Metroidvania prioritizes combat over exploration

>Metroidvania prioritizes combat over exploration

Attached: greta2.jpg (241x236, 5K)

>off-topic thread by a faggot OP


sick and tired of this face

same, it's peak cringe

Hollow Knight

It's a good reminder of what the left is: Screeching, developmentally retarded children.

>video game discussion is off topic

Attached: tfw Chad walks in.webm (538x298, 784K)

/pol/ is cancer

i nearly teared up watching this girl demand action for the sake of the future to the ignorant old men at the UN. it's about time we start holding climate deniers accountable for their ignorance

fuck shes ugly.

...was boring.

Don't pretend for a second you made this thread with the intention of having videogame related discussions

As long as we scream at the problem, it will fix itself. Actually drafting plans is for less important people.

Trumptards are getting dabbed on so fucking hard lmao

Look at the image and look at what most of these posts are referring to, OP knew what they were doing.

ok, why do people (You) hate her?

Tried Environment Station Alpha?

>For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday.

Attached: 1569285205043.gif (600x338, 3.67M)

She seems like a very happy young girl

Which games have STOLEN YOUR DREAMS AND CHILDHOOD, Yea Forums?

I don't see what's wrong with that. Metroid Prime does the opposite (FPS focused on exploration over combat), so why not try the other way around?

Whoever that is looks severely autistic. That would likely be the same face she makes when she orgasms for the first time in a few years. I'd hate to image what kind of mother she'd be.