Is Counter Strike still culturally significant?

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Day of Defeat... now that was a game


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Was it ever?


Will there ever be another CS game?

Flip here. CS1.3/1.6 was huge. Burgers and yuros will never experience local 16 on 16.

Kinda, it's broadcast even on TV in some countries and even older folks know the game.

Where's Condition Zero?

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What about tf2 and l4d?

We didn't get a computer until 2000. My latest FPS experience would have been Perfect Dark so FPS on PC was new to me. The first time I started up Counter-Strike on my brother's computer I fucking hooked a flight stick to it and did the training mode with that. He said I was a retard for wanting to play like that and he's right. However, he mostly fell out of full time gaming and needed me to build his new PC so who's the retard now?

Brazilian here. Just as significant as food when I was growing up.

Nice blog post retard

Wolf et>cs

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Not the first blogpost ITT


Here in Germany it was basically mandatory to play CS on a LAN. If not competitive, then some sort of fun mod. Every kid was in some sort of online CS 1.6 or CS:S clan or played DOTA and WoW. Only the absolute normie disliked playing online/lan with their mates. Even poorfags played with their toasters. It was the thin to do besides drinking alco-pops and smoking weed.

rtcw > cs > et

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Takashi-kun isn't going home today, he'll be too busy banging the MILF

only subhuman and low GDP countries still play it and it's a hackfest in its current state.

i put 1000 hours into this game and uninstalled several months ago.

it's sad

It's still popular in Scandinavia
Inb4 >subhuman

But did he play wolfenstein beforehand?

but the first written by a genuine retard

Not really, no. It's spray patterns is what kills it.

I literally never see hackers in global/supreme pub games