Continent with population twice the us and six times japan

>continent with population twice the us and six times japan
>not one good game

Attached: Europe.jpg (1676x1200, 1.84M)

>europe is a single country
>not a collection of sovereign countries that more or less hate each other


european union is basically a country like US is

they made the best RPG of all time
there's no point in creating any other games

>european union is basically a country like US is

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outside of Germany, France, Italy and Spain, Europe still hasn't recovered culturally from the cold war and ussr controlling their industry.

it's a good game, wth

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The top 3 highest selling games are European (Tetris, Minecraft, GTA V).

You couldn't be more wrong.

they didn't make chrono trigger

no, it's not, you tardie

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not like Americans have made a single good game

Please be bait.

America have ruined gaming with your retarded microtransactions and loot boxes, the sooner you kill yourselves the better


he said continent you absolute retarded faggot

Only the greatest RPG ever made

Attached: 1549669244189.jpg (1440x1080, 1.04M)

he also included part of eurasian continent in european thread. point missed entirely.


Next world war WHEN?

I'm glad I'll never be as dumb as you


close but that's not Gothic 1

When Serbs kill prince William.

someone's embarrassed

not yet