Assassin's Creed Kingdom Setting

The rumored assassins creed viking game will be coming out later this year but will not be set in Scandinavia and England like most people assume. It's actually following Ragnar's son Bjorn Ironside as he and Hastien raided the Mediterranean and attempted to sack Rome. I made the picture for reference. It contains cities like Rome and Lisbon. A few other cities I marked with red dots.

Attached: Assassin's Creed Kingdom.png (840x714, 1.04M)

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Bjorn ironside was a retard that thought the town of Luni was Rome

Sounds like it will basically be a reskin of Odyssey then.

Why do you even think people will fall for this?

Who the fuck cares you fucking chimp? It's Ubitrash, story is tertiary. You really one of those dimwits who sucks this pathetic lore shit up? Go read a novel.

not OP but that makes a fuck of a lot more sense than vikings which aren't even really ancient history.

God I hope this is the setting, nordic "cities" wouldn't be cool to explore at all.

The story/lore is shit but the Egypy and Greece settings are well done

How come? Syndicate already went to the industrialization era of England, Unity went to the french revolution, 3 and Blackflag was during and pre american revolution, none of which is "ancient history" like Odyssey and Origins.
Also I want to point out that every single assassin's creed game has never had a true to life map, they've always been altered for gameplay reasons and I really don't think they'll change that.

I kind of liked the story in odyssey. Sure its not some high /lit but for a game its pretty good/entertaining

I guess that was dumb to say, either way user here made a good point

>playing games for the story
have sex

Could be fun seeing Lisbon in a game.

Yeah he does have a point there, they were mostly hut settlements made out of straw roofs and wood/clay walls and not usually that big in the era of Vikings.
Buuut I'd think the free running and climbing would mostly come from the larger cities that you'd raid or whatever, like early christian settlements that have a church and walls, but I'm just spitballing, the only leak that was picked up and discussed so far is that if the game was going to let you choose either male or female again and the drop-in/drop-out co-op

still sounds dumb. OP's idea or whatever is much cooler. similar style of people doing much cooler things in way better environments.

and just imagine if the map was similar to the in-game map, sailind around the med like that seeing all that culture. that would be pretty damn cool.

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Sure, people liked blackflag and I believe that it's the same studio that's supposedly working on this next one that did BF or is that wrong? Either way I'd be very shocked if they didn't include longboat sailing in a game about vikings, but we've already had a lot of Mediterranean culture in AC recently so I hope they do something a little different.

Sounds neat. Assassin's Creed is only good for the enviroment design.

Well it would be different, you would be white for starters raiding islamic africa and established european rome, castles galore. sea battles against pirates from all over the place, trading slaves like pokemon cards, architecture kino, and a multicultural warscape.

it matches the times, I hope it's real

Attached: fuck off we're full.jpg (540x612, 106K)

The viking buildings from the early 1000's were about as advanced as US colonist buildings in the 1800's, so it certainly was not "behind" in technology at the time - and they already made AC3, which took place in those boring wooden house towns of America. It would be like that, except in a historically interesting setting.

But who are we kidding, it's going to have negroid Nordics and shit.

>viking shit
>historically interesting
fuck off there's already millions of viking games

>straw roofs

If only.
That'd be great.

They did have some quite well made fortified cities for the time ( you know, for a culture of raiders ), towards the end of their age before the christians came and turned them or however you want to call it around 1060 AD but that was quite rare honestly, it was still mostly farmers which just needed a lot of open land which didn't need walls or the such just fences to stop their animals from roaming away.

Asscreed is nu-male core


Would be retarded not to include the entire Italy and Spain peninsula.

That would allow them to include several different locations but man, I want muh comfy snow huts.

so more reused assets huh?

>another game set in the Mediterranean
Oh fuck right off Ubisoft

Uhh yes, Nordic history is far more interesting than most of the worlds history. It's not even close. They were by far the most based civilization to have ever existed that is for sure.
You're a retard. Straw roofing is something they would have only used on sheds or maybe on the homes of the poorest people, buildings so unimportant and cheaply made that none have survived to this day. Literally none of the surviving architecture from the viking era have straw roofs, but wooden or stone roofs.

the superiority of the MED

Attached: meddd.jpg (563x848, 100K)


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>Literally none of the surviving architecture from the viking era have straw roofs,
Gee i wonder why

Top kek at this denial

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You don't seem to understand the meaning of that image. South Tyrolese people are German, even though the territory belongs to Italy. The population are overwhelmingly German and speak German.

t. Ubisoft

You don't seem smart enough to understand why that makes your retarded cuck argument insanely fucking stupid. There is plenty of evidence of stone and wooden roofs built by the Norse, it was the norm.
Secondly, it's a dishonest argument to look at the houses of poor people and generalize that to an entire race, pretending like they all must have lived under straw roofs. You do realize all the poor fuckers in any culture and nation at the time were likely to have straw roofing? Mediterraneans included.
Meds seem awfully butthurt and jealous for people who did thousands of years ago have useful, noble people as their ancestors. It's a shame what laughable state you are currently in, but your LARP is not fooling anyone. Statistically Germanics have contributed far more to civilization and culture than Mediterraneans, your issue is in not looking at all of history as a whole. You selectively only look at Nordics vs Mediterraneans from the same era, not the total of their accomplishments. Because the truth wouldn't suit your agenda, now would it?
As you can see from this graph from Human Accomplishment statistical analysis, each of Germania, the Franks and the Anglos contributed more than Italians, and all 3 of those are Germanics so... would you look at that, Germanics have contributed over 3-4 times as much as Italians.

Attached: Human accomplishment.png (1237x1017, 108K)

cool, no mud huts then


Thank you for inventing mobile phones and the internet, based white northern man, so I can more efficiently fuck your wife.

t. southern man

i will never play an ASScreed Setting in gallego landia

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>we could have an assassins creed based on the 16th century spain, holland or germany
>Conspiracies and intrigues in the court of the Absburgs.
>Ottoman empire and italian cities messing shit
>Protestants vs catholics grim world war in the netherlands going on and the colonization of the americas in the background

One of the most interesting times we can't have it because american cannot into history.

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3/4ths of them are unironically (((Germans)))

>it's real
How the fuck do you confuse Rome with a random, small town that is nowhere near or looks anything like it?

Attached: file.png (680x380, 401K)

he's probably one of the ((germans))

Probably had floor heating or some other southern wizardry that Sven was dumbstruck by.

Lisbon showed up in one mission for Rogue

Would be fun to see an actual TW3 copy set in slavlands.

This more or less confirms raiding so I'm down with that.

However, AC games have shifted from urban games to exploring the places between cities.
Sure, in Odyssey and Origins they had cities you could run around and climb stuff in, but most of the action took place in camps, caves, villages and such. It wouldn't be too far fetched to believe that they went even further with the non-urban approach.

>your issue is in not looking at all of history as a whole
>Posts a graph conveniently ignoring everything from before the 15th century


I literally just proved in that post that we Nordics have far more of a history than you Medmutts.
Really most of your history is about getting raped and bred by Arabs, embarrassing isn't it.
Cool story bro
Germans are genetically the same people as Nordics. If you are implying with the ((())) that Jews did it, you are a prime example of how unintelligent Mediterranean mutts truly are. Jews have contributed almost nothing to science and technology in all of history. Extremely little.

Because they obviously did not have a map of the area?
Imagine being so retarded you think Mediterraneans had "floor heating" in the 900's. Holy shit Medmutts are so dumb lmaooooo


I have ubi intel, and you're lying.

Silly mutt, the few inventions of the Romans or Greeks in the ancient era amount to not even 0.1% of all European inventions in the past two thousand years.
Easily over 99% of inventions and scientific breakthroughs have come in the past 200 years alone.
You see, science and technology advance at a logarhitmic scale. I wouldn't expect a turkmongrel such as yourself to understand, but really, it's quite common knowledge...

>Jews have contributed almost nothing to science and technology in all of history
Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein did almost nothing, okay retard

This post is a conglomerate of pop culture misconceptions and just ignorance, first of all, technology advances (or rather used to) at a logaritmic scale only in terms of computer processing power, which wasn't achieved by scientific breakthroughs but simply through a process of optimization and production cost reduction.
Next, what do you count as inventions? What fucking metric are you using? Are you seriously counting sewers in the same league as peanut butter? Are you counting the legal system? Who invented the telephone: Bell or Marconi? Your posts come off as incredibly biased where you convenitently ignore timeframes and classes of so-called inventions as a measure of civilization where really everyone can see nordic people were barbarians who piggybacked on the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages, everyt accomplishment would never be possible of them if they weren't included into the Classic World's inheritance, which isn't true of other civilizations like Egyptians, Persians or Chinese

I hope they will develop medieval Japan era Assassin's Creed for the next gen consoles (Samurais vs Ninjas). Plus I want to see waifus in my game.

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>Giving a fuck about Ubishit in this day and age.
>Giving a fuck in what hasn't been Assassin's Creed in God knows how long.
> Not including Viking raids on Ireland for the fun of it.
Fuck this.

Attached: fuck it all.png (680x486, 473K)

Just play Tenchu you fuck. With the way, Assassin's Creed has been for years now you know they wouldn't bother making a decent Ninja/Assassin game.

Rumors mention Scandinavia, Germany and Kiev, so I expects something more like this.

Attached: 1.jpg (866x879, 100K)

>Have over 2 millennia of a headstart
>Get surpassed within 2 centuries
>Seethe on imageboards for the rest of natural life over it

Attached: Skål.png (401x598, 171K)

Britain, France and Germany contributed thanks to the civilization they inherited from Rome.
Even the never conquered Germania LARPed as Romans for centuries.

Every single nordoid achievement is built on Greco-roman foundations.

>Imagine being so retarded you think the Mediterraneans didn't have floor heating in the 900's.

And by the same token, all Greco-Roman inventions were inherited from Mesopotamia and Egypt, even their writing. Based Semite master race humbling the m*ds since the dawn of time.

>last Tenchu game was released in the mid 2000s, on the Wii. It was fucking terrible
>all the others are more than 20 years old or so
Sure thing faggot

You don't want waifus in Ubisoft games for two reasons:
1. They WILL be killed off
2. They'll be ugly as shit or have terrible personalities like Aya, who don't need no man

Except that's not true.
Mesopotamia and Egypt developed their civilizations earlier, but there's not evidence that Greece inherited much of any other civilization except the Minoeans.

Disregarding that, Greece philosophy was absolutely unique and a Greek product, and the administrative and legal structures of the Roman Empire were also a Roman thing. (not implying they invented law and administration mind you).

>Complaining that games are old
Ok zoomer

Because by the end of the empire Rome itself was just a small city with maybe a few ten thousand souls

>No evidence
>Entire alphabet visibly Phoenecian script
>Every trade concept taken from Phoenicia and Egypt
The absolute state

Realistically, what is the next step for ubisoft
Are they gonna make another RPG or will it go back to the roots

Trade developed independently everywhere, hell it might very well precede civilization itself.

The alphabet is circumstancial. Greece as a language already existed, and the phoenician script was not suited to it because like most semitic alphabets it lacked characters for vowels, which the Greeks were the first to create.

Life before and after the industrial revolution became so different it's just flat out retarded to deny this period to be the most innovative and impactful, shoo shoo retard

>Realistically, what is the next step for ubisoft
bankruptcy, hopefully

>another RPG
Have they ever done an actual RPG?

Reminder that event archaeological evidence admits that the first European civilizations were Mediterranean and that they expanded into the north creating stuff like Stonehenge and Carnac.

Where else were people supposed to come from, retard?

Nowhere, just reminding the nordcucks

They weren't related to modern day mediterraeneans, you fucking lunatic. Do you think neanderthals were just ancient Germans?

Vikangs were bix noods boring nigger rapists. They’re extremely BOOOORING

Actually yes they were as they were Neolithic farmers. Modern day nords are central Asian migrants.

Yes they are you Nordic coper. Nothing’s changed about the Mediterraneans or any other native Europeans in those regions. Your idea that Europeans look like germanics is a Germanic centric idea that came with the central asian migrants as this guy mentioned

so its just an excuse to use odyssey map
i know they stopped giving a fuck after unity but srsly?

Check the timelines, by that point the Eastern Roman Empire was over for many centuries. At the time Europe was mostly divided between Charlemagne's descendants, who died a handful of decades before

>If you don't believe meds did stonehenge you're a we-wuzzer
The sheer irony.

Not him but Northern Europeans literally couldn’t build anything with stones if meds were involved. The megalithic structures of France and England were created by Neolithic farmer migrants from the balkans who invented the first true European civilizations but had their civilizations destroyed by central Asian nigger rapist migrants that eventually became Northern Europeans.

You don’t have to believe it it’s an actual fact, moron. Read up on actual Neolithic history of Europe. Look up Wessex culture. Read Megalithic Builders of Western Europe by Glyn Daniel and Prehistory of European Society by Gordon Childe. They both have evidence for an Aegean/Eastern Mediterranean inspired megalithic religion/culture formed by early settlers and prospectors. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not real.

Semite inspired*

Why was it even necessary to assassinate Caesar in Origins when Cleopatra seemed to be set up as the more potent adversary? He wasn't the leader of the Order, didn't even display any undesirable personal characteristics other than some occasional "sexism" that was by no means extreme for the time, and killing him just puts Rome back into the hands of the aristocrats who Caesar was against before eventually turning into an empire that absorbs Egypt anyway. God the Assassins are so fucking dumb

Attached: caesar.jpg (176x286, 7K)

Jews are migrants like you, anglo

Southern Europeans / Neolithic farmers came from the Middle East and weren’t Semitic. Semites were just like you central Asian migrants.

Spreaders of civilization, you mean. From the origins in Mesopotamia to southern Europe, where they bestowed on their lessers the gifts of writing and thought.

>came from the Middle East.

Wrong. The Danubian Valley Civilization and Grecolopithicus prove the opposite actually.

Because every important ever who has been killed must have surely been a target of the Brotherhood.

lol nah you’re both wannabe Greek/Roman larpers

hell no, Odyssey map was hot garbage.

>another media making the Scandaniggers the good guys

There are people who still care about and actually buy Ubishit games???

Attached: befuddled_nigger.jpg (590x312, 24K)

>Wannabe LARPers
>Adopts superior Hebreaic religion and concepts
Who's the real LARPer, med?

The central asians

>hebraic concepts and religions
You do know that the “sacred history” of abrahamic religions is actually an amalgamation of Hittite/Egyptian/Greek myths and that there’s nothing original about it right?

Aya was just bloodthirsty.

>come from a shithole that is just 10 mud houses
>go raiding in the mediteranean
>see houses made from stone, walls taller than 10 ft
>you can't comprehand someone is as advanced as this
>so you conclued it must be the greatest city of the western world
>at the time, Rome had that reputation
It's not hard to understand if you remember the vikings were complete retards.

If it looks ANYTHING like another origins/odyssey reskin I’m not buying it. Those games are laughably bad and they need to completely overhaul everything about them

no one has given a shit about Assassin's Creed since Black Flag

Actual AC fans don’t give a shit about black flag. That game is a joke

Who cares? Those games are shit and full of filler content. Last asscreed game I played was the pirate one and an hour into the game I was watching cutscene after cutscene and then the title “ASS CREED 4 PIRATES” comes on the screen and I realized I had just played an hour long prologue so I immediately shut it off. These games indulge in themselves too much.

>actual AC fans

Attached: 1580954386378.gif (440x355, 2.32M)

>blacked fag

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>mfw I hear actual AC fans

Attached: F306E0C5-7560-4FC1-9958-99A6B91DFC6E.gif (320x240, 3.85M)

durrrr the best ones in the series are the least like ac durrrrr

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You can like AC for several reasons:
If you're a fan of the stealth gameplay, you're probably disappointed by the recent games.
If you're a fan of the settings and atmosphere, you're fine.
If you're a fan of the music, you got ripped off.
And if you're a fan of the story, then you're a fucking idiot lol.