>Hmm... do I want to play as the generic boring human male warrior
>Or the unique and interesting beastman character?
>Generic white male it is!
Explain yourselves.
>Hmm... do I want to play as the generic boring human male warrior
>Or the unique and interesting beastman character?
>Generic white male it is!
Explain yourselves.
I'm not a furry
Humans look cool in armor where hulking races are clipping nightmares
I play as the generic white male and fuck the beastwomen.
Why do furries hate humans so much in videogames? Seems really weird considering they are humans irl.
Yiff in hell furfag
blame self-insert fags who have no empathy and can't relate to anything that doesn't look like them.
Do you really think furries like it that they are humans instead of interesting looking anthro characters?
You can play as the anthro character without being weird about human characters and turning it into some weird racial thing.
im playing based gangster toxic rat with a gun who can go invisible and kill whole enemy team in 3 seconds
This user gets it.
>human with a lizard head
Wow they took an animal and made it human shaped!
So original!
So unique!
Truly we have reached the epitome of creativity as a species that we can imagine other animals in human form.
I usually pick robots, elementals, golems, aliens or trolls/ogres if I get the chance. I don't mind beast races, they just don't really look that good in armor.
I play as whatever is most fun to play.
>Hate league with a passion
>Remember the times when I would go invisible near a perfectly lined up enemy time
>Ult ready
>Lulu e and movespeed on me
>Everthing BLACK blaring in my headphones
>Criting a whole enemy team
>Coom instantly
Litteraly nothing like twitch in any other vidya sucks hes in such a shit game
I play dwarf girls that have sex with beast women :)
not enough beard on that dwarf
But I don't play white male humans
Ummm hello?
Based department?
If your character is so bereft of personality that their race makes it significantly more interesting, it's always going to be a shit character
I refuse to go back
You can't make me user
>He doesn't seed holy virgin women with his powerful Beastman seed after battles
why the fuck would I want to play as a smelly furry when white human males are peak evolution?
Forgot pic
Furries have ruined any kind of beastly humanoid for me, unfortunately.
Characters with fantasy colored hair were also cool in my eyes, before feminist lunatics made it their aesthetics.
Whatever, you do you. Have fun with the crocoboi
More power to you, im trying to quit as well but with the upcoming Fiddle rework I might get sucked back in. I try to enjoy it but even when I win I just cant enjoy the game anymore.
>He doesn't seed powerful virgin Beastwomen with his holy man seed after battles
If you keep going at that pace everything remotely interesting will be "ruined" for you eventually.
Maybe you should just not give a shit?
Imagine letting other auts liking something effect if you like it, just do what you think is cool.
Equally based holy cooom post
>he doesn't want to sniff a smelly furry's smelly, sweaty armpits
wow you must be so fun at parties
I agree with you, it's unhealthy or at least suboptimal, but I can't control it.
problem is that they give monster characters normalfag personalities to make them more relatable
because of this, human characters have more interesting personalities or lore.
This faggot sums up most of Yea Forums
Okay everyone, pack it up. Yea Forums is finished.
Humans are the most interesting race in the game, and the fact that humans contrived your fucking furfaggot character to begin with shows it. "Generic human" my ass, what, you prefer to play the vapid, mediocre "beast" race that has literally zero (0) dimensional character beyond being an anthropomorphized fucking dog or lizard? How special, how unique you are.
If every game had crocodile men to play as I would play nothing but them, but all the choices I get in most games are: human, human (midget), human (large midget), human (gay with pointy ears), human (half-pig), human (animal ears) or human (animal head) the basic human race is the least worst out of all of them.
This. Furry lifestyle freaks can fuck off. Not gonna stop me from liking beast races, playing as them, or even enjoying the porn. Don't let a group of people ruin shit for you. I mean would you hate Donald Duck or the Ninja Turtles because of furries? No because that'd be stupid.
I'm not mentally ill.
No to mention who the fuck wants another "unga bunga me beastman savage but akshtually me noble"
Divinity 2 has a pretty nice lizard race.
>interesting looking anthro characters
>literally just a bipedal dog, lizard, or turtle
>OC donut steel - tier nonsense
Ugh. How about unique races? You know, ones that are an entirely novel take instead of DeviantArt bullshit fetish material.
Only correct answer
Rammed is BASED. The half of LOL characters are weeb shit.
>that tummy
I want to snuggle her.
The generic white male is actually fun to play as
Because I'm a generic white male and I like to self insert and fuck women of different races that I never can in rl. fite me fgt
How broken was his launch I stopped playing attention when he got three health bars of shielding and dealt more damage than any bruiser in the game with no damage items
I want gay-coomers to fuck off
This prick is tough as fuck. Specially his wrestling move.
Thread should have ended here
Literally one of the best champions in lol.
>a remake of a remake of a remake
>best champ
Fun you shoulds say that. I'm playing a generic white male sorc boy in one game, and a lizardfolk druid in another. Best of both worlds.
Are you retarded?
>human can play any class and doesn't have any penalties
>beastman is only good at one specific class and has massive penalties for anything that isn't that one specific area of expertise
Suck a shotgun
I love when the party has a variety of races/species representing the world the game is set on.
It's one reason I love Final Fantasy IX.
It's something I dislike about Dinal Fantasy XII.
Id rather start as a human schmuck and rise to power than start in power.
Humanity rocks.
i like humans
>doesn't say all coomers
Het-shits are such hypocrites.
I just want to fuck the viera. I don’t want to be the viera.
Thanks for the blogpost
Eeewww, leddit.
Yuri-coomers die first.
Gays deserve to be burned alive
Only cucks like yuri.
Big brain right here
I pick furry races whenever I can unless they're female.
>immediately turns to violence
Het-shits are primitives. Holy shit
Human male on female anthro is the patrician taste
Normies hate interesting designs because they can't relate to them
female beastwomen almost always just look like men
>that fucking tummy
Yiff in hell degenerate
what fucking men are you looking at that have perfect birthing hips, snouts, monsterously huge breasts and soft tummies
show me examples
of course the tits and stuff are feminine, but the heads always look masculine with eyelashes and shit
My choices were human, human with cat ears, elf (LMAO) , potato, rabbit lady or bara cat.
In being plain, I also am unique because nobody wants to look plain.
>male warrior
why not both?
>muscle furfag with a weapon
wow so unique
it comes full circle when you realize renekton is a brainless hero for lobotomy patients
I rather play as a wolf but that's a hopeless desire
have you ever looked at female animals before user jesus christ
He was deinitley strong out of the gate, but compared to other champion releases he was fine
No better feeling than comboing the front line tank into the squishy backline
Probably one of the best duelists in the games, but he has pretty glaring weaknesses, just kite him or make him use his long ass CD's and its over
HUMAN FIGHTER is the only right choice
>imagine the smell
absolutely this. out of all the unironic responses ITT, this is the one.
a beastman killed my family
those aren't mammals
_ ____ __ __ _________ ______
And I have nothing to explain; of course I would rather stare at hot beastman tail while playing.
He doesnt seem all that broken, the huge shield move does 0 damage if you sidestep it like you should, otherwise hes just kind of a fat tank with a single target stun ult
If you still play League, you're most likely on the lower end of intelligence
I wish he was young again.
>not playing a female human warrior
What are you, gay?
>playing a girl
closet tranny
It's ok. He lived a good younger life.
who gives a care what gender your playable character is?
I guess the only option is to hook up with some younger wolf instead.
Are there any wolf intellectuals like him in AC?
Oh, ok.
Enjoy your gay-ing, I guess
i want a game where i can play as a being of pure mana, no hp, just mp
or an elemental
What the fuck happened to argonians? They were cute skink/gecko looking people in Morrowind, but by ES:O their heads look like uncanny prosthetic masks from a shit 80s movie.
I play Zyra.
beast men are only good at being generic warrior and ranger units I wanna be a fuckin' wizard dropping meteors on bitches so i roll patrician high IQ elves
>treeniggers trying to pretend they aren't a beast race again
>the most generic thing in existence
but also the most fun
Male human paladin only.
Get back in your dress, loser.
I want to be like Volga!
Dont really have an opinion on human vs beast/other races but I am mainly reminded of one person I know(who was a neurotic, easy to anger mess who also keeps bringing up politics and his anger over it) who recently I hear ALWAYS played a Half-Orc Fighter in any recent game he plays. Not only that seems a bit boring to me, I get the feeling he's indeed playing essentially the same character every time
Daily reminder the higher the belly-to-hip ratio, the morr valuable she is
anything under 27 is basically a man
Bethesda got lazy, got rid of digitigrade legs and made them humans with lizard heads and tacked on tails
I like Pig orcs from Dragon Quest series. They are cool. Big boars with spears. Despite cartoony style I think they are pretty brutal. Imagine hulking warrior like this swinging a spear with a stone tip at you. It is scary really.
This. I miss when we had these character types on the regular. The last I remember (outside of Argonians and shit) were badasses like Duga in Shining Force. That and people are too fucking dumb to realise that not all anthromorphic characters are furryshit.
Digitigrade legs are stupid and always will be stupid.
Neither am I, I'm a chad scalie.
u'r gay
>badasses like Duga
Have you seen what kind of art this 'badass' gets?
Characters like these get only porn as a fan art.
Oh yeah I do get their appeal, I simply dont get playing essentially the same character every time. I am instead the complete opposite, I always go out of my way to play something different.
Hey buddy. Fuck you.
Digitigrade legs look awesome.
I don't really care about the legs honestly, the heads are what disturb and upset me. Bethesda's done alright with the Argonians, it's Zenimax that's fucked them royally
There needs to be more furry fighting games. Brutal and Rivals can't be the only ones forever.
is there a more based champion than Ornn?
>posts plantigrade legs
His game is never coming out...
Based and beastcoompilled.
What's he from?
Kemo col?
Non-humans are literally demons that need to be put down.
Since you got the name right why did you ask the question. If you have seen kemo coli once you know that Volga is an MC.
i'm not gay
but i would
Pandaren are the best beast race to ever grace vidya.
>pins and needles
Enough playing around, time for lewds
Minotaurs are very cool creatures, I am specially fond of the might and magic ones
You overestimate how much I really know about the game.
I only know that it's a match 3 game, that nullghost supposedly drew art for it and that it's in development hell. This was years ago and I haven't checked it since.
Mystery dungeon?
This but beastmen because they are superior.
Who gives a fuck what perverts are up to? Character has a great design, I don't give a shit what some furfag on the internet is drawing. Why do you?
I'll take 40%, there is too much of a good thing.
you disgusting sack of shit
Lack of a new one with new Pokemon is killing me.
Would you play a Mad Max-esque game starring these guys?
DB is shit. All its characters look like shit as well.
yeah but then you're playing destiny 2 which is a fate worse then death.
master axe up the ass
debate me
PMD is pure furry wish fulfillment and I love it
>pecs as big as melons
Makes me confused sexually
As long as race =/= class, I hate it when they design it like that
Sounds like something a communist would say
>human male warrior
>white male
hello shlomo
agreed, I'm fine with wow race\class locks and say, something like NWN
_ ____ __ __ ________'_ ______
>As long as race =/= class, I hate it when they design it like that
old D&D was 'fun' like that. Elf as a race/class, Dwarf as a race/class...
It’s kinda sad after all these years that phrase is still engrained in my memory
any upcoming furry VNs a person who is into bara should know about?
>game has a billion interesting and unique races
>only lets you play as humans or recolors of humans
>pecs as big as melons
Gays are closet titfag after all.
Give me 5 vidya women above 23%, Ill even give you Fat Princess.
Eventhough I have never heard anyone say this I totally know you're talking about the minotaur smith lmao
Why aren't there any good games where you can play as a dragon?
>Unique races look gay as fuck
>Pick Human because least gayest option
Really has only happened in XIV.
Not exactly VNs, but I'm looking forward to Bonfire (3d gay orc adventure game) and Small on Top (indie RPG where the MC is a small rabbit that fucks huge dudes).
Because furries are faggot degenerates
what about classed only being selectable by certain races?
As in Rangers have to be elves, pikemen have to be ratmen, shamans have to be lizardmen, bezerkers have to be orcs and so on
>not playing gay race
What a fag you are
I don't know and its not fair. Spyro isnt enough. I want to make a game where you play as a dragon but I cant make art for shit
same reason why movies only do wyverns instead of dragons
>unique skeleton
>animating and rendering scales
pure laziness
The I of the dragon
Some Divinity game also let you play as a dragon
>those thighs
>unique races
fuck off Sergals
what about them?
WoW babbies seething
they're good
I'm familiar with "_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______", but what does this mean?
I normally go for the dwarfish race
Sick bastard
>those scales
I want to put my thumb and index finger together and run them through the little openings between them
I'll give you a hint, it came from a discussion about his feet due to his new barefoot model.
Dude on the right is sporting a massive bush.
Most animals have strong male facial features. Only cutesy shit like rabbits or cats look feminine.
Sorry fatfags but I think 21-23 is my sweet spot. That look where you can see the outline of the abdominal area but the abs themselves aren't showing drives me crazy.
Fuck off Nirimer, you niggerloving faggot.
They're the most overdone trope of any heroic fantasy setting, along with dog people.
Lizardfolk are a meme, too bad nips are tone deaf and put them in anything and everything
who does not want to play as a generic dude?
probably hist shenanigans, it's canon they were modded during the oblivion crisis.
Excuse me!
>Can you name the anime that feature these boring male leads
Sadly yes
and foxes
and secretary birds
Because humans have better skills
>pick scalie
>have to do things like think of my build, plan out attacks and generally play hard and smart
>pick white human
>dumpster shit from beyond threat range, shit all over the enemy relentlessly, never have to worry because you're top of the food chain every time
>playing as a female
Might as well start hrt bro
Why are most scalies faggots?
Is not fair.
I want to be his sandal not gonna lie
I play as a white male self insert and romance the beast men
Nah nigga youre the gay one
what the fuck happened here
Nagas you're all gay!
I always play the least human races possible but humans, elves and dwarves are based.
Humanoids with animal features are based.
He's definitely in the upper echelon of based. My favorite champ is Aatrox cause he just rapes and doesn't give any f*cks.
furry amputated his own hands on purpose because he wish he was born with paws instead
>Animal on two legs.
I'll stick with the superior race, thank you.
Lizards are cute.
>Hating on based Sobek
Now post bara mode ones.
Those are the eye candy
Furfag popped enough drugs to go comatose for like two days while his pozzed furry boyfriend put his hands in bowls of dry ice to kill his hands so that doctors would be forced to amputate them so that he could surgically attach fake paws where his hands used to be
He looks like he fucks human guys
How did you get your Argonian to be so tall?
He's just a big guy for most people. Not as huge as he might seem in that picture though. Mrs. Draggo is only 5 feet tall herself.
You can change character sizes via the console or make their base height different in the CK. Racemenu also has its own hight slider.
Is there actually any proof of this?
Obviously, all beastmen are sluts for human guys. Question is, does he top or bottom
scale fags and furfags are on the exact same level, dont pretend youre superior to furfags because you prefer scales.
you know, i like renekton. but i like him a little less now knowing that you exist. thanks op for being a fag.and ruining something that was good with your absolute autistic faggoty. please an hero to make the world a better place
any concept can be fetishized, user
Where'd you get those ridges for his face though?
I hope he tops
twitch is a solid and fun adc. him, ashe, and xayah are my favorite adcs
I'm pleased I bring you misery.
He claimed he had "arthritis" and used dry ice baths to "alleviate the pain" and by popping enough oxycodone to not feel them anymore. Then one day he "accidentally" took too many and fell asleep with his hands in the dry ice.
your kink is the lowest of the low
t. furfag in denial
>"muh ruined" weak-spined mindset
>animal reaction image
>reddit spacing
>calling anything ASSFAGGOTS good
You're about as bad as them lmao
>lowest of the low
I think floor tiles are the lowest of the low.
>absolutely nobody:
There was never a discussion of which is superior.
That just sounds like a retarded furry being a retarded furry. Is there any after picture where he has the paws?
Keep seething nigger, no one wants to play as a darkie when playing as a human.
is that from Barney?
He has a unique texture (I combined two argonian retextures from the nexus) and the horns are from the wearable horns and tails mod.
you dont bring me misery, but its nice knowing that youll live your entire life having to hid your autistic fetishes because the only place you can talk about them openly is on mongolian fly fishing forums. imaging never being able to go mainsteam and hiding in the shadows all your life. i hope your family and everyone you know finds out about your gay fucking kinks
beastmen are for furries and faggots
Elves, dwarves, demons and aliens are where it's at
imagine replying to b8
kek anons.
He is married.
>you ruined this for me
>actually, you didn't
wow. you're mentally untouchable user
He was quoted on Twitter having a "no hands" fetish
Why would anyone go around talking about their fetishes?
some kinks are so relative that you can be sure they're actual kinks 100% of the time. For example, I enjoy manga with big buff dudes much more than manga with your average scrawny relatable male MC just because I think they're much more cooler and badass, but if I mention this in Yea Forums they will assume I'm a barafag craving for roided cock
Well that's fucking disappointing innit. Never post again.
that feel when you forgot to read the thread
>liking an imaginary character less means misery
>you can't be sure
I want frogposters to fuck off
user, are you by any chance a femanon. Your posts give off that vibe.
Disgusting whore
>implying people read the entire thread, every thread
>when the post didn't even quote the guy in question
Maybe, user, maybe. People seem to discern that a lot, what exactly am I doing?
*blocks your path*
Now that is something I can get behind
Well you are playing/self inserting as a dolled up female character partnered up with a shirtless lizard. It's giving off massive The Shape of Water vibes.
The obnoxious "tee hee hee silly boys" attitude. You were either going to be gay or a woman and since the lizard character is straight there's not exactly a lot of other possibilites.
Silly user, he gets behind you.
You can't post Argonians daddy's without a thick mommy to go with it. It's the law, user. You don't want to break the law do you?
Argonian daddy's is all you need.
only if it has a 4 headed cock
There was a Renektonfag a long time ago who would spam OP’s image and say I want to be Renekton’s sandal
>The Shape of Water
Oh jesus.
Draggo is much better than that weird fish creature.
Maybe it's just my tism or whatever you would call it but I try to come across more normal-like and not stereotypically girly.
Oh hey, someone else posted my lizzer.
I feel honored.
post the one with his chastity cage
Female khajits and other anthros were made for (white) human dick
He's cute and not a big fat bara abomination like most of them
That white argonian some user made is nice too, he should post his pictures so I can save them again
Kys racist
You are kind, user. I did try to give him a certain level of cuteness, not sure exactly how I did since I just tweaked him until he looked right.
Some people have said it's his eyes.
It's a little surprising. You can do a lot with dragon protagonists, depending on the setting they can be almost anything.
nice facebook meme
Bloody roar is dead.
you know what this mean, mister merikku
bethesda and zenimax artists are shit
skyrim argonians look like dead eyed turtles
daggerfall and morrowind are the only games where they looked good
Any games where the lizard race is friendly?
say hello to your new party who will you romance
Thank god he's getting nerfed. I hope all the FOTM shitheads pivot to someone else and I can finally play my champ again.
Volibear rework when?
tie between turtle and ranger, they all look like friends though
blue one on the right or the orange one in the back
yellow boi he cute
Like me some big ol’ turtle daddy!
Are they still erased from existence or did they come back? I don't follow DB:S.
I like that big dragon knight.
turtle gang
orange dude is cute too
Go back to the cuckshed Katia
Obviously the answer is to surround the boring human protag/CaC with anthro women instead.
best cyborg won the tournament and revived everyone before going on a cruise
that's kinda hot ngl
>unique and interesting
Just because you are different does not mean you are unique and interesting.
>revived everyone
Yeah, that was completely predictable.
Probably the bush viper twink
Fuck off Niri
Commission something without your shitty OC and shitty fetishes maybe
DEFINITELY the turtle.
>implying you wouldn't
yeah, im also tired of humans being portrayed as the good guys too, unrealistic as fuck.
21-26% for me is the BEST RANGE.
No, i have better standarts for it.
And the proof?
Turns out Zeno didn’t actually wipe anyone out and was only going to end those low class universe if they made a stupid wish at the end. 17 wanted a cruise for his wife but made the other wish for goku, bulma paid for his cruise anyway.
Ok phoneuser.
Outside of hiring a private investigator or him coming out and admitting he purposefully froze his hands off which would probably incur legal penalties? Outside of him admitting he likes to role play that he doesn't have hands but paws when he's taking it in the ass? None
I mean actual links rather than you just claiming something
You think I'm going to link to a furry's twitter?
What about the private investigator thing?
I was being sarcastic. This dogpatch press or whatever is an anti right wing political outlet for furries that did a lot of counter shilling for this guy. Even calling it a conspiracy theory.
here he is now getting internet points for self harm
Is this the guy who cut his own hands off?
>be furfag pedophile dog fucker
>have diaper hypercock vore inflation erp ingame with other mentally sick cretins
>haha wow look at the guy playing a human lol he's so weird wtf!!!
Not even once
>posts generic crocodile man with "rawr i'm angry" being the only personality trait after centuries of being rammed by energy dick
Lots Of Laugh Out Loud
steppy mistress waifu
Ew a girl
Just because he is married doesn't mean he fuck other men in front of his wife
He's too pure to cheat.
But I feel validated that so many anons like him even if it's just for lewd reasons.
Monsters were made to be destroyed.
holy BASED
...by my dick.
Because I myself am a generic individual. I don't like standing out, so I try to look as vanilla as possible.
Just admit you're gay already and save us all the trouble
>Le Archaon has arrived
>Undoes timeline where he was beaten
heh....nothin personnel....empirenigger....
This is your barmaid for tonight. Say something nice about her.
>more beautiful, longer lived, and closer bond with the natural world
>human shitter thinking it's "superior"
Y-you too
hehe xd!
I would rather to play as a robot instead If I am given the chance.
It's impossible to take these seriously.
Beastfolk or robot every time.
I want a big female Pandaren to make me worship her feet
Honestly I just like robots. Not a big fan of beastfolk, unless they are cutesy and far from bara as possible.
kassadin is more fun
What other games let you play as a robot besides Destiny? I'm looking forward to Phantasy Star Online coming to PC because of the CAST race.
You could replace that with a female version and it would be the same. Female anime protags are just as bad (if not worse) at banality.
excuse me faggot but my white males look like this
I subjugate subhumans in all aspects of life, video games included
>and far from bara as possible.
good taste
White sissy more like.
Yeah, most animals are cute, so there's nothing wrong with more cute animal races that feels like a taking care of a pet (instead of wanting to fuck them)
I usually always go in mmo for classes, races or characters that have robots or have influence of androids, like xenon or mechanics in maple story, eve in elsword, if I played overwatch, would main zenyatta or bastion. I havent played enough mmos to know more unfortunately.
The bare tits version is better.
I remember playing the lizard looking race in Oblivion when I was a teenager. When I replayed the game as an adult, I couldn't believe that I played such an ugly character, and picked a human character.
Imagine if you asked her for Hist sap and she just yanked those puppies out and let you suck on 'em.
I'd be yanking something alright.
Can't wait for XC remaster so I can play as the dot and heal Chad Riki. Best fucking daddy.
"You should get that looked at. Your skin looks unnaturally soft"
I had the most fun with him and he turned out to be a good father.
no i am the best father.
Always strive to be user.
Don't forget to raise your kids in a friendly scaly household.
Zombies, Greenskins and Orcs are all close enough to humanity to relate to, but much more of a step away from self insertion autism. Fantasy humans are usually such boring archetypes too, Game of Thrones wannabe cursing mercs or bland noble do-no-wrongs
heres my wife
Feels good to main Garen especially for lore reasons
>literally just a buff ass human dude with a giant sword (not overcompensating btw) and some anti-magic armor
>still chopping up beasts, mages, and literal gods
>also has a 10/10 smoking hot girlfriend, tons of friends because he's a cool guy, and has a cute little sister too
I love moogles
Your wife should make up with her baboon friend. Oh and also ride my dick.
>tfw don't play league (why would I) but jack off to some of the characters (only some because 90% of the female characters are anime girls)
Xayah, Kai'sa, Rakan, Sett, Kayn, Neeko, Qiyana, Taliyah Senna, Sylas. I don't think I need to say anything else. League is a shit game.
What game has the feral ice dragon milf?
dota, but LoL has anivia which is a feral ice phoenix milf
For me, it's Bangaa
ngl auroth is a nice piece of ass desu
Dragons > phoenixes.
well i dont disagree with that
Gurdy is my wife!
I like Anivia but Auroth has that sexy fucking voice.
Same. They are so cute.
Dota 2
>Friendly reminder that Yea Forums was so gullible to believe and parror the rumor he had losts his hands for fetish purposes despite the fact there was never a single proof, literal my dad works a nintendo tier rumors.
Yeah her voice just adds to her sexiness. Does the ice Phoenix even talk?
yes anivia has a really motherly voice
>playing a beast race
Holy shit yikes.
I must hear it.
>look her up on the forbidden site
>aits 99% anthro
I only play when they look good. Most of the time they look like shit so I pick humans or something else instead.
wait til you get to the damage moans
Self-insert fags. That's all the explanation you need. They make your video games now, say goodbye to all the cool funny animals.
What a mistake.
absolutely based hec poster
>get early lead with cheeky ganks
>get boots, t force, and youmuu's
>enemy ADC gets cocky and pushes in
>it's time
>start running to bot, don't even give a fuck run by wards and enemy midlaner on the way down
>midlaner pings botlane to be careful
>it's too late
>predator, activate
>ghost, activate
>youmuu's, activate
>e, activate
>going mach 10, AD is in the thousands
>enemy ADC is hauling ass back to tower
>split second to process ghostly blur coming out of bush
>can't reactively flash in time, the horse is just too fucking fast
>get one-shotted
no better feeling in the game honestly
Any game that I can play as the chad of chads that is a tiger?
I'm a goblin guy myself
Delicious... Especially with carrots.
>Play Aidungeon 2
>Be Lizardman with Qt Kobold gf
>Go on adventures
>Hang out with Dwarves
>Dunk on Gnomes and Elves
>Occasionally have hot cloacal action
Draggo's wife was built for ntr
What makes you say so?
dangerously based
Yeah you're just a generic faggot
very eys
I just want more bird people.
Oh that was nice.
Jokes on you I'm a Teemo main
I want to play as a cat girl instead.
>no playable gnolls
I'm not a furry. I'll play dwarves and elves and halflings and shit but you lose me the moment you try to get me to play gay animal shit.
I wish furries didn't exist so I could enjoy occasionally playing beastmen
>TFW played ornn befor it was cool
>Now he's banned every game
just nerf him already
Even if they didn't exist you would still be a convictionless pussy. You'd find another excuse to not enjoy things based on peer pressure.
>bird people
>wearing boots
Tiberius from Paladins, i guess.
Unfortunately, Cat girls made it almost impossible to be able to play big badass cat humanoids.
Every feline must be female and have tits for some reason.
What does Draggo sound like?
He has the regular argonian voice type at the moment, I had planned to get a custom VA for him but so far it hasn't happened.
That's a lot of convenient censorship
Cute cat
so i can fuck the beast women
now get in the corner beastcuck, i'm gonna give your wife a litter
You don't think a Riolu is that hung, do you?
I just want a goddamned fantasy game where I can play as a badass beetle/ant/spider person. In the very rare occurrence there are sentient bugs/bug people they are always evil NPCs. Pisses me off that it does.
>Generic white male it is!
it's okay to be white
cope harder furryboi
>it's okay to be white
but its better to be a hulking lizardman
Play as lizzers
Hire the guy who did Inigo
My negro .
Soon , one day
A litter of beast babies?
I don't think I have the dollars. There were a few people who sent me a few lines of dialogue but nobody really clicked.
Tfw no khajiit gf
>try to give cutie bird girl in both chicken meat since she was sad the stalls didn't have any
>aren't able to
Fuck you I was a walking restaurant and an npc was disappointed she couldn't have a certain dish. Let me help the cute bird woman!
I agree with him. Not liking things because there's crazy fanatics is dumb. Just like shit and make it a lifestyle.
This picture makes me feel things
Its just such a good example of realistic flirting in a fantasy setting
BOTW I meant.
Their existence doesn't bother me as much since I can simply ignore it but it sucks that people will right away assume you are part of them though
just be a furry dude
And don't make it a lifestyle. Seriously need to find out why my brain omits key words like this.
Only mentally ill people obsess over furries, no one cares if you like beast races.
No, being a furry means shutting down your brain in anything else and only being able to care about things when they cater specifically to you. I like beast races and character designs but this is a bit too much, I have several other interests too.
Not him but a lot of shit come from the fandom so there's a reason.
That's like saying that you can't listen to other genres of music because you're a jazz fan.
basado y rojopastillado
That isn't me, furries that are like that for some reason. I am saying that I can't be one exactly because I am not like them. I am not interested in making it a lifestyle.
I always play with robots or monster-like monsters in my vidya. I remember maining Robo-Ky or Arakune because those designs appealed to me. I find human designs boring too.
Xayah, Kai'sa, Rakan, Sett, Kayn, Neeko, Qiyana, Taliyah, Senna, Sylas.
man its lame FFXII only had a Viera and no bangaa or moogle party member
Robots are pretty neat too.
If there's a robot available, you better believe I'm going to be the god damned robot.
I would fondle this boy
I want him to ride me cowgirl style. Is there porn of him?
Let me guess
You only fuck human looking beastwomen?
Uhhhh.....based department?
No. I fuck any beastwoman as long as she's cute, which is of course up to my discretion.
>tfw I'm basically the dude on the rigth, body-hair wise
Do I shave or embrace it and grow the beard+hair combo?
im surprised this thread is still up
Wait wrong pic. Lemme try again.
The only reason I'm playing Legends of Runeterra right now is to collect cards so I can eventually make a Renekton deck.
Still gay, try again
What about Rathians?
I like the socks too.
That wasn't the issue.
Make a beast character that's fun to play as, like Lizardman in Soul Calibur. Problem fucking solved, but nobody ever does it.
Make love to me daddy
why must you inject race into everything you fucking scalie
I only fuck girls that can speak. I don't play MH, can she?
Any of them but the yellow one.
Why do humans have to be the ONLY species in real life that can talk? Even just ONE other animal that can speak would be nice.
Because we live in a mundane universe.
You act like it's overused, but there aren't many games anymore that actually let you play as one.
Some apes can learn simple sign language too.
thats not the same and you know it
Mods are based scalies.
i wouldn't mind your furry thread but you guys post the same fucking artists over and over again it feels more like this is more about artist cockworshipping thread than VIDEOGAME characters
Parrots just repeat, they can't communicate.
There's a reason why people still make fun of furries.
You can't fault someone for not wanting to be associated with them.
>the same fucking artists
Like who
Maybe not, but they're pretty funny. My cousin trained hers to say the N word.
thats because despite the furry fandom being millions of degenerates, theres only a literal handful of artists that make good art for any specific character
When are we scalyCHADS gonna rise up and separate ourselves from furries.
Sure, there's a reason people still make fun of weebs too. Should someone let that stop them from enjoying anime?
Wait, whose side do I join if I like both?
Weebs are separate from anime, dude.
Everyone knows that, it's super normie-tier now, lmao.
That cock looks great
What the heck... Draggo... is based... AND redpilled?
Kinda already happening a little bit.
Probably won't go anywhere tho.
Reminder that female lizards are pointless because male lizards have slits but female lizards do not have dicks.
How would you assist Queen Khamira of Anewuina?
We dont need the dick though
Your loss.
Doesn’t matter, because it’s a win/win no matter who comes out on top.
Why choose a side?
Holy shit this is amazing
is there a followup?
Forget the roastie, I'll take you instead
thats pretty much all last time i saw it
>Play lots of tabletop
>Desert campaign in city full of lizardmen
>Play a kobold librarian tinkerer-artificer obsessed with making golems and absolutely covered in augmentations like robotic arms and a bionic tail
>Other players are a half-elf archer, a human warrior and a dwarven paladin.
>Sci-fi campaign set in the seedy underbelly of alien cityworlds
>Play a sentient semimolten crystal anemone alien with the mind and understanding of a retarded puppy
>Other players play a human bounty hunter with a gun, a human cyborg with a robot arm for punching, and a robot assassin with a gun.
>Cyberpunk campaign set in the advent of the age of super-powerful cloud technology
>Play as a cloud of smartdust - super-functional nanomachines designed for housework and forcibly jailbroken into an elite hacking and espionage force
>Other players play a human hacker with a laptop, a human busty space-warrior babe and a robot assassin with a gun.
its too bad they're canonically black
>artist is in the thread right now
>Desert campaign in city full of lizardmen
>Play a kobold librarian tinkerer-artificer obsessed with making golems
That's pretty neat user, hope you don't mind if I steal that idea
Im assuming this is some kind of backstory thing for them?
I wouldnt date one but I fap to black guys too so whatever.
It was an honor posting with you, gentlemen.
Why do I keep running into you with these types of threads? Next thing you know I'll run into you again in the lewd /tesg/ threads in one of the red boards
ooof he's hot
thank you user!
Egyptian Gods
With my blessing, brother.
i don't even have lewd mods user~
Many thanks user.
Doesn't matter a ton to me unless they had stupid looking hair, that's a bigger turn off for me than skin color.
I know for a fact that's the SOS regular body you liar. I recognize those pecs.
>butthurt user reporting pics
Dont lie to me, thats an SOS body aint it?
I just used a high poly vesion of the vanilla mesh and tweaked it a little
were vidya too. Who doesn't recognize Renekton or ES?
Oh well, whatever.