnight everyone.

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his dick

There's this one user who posts selfies of pretty girls in a tranny subreddit and says they're him on however many months of HRT. He says he's trying to encourage suicide. I wonder if this is the same idea.

Who is this guy? I like his comics so far. Don't care if it's you viraling your shit, it's pretty funny so far.

You made the claim retard, you prove it. Point to literally one thing in the game that even implies it.

This is true art

god i wish trannies actually came out not disfigured. my dick would be so much happier