Tfw 32 years old

>tfw 32 years old
>Baldur's Gate II was always my favorite game of all time since 2000
>Occasionally got threads on Yea Forums, chugged along as a respected older game
>Siege of Dragonspear briefly ruins everything until people forget about it
>Now BG3 is coming out and it has nothing to do with BG2

why can't I just be left with this older game everyone respects and talks about like once per month

why can't this just be another Chrono Trigger or something

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stay optimist and wait for the complete game.
Also, should i play Pathfinder or Pillars of Eternity? Wanted to make a thread but its better to stay in this one.

Oh cool a Divinity Original Sin 2 thread.
Who's your favorite origin character?

BG: Dark Alliance were always better.

Pathfinder. It's barely even a real choice desu.

Idk but I heard Pillars was dogshit

Pillars, pathfinder is broken to the core. Bugs right out of the gate

I forgot about Divinity Original Sin too.

Kingmaker has been fixed since launch and is vastly superior to Pillars.


PoE gets bogged down way too much in its own lore.

D:OS is pretty much Reddit incarnate, but it's up to you. There's very little roleplaying involved.

OS and PF are good. If you can only pick one, you can't really go wrong whichever you choose. PF is a bit more like BG I suppose.

Yea Forums has a hateboner for PoE but I'm playing it right now and having a good time. It has it's flaws of course but I feel like the average cRPG fan would enjoy it. Pathfinder is good too though, so I'd say try both.

I personally hated div os
You should still try it so you know what to expect for bg3

>Kingmaker has been fixed

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good joke Poe is boring fest with nothing interesting in it Pathfinder is long time patched
and it is ten times better

has there ever been a crpg ever made that wasn't the same?

Yep. Have you been in a coma for a year or something?

>Pathfinder is long time patched

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I don't think I've ever heard of a CRPG so buggy it just up and randomly deletes your saves

I turn 31 this month. when I was a kid bg2 was one of my favorite games too, only I never actually played past the first chapter. I would spend hours making a new character, play through the tutorial dungeon, and then start over. when I went back as an adult and actually played the game to completion I realized it was actually kind of shit.

Pillars 1 has better writing if that's what your into.

Because people wants sequels even if in name only. Have in mind that this is a game for people that didn't play the 1 or 2. That's why the are doing whatever they want with the game.

that's pretty bad if it really did that but they have clearly fixed that issue at least. I've heard of old crpgs uninstalling themselves or bricking PCs though. I don't know what it is about this genre they can't ever release a polished fucking game.

I'm 29 and never liked BG 2 that much, i still think Planescape: Torment is infinitely superior to it
Honestly the only things from BG2 i still remember are vapid cunts Jaheira and Aeris or what she's called with their forced romance

the only thing this proves is that you are as much a retard now as you were as a child.

>they have clearly fixed that issue
Go to the steam forums, people are still reporting corrupted saves
>this genre they can't ever release a polished fucking game
Pathfinder is the worst I've ever seen

i really, really hope they never make a chrono trigger 2, they'll fuck it up so bad

Remember: Real Time with Pause was invented to keep '90s Diablobrain children from snapping the CDs in a fit of rage

Why even care? The original trilogy is a complete and concluded saga. The only similarity between BG3 and the OT is that it starts on the sword coast.
There's nothing to retroactively ruin because the gorion's ward's story is done.

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i know
played it last year and it was shit

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I was more into Icewind Dale.
It was hard as balls though.

You are 100% right but it won't stop us from feeling betrayed but this misuse of the franchise to milk a dead cow. It lacks respect !

Baldur's Gate began development before Diablo came out.

Reminder that the reason why turn-based is making a resurgence now is because of mobile games. Touch screen is too slow for any precise fast real time movement, so they have to resort to turns. RTWP will always be poorly implemented on mobile/analog sticks, and requires a mouse.

mobile games and console ports

>making a resurgence
There have been turn based games every year since forever. Underrail, wasteland, a bunch of slav post apocalyptic games...
Rtwp meanwhile got what, 3 games? 4 with wrath?

For the same reason why RTS will never work on non-PC.

rtwp is just shit for anything that isn't a wizard circlejerk. the only reason it worked was because half of your party couldn't do anything but auto-attack and 1-2 other characters could only cast buffs before combat and then auto-attack. you were only actually controlling a third of your party at any one time. if you change the system so non-wizards have stuff to do every turn it becomes unplayable.

>Now BG3 is coming out and it has nothing to do with BG2
Good. BG1 and BG2 are some of the most overrated boring dogshit RPG's of all time. They're great to play, if you suffer from insomnia.

Kids these days.

Disco Elysium did that to me kind of. Not deleting the saves, but making it impossible to save. I had to beat the last leg of the game in one sitting.

I played a wizard, often solo.

Slavs just can't make good games

yes, you are the target audience of rtwp games. congratulations.

What are you talking about ?
Modern RTwP games have auto cast, hotkeys and/or programmable behavior of your companions. It's exactly like Turn Based but you computerize what will happen with the companions you chose to not actively play. It gives the ability to speed up gameplay and enjoy a fabulous show of mayhem and dismemberment.

Pillars of Eternity 1 is very BG like. POE2 is excellent and improved in many ways, but if you're a super purist then don't bother.

I liked 2 better, personally.

>It's exactly like Turn Based
Except you get to tell the game how to play instead of it playing for you, which has always been the main difference

No, in RTwP you tell the game how to play and then it will play for you until you need to change something. In Turn Based you need to tell the game how to play for every single action. I understand the appeal but to me it's just tedious and slow down everything.

Right, because turn based is for retards that need he game to give them training wheels and remind them to not afk

You are left alone with it.

The only thing stopping your enjoyment is that you’re a massive bitch.

Div OS 1>Pathfinder>Pillars

Div os 2 is shit

i'm a crpg noob. I beat fallout 1 and 2 and loved them. should i pick up bg:ee or divinity os2? I tried and hated divinity os1.

If you like Fallout 1 & 2 and want to stay in this kind of settings, you should try Wasteland 2.

ok thanks!

Play Underrail if you want something similar or try Baldur's gate who's also exploration heavy
If you didn't like os2 it's likely you won't like 2

I am playing pathfinder rightnow, more in anticipation to the new pathfinder game than in anticipation to BG3. So far i am really enjoying it.

If anyone else is playing i wouldn´t mind suggestions about a Regongar build. Turns out my main is already a magus/ DD/ Eldritch knight so i wanted to do something different with Reg and it´s really not working out. Will have to respec him soon.

Chrono Trigger got Chrono Cross though. I love them both but i think i understand what you mean. Some games are better off left alone. Honestly fucking up an IP is just a matter of keeping it alive long enough. Eventually they all fuck it up with a subpar product, and then another... and another. Until oldfags like us grow so dissapointed on the new games and just quit. My advice is to just start accepting that the world has moved and that you are not the target audience of these games anymore since no matter how much you rant there is no stopping this.
You could also try to enjoy the new games but that´s harder.

How does it feel to live long enough to see all your favorite franchises go down in flames?

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>nooo my franchise is being ruined
i honestly dont give a fuck, if bg3 is fun thats cool if its not ill just play bg1 and 2 for the 30th time

BG3 can't really have that much to do with the originals since the PC's journey is complete after ToB

Fucking great, why do you ask my good user ?

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Pathfinder. First hours are amazing. Quality drops in some later parts.
PoE is rather... souless.

Been thinking about picking that game up actually. What exactly makes it so hard?

Oh, I don't mind BG3 (not yet?).
Beamshit fanfic content bothers me. More than it should.

BG had the same bug back in the day. Not sure exactly how it deleted save games but it did.

there is no reason to play the beamdog enhanced editions when you can mod the originals with ease
and even then im positive the are mods for the beamdog versions to remove all EE content like the new gay NPCs and some items they added

You don't really even have to mod the originals, official patchs are enough.

This is the truest post in the thread, PoE doesn't have bad lore or bad gameplay but it is constantly treading on its own toes by allowing the narrative to get in the way of the game instead of supplementing it. The 2nd game in particular has really bad pacing as a result, they're still really solid games but Kingmaker is better just because it's more consistently fun to play.

You still have the first two games. BG3 is like Neverwinter Nights 2, set in the same universe but not involved with the plot of the previous one

I've always liked Minsc. Gag characters are fun for a game or two. But gags need to be retired adter some time.
I'm not sure I want to see him in BG3.

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theyll turn my boy minsc into some reddit humour shit fuck this gay earth

Everyone was told months ago but then they were still in the denial phase.

It's probably going to be a good game but it's not going to have anything to do with the series in a meaningful way and it's not even going to be consistent with D&D nor the setting.

It's going to be "what if Divinity Original Sin III was a D&D game?" and that's fine but calling it Baldur's Gate is a cynical marketing ploy that sees their audience as gormless idiots that love hype. Nothing more, never was anything more than that.

Well, I couldn't play Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 without this UI mod
It's just too comfy

>enjoy a fabulous show of mayhem and dismemberment.
What I'm going to miss the most in BG3.

I loved setting up all my characters and watch the gibs go.

Or... the enemy turning things around and me freezing the fuck out of the fight and making defense maneuvers.

that looks fucking disgusting

Are there any people who fell for the ogre illusion and killed Aerie?
I've managed to find one youtuber, kek.

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>Having any faith in it after this trailer was some how given the green light

It's all combat, and more complex than BG. Especially if you play Heart of Winter mode with a level 1 party.

>Omigosh Minsc and booboo duuuuudezz
t. their target audience

PoE:WM >= D:OS 2 > P:K >= D:OS > PoE2

Wouldn't say it's all combat. There are surprising amount of RPG moments both in the first and second game.

The best thing about Icewind Dale is that because the engine and mostly the rules are the same, it feels 100% like you are in the exact same world as BG, but in some distant corner of the world. I don't think BG3 will give that feel.

I wish my franchises went down in flames like this. You don't know what true pain is.

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I always read all the item descriptions in IWD. They are much richer than in BG. Gives nice lore boost and makes the world feel bigger than just Kuldahar and the neighbors.

>Holding into "'s Heart" long sword.
Feels comfy.

How strict is the game regarding party composition? Making DnD characters is the thing I'm absolutely worst at so if the game is strict with needing good class and stat distributions I'm gonna get my ass kicked.

Might and Magic X does that and it was never fixed with a patch

How could they turn him into that when he is already reddit incarnate

Pathfinder and it’s not a contest

reddit didnt exist in 2000 you shit-eating faggot

At least its not being made by the makers of the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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Feels great.

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>baldur's gate 3 just to capitalize on the name
>*emotive dialogue*
just let baldur's gate rest in peace

not gonna read but is this the harrry potter pasta?

Nah, just some stale pasta about Obsidian that he posts in every RPG thread.

>he has a pirated launch version and thinks he's allowed an opinion.

You can Dragon Disciple tank with regongar but that's about it. Take a dip into scaled fist monk for sweet sweet AC bonus from charisma or just DD/magus. Regongar is also good just pure but if you're like me I just leave his ass at home because i'm a sword saint.

Yes in Obsidian flavour and as usual it's very accurate.

Nah, I bought the game during the winter sale and it was still broken to shit. Hell there's bugs at the tutorial area I encountered

I never bring Regnogar anywhere because his fucking diehard feat makes him die all the time.

I started playing the game back in like June and have yet to encounter any bugs other than a few Kingdom quests failing a month early which was legit no big deal and only happened once. IDK what you're talking about. Verify installation or something, m8. What bugs?

You mean disappear from the party if he goes unconcious? Yea, that is a useless feat. Linzi has it but she seldom goes down to being such a badass.

I didn't level up in the tutorial like you're supposed to so that I could get cheaper adventurers so I could have a full custom party at level one. Turns out the devs didn't account for this and I got a full party for free. As opposed to a full party at level 2 costing like 10,000 gold

Yea, thats more of an exploit than a bug though. They're supposed to be 500 at level 1 but instead they are 100g.

>didn't playtest their game
So most people who play kingmaker are sub 90 IQ?

jesus fuck

My point is you are basically saving yourself 2g in gold which basically nothing since you have over 2g by that point if picked everything up and sold it. 2g gets you basically some first level scrolls and potions. Not really something I would say is "game breaking" dude. lol.

I suppose that is a bug and a bit of an exploit for the early game but you could 100% afford those henchmen at the point anyway so it doesn't really change anything. Just drop the gold on the ground if it's going to ruin the game for you. lmao.

>you could 100% afford those henchmen
Nah, I think you can only afford 2

You have well over $2500 by that point if you pick everything up of value and sell it. They're $500/henchmen at level 1. Obviously you trying to use the exploit anyway so I don't see why you're upset when you set out to do it.

>you're trying to exploit the game
Nigger I had no idea, is it my fault the very FIRST thing I tried in the game broke it?

>He waited to level up to buy henchmen
You knew it was an exploit and used it retard. Don't act like you didn't know the cost of henchmen was based on level and if you wait to level up the price would be bugged with an 80% discount. Like I said, it's a shitty exploit that people use to get a cheap starting custom party. Hardly a broken game because of it though.

>You knew it was an exploit
This is how I know only retards play pathfinder

Do you legit have autism? You saved yourself $2k gold from a bug. That gets you what? Like 3 master longswords and few scrolls of burning hands? How does that break the game for you?

Nice segue

Answer the question autist? No, I don't believe that you didn't know about the exploit beforehand either because who in the fuck waits 3 entire battles to level up in an rpg just to buy some henchmen. Get filtered by your own autism. No one cares.

>I don't believe that you didn't know about the exploit
What's it like being a nigger

>I didn't level up in the tutorial like you're supposed to so that I could get cheaper adventurers so I could have a full custom party at level one.
kek, you already admitted it

Oooops, I guess you are a retard. Why do people like you feel the need to shitpost like this? It just makes you look dumb and pathetic. Like, no one reading your posts thinks you have a point. You just look like a fucking dipshit that got filtered. lol. Last (you)

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It's an exploit to save your money... and it's my fault for trying it and not the devs for not playtesting their tutorial in two years?

The exploit saves you 2000g and you have to actively try to use it. It's a stupid bug that should be patched out, yes. You saying it breaks the game is autistic, pedantic and untrue. Stay pleb.

>why can't I just be left with this
Good question, why can't you? Shut the fuck up you melodramatic goofy faggot.

A new BG coming out means NOTHING on your impression or thoughts on 2. fucking hell I hate this place.

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>It's a stupid bug that should be patched out, yes.
Actually it saves you 9,500 gold

>everything becoming casual pleb shit isn't worth discussion
>a classic game being drug through the sewer for a company to make extra bucks isn't worth talking about.

If you buy them at level 1 they are supposed to be 500g but they are only 100g. level 2 they are more and so on and so on. So you save 2000g at level 1 and after that it's not exploitable.

>that entire 10 page mini novel for the holy avenger in IWD2
>the ascended miniboss squad fight for it
top tier fantasy right there

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Stop being a stupid faggot and get over the fact that you worship a licensed title. Baldur's Gate is Forgotten Realms which means there's no reason for Baldur's Gate 3 to follow 1 or 2.

BG was always casual shit you fucking bum

Also, custom henchmen are a level behind you at level 1 anyway so consider it even since they are gimped unless you buy them as soon as you hit a new level.

Dude you don't even follow your own logic.

Do you just go online and fucking try gaslighting people? Go deal with your personality disorder, bro.

>lose argument
>ditch original argument to continue to argue
Drink some water I think you're dehydrated

>he doesn't know...

>there isn't an argument just some dude claiming that him trying use an exploit ruined the game for him.
They are level 1 when you are level 2 at that point on your way to level 3. It's not even optimal to have them since the premade companions are already better and will always be better. You have to buy them as soon as you hit a new level for them to be your exp level. Have fun with your gimped henchmen until like level 10 but I guess since they were only 100g instead of 500g it's game breaking.

You're not going to believe me, but the world is run by literal sorcerers who use mass magic to control reality and society.

They're revisiting and destroying every cherished old franchise in both Hollywood and the gaming industry intentionally, to produce the exact response that has been provoked in you. That is, for you to feel attacked and to for you to lose part of the joy and love that empowers you in a way that you could oppose them. They, of course, gain control of that energy when you lose it, and use it to further solidify their control.

Normally they're not going to bother for niche titles and minor joys, but in cases like this where 10s of thousands or more people remember something pure with joy and have reached the age-range prone to nostalgia, the cost-benefit makes the harvesting of the energy extremely profitable. Do not expect Chrono Trigger to remain unassailed.

Now you're making my argument for me. Do you practice falling over yourself or are you just a natural?

This is either bait or you are the most dense motherfucker on the planet. If it's bait good for you. I took a bite. Still makes you pathetic either way.

Doesn't this game take place centuries after ToB? I doubt Minsc would appear as he would be dead by now.

It's not bait. You're just stupid. I played you like a fiddle and you ended up on my side of the argument and didn't even know. I suggest getting a glass of water. Or some of that smart water

If you were arguing that you are a hopeless retard then i guess you're right, im on that side of the argument.
I'm glad you got filtered by an exploit that you sought out to use. Less absolute retards playing the game for them to pander to.

>I'm glad you got filtered
Spoken like a true retard. Enjoy your shitty russian jank

>salty cuck pretends to be retarded for (you's)
How do you even live with yourself?

I would've liked Pathfinder if they'd not forced the kingdom management shit so much.

I fucking hate being pulled from an adventure so I can go back to the capital to talk to some faggot.

Unfortunately that's what the Pathfinder adventure path in the table-top is from what I gather. Once you get a few lands under your dominion you don't have to go all the way back to your keep to manage the kingdom except for needing to physically be in the throne room. Then you get teleporters which make it way faster. I agree though it isn't all that fun.

BG2 is not a good game and the combat is bad. You are just remembering it through rose tinted goggles. The fun you think you had is not real, it's artificial fun created by your subconscious to try and make you think your childhood and was better.

>*baldurs gate dabbing on another brainlet*

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I played through it recently and loved it. You're just a retard with shit taste.