>Soulshit series has entirely played out and is temporarily put to bed
>Real life mech fights have come and gone
>Metal Wolf Chaos port is joked about, teased, confirmed, and released, by Devolver of all people
>You can buy an entire fucking mech on ebay
>Still no AC6
>20th anniversary passed right by with almost no fanfare
Soulshit series has entirely played out and is temporarily put to bed
The next AC game would be like AC17. What the fuck are you whinging about when there's THAT many games in the franchise?
You already got 20 games, enough to last a lifetime, against just five Souls games.
You don't need new AC games.
By the way, mecha as a concept is going extinct, like Cowboy / Wild West movies. No one, in both Japan and the west, likes mecha anymore because they're unrealistic and impractical.
>unrealistic and impractical.
So is magic, nigger
Ac 6 is coming
Magic is practical and realistic on its own setting.
Meanwhile we're supposed to believe that a giant biped machine outperforms a tank and can't be disabled by blowing up a knee.
Pacific Rim failed for a reason. Less and less mecha anime is released for a reason.
just remaster f4a for PC so it has decent framerate and active online community.
White Glint is so fucking cool.
It's been "coming" since they had to make some shit up to damage control for that mistranslated article that got people excited years ago
Its not as good but and stuck on a shit console but at least we have DXM
I just want a AC4A pc port.
AC 4 & 4A's intro's are 11/10 mecha paradise
>Magic is practical and realistic on its own setting.
Yes, in its own setting
>Meanwhile we're supposed to believe that a giant biped machine outperforms a tank and can't be disabled by blowing up a knee.
Yes, in its own setting
Stop being gay user, if you can believe a sword is effective when you can be blown the fuck up from across the battlefield, then a mech isn't much of a stretch
>Magic is practical and realistic on its own setting
So are mecha in Armored Core
>giant biped machine outperforms a tank
They do in Armored Core
>and can't be disabled by blowing up a knee
Have to hit it to disable it, which tanks struggle to do in Armored Core
What’s the best Armored Core?
The series might have survived if people were willing to give V/D a chance and didn't abandon it day one
maybe people wouldn't have abandoned it day one if they made a good game
4A if you want fast paced combat that can fly through the sky insanely fast.
I don't think you realize how fast the NEXT models are, and some armored cores can have spider legs and mount railguns with absurd range, tanks wouldn't stand a chance.
The biggest thing that people bitched at was the switch from dueling to team play
That's not inherently bad, just different
Collectively, 3 and its sequels
As a single game, probably 4A
>Missing the point this hard
A fantasy setting is a fantasy setting so swords and magic make perfect sense.
A mecha setting is supposed to be a semirealistic science fiction setting, without magic or cartoon physics. So a bipedal machine dancing around artillery and tanks stretches the suspension of disbelief way beyond its breaking point. In fact mecha settings always have to use retarded justifications to have bipedal machines instead of fighters or armored carriers (like Minowski's particles).
Modern audiences realized that the mecha concept is stupid, only good to sell toys , so they abandoned it.
there's no point in arguing with someone who thinks magic is okay but made up science isn't.
>semirealistic science fiction
sci-fi is sci-fi for a reason user
Even hard sci-fi has to make some leaps in the name of entertainment, unless you're talking about something like The Martian
Transplanting fighter pilots into a space setting is stupid as fuck, but it's among the most popular sci-fi cliches
>20 games
Most of which are stand alone expansion packs for each other, and are for old consoles
>just five Souls games
Oh you poor neglected soulsnigger
We haven't gotten a 6th major entry, we haven't gotten anything for this console generation, all our games use old hardware and low budgets, while fromsoft is still catering to you with a 6th big budget game released this year, a 7th in development already, and a plethora of clones on the market
A souls clone just came out yesterday, and another comes out in 2 days, but you feel like you've got no games coming out compared to AC which has been completely forgotten since the PS4 came out?
Kill yourself soulshitter
Daemons X Machina just came out and it´s great, even if doesn´t have customization as deep as most ACs do and I miss being austitic just spending hours in the garage building mechs. Any real fan of armored core and mechs in general should support DxM
never played any ac
do i start with 4 and then play 4a?
There's not much reason to play 4 over 4A unless you're like me and love subtle, understated story bits
Though they're quite a bit different from the older games, and there's little content in them compared to all the games that came out before it, so if you can put up with a slower experience, 3 is also an acceptable starting point for newcomers
AC might be made if Daemon x machina does well. From won't make a game that isn't profitable any more.
>Most of which are stand alone expansion packs for each other, and are for old consoles
So? 20 games are still 20 games. Way more than many long running series.
>Haven't got a new entry
Neither did Dark Souls since 3, four years ago.
>Souls clones
Those Souls clones don't count because they weren't made by Fromsoft. In fact no one likes them for that very reason. They may as well not exist.
Elden Ring is a very different beast from the Souls games, being a Witcher clone. I made peace with myself after realizing that I will never get a new Souls game again. Why can't you accept the death of Armored Core?
I would but isn't available on PC.
Darling in the franxx and triggers new movie would like to have a word with you
Nor is any armored core. If you pirate the games instead of buying you have no place demanding a new game
But I'm not asking for a new game; I'm just pointing at the reason I'm unable to buy DxM
Make way
>Hurr not owning a Switch means you pirate AC games and never had a console that played them in the past
>Engaging hostilities
>Raven, I don't take kindly to faggots
AC 1 was made in a different time
Souls like games are still being made, mecha games as a genre have been dead for a long time. All we have is DXM and its stuck on a shit console that can barely run it
>Souls like games are still being made
Those clones are dogshit. No one likes them, no one buys them. They're irrelevant.
Having new shit games is no better than having no games.
There's at least one good soulslike a year.
On the other hand there's like one shitty mecha game a decade.
unrealistic and impractical is what defines the modern generation dumbass, so it would be the exact opposite
you really think a generation of people who chop their dicks off would have a problem with mechs?
If no one likes them why did shit like the surge get a sequel?
The genre still exists, has people interested in it and is getting games, not all of them will be shit
>you really think a generation of people who chop their dicks off would have a problem with giant masculine killer robot suits?
>No one, in both Japan and the west, likes mecha anymore because they're unrealistic and impractical.
I guess the reason people like Soul's games is because they are super realistic and full of practical weaponry
This thread went to shit
>is temporarily put to bed
Armored Core already had enough games. When are we getting the sequel to the best From Soft game, Adventures of Cookie & Cream.
>Tfw no Evergrace sequel
lol it's never coming back. Fromsoft isn't allowed to make anything other than Soulslikes since DS blew up in popularity. Used to be a nice little niche company, now it's The Dark Souls Guys
>complains it´s not in pc
>armored core is not in pc
>retard comes bitching about switch
I unironically like Evergrace, including the soundtrack
Me too, which is why I'm annoyed there's no sequel
Where the is Eternal Ring sequel.
>Inb4 Eldin Ring jokes
you're kidding right? there WAS a sequel. it was called Forever Kingdom here, but it's called Evergrace 2 in Japan. it's pretty good as well
How do you expect some one to be a fan of AC when you couldn't even emulate the PS3 till recently?
I have a Switch and I'm currently playing through DXM, it's sad we still have to put up with shtty fps drops in this genre, Just put some on PC already
Good sci-fi is something you can in context believe works in reality given whatever special exception your universe features.
A giant biped robot makes no sense in any context except for a universe where everyone is a drooling retard and didn't figure out a low profile vehicle using treads with a cannon stapped on it is far easier to build, faster, and more sturdy than a giant biped. Legs are complex, expensive, hard to maintain, inefficient and incredibly vulnerable compared to treads.
If we had the means to make giant bipeds we'd still be better off using tanks and no mech universe has made a compelling argument to the contrary. Part of sci-fi is the exception, we imagine a world except they have this energy source for example, good sci-fi explores how the world would logically function with that exception. Bad sci-fi, like mechs, uses the exception as an excuse for a conclusion it already made, like giant machine bipeds are used in war instead of logical things like tanks. What exception would make giant bipeds the logical conclusion? None that I can think of, and the fact no one else has made a compelling one either is why the mecha genre is dead.
soulshit isn't put to bed at all, elden ring is the spiritual successor
Yea Forums is so incredibly bad at debate it boggles my mind how you take yourselves seriously
thanks for your concession
>The possibility that we're in a simulation has been seriously considered
>The idea that gravity leaks into our universe from another universe has been seriously considered
>Dark matter exists literally everywhere but we can't see, feel or detect it is something seriously considered
Yet people can't enjoy a cool robot because its "unrealistic"
Sci-fi/Fantasy is the same section of your bookstore for a reason. They're two sides of the same coin and the lines between them are often blurred to the point of irrelevance. Trying to argue that some rules apply to this but don't apply to that makes no sense when they're often the same thing.
There isn't much sci-fi that doesn't require you to suspend disbelief for some reason or another, there are plenty of things that the "exceptions" don't cover
Also, you can have a mech with treads, and they have understandable pros and cons in-universe, stop saying dumb shit
We're privileged because we get garbage like Ni-oh, Code Weeb or The Shitge? Are. you for fucking real?
Fuck you; I'll rather have no shit soiling the genre.