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Famitsu names BOTW & NieR the best game of the decade
Why do these yellow fuckers have the need to name their eras after their emperors?
Based nips
But why does Square Enix keep ignoring Chrono Trigger?
They aren't capable of making a good game, so they don't want to kill their goodwill by ruining their two most beloved games (FF6, Chrono Trigger). They rather beat their already dead cashcow into the ground because of it's braindead NPC fanbase (FF7)
because they know they'd just fuck it up. They already did with Cross.
Shit games all of them
Nips only play shitty gacha games so their taste in real games is bad too
Cope, western games are trash & nobody except NPC casualfags care about them
Undertale did what chrono trigger tried to do so whats the point?
Most new games are shit doesnt matter if western or eastern
Also holy fuck use less buzzwords please
Your memewords are outdated son
>Dude just make another one lol
What if they don't have the original team, or said original team is busy with other projects? It's been decades
>just do it anyway or give it to another team
I mean do you REALLY want that? Tokyo RPG Factory made a Chrono Trigger-inspired game and people who went into it expecting CT were disappointed as fuck because it was mostly inspired by CT in terms of gameplay and not world/story.
nier shit mustve been voted by creepy nerds. the moepigs are fucking poison.
nigga what?
Speak english you fucking dumb cunt. Stop trying to fit in.
Fun fact: Famitsu also voted on their top 5 video game soundtracks
> 1. Okami (Capcom)
> 2. Chrono Cross (Square)
> 3. Final Fantasy X (Square)
> 4. Final Fantasy V (Square)
> 5. Chrono Trigger (Square)
nier is fucking shit
Being a jrpg game that played with your expectations and breaks the 4th wall for comedic and dramatic effect
I know undertale was more inspired by earthbound but i still see lots of chrono trigger in it too
Cope more Beep
That's a tiny bit too exaggerated analysis.
Okami was such a shit game literally style over substance
> Contrarian westcucks still seething
You talk about taste but you only look at the game's origin to judge its quality?
Weaboos are so fucking cringe kys
>BotW beats out literally every relevant Zelda game in the series
>Nier Automata
Japan has shit taste, debate me.
You can't.
As usual, Japan has poor taste in games. BotW is the only good one up there.
BotW outsold every Zelda game in Japan and worldwide, more people know about it compared to the rest of the series.
its actually fucking shit but moeshit consumers dont care. and its not like they love nier2. they just voted for it just because its the last moeshit rpg they played. they are so shallow and casual.
The most popular american gaming site literally named Majora's Mask & Final Fantasy X the best games of the 2000s, it will always be Nintendo & Square Enix winning every decade
>Bassicly every game after the NES.
>They pick 2 games that are still bassicly brand new
He is in
Botw is legit the worst zelda and has nothing to do with legend of zelda
Id rather they made it a new ip entirely but then it wouldnt sell as good
There has never been a game that causes contrarians to cry & shit themselves like NieR, what made it such a masterpiece?
>The most popular american gaming site literally named Majora's Mask & Final Fantasy X the best games of the 2000s, it will always be Nintendo & Square Enix winning every decade
user, did you even fucking read the OP image
>of the decade
no, not decade. decade is 10 years. Heisei era lasted three decades. But it's beyond the point. NieR is one of the best games in the past era. That's the point.
I've played those three, CT and Automata on Steam and BoTW on Switch, blessed me.