Given the choice do you ever choose to play as a character who's a different race than yourself? (not including beast races)
Have you ever made a custom character who's a different race than yourself?
Given the choice do you ever choose to play as a character who's a different race than yourself? (not including beast races)
Have you ever made a custom character who's a different race than yourself?
wtf is that samuel jackson?
why would I?
Of course not, that’s a form of cuckoldry.
I play characters I find aesthetically pleasing so I mostly play cute girls. They're mostly white but sometimes they have some exotic features like slightly Asian eyes or tanned skin depending on what I find hot at the moment or happens to come out from the editor.
Does playing as kawaii Japanese girls count?
For female characters, sure.
For male characters usually not, but sometimes when I got a specific concept for a character.
Yes, because I don't self-insert most of the time.
I usually make grizzly old men.
Of the same race as me i guess, hadnt thought about it.
Not every bald black guy is Sam Jackson, user.
I never said every bald black guy is Sam Jackson. I said is THAT Samuel Jackson.
As an asian guy I usually make white guy characters, yeah.
Don’t blame ya
By what logic?
if they look good, i usually create a black female
I'll occasionally play as black girls, or asian girls, or whatever. As long as it's a girl and it's cute, I don't really care.
No, I find that weird. I might change my mind when I inevitably decide to reproduce, which most likely won't be with a white girl. Then I'll be forced to see myself in other races.
He really does look like Sam Jack, doesn't he?
Sure I do.
Only on my full evil playthroughs
Whenever I want to do an evil run I make a bald white guy
no. i would only make a black or asian character if white people made no sense in the setting, like an mmo based on feudal japan
Yeah I like playing as buff lizardmen.
>not including beast races
then why did you post that pic BAZINGA
bullshit, i dont believe u
Yes I hate being pigskin
Most games don't let you play as an orc (race closest to black people)
>not including beast-races.
>homo still has to insert his disgusting gay fantasies.
Why are you gay?
Or demons for that matter (race closest to white people)
I make exactly two characters:
me, but as not a fat virgin
I usually play beast races or knife ears sometimes I will make them tanned but almost always give them the most european facial features I can if they have humanoid faces.
Usually cant be assed tee bee haytch, i just roll with the basic character (usually its a white guy) maybe change their hairstyle but thats it. MHW is the only exception.
t. black guy
No. Even when I was a kid playing Oblivion I ended up going going Redguard for the racial bonuses and spent forever in the character creator trying to make him look white.
In single player games i usually go with but something like The Sims or Soul Calibur character creator i pretty much make just about everything, albino, white, asian, spic, black, indian, animal, plant, alien, mineral, anthropomorphic concepts, you name it.
I like making big black nigger characters in multiplayer games and then larp as a hood nigga. It's hilarious seeing the reaction of fat virgins playing a cute pale girl when I follow them around and start hitting on them with niggerspeak.
wtf this is literally me
I don't self insert like a fag so once in a while i'll make a nig character
You can make a black guy in Bloodborne? I thought you could only make a slightly tanned white guy.
pc mod
Why not, you racist?
I guess it could make a little sense for the main character of. Look or e to not be white, since everyone in that game is always saying that you don’t look like you’re from around here.
*bloodborne ffs
my first TESO character was a female redguard