Wow... technology is amazing...
Wow... technology is amazing
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>soul vs soulless
And what are the jiggle physics like?
All the soul is gone
I haven't played FF7, but what's with that woman on the right? Looks like a man.
I'm glad they kept the generic, soulless, Asian faces.
yasss queeen slayyyyy skskskskskksksks
It actually is, you can say whatever the fuck you want, these characters are pretty fucking fidel to the originals? Tifa dress is even fucking better
>Cloud looks cuter
How does this happen?
>Cucky Cloud's little clitty locked in a chastity cage while Tifa and Aerith get FUCKED by Barrett and his BBC
Unlike ff. Really gay and shitty series
Nonexistant. This is a PROGRESSIVE reimagining, incel.
Top is better because it activates your imagination
Implying they're capable of doing otherwise
>cloud's dress is the wrong color
standards of beauty change
gotta keep that programming up
>How does this happen?
Too much internet exposure and not enough social contact.
No they don't you fucking kike.
>Tranny Terrorists will now vandalize the wiki's saying Cloud is a transvestite.
>If they are especially retarded, they will posit it as "Race: Transvestite"
is nobody fucking him?
She’s a really cute girl on the right.
What the fuck is up with Cloud's caveman forehead lmao
NuTifa sucks, everyone else is a straight upgrade
not that great to be honest
They look generic as fuck instead of stylized and memorable.
Im amazed that they included that part
How games still haven't surpassed SoulCalibur's animation is honestly baffingly, western devs are fucking retarded like all americans
Why wouldn't they? It would be unusual if they didn't. It's the [current year] after all.
wrong, retard
the hands in ff7 looked fucking terrible even for the time. which is odd since the backgrounds are pre-rendered, so youd think they could handle better models.
My favorite remake look
It's not that amazing.
I was ready to call bullshit, but that really does look amazing.
>Tifa's hairstyle doesn't change in the remake
>Cloud's dress is black for some reason
> Xianghua is the #1 strongest character four fucking SoulCalibur games in a row
What the fuck were they thinking?