here's how the legend of zelda botw 2 is going to flip the gaming industry on its head once again
>dark world or twilight realm make a return so it's not only the same map but also a new one
>playable zelda
>big dungeons
>overhauled combat
>overhauled horses
>overhauled crafting
>overhauled random enemy spawning during night or yiga atttacks
>overhauled enemy camps
>overhauled korok seeds
>the story has a darker tone as it progresses, sort of like majora's mask
>switch pro support for 60fps
>better visuals in every way
Breath of the wild sequel
also underground exploration and you can literally dig into the terrain and find shit underground
also it will have more ocean exploration and you can find more actual islands
Why do people think BOTW1 is so good if it needed all these systems overhauled? That's not a word you use for a small tweak.
why'd people think ocarina of time was so good?
it set a standard and since then we've gone past it
Isnt hyping up all this shit the might not be in the game just going to cause more disappointment? Unless this is a false flag tryign to cause more backlash against the game
also you can breed zelda
it will have all of these things and more, it will even have a musical instrument, hookshot, fishing rod and more
i like how they made her shorter and her tits smaller
"BoTW2" will get delayed until next generation and it will end up totally different game than it was supposed to be. Mark my words.
BotW will never be topped.
also there's a secret shield you can unlock and it is literally a skateboard and when you hop to shield surf it goes into tony hawk's mode with music and all, you can even do all the tricks and shit
also you can butt breed link
nice, cant wait to play it at 4k on my pc
also the game will have an electric guitar and when you play it will literally be guitar hero 3 and start playing songs like welcome to the jungle by guns n roses
>playable zelda
Stop asking for this, it's a bad idea.
Only way I could see this working is for specific sequences, like in Spirit Tracks. BU
this is from RDR2 but imagine with they made a botw game with these visuals, imagine this was transitioning into gerudo desert
*But as a full protagonist absolutely not.
I one the other hand don't want any switch character for different sections bullshit, that makes it feel like some spyro 3 minigame tier shit, I want it to be just pick your character and play, maybe the different characters have their own little feature but I want it to be so that you can chose whatever you want instead of shit being locked to some little section
>Why do people think BOTW1 is so good
Because of fanboyism.
BotW has a metric fuckton of problems and even repeats tons of the mistakes of other open world games before it. It doesn't innovate much at all either.
Look no further than Yea Forums for people that think BotW is basically perfect.
I won't say it necessarily looks, but I genuinely have a hard time being impressed by realistic environments, especially when we can have things that are so, so much more striking and beautiful.
you're implying people don't love skyrim and fallout and witcher etc.
But they would never simply reskin Link. Zelda has distinctly different abilities from Link. It would require a lot of work, too much work. To say nothing of all the animations. Waste of time. There's enough stuff they need to do already, they don't need to pander to waifufags. Ask for a playable Zelda spinoff.
>people that think BotW is basically perfect
Again. People don't think BotW is perfect. People just think BotW is the best. These two things are not the same. And a 10/10 score does not mean it's perfect, it means it got the best score, which is not the same thing.
look at some rdr2 footage I promise it's amazing looking in many parts, far more than botw and I love botw and all but goddamn let's be real, though of course they'd have their fantasy shit mixed into the visuals but I'm talking about level of detail and believability
in rdr2 the mountains and shit look like they actually should be there while in botw often they look like pasted on the environment without any regard to actual geography
real world is beutiful not just some generic isekai looking anime backdrop
Heh, which one's even uglier than the other? (laughs)
No, I never implied that. You pulled that out of your delusional ass.
I'm strictly talking BotW here.
Best in terms of what?
>combat is bad
>visuals are bad (even if you like the overall aesthetics, the textures, landscapes, draw distance, etc. is all bad
>story & narrative is bad, even the VO is mediocre at best
>very low enemy varierty
>the entire weapon durability system is clearly slapped on as a band-aid solution and is arguably the worst problem with the game, which has rippling effects even down to making shield surfing not very viable
>extreme amounts of bland copypasted "content"/rewards, like the korok puzzles and the shrines are almost all terrible (especially the combat ones)
>rewards are also widely inconsistent and the places you get them don't make much sense, like surviving on the island which is tedious results in a couple of rupees while an easily accessibly shrine nearby (easier to reach and complete by far) rewards you with climbing gear of much higher rupee value and worth
>if we're generous, the "dungeons" bar the woods and castle are below average at best
>exploration quickly loses its value when almost all rewards are orbs or korok seeds
>you have access to all tools in the beginning and how you player never really changes, even with the sacred beast super jump it's just timed convenience at best
And the list just goes on.
So no, I don't see how BotW is easily the "best" open-world game, if that's what you're suggesting.
It's not shit, but it's just as flawed as any other open-world game, some might argue even more so if we're being rational.
be strict if you want but I'm being real here people love all sorts of games with flaws in them
You need to travel more.
Why does people now think Zelda gonna be playable? I saw every fake leaks said this.
she's in the reveal trailer exploring the caves with link
There is no game out there that does everything you listed better than BotW. The whole package is just better than the other games.
Waifufags are desperate.
It used to be that they wanted Linkle but that changed after the trailer came out.
>musical instrument
please god let this be real
Sure, but if I'm being rational BotW is not an open-world game that towers above the rest. I wouldn't even say that it's the best.
If it wasn't Zelda, people wouldn't have been crazy for it.
There are TONS of problems they would need to fix for BotW, which they hopefully do and don't let all the praise get to their heads and improve on almost nothing.
It's because in the botw2 trailer she has short hair. Characters in video games only have short hair if they are playable because it's much harder to animate long hair and it clips badly.
I wanna play cave explorer with Zelda too.
Every trailer has zelda. You have zelda running away with you together on botw. And probably SS and TP trailer has her too
Not him but that could be used to defend a ton of open world games.
>it doesn't do any one thing particularly well but since it does a lot of different things, that makes it good
>There is no game out there that does everything you listed better than BotW. The whole package is just better than the other games.
Incorrect, but why waste my time trying to convince you when you clearly already made up your mind.
You're precisely the kind of person I talked about here and I have wasted my time repeatedly in the past trying to reason with people like you.
I accept your fanboy opinion, so keep trucking along with your life.
it has the better traversing like if you see a little cliff in botw you can get up it pretty easily but in like skyrim it becomes really janky and you have to go around or some shit and you can glide from high places
I dunno I think it has good traversing if you compare to other open world fantasy games
The game's name is legend of zelda. Of course there's gonna be zelda in the trailer.
...or someone on the dev team thought it would be a good idea to give Zelda a new haircut to distinguish that it's a new game, or because they just felt like it.
Depends on the Zelda. If it’s this hot sassy lass, it can work.
>I am a strong woman. I need no one's help!
>Characters in video games only have short hair if they are playable because it's much harder to animate long hair and it clips badly.
Why is this not a problem for Smash Ultimate Zelda?
>they did something just for the hell of it
Yeah i'm sure that's exactly how things work. People just work for free.
You're scared shitless that you're maybe going to have to play as a female aren't you?
How can i be a fanboy and not have the game or the console myself?
That was SS Zelda. Ultimate Zelda would work because she’s an actual mage. So having a magical counterpart to Link’s weapon arsenal would be fun.
it's sideways so it's easier to make animations more believable but if it's proper 3D movement the hair has to animate in more dynamic ways
>Smash Ultimate Zelda
Each movement in fighting games is prescribed. You can't predict what players are going to do in a sandbox.
Beyond the gliding it's not much different from your average AC game.
The gliding is 'freeing', but it also bypasses a lot of the actual traversal in a pretty bland and boring way (it's not like in Spider-man with the web swinging, gliding is very passive).
The fact that shield surfing drains durability is frankly idiotic. Shield surfing is more interesting and engaging, yet (unlike gliding) destroys your inventory (shields also not being prioritized over weapon slots, for example), which makes better shields (especially early-mid game) not something you want to have drained on something that is less efficient than gliding.
So you're saying a game you haven't even played does open-world better than every other games out there?
So you want to paint yourself as an ignorant idiot instead? Ok, fine by me.
I dunno in assassin's creed you're not in this bigass fantasy land map with tons of cliffs everywhere and mountains to climb and shit to see in the distance like that and the gliding is really useful
Or…you know just let Link used them like guardian magic. Or say that he can now use magic beacsue of his new green hand.
Yes and it exists in the real world. It isn't needed in games.
This is retarded. Especially since you can pause and rotate the camera in any which way at any frame.
Animations are animations though, and several stages contain unique effects like wind and etc... fighting games have many more actions you can do than in any other game. Each character has a laundry list of states, 50-100 for Smash. Meanwhile, other games are significantly more simple in terms of animation.
yeah I can just go to some chinese valley to get an areial view just as easily as launching a game
Or, you could let us play as Zelda and introduce a game with two different characters that have unique strengths and weaknesses, instead of having one character that can do everything just because. Moreover, two characters could introduce a co-op gimmick.
yeah but the character is moving sideways so there's more limited ways you need the hair to animate...
>I dunno in assassin's creed you're not in this bigass fantasy land map with tons of cliffs everywhere
>gliding is really useful
Sure, but it quickly becomes boring (because it's passive and too useful, since you basically just skip large parts of the world) while being vastly superior to the more intersting alternatives like shield surfing.
no you glide in the game constantly when you get to high place and look at where you want to go
I never said that i didn't play it but it doesn't matter for you because you only see black and white.
Google Earth exists, so yeah. The point of fantasy is that it can do things that don’t exist irl.
yeah bro let me walk in jungles and climb in chinese valleys on google earth
fantasy = anime level of believability
lol no they can have actual attention to detail and still have bigass skeletons or something embedded in the scenery
>The whole package is just better than the other games.
Well that's fucking bullshit, even Arkham City is still way better than fucking BotW
>no you glide in the game constantly when you get to high place and look at where you want to go
You're illiterate and I won't repeat myself a third time.
I'm rational and I never even hinted at my views being black and white.
But no point in wasting time on someone that hasn't even touched the game in question while proclaiming it's the best open world game. That's just delusional.
So bye bye.
you say it's boring but it's really useful like it's useful every few minutes
most peope just dont agree with you, the level design in botw is the most beautiful world ive ever played in. I bet every single detail was handcrafted and reviewed by the two of the biggest legends of videogames over and over untill perfection. While other games are just generated or directly copied from real world.
But that’s not how it works, and the character isn’t even facing sideways most if of the time either. Plus all her animations are so complex she’s twirling forward and backward all the time.
people don't agree that rdr2 is one of the most beutiful open world games ever? lol okay
This all sounds like things to be expected from a sequel, not sure how it's going to turn anything on it's head.
you see a mountanous wall like this in front of you and in botw you can get up it many ways and if you're up there you see a lot and can glide from it while in most other games you have to walk down some path or some shit while in botw you just get the fuck off and head wherever you want
Idk what you’re trying to argue here, but what I’m saying is the strength of fantasy is that you can let your imagination go wild and do shit not even remotely possible irl. Going for just bland recreations of the real world isn’t impressive. In fact, the biggest weakness of the Zelda franchise is that the biomes are pretty generic, but even still, we’ve gotten some truly imaginative locales, especially in the temples/dubgeons.
I'm arguing that it would be a lot better looking if it had rdr2 level of attention of detail look at how those cliffs blend into the terrain in
>Spend 20 minutes climbing a mountain
>Look around
>Only see empty fields and more mountains
>"You can do whatever you want!"
Then I choose to turn the game off and play something else.
damn she looks creepy, botw is a really ugly game
I disagree. There’s a lot of strength to stylization and realism with anime styled characters would look like shit. Also, a lot of the architecture in Zelda straight up wouldn’t look good with a realistic art style. You just have shit taste cause you think high fidelity = better, and have zero appreciation for artistic stylization at all.
Ok, I'll repeat myself a third time with small words, but this is the last time.
>gliding is too useful
>gliding is so useful it makes shield surfing (which is more interesting and fun) become even less viable
>gliding quickly becomes boring because all it is = jump and hold down a button
>gliding basically makes you skip large parts of the terrain (reducing all the potentially interesting traversal and climbing into a single button press)
In all honesty, gliding shouldn't have been in the game. If anything it should've been more of a parachute with poor horizontal movement.
Shield surfing should not have drained your shield durability.
The entire process of catching, training, managing and summoning of your horse should have been less tedious (because it's too much of a hassle, especially when you're better off just gliding everywhere or even just making a simple speed potion).
The difference is that OoT actually set a standard that no other game had precedent of, and on top of that was a great adventure game with the time travel twist that worked flawlessly at all levels of design.
BotW didn't really do much but copy other game systems and then be Zelda.
then you're just fucking dumb I'm sorry but having some shitty looking cliff not be blended into the terrain in a believable way is just worse than having believable geographical details
>stand on edge of cliff
>no gliding
>can't shield surf
lol okay
BotW, and most open world games in general, doesn't really reward the player for climbing that mountain though. It's just there to be there. You climb it, look around, and you're in the same place doing the same thing you were at the bottom.
except there's stuff on the other side and on top of it
Gliding oversimplified the traversal of complex terrain in BotW, there’s a specific moment I remember that totally ruined the game for me. It was early on, just after the first Quest line in Kakariko, where I had to head north to reach the Zora province, you’re on this cliff and you got this massive river that seems impossible to cross, so you look around, and scan for a route, and see some places where you could make your way through, but then I think “wait, why don’t I try gliding over it from here, surely I can’t reach it...” but sure enough, I did. There was no planing of routes to traverse, no figuring out how to scale DOWN the cliff, or finding clever ways to cross the river. Just jump and glide, and that about summarized the entire game’s exp for me.
The glider shoulda been a late game item.
If it had dungeons, it’d be the one you get from the final dungeon, but alas...
meanwhile botw cliffs and drones try to cliam ps2 level attention to detail is better lol
drones really will justify anything
>but muh realistic graphics
The only idiot here is you. Go back to playing your FotM AAA normie garbage with no substance.
So you didnt notice you can fight from the horse, and horse has auto path following?
>illiterate retard
Let me spoonfeed you what I also said
>If anything it should've been more of a parachute with poor horizontal movement
>poor horizontal movement
Meaning it would be used to break your fall from great heights, use above open fires/windy spots to travel vertically, etc.
As it stands, gliding is basically a skip button that shits on the other forms of traversal because it's so effective, costs you nothing (in terms of resources) and is always available to you.
ah so you can't get anywhere when you see a place you want to go to when stadning high
lol alright then
gliding allows you to go where you want, why force you to parachute directly below you if you don't want to go there???
you should play death stranding instead, its just the game you want.
Because it trivializes the terrain in the game.
>So you didnt notice you can fight from the horse, and horse has auto path following?
Did you read the last part of my comment? Of course not. Because reading is hard.
why's it matter if you can glide towards the place you want to go?? what's it mean it trivialized the terrain? it let's you go where you want
I’m not a fan of Kojima’s pretentious nonsense.
Kind of?
lol look at that shit and tell me it wouldn't be better with more attention to detail
aw it's using words like people do
>gliding allows you to go where you want
Which is precisely the problem. You no longer need to think and actually TRAVERSE the environment.
You should be able to go anywhere you want, just not in such a passive, simple brainless way. All you have to do is hold down a button and skip to wherever you want, without any thought.
Compare gliding to shield surfing. IF gliding were to be as useful as it was, it shouldn't functioned more like current shield surfing.
>objectively the best exploration of any open world game, set the new standard for every open world game to meet
try again, user
yes you do need to traverse the environment however when you are in a high place where you can see more you see where you want to be and you can get there without having to go where you don't want to be, it's not like you're legit flying anywhere
Man I wished it looked this good on Switch.
Rdr2: high quality jpgs pasted onto high polycount structures that you can do fuckall with besides look at, because you sure a shit can bet the clunky ass stilted Rockstar quality controls won't let you do anything but go down the dusty trail. Besides there's nothing out there. You know there's nothing out there because your map tells you there's nothing out there.
Botw: pastels and Crayola crayons melted onto playdough fun shape clay, and you can do whatever and go wherever with enough planning and skill. Constantly rewarded for exploring with either rear materials, koroks, and weapons or encounter special enemies or events like fucking dragons or magical Iwata horse, a sick special chalallange island or a literal snow bowling alley. Even when appropriately dead lookibg there's little bits of interactable flare thrown in.
Gee I wonder which would naturally feel more alive and engaging
Because part of the fun in a game where the main focus is traveling is making the traveling engaging by creating choke points where you gotta think about how you’re gonna progress. Hell, this was even a thing they talked about at their GDC panel, with how they wanted to create in world “puzzles” of sorts through the environment that you could solve in numerous ways.
How do you cross this?
You can cut a tree down and use a log
You can get food for stamina to swim across
You can blow yourself up
That’s the point of the game. Yes, Gliding should remain in the game, but as an endgame reward to empower the player. But force us to experience the game by removing options that trivialize it. What BotW lacked was a sense of character progression since all of Link’s abilities were frontloaded when they shouldn’t have been.
No, it wouldn’t look better if it had higher fidelity and more realistic visuals.
it'd look 100x better if the terrain blended in a believable way and the cliffs had more real erosion patterns etc.
it's not like you can glide when you're on the ground though? it's only when you're in a high place, well I guess you can create a fire and use it as a updraft or some shit but that's pretty fun right
It depends how it looks with the stylized look they chose. They wanted their game to look like a Ghibli move, if higher detail would compromise the art style, then no.
>it's not like you're legit flying anywhere
Yes it is. You glide constantly since it's the fastest, cheapest, easiest and most efficient way to travel.
You glide over any terrain, bypass any potentially interesting platforming/traversal 'puzzles' the designers put there, bypass enemy encounters, etc.
Gliding is effectively a form of "fast travel". You thoughlessly and effortlessly skip to wherever you want to go. Actively making the game less interesting to play. You largely remove actual traversal from the game.
It's just thoughless and bad design, that de-incentives the thing the designers want you to do and people praise. The game would've objectively been better off with a parachute instead of a glider.
there are areas in teh game where you have to think more (like floating on a log down river to get into a cave). I bet you have not found them, you dont want all traversal to be a hazle since then you get death stranding kind of game, they have clearly gone for freedom feel when traveling in this game.
their game doesn't look like a ghibli movie wtf lol
also you're confusing the color shit with how the game lacks geographical details like erosion patterns in a cliff or how a cliff blends in the ground etc.
And the point is that the whole game devolves into climbing high, and gliding across obstacles, instead of forcing players to tackle said obstacles in creative ways. Because the obstacles are there in the world, but you have no reason to take them on when you can just glide over them.
You still have to climb up something before you can glide somewhere retard. Then it becomes a matter of optimizing your path. Yeah you could climb a ten foot wall and glide over the moat or you could walk over the bridge. One is a retarded way to do it. Just because the glider exist doesn't mean it's the end all problem solver. In fact most people use the glider to safely get down from somewhere high rather than moving long distances, it's less optimal and fun than just using a horse.
no it doesn't it's you go wherever looks interesting and if you end up high you jump off and glide towards whatever looks interesting
The game is clearly inspired by Ghibli. Particularly Mononoke and Nausicaa.
There are always elevated areas you can get to or a fire you can create to bypass most things with gliding.
As has been said, gliding is fun the moment you get it, since it's "freeing". But it quickly makes the game very very boring to play if you use it.
The way gliding is implemented now is one of the problems with the game the designers didn't think all the way through (along with tons of other things, like shield surfing).
those movies look 100x more beutiful sorry bro
Name one part of the game that's like this. There's plenty of places were gliding could solve your problem bit you can actually do it, like the dungeon with the flowers planted around it and the maze with unclimbable walls.
yeah you can glide pretty far if on the top of a mountain, you can't glide very far if on some little hill
Exactly, and skip any obstacles along he way while you’re at it.
> In fact most people use the glider to safely get down from somewhere high rather than moving long distances,
Exactly, and being forced to go the long way forces you to engage with the game rather than hold a button down and pause to eat food every few seconds.
And yes, people will glide over a gap than take a bridge if said bridge is further away, but the point is that the road to the bridge is paved with obstacles and enemy encounters that make the game more interesting. But why bother, once you learn all you need is some high ground that’s all you ever do.
what sort of obstacles do you keep skipping? do you face these very same obstacles anyway when you glide somewhere and continue from there?
Obviously, cause those are hand drawn films and this is a WiiU game. But the art style is clearly derived from it.
>there are areas in teh game where you have to think more (like floating on a log down river
Yes, wow. Those are outliers when most of the time I did just glide wherever I wanted with 0 effort and thought.
>I bet you have not found them
Stop with these idiotic baseless ideas if you want to be taken seriously.
>you dont want all traversal to be a hazle
So you're saying traversing in BotW is a hassle without the glider? So traversing in BotW isn't fun?
>you get death stranding kind of game
Funny, they claim that walking around the enviro is great fun and claim that things like ziplines (which they all use) shouldn't be used since it basically "skips" the traversal part. So just like with the glider that skips large parts (except the glider is always available and free).
>gone for freedom feel when traveling in this game.
Which is moronic and a pitfall of bad designers. They made the exact same mistake games like Anthem did.
This is why for example web swinging in Spider-Man is 100x more engaging than gliding in Zelda. So much so people never use the fast travel system.
Similarly in Sunset Overdrive how traversal is actually engaging, unlike the glider in BotW.
I'm pretty sure ghibli movies use painted background that are based on reference I looked some mononoke background and they look believable
Most of the game in fact, and I even gave a specific example right here It’s actually much easier to count the number of instances that the glider is NOT the best solution than otherwise. Especially since most people skipped a lot if that content by flying over it.
Are you retarded? You're complaining a non point that everything in the game is optional, including the entire game because the bad guy is immediately accessable, as a weak point? Yeah you could skip actually playing the game with the glider, you could skip actually playing the game with literally anything. That's why people like it, it's not a design flaw because there's no hard incentive to do anything unless you want to, aside from the tutorial and final boss, that's it, everything (including gliding over everything) is optional. What point are you making?
They’re stylized, and that’s the point being made. Go look at the EVRs for Nausicaa if you don’t believe me, since you evidently have never watched the films.
>fanboys are now saying that the glider isn't too powerful and easy to use, while shitting on the very idea of traversal the game tries to sell you
So the game really is flawless, huh? Even the gliding is perfect the way it is!
>I need games to tell me how to have fun
I've watched ghibli films, botw severly lacks attention to geographical detail and would look tons better if it didn't
you know how assets blend into the environment and if they have erosion patterns that make sense, botw looks very much like a video game in that shit looks like pasted on the environment and then quickly blended in while rdr2 everything has so much attention to detail in how it makes sense
Yeah and rdr ended up being not fun, so I guess it didn't really matter did it?
Why wouldn't you improve on ideas if you have them? Just because the first product was a massive success, doesn't mean it can't be made even better.
>it's been three years
>he's still spending his days trying to convince people that BOTW IS TOTALLY NOT GOOD YOU GUYS WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN?
You're defending minimal input-maximum output pitfall design with logical fallacies, fanboy. Try again.
No wait, BotW is the perfect game, no arguments needed. That's the fanboy way. I forgot.
yeah well I'm talking about the visual asepct of things, I'd love a zelda game with as much attention to detail to it
I dont get how someone have the audacity to even think that a master piece --that they could have never create themselves -- needs these small adjustment, like the glider is too glide-y -- would be better with parachut.
Maybe you would like it, but it seems like nobody else. just let it go.
because it's so good despite its flaws
durr durr
>>he's still spending his days trying to convince people that BOTW IS TOTALLY NOT GOOD YOU GUYS WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN?
This my friends is why Zelda fanboys are retarded.
They're illiterate and delusional.
People have even stated repeatedly that the game is good, but it has a lot of flaws and problems that should be addressed for the sequel.
so someone says the glider sucks because it makes you skip all the gameplay but at the same time you still end up gliding somewhere and playing the game there, what do you exactly skip? nothing really
Explain how it's a pitfall design
>I dont get how someone have the audacity to even think that a master piece
Thanks for letting me know not to waste more time on you, since you're clearly too irrational and emotional. i.e. a mindless fanboy.
No no, don't bother replying since I won't read it. Why waste time on a fanboy after all.
>big dungeons
100 dungeons using the same assets like the first one
>overhauled enemy camps
Can't wait to fight the 2 types of ennemies again
i bet you will read it, do a non-glider playthrough and you get what you want, problem solved.
it looks alright like this but I'll probably make the hair a different color it doesn't work that well as orange imo
MI-MO design is when something takes minimal effort but is extremely powerful or useful, to the point where it trivializes your other options, level design or general design of the game.
It's similar to the Avoidance Path level design problem where one stealth path in a level is never contested by enemies or hazards.
This can for example be a move, skill or weapon you get that basically breaks the game the way it was intended to be played.
As for how this ties into the glider, several people, including myself, have already gone over this again and again ITT.
I’m not saying the game is bad, chill your autism soi-kun. That said, the game isn’t free from criticism, and it does have flaws. Among which, the metroidvania style sense of character progression that’s present in EVERY SINGLE Zelda game except this one. I’m not saying the Glider is a bad idea, I’m saying it was a bad idea to give it to the player at the start cause it trivialized a lot of the inherent challenge found in traversal that made the game engaging. This is also why the Great Plateau was where the game was most fun, cause high places posed a risk of death, and you were forced to think cleverly about how to approach the game, because you didn’t have the glider yet.
This is another argument for why scrapping the dungeons for shrine was fucking stupid. Those should have remained, and the Glider should have been one of the “endgame” items. And yes, you could still lock this quest behind late game by making it the hardest dungeon to access by creating a series of “keys” that the player needs to obtain before getting there. You can do this right at the start, but it’s not immediately obvious to new players. And the keys don’t have to be literal, something as simple as “finding a way to survive a volcano” counts as a key. You call this, soft locking. Meaning the dungeon is best tackled at end game, but you're able to do it early on if you know what you’re doing. Ffs, the VERY FIRST Zelda was like this.
And yes, you could still make it so that you could fight Ganon without the glider, it’s just that much more difficult.
There’s literally no argument for why certain items like the glider shouldn’t have been end game, and why the game couldn’t have had a sense of progression by obtaining useful items from dungeons. Not NECESSARY items that would hard lock you out of stuff, but useful shit like the Glider, the Hookshot, and the Pegasus Boots that empower you by making things that were once difficult a lit easier.
>bla bla bla no argument
A game's quality isn't indicative of how many or original game systems it has, but rather how they intertwine in the game.
OoT wasn't completely original, no matter how much you try and fool yourself otherwise. It's how it took several concepts and game mechanics from other games and made it work in one game. The same can definitely be said about BOTW.
>explain and gives out an argument
>fanboy shitposts because he's too close-minded and mentally immature to hold a normal discussion
Try again when you've mentally grown up. If ever.
it's been 3 years dudes
move on already, it's starting to get pathetic
No, no parachute. The game was most fun during the great plateau when a lot of shit, not just enemies, could kill you. Including heights.
Where is the argument? Your post explains the definition of MI MO and then just says "other people said why glider is shit so I'm not saying it". In other words, no argument.
noooo you can glide 300 feet you skipped all the gameplay stop it noooooo
Instead of learning something, you opt for shutting your ears and pretending you’re right. I’ve met 8 year olds more mature than you.
Nice. But where is the argument?
>playable zelda
Do not want.
Link is a Hero who's trained and fought his whole life to be as good as he is. Having Zelda be just as viable as him because "lol magic" is fucking shit.
Right here:
But as ive said earlier in thread, Zelda has for a long time been played with certain restriction for replayability, "3 heart run", "no shield run", "master quest/mode"
so why not a "no glider run" sounds challenging. I know, you wont get achivment digital badge, but thats ok.
I'm not saying the game is free from critism , I'm saying this point you're making about the glider is dumb as shit and nonsensical. There's plenty of places where you outright cannot use the glider in any meaningful way, the sprawling fields, the gerudo desert, the plateaus atop mountains, and there's places you can't just GLIDE into, trivialize with gliding, like the hidden maze, various shrines, the Misty forest, that one place that's darkness all the time, gerudo village, yiga clan hideout, etc. In fact, the only places you CAN abuse the glider in is mountainous areas, which are far and few between, are often gated by in game events like rain, and to even use the glider you still have to CLIMB which means you still have to traverse the landscape, but suddenly that doesn't count because you don't have to CLIMB back down ? I already climbed up, let me fly down if I want to fly down. What dumb bitch point are you making with the glider? It's so stupid, it's such a stupid hill (you can't glide from) to die on. Did you eat too many dumb bitch pills? Was there a special on dumb bitch juice in your local Walmart ?
Oh I see now.
You're wrong.
So did people legit think Older Zelda dungeons were masterclass in game design or something? Because i've played all the 3D Zelda games and BOTW not having "traditional" dungeons didn't bother me at all desu
Like I honestly feel it's more of a nostalgia or "This is what Zelda is supposed to be" thing rather then it actually mattering. I mean I didn't hate them or anything, I just don't really care about them that much on a gameplay level that them not being there would make me upset.
Correct, to be topped you need to have been at the top once before
no but they had some atmosphere both in terms of visuals and audio and also a bit length to them making them seem as some little place instead of a blue room or two
Because a “no glider run” doesn’t solve the problem of there not being a sense of character progression in the game, like there has been in every Zelda game before it. More hearts didn’t make you stronger, it was overcoming dungeons and coming out stronger by having collected a useful item that made previously challenging things a lot easier. This is also why the best remembered items are the most practical.
I personally have littered filled half the thread with arguments why the glider the way it is causes tons of problems and imbalances in the game. You clearly ignored all of it or didn't read the thread because your close-minded immature mind just wants to shitpost.
So here you go, read this then and come with some actual counter-arguments. We both know you can't and will just shitpost because you don't like to challenge your ideas. These are just the posts I made, but by all means read the others as well.
To further elaborate on MI-MO and why it's bad. Humans are creatures of habit and will fall back on the most effective and convenient way of play, even if it is the most boring. Bad design is in allowing this to be the most effective way. The best way to play should also be the most engaging and "correct" way.
If a MI-MO design is your most effective way and also dull, then that's objectively failed and bad design. As the user over here they wanted players to traverse the enviro in interesting creative ways. But there's never a reason to do it since gliding is the MI-Mo way pretty much always.
>no you
Literally less mature than an 8 yo
I read your argument, and I think you're wrong.
This is also why again, the great plateau was the most fun for me. You having talked this over, if there’s one wish I do have for BotW2 it’s “no glider till the end.” That little tweak alone would make base BotW1 way more fun.
So you're saying you need a game to force you to play a certain way or you'll get a niggling doubt that you might not be having as much fun as you could? What kind of schitzo mindset is that?
>I think
Your opinion isn’t a fact, and comparing your immature behavior to that of an 8 year old isn’t name calling. You don’t like being compared to Elementary School kids? Then stop acting like one.
Gliding itself is an obstacle. Managing stamina, managing elevated distance and observing climates is not a "MI - MO" design.
There are plenty of scenarios were the game does not want you to climb, in a way where climbing/gliding is more difficult than taking the default game's approach. Zora's Domain on first visit, Gerudo Desert, several towers (Gerudo Highlands especially), Hyrule Castle, all the shrines.
Being completely honest, you'd probably have a better argument if you were talking about shield surfing.
Your opinion isn't a fact either. But I'm not calling you 8 year old.
Your posts are embarrassing.
That’s not what he’s saying, and there’s tons of in game challenges that you DO skip over cause the glider and infinite stamina trivialize it all.
you stopped replying to me but I still wonder what obstacles do you keep skipping and if you end up facing them anyway after gliding to whatever place you glided to
I mean you also have to climb up those hills and mountains so don't you face those obstacles there too?
>So you're saying you need a game to force you to play
No, I never said this. I said MI-MO design is bad design. Which it objectively is since it even directly contradicts the way the designers wanted you to play. But it, like with many of the systems in BotW, are poorly thought out. Most likely because BotW was rushed.
But I already know I'm wasting my time on you. You're not here to discuss, just to scream at people your close-minded opinions and not challenge your ideas.
Difference is that my opinion is backed by reasoning and evidence whereas yours is backed by a childish temper tantrum.
Gliding is absolutely key to the game’s core loop. It makes you want to get to high places, because being high up increases your empowerment, and it lets it use cliffs and high places to push the player to explore in directions they might not have been going otherwise, by opening up clear glides into unexplored territory. It is absolutely 100% essential in providing peaks and troughs of empowerment and excitement in the world’s traversal.
>You're not here to discuss, just to scream at people your close-minded opinions and not challenge your ideas.
If it's the exact same map but with underground shit to explore and fixed loot and durability, it'll be perfect honestly. The lack of ANY dungeons and especially the durability system and by consequence the lack of any vaguely meaningful loot killed BoTW for me.
Changing the glider to be a "lock up new areas" item (metroid design) is not what the game is about this time. By changing this part you are changing the whole game. its regressive, it's like older games i've played many times already. There are other zelda games like this already. So you just want this game to be more like them.
>Managing stamina, managing elevated distance and observing climates
These are all literally solved by pausing the game to eat shit, and Revali’s Gale. Your argument doesn’t hold up.
>Difference is
There is none. Opinions are not facts. No matter what they're backed up by.
Do you really think fucking Nintendo? The company that has been rehashing the same bullshit for the last 30 to 40 years would overhaul a game this drastically? I see BOTW 2 having minor improvements but nothing ground shattering.
why's it be perfect if it's the same map???
Go play minecraft, fucking zoomer
You're the one who's close minded, you're applying your subjective boring ass playstyle to everyone else and assuming everyone played the game the same as you did. Who the fuck glides everywhere? Recalling botw landscape, that sounds like it would be even more monotonous and time consuming than just riding a horse. Literally no one agrees with you on this glider point, you think it might be a YOU problem?
Once again, I started this thread with an example. how many more times will I have to quote this post?
>implying it wouldn't be cool to dig some spot and find a fucking dungeon or some shit
botw will Chang ethenzelda trend of being shit on at release and loved 10 years later. In ten years people will cringe at how they fangirl'd this dumb fucking game. They haven't made a good console Zelda since tp
I never said opinions were facts. In fact, I LITERALLY said the opposite , and THAT’S a fact. You’re the one who took offense to people stating criticism of the game thinking it was a fact, when we’re in a thread meant to discuss the things WE didn’t like about BotW that we think the sequel could improve, but you’re so caught up in shitposting, you take any criticism toward the game as a personal attack.
yeah gliding is literally oversimplifying getting up those mountains in the distance
The Zora domain is covered in rain, so you even if you glided down across a river, you'd still have to climb up and traverse the watery landscape , or are you saying this completely undermined the entirety of the path up because I cannot for the life of me recall how that's possible, because the Zora domain sits atop a nigh unavailable peak with a riverbed base and the only access to it is a bridge. It's also the only example you've used and seem to have on hand. It's a weird thing to be fixated on.
botw is the mgs5 of zelda
im glad you will never make zelde games
>no glider for you, until the end
what a fun guy you are
>Gliding itself is an obstacle.
If you want to call it that then it's a pebble compared to everything else the game.
Gliding everywhere is quick, easy, always avaiable to you, the superior way of traversing (since you can also skip large sections) and makes tons of the alternate more restrictive ways of travel (that also takes more though) shit.
Shield surfing for example is flat out worse.
>requires a shield
>will drain the durability of your shield
>is locked to ground level
>still needs elevated positions to use
>can't be used in most of the areas the glider can (like jumping off a platform, cliff and so on)
This by itself is clearly faulty design, even if the glider didn't cause all the other problems it does.
The glider is also just one out of many issues I had that they hope they fix in the sequel. But it ties into a lot of the other issues in the game like how pointless and boring it quickly became to fight the same old enemies (I just glided over enemies since losing durability on better weapons for shitty clubs and trash items was never worth it).
No one said “lock up new areas” retard. The glider would be identical. Only difference is rather than get it at the start, you have to dig it out if a dungeon that’s difficult to access.
Empowerment simply comes in the form of making things that were once difficult like: getting down from high places, crossing gaps, etc... significantly easier. The problem with the glider is that it’s such a powerful item, it honestly feels like it should have been given as an end game reward.
I'm the one posting tons of arguments while people like you respond with single line shitposts answer.
But you're clearly not self-aware enough to notice. Now go ahead and prove me right with another brief shitpost reply.
>Do you really think fucking Nintendo? The company that has been rehashing the same bullshit for the last 30 to 40 years would overhaul a game this drastically? I see BOTW 2 having minor improvements but nothing ground shattering.
>Literally no one agrees with you on this glider point, you think it might be a YOU problem?
I agree with him. And so do a lot of people I’ve talked to. I think the closed-minded faggot here is you, as you’re too blind to see any flaws in the game.
You know you can just run past enemies anyway, right?
You want a completely different game, one that focuses on set challenges you have to complete to progress rather than freedom to go through or around them with any method that works. That’s not a flaw, that’s you not enjoying the games fundamental philosophy.
I said TO get to the region of Zora’s domain. Lanaryu or whatever it was, from Kakariko, before the rain.
I-Is that 2B's dress?
but I still want to understand what do you actually skip when you glide? you still end up gliding somewhere and the game continues there and you have to walk around and if you want to glide you gotta stil climb up high
>im glad you will never make zelde games
Then you clearly don’t enjoy videogames, as that’s how they’re all designed. The strongest most powerful items are given to you at the very end.
Your opinion is still wrong.
>You're the one who's close minded
>you're applying your subjective boring ass playstyle to everyone
Try readin what is being said instead of inserting your own delusional ideas.
I said why the way the glider currently works makes other forms of traversal inferior while also being too easy, thoughtless and is always available (unlike say the horse, shield surfing, rafts, etc).
This is factually true. The glider is way superior to for example shield surfing. If you disagree then back it up with arguments (but we both know you won't, because you can't).
>Who the fuck glides everywhere?
Most people, I'd argue. We even have people defending gliding as someone they do all the time ITT.
Why? Because gliding is so incredibly good and useful. It's basically a skip function.
Or are you telling me you pretty much never glide in BotW? If so, why? Because it's boring?
>than freedom to go through or around them with any method that works.
Except this is completely trivialized by the fact that 90% the optimal method is finding a high point, climbing to it, and gliding over everything. Or just casting Revali’s Gale and doing the exact same thing.
There is no freedom of choice when the overwhelmingly better option is always readily available.
>minecraft is zoomer shit now
wtf. I loved the shit out of minecraft in 2009 2010 or whenever Yea Forums raved about it the first few times.
Get a new word or use real arguments next time
Because the overworld map is fine, it's just empty. I'd rather they spent their time making totally fleshing out this world with stuff to find, dungeons, and better stuff than waste time creating an entirely new topology and have it be empty again. Obviously it would be wonderful if they made a new world to explore and it was full of content but we all know that would not happen, if there was a totally new map it would be empty as shit and devoid of content like the first game.
> than freedom to go through or around them with any method that works.
Literally the content that was promised and the game was designed for. Why would you ever cut a tree to make makeshift bridge to cross a gap when you can just jump and glide to get over it?
every other open world series manages to make a new map though
It's not always available, you have to climb to use it. You make it seem like you can glide from one half of the map to the other, and it's not the best form of travel, objectively speaking the fast travel is, and horses are also faster in horizontal distance, and don't have a height requirement to use. Shield surfing isn't for traveling, its a goof off tool like magnets , octo balloons and rafts.
No, because opinions are not facts. You only have good and bad arguments and thus far yours have been incredibly childish and terrible.
well if I'm down on ground and there's a river in front of me then it's easier to cross the river than make a fire and glide over it or find some tall enough structure to climb up and glide over the river??
>You know you can just run past enemies anyway, right?
Why do that when I can glide over them way faster and also bypass the terrain? Either way, just an example.
>You want a completely different game
I want a better game. I don't want MI-MO design.
Seriously, I loved the idea of for example shield surfing. But it's so incredibly impractical and shit compared to gliding, especially since it drains the durability of your shields you already don't carry a lot of (unless you spend all your seeds on that over weapons, which makes very little sense).
> freedom to go through or around them with any method that works
This is what I want. I want to be forced to be inventive. I want the best and correct way to play to also be the most engaging.
If you're saying that gliding everywhere is too good and people should do it, why did they put it in the game? Are you going to blame the players for bad games design? Of course you will, because you're a fanboy that thinks the devs and the game is flawless and can do no wrong.
I'm done wasting my time with BotW fanboys. Never again. It's always the same. Especially when we count in the single line shitposters.
And every other openworld series is also empty dogshit. I really don't understand why anyone cares, what difference does it make? A new map will feel basically the same, what real difference will there be in just the terrain itself being new or the same? Personally I don't fucking care, I just want things to do and places to explore which was completely absent in BoTW. It felt like a beta version of an open world.
>Double posting with a mobile up
Real convincing samefag, your argument is swaying nobody. It's not the games fault you found a boring way to play.
>It's not always available
Unlimited usage, unlike a shield. It's not a resource. If you want to glide you can always do it.
>t's not the best form of travel
I seriously stopped reading here. If you're going to start lying then I'm out.
Yeah gliding really trivialized the maze and Hyrule castle.
Oh wait....
I already know what all the biomes look like I want a new place with a new layout and new structures and new biomes, I already know where the snow area is I know where the jungle area is etc. I want to find new places
go watch a movie snoyfag
It's only slightly faster than walking. Horses have much faster horizontal coverage .
That’s not true, actually. That’s a facile conflation of power in terms of numerical strength and power in terms of interaction with the world’s design. The most powerful and fundamental tools are usually at the start, because the entire structure of the game is built around them. For instance, the entire structure of Hyrule in BotW is built around the glider empowering players the higher up they are, thus encouraging them to seek out high places and look for other high places they can reach in order to maintain their speed or else make a long downhill glide to cut a big swathe through their unexplored map at the cost of keeping their empowerment. It turns the exploration from simply picking a direction and running to a leapfrog between high points, always on the lookout for a higher peak or a cliff with sight lines into the explored, potentially radically altering the path and even destination of your travels. Precisely because it’s so powerful, and that power is fundamentally baked into the game’s design, it was available from the start. Removing it would be like removing Mario’s jump - it’s his most powerful tool, so shouldn’t it also be his last? No, because it’s core to the game’s entire conceit.
>It's not always available, you have to climb to use it.
Objectively false because Revali’s Gale exists, gives multiple uses and charges quickly.
Plus, it’s only ever NOT useful in flat areas, which are not where most challenges present themselves, as the game is built on varying layers of verticality. Hell, just looking at a map of the game and you can easily how elevated ground is present in most parts of the world.
>You make it seem like you can glide from one half of the map to the other,
That’s a disingenuous misrepresentation of what he’s saying. Noone is saying that. We’re saying that it trivializes the challenge in traversal when you can just glide over it.
Why bother finding bridges to cross water or cutting down trees to cross gaps when gliding is always the best option?
if you say gliding simplifies traversing to the point where it doesn't exists anymore then you just don't understand that in order to glide you have to traverse up to a high place in the first place and when you glide somewhere you are now in a place where you have to traverse up to a high place if you want to glide again
That’s a “shield surfing is shit” problem, not a gliding problem. Take gliding out and it would still be not worth it compared to just running.
Because some rivers are too wide to swim across and you will drown if you try, but with the glider, why bother finding an alternate route? Just cast a fire or climb up high and cut across it by flying.
how do you use a log to cross such a river though?
Didn't read the entire thread, but I mostly agree with you user, gliding is too easy and way too strong. I'm not so sure that it should be a late game item though, there are simple ways to nerf it so that it gets on a horse/shield surf level of movement:
- less horizontal distance as you already said
- make it wind dependent
- requires some startup (actual hang glider where you need to run and jump, deploying it mid-air only acts as a parachute)
- or plain costing way more energy
But also for some counterpoints, gliding is one of the key element of BOTW: traversing huge environments while gliding is very fun, and you're never really forced to use it...
And without Revali's Gale or food (that could be removed/tweaked first), you still have to reach high places, so it's totally part of the core gameplay.
It actually does trivialize the maze cause distinctly remember climbing to the top of it using Revali’s Gale and finding that one bit where you could stand to do it again, and getting to the very top of the walls where you could just run across and jump over the gaps in the walls with the glider.
Revali’s Gale doesn’t give enough glide time to be worth using on its own. It speeds up climbing to high places, it doesn’t replace it. And while fast, it certainly is nowhere near fast enough to simply spam the glider as you imply without constantly considering elevation and when and where to use it.
Don't say "we're" like there's more than one person arguing this retarded point.
>Why bother finding bridges to cross water or cutting down trees to cross gaps when gliding is always the best option?why bother doing anything in the game if the quickest and easiest thing to do would be to run straight to hyrule castle and beat the game? Why play the game when the easiest thing to do is state at a wall instead? Why bother doing anything when you can just kill yourself?
See how much of a non issue this is? You lack structure.
>you have to traverse up to a high place
Revali’s Gale exists, removing the need for climbing to gain altitude.
you can look at the maze in the map too
>Because some rivers are too wide to swim across and you will drown if you try
Oh no, it’s retarded.
isn't it a three time use and cooldown? it also doesn't make you go very high so I don't see how it takes away all your walking around suddenly
I said logs for crossing gaps. Like, between two mountain cliffs? I bet you didn’t even realize there are tons of places you can do this in BotW cause you instinctively just hopped over, and glided across.
What trees are big enough to let you do this? Most people would probably jump and climb up if they didn't make it
Yeah, but you don’t have to solve it if you can just run across it from the top.
I use trees and logs all the time.
One of the things I use them for is to cut them down against cliffs, so it’s easier to climb up to the top and glide somewhere new.
name 3
user the switch pro is not happening
that's fine but I disagree, I personally don't care. I feel like the overworld itself in these kinds of games is basically just padding, you see a new biome and then it's cool the first time and after that you don't care because it's just more empty shit. For me, it would be perfect if they just take this world and actually flesh it out with an underground, more stuff to find, polished combat and loot, and maybe a new biome or two instead of a full set of new biomes that are just empty shit full of bokoblins again.
well yeah but you can just climb and walk the top
Because the problem isn’t being a replacement for walking, the problem is it trivializing inherent natural obstacles found in the world.
Compare how much more engaging the game was during the Great Plateau where high places could kill you and you had to think about HOW to get down, as well as how to cross gaps and rivers, vs. how you totally forgot those were even things in the game after you leave the Plateau and have the Glider.
no it's a game about exploring, finding the new places is the biggest pat of exploring in this, once you've found all the areas it's pretty boring to walk around it
Do you even know what the words you use mean?
Itt: retard forces himself to use the most boring travel option in the game exclusively and goes out of his way to skip content, blames Nintendo for this.
The entire jungle area is basically structured like this.
Having a glider didn't stop people from falling to their deaths.
you still cross rivers in the game all the time?? rivali's gay isn't something you just spam
I want to see 3 of these gaps so I can look if they're actually some shit that gliding ruins or if it's actually a case where there's a 100 other ways to get across anyway
You guys remember that the mazes’ objectives were at the bottom, hidden under the walls, right? You couldn’t just hop to the center, it was enclosed from above, you had to explore to find where the right connection was. All getting to the top does is help you hop across to a different segment, which seems to me like a clever way to circumvent an obstacle but still without simply giving you the solution.
There’s like three people arguing that the Glider is OP and a hand a handful of fanboys refusing to accept reality. Also, literally everyone played the game “the most boring way possible” because literally everyone used the glider as the first solution. On the contrary, I challenge you to fund footage of people NOT using the glider to play the game outside of challenge runs.
>you had to think about HOW to get down
The fuck is this bitch talking about? Climb, drop, catch yourself again before you hit the ground.
also that rivali's gale isn't some early game content
It does if you’re not retarded and enough stamina for the last few bits of your fall. That, or just glide from the top and consume food along the way to regain stamina.
Look for them yourself, I already gave the most vivid example I could remember ITT. I haven’t played the game in years.
you are right but why is it more fulfilling to find a new biome like some mushroom jungle or something that will ultimately be empty and full of zero actual content than to have the same overworld but be able to find proper dungeons, minibosses, caves, enemy camps, events, better towns, etc?
I tried to but I can't find any on the map
it's exciting when you don't know what's there, I'd rather feel disappointed in hindsight than before
And you gotta manage stamina, rain, and obstacles, sometimes enemies waiting for you at the bottom too. You got the glider? Just jump off and land 5km from where you were earlier, bypassing anything along the way.
I didn't, I rode my hose everywhere. Just because you're autistic and wanted to spend 10 minutes climbing up mountain sides and jumping off because you felt like it made you epic and faster isn't my problem.
I'd say about 80% of my travel time was spent on horse back or just fast traveling.
and you land and continue playing on the ground...
>Climbing up doesn't matter, only climbing down
Based retard.
You can’t use the horse to cross obstacles. That’s literally the argument being made, holy shit. How many more times does this have to be repeated.
Yes, having skipped a lot of shit you would have had to confront had you been forced to climb down and walk there instead. Enemy camps, rivers, etc...
No no, you land and look for the nearest climbable structure, climb that for five minute then glide off again. Repeat until there are no climbable structures in which case you burn off all 3 gales to continue gliding. If you have no more structures or gales, stand in place until your Gale recharges. Repeat ad infintim
not him but I'm still trying to find some gap or some shit in the game that gliding ruins
Well then I just climb the obstacle? I cant exactly glide up a mountain side can I?
you skipped some only to face some, you have to continue walking anyway and if you want to get up to that high place you have to walk that shit
oh so climbing up these structure doesn't count as traversing but climbing down does okay lol
No, none of that is true. You just drop past the obstacles, it doesn’t take any stamina to fall, rain doesn’t matter. And you know where else you will find enemies? EVERYWHERE, INCLUDING WHERE YOUR GLIDER LANDS.
The game is designed with the intent that you will not confront every single bokoblin camp on the map.
Except you’re constantly thinking about climbing and looking for places to climb to, because being in those places is so empowering.
No what he wants is a game that railroads you from one encampment to the next and forces you to complete every Devine beast to progress through the game. No bows- er, Ganon until you collected all the maguffins, and then once you beat the game, you will get the glider and infinite stamina so you can play the game how you want. NOW you're having fun, the game dictates that you are now having fun.
I guess that's the difference. I feel more value in a lasting experience vs a first impression, a more fleshed out world but the same biomes will be a lot more fun for years to come on replays and more generally rewarding than the first "wow" moment. Same reason I still replay dark souls 1 and demon's souls for the past ten years but only played dark souls 3 once.
Fuck you you stupid annoying asshole, I’ve mentioned it ITT 3x already. Right fucking here, I marked it in red. There’s plenty others, but that one always stood out for me for how disappointing it was.
Am I the only one who almost never used fast travel?
I'm in that red area now and I need some explanation as to what I'm supposed to be looking for
the new game needs a hookshot a wingsuit and the glider back
oh and add some guns while you are at it and a plot to take down a dictator
>The game gave me the option to do something quick and efficiently rather than forcing me to chop down ten trees, diddle with controls and hand craft a bridge for 3 hours
O don't think this game was made for u m8
A wingsuit would have been bitching in botw I can thing of at least five places it would have been cool
The point I’m making is that the game was way more fun at the Great Plateau as you had many more choices to make, most of which are trivialized by the introduction of the glider. Don’t wanna agree? That’s fine, I don’t care whether you do or not. I know other people do at least.
I literally never said that you strawmanning faggot. I wanted a modern take on LoZ, you know, what was promised? Except LoZ had dungeons with items and a sense of progression.
Woulda much preferred it if BotW had 8 proper themed dungeons all with conventional items inside like the Glider, the Hookshot, the Pegasus Boots, the Lens of Truth, etc...
you mean to tell me you never played just cause 3?
Cross from the high area across the river, to the Lanaryu province, with starting stamina. With the glider, this is trivial, you can easily reach the other side. Without it, you gotta find a way down first, and across the river, probably through the marshlands.
Literally not what I said, but it seems you enjoy building strawmen.
you don't even have to do none of that even without gliding I don't know what the dude means with that area
The virgin glider
>oh, a hill, I wanna get to the top, being high up gives me so many options, might even let me cut past the next bit of the way to my journey and travel on my own terms
>don’t really wanna climb that cliff though, maybe there’s a better path around this way
>oh wow, a totally clear view into a province I haven’t visited! I wasn’t planning on going that way, but since it’ll be so easy to go that way for here, exploration ho!
The chad non-glider
>It’s a tree.
>And a gap next to the tree the same size as the tree.
>Working out this developed-intended solution makes me feel smart.
>Well, time to keep running on as much flat ground as possible towards my marker again.
The just cause series was a terrible game but a fucking fun as fuck sandbox. "Just cause 3 is a pre modded game" is the best description I've ever heard of it.
What gave you the impression it was going to be a modern take on LoZ? All that ever came out about the game was that it was open world and you could go anywhere and do whatever you wanted, which it delivered on. You set your own expectations without any evidence supporting it and are buttmad the game didn't deliver on a promise it never made.
there's constant bridges over the river
>The chad non-glider
>>It’s a tree.
>>And a gap next to the tree the same size as the tree.
>>Working out this developed-intended solution makes me feel smart.
>>Well, time to keep running on as much flat ground as possible towards my marker again.
please point out where this is outside the plateu I'm really trying to find one
Because I literally never said anything about chopping trees to cross that river.
Fun fact, I never ever had to make a makeshift bridge in BotW cause you can just glide over everything, but it’s a feature the devs constantly highlighted, so much so they even featured it at GDC.
The point being made is that gliding trivializes traversal by simply letting you fly over to find the shortest path across. In that specific path, if you couldn’t glide, since the river is too wide to swims across and would drown, you’re forced to take different route that takes you through the marshlands, which have a unique arrangement of islands with items, and a hinox, all of this is entirely skipped if you glide. There’s also another area, way over in eastern Hyrule, where you got this fuckhuge mountain. How the fuck do you get down? If you didn’t have the glider, this would be a good question, as you’d be forced to go the long way around down the slope, where it’s full of enemies. But with the glider, just jump down and ignore that.
Not at the exact cliff from the Hateno Province, the one right next to Kakariko.
The fact that the game was LITERALLY marketed that way ad constantly praised for that.
Describe your experience playing botw post plateue
>Ok let's go to the village
>Run down path because between the pleatue and village is mostly flat lands
>See enemies off the path
>Side tracked, kill enemies
>Back on path
>See shiny, get sidetracked again
>Explore a little, find fish, more enemies, a shrine or two
>Find my first stable
>Get a bitching new horse
>Learn horsery
>Back to the village
>Repeat getting side tracked for 3 hours
>Find a shrine on top of mountainside now that I'm getting close to village
>Climb mountain, do shrine
>Ride horse to village
I think that user might have a point
I'm trying to find a place where you need to make a makeshift bridge if you didn't use a glider
btw you can't glide over the river anyway at least before clearing the divine beast because it's raining
does climbing itself too trivialize traveling because you can go over the wall instead of around it?
okay so I'm at the one that's a ravine and you can't cross it with starting stamina also it's raining when you first get there
No user, gliding is the only method of travel that trivializes the game. Because you can do it anywhere at any time and you can glide up mountains and through walls
I can only climb from higher places downwards so you're simply wrong
I flew over it just fine, and I never said anything about making bridges. In fact, I said there was never a point where I felt I had to make a bridge with a log outside of the Plateau cause gliding trivialized that. I’m arguing that gliding forces you to skip content by giving you the easiest solution possible over obstacles. Like once again, crossing that river, and not having to go through the marshes instead.
I'm being facetious
There's an enemy fort in the Hebra region which no obvious way to get to. I looked over at a nearby tree and I wondered if I could use it as a ramp. Chopped it down and it fucking WORKED. The game is amazing.
yeah I read the rest after posting lol
I don't see how you did it I am at the place and the gap is too big even without rain you end up having to climb past your stamina and on top of that it's raining
Why should I ever HAVE to do anything? I went into the marshes because it looked cool and there was cool lizard people in it. You sound like you wanna be hand held through everything.
I crossed it just fine. I vividly remember that as i was one of the very first disappointments I had with the game. I was right at the start too, so I didn’t even have two wheels yet as I hadn’t done any of thee beasts yet.
I can post an image of the place if you want but I really don't see how you can do it other than if you go to the wetlands
He was probably somewhere really high already. Either way it's a weird complaint
I'm at the highest place you can go too but yes I agree it's weird he's complaining about crossing some ravine with a glider when there's really no other way in this case anyway but I'm just saying it's not even practical with the glider, it's the part of the game where they really try to get you to go thorugh that path to zora's domain when it's still permaraining
the highest area in doom breath of the infinite is korok mountain
We don't have the next 3D Zelda to shit on yet.
Beats me, I haven’t played the game since it came out, but I distinctly remember gliding across, and being disappointed. I remember cause I was setting out if Kakariko/Hateno Province for the first time, I’d checked put the nearby mountain, went back to Kakariko, and said “ok lets go to Lanaryu where we have our closest marker.” So I took my horse and headed north of Kakariko through the East Exit (past the fairy spring), came across this massive cliff, at the bottom this long ass river. I could see the tower in the distance so I made it my priority to get a proper map of the area. As I look down, I see there’s no real way across, I look over and see the marshes, and see that as the clearest path over to Lanaryu, so I start planning a way to get over there the fastest, as I didn’t wanna have to go back around the long way on horseback through Hyrule Field, so I think, what if I climb down, and walk by the river till I come across a bridge, surely there must be a path, better yet, I coud jump down and use the glider. And then I think “hey, why don’t I glide across...? No, there’s no way that will work. But lets try anyway, no harm in trying, if Indie whatever.” Jump off, glide, turn my glider to lower ground, and make is safely across the river. As I run over to the tower, I just feel a sense of disappointing “really? That easy?!” I then go and fight the Lizalfos and make my way up the path toward the Zora domain. No, it wasn’t raining for me. The rain didn’t kick in till after that first cliffy area by the marsh beach were you have a bunch of Lizalfos. Gsme was glitched? Idk. But that was my exp, and since then, the glider often felt like the simplest solution to everything.
maybe you mean some other place idk, you can glide over the gap where the big stone ruins area is in the other ravine with those stone structures and pathways on top of the water
>switch pro
the least believable out of everything you said here
if you found the glider to be an issue I'd think you'd find fast travel to be the bigger issue because you can use that to get out of the bottom of a valley instantly while you can't glide out of there
The DS will be Nintendo's third pillar!
look at this dude
>m-muh empty world map!
>n-no content!!!
You fags have been going on about this for years now.
I honestly can’t remember. I described it as best I could, but I haven’t played the game since it came out. I liked it, put about 100 hours into it, beat it, got all the memories, all the divine beasts, etc...
It’s not a bad game, that’s not what I’m saying. However, to me, my experience was often marked by the Glider being too handy of a tool and and too much of a safety net. Not saying it shouldn’t be in the game, but I much wish I hadn’t been given it at the start. I had the most fun during the great Plateau, but once the sense of exploration wore off, and the challenge was trivialized, the glider often marred my experience as making it way too easy to get across over areas that during the tutorial segment required you carefully scan the geography of the land to plot out your best path. Between the Spider-Man tier climbing and the glider, BotW felt like it gave you TOO much freedom, and that level of openness feels more like the state the player should be in at the end of the game. It’d be like giving Samus the Screw Attack at the start of Super Metroid. I would have loved to have played through BotW without the glider during my first run. Between heights being more dangerous that way, and you having to be more keen in how you explore, I felt the game could have been more fun.
Again, not a bad game in the slightest, but to me, the glider being a starting item was one of the many flaws the game had.
nah bro you gave one example I can't even replicate in the game as your argument
glider only makes getting to things that are below you easier pretty much
where was that? I don't remember anything like that in Hebra
Yes, Fast traveling was also bad. That too shoulda been a dungeon item. Like maybe a flute or a whistle of sorts? That, and an item to manipulate the weather, perhaps a baton, like a waker of winds... who knows...
But between those two and the ones I already mentioned it’s easy to create a list of items the game could have given you as dungeon rewards. Not things that are lock and key rewards that harlock content like a Metroidvania, but items that take you from being the hapless hero who struggles to get from point A to point B, to a gliding chad who moves around with ease. Using the Hookshot to climb, gliding across obstacles, etc...
Pegasus Boots
Lens of Truth
Warp Whistle
Wind Waker
It wasn't in the mountains, it was on the way to the Rito village iirc.
I don't remember anything like that in Tabantha, either.
Now you’re ejust being a cunt. Fuck this, I’m going to sleep. You fanboys are insufferable.
I don't by any means pretend this game is perfect lol but gliding is a good thing to have in the game, it doesn't eliminate you having to walk around at all because you end up landing somewhere
I ain't your fucking tour guide fagit, do you not believe me or something?
he don't he think you lyin
for real the game doesn't have that much environmental puzzle solving when it comes to getting to places though, lke if you don't use the glider the alternative is pretty much always a tiny detour or some climbing
Nigger, I've play the game. Either you're lying or I've missed something that sounds interesting.
That's a lot of posts for someone who doesn't care whether people agree with him.
>I don't by any means pretend this game is perfect
I don’t believe you.
I made the thread and I think all of the things that I listed as being overhauled being something they should improve on, there's more I think should be improved too
None of that is going to be anywhere near as in-depth as it's made out to be, and we all know it.
Based and Snore of the Wild pilled.
Hopefully the horses still have fat juicey asses in botw 2
you come near my farm you will wind up eating a couple of shotgun shells
I was merely agreeing with someone who shared my thoughts and only shared my opinion and experience only to have it constantly challenges by people who for some incomprehensible reason either didn’t understand what I was trying to say, intentionally misinterpreted what I was saying, or refused to accept that such an opinion was possible.
I remember now WHY I stopped going to BotW threads. Because discussing this game critically around these parts is fucking impossible. I wanted to talk about what we felt the game could improve and the fact that my opinion was shared by a few other people gave m hope we could have an interesting discussion, but instead I got a miserable slog of having to state the exact same idea again and again and again and again and provide backing arguments and evidence to people who refused to accept anything that was being said cause they took it as a personal attack.
Nah, fuck this and fuck all of you. I don’t care to discuss what BotW2 does or doesn’t do anymore. Hell, in fact, considering it’s gotta appeal to mothbreathing retards incapable of critical thought like the majority of BltW fanboys, I really shouldn’t get my hopes up.
This is my last post ITT. Fuck all of you.
I don’t believe you. You sound like a typical fanboy.
aight well I think the game feels pretty empty pretty fast like the discover aspect of it died quite a bit before completing the game, like yeah you still find shrines and enemy camps and koroks but it starts feeling like is that it
Blame the horses for being so thicc in the ass
BOTW is a good game, but it's extremely Fram from perfect. Other than exploration, you could say that all of the factors could be improved by quite a bit, but they're good enough combined to still make breath of the wild good. If BOTW2 actually gets shit right, it may become the best open world game ever made, though the chances of that aren't high in my opinion.
>install horse vagoo mod "for fun" in Skyrim
>uninstall it later because every time I ride my hose I have to stop and fap and never make any progress
The exploration could be improved a lot since there is nothing to actually FIND in Breath of the Wild. There is also no real sense of anticipation because you get all the tools you need right at the start of the game.
>>overhauled combat
>>overhauled horses
>>overhauled crafting
>>overhauled random enemy spawning during night or yiga atttacks
>>overhauled enemy camps
>>overhauled korok seeds
All of this means nothing until you give details
hey I played this camp yesterday, I happened to get to it from above though but I also though wait doesn't this have any platfrom to get up to, it's on the path to rito village
well you picked the one area of the game where cliffs jutting out like that makes sense. its a fucking desert. you're not wrong necessarily, you just picked maybe the dumbest example
that image has intricate erosion pattern doe
The biggest innovation BotW did was those little stickers I could put on my map to remember where weapons were
i mean yeah the switch isn't ever gonna have the ability to render terrain like red dead 2. red dead 2 is probably the most beautiful game ever made imo, although death stranding is up there too. i loved botw as well
I know but I was just saying it'd be amazing to get something like that in a botw style zelda
for sure user. you might enjoy horizon zero dawn if you never played it. it has botw elements, especially the slow down time bow mechanic. it even has proper dungeons
>zelda game does something poorly thats already been done 100 times on other platforms games
forgot pic
Yeah big dungeons and playable Zelda are huge innovations. No one ever thought of that before. I will grant that the 'overhauled' stuff could at least possibly be innovative, but aside from that the only innovation in your list would be managing to make a game run at 60fps on a switch.
the innovation is that they're done within the botw framework
It was gonna be dlc
>>playable zelda
Why the fuck would Nintendo let you play as this useless nerd when Ninja Zelda and Pirate Zelda weren't good enough to be playable?
>insult assassins creed but zelda themed
>stop seething!
>playable zelda
Why are Nintendies so excited about being SJWs?
the ass was fat
Suggesting BotW is anything like Ass Creed just shows how seething you are.
it's ultimately 85% the same 5 enemies on a big empty plain, korok seeds, shrines, and chests containing consumables or weapons that break in ten hits.
>you fags have been going on about this for years
check your persecution complex console war autist. In my first post I said the emptiness was what "killed the game for me", not even that it's objectively bad or overrated or something.
>it's ultimately 85% the same 5 enemies on a big empty plain, korok seeds, shrines, and chests containing consumables or weapons that break in ten hits.
Prove it.
I can prove you're full if shit. Imagine that.
Recolored enemies
ok big guy, what is there to find beyond the same 5 enemies recolored, weapons, seeds, shrines, and consumables? There's the labyrinth that has the barbarian set, and that's cool and it needs more than that, but the labyrinth itself is bland grey empty halls with a few recycled nonunique enemies. There aren't even really biome unique enemies which feels pretty awkward in the lava and snow biomes.
Golfing minigames lol
Cool looking game shame you can't climb
Ulitmately Super Mario World has you fighting the same 5 enemies across empty levels with power-ups which disappear in one hit.
Ulitimately Resident Evil 2 has you fighting the same 5 enemies in an empty police station with guns that run out after 5 shots.
You can lie and make anything sound shit. As always, BotW seethers have to
Redefine the characterisation of video games to invent a narrative for themselves to hate the game. And every single time they never offer up a better game.
>what is there to find beyond the same 5 enemies recolored, weapons, seeds, shrines, and consumables?
*All the towns and villages
*Hyrule Fucking Castle
*Spooky Woods with forest imps protecting a magical fucking sword
*Eventide Island
*3 giant fucking labyrinths
*Mini bosses everywhere like Talus, Hinox, Lynels, Stalnox
*Yiga Clan Hideout
*Giant fucking sand monster bosses
*All the unique locales including vast deserts, rainforests, volcanos, frozen winterlands, canyons, forests, lakes - all of which is playable content which does not exist in other games
*Over 100 completely unique subterranean mini-dungeons comprised of challenges, puzzles or assault courses
*All the unique weapons and armour
*A main quest line which has you running a gauntlet of enemies through a mountain trail, a stealth mission to recover electrical arrows from a centaur monster on a mountaintop, using those same electric arrows to assault a gigantic robot elephant in a lake while riding on the back of a merman.
*A main quest involving sneaking in to female warrior city, rescuing a local from a bunch of ninja assassins and then boss fight, attacking a gigantic robot camels legs while shuttling at speed through the desert pulled by a sand-surfing sealion.
*A main quest where you have to locate a warrior in the snowy mountains, pass a shooting minigame to prove your worth, assault a gigantic robot bird in an ariel battle
*A main quest where you save a local from a mine, help him sneak through a fortified volcanic trail and assault a gigantic robot lizard.
*The four fucking divine beast dungeons themselves.
*Countless sidequests
*Confronting a fucking dragon on snowcapped mountain top
*lost memory quest
*Ruins shrouded under a spell of darkness
And thats just off the top of my head.
>noooooo! Doesn't count!!!
I know you're trying to act like you work for nintendo but you keep forgetting to at least make up a new title. It's not going to be called botw2.
have you considered zelda rape?
not gonna bother trying to explain that there's plenty to do, but i do wish there were more enemy types. i feel like there couldve been some sort of world progression that would justify replacing the same boring old bokoblins and moblins that populate the world. by the time you get to the endgame its just boring. that said there are more like 15 different enemy types
bokoblins, moblins, lizalfos, all their skeleton variants, hinoxes, taluses, lynels, chuchus (lol), guardians, scouts, wizzrobes, skywatchers, keese, octorocks, yiga blademasters and footsoldiers.
Zoras in botw are really cute
they look so fucking trash in botw
>tfw you will never fuck mipha like a savage animal until you cum deep inside her fish pussy
Holy shit you're so dense
Yah no argument thought so, thanks for 15% tho
dont forget the lost woods shit
When I first hopped into Ruta and could move its trunk I thought that was cool as fuck
You got BTFO and still try to deny it. lmao
lol lol olo
Is the GBA version of A Link to the Past the best place to start with a newcomer to Zelda? Or should I emulate SNES? I hear SNES version has translation issues.
Good god play the original SNES version.
because you have to be an authentic legit nintendron of course disgusting how could you play any iteration of a game that's not original??
I'm gonna emulate anyway so it's not like I'm being authentic
>switch pro
so this aint coming out til like 2022 lmao
Games can still be good despite minor issues
just look at DS, there are so many little things wrong in that game, but the overall experience is still good
You're literally describing Skyrim you fucking nintendo faggot
you can also give Sidon a rimjob, Nintendo HAS been listening to fans
twilight realm? In that case I hope we get to see what happened after midna came back into power. Would be cool to have a full and functional kingdom instead of just the ruins of one.
why would you rim a giant fish dude when you can have an endless, clean, freshwater pussy buffet?
he's degenerate gay
your grasp on the english language seems poor
GBA version has annoying as fuck soundbytes added everytime you swing your sword.
>>playable zelda
hahaha nope
now tell me
what can you do in all that nice looking empty space?
you can ride a horse and???
you can suck my cock slowly starting from my balls working your way up the shaft
It hasn't even topped Minecraft.
2 things
is it worth it having good graphics if you can only do 2 things?
and one of those things you need another person?
>realistic = good
I don't know there's no rule you can only have one thing it's all in your limited brain
>amerimutt trying to "call out" a semantically and grammatically correct sentence
lmao the irony
I dunno about all that but that's not what topped means
something in the middle can have something on top of it, and be topped
not that user, but something does not need to be on the absolute top in order to top something you brainlet
Something that's in the middle is already topped, and as such cannot be further topped, apply yourself
Except that's wrong you fucking retard
That's not what you said. You've gone from saying "it can't be topped" to "it's already been topped."
Man this sucks, you're dumb
I said that BotW can't be topped because it wasn't on the top to begin with, not only are your general language skills awful, your reading comprehension is atrocious and attention span non-existent
if "something" tops "nothing", and "everything" tops "something"; while everything does top nothing it doesn't make something stop being on top of nothing
Okay, well, good for you, congratulations on the epic bait that totally doesn't make you look low IQ or anything
Enjoy the yous and all that
I topped your mother in bed
But to be "topped" means that it did better than it. You can still top a game that has already been topped.
I wish the rafts in this game were more useful
BotW threads every fucking day.
>g-good for you
holy kek
Why can't other games be as good as BotW?
because nigdingdingDONGDONGbingbing
>ya ha ha, you found me
she looks fucking ripped in the second picture lol
god I hate rain in this piece of shit it's never a good thing and always happens when I want to climb something
This seems like such a hard concept for some people.
>Some parts of the game are flawed and we're going to fix them
Its fine to look at things in retrospective and say "oh they should really improve *that* and they could add *this*".
Thats fun. Its healthy.
But we get these fucking retarded ignorant babies who try to turn these ideas on their head and try to make a narrative that the game is somehow "bad". It's beyond delusion. And you'll notice that they'll conveniently ignore or reject all the reasons why the game has received so much praise from everyone.
>still can't criticize BotW without getting called a snoy or that one pic being posted
I think BotW is a solid 7 and that the sequel will be the genuine 10/10, can't wait until it's released
I just realized that Zelda BOTW is a titlet big ass slut