Will Sony have anything interesting to show?
It seems like this will be 90% trailers of games we already know about, 10% new reveals (probably just indies)
It's only ~20 minutes long, so they can't have much
Will Sony have anything interesting to show?
It seems like this will be 90% trailers of games we already know about, 10% new reveals (probably just indies)
It's only ~20 minutes long, so they can't have much
Other urls found in this thread:
They'll have some new movie trailers.
Medievil demo
TLoU 2 dicksucking, MediEvil demo available today, Ape Escape Remastered if you're lucky
Can't wait to be lectured about climate change.
Project Siren is on working something for 2 and a half years now, maybe we'll see what it is.
ghost of tsushima, tlou2 are the highlights, also medievil
this will be better than the last shitshows
>Ape Escape Remastered
Just re-release the game. Make a plain port. Fuck this remaster bullshit. It'll only be worse than the original anyway somehow.
>ghost of tsushima
I wonder if it's really just Assassin's Creed x Batman, Japan edition, or if it'll actually have something of worth to it.
Probably a reveal trailer for the new Arkham game
from what I've read they said that there's no Ubisoft style map where they force you into doing a ton of repetitive shit, no quest markers and typical Ubi jank, so kind of like RDR2
Some PSVR title I bet
Depends on what you find interesting. Some people have been waiting for TLOU news for more than a year. Others are only obsessed with weebtrash so obviously there aren't interested in what Sony may show today.
TLOU and Batman trailer
I just hope the battle system is decent enough.
I bet this crap won't even get a sticky.
>State of Play
What a pretentious fucking name
I find video games interesting
The absolute fucking state of play
>Play Station
>State of Play
Whoa, so deep indeed.
New Batman
>Ape Escape
>Skywalker Saga trailer
>No Ape Escape
>No Skywalker Saga trailer
What the fuck is Skywalker Saga?
Medievil demo was leaked today on the Japanese PSN so there is a high chance taht they will talk about it tonight then drop the demo
If anything Ape Escape was to be announced it would have been at TGS since this franchise is only relevant in Japan. Yoshida said that there are several games being produced at Japan Studio right now and one of them is ready to be announced
>Yoshida said that there are several games being produced at Japan Studio right now and one of them is ready to be announced
If it's not a PSVR title I'll be surprised as fuck
It's gonna be a shitty summary of TGS news we know about but aren't supposed to be "global" yet. also a hd remaster of the wonderbook in VR..
Its Sucker Punch, even their worst game is still great
Should have called it Playstation Now
Oh wait
New LEGO Star Wars game
>Medievil demo was leaked today on the Japanese PSN
If it was released on PSN through the official channel, then how is it a leak? They just released it early.
Wild and deep down release dates
>Assassin's Creed x Batman, Japan edition
That sounds cool to me.
Deep Down is dead
Wild is probably a PS5 title
The same reason Knach 2 was put up for free for 2 weeks upon its release. Mistakes happen.
>Wild is probably a PS5 title
But they will remove the snake tits
It's going to be TLOU2 focused with a bit of cheeky advertisement for Concrete Genie and MediEvil and some smaller stuff in between. MAYBE that rumored Batman game could be revealed but I feel like we've been saying that for like 2 years
So if you don't like TLOU I'm going to have to ask you to calm down. If you do then get hyped
I would like to see some of the China Hero Project games get some western exposure, a release date for Anno:Mutationem would be nice, hopefully I don't have to buy a censorstation 5 to play it
In a similar area even though I am getting it on pc I would love some good news on genshin impact microtransaction wise.
Nioh 2 info?
It was free for maybe 2 hours? Still a massive error and it shows just how much Sony cared about it.
I really enjoyed Knack 2 and I hated the first one
They pulled it right away, that's why.
There's an "open beta" in November.
Welll the PS4 is almost dead and the PS5 is coming out next year and the only game worth playing to this day is still Bloodborne
Why does Sony seem to want to pretend that Medievil 2 doesn't exist? It isn't even on PSN despite them 100% owning the rights to it.
Give me more info on Elden Ring you pussy
>even copying nintendos demo dropping during directs
lmao these niggers have literally no shame whatsoever
This. I want more Celtic/Nordic/Arthurian fantasy pls
they can't have any big announcement before the next gen coming so close. don't expect a new metal gear or anything big from any editor.
How do we know it’s only 20 minutes?
>these niggers have literally no shame whatsoever
Yes they do, they are ashamed of the female body
There's going to be another 50 minute Kojima platthrough of death stranding.
>shilling last of us for 10 minutes
>remind people ghost of bamham exists
>medievil shit
Not expecting much tbqh.
What are the plans for the next God of War? PS5 only or will they pull a TLOU and release it on both?
by using our big brain
>20 mins only
Fuck tlou trailer will be less than 10 mins then, that's nothing
gotta be PS5 only.
the PS5 is going to be announced in february, probably with a lot of first parties and third parties announcement.
literally every editors right now can't announce anything too big because those project already were in work for the next gen.
>Will Sony have anything interesting to show?
>Infamous Second Son
we haven't seen that game in so long, I doubt it currently looks like anything we saw already.
Whether you care about it or not, a decent dump of The Last of Us 2 info will be enough for most people watching
Prediction : Entertaining level of cringe. If they didn't drop a news bomb for TGS there's no way this 20 minute stream will have anything relevant. But they'll try so hard it will be hillarious.
I bet the snake will still be in it but that tits will be gone.
Good. Snakes don't have tits.
>State of play thread
>No one is false flagging
>The other company presentation
>Falseflags galore
What did sonybros meant by this?
It'll be 80% indie shit and VR shit. Sony set the bar so low with the first ones
>The other company presentation
You mean Inside Xbox ? It's two hours after the State of Play iirc
>this short
it's gonna be 15 minutes of TLoU 2 and 4 minutes of Ghost of Sushiman
1 minute will be dedicated to climate change
Because they hate themselves and know deep down Sony is as boring as it is unfun.
Not Ape Escape 4 or Wild ARMS 6
I wouldn't call it great but it's solid. Definitely not a bad game, they should have stuck with Cole or atleast had a character with only one power.
Where's the other company presentation thread, i see no no inside xbox on the catalog.
>Wild ARMS 6
You'll get your gacha Wild Arms and you'll like it desu!
Never does
People purely simply aren’t interested
Directs get 1.1 million views at 10 am on a Tuesday
State of play literally reset its like-dislike ratio because they had 25,000 likes 180,000 dislikes
they'll show 10 minutes of boring sneaky lesbian 2 and then 10 minute montage of games that have been out for 2+ years