Admittedly, most of these sales are on console, but still, how the fuck did it sell so well? I thought this kind of woke shit wouldn't sell in this day and age.
Admittedly, most of these sales are on console, but still, how the fuck did it sell so well...
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time and Celeste raise awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic credits from Catherine Full Body
>Borderlands 3 sells 5 million copies in less than a week
>CDPR fires twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes and adds non-binary and non-white pandering
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Shovel Knight adds non-binary gender terms
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Voidpoint apologize for sexist and transphobic comments, add mandatory sensivity training and donate 10,000 dollars for an anti-suicide LGBT charity
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
bay baysed
should add that dude that killed himself
Stop being so toxic.
based af
>MHW sells 5 million in 3 days
>nobody cares
>Kingdom hearts sells 5 million in 6 days
>nobody cares
>Borderlands, a much more mainstream franchise, does the same
an epic store thread died for this
It is. The other two games you named aren't woke. 5 million copies in 5 days isn't broke.
You’re delusional if you think people bought it for that. The “woke” shit taking away from the game is the only point of agreement I see about bl3. Except wanting to fuck Moze.
Ah it’s a bait thread, sage
>You’re delusional if you think people bought it for that.
So? Woke games don't need to sell BECAUSE they're woke. They just need to sell. If they sell, then the "Get woke, get broke" meme is objectively wrong.
epic bought the digital copies. its not real sales numbers. "sell in" numbers. the retailers sales numbers.
take two sold the copies to online retailers, which means they sold almost exclusively them to epic store. and epic hasnt announced any actual info about the consumer based sales numbers
how many more times will you make the same thread.
I have some free time so I’ll humor you. “Get woke, go broke” draws a causal relationship between putting lefty shit in your game and commercial success. If you can’t demonstrably prove that it was the lefty shit, and no other factors, that made the game successful, “get woke go broke” stands. This is the last (you) you’ll get, I have clients to meet.
>If you can’t demonstrably prove that it was the lefty shit, and no other factors, that made the game successful, “get woke go broke” stands
Nope. What stands there is "Woke doesn't make your game sell better"
It tears apart "Get woke, go broke", because a game went woke and still sold well. Sorry, sweetie, should have taken those kindergarten philosophy classes.
>moving goalposts
you are just in denial. get a life. unless epic itself officially announces the real digital sales numbers nobody can know about it.
Nobody fucking cares about story or characters in a game like Borderlands.
People play it for the gameplay loop and coop, nothing more.
They could have cardboard stands as characters, and people would still buy it.
>Epic is lying to its investors along with 2K and Gearbox, they're fraudulent copies
>But if they release numbers, I'll believe them
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
I don't understand why you never update this list to take out things that are blatantly false.
Checked the disparity between critics and consumers on metacritic lately, user? Funnily enough, despite being at 5.3 there for the PC platform, the PC version actually has a higher score than the Xbone version, so you know the guserame is bad regardless of the EGS exclusivity or not.
Just goes to show how retarded the people saying "Get woke, go broke" are. Story in vidya is often irrelevant.
>how the fuck did it sell so well?
Gamers are retarded and have no self control, that’s how.
It's as woke as mcu and Rick and Morty. Same baseddience too
There are literally more LGBT+ characters in the newest Fire Emblem than there have been in any previous individual entry, cope-kun.
Borderlands 2 sold over 20 million units. It was one of the biggest franchises of last gen. EVERYONE played it. Every kid had it, every console owner had it, they all played it co op. The 3rd game would obviously do well after such an extended absence.
We don't know how well it actually sold.
"Sell-in" is VERY different from "sales" in marketing speak. It could be across all Borderlands games sales in recent weeks for all we know.
/pol/niggers OBLITERATED
Because you believe that Yea Forums reflects the actual videogame consumers.
It's fun to remind /vpol/ how impotent it truly is from time to time.
what are you talking about. im just saying nobody knows about the actual digital sales numbers at this point except for epic. "sell in" numbers dont mean consumers bought the same number of copies. it just means retailers did. in this case its nothing but epic store
go woke go broke has never applied to video games because all the woke games are first party games that still sell 10 million copies.
the resetera thread is as small as the control thread. they arent playing this shit
go woke go broke has never applied to anything, cope-kun.
I never understood this. Why are people so fanatical about games? I don't care if there is a trans character in a game or a possibility of playing one, just write it well. That's it. Don't force it, take some time and think it thru and no one gives a flying fuck.
>Don't force it
Utterly meaningless. Every minority in any game nowadays is "forced" according to Yea Forums unless it's jizzskull material.
Woke as in there is a tranny bait character and rick & morty jokes.
>boasts about sales
>tries to get you to join them
You shills are so lazy I can't even feel sorry for you anymore. Just make sure Randy pays you. I still don't want to play your meme of a game.
so when will these unpaid intern shills stop doing these silly shill attempts?
>Every minority in any game nowadays is "forced" according to Yea Forums
You can't argue that they aren't.
A fictional character's sexual orientation, for example, is almost never relevant to the story or gameplay, but that doesn't stop Borderlands characters from shouting "Oh by the way, I'm GAY! Help me buy my BOYFRIEND an anniversary present!" etc etc etc. Ironically, there are never side quests like that for straight couples. They really like to rub the gayness in your face. For "diversity points" or whatnot.
it's not woke it's just low brow shit for retard consumers
Nobody cares unless it's blatant like with Battlefield Vagina, where the developers openly admitted to it
meant for
>it's not woke
nice cope
Because it was a terrible movie with terrible marketing. "SJW politics" isn't why it flopped
because nobody outside of Yea Forums gives a shit about politics in and around video games.
A bunch of dumbfuck consoletards being dumbfuck consoletards is not surprising. Thankfully, this game is already cracked so nobody on here has to give randy bitchford any of their precious autism bucks. Check over on the usual places.
And that's unironically a good thing
Years ago, around the Zoe Quinn era of political Yea Forums shit, I remember that the general zeitgeist behind the board went something like this:
>Zoe Quinn huh thats one of those retarded SJW tumblr types, kinda like Anita Sarkeesian
>these people hate boobs in video games, they're always tearing down other good games and ruining everything
>why dont they just make their own games if they think their ideas are so good?
>lmao depression quest, these SJW games are terrible
I swear, the reason we hated those people was for the stupid things they did, and the reason we hated their games was for the fact that their games sucked. But, nowadays, Yea Forums has this huge faction of kneejerk retards who just boycott a game because it has a theme or a message they don't like. It's literally the same shit the SJWs used to do but in another direction.
Games like Celeste, Subnautica, BL3, they all have some really solid gameplay no matter how you slice it. Maybe you just don't like the genre they inhabit, and that's fine, but you can barely talk about those games on here anymore because the place is so infested with retards babbling the same mantras about transgenders and school shootings.
tl;dr Yea Forums used to primarily give a shit whether a game was fucking good or not, now people just wheedle and whine about the political views of the devs, making discussions on certain games difficult or impossible. Can't lie that I appreciate pic related though
yes, i agree. this board has gotten progressively shittier ever year since 2009
>>sell so well
I wouldn't be surprised that even with 5 million sales that this game still won't meet sales projections. Development and marketing budgets for AAA games are fucking massive now.
See above. Aside from all the other stuff skeptical people in this thread have mentioned, the dev/marketing costs for games like this are absurdly large, and it is entirely possible that this game won't make enough money to justify those expenses.
neither is borderlands 3, it has the same crude school yard humor it always had.
>You can't argue that they aren't.
Burden of proof is on you, special little /pol/flake.
I'm sorry the mere presence of non-whites, gays and/or women in a video game is enough to trigger you, but I'm afraid you'll have to grow some fucking balls and get the fuck over it. Its always a problem when its something you don't like, but right-wing politics in games? lol that's just fine :^)
Step in front of a moving bus
I think it's less success on Gearbox's part and the massive failure of everyone else. Destiny, Division, and Anthem all drove people off and made everyone long for the days of playing borderlands over Xbox live with their high school friends.
Oh look, now the people who endlessly spam "COPE" in this thread like autistic retards are the ones coping.
How ironic.
>a whole essay to ponder on the simple fact that the internet is overrun by attention seekers, and shitty meme complaints about games get guaranteed replies
alright retard here's a short one
your brain small
Neck yourself tranny. Go and join the 40 percent so the rest of us don't have to see you on here anymore.
>Burden of proof is on you, special little /pol/flake.
>but right-wing politics in games
To be honest, this just proves that the SJWs were right all along. It was never about wanting creative freedom or just caring about games. There were legitimately people at that time who were using that mantra as an excuse but only wanted to make sure SJW thinking would not be in their industry.
I used to think Anita Sarkeesian was retarded and crying about nothing and only now, years later, do I realize she was 100% right.
nah it's a bunch of pajeets, arabs, slavs, and chinks are paid to post on Yea Forums now and they shit up everything by turning it into a political wankfest. start posting about shit that pisses off those countries and you'll see em all come out of the woodwork. the chinks go full azn identity, the slavs start crying about US imperialism, arabs start larping as christians to slip in their goat fucker relgious points, and pajeets whine about feminists not showing them vagine. paid troll farms ruined Yea Forums.
shit writing to pander to women and sjws
hard pass, If i'm only gonna play a game about grinding and shooting i will simply play the old ones or one of the thousands of looter shooter fps out there
>Devs literally forcing fans to respect a fictional character's gender pronouns
>A fictional robot no less
>not forced
it helped a lot
>Why do I have to support my point with facts and evidence? I'm just RIGHT okay!?1/11!?
Again, step in front of a moving bus.
It is woke, its sjw. Its mostly pandering to women
the damn credits music is "this girl is on fire" for fuck sake.
Play the fucking game next time idiot
>I don't have to support my argument, I'm right by default!
forum moderators are not involved in game development
That guy is desperately coping because he wants to continue to believe that the universe is fair and SJWs can't sell games. Alternatively, he's trying to keep the narrative alive because he hopes he will fool the kikes that have thousands of dollars of sales analytics to see he's full of shit.
>implying a 6 year old top 40 pop song is more feminist than beyonce's "girls"
>in b4 massive backpedaling over why that song wasn't used if the goal was to be purely feminist
Been here for way too long and damn nibba you nailed it
Are you seriously arguing that Borderlands 3 isn't SJW because if it were, it'd be using a specific song you thought of? Have you considered the fact that older songs are considerably cheaper? Is there not a single SJW game in existence because there's no game that uses that song?
I know we talk about copes here, but you really just stooped low to the furthest and most pathetic cope imaginable.
See the thing is, your game can sell a bajillion copies but if the budget is more than what your bajillion copies are worth it doesnt actually matter, now im sure BL3 made money but im just throwing that out there. FFXV despite selling a bajillion gillion copies probably lost money due to the amount spent on that shit show
majority of people don't care or even know about the petty culture war bullshit autists on here are obsessed about. they played a bl game back at some formative time period like high school or college or middle school and had a blast with friends despite the games overall mediocrity and want to experience that again. the power of an established ip
no i'm arguing against the point that the specific song you brought up isn't the end-all proof that it's a sjw game. in fact it's a lazy choice because the song has the lyrics of what's happening on screen. you know, how shitty movie trailers usually pick their songs.
maybe if you'd spend some time improving yourself, cleaning your room, washing your penis, instead of perma-seething about some neon haired bitch from 2010 on Yea Forums, you'd be a happier person.
People said Captain Marvel would flop for the same reasons, then became one of the highest earners of the year. Moaning about SJWs isn't having anywhere near the impact you think it is
God can you cope any harder
>Captain Marvel
after Disney faked ticket sales sure
Borderlands isn’t an obscure franchise and most people don’t give a shit about getting banned from the Gearbox forums and will continue to call the robot “he” and “him” casually while playing at 15 FPS on console.
>what is gillette
Yea Forums and people on forms live in little bubbles out of reality.
Get woke go broke has always been a /pol/ meme with no basis in reality and you should be ashamed for falling for it.
are they broke? stock value is quite a bit higher today than it was when they released that ad
Rick and Morty meme humor is not “woke”, the game is a Reddit r/funny r/meme fest
Rick and Morty is a laymann's Home Movies I think
Spot on. Only retards gobble up that ideology.