Who's the strongest?
Who's the strongest?
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How many times will you make this thread user? Sonic, Mario, spyro, and kirby are the 4 strongest and kirby is likely the strongest of all of them.
mario > sonic > kirby > dk > megaman > spyro > rayman > crash > jak > gex > ratchet > jim > bubsy
Jak >>>>the rest
Bubsy's probably the weakest. All he can do is pounce and glide, right?
Why the fuck are Bubsy and Donkey Kong on there?
Kirby first and then maybe Sonic.
Freddy Fazbear and his bros.
Kirby hands down
Banjo and Conker?
He's pretty tough. People forget that he's a bounty hunter who raids planets for their resources, and able to disarm whole defensive systems, with no regard for life.
>people saying kirby
Literally glass canon
Isn't Kirby like, cosmic catastrophe tier? How the fuck any of those other fucks compete maybe aside Super Sonic.
Kirby >>> Mario > Sonic >> Mega Man > DK > Banjo >> Bubsy
Can't really speak for the rest of them.
>How the fuck any of those other fucks compete
They don't. Only retarded contrarians would imply otherwise.
Kirby and sonic are in another tier from the rest.
Droopy > all of them
I think Sakurai would beat Miyamoto in a fist fight tough.
Based. Jak would destroy all of these guys
Rayman can punch people into outer space
Kirby >>> Mario >>>>>>>>>the rest
Jak and ratchet could fuck up all of them
Conker could easily win if context sensitive reaches its full power
Kirby, he is literally OP
Canonically, Kirby is only a few inches tall and he's not capable of inhaling anything vastly larger than himself without the hypernova ability. He's the absolute strongest, but only if he has that specific ability. Otherwise it's Sonic.
Donkey Kong >>>>>>>>>>>> everyone
Kirby is the strongest, Bubsy is the weakest.
I'd say Kirby or Conker from what I know
Donkey Kong punched the moon out of orbit so yeah I'm thinking he's based. Fuck Kirbyfags and their power level bullshit.
>it's okay when DK does it
Kirby's Dreamland 3 has Samus in it. Kirby is about up to her knees in that game. Samus is 6'3ft so at most Kirby is around 2ft tall.
kirby or sonic
down, down, X, X, O+R1
god help them if there are any walls within 3 miles
If we're going base?
>Mario is pretty strong and can jump high
>Sonic has insane speed
>Crash can spin but he usually dies in one hit in games
>Donkey Kong is also very strong
>Don't know much about EWJ but he's 5'8"
>Know nothing about Gex
>Rayman has limbs that aren't attached and can go far
>Conker breaks the 4th wall, can probably pull out any weapon he wants
>Jak and Daxter, if we're going by 3, has Dark Jak to boot. Their starting gun isn't so great though
>Know nothing about Sly Cooper, he might be able to steal stuff
>Bubsy, no thanks
>Ratchet and Clank have a better arsenal than Jak
>Spyro can glide (fly?) and use fire
>Kirby can absorb people, and jump infinitely
>Megaman is surprisingly heavy and has his megabuster to boot in each game. Some games he doesn't have the charge shot though.
Anything I'm missing? Who would win at base stats, no upgrades and all that then?
Remove Kirby for fuck sake
With no upgrades, I think sonic
And with no upgrades, Earthworm Jim would have to fight without his space suit, he’s a literal worm without it
Wait, the space suit is an upgrade? And I was thinking the same result, he's just too fast if we're counting his modern iteration.
Kirby, Sonic, Donkey Kong, Conker (if he has context sensitive button activated), Mario
>Conker breaks the 4th wall, can probably pull out any weapon he wants
Only if he stands at a context sensitivity marker. The final boss was a fluke.
Kirby and Sonic.
Then Mario and Mega Man.
Then Spyro.
Then the everyone else.
Kirby once ate a whole fuckin' tank. Can anyone else on that list eat a whole fuckin' tank?
The image shows spacesuit Jim, which means it's fair game.
>Kirby is the most powerful thing in the universe
>a universe where all the enemies are as dangerous and threatening as nerf foot balls and let kirby walk all over them while they slowly move across screen
>only if he has that specific ability.
kirby can defeat marx, dark mind and galacta knight without special abilities.
Time for Kirby lore I see
How strong is mega man?
Better question: who's the weakest?
Bubsy, Banjo
i will always consider nightmare the strongest character in the kirby lore even above kirby himself since he needs the star rod o be defeated.
there is no real way to tell, he defeated sungod so maybe star buster level? who knows.
>Implying it would just be a fist fight
ratchet, he has a gun that can create black holes
>sakurai brings his 2 gamecube controller with him
>mi-miyamoto s-san i thought we were just... think in binary pr-preeease
kirby, his mouth is a black hole.
the black holes fired by the gun also consume other black holes to grow larger
Crash could kick all of their asses.
TJ Fixman kinda made him stupidly OP.
With powerups, Sonic. No contest.
Base forms only, probably still Sonic, the fucker can break through dimensions just by going fast
Bubsy is the cutest of them all.
I would.
Sonic > Mario > Donkey Kong > Kirby > Mega Man > the rest > Bubsy
Who is the one in between Nightmare and Funtime?
Donkey Kong
Archie Sonic if we're taking that into consideration
Why do people keep putting Donkey Kong over Mega Man? Are you forgetting all the fucking upgrades/weapons Mega Man can shit out onto people?
Leave the cereal box niggers to me.
This is like saying Mario is weak cause if he touches a goomba two times he dies.
Sly is a toon character. Change my mind
>steals power-ups from enemies
>has multiple personas
>suave, always finds a way to outsmart and out trick the enemy
People in this thread are hardcore sleeping on Rayman, fucker can punch people so hard that it knocks them into entirely different universes. I'd rank him above pretty much everyone sans Kirby and Super Sonic.
Okay, who's the strongest
only correct answer
Canonically, Kirby. By a lot.
Im just saying if Kirby has to go up against anything faster than a beached whale hes fucked.
Also anyone who takes damage from coming in contact with a idling enemy that isn't immediately dangerous (like being on fire) probably isn't gonna make the cut either which nullifies this entire roster I think
>kirby opens his mouth
>you lose
>people still think he is not the top 1
There is no canon universe where all these characters can be scaled together so there is no reason to try to rank them
Just because some Japanese autist says "dude my character is like eleventy billion strong he can shit black holes" doesn't mean he just wins everything. If that were the case then sonic.exe is stronger than all of these
What if this happens? youtu.be
Yeah just like when Kirby inhaled King Dedede and Marx to instantly beat them
Kirby is incredibly god-like in power but you have to remember he has a tiny HP bar and will go down in 5-6 light punches from anyone else
he's like batman, if you give him a head start you're fucked
Look at smash, bro
>kirby is likely the strongest of all of them.
I dunno. Mario has easily survived the same shit kirby has and often the kind of stuff Kirby dishes out.
And Super Sonic could potentially reach speeds that Kirby can't touch. Not even with a warp star.
boob of truth, Kirby is weak
>Everyone discounts Gex
>Despite being capable of toonforce shenanigans.
Examples? I know he has that TV remote, but cartoon shenanigans isn't entirely uncommon for a lot of these characters.
well that's a what if since he couldn't bring his gf back using this same thing should be possible
yeah because people would take smash very seriously if they decided to let everyone on the game use their power as they would really work like one punch man new game where saitama just one punch people
kirby is literally broken even if he can't defeat you he can even steal your powers the closest competition is sonic
also going by muh game rules means that none of those characters can't die since you respawn while playing their games which is even dumber
Another question: Who's the most sinister?
>hops planet to planet imposing his will against the populace for bolts, ammo, raritanium, etc.
>dispruts whole planetary security forces, leaving them vulnerable for future raids
>halts progress by purchasing valuable schematics, prototypes, or downright seizing one of a kind scientific devices not found anywhere else in the galaxy
>has access to multiple, illegal RYNO's
>deals in the numerous black arms markets; is friends with Slim Cognito
>bribes law officials
>tampers with weapon vendors
>aided Megacorp in the proto-pet project
Well, lives in the Conker games are actually canon
>it's another powerlevel threads
Oh, those are always fun
Conker took an intelligent baby dinosaur that thought he was it's mother and murdered it in cold-blood in order to progress, didn't' even bat an eye.
either ratchet or conker. ratchet has at least one weapon that can deal with every person on that list and conker is has the highest fourth wall breaking potential with context sensitivity
his absorb is really overrated, its megaman get ability tier strength wise since he only gets one ability, the consuming aspect of it is powerful but when have you ever seen kirby eat anyone significant for dead and good? he can only eat filler enemies and food
what does ratchet have it to deal with everyone?
Twisted from the books
Kirby is a gay meme answer. Sonic is actually the most deadly and broken on the list just going on his speed alone.
well fair enough but at the same time you know kirby just has to cut his tail
hating on a gay meme answer when it's right is ok everyone here does it
shit just look up his weapons and take your pick, but just to name a few the ryno superweapons, the orbital laser strike gun, the portable black hole gun, the guns that turn enemies into chickens/sheeps/etc, the gun that makes you dance uncontrollably
can't kirby just open his mouth and eat everything anyways?
seens pointless trying to shoot a pink ball of death that sucks everything
In order
Mario>Sonic>Kirby>Earthworm Jim>Donkey Kong>Mega Man>Spyro>Rayman>Jak>Sly Cooper>Bubsy
cant mario just jump on kirby?
yeah try getting close to the vacuum of death
That's cute. A single Chaos Emerald can do the same, and Sonic has seven of them.
don't see the sonic in the image having one user
such a meme answer, why doesnt kirby eat anyone that isnt a filler waddle dee or basic enemy, he cant even eat mario for good in smash
Well, most Mario enemies don't die when you jump on them, and actually require jumping multiple times, as seen in the Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario series. Also, Kirby would most likely take some damage, yes, but I doubt it would be enough, considering how his life is measured through a lifebar, as in a fighting game and not through hit points, as in a typical platformer.
the biggest meme answer is you guys giving this shit when in the same game mario can't do shit or any of those characters
well, if you're going to bring Smash up then it's either between Sonic and Kirby
>Kirby was the only one who escaped Galeem's light and fought with Marx, who creates Black Holes
>Sonic blitzed and broke both of Tabuu's wings
Mario got stomped by Petey Piranha, then Tabuu and them Galeem.
That's funny, I don't see Kirby carrying your meme hammer either
not even the user that posted it but frankly does he needed when fighting a sonic with 0 chaos emeralds?
you blue faggot step on a spike and die at least he can fly
Not even once I said Kirby was stronger than Sonic tho. You implied Kirby does not use said hammer and as such, I proved he does indeed use that hammer.
*grabs you with tractor beam*
*slams you to the ground*
no contest
Kirby then sonic end of discussion sonyautistfags
best part is how people point out how
''ah sonic can beat kirby with the chaos emeralds''
nigga if we are going that route doesn't kirby has billions of retarded items he can use?
like fire ice slashing world shattering beams
and even immunity to attacks?
on a ''fair battle'' you literally cannot win
to win against him you must assume that he is huge disadvantage
or else the nigger ball will eat you and your universe
You complained that the Sonic in OP's image didn't have any Chaos Emeralds shown. I pointed out that Kirby doesn't have that gear either. Sorry.
Kirby if he goes unloved and completely alone, if Void is anything to go by.
Also Sonic if you somehow have screwed up hard enough to make him not only furious, but actually serious.
I'm not even the person you were talking to
>barely anyone mentioning Kirby
dude's been beating fucking galaxy god tier bosses for his last two entries
Sonic can win without them. The guy casually busts through dimensions like it's nothing.
It's just even more hilariously one-sided with them.
Congrats. Mario and Sonic hit that level in the mid-2000s.
i mean half of the thread is mentioning him tho
because you would be dumb to think otherwise
frankly kirby should be off the tier list
so he can run from kirby
is that considered winning a fight?
>so he can run from kirby
He's also planet buster at base *at minimum*, able to defeat Perfect Chaos on foot with no power-ups, no assistance. The speedblitz alone gives Sonic the win, but it isn't even needed. He wins by virtue of raw power.
Also, let's not forget how Sonic canonically gets stronger each game after he's gone Super and his affinity with the Chaos Emeralds subtlely increasing. By Unleashed, he's able to just summon the Chaos Emeralds to him at will at any moment in the opening and before fighting Dark Gaia. The same for Generations
What's even funnier is that despite the supposed "increasing threats", Sonic hasn't had to go Super for a fight in the games for about a decade now.
>He's also planet buster
Kirby goes a 'bit' beyond that, you see
kirby will just punch him tho
if kirby fist can crush a planet how do sonic can even get close to him
What Sonic are we talking about? Classic? Modern? Archie? IDW? Make your mind
>glass canon
>takes a black hole to the face
>Loses only 10 25% of his life
Honestly if we were to take into account the comics than shit would just kinda be unfair. I mean Sonic broke reality just by running.
>if kirby fist can crush a planet how do sonic can even get close to him
By moving faster than light.
No, he either had to struggle with man made experiments as Super Sonic or needed help as Super Sonic, and got man handled by Knuckles in that form. The only thing Id give you about SOnic is tat he can outrun black holes
Big ass no! Surviving a massive Galaxy reset only highlights how well Mario can withstand bullshit, not how strong he is
You guys seem to confuse Strength with Endurance, Something Kirby both exceeds at
Kirby would just vore all of them
well, good thing that Sonic isn't the only faster than light character ITT
Kirbyfags are the Clarkfags of vidya, there i said it
They both defeated entities that were extra-dimensional and had power over space and time. Super Dimentio and Solaris.
so does kirby
you are fighting a all powerful god it's like that people putting saitama vs goku
you know that saitama would win anyway because that's what he does
>needs extra shit to go FTL
Great, Super Sonic still outpaces Kirby then.
i enjoy more conker on that list just saying the obvious
kirby is broken
he shouldn't be in a list of character vs character because he is broken
at his lowest and at sonic's lowest he is better
at his best he is still better
Dude, Sphere Doomers are extradimensional. And they are mini-bosses, nowhere near the power of Galacta Knight or Void Termina.
Kirby is able to summon the warp star literally any time he wants. Also, he's able to outrun both Magolor and Marx's black holes.
Sonic is FTL at base, no Warp Star needed.
fuck, meant to reply
as is Kirby see
and webm related
Unless your a DB fag the answer is obviously Kirby, Sonic then Megaman and everyone else dies as three gods duke it out.
Aren't Mario and Paper Mario canonically different characters, though?
Even then, I can point to the likes of Antasma as well.
If Kirby's omitted and we go by purely physical strength who wins out? What about speed and intelligence? Overall power could be something, but a few of these guys require weapons and other items to be at max potential.
For strength I'd say Donkey, Sanic for Speed, and I'm not really sure about intellect.
Yeah, pretty sure. But to be fair, Paper Mario would stomp literally everyone in OP's pic
So it's basically Sonic vs. Kirby, with like two people that say Ratchet even though he'd have little fighting chance and people who are just trying to say Mario would at the least keep up? Interesting.
Sonic is at least half Multi-Dimensional given he and Blaze are able to defeat the Egg Wizard which was infused with a power states as being able to separate and sustain alternate dimensions. Actually I think Solaris may be even stronger than that since he consumes space and time and he was able to defeat Solaris of the present on his own.
Mario would be toe on toe with Sonic, and would probably lose because of speed. Kirby on the other hand has about as much power-ups as Mario, superior raw strenght to both of them and isn't that far behind in terms of speed when compared to Sonic.
Kirby defeated Void Termina who's supposed to be an abstract creator god of destruction or something, who created everything in the Kirbyverse
Mario defeated Super Dimentio who was going to destroy existence itself.
Sonic just pales in comparison honestly.
what does it do what does it do
>this thread
>no you see he is 5 dimensions above and
Same shit as the Star. But it lasts forever until Mario finishes a stage, falls in a hole or time runs out.
Solaris consumes time and space, what do you think existence is?
Super Dimento was weakened by the pure hearts.
no, they just got rid of his forcefield, same thing with Count Bleck
still nowhere near close to what Dimentio was going to do. The fucker was going to destroy the entire multiverse only to recreate everything to his image.
Existence encompasses the multiverse you know.
Mario's multiverse is fucking huge man. Basically, every single dream that ever was, that is and that will ever be, becomes a new universe. Dimentio was going to casually destroy all of it.
As far as I can know, Sonic's 'multiverse', at least in the games, is nowhere near as big as this.
Mario>Sonic=Kirby>literally everyone else
Donkey Kong punched the moon to earth and back
He works off cartoon physics like Popeye
>God destroyer tier
>Demigods tier
Mario > Sonic
>Strong tier
Megaman > R&C > J&D > Rayman > DK > Spyro > Sly Cooper > Conker
>Not bulletproof
Crash > Banjo Kazooie > bubsy
>Didn't play
He's strong enough to break walls
That's it.
so just higher than bubsy, got it.
although I guess bubsy got stronger since Space funeral II when he went tranny, where he can survive magic and bullets.
Clank is a god.
S tier
A tier
B tier
>earthworm jim
All the rest are literal fucking rip off trash
literal whos
>God Tier
Kirby, Mario, Sonic
>Top Tier
Mega Man, Donkey Kong, Earthworm Jim, Spyro
>Mid Tier
Rayman, Ratchet, Jak, Banjo
>Low Tier
Sly Cooper, Crash, Gex, Bubsy
If your character can lose in a game, then they aren't strong. Fags saying kirby forget that the smallest thing like a falling apple can kill him
Retards like you shouldn't be allowed to post. But since you are, Yea Forums continues to be festering shit.
>Mario can be killed by a random Goomba
>Sonic can die to some spikes
>Mega Man instadies from touching spikes
>Dante can take damage from some debris
>Kratos can be killed by random mooks
>even Goku can be defeated by random robots
Are you even trying?
The one who fought and defeated an extra dimensional god that exists across all spacetime, the universe dominating genie god that can rewrite reality and the eldritch monster that devours time itself?
Even the goddamn Demifiend can die to fucking PIXIES if he isn't careful.
Basing a character's powerlevel off of game mechanics is the single most retarded thing someone could ever do.
Sonic has been fucking with universe-level threats since 2006.
Thanks for reminding me that Sonic '06 is a thing.
Fuck you.
Base Sonic can survive black holes and defeat Perfect Chaos with no trouble. He also defeated Emerl in under 60 seconds when Emerl copies the powers and abilities of everyone, had Chaos Emeralds powering it AND was about to destroy the entire world.
Base Sonic has been planet-level since the early 2000s lmao.
Sonic Colors is before Sonic Forces. In Forces, Sonic went from being blitzed by Infinite to surpassing Infinite in speed. He’s way faster than light.
Sorry not sorry.
Kirby has planet level feats since Super Star. Even low level characters, such as Bandana Dee (which at the time, was just a normal Waddle Dee) do have planet level feats.
Then in RtD, you have Sphere Doomers, that are extradimensional beings and can twist entire dimensions upside down, Magolor, who made space/time break upon his defeat and Void Termina who's an abstract god being, the singular nexus of existence that created everything there is.
>Sonic went from being blitzed by Infinite
plot induced stupidity. Infinite got shitstomped by Shadow and only kept up with him later on because of mind manipulation.
>all these defeats aren't canon
>because the player causes their death
So it never happened and can't happen. On their own, they'd outskill all of their obstacles and enemies.
I know. We all know. But that doesn't stop shitposters from saying shit like
If we are giving items from various games and stuff then Sonic with the world rings from SASR the he beats everyone lmao
Am I supposed to know what the fuck that even is?
Super fucking Mario.
end of discussion.
fuck your gay ass reddit "lel Kirby da strongest" fagatronics
Yeah it is retarded, faggot.
Which is why Kirby isn't the strongest
god you faggots are embarrassing
>x character is stronger than y character
>doesn't provide any evidence or proof
Pikachu can beat literally every single character in existence.
>using game mechanics as an argument
Literally every single game character ever suffers from them. That includes shit like Goku and Superman.
Sonic and the secret rings he gets three of the world rings and becomes a reality warper, read up on Sonic lore noob
There's no way Crash Bandicoot could lose if he had 2 days prep time and had a gun.
>mind manipulation
That isn't what he does. He's a reality warper.
its because smash is marios game in marios universe and by extension everyone in it is weaker than mario because he intentionally jobs to give everyone a fair ground.
ratchet and conker arent bound by those rules and still have an edge in that case, and they can beat everyone else one that has not appeared in marios universe
>reality warper
That doesn't mean shit, considering how Reality Warping is a hax. Also, both Kirby and Mario have resistence to it, considering how many reality warpers they've fought at this point.
On Kirby's side you have shit like
>Drawcia, who transformed the entire universe into paint and created her own universe
>Star Dream, who could warp space/time and reality by meowing
>Claycia who created a whole solar system out of nothing
>Necrodeus, who transformed 100 stars into stones
>Dark Mind, who corrupted space/time itself of an alternative reality
>Sphere Doomers, who can flip dimensions upside down
>Magolor, who created black holes and broke space time upon his defeat
>Zero, who created pocket dimensions
And, on Mario's side
>Kamek, who can create pocket dimensions
>Antasma who has his own universe and can shape it whatever he wants
>Baby Bowser, who transformed the universe into a book
>Bowser, who can create shit out of nothing, like entire planets.
>King Boo, who created dimensions and was going to destroy the universe
>Dreamy Bowser, who became the personification of the multiverse
>Count Bleck, who destroyed his own universe and was going to destroy the entire multiverse as well
>Super Dimentio who was going to erase every single universe from existence only to create new ones to his own image
Seriously, you guys have to stop putting Kirby in these lists.
I've never played Kirby, but so far, I've only seen Kirbyfags posting feats ITT.
Well, as both a Kirbyfag and a Mariofag, I'd say that they might be on equal terms honestly. Not sure about Sonic tho.
>implying all of this wouldnt be nullified by conkers context sensitivity
Sonic has a few, not as overpowered like Kirby though
thats the power of meme shit, one of the youtube channels that animate our autistic nerd squabbles made kirby beat kidbuu and here we are
Didn't he also bring an entire ocean with him?
Not that user, but it's kind of a shame really. I actually like to argue about characters I do like and to see others opinions on characters they like as well. But when it comes down to
>n-nuh huh, the character you like isn't as powerful as the character I like because he's a meme/game mechanics/other dumb fallacy
Then well, it kind of kills any discussion you could possibly have.
sonic defeated emerl when he had
>op versions of every main characters moves
>all 7 chaos emeralds
>the energy from several destroyed stars
and he was able to do it in under 30 fucking seconds
so archie sonic>game sonic>kirby>mario>all
its all just a fanservice/headcanon battle at the end of the day
>survived the universe ending
>infinite speed
>crushes multi-verse tier gods
Kirby can swim, Sonic cant.
i rest my case.