Story is told with audio logs

>story is told with audio logs

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It honestly isn't a very good format, you need something to prop them up at the very least and even then it is a worse format, sure beat text logs though. And lulitemdescriptions and speculations is the worst format ever.

>story is told with some mild explanation of the setting at the start and from there on out through character action and interaction

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>game doesn't have a story, """lore""" is told through item descriptions as if it's supposed to hold any meaning when in reality it doesn't

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more like dropped logs of poo poo in the toilet

>The entire story is info-dumped in a single unskippable cutscene right before the final boss

Who started this trend? It doesn't even make sense, who goes around leaving audiologs around, and in a chronological order that just happens to match the path the player has to take.


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>backstory is explained with journal entries

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You mean like Bioshock?

>story through audiologs but you can still play while listen to them
>sfx so loud you can't hear the log so you have to enable subtitles
>enemies chitchat and grunts override the subtitles

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I want to say Bioshock started the trend, though I'm sure there were games that existed before it that had audio logs. Bioshock at least popularized the concept.

>you have to listen to audio logs to get 3 digit codes to open item lockers

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System Shock 1 I guess

can do you one better
>story is vaguely told with item descriptions

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76 is good please play

>not brute forcing 3-digit codes

>you have to interpret the story yourself

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play some other games redditors

>game starts off with a quote and uses more quotes after each chapter/part of the game

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>story is told through radio stations which synchronization codes are printed in the hard case of the game

>They are comin-AAAAAAAARGH

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