Post the games you currently have installed

Post the games you currently have installed.

Hard mode: Say only nice things about others' installed games.

Attached: installed.png (348x224, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You shouldn't start a thread like this without posting your own.

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I was playing DMC5 but the KB+M controls are a bit weird. I either need to find my gamepad or change the bindings

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I didn't want it to look like the purpose of the thread was just to show off my own games.

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My computer is pretty weak to play "big" games, so....

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Hey buddy.
Nice Hat

I mostly pirate so I don't have much

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This entire thread is hard mode. I see games I like. I see games I loath. Even the stuff I have installed does not at all equal to a personal sense of enjoyment.

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Today's "big" games are soulless shit anyway.

Here you go

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stop playing gacha

Nah. I'm trying to hoarding stuff before they're all dead

Steam had one too many games to fit in a single screenshot of the list, so I uninstalled one shitty game. I don't care if it's cheating. Sue me. There are a few other really stupid indie games in here as well (e.g. Escape Doodland), but I got them from bundles. Basically, if it doesn't have a desktop icon, then either I don't care about it or I haven't played it yet. Desktop icons are mostly organized as old shit on the left and indie shit on the right, because I wanted to keep the middle clean and didn't know how else to separate them.

I guess this isn't truly representative of my taste, because I reinstalled my OS only a few weeks ago and haven't gotten around to reinstalling everything I like. But I do like old shit and indie shit, so it's close enough.

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>infinity war

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r8 h8 masturb8

what's that next to hotline meme 2?

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Hey, it wasn't that bad. I actually don't even have it installed right now. I selected the game to bring up the background image before clicking the "ready to play" filter button. I just wanted a game with an interesting background image.

Here it is.

Attached: games installed.png (1049x784, 295K)

Would you recommend Vallhalla? It's one of those games I've always been tempted to buy but have never committed.

>Beautiful Desolation
How is it so far?

What did you think of it?

Attached: Capture.png (240x491, 47K)

1) Why so many installs?
2) Is Diaries Of A Spaceport Janitor any good?

>Would you recommend Vallhalla? It's one of those games I've always been tempted to buy but have never committed.
Yeah, it's pretty damn great. And comfy.

Attached: steam installed.jpg (2254x1133, 505K)

Is that any good? I got it for free a while ago.

>Rebel Galaxy
Did you like it? I thought it was pretty good, for what I paid, which was not much. I might get Rebel Galaxy Outlaw when it stops being Epic exclusive.

Touhou 15 LoLk

1.Because a lot of the games are on the old hard drive because that was breaking down. I ended up installing the games cause I tend to fluxuate between games I want to play with.
2.Yeah its good I enjoyed it all the way through

1.I loved it, originally bought it on GOG then later on steam. Im gonna get it when its not on the epic store either, hopefully it will be soon.

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Epic Games Store exclusivity for Outlaw will end on August 13th.

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Only quality games

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10/10 would play with

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It's fun, but better with friends than randos, me and my friends love it

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Where do you get your thumbnails from?

Most I either grab from google or make myself

I've been playing the Zero collection almost exclusively the last few days.

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A man of taste.

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Do you upload them somewhere by any chance?

I do not. do you know a good place to dump them?

Half of my games I either didn't start or didn't get very far in

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This is what I've got on my 3ds + castlevania circle of the moon, catlevania double pack, smt 4, persona q, 7th dragon 3 and some emulators

I want to reply DXIW but the HUD is so fucking cancerous that it actively ruins the tiny bits of enjoyment to be found in the game. Also, getting it to run on W10 seems like it requires some forbidden blood magic I have yet to learn.

i installed a new hard drive so yeah

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>man with gun
>man with gun
>man with gun
>man with gun
>man with gun

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Nice consoomer thread, keep posting your shitty steam games you paid for while I have 1 T.B. worth of games I all got for free.

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They aren't all shitty, Crosscode is dope

>implying tons of us don't pirate shit as well
Do you play any of the games? I pirated Fallen Order and Daemon X Machina recently, they're bretty gud.

At least English is my first language.

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I don't understand the logic from people like you. Do you think we're unable to pirate or something and you have something over us? Like we're too fucking dumb to figure out torrenting, do you really believe that? Are you a moron?

I pirate games all the time, but I also buy games all the time. My entire Steam collection are games I bought for under $10. The fact of the matter is, Steam is convenient as fuck and also, multiplayer games exist.

Stop being a moron, you're not better than anyone because you're a poor 12 year old.

I think people made some websites for custom thumbnails, comes to mind.
idk if there are better alternatives

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I'll try that site then. give me some time to fix up all my images and i'll drop them all there in like an hour or two

not a whole lot after finally clearing my steam backlog

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