Remind me again why Yea Forums hated Jill when REmake 3 was announced? Does Yea Forums actually put cooming above all else?
Remind me again why Yea Forums hated Jill when REmake 3 was announced...
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ResetEra has taken over the industry. Not just West, but East too. Capcom and Square Enix now make the ugliest goblinas to not offend the trannies. It's honestly depressing.
Why wouldn't we complain? Even the woman they based her design on in is hideous.
because her costume is feminist garbage and her personality is trashy western media garbage. she is unforgivable.
Is it true 3 is much shorter than 2?
>different = bad.
>exact same = bad
You can't win.
>2/10 would not bang
but unironically
Because Jill doesn't look this fucking disgusting.
Ain't buying the shit and I'm selling RE2 back to gamestop same with Persona once I ever go in that direction.
i just want women to be feminine again. women by nature are supposed to be caring, cute, warm and non agressive. don't get me wrong they can still shoot guns or be "badass", you just have to find ways to make them like that but the only thing western devs can do is make them the same as men and it sucks.
I don't hate her, but you're not going to please everyone. She looks like a proper Stacy to me. Would hold hands and tell her everything is going to be okay after a zombie bites me in the dick.
That's cause everyone on their side is disgusting as fuck so for them this is the norm.
If you went back a couple hundred years the norm for beauty was being a fat fuck but at least those woman wore dresses and tried to look beautiful despite it.
In current times however it's be nasty as fuck and your beauty is because you can take off your clothes.
idk i think nu jill is pretty hot. I would coom.
No, we put a good design above.
Jill now is the generic dirt and smelly western female character
Seem like you truly prefer to be dead than last an entire day with this abomination that want's to be called Jill, female, human being.
Why they keep doing that shit?
Because ResetEra always wins, bay bay
I don't get it, are you implying i can't coom to this? HUGE tits and ass.
The real answer is that the most fanatical always wins. That may be true now, but when religion makes a comeback things are going to change.
wins at killing themselves en mass from crippling depression, yes
>Even the woman they based her design on in is hideous.
Seething cope
We took over Final Fantasy 7 remake
We took over Capcom games
Even Atlus bows down to us
We're suicidal trannies and we still own this industry lmfao
her tiddies look surprisingly big from some angles. Not those ones though
Yea Forums hates anything that doesnt fit their ultra-specific fap criteria.
>These are your models for iconic female characters now
A-yup, I'm thinking ResetEra won again
i dont want to stare at this plain jane for the duration of such a game.
They know exactly what their doing, thank god for mods.
>We're suicidal trannies
no joke, everytime i go their OT section there is always a new thread about someone announcing that they are going to kill themselves followed by six pages of "NOOOOO PLS CALL THIS NUMBER" "WE ARE HERE FOR YOU" and then the person deciding they are not going to kill themselves
is that just the resetera style of farming (you)'s?
>Those tits
How malnourished are the women around you, user
Religion doesn't have to make a comeback. What is happening currently is that the meek are falsely considering themselves to be in a position of power while the alpha's are made to sit back. But everyone is aware of the idiocy that is going on and the pot is boiling.
>w-w-w-we """alphas""" will t-t-t-totally strike back
lol you tried and failed hard with the faGGotry and now us resetchads own this industry more than we ever had before. Our power only continues to grow while you impotently seethe about it.
>religion making a comeback
Oh I'm laffin
I'm not saying I'm an '''alpha'''. But I sure as fuck know that mentally retarded people like you shouldn't be bossing other people around, or influence their lives in any type of measure.
>But I sure as fuck know that mentally retarded people like you shouldn't be bossing other people around, or influence their lives in any type of measure
What you think should happen is irrelevant. It IS what's happening. When it comes to vidya, we reign supreme.
Not for long.
You've been saying this since 2014 and we've only gotten stronger since then. It's been six years of pure dominance at this point. Your cope is delicious.
Imagine pretending looks don't matter. People wouldn't be bitching anytime they see anime titties if that was the case.
>You've been saying this since 2014
I haven't actually. I have been the le silent majority meme, letting things fly past me. But your type has been allowed to fester like a cancer long enough so I'm gonna provide some measure of resistance now.
>When it comes to vidya, we reign supreme.
You reign supreme where no one gives a shit.
>w-w-w-we're totally rising up now for real, you have to believe me
Do you seriously think that image proves him wrong?
It's not a flattering picture, at all.
>He doesn’t know about the unwashed, low IQ sand-niggers colonizing Europe.
>He doesn’t know they will outbreed him Idiocracy style.
>He doesn’t know the following sand nigger hybrid generation will become crazy shits just like their parents/parent.
Does she have boobjiggle?
>It's been six years of pure dominance
Sounds like 6 years of pure delusion.
>i love ugly girls in my video games
>what? date one? haha no, i'm gonna redeem all these good boy points for an attractive girlfriend
>Tranny flags everywhere
>Tifa's tits downgraded
>Capcom goblinas
>Cyberpunk 2077 and The Last of Us 2 are about to be the best sellers of the year
>The new Mortal Kombat
>Even Pokemon has non-binary characters now
I could go on. No matter how many times you repeat the "Get woke, go broke" mantra, the developers keep catering to us, because they know we're on the right side of history. And the best part is that you caused this avalanche against yourself with your faGGot crusade. That's the most poetic part: You dug your own grave and now you get to get buried in it.
Not rising up, because that would put me in a camp of lunatics, like you. But not ignoring your idiocy anymore either, at least on ocassion. Anyway, this is my last reply to you. Have a good one user. You're still shitposting in this place which makes you an user, even though you're still a mentally challenged retard.
you havent been outside of your house in a month have you
>/pol/incel with the projection
>they have physics too
>we'll get to stare at her ass the entire game on top of that
oh lawdy
you're just a faggotass contrarian poster
you live to shitpost and the last thing you do before you kill yourself is shitpost
If you think I'm just being a contrarian poster, then surely you don't mind admitting defeat before the ResetChads. After all, I'm not one of them.
>Tranny flags everywhere
Means shit and they bitch and moan when they lose sales over it.
>Tifa's tits downgraded
And you got mocked and ridiculed on Dissidia NT
>Capcom goblinas
You mean the same capcom that gave fans lewds elsewhere because you were to busy focusing on that one title? Yea get played.
>Cyberpunk 2077 and The Last of Us 2 are about to be the best sellers of the year
Means nothing to me since I don't play those gay ass tittles to begin with.
>The new Mortal Kombat
Dead fighter brag? Okay.
>Even Pokemon has non-binary characters now
They made fun of England.
>I could go on
Oh I know you can. That's how being DELUSIONAL works. Keep coping.
Especially since you aren't preventing them from being on PC where everything you do gets undone.
These people are not the "norm" they are the minority as they always have been. The only difference is that you share the internet so have to hear about them more often.
>Dissidia NT
Oh, you mean the game where Tifa's skirt has a black void hiding any lewd under it? Gahahahahahahah. You jobbed out to us ResetChads there too.
>Means nothing to me since I don't play those gay ass tittles to begin with.
So, first you brag about how we "bitch about lost sales", but then you cope with "w-W-W-WELL, BUT I DON'T PLAY THOSE GAMES". Oof. Who's being the delusional one again?
>But at least we can mod jizzhead bait in
Sure, you can. We're kind enough to let you support our games by either buying or advertising them, all while making your fanservice mods that 90% of the players that play the game won't touch. You're secondaries now. Enjoy your status. This industry is ours.
claire is a hottie
don't let these perma virgins tell you otherwise
"MuH StAnDuRdZ"
It's top fashion, boyo.
I don't understand. Is she wearing armor?
What Jill should look like anyway? They change her look every game
>Oh, you mean the game where
You missed the point. The company straight up told your kind of people to fuck off.
>So, first you brag about how we "bitch about lost sales"
those two games aren't even out yet. Yet it's gonna be obvious what pattern will emerge. Yes it will be the company bitching about lost in sales.
>We're kind enough
You don't make the games. So when you cope this hard it's called being DELUSIONAL.
she should have the outfit from the game they're remaking
MvC2 Jill was the hottest.
Claire is also a hottie yet I prefer her Revalations 2.
Ada Wong was the hot one in RE2 remake.
Like Tifa?
Julia Voth.
Here's your RE3 comparison
Can you replace her goblin face with Tifa's too?
Don't listen to the desperate, thirsty anons that tell you she's hot.
>The company straight up told your kind of people to fuck off.
>Can you replace her goblin face with Tifa's too?
Obviously. You think only the body/outfits can be modded?
this mod is impossible to download from that garbage site
Outfit is an easy fix though?
>"that'd be $10 DLC. Thank You For Your Purchase"
it's a preorder bonus, looks like shit though since it's super baggy
>this mod is impossible to download from that garbage site
I mean there's alternatives.
>can't even make a skirt right
>easy fix
Not for Capcom, it seems.
Director: “I won’t say what ‘they’ are, but ‘they’ will bounce.”
Everyone complains about her being ugly, but nobody posts what they think an attractive woman is.
OGfag here, used to be an insufferable camera-angle autist too. RE3 is my fav game of all time; nu-Jill looks amazing and more true to her PSX incarnation's likeness than (((Voth))) ever was. I for one can't wait for game of this decade in 34 days time.
Always has been.
who is the semen demon on the right
her freckles are hot
I know you're just baiting but you're only going to catch people as retarded as you for making blatant lies in your posts.
[[[IMPORTANT NOTE, DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT THE POSTER TAGGED ABOVE:]]] If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight
None of you brain-rotted subhumans deserve this franchise.
Agreed, they can either appreciate nu-Jill or gtfo.
The same reason they hated Chris in RE7, cus they look different. Some also think she looks like a tranny though I don't really see it.
You know... I’m just happy they actually made it blue rather than some kinda drab shit like Lara has
Every woman that isn't 2D is a tranny to Yea Forums.
I don't complain about her, I like her actually also this is hot af too
Not really, it just doesn't have a B scenario.
This reads like a massive falseflag.
People can still appreciate a game despite the questionable design decisions, you see.
What a fucking ugly goblina, capcom dun goofed. They also still could've used the likeness of Voth so I don't know what sort of prime crack these dudes are smoking in Osaka.
I'm completely serious and sincere in what I said, user.
I almost have to think of Jill as another character. Maybe she's "Jane" Valentine. She's not my Jill Valentine.
That shit is so overdone on here, it doesn't even mean anything anymore.
Then I hope you enjoy the game, user.
Point to me where Jill looks like a massive tranny and show me a picture of a tranny for comparison
Nothing wrong with Elena
Chloe is still the best Uncharted girl of course
Jill looks fine, they just didn't scan a 15 year old this time and naturally an older woman will be less attractive.
Fell for it
If a woman isn't skeletal, doesn't have quadruple D's, doesn't have her nose bashed in like every botched nose job, or has a chin, Yea Forums hates it
>this is what REmake fags think is an attractive woman and totally not a man
>nobody posts what they think an attractive woman is.
Why bother? If I wanted an "attractive" 3D woman I would go to porn not to video games.
2D > 3D
>2D > 3D
>jill's big udders
>seething this hard
>beautiful reality
>jawbone narrowed so much it clips into her sternocleidomastoid muscles
Face it, people who think Claire and Jill are ugly have no idea what people look like.
She's fucking hot, what's wrong with you virgin autist coomers
>Face it, people who think Claire and Jill are ugly have no idea what people look like.
And people like you don't understand that gamers aren't playing these games for the "realism" if you want realism "video games" isn't your medium. Stick to your netflix adaptations.
>She's fucking hot,
Have sex
>what's wrong with you virgin autist coomers
stop projecting
what's that shit on her face? some kind of skin condition?
imagine piping her in that position
acne from too much masturbating because Chis sisterzoned her
I love Claire.
Not all people are perfect like you, Mr. Chad.
Why does she look so awkward at times when she smiles?
I love her too
She has an adorable smile. But then she's always adorable.
Vothfags unhappy that they changed the character.
Funny thing is that VothJill looked more like a crack whore then it did Voth so I don't know why they cared.
I've been in a relationship for 2 years and 4 days as of today
Nah, I just get unconfortable looking at her cuz it's like looking at Kristen Stewart. I know that the face model is not her but I dunno what process capcom did that made her look somewhat the same.
God these stupid pouches on his chest want me want to slap a puppy.
la luz extenguido...
If I want to look at ugly people, I can just go outside for a walk.
Video game is escapism whenever you'd want to admit it or not. As long as you know It's not real there no need to draw another line.
She literally looks like female me (twink)
Just because I have higher standards than you doesn't mean it's about "cooming".
>Higher standards of female beauty in a fucking video game where that shouldn't matter at all
Except she's really hot.
post pics this thread already made me successfully erect
dude looks like a lady
I put Voth above all else, so yeah. Go fucking die.
Agreed. It's bad enough that Carlos has a Mk18 CQBR and a MOLLE plate carrier in 1998, they had to go the extra mile with rifle mag pouches high enough to hit him in the face when he uses them, and pistol mag pouches below them where there's no room to open them at all.
We are in the end of times, and judeo-masonic world order are pushing androgyny on everything and on everybody, their end goal is to end duality and destroy God's creation.
In videogaemes they are pushing tranny looking women.
She's hotter here
Carlos looks better than her now
>image of attractive girl
>anons calling her disgusting
I wish Jill actually looked like Jill just like I wanted Claire to look like Claire but you're not doing your cause any good by appearing to be retarded.
I don't know her name but first look up the name of the model for RE3Make Jill and then neck yourself.
thanks! :D
actually i rescind my thanks, that's not even the girl on the right, that user posted a completely unrelated woman next to jill.
your hand doesnt count coomer
Oh. SHit who is it?
Bad angle, looks like a heavily photoshopped tranny here.
No idea but Sasha Zotova has no tattoos, this bitch does. Google has no matching image results either which is odd.
She looks boring.
>Jill is ugly
>Jill is pretty
Wow, almost as if beauty would lie in the eyes of the beholder.
Why are we dicussing about an absolutely subjective topic?
>Using goolag to search saucy stuff
Use yandex, komrad.
Kayla Lauren, thank you user. You're a god among men for helping me out there.
>Yea Forums hates anything not anime
she will look fucking adorable on her classic costume and Yea Forums will seethe into oblivion
I'm just not used to seeing the "anime stylied realism" transition into the more "realism" look. Got used to Leon's despite his hilarious chin but Claire still doesn't sit well with me. Maybe Jill is gonna grown me since it's far better face model. Who knows.
It all hinges on the porn, honestly.