So Sephiroth is in control of himself. And his plan for Gaia, of using the planet to surf the cosmos, and suck up all the energy of the planet in order to do so, is totally of his own making. This is something Sephiroth came up with, on his own. Despite being an earthly person that has never been into outer space? He has a plan of taking over the galaxy? It isn't Jenova influencing him, at all, huh?
So Sephiroth is in control of himself. And his plan for Gaia, of using the planet to surf the cosmos...
Sephiroth and Jenova are the same person brainlet. From the moment he was ""born"" he was always a continuation of the original Jenova.
Right of the bat, enough of your insults. To call someone a brainlet because they aren't well versed in a fictional universe is idiotic.
And furthermore, I don't think Sephiroth was a mere continuation of Jenova, at least, the real Sephiroth wasn't. The real Sephiroth is the one that went insane and got killed by Cloud and Zack. The antagonist of FF7 is the fake Sephiroth produced by Jenova...
>This post
Shut up you autistic nerd lol
You wouldn't fuck an aliens breasts
>Shut up you autistic nerd lol
why are you even posting on Yea Forums? to tell autistic nerds to shut up?
Sounds like a shitty job, m8...
The antagonist of FF7 is the same Sephiroth whose body is just sitting in the Northern Crater. This is essentially the head of Jenova. Everything with Jenova cells acts as an extension of Sephiroth's body, most notably the original Jenova body that takes on Sephiroth's appearance as it travels around the world.
But there's a particular scene right after Aerith dies, Sephiroth starts a sentence as "Sephiroth", then Jenova Life sprouts from a materia he left behind and finishes the sentence as "Jenova".
Hojo a best.
>calls others brainlet
>continues to believe in his headcanon that is never brought up in game and was explicitly debunked by the creators
Oh the ironing.
Sephiroth and Jenova more or less became one in the Lifestream, which influenced his mind and plans.
>Nibelheim: "I'm going to take revenge for my ancestors."
>Lifestream: "What if I soaked up all of the juice from the Planet and became a god-like being?"
Hojo is bad scientist though, its more likely he came to the wrong conclusion
20 years later and retards still think Jenova was pulling the strings all along and it wasn't Sephiroth imposing his will on her. Imagine misinterpreting a game for two fucking decades.
His Nibelheim plan was based on misinformation, it's not that surprising that he would change later.
>20 Years later retards still argue which one is imposing its will on the other when they are ostensibly the same organism
It's a jRPG, though. So if that were the case it would have been brought up by someone. But nothing ingame ever discredits the things he said there.
he literally says he misjudged but the rest is basically plot dump
The whole Ultimania Omega thing confirmed Sephiroth was in control. Sephiroth was able to exist because of his connection to Jenova. The body and power of Jenova, the personality and hatred of Sephiroth.
It took me years to understand what was going on in this image. I guess it was only seen too quickly, and the resolution was so low I couldn't make out any recognizable figure, even on a repeat playthrough.
Barret's "where's it's fuckin' head?" didn't help the confusion at all.
You just described them being the same being.
Sephiroth is controlling Jenova the same way your brain commands your body.
>Jenova is a thing that comes to a planet, sucks its life up until it explodes, and rides one piece to the next planet to start the cycle anew
>Sephiroth summons meteor to blow up the planet and ride a piece to go somewhere else
You have to admit there's some influence in him.
Exactly. But it's important to make the distinction that Sephiroth is the dominant one with stakes and a will. Jenova is really only an alien crutch
The influence started when he read every book at Shinra Manor and thought he was the chosen one. He started by destroying Nibelheim, then he was stopped. When the game starts he resumes destroying everything.
A better analogy is that Sephiroth is supposed to be Jesus compared to Jenova being God. The prophet took control by exploiting the power and prestige of the god he spoke of.
I always felt like once he learned of his heritage he has a break and eventually comes to terms with things and decides to pursue his mother's goals
basically fuck you shinra for lying to me blood is thicker than water etc etc
But he already had jenova cells since he was a fetus. IIRC Jenova is kind of like a virus, with every cell having a very basic instinct/will.
Which is why Sephiroth is truly Jenova 2. While the personality is that of the Jenova life form that was raised to be called "Sephiroth", it is carrying out it's own biological function of infecting and devouring a planet then moving to the next one. That biology is Jenova, which is why I say they are one in the same. There is no divide other than Jenova was the first one defeated by the ancients Sephiroth was the second one defeated by Cloud.
>Sephiroth is the dominant one
Stop. The human man Sephiroth, never had ideas of taking over Gaia, and ruling over other planets. That is Jenova clumsily imitating Sephiroth.
umm my eyes are down here
>imagine being this ignorant
why did he go his life just doing soldier shit and only start on jenova goals when he found out about his heritage?
Based headcanon spastic
Why is jenova an alien woman and not Just an alien like lavos
Where did she got her form
That body is probably from a Cetra woman who Jenova infected 2000 years ago
There are a few people that describe that Soldier Sephiroth seems cold and fake. I don't believe Sephiroth had ever not been evil, just ignorant to what he was.
It's Yuna.
>imagine being this ignorant
you say such things as if you are wise. why?
Cetra tits mmmmm
You're right with the correction but
>To call someone a brainlet because they aren't versed in a fictional universe is idiotic.
It's one thing to not know, its another to make a thread, be completely wrong, and call it stupid.
She took the form of the dominant species at the time, which can mean infecting someone as says, or being a shapeshifter.
what happens if I don't know and everything sucks and fuck you!
sephiroths plan revolves around what he is. he identifies as the child of jenova and thus will cary on the legacy. i dont even like FF7. that game hurt my eyes literally when some one i knew showed me the game. they had to show me boss fights and cut sequences because the game literally hurt my eyes. most of what i know of the story is actually from the advent children movie and i can grasp his motivation
if you suddenly found out your not normal and people went to a lot of trouble to make you and your sort of the inheritor of some alien races last specimen maybe you might not go to your dead end 9 - 5 job as a soldier any more thats all im saying
>So this is what Jenova was...
>Welp, I guess I have to kill people and destroy the planet now
Lucrecia is where Jenova got her form. Sephiroth's real mother, which she imitates in order to fuck with him.
Sephiroth completely lost his shit when he found out he was a lab experiment. First, he just wanted revenge for his whole life being a lie, and burned down Nibelheim. After he was thrown into the Lifestream, he absorbed the knowledge of the Ancients and realized what, exactly, Jenova REALLY was and how it operated. At that point, he decided to follow in his 'mother's' footsteps, using her as his own tool - and why not? He was already an abomination against nature in his own eyes. Regardless, he's the one in control - Jenova was just an instinctual virus colony, while Sephiroth, being part human, possesses human sapience and motivation; the way he chooses to torment Cloud throughout the game is proof enough that it's him, since Jenova wouldn't give a fuck about anything that doesn't involve infecting others and spreading itself around.
Jenova' a virus colony that can rearrange its components into any configuration it needs to get close to potential hosts. It was impersonating Cetra when it was finally cornered in the Northern Crater, and was in the middle of transforming from the shape of its last host to something more combat-capable when it was defeated and put into 'remission' - the blue female figure isn't in any way representative of what it actually looks like.
Also what's the deal with lucrecia just hanging out in a cave? Is there some reason for this?