No Megaman Zero thread? Let’s fix that

No Megaman Zero thread? Let’s fix that

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Post in /vg/ faggot. No generals in Yea Forums.

You're generally a faggot and you're here all the time though.

Guys I’m legit confused about the elves in Zero 3. How does the deduction work with the Fusion Elves? I popped the subtank one and it deducted 5 points(score of 10). Then I went with the faster charge on weapons one thinking that would dunk another 5 points(score of 5), but when I ended the mission the score for Elves was “12”. It makes no sense.

I guess if I could phrase it better : Do some Fusion elves not dunk your score?

The Zero series did not age well and the second screen for ZX/ZXA is implemented really badly.

Satellite elves don't dunk your score, but fusions do.
If you want subtanks without losing score, you can find a subtank in the OLD RESIDENTAL area, at the part where you're introduced to the window-throwers.
You can either pogo off the one on the very left with the recoil rod, or double jump up there after dash jumping off the wall. I find the pogo to be easier.

But that’s the thing: I popped 2 fusions elves and it’s only dunking 3 points. I know it’s confusing but that’s why I’m asking.
No elves score is supposed to be 15, right? Yet I popped the Subtank one and the faster charge one and get a final score of 12.

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>X was originally the villain of the series
>The Guardians all just got Poochie'd out of the story
>Ashe is bottomless

I refuse to believe any of this.

>X was originally the villain of the series
This one still upsets me. Having an insane X as the main villain would've been so much cooler then the boring copy we got stuck with.
Ciel could've atleast revealed it was a copy after we fought him, but she reveals it so early that any tension you had about fighting him diminished by the time you actually did.

Inticreates was allowed to do the story and they've always been and still are retarded with stories. Go check out Gunvolt or DMFD to see more of the same idiocy.

What the fuck was his problem?

Why did he fell in love with a Ningen if he was going to backstab her and her kind later on anyways?

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What do you need for the bosses to have their extra attack in z1?

>wanna buy but i still need to finish the previous collections and MM1
>not to mention a bunch of games are coming out now

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The story in Zero 1 was handled so abysmally I'm not sure they could have pulled off using actual X convincingly
dude gets like four lines, the game's 'ending' is less than a minute long

That was probably because they had to change it at the last minute, so they didn't have much wiggle room to flesh out the new story.

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'fraid I don't have a switch for DMFD, maybe some year Inti will port it.

I'm ok with everything. X as a villain could be cool but at the same time I don't like when new game starts shitting on protagonist of previous game, that's not cool at all. And with early reveal they also didn't put players in a stupid position when after dramatic fight they suddenly backpedal everything and say that everything was ok, it was just evil copy, you didn't killed your friend that became insane. Also, they later expanded this concept of copy and fake in MMZ3 with Omega.

A or S rank

Don't bother, it's their absolute worst game yet and yes I'm counting MN9.

Why the fuck are you guys talking in codes? What's DMFND and MN9?

Are all of them beatable in one go? I'm not sure how the mission avalability works

I pre-ordered this physically from Best Buy before the release date, but I still haven't gotten the Reploid Remix bonus tracks yet. Anyone with the same problem?

Dragon Marked for Death and Mighty Number 9.
2 Inticreates games.

DMFD = Dragon Marked For Death
MN9 = Mighty No 9

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I'm not sure what the question is, but yes?

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>the #1 rank for Z-chaser Weil's laboratory has an impossible time and a nonsensical replay of the guy just dying over and again to the spikes at the start
REEEEE someone remove this noncery

MN9's Comcept's mistake. You don't credit Inti with Ritual of the Night, do you?

should I play MMX before I play MMZ collection?
I never played any of these two series before, but MMZ just looks more fun to me

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Not really. Zero takes place after sure, but it's mainly its own story with very few ties to the X series outside of callbacks.
They usually explain to you whatever you need to know from the X series.

Comcept doesn't make games you moron, the entire point of the company is that it just comes up with ideas and then lets other people make the games.

play x1, x2 and x4, those are all part of the first x legacy collection. could also go for x5 since it's the game they intended to end the series at, but it's pretty rough around the edges with some shitty design choices. the latter games you can all skip as a newcomer
if you really aren't too interested in the games you could always just read about the story on wikis and stuff

Anyone else think Siarnaq is actually cooler than Phantom?

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>throwing away a century of moral testing just to make X look like even more of a shitter compared to zero
It would've been retarded.

>get plat
>start ZX hard mose just for fun
>reach Hivolt
>pattern slightly different and attacks faster
>game over because he does a lot more damage


The early MMX games are super fun and not particularly difficult. You don't have to play them first, but you should definitely play them at some point.

Two games that have nothing to do with Mega Man and really shouldn't be discussed here.

Sigma from X1 laughs at your comment on the difficulty of x games

He's alright but I think the long chin looks dumb.

Voice is grating
Beat him on my first try
Other than the giant metal jaw I'm not seeing much to him really.

>the final boss is hard


I don’t think I’ve truly experience difficulty in games until Zero 1. I can’t imagine playing this shit w/o save assist, let alone originally on the GBA. It takes so long to get an enemies pattern down, doing it on 2 lives? Fuck, man. Yeah I know,
>git gud
But any of you doing this w/o save assist, props to you.
ciel is underrated, more porn would be nice

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But that's the best part

I don't mind replaying stages in Zero games, they's super short anyway.
My pride prevents me from using the save assist feature, I don't like tedium but I also hate playing in babby mode.

That's not a chin

I don't have pstience for s ranks but I A ranked every stage on Z1 without save assists.
It's all about familiarity.

If you're playing for the first time, it's 0obvious it's going to be rough.
Not using sabe assists raises the stakes and helps you improve faster by the way.
Also, zero 2 is a much harder game. Beware.

>he doesn't know

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Why is model P always depicted as purple when Phantom was black or a very dark navy?

Feels so satisfying when you finally nail it, and while it's tough, it's also nice to see yourself making progress and getting better.

Just to annoy you

stop using the save assist user, also don't use elfs i promise you if you keep at it you will eventually get better i have completed all the zero and zx games on hard mode you will eventually get good at it you just gotta beat the filters and by the time you reach zero 3 you will be a god my ds games are complete but im gonna do it all over again when i get the collection

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>He's faking his robotic voice

Can't have a blue robot and a navy robot

I just think the robotic voice filter was a little harder to hear on the laugh

go to /vg/ meganiggers

The phases aren't even that hard. You learn the patterns and use an energy tank if you need to.

but X and L are both blue
and Z and F are both red

I can do the first two without getting hit, but the last one fucks me over.

Big fat Ashe butte all over my face

The only hard part of sigma in x1 is his final phase.
You can cheese phases 1 and 2 pretty easily.

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Anyone else here has the hori slit pad pro, i got it yesterday to replace my broken joycons i completed the zero collection on ds and the zx games on the hardest difficulty, i haven't bought the new collection yet but i wonder if it feels good to play the zero games with bigger controllers maybe it will take me a while to get used to it just because im used to the gba and ds

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Save assist is good. If nothing else, it lets you practice the hard parts more intensely.

Not just for this game but for 2D games in general I suggest you get yourself the 8Bitdo SNES controller. It’s so great and you can use it for your PC and other consoles as well
Why does inti always have the worst narrators for their trailers

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I suggested this to people in other threads but I think my favorite way to play is to put a save assist only before the end boss because I agree that it can be lame to master a level and then having to redo it all the time just to practice the bosses. It feels kinda like in Genishiro did before Ishin, a bit tedious.

If you want to go for A ranks in future games, I suggest you put a save assist at the beginning of the stage before you die once and then toggle save assist off. That way you can always go back to 2 stocks and work on doing it all in one go. Aside from 1, which is unfair, these games feel great in terms of platforming. I decided to 100% Zero 3 because I heard it was the best and I’m having so much fun with it

He laid it on extra thick there but I do find his trailers amusing.

why is half the time , the megaman ZX/(ace combat)ZERO threads are just PORN

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The thing about villain X is that it could've been handled really badly, possibly even forcing them to retcon him into being something else later on.

"Punished X" would work far better for that than the naiive and childish personality of Copy X would. It's an interesting idea that could work really well in a movie or anime adaptation, if it was properly foreshadowed, but I don't think Copy X being real X would have gone over well.

It's either you make X as the true main villain and get shitstorm from older fans of previous series, or make him a clone and try to build a different story but keeping the same concept.

I think first playthrough I will still use the save assist. But as the one user said the levels are super short and I this is one I can see playing over and over again trying to get better without the assist. The levels are a breeze, but the bosses are fun yet difficult. Once you get that pattern down it's fun, but only having a few tries to master it is what bogs me down. Same issue with Sekiro, but oddly enough I think Zero 1 has a steeper learning curve just because the bosses have a decent sized moveset and deal out huge chunks of damage.

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Using save assist AND have high standards for your segment runs makes you better. You don't have to waste time skipping through dialogue or redoing parts you already know, and can focus on more experimentation in strategies.

I'm playing MMZ for the second time and the Triple Rod is fucking amazing.

I was able to S-rank Zero 1 thanks to Save Assist.

I think Casual Scenario mode is too hand-holdy to play first but once you beat ti the regular way then I'm going causal scenario mode just for fun.

DSP is about to play the collection.

If the music in ZX doesn't get better I'm gonna mute it and turn on a MM greatest hits playlist.

Are cyber elves like Winkie invincible? That's the threshold when using elves penalizes me too much.

Is there any way to gain retries, or you just get three for the whole game and if you lose them, lel reload save noob? I played Z1/2 on emulator a long time ago, and I don't want to admit I used save states the reality is I almost certainly did. On the other hand I was using a keyboard and relied only on the primary weapon.

quick question - what the fuck

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You can find them, and enemies drop them but they're extremely rare and not worth it.
The path to getting them is usually too dangerous to be worth it. And unless you like grinding, you're stuck with the base 3.


X been done with everyone's bullshit is kind of funny.

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Cyber elf X having a dick attitude is amazing

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Ciel being secretly a bitch and fakin the goodgirl for zero was my headcanon

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>hear people shit on Z4
>play it
>it's actually good
wtf you lied to me Yea Forums

It's not very fast but it is my favorite of the non-standard weapons.

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Megaman zero threads

Honestly Z1 itself isn't that hard, there's a lot of blatant stage reuse and the level design/bosses aren't too crazy. The final level, though...

Crazy how Inti-Creates was able to surpass every other Megaman series so easily on every front within their second and third attempts at a Megaman game. There isn't a Megaman story that even comes close to the raw kino that is Megaman Zero's.

>The recoil rod image
Does he just stab into it and it splits cleanly in half?
Does he jab it upward for the same result?
What the hell is that posing

Flipping the stage weather was really neat and it had some fun bosses, plus dat ending

It's like arguing 8.5 vs 9.0 games

Recoil rod was cool but I only used it like once in a fight, ever

God I don't know if I should play with these save assist check points on or not. I mean I've beaten the games without it when I was younger but it's too QoL to turn off

She agrees

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Thanks for the headsup. This reminds me I'm banned from his chat because I typed "kill whitey" while he was playing the latest Wolfenstein game.

Do it.
Saying this as someone who's A/S-ranked all the games before. Just use save assist. It also improves the gameplay loop so much more with being able to quickly retry rather than loading through ciel, waiting for transfer, etc.

>playing Mega Man for the story
user, I..

PoFV vs MoF?

Mega Man & Bass vs Mega Man 9

He is old and tired. He just want to rest but everyone else just fuck everything up.

I bet you thought you were smart, huh.

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I knew all of Zero's weapons were modifications to the Z-Saber, but these images really put it into context. They're literally all just the Z-Saber hilt with the beam projected in a different way.

Why do all the concept art use the recoil rod the wrong way
I know the answer is "because it looks cooler"

And the Recoil Rod sort of explains how he can he can wield multiple weapons at the same time. Two Z-Sabers. Although how he can wield the Recoil Rod and another weapon is a mystery.............


I don't agree with making X the main villain but I 100% agree with at least tricking the audience into thinking the copy is him and waiting for you to fucking slaughter him before it gets revealed that was never truly your friend.

>Ashe is bottomless
>I refuse to believe any of this.

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I actually forgot how minimal the story in Z1 was. The other games did so much more with it, showing characters in more detail and generally more involved plots. It was only until recently that I remembered Z1 amounts to intro stage exposition and some shit about Copy X being a dick before you go and kill him, but the themes, why X is retiring Reploids, and just the general characterization of Copy is mostly unelaborated-on and thin, leaving the rest of the games to fill the void.

I just wanted Type 1 Recoid Rod.

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bro did phantom just kill himself without even damaging me

ZX is the only Megaman game in which Hard mode actually does more than just lower your defense and attack, it's great. I'm not sure if ZXA does as well as I haven't played it

You fuckers lied to me. Z1 is way fucking better than Z2.

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What makes you think that?

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Because black robots are evil user.

That's a bad opinion if I've ever seen one
>"L-leap of faiths are great bro!!"

>Barely scrapped by on the aztec falcon S rank
That trophy is going to take forever isn't it

>Zero 1 Harpuia
How the fuck did they expect people to not use elves?

I’m on the 4th stage. (Fire bird guy) so far, and while I appreciate the return to more classic style missions, so far, the level design sucks. All 3 stages (forest, ice, and fire) areas are just boring design. They weren’t great in Z1, but had at least great boss battles.

It’s pretty easy once you see the pattern.

harpuia is a fucking joke use the ice chip

It's really not, the triple slash on the ground is easy enough to dodge, but if you're too close to him that makes it very difficult, and even if there is enough space it doesn't matter if he decides to fly and use a fourth slash,

I don't have that.

I’m not even trying to be different. But for some reason Z1 clicked with me almost immediately, where this game just isn’t. Hopefully it gets better but so far I dont care for it.

He's still a fucking joke without it.

I don't think you know what that means

It's not just the story that's far better than anything else in the Megaman franchise. The gameplay is so tight, so satisfying, and so much more rewarding than Classic and X, and the music is fucking stellar.

Is Azure Striker Gunvolt a good MM style game? I don't understand the gameplay from the clips, it seems your aim is to tag enemies then just fry them? Is that fun?

In my opinion? 50-50.

The boss segments are like MMZ bosses + 50%, but the stages are super bland. The mechanics are rock solid though.

Harpuia is a piss easy boss, with or without the Ice Chip.

Some of the later bosses in Z2 are great and not as easy to cheese as Z1, so even if you're not a fan of the level design you'll have that to look forward to

A lot of people do not like how Gunvolt plays. I think he's fun enough, but yes, you shoot enemies and then activate an electric field to fry them while dodging their attacks.
In Gunvolt 2 they let you play as this other character, Copen, you might like him more.

It's fun in it's own way, but isn't really all the amazing. It's pretty different from the Zero and ZX games.

>MMZ bosses + 50%

What did he mean by this?

You could ask her ANY question man

Even the Buster is just the Z-Saber used as an ammo source for a gun stolen off of Milan's body in the Z1 opening.

Sounds good, I mean I don't wanna play MMZ on handheld again as I have this collection for PS4 so I think I'll get my sidescrolling action fix from this.

Luminous Avenger iX (Gunvolt spinoff) is far better as a spiritual successor to MMZ (if you play for rank). I suggest trying Gunvolt 1, and then playing Gunvolt 2 (mostly for the superior Copen gameplay) and then playing LAiX (for an entire game of copen kino).

It's crazy how much I've neglected this genre, it's so fucking fun. Might just be MMZ LC rubbing off on me but it's all I wanna' play right now.

Lan, do you like movies about gladiators?

It's a pretty versatile weapon, with the right amount of tinkering.

No, Copy X was the better choice.

Gunvolt is shit.

They should've made it fire bullets before you got the saber from X
that would've been pretty cool

From someone who beat zero 1-3 these series were pretty shallow, I wouldn't recommend them, if you bored tho.

Why? Because of the electricity mechanic thing?


Uh what leaps of faith were there even in Z1? If anything I remember Z2 as the game with the annoying jumps

Painting with a broad brush, going from MM->MMX->MMZ/ZX, the boss battle have become more "choreographed", and to beat a boss effectively you need a specific counter to each of a boss's attack (as opposed to just generally dodging and firing back when you can, you need very specific placement and attack in specific windows - again, painting with a broad brush). GV is sort of the next step in that: every boss has 3 phases (compared to most Z bosses with 2 phases), they have very telegraphed attacks that you more or less need to analyze, and find safe spots, and then figure out windows to attack, and they all have (expanded) Z-style EX skills where you just need to figure out a way to dodge for 5-10 seconds while they do a big invincible attack.

How, I can stagger him but that doesn't help me

why was Albert's true form a fucking pink-haired midget in a straitjacket

Not sure if you noticed but:
1. Nobody else fires bullets
2. You can't charge the buster *at all* until you get the saber.

My question is why didn't real X show up and tell the four gaurdians to knock it off? Are they only able to take orders from Copy X? You'd think they'd be all for listening to the real X.

Did anyone has ever beaten ZX by doing a model LX only run? That'd be something funny to see.


Blow your brains out.

>bugged save mechanics
This is too cringeworthy I can't do it

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IMO, the GV games do some things very well, but other things surprisingly poorly. How they present challenge to the player is pretty bad compared to the Zero series.

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You misunderstand his post. He's talking about firing the Z-buster with actual bullets rather than the lemon bullets like the resistance soldiers do.
Probably not very fun though since bullets seem to do jack shit for damage considering the resistance soldiers keep getting styled on by Pantheons who fire lemon bullets

The Guardians have never met the original X, only Copy X. I agree there needs to be a plot explanation for why Cyber-X doesn't go talk to Harpuia, but it seems feasible that they are beyond his influence.

Alternatively, Cyber-X may simply not trust the Guardians, just he like doesn't trust Copy X. It's only later that it becomes apparent that Harpuia is a good guy as well.

Hmm, I see that more of as an oversight. At other times, the resistance soldiers do fire lemons.

Yeah, this, it would be a little trash but explain why you couldn't damage the golem very much when they're extremely killable buster only in other appearances
plus it'd be neat

The GV games are generally MUCH better when you're playing for rank, since stuff like pre-evasion or auto-revive won't save you from losing all your kudos and fucking up your rank. Playing for Kudos also encourages enabling stuff like Heaven or Hell for more challenge as well. Otherwise, they're way too easy if you leave on all the easy options, with no other incentive to turn them off aside from playing for rank.

IIRC neither Z1 nor Z2 have many leaps of faith.

And no, neither jumping from ship to ship in Z2 nor the factory in Z1 require leaps of faith.

When exactly? I can't recall a single case of resistance soldiers firing lemons

Nobody do this, the 8bitdo controller's dpad is trash.

On the drama CD for Z3, X does talk some sense into the guardians.
Why he didn't before? No idea.

Exactly, I don't think the games really motivate the player to play for rank well.

I guess this is debatable, but in Crystal Caves when they are mind controlled, they shoot lemons.
(You could argue that they were given different weapons, but sprite-wise they given the same weapon, and it's also the only time resistance soldiers shoot during gameplay.)

How the fuck do you pull off the shield trick in zero 1

pretty based desu desu

How? They're better than the stages in Z1.
>that escort mission through the desert where you have to go at a snail's pace
>that stealth mission where you have to go back and forth through a hallway to save prisoners

Huh you're right, I all forgot about that part.
I think it's mostly for gameplay reasons though, otherwise their skill really must suck compared to that of Pantheons to keep losing to them in such drastic numbers.

>true Zero 1 hard mode
>make the buster hitscan but 1 damage per shot

>And no, neither jumping from ship to ship in Z2 nor the factory in Z1 require leaps of faith.

Oh, ok. I guess these examples of extremely shitty screenspace are perfect then just because you don't define them as leaps of faith.

>You shoot from a puny gun instead of an x-buster.
>The beam saber feels shallow and uninspired.
>Legacy of goku style art, really.
>Upgrades locked behind speedrun focused ranks.
This thread should belong on /vr/ migrate.

Holy fuck is ZX openended, I forgot how easy it is to get lost in this game.

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Sure, you can complain about shitty screen space, even bad stage design or whatever.

But if you can see where you need to jump to safely, it's not a leap of faith. A leap of faith means you need to blindly jump or drop.

/vr/ is only for games from 1999 or earlier retard.

The problem with ZX is that for the open design, the map absolutely fucking sucks, it's too easy to get lost, and the Transerver system is far too restrictive and limited, especially for missions. The core gameplay is great, arguably more interesting than what ZXA goes for, but the open-ended design is kind of a blight of oversights in the long term.

It's widely known that everyone who complains about the screen size in the Zero series just has REALLY bad reaction times. Ive seen accuse Panther Fauclaws of being a bad boss because of screen size, Jesus. Every Zero game (even Z1) only has, at most, 1 or 2 small examples of screen size being a legitimate issue (the factory platforms in Z1, that one Spike pit in Harpuia's stage in Z2, etc.) Other than that, Inti-Creates specifically designed these games with the screen size in mind, so that enemy that started shooting as soon as you were on screen is not a screen crunch problem, it's a you problem.

Are the other games better cause MMZ1 has a LOT of bullshit. I get the whole "git gud" but some parts are just boring, because if no checkpoints. I am not using save assist cause the game wasn't made with that in mind.

And to emphasize again, the factory platforms AREN'T leaps of faith. IIRC the Harpuia drop is a legitimate leap of faith drop though.

Just figured the series be might older than you were born thought desu. 4chans 18+ so please leave.

There's a bomb in the factory that makes you unable to see the platforms though

Hit him with the blaster on air and jump behind to triple slash his ass.
Fefnir is more annoying because of the grap.

One also has to remember that even the X series has its fair share of bullshit and the occasional leap of faith or what the fuck moment. X8's fetish for spike pits especially.

The factort is horribly designed. During the second factory mission the bullshit becomes real.

If you're talking about a bomb above the moving flying wooden planks, you can ALWAYS slide down far enough a wall to see where the platforms are.

This 6 proves that Megaman, as a franchise, is flawless

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>X8's fetish for spike pits especially.
I feel like they did this because that team didn't actually know how to design a level, which is sad because it had a lot of potential.

MMZ1 is horribly designed. It's certainly flawed, the grinding alone knocks it down a couple of points.

It's shit, thread over.

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You can feel Inti's growing pains with the Zero series as they gradually settled into a nice groove, but yeah, it felt like the X8 folks weren't quite sure what they were doing and the gimmick stages and cheap deaths resulted of that. I'm surprised that after a decade MM11 turned out as solid as it did in terms of level design.

I believe you misplaced this.

Failed producer Keiji Inafune approves of this thread. Please buy some Mighty 9. copies.

there's a couple of bosses in Z1 that are really dumb if you let them go off screen, like blizzack being able to jump on you or to either wall while shooting an ice trap with no way to tell. Also that your shots seem to disappear as soon as they leave the screen, so the boss can shoot at you but you have to get closer to attack back. But you're right that overall it isn't that much of an issue.

>r than you were born thought desu
Please learn English before responding to me troglodyte.

7 says ZX is the best Mega man game

No the best is clearly Zero 4, says my 5

You must be +18 to post here.

Oh FUCK I can't remember when, maybe I loaded a wrong save but I've not got the mission with the Ice Chip in MMZ1 anymore, I'm fucked.


Fuck off back to your twitter thread troglodyte.

Can someone explain to me how the shield boomerang works
>I hold it out
>Bullet hits it and does refract
>Still take damage from it
I need to use it to take the shortcut in neo arcadia for this stupid zchaser S rank.
Also I can't get the stupid shield cancel down either

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just start again the game is like an hour long


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>there's a couple of bosses in Z1 that are really dumb if you let them go off screen, like blizzack being able to jump on you or to either wall while shooting an ice trap with no way to tell.
I would argue this is reasonable game design actually. Either stay close to the boss and be forced to react very quickly to attacks but have perfect visibility, or try to turtle but the boss can literally jump at you from afar.

>Also that your shots seem to disappear as soon as they leave the screen, so the boss can shoot at you but you have to get closer to attack back.
This is False. I've blindly shot at bosses off screen often.

I believe it only reflects weak energy projectiles

Do I need to git gud at Z-chaser to get the cheevo or can I clear it with any time

I've not played MMX and I dunno most of what everyone is saying in the first MMZ so far.

You need to get good.
You have to get all S ranks to unlock the secret level for it.
And these S ranks are hard as hell. I've been doing neo arcadia all day with no luck.

There's such a big time jump and something happened between X series and Zero so you still might be lost even if you played X

Or maybe that was Zero 3 that was most like that


You need to get at least S Rank good in Z Chaser.

Zero 1 is a mess in difficult and design because they wanted to try new ideas that simply didn't work out very well. Every game after that is more balanced and mostly traditional, though Z2 does still have the leveling shit.

Is Zero a Reploid?

MM11's director made the staff play every single mega man game so they knew what worked and what didn't.

Should I upgrade cyber elves to satellites in Z3 or just use them as fusion? I feel like using fusion is better because it's cheaper and you can use more than two at once.

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Nah just take some pointers from the #1 WR for stages you're not too familiar with, the only one that's actually difficult to S rank is Ouroboros.
Now the Z ranks, those are something else holy fucking shit. And to think there are madmen going for ZZ

That's what I'm doing, but these people are using stuff like the shield cancel which I can't manage to get down for the life of me.

He's a Robot, as was X. Reploids are Replicated Androids, based off of X's design imperfectly. However, Dr. Cain and the world government apparently kept the origins of X a secret, and no one knew what was up with Zero besides Sigma after meeting Wily.

Using them lowers your rank, you'd be gimping yourself.

Fusion affects your rank while satellites don't, if that matters to you.

Yes and no. They call him a reploid, and he believes himself to be one, and he is if you think of reploid as just robots with free will. However Reploid were originally based off X, and Zero was not.

So using one of the energy upping elves as fusion permanently lowers your rank?

Oh for Z1 you should try a record much slower than that exactly because of shield cancelling, you definitely don't need to shield cancel for S rank, that's just for Z and ZZ.
Elemental Charge slashes+ triple slashes will wreck most of the bosses, Hidden Phantom is the only annoying one out of the boss rush imo.

I don't have the Legacy Collection. What exactly is Z-Chaser? Is it racing a recording of someone else's run?

There is so much the game doesn't tell you first hand, its trial and error unless you read a guide before hand, we didn't have those back in 2002 so you might have better luck.

That's beautiful.

after a quick test you're right that if the boss is slightly off screen you can still hit it, but it's entirely possible for a boss to be too far away to be shot

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who cares about rank

Basically, yeah. There's a local multiplayer version (Steam Remote Play together or Parsec on the PC version can make that online technically), but otherwise the devs set a sort of series of staff speed run scores and you try to beat them, or alternatively you can try to race other player's leaderboard times. You can also watch their runs to see their strats.

yeah it's all about the 100 points, just getting an S rank is like giving up when you're 95% done

It said in the GBA manual that fusion elves will cost you score points. Dunno if the DS collection mentioned it

Neat. I do have to wonder why they didn't just implement a traditional Ghost system, though.
On the other hand a setup like that allows you to better see what the other racer is doing.

Well you can also just single-screen it if you don't want to see the other thing's run, but that's player discretion.

I agree with you user. The boss fights in z2 are ok except for phoenix magnion but the stages are fucking awful.

Do you need to complete all the games for the special wallpaper?

Apparently Phoenix's bullshit can be partly mitigated because you fight him depending on which room is the final reactor. Knowing that ahead of time can let you pick a specific room where he can't bring that damn lava up from the floor I think?

I thought the type A filter looked blurry in screenshots, but in person it's so much better looking than no filter on a big old widescreen monitor. The pixelation just doesn't look right when it's not on handheld. Type B filter is an abomination though.

Holy shit that sounds like some BS

X Challenge or Z Chaser?

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Prefer X challenge.

Yeah, some rooms have safe spots, the "normal" room doesn't

Also electric chip my man.

Z-Chaser at least works well with what the Zero games tried to accomplish. X-Challenge was neat for the idea and boss remixes, but an absolutely unbalanced clusterfuck proof of concept more than anything else.

Why is there no retail release in Europe? Why does Capcom think we don't buy physical anymore?

Man, some bosses let you get away with going unga bunga if you have the right chip huh

Good god the train mission in Z2 is a middle finger to eyeballs.

Nah, S rank is easy. Z rank is kind of bullshit, and ZZ rank is absolute bullshit. S rank is actually pretty easy once you get the levels down.

The Zero games are tough but there's a hella lot of mitigation you can do if you just use the right shit instead of trying to brute force it with bare buster/saber. Especially if you get the right body chips in Z3. Omega can be rendered a borderline joke when you can just dash through his shit.

Balance definitely wasn't a concern with X-Challenge but that's ok

Seems like there's barely a retail release in US, as far as I can tell everywhere sold out immediately

Yea but needing to get S-rank for all of them just to unlock the secret already makes it the hardest achievement out of the X and Zero/ZX collections by far.

Z-chaser is much more fun, X-challenge has way too much bullet sponge bosses holy shit.

>Boomer shield can reflect back Fenrir’s flame balls
Oh shi-

S-rank for the Zero series is easy, it's S-Ranking the ZX games that's giving me trouble.

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Either way, the overall is a lot. I don't know if I'll want to bother with it, especially with how long some of these are in a fairly tight race.

Maybe it's because I went through the games without doing much extra stuff, but the way the game gives you basically everything you could have up to the point of the game the race takes place makes it super easy to S-rank

Yay, beat the ghost by a whole minute
Crap my hands are sweating I have never played a level so frantically in my entire life
That was fun af though
Now only 10 more S ranks to get kill me now

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I'm never S ranking the Zero series, Level 4ing the ZX series, upgrading every weapon and doing every sidequest in the Legends Series or getting every star in the BN/SF series. I enjoy playing the games normally and meeting autistic requirements for 100% would most likely ruin my experience with them

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Please tell us your strats

I can believe it because Infaune has such a MASSIVE hard-on for Zero, like I enjoy Zero but myself and others likely wouldn't have enjoyed X being turned into a villain. He's too much of a good guy who just wants peace.

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Autistic fun is the best kind of fun.

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Leviathan arena kind of sucks

That's fine, user. No one's forcing you to.

So what stopped Inti games from killing all the cute girls they could in Megaman Zero? Capcom? After they became independent they started to kill off cute girls like no tomorrow EXCEPT FOR JASON'S DOLL! FUCK JASON!

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>he doesn't enjoy taking out the pseudoroids as reploid form Grey

guys how the fuck do I beat phantom? When he's got about 1/3rd of his health left, he turns the screen black and just shoots knives fucking everywhere.

You say that when they killed off Leviathan in Zero 3?

Attack the spots where the knives originate from, that's where Phantom is hiding.

There's a grand total of 3 notable girls in all of Zero, with one loli. One died in a boss explosion without in-game explanation, one was seemingly murdered off-screen, and the loli would become an adult and then subsequently stop existing in that game's sequel. So even then Inti was on the waifumurder spree.

I ended up fighting him in the safe room then. It took me like 25 minutes to get him with save assist but I fucking mastered him after that. Wouldn't have been as big of a deal if the charge slash was unlocked from the start.

Ok I'll try (this is mainly for Neo Arcadia Core S Rank)
1) Ignore the shield cancel for S ranks. It will only get your killed if you aren't good at positioning (and killed = bad because time loss)
2) For neo arcadia, use the buster and shoot it early (with the ice chip) to hit the wallcannon before it can fire, then slice it as you get close to the wall, then go through the door
3) The AI is as bad at dealing with Copy X as everyone is their first time. By the time I got there, I had 2 minutes to beat just the final phase of it.
4) Practice. Look at world rankings (not the #1, look at some a bit slower and on your level)
Elemental weaknesses get the job done.
5) Learn to use both the gun/sword in sync
6) Take hits. If taking a hit is what it takes to get an extra elemental hit in, so be it.
7) If your health is low enough, let phantom's suicide kill you. You'll respawn and be back in action faster than if you waited for his full death animation.
8) Ignore the time. The % will jump from 40% straight to 70% in under a minute. Don't lose hope if your opponent is 30% faster than you (because again, they end up screwing up at the final part)
Good luck user

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That's fair, but I suggest atleast giving it a shot.
In my case, only when you try to 100% a game do you then realize all it has to offer.

>Only revealed by data books
This is blueballs for inti games, if they had their way they would have made her EXPLODE in front of you.

Thanks user, this all sounds super helpful. I wish you good luck and RNG for the remaining Z-chasers, and hope you can post more protips as you do them.

Man I forgot how long it takes for ZX to get started.
Nearly an hour from the start I'm ready to start tracking down the pseudoroids.

Megaman Zero 4 was completely unnecessary to the series. 3 felt so conclusive it should have just ended there

"Jason saves the world to piss off Jason" DLC when? They instead announced a FUCKING MELONS POT PLANT GIRL SIMULATOR!

All the games are amazing. Z4 is actually my favourite, but I keep that opinion on the down low.

Fuck off with your off topic bullshit. This isn't Inti General.

Weil was still alive with the dark elf still at large (admittedly, Z4 still did not resolve the latter)

Didn't the Dark Elf turn back into the Mother Elf at the end of 3?

Charge Z-Saber is too OP in MMZ1. It kinda' ruins the tight pattern based precision you were expected from the minute you met Aztec Falcon.

Yea, but still floating around.

You can be even more OP with slashing combos than Charge sabers, but yes, charged attacks are a good balance between ease and power

Charged saber + boss weakness elements are OP in basically every game. You can end most boss fights in 15 seconds if you have their weakness.

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What's your codename, Yea Forums?

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Do you prefer the "it's just an artstyle change, they canonically look the same" explanation, or the "it's an evolution of Reploids" explanation?

If you use the “save assis” that’s now standard on this collection, you DID NOT by any stretch of the imagination beat the god damn game.

i like the explanation that the artist draws loli

About to start ZX, anything I should know aside from Lv 4 victories?

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You can quickly have rematches against bosses by teleporting one screen away from them later, after getting a message they appeared again.
So if you really wanna do level 4 victories (they're not that hard for the most part), you don't need to do the level again if you fail on the first time.

Got Supreme Edgeboy in Zero 2 once

We know model Z was the first biometal Ciel built, did she make it using Zero's helmet?

yo thanks I managed to beat him. Unfortunately I got a B-rank.


You can just stand on one side of the screen, jump and shoot a charge shot and it'll hit him almost every time

Wait, you can rematch bosses? Does that mean you don't need to farm if you just fight the bosses better?

Slayer. I like playing Zero and ZX because it makes me feel like a crazy powerful cyber-samurai.

>Neo Arcade disappearing platforms

What the FUCK is this shit.

Three subseries later, and yoku blocks still filter casuals


You can skip a chunk of them with a blind jump. Go to the right platform, wait for the block to appear on the left, jump on it, and then dash jump to the left and you'll get to the next solid platform.

The timing for them is: jump (with at most a very small delay) once you see the next block show up.

A Megaman staple since day 1.

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Im finishing up MMZ1 and i really hope the next games are better because this games is the phrase "one step forward to steps back" in videogame form. The combat gameplay is great, one of the best and tightest 2d action games i ever played but almost everything else in the game ranges from weird to shit.

Also how is no one mentioning that mmz1 missions are literary filler. The main part of the game is pure filler. How the fuck was that allowed.

1 is easily the worst in the series by a huge margin. If you enjoyed it at all in any way, it's all uphill from here.

Good news is that the next games improve on everything in Zero 1, including the combat.

Yes, getting a higher level victory gives you the upgraded Biometal bar to match so you don't have to grind E-Crystals if you get better at their respawn fights.

Where did the name yoku block come from anyway?

Zero 1 barely has a story, 80% of the game is filler and can literary be skipped in the menu. Zero1 is not a good game, im almost done with it but i don't see the how it gets better in such a short amount of time, certainly not to the point that it can make up for the rest of the game.

I really really hope z 2-3 are better.

I was going to buy it but I decided to buy this instead lol

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Nice, thanks for the tip

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2, 3 AND 4 are much better.
Did you actually fall for the "4 is bad" meme even before playing it?

I really hope so because i don't like how much i hate this game. It's like someone dropped a diamond in a barrel of shit.

A cursory glance at google tells me it gained popularity from Mega Man Unlimited's Yoku Man, but not really where it originated. Perhaps it originated with Yoku Man.

I don't know anything about the zero games, i bought this collection literary because i remember being at wallmart when i was 11, seeing the boxart and thinking how cool it was. I asked my mom for it and she said "you have megaman at home". Yes mom, Megaman Xtreme for the GBC. Not Megaman Zero for the GBA. Come on mom.

I heard that he was named that because they were already called yoku blocks and he was named after them

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zero 1 is good tho

I am not sorry

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It's really not, its a crash course on bad system design. Great combat gameplay but everything else is borderline trash. It could be a much enjoyable game if ut was paced properly and didn't have grinding or elf mechanics.

Lol, thank you for this user. Im gonna save it.

>didn't have grinding or elf mechanics
You can play hard mode and ignore elves

I think I only played ZX once so I never knew this.

When can I retrigger these fights?

I can't seem to find anything beyond "It's because of Yoku Man"

Grey and Zero understand what's good in life.

Daily reminder that people always forget to rank Xtreme 2 in X game rankings, when it would easily be in top 3.

you will have enough crystals for 1-2 hp+ elves just by playing normally, and u really dont need to level up anything besides the saber, which you will likely use constantly anyway and level it fast

I think it's kinda' neat she even recognised you at least had a Megaman game.

>Great combat gameplay but everything else is borderline trash

The 'everything else' doesn't interfere with the bit you admit is great in any way, you literally just explained why it's so good. They made the bits that mattered amazing and theb its that don't matter, didn't matter.

Area K Subtank

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Related, but I thought pic related was the hardest item to get (for me) in the entire Z/ZX series, but it turns out my mind constantly blanks out the Z1 submarine wall jump elf. Now that's the current winner.

I never got that. I tried for hours to get it but gave up and beat the game without it.
Luckily it isn't a cheevo. Unluckily the fetch quest one is.

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Is ZX worth playing through? Kind of seems like a slog.

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circle around top to slow the lava down first
you can charge both busters at once, release both buttons and it'll do dual punches
not too hard

Yes. Use a map for ZX 1 and ZX Advent significantly improves the map system, so don't worry about that one. Both are great.

i dunno about top 3, but it's better than some of the later games for sure

I think the first half bosses start reappearing after you beat the Pseudoroid with the other half of their corresponding Biometal (ie Defeat Hurricuane who holds Model H and Hivolt should respawn and vice versa).

>Zero 3s Hard zchaser is another boss rush
God dammit not again

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>watched for 10 minutes
i thought i did... but i didn't

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>Kill everyobe so your wife stays pure

He was a bit yandereish

>learn some basic bitch japanese
>stopped learning because I got filtered by kanji
>play MMZ1 in nip for shits and giggles
>actually understand some of what I'm reading
>feel pure ecstasy
It's time boys. I'm going back to /djt/ and I'm gonna learn it and translate all those porn touhou games

Why not?


I rage quit at the bomb diffusion level in z1. wtf is that enemy placement, you get hit and fall in a pit. im so fucking mad.

Difficulty curve in Zero 2 is weird as shit to me. Harpuia and Fefnir's stages are more difficult and way more tedious than the Neo Arcadia temples.

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it's the hardest level bro keep going you'll get it eventually

Your weapon level doesn't increase in hard mode?

That's what makes it hard mode

Wait till you experience ZX Advent's hard mode Z chaser stage.

Fefnir has some tricky platforming, but what did you find hard about Harpuia?

>That's what makes it hard mode

Oh god what is it
And is it easy to S rank

The missions in z1 are trash, the levels are boring. The game should have been the start and Neo arcadia. Yeah the hame would have been an hour long but also it would have been better.

Really? That one took me some time but at least I managed to get it all on my own, very much unlike the subtank due to how super convoluted it was which I had to look up

Why does this game have a crt filter? Gba was not a crt

The long falls right onto spikes. There's a few that can catch you out if you don't know they're coming.

Is it me or are the colors not desaturated as much as the ds collection?

Hidden Phantom is so fucking sick.

I humbly throw an ole to you too.

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Ouroboros. The full stage unlike Neo Arcadia Core.
If you know what you're doing, it's pretty doable. If you're going for a safe route (lol) you likely won't be fast enough. None of the ZXA bosses really suffer from Spark Mandrill syndrome so you need to hack away like there's no tomorrow with model ZX.
Your only saving grace is that spikes aren't insta kill anymore so the platforming part before Albert won't fuck you up beyond belief fortunately.

Enjoyed ZX on my third playthrough a lot more with Model X. About to play ZX Advent for the first time. What should I expect?

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Just started the second game and holy shit, it is immediately an improvement of the first game.

I'm glad the special card challenge for the second game is monumentally easier than the first's at least.

Never played zxa but that sounds like torture.
Why can't we just unlock the last stage with A ranks, where the AI is as smart as a dead oyster.

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I always miss that one elf in iirc the Elephant Man level of Z1.

All that fucking dialogue before Copy X, jesus christ.

Those are the most fun

>None of the ZXA bosses really suffer from Spark Mandrill syndrome so you need to hack away like there's no tomorrow with model ZX.

That's a big part of why I was never able to beat boss rush mode way back on the DS. Shit was hard and your only viable tactic is the spinning slash on ZX form.

>Stay healthy so I can retire you next time!

okay harpuia

Maybe if you're good they are.

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Eh, IIRC there's only one actual leap of faith. Bad design, but I wouldn't consider that real difficulty since it takes one death to learn.

Would the Original X have been able to defeat Copy X?

Complete ZX Advent before trying to do all the Z chaser stuff. You won't appreciate how sadistic Ouroboros is if you go into it Z chaser mode on your first try. Imo it's the most difficult stage in the collection

Wait till Z2 with Elpizo's stupid transformation

(OTOH, Elpizo is so easy that unless you're doing a 100pt run, you should never have to refight him.)

I am.
I'm doing each game's zchaser levels after I get all the other trophies for each game.

Boss fights that take part in levels bigger than one screen are bad design.

>it's another megaman game where the 2nd final stage is just boss rush spamming

Worst part about the series. X1 did it right.

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I would have liked him to have some involvement in the actual story instead of being Obi Wan Kenobi at best. It would have been good to have him actually present in Z4 or even playable for the end of the arc, though I suppose that would have been against the tone of the series.

>infinite power and experience with battling sigma virus versus a bad clone

original would win easily

git gud

love this track

S-Ranking the Zero series isn't as difficult now due to save assist. Just try not to fuck up until you get to the next checkpoint. Learn the layout of the stage and where enemies are. Also pay attention to boss patterns. I was able to S-rank Zero 1.

Also if you want S-ranks don't even bother looking for elves since it's a fucking moot point.

Don't see how I'm going to beat the last boss for MMZ1

It's not hard, bro

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Kamrous best girl.

Hard to say.
Reploids are made in the image of X's blueprints and mechanical design.
But both X and Zero come from different times, X being built during unknown time and circumstances; either after or during the end of the classic era.

Zero's original body is supposedly a that of a Robot Master, but Zero's original body was also heavily damaged in the first X game and was rebuilt in X2, this happens several more times during the X series.
Each time he gets rebuilt more and more Reploid and by extension X's tech gets integrated into his system.

Fast forwards hundreds of years after the X era.
His older body is stolen and used by Omega, so they had to place his mind into a replacement body with entirely newer tech.
I don't even know if they switched his original body back in the X series, if that's still part of canon or not.

So Zero's 'mind' comes from the classic era, but it's hard to say if 'mind' means physical hardware or just them uploading him from one body to another.
But his body might as well be a Reploid due to the tech they had to use to keep him up to date.

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hu ha ho

The beginning of ZX is super boring. Doing that town mission at the start kinda kills the replayability, but the game's still worth playing

It was obvious he was not the true X since the beginning

How the emulation quality? Perfect Emulation? Any slowdown? Scanlines/Dot mask or only 'eagle engine' type smoothing?

Otherwise, I'd rather just emulate.

>Get to the end of Phantom stage
>1 bomb left
Anyone else know this feeling?

None of the above.
It's not emulation, this collection is running the games from the source code directly.
No input latency, no slowdown (unless you're a filthy pc player), not sure about filters.

any mods that make omega in Z3 actually hard?

>Someone already modded the remastered tracks into the PC version
Why didn't Capcom do this again?

tell that to the guy who makes DMC5 threads every day for the last six months

>100 points in the last mission of Zero 1
Kill me. I want to die.

>Zero 3 boss rush Zchaser doesn't give you access to the shadow dash
Darnnit now I have to do it the hard way

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Capcom can't do anything right.

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Because the remastered tracks belong to Inti Creates.

>get through zero 1.
>controller is now to broken to do even basic platforming in zero 2.
That was short-lived.

How am I supposed to know which hand the lasers are coming from in the final boss of MMZ1?

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Not him but if that's really the case, they could have just remixed every track for all 6 games themselves, like they did with the Reploid Remixes.

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what the fuck is ZX's mission system

ZX has the most fun boss fights complete with the best atmospheric backgrounds in the entire Z series. Entirely worth it.

>dat Area O

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It targets your position right before the attack, so you can move to one side of the platform and then dash to the other to avoid it.

IIRC it starts on the side you're on and fires either low or high depending on whether you're low or high. So be on either side and kick the floating things to bait it out, then drop down. The big trick for that fight is that you're way safer on the floating things than on the ground.

Should I care about ranks in the games? In 2 I know it gives you access to moves, but I don't think you can repeat missions

Care about ranks for 2 and 3.

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Not your first time, the game should be plenty challenging as is. Replaying the game for high ranks adds a lot of satisfaction though.

Reploid remixes are quite bad.

Yes, it's called ZX.

Damn, Ashe sounds a lot older when her voice is uncompressed.

Some of them are a bit eh, but some aren't.

She sounds hot

How do I avoid permanent score penalties across the games?

I feel frustrated that they would add mechanics that just work to hurt my score

Don't commit genocide.

Don't use elves in Zero 1 and 2. In 3, don't use Fusion elves but feel free to use Satellite elves. In 4, play the levels at the harder weather level and don't upgrade your elf beyond its max level.

Don't use elves because they die.
In Z3 don't use fusion elves. Also in missions don't go into Cyberspace because it's a -5 deduction each time you do up to -20 for that mission.

Health for you, death for me!

I've got the physical games as well as ROM files on my PC. Is it worth getting this collection?


It's fine if you use save assist to get S-rank purely for the cheevos. But don't think for a SECOND you actually s-ranked shit unless you do it without nannies. nigger.

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Area K is some fucking cancer design

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I'll take my Immortal codename and leave it there, I'm not patient enough for those damage points.

how would you be able to tell

On my last nerve with this last boss. Every time I die I have to go through that pre-fight dialogue then a fight I can't even really do damageless so the last phase just one shots me anyway.

Also worth pointing out that one of the last stages in Zero 3 has a secret boss in cyberspace, but you don't need to do this on your first run of that level.
So if you want to preserve score, beat it optimally then replay it for the secret boss.

Which Game?

why does zero have the body of a prepubescent teenager but the voice of a 50 year old man, and more importantly why does that voice actually fit him perfectly

Pretty sure you don't lose score for going into cyberspace in that level

You don't. Cyberspace provides a way for you to use Elves but not kill them and lose score for it.

MMZ1. Yes, I'm still hard stuck. My main issue is how precise you need to be to dodge the first form of Copy X but you can't see him so I dunno how I'm supposed to position myself properly without hugging the wall like bitch. Then second half, sometimes the playform I need to get to will be out of reach and I die. And I haven't even got to the par where the platforms start to stab the middle area so that will kill me if I ever get to that bit.

Are you using his weakness? I think all it does is give you more damage though.

Just finish MMZ1. Start of the game and the arcadia areas are ludo. Train section is cool. Rest of the game horrible, really bad, the missions are trash. Boss design was boring and most of the game felt pointless.

Also what is the song that plays while Zero and. Real Ghost Megaman are talking. Right before the end credits?

You gotta stay close to Copy X in his first form so you can see what he's doing. He gets staggered easily by saber slashes and charge attacks, which also interrupts his weapon charging. For his second form, ice attacks will do more damage. You can usually reach him from the ground with a charged saber slash. An uncharged triple rod can also reach him. For his EX, skill you have to keep moving so you won't get caught in a halo. First, move to the center to avoid the first pillar smash, then dash back to the outside, then slowly move back inwards.

Like all Z games, you're going to have to balance turtling and being up close, and often being up close is actually safer because you can directly respond to each attack.

You should be able to almost no-hit Copy X with some practice. You should be able to dash under his nova strikes, jump over his slides, interrupt his charge attacks, and so on.

Then, for the second form, focus, above all, on not falling down the pit. Play it very safe. For the small lasers, dash from one end of the platform to the other to make them track you - which should open a window of safety somewhere. For the fire laser, so straight to one of the pillars. For the halos, they slightly track you so just shuffle across the platform.

Ok. This is what I have noticed. He will usually start with a dash kick, a jump charge shot, or vary rarely a nova strike. If he uses the dash kick. Hit him with a charged saber slash. He'll flinch, then do another dash kick. Climb the wall and jump over him and do another charged slash. If he flinches again, he'll do another, If you make him flinch with each successful slash charges, he should do 5 dash kicks. After the 5th kick, he'll jump back and change elements. HIt him after he changes and he'll flinch again. By this time he should use a sub-tank (fi you are A or S-rank) Hit him again at the right time and he'll flinch (this is after he uses the sub-tank since you can't stop it, but you can damage him after). After that just focus what he does. If he nova strikes above you, jump and hit him with a charged slash before he does whatever elemental attack. It takes time to get the timing, but once you know his pattern he's easy to take no damage against.

For endless fight

Thanks senpai, that song was really nice. I liked it.

There, beat the AI by 10 seconds on the zero 3 boss rush It was fun
Please tell me this is the last boss rush I have to do until zxa's

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phantom in zero one is really fucking difficult all his attacks are hard to avoid and no bonus chip damage

You should pay very close attention to the first song in Zero 2, then.

Why is Splash Woman making chocolate pudding at 4am in the morning?

Shut the fuck up, you quadruple nigger.

Bad taste!!

>replying to 8 hour old posts

Because she's got fat fucking titties thank you fupoo

>"I'll leave this world to you... Please allow me... to rest in peace... for a while... ......... I'm sorry, Zero..."
>"So be it... But that's why we are the best partners..."
What? Was there a dialogue missing? Why are they the "best partners"?

Start with a charged saber slash. Then jump over him twice and slash him again. When he does his 4 clone thing, use your triple rod as a sub to hit one of the takes, then dash away as he'll drop on you. He will either attempt to do another 4 clone to dash at your. If the former, repeat, if the latter, jump and charge slash him. If he throws his shuriken, jump over it twice then hug the wall. He can never hit you with his kunai's.

Wait, is it more optimal to hit the fakes than the reals?

I would say the Shuriken he throws after fucking his clone technique is the only hard to avoid move, just roll jump over his dash and spam dash when he is on the air.
At least you get untilimed lives to do his stage.

Because they can trust and rely on each other.

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At least you're admitting your mistake.

Yes because it locks him in a pattern. Same with Harpuria and getting hit by a charged Ice shot. Here is a vid to show you what I mean.

Avatarfagging is against the rules

Hey Yea Forums are you good at megaman games? So good that you'd make an anime fan cry at prom night?

im doing a newgame+ in x7 almost done, considering doing a 2ns newgame+ to upgrade all the characters.

im not having fun but at least im not forced to look at an abobination of a zero design that is nu-zero in mmz.

Interesting. Now I'm thinking one thing the collection is missing is just a boss refight mode.

X7 NG+ is super easy though, especially with all the parts. IMO, if you want to get a 100% file on X7 or that one achievement, do the second run now when the memory is still fresh.

yea x7 ng+ one you get the gaia armor for x you do a ton of dmg and with the extra invicibility time and anti-knockback you can basically walk through 90% of the enemies, except those WEEOOWEEOO tower with their bullshit hitboxes.

lurk a bit before posting, friend

i though the pogo jump in z1 was hard but this is ridiculous

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You mean awesome.

>the last six months
we've had daily threads since the e3 announcement and that's a good thing

I thought I told you to shut the fuck up, faggot.

it feels good, bros

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Shit taste.

I hate that I cannot get more health without using the elves and lowering my score. Increasing health should be part of the natural game.

That was quick.
Quick, what zchaser level was the hardest and how long/many attempts did it take you to beat it.

You told someone who posted 9 hours ago to shut the fuck up, as if you somehow thought he would still be in the thread, when it's pretty clear he just posted a one-off post and vanished.

Are you trying to get an elf?

You don't need to swing for that elf.

What do you need to do for the hidden ones?

Hey, so I finally did it. Thankfully, and maybe by design because it's a 2 parter it didn't have much health so it died in like 5 fully charged slashes. I killed him before I even had to see the platforms try to stab me. Overall, a pretty good last boss even though it dragged me to the brink a little. Thanks everyone,

Thanks user, I successfully beat S. You note about how bad the AI is at Copy X was extremely helpful - I was hilariously behind but caught up painlessly at Copy X.

It's not. When people draw things out, discussion ends and things just get progressively more hugboxy and disgusting, which is what happened with DMC5 threads

>how do I get to area f in zx?

Congrats. Good luck in Zero 2.
Far left side of Area A, IIRC

>no zz card to enable battle networ enemies in cyberspace
what the fuck

Now all is said and done I do wanna' say Copy X is probably a perfect example of why the boss fights in this game are so sick. He has the base expectation of skill the game requires throughout but if you're really good you can interript and intercept him a lot, it's actually really satisfying tipping the ege of Zero's aerial attack underneath him to knock him down, like, I can imagine looking up S Rank clips of this fight is a real treat.

You'll want this

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The only ones I had to do more than once while TRYING to get S-Rank were Shuttle Factory, Control Center, and Mega Man a. Of those I'd say Shuttle Factory is the hardest. But in general I'd say Ouroboros is the actual hardest race, I just love Advent so I've done it so many times already it wasn't bad for me and I could S-Rank it first try.

>Intercept bombardment aircraft in Zero 2
>beat Copy X in 3
>beat Phantom in 3
>beat Craft on Ragnarok in 4
>beat a boss with 3 Junk chips and no elf in 4
>use ZX for the first time in ZX
>beat Omega in ZX
>A-Trans for the first time in Advent

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yeah, it was this guy. there was another way to reach him?

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>want Model X in ZX
>don't want to replay the whole game a second time just to play it again with Model X

S-someone's figured out how to mod saves, right?

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Glad I could help!
A lot of those tips apply for zero 2/3 as well. As for zero 4 onwards I'm unsure. I haven't gotten that far yet.

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What's wrong with his design?

Also, it's crazy how important it was for me to go into the fight with a charged saber. If the cutscenes made you lose your charge the start of the fight would have been a lot messier.

Is it worth it in z1? I just beat it but didn't pay attention to ranks and apparently you need a or s to get in ciels room

So there're lower and higher levels of those green things right? You can jump around on the lower levels (the initial jump from the cliff to the first one is very tight, but after that it's just hopping from on to the next), and then at the end dash jump, stretch out a chain rod to break to the box (you should just be able to reach it) and wait for it to fall down to you

I've done both Z2s and 1 Z3, they were super easy

Doubt it.

I hope this collection is selling well enough for Capcom to get on board for ZX3. Both the Zero & ZX series was always more niche in the public's eye compared to Classic & X.

You can just get an A rank from the intro and get the elf there.

You can integer scale it, and there are only 2 filters, a crt one that has a slight bit of that crt static on screen which I've never seen in any other crt filter, not sure why they opted for it, gba def wasn't a crt. And the other filter looks like a basic smoothing one similar to hq2x as far as I can tell



Can you farm them or is there a limited amount of elves in each game?

New thread?

Please understand.

That's all that's in her room? No panties?

There are a finite number of elves per game you can collect and they're all "unique" (different names but some share effects). So don't kill them.

hmm interesting, i didn't notice that. i had thought it was just the two lower platforms and that was all

I like having a bigger health bar, and in X getting more health wasn't a shameful thing like using a cyber elf. Playing now feels like I have a tiny starting health bar the entire game.

It blows my mind that on the GBA you had to do the whole final level, Copy X and then the final boss in one go. If you fucke up and his lasers dropped you off the side you had to do all that shit again? Fuck.

When you see how fast things die when your Saber levels up you'll understand why things are this way.

Thread is almost dying but does anyone have that gif of Zero and Harupia in 8bit style and Zero is using the ice chip on Harupia?

Why would there be panties?