Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
god I love papa johns garlic sauce
>morrowind is a pie missing some parts
>oblivion is missing a majority
>skyrim is complete
NY pizza is flavorless greasy shit.
>Chicago style
shit for the birds
What's the pizza and wings though?
>deep dish is overrated and not pizza
>cheese only can be enjoyed in any setting
>half/half leaves you wanting more but ultimately disappointed
Sounds about right
They’re all shit?
>they're all shit
quality. which arguably if the sauce tastes like shit then oblivions pizza is my go to
>>half/half leaves you wanting more but ultimately disappointed
What kind of fucking mental gymnastics is that.
For me its Sicilian.
Right looks better than middle though
That is absolutely fucking disgusting.
I love it.
they're all shit fake food?
How is chicago style pizza? I wanna try it one day, it looks pretty good but that's a fuckton of cheese
That's the point
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Reminder to report off topic cancer posts like these.
deep dish is a prank Chicago plays on tourists.
Pic related is the real Chicago-style
Do americans really put tomato sauce on pie?
replace all the pizzas with shit and you get the true wrpg experience.
>gaming journalists
only if the pizza is topped with bugs
Jesus christ was is that sad little cafeteria slice in the middle?
>looks super deep but is actually a bit of a mess that ends up feeling really unrefined, has no real complexity in each bite
That should have been Daggerfall, not Oblivion.
>looks like shit, but hides a lot of complexity and good parts once you actually bite into it, you just need to savor each individual component, and is a great vessel for more toppings
Seems about right.
>Looks nice and tasty from a distance, but too much bland and shitty bread, and all it has going for it is some crappy pepperoni that can barely be considered meat
Also right.
It's like a regular pizza but you told the pizza place to use 10x as much sauce and cheese on it
but Morrowind is actually good.
New York style. it's floppy, flavorless trash
WRPGs are trash, stop wasting board space with them.
Deep dish looks nasty
that's just generic flyover style
What the fuck is wrong with Americans? Like honestly?
i can taste the fake tomato sauce and greasy cheese from here
t. italian
>Another food thread tied into video games where Yea Forums debates on quality of food and tries to one up each other as the better judge of food.
Drinking soda/water and eating meat/rice/vegetables every night is not "high quality" also stop trying to fit in with /fit/ and just admit you drink mountain dew and eat like crap every night. I know a lot of you do and won't admit it. I probably eat fast food 4-5 times a week and guzzle soda, yeah I'm fat, but I'm not going to lie to other fat insecure people on the internet who pretend to eat healthy every night.
do americans really?
Do Americans really?
Argonians are property
yes, and it's by far the best
enjoy your meme pies
So it's a calzone but with a shitty looking crust?
Admit left looks good.
>Deep dish
pick one.
My limbs hurt and my blood is clotting just from looking at that.
lol fatty
>skyrim is the worst
>morrowind is pretty low tier
>oblivion is the best
I'm not sure what you're implying.
Okay, fatty. Lol
While I'm fat since I eat A LOT and never move, I haven't had soda or fast food in like three years.
Mainly because I'm poor and fast food is too expensive.
all those pizzas look like shit so I guess it’s accurate
lmao i eat like shit and am underweight
eat shit fatties
I want to punch this man
Morrowind is plain on the surface but deep as fuck once you take a bite.
yeah it's gross.
middle only
deep dish is shit
Why doesn't he use real tableware?
I eat whatever I can afford. When I can eat good and healthy I do, when I pay the bills and only have $5 left over for the week I tend to eat processed bullshit from the Dollar store. Fuck you for assuming I don't try, rich piece of shit. Day of the rope when?
Nobody thinks NY style is deep in flavor. It always tastes like salty grease no matter where I’ve had it.
Pizza can really pair well with any game.
Normally, I like to eat pizza and play Skyrim whenever I'm having a rough week.
that's Chicago style, Oblivion's pizza is NY style.
will be ES 6
That is clearly Chicago deep dish, Oblivion was depicted as a NY slice
Why do subhumans think that soggy pool of shitty sauce is pizza? Where’s the fucking cheese and why is there some much fucking bread?
I would eat all three of those pizzas and play all three of those games so I guess it checks out
Pizza La is the best fast food pizza I ever had. Fuck Pizza Pizza, Pizza Nova, 241 Pizza but Panago is good.
Show me what kind of pizza your country cooks
a fucking leaf + craft singles? this has to be a joke pizza lmao
Damn I’m retarded. Sorry.
as someone who's never had an authentic NY slice, rather just a really good 'za made by a guy who used to owned a NY pizzeria, how does the real thing compare to deep dish? Deep dish is probably the greatest form of sauce and cheese on bread meal ive ever eaten
>craft singles
this is your stomach on america
>Chicago deep dish
there's a hell of a lot more wrong with that picture than that
>decided to stop looking at /biz/ and wsb for ONE SECOND and relax on Yea Forums
>see this
Time to go into seclusion
Brazilians eat more of it then we do.
>order a certain topping
>they include so many other things along that topping that it might as well not even be the main one
>Yea Forums gets triggered by an obvious joke
It's cold up there. Makes sense to have pizzas that double as a hot tub.
I don't play these games but I guess Marrowind is enjoyable but very rich, not something I'd go back to often. Oblivion is... Sbarro pizza? So it's pretty solid but I'd have to drive to the mall. And it looks like Skyrim is Papa John's meaning that it's simple but reliable, consistent, and always enjoyable.
Pepperoni > anchovies > cheese > sausage > onions >>> the rest
miss me with that shit ass "supreme." abominations. If you need olives and bell peppers on your 'za why not just fucking eat a salad like a regular human being?
I saw a video on this, they put glue in the cheese so it looks good in ads.
I've never seen Sbarro except at a fucking train station really nice breadsticks though
Crème fraîche > tomato sauce
the fuck, do you live in some backwards flyover state? Even domino's is better than that trash
Ham, pep, green pepper, olive, suasage, white onion. Yep those are my toppings for the ultimate supreme pizza.
Yes literally all food ads fuck with the item to make it look presentable, nothing new.
I'm trying to diet, assholes!
food analogies never work
>Shallow overrated garbage w no substance only the diehard community likes
Yeah I'm in the midwest, Sbarro is in a lot of malls here but they seemed solid to me. No pizza place has anything on Happy Joe's though.
Wrong, it’s Chicken>chorizo>hot banana peppers>Tomatoes
You sound like a retard when you call it that, you’re not some loser in a 90’s PSA about drugs just call it a pizza like a normal person
Clearly in a restaurant though.
morrowing and skyrim are good, jew york pizza is a meme at best
>cheese only
Can someone who actually enjoys that explain what's the appeal to the topping?
Well it's an Italian dish so
Deep dish pizza is as much a pizza as lasagne is spagehtti
>an american wrote this
allergic to good taste they are
I love not giving a fuck about what I eat.
get the fuck out of here, pedro. no one eats subhuman pepperoni and fucking banana peppers with 'za
>destroying your body so you can eat garbage
God I love margarita style
Not really into extra shit most of the time, cheese+sauce is good enough for me. I also don't like toppings on burgers so maybe it's just me being a retard.
as an american this beast looks like it would clog up my body entirely and would cause me to explode. Also I am slightly lactoast intolerant.
What app? Also, good for you. I love eating and I wish I didn't.
This. Banana peppers are fucking disgusting, like biting into sugary vinegar.
Fasting is great for you
What is it about thus gif that fools dumb Yea Forumsirgins into thinking its real every damn time its posted?
banana peppers RULE my dude, you are outta yer gourd
Chicago is big gay
No it fucking isnt.
>puts fries and sliced hot dogs on pizza
>criticizes literally any other countries pizza
His country just has beans on toast and bland ass steaks every damn day.
app is called Zero and he's a pleb, my longest fast was 38 hours.
it sure as shit dont fuckin feel good to have an empty stomach for half a week
french can't into pizza either, stick to your flammenkuche
While cheese only is for autistic people/picky children. I've eaten so many damn pizzas where there is to many strong flavored toppings that you could just as well replace the actual pizza with cardboard and it would taste the same. One or two toppings only is usually the best. Well, as long as none of them are pepperoni.
Banana peppers aren't that good on pizza. Can be good on certain things though.
The best pizza topping combo is just the Supreme Pizza. There's a reason it's called "Supreme".
I've done 48 hours in the past. That was before this app though.
Feels good and good for you are not the same user
Pedro? I’m not a Seppo cunt, I’m 100% white
I don’t eat pepperoni either it’s disgusting
Sugary? I don’t know what kind of banana peppers you have down there but here they’re hot
you've obviously never fasted before, hunger pains only last for a half hour at most. it feels great to fast, especially after the 36 hour mark when your piss turns brown and you can feel your body cleaning itself.
>more fucking dairy instead of a vegetable sauce
Shit nigger, you're retarded
I’ve never heard of a supermen pizza
>being dehydrated feels good
Have people tried you know, eating less?
I've never understood all these meme diets everyone is always on. Eat less, exercise more. That's literally all there is to being healthy.
Okay Mohammed don’t forget to spray up your asshole before go bow in the corner cunt
>they’re hot
Let me guess, midwesterner?
For me its pepperoni, jalapenos, and pineapple. A perfect combination of sweet, savoury, and spicy.
telling people they should report things is not the same as announcing your own reports
i drink a glass of water every 4 hours when i fast and i still see excellent results from it. i'm not sure what dry fasting is supposed to accomplish that water fasting doesn't, never tried it.
>the 36 hour mark when your piss turns brown
yeah that sure sounds healthy
eat less you fat fuck
>tomato sauve
Haha. You guys are cute.
No, Toronto fuck those Albertaniggers
Where does this fit?
Uhh... That's my point, things that are good for you don't necessarily feel good. So for people who like eating, eating less doesn't feel good. But it's good for you.
I do prefer my new york pizza.
>not average 24h
>having more than one big meal a day
do you even
neither apologies.
Sugoi Desu Pizza probably tastes fucking weird
That except there's no cheese or sauce and there's poison scattered throughout it
Deep dish sucks. Morrowind is a real authentic pizza, Oblivion is a pepperoni pizza, and Skyrim is a Hawaiian pizza
hell yeah
spotted the newfag.
lurk more.
Is pepperoni somehow inauthentic?
modded skyrim
I doubt it even counts as a pizza when the base is fucking fish.
it's the toxins that have built up inside your system being expelled.
Sure, but you don't need to starve yourself for 30+ hours to do so. Just you know, eat less.
Swap Skyrim and Oblivion
Sorry you can't into pizza sauce faggot. It's just a couple tbsp olive oil, garlic, oregano, basil, and either fresh or canned peeled tomatoes with salt and pepper to taste. If you don't have a stick blender you can crush the tomatoes with your hands before cooking.
tfw you have a local place that has been around for over 100 years and has the best damn pizza. So good that you cant decide if its better hot or cold.
you couldn't cook your way out of a pizza box, faggot
go die of corona
this. fucking faggots.
If you pee is brown you should stop your fasting or seek medical help. Seriously dude that's fucking worrying.
Yeah but I have my girlfriends home made pizza
Would it be a good idea to eat a single apple a day and drink a shit ton of water for 4 months?
I heard Christian Bale lost 60 lbs by doing that
still against the rules.
>have friends who only order pizza by phone because they're obsessed with the '90s
>criticise me for getting pepperoni every time as "too boring"
hypocritical hipster cunts. just use the fucking website
I do see what you're saying, and I wouldn't want to go 30 hours either. But I also think at that point it's more preference than anything. If waiting 30 hours and having a larger meal is calorically the same as several smaller meals, it's all a wash.
By the pizza metaphor, the only good one there is Skyrim.
What kind of fucking loser eats deep dish or NY style?
He was alluding to the fact that tomatoes are a fruit.
But they're also all loved by a select group of autists who will fight each other tooth and nail about which is better, as can be seen in this very thread.
starving yourself will help you lose weight, yes
no u
>have friends who only order pizza by phone because they're obsessed with the '90s
Could you tell me more? This is fascinating to me.
it's completely normal especially if you have to subsist on the poison that modern society calls food. it instantly changes back to yellow after eating and drinking again so it's nothing to be worried over.
Get a load of this pleb.
Japanese pizza is the best in the world
Is it a chain or a mom n pop. Some places have really shitty websites.
Not using the site and tracker from big chain pizza places is big time retarded.
yeah because you're getting water back into your body to piss out, what the fuck are you talking about
Only in Chicago, but they're not actually human.
I am /fit/ as fuark, I don't get how anyone can eat like shit, I feel like utter shit if I eat like that for more than a meal or two a week.
Whether he was being a pedantic faggot or not doesn't matter. It's not fucking dairy sauce on pizza.
thin ny style pizza isnt even fucking food.
You literally have to eat 2 extra large slices that are larger than a dinner plate to even feel anything
i live in ny state where more than half the food joints are literally pizza places that serve thin crust 90% of the time
You can think again.
>it's the toxins of the body
You should try not being fat.
That will solve the issue.
They think ordering pizza is an "experience" instead of a simple food-gathering activity.
They live their whole life like they're in Friends; constantly trying to find a place for us all to hang out after work and trying to organise parties we can invite half-acquaintances to
chain. they can't even hipster right. Though tbf the only good family place near us is collection-only
That's actually more to do with the fact that you haven't fasted ever. The human body is designed to handle times when you can't eat for a day or two and maintain energy.
I love this, like America is a lovecraftian horror that clogs foreign arteries.
well we have been setting up mcdonalds outposts in pretty much every country on earth so that might be closer to reality than you think
5'10 and around 130lbs
The doctor tries to have me gain weight but it doesnt work unless I try really fucking hard and over eat every day. I literally cant afford it.
Turns out not consuming thousands of calories more than you need is all it takes, and cutting out sugar drinks
You do sound fucking boring, though.
>Mayo on pizza
GTFO weeb faggot
1. something that is out of the way inconvenient to eat but still good. you enjoy it enough but you are left wondering at the end of it all where it stacks up as your favorite pizza. you are also wondering if it even fits in at all with the other pizzas youre thinking about
2. you gladly eat it because it tastes good. you dont mind its limits and you know it could be better but it seems to have value anyways
3. its good-bad but as you grow in your tastes, you eventually phase it out aside from the occasional splurge
I'll never understand people that get mad at people that fast. It's just natural selection, you should be happy they're doing it.
Chicago style pizza isn't real pizza. The only real pizza is NY style and pizza from italy.
Fasting literally makes you live longer and prevent the growth of cancer. Get bent fatties.
thanks mate
Theres no mayo in that image
post the one guy eating like a slob
You feel somewhat bad.
That’s mayo? I thought mayo was salty I didn’t know it’s sweet
Our cheesy tentacles are in their hearts. They'll be riding scooters next.
>starving yourself (and the cancer) prevents the growth of cancer
it's good
>country-wide pizza ordering web service got bought by some foreign company and they dropped my city from it
>only option is to phone locals
>just couple do delivery. one doesn't speak our language properly and it's always fucking pain in the ass to order and the other most of the time has this cute grill that always makes me spill insane amounts of spaghetti
Wow that's wild.
Where the hell do you live? Even out here in the countryside with 400,000 people in town I can order pizza online
Annoincing false reports is not allowed,even is ironic.
.No. It's means you are dehydrated and your body does not have enough water to properly dilute the urine.
>delusional fatty thinks hes living a normal lifestyle
>thought it said county wide
>look again
>country wide
What the fuck kind of place do you live that the entire country has once pizza ordering service online?
actually underrated
god what a retard. stop falling for meme advices from /fit/
>he thinks making his internal organs shit themselves is a good thing
Drink water
It's likely an issue with being in the dead zone of a stores radius. We had to call to get dominoes delivered because their web site didn't like where we lived.
what kind of sick person wants to live longer, I mean I do 16 hour fasts because it makes me feel good and I get to eat when I'm actually hungry (12pm-8pm) but extended fasts are just autistic
I'm skinnyfat but surely you accept my point on the cancer thing. General longevity I can buy, but not the idea that fasting is magically carcinogenic beyond the obvious deprivation of food
Morrowind with cliff racer wings.
Kewpie mayo is sweeter than normal mayo. Mayo is a regular topping on pizza in Japan.
>I'm skinnyfat
No, you're fat, stop coping
>after the 36 hour mark when your piss turns brown
That didn't happen to me when I fasted last time
cant belive im going to say but daggerfall is the only example as TOO MUCH CONTENT
>italians craft an awesome food
>americans ruin it
What is wrong with America?
Are you in Toronto? Had this same problem sometimes they insist my city isn’t Toronto because back in the 90’s it wasn’t but then they can’t find my address when I type the old city name
I only do extended fasts after major food holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Halloween.
Thinking about it, I have never once in my life ordered a pizza to my door.
Partly because anywhere I've lived there's been a pizzeria withing walking distance. They are fucking everywhere. Despite living in the countryside surrounded by horse corrals and farm land it's still only like a 30 second walk.
retard thats just a pizza. even chicago is embarrassed about their own pizza
stop browsing /fit/
instant faggot
You need to actually go to new york and try it out. This is how real pizza is suppose to be. Perfect combination of the right amount of cheese and tomato sauce. Also the right amount of dough made just right and cooked just right in the oven. It's not flavorless trash like you claim.
Chicago pizza is just way too much cheese. Shit is a casserole, not a pizza.
insulting police officers is not an argument,so arrest.
I know how they make pizza in Japan retard, my girlfriend always puts mayo in the sauce I just didn’t know it’s sweet I never eat mayo besides when she uses it in pizza because it’s disgusting. I don’t know why Europeans love it so much
don't kid yourself all three are the equivalent of that shitty middle school cafeteria cardboard pizza
Better than being a fat american retard
Nope Louisiana. Shit happens way more than you'd think.
All three look delicious desu
you forgot
Chocolate pizza is something I've always looked down upon until I actually tried it. Tastes amazingly good
This means that your body doesnt use its energy probably cause you're a sedentary brainlet manlet try lifting some weights once in your life and you'll feel true hunger
There are a few over a short walking distant but they are expensive and owners are unpleasant arrogant fucks and the one really good one is really unreliably open due to health issues.
I live in NY and there was exactly 1 pizza place out of the 20 that have come and gone on main street over the last 15 years that was good thin crust
Fuck off with your indoctrinated bullshit, thin crust is the absolute laziest way you can make a pizza.
>cant figure out how to combine all these ingredients in a filling way
>fuck it just dont use any but the bare minimum what you think were made a money
Its bad and you should feel bad for defending what is literally overpriced shit 90% of the time
America is way closer to Italy than most Euro countries when it comes to pizza. Lots of neopolitan style joints all over the US are popular.
How can cancer cells multiply if they have nothing with to
>not Pizza Pops
It’s because America and Italy are both not white, in fact the majority of Americans are Hispanic, Italian and Irish in that order
>if i project hard enough i am right
Have fun inside.
being poor in a house of 3 means I cant afford to be fat when I have to make sure the others have enough to eat
Sorry you cant imagine life outside your little bubble
*magically anti-carcinogenic
>I don’t know why Europeans love it so much
Funny, as a European I've always had the opinion that Americans are obsessed with mayo and use it in and on everything. That and peanut butter.
Lmao you fucking serious?
>implying its funny
can I have some
Its the equivalent to salad cream pretty much
>Pizza Pops
don't have that in AUS
genuine MMO experience straight from brazil, thank you batepapo
How many fucking calories are in there? and how much of it is just sugar?
Italian immigrants are to blame for American pizza.
ketones suppress apatite you worthless fat fuck enjoy your cancers.
yes asshat lrn yer history, Italian migrants crafted the famous dish we come to know and love called "pziaa"
see, that's where you're wrong, Naples isn't in Italy.
>Oblivion is the comfy leftover slice that you know will taste great
>Morrowind is the deepest game but kind of unappealing
These two check out. I don’t know what the Skyrim comparison is trying to say.
Mexicans are obese nigga what are you doing with your money
look at all this expansion content
Nah. Americans don't really like mayo. It's usually just on sandwiches, we don't dip anything in it. We're obsessed with ketchup and BBQ sauce.
bullshit. You don't live in new york and you're just making shit up to shitpost.
I'd wager 4,000 calories give or take.
Do people actually eat entire pizzas?