What are the biggest wow classic lies you fell for?
>meme specs are viable
>leveling as a meme spec such as pve destro is doable
What are the biggest wow classic lies you fell for?
>meme specs are viable
>leveling as a meme spec such as pve destro is doable
If you do green quests any spec is viable
I'm having a blast with my balanchad spec. In fact, I'd even say it's better than feral for soloing at higher levels.
>metafags won't ruin it
I havent tried balance yet only feral and resto
Do you drink after every pull?
I'm leveling as a holy paladin. It's slow as fuck but doable, so literally any spec should be viable to level in.
>streamers wont have a impact on it
at classic launch they were only 4 servers right? Because they didint "expect" so many players. Everyone had issues and long que times so they QUICKLY opened a bunch of new servers so people can play. And now they opened even more so people can transfer to them FOR FREE and play the game without que times and lag. And now you might think this is a good thing but its not in reality since after 2-3 months the classic population will die out by 50% atleast there is not even a chance more then 5 servers will be full or high and the people who transfered to a brand new empty server will be left out alone on a something without a market, without an auction house without anything and will have to pay 25 bucks to realm change again to the high/full population server (from wich they run away from to begin with) to have someone to play with. Blizzard arent your friends if they wanted they would have opened 10-15 serversright from the start
As of now, I'm lv 58 with some OK spellpower gear, doing 620 Starfire damage on average. I can kill 3~4 (if I get lucky with crits) monsters from this level range before having to drink, 2 more if I pop Innervate.
I main human lock. Levelling again on a private server and god fucking damn its so much fun. Getting your pets, free mount at 40, unlocking stuff that gives you more options it's just great. I feel like I have a complete toolbox for both pve and pvp
Balance is okay, it just ooms quick and that's literally the only problem.
>It's not 2005 anymore
>It won't be as good as you remember it
>Nobody will be doing anything fun, just blitzing dungeons and abusing layers
>Streamers are going to ruin it all
Look at this wanker, 'ooh my spec must be viable, better look up what talents to spend so the cool kids won't laugh at me!' learn to have fun you tremendous pooftapuf.
>letting suffering in anticipation color his perceptions
>not bothering to play it
>confronting his pink goggle memories hurts
Stop being a pussy and enjoy what you have.
>letting suffering in anticipation color his perceptions
What? I literally had no anticipation because I had listened to memers say that classic was gonna be ruined. I got into the game a week and a half late because I outright didn't intend to get back into it.
Being a contrarian in classic only adds extra tedium to an already tedious experience and disqualifies you from endgame content. If that's your thing, knock yourself out.
Your UI is so fucking hideous and not even anchored properly, the bars aren't even in line
Just got the Arugal Robe/Belt/Feline Mantle last night boys, I'm set for ages.
>the bars aren't even in line
But that's wrong, you fucking retard
Why couldn't Blizzard balance their game properly for Classic? What's the point in having useless classes and specs?
If it's anything like OSRS then the development team will spend half their time circlejerking over twitch content creators.
>meme specs are viable
feral is okayish, retri is dead though same as ench and moonkin
kys blind retard
because then it wouldn't be like the game was in 2005 you mong
They're only aligned at the top because the main bar is larger than the side ones as it is intended for giving moves with cooldowns greater visibility
Check to see if that's aligned with the equivalent box on the other side, mouthbreather. Spoiler warning: It is
to appease no changes nostalgia fags
seriously if we keep game exactly the same, but SLIGHTLY ever so slightly adjust some abilities of meme specs, not making them OP but at least not 40% behind every other spec just 10% it would make game so much better
my biggest pain is prot paladin. I loved it so much in TBC.
the main point of vanilla being good is a world and itemization that feels like progression, hekc even leveling getting just +1 str or+1 int feels so good, not to mention talents
it means something, it makes you stronger
it's all game needs to be good
>Pet bar is separated from the normal moveset for clarity
say it aint so
>small inconsistencies used for visual cues
nah, you did a bad job
You know you should probably not just consistently mash 1-5 every time you want to name a throwaway file
Especially if you're trying to samefag with them
Streamers totally ruined wow classic.
It's almost like the pet bar is aligned with the pet pane, or something
Seething reddit spacer called out on his shit ugly UI
>This is
Reddit spacing
This is
>layering would fuck everything up
They still can't get rid of it soon enough, but it's not making the game unplayable.
haven't met a single one. I can see how it's a cluster fuck on US realms though.
economy is fucked though. or did they delete all of things gained by layering abuse?
In every guild I've been in there's some poor 1 viewer fuck advertising their stream on their character description. Does that count? EU btw.
Would be even worse without it desu
Imagine the price of Devilsaur gear without layering
>Both realms I am on regularly have auctions going for less than vendor price
At least once I get the meme enchants like fiery weapon and run speed+ I'll be filthy stinking rich
That rogues and hunters would be welcomed as DPS in groups, only to find 40% of my faction plays a mage or warlock and will gatekeep anyone who can't AoE from joining their groups.
>anything other than mage priest or warrior is relevant
Not sure but the servers are fucking huge so I'm not shocked that the economy is fucked even without layer abuse shenanigans. Still doesn't make the game unplayable anyway.
Start your own groups it's not hard
I'm a Rogue and it's never taken more than 30 minutes to find or start a group
I did but the caster faggots kept scooping up all the tanks and healers, or they simply joined and left for another group. My realm is shit.
you make your own groups, silly
all the druids, paladins, rogues want to go into dungeons too
If I ever finish leveling my warrior I will be slow tanking 5mans exclusively.
>can't wait for Classic, no more Dungeon Finder, you actually have to socialize with people
>WTF guys I'm a hunter/rogue and I made no effort to join a guild or befriend people and have trouble finding groups who could have possibly seen this coming
>streamers are going to ruin it all
>What are the biggest wow classic lies you fell for?
None of them, I played vanilla and I remember what it was like. Having a blast playing btw.
The thing is, only Warriors can tank and all the Warriors are with mages and priests.
Vanilla is fucked thanks to class imbalances, especially tanking.
druids and pallys will often be tanking or healing if they want to do dungeons, so they don't have the same problem as rogues and hunters.
Big wide zones and lots of running. Its what made FFXI and WoW memorable to a lot of people. Its what made the world seem big and alive. FFXIV and modern WoW look pretty with lots of shit everywhere, but the flying mounts and teleportation and all the other shit just ruin the immersion. Also I'm playing a meme paladin spec, I'm not raiding but I'm running dungeons and fucking around.
>only warriors can tank
Warriors are useless in spellcleaves after the demo nerf, you're genuinely better off with a prot paladin or a feral druid seeing as they have better aoe aggro
A fucking Shaman can tank dungeons well enough up to like lv30 and Druids and Paladins do just fine for dungeons all the way to the cap.
And I'm sure some crazy fuck is gonna MT everything as a Druid again like that one guy did on private servers just to prove it's doable.
they mean for end game raids you dingus
this is some major projection: the post
That was never necessary in vanilla. Most groups back then were with randoms who didn't care about your class or spec, even in raids. The only thing a hunter would catch shit for back then was pulling tons of mobs or needing on gear a tank wanted.
>just like on the private servers
>make your own groups
>all the druids/paladins/rogues want to go into dungeons too
Who the fuck mentioned end game raids?
The only meme I fell for was
>It's a social game that promotes grouping up
When you get severely punished for questing together.
Considering everything we've seen so far from classic it'll probably be easier than the overtuned pservers that were pulling numbers out of their asses for enemy damage and armor
It's not about being able to do it, it's about people accepting it and joining your group. It takes ten times longer to get a group together as a Paladin or Druid tank.
Literally over 90% of all RAIDING warriors are going to raid as DPS, with one dedicated main tank and a few offtanks with gear in bags. Vast majority of them will be tanking max level dungeons, but will be gathering DPS gear, since DPS is their main role. If you play a class that competes with them for loot (rogur, hunter) and you're an asocial sperg without any warrior friends or ability to befriend warriors, you are going to have a very hard time getting groups, because why the fuck would they invite you and risk losing gear to you, when there's literally a billion mages whispering them the moment they log in?
>spellcleaving with casual retards who haven't hit 60 before the nerf happened
you should just quest dude it's probably faster
ok then make your random group with a paladin or voidwalker tanking then?
Have you considered having sex?
What? I hit 60 in the first week, I don't need to be actively doing dungeons to know that you can no longer demo spam and keep aggro away from 3 shattering frost mages
Don't have time for it, gotta grind gold to afford consumables my faggot guild is already trying to speedrun MC
so you're autistic then
I dunno what autismo server you're rolling on but on Herod I've been in entirely melee groups and groups where the other DPS are all casters, as a Rogue. No one gives a shit unless they're a bitch and want to reserve half the loot in the instance.
Yes? Why else would I still be on this shithole of a site and playing vanilla fucking WoW in 2019?
you shouldnt need anything more than a few arcane power elixirs and some mana pots for MC, flasks would be complete overkill
That it's social.I've hit 60 as a Priest healing dungeons and havent made a single real friend only a few acquaintances.
By around BRD it was apparent that it's pointless playing this game solo without discord/guild premade group from the get go
what? you group for elites, I gained half of level 23 in redridge from farming spheres and killing quest elites
Why not just play retail and do some real raiding instead of beating one of two 40-man piƱatas?
Fire Protection Potions are pricey right now but you should only "need" like 2 per Rag attempt and you'll make that money back from boss gold drops
Even quests to collect 5 bear asses are better as a group since you have less downtime on killing shit. It's faster EXP overall.
I only fell for my own lies.
I should've listened to the haters.
What UI is this?
>making his whole guild give his video editor the mats for sulfaras because he works for him
>it's a fucking ret pally
If I wanted to play LLSIF I would play LLSIF. I want to play a fucking MMO RPG.
>abusing layers
This happened
collect quests aren't efficient as a group, drops aren't shared
It's more like certain activities force socialization, but you can't really change autistic MMO players at their core.
thankfully it got patched, any idea what happened to the people who abused it?
>It's a fucking ret pally
It's the only class that can really make use of it.
I think the first mistake was ever letting a person with your situation near a computer
>refuses to befriend people or join official player communities
>wtf I thought this was a social game why is everyone so asocial
you are not factoring in the need to maintain quest synchronization with people you are leveling with.
Finding people to do quests with you that are on your exact step of zone clearing is a hassle, and doing some kind of premade group means you will lose time since now the group must overlap the playtime available to all people, whereas if you are soloing you log on, get to work grinding, and do it as much as you can with out any delay.
The overall effect is faster leveling,
The only time it would be different is if you had a full group of dedicated poopsockers like yourself who all played the same 14 hours a day
>What are the biggest wow classic lies you fell for?
you think you want it, but you don't
It's better for EXP overall due to kill speed unless the respawn time is horrendous. Quest EXP itself is nothing compared to killing shit fast.
Why? I'm having loads of fun in my life.
I wasn't claiming you had to do it all the time. It's just better when available.
>I need to kill X amount of Y mobs for Z drop
>there are other people doing the same thing = group up and do it together
>no one else is doing it = solo it
The way mmos used to work before WoW ruined them was you met people to put in your friends list and potentially form/join guilds with while leveling up
of course that doesn't work in WoW because leveling is too fast and best done solo, but moving the heart of the games community out of the world itself and into centralized third party groups (guilds, and even worse external programs like discord) are actually antisocial things, not social things. They destroy the games community, not grow it.
That user is perfectly correct to sense something is wrong with this situation. Little did he know, however, that he looked to the place that ruined it to restore it.
You wont get community growing out of the game world until an mmo forces you to spend thousands of hours group grinding with random people again.
how long are you going to spam this shit despite being proven wrong every time?
user, grouping for a couple minutes then disbanding to run off somewhere else and group with some other person for a couple minutes is not group leveling or grouping at all, its simply not being a retard and wasting an opportunity to gain benefit for free
ive never been wrong user, and if you think im spamming it means there are other people stating the same things as i am.
>you met people to put in your friends list and potentially form/join guilds with while leveling up
This is what I did in 2005 and this is what I did in 2019. Don't blame the game for yourself being an aspie. It sounds to me that you two (or at least him, you sound like a LARPer not only not even playing Classic, but also as one of the people ashamed that WoW was their first MMO so you buy into glory tales of pre-WoW MMO players) magically expect people to make the effort to befriend you while you put it no effort yourself.
>have 5 friends ready to go before Classic launch
>super excited
>one friend swaps to a lower pop server on day 3 because of queue's
>one friend 'last online 7 days ago'
>one friend has 2 hours to play at night max
>one friend has too much anxiety to group with randos
I just wanted to play an MMO with actual friends again. We had so many plans
It's irrelevant to say you have to "put effort in" when it's not real life and your only objective effort required is to pay the subscription fee. You can't seriously retreat videogame relationships like real life ones
There were at least 15 servers in EU on day 1.
the first mmo i played was in 1997 where i was the healer and people were forced to be my friend :^)
i remember how nice they all were back then. this was before weirdos started playing healers and we were a rare and coveted class. people used to even fight over me.
Yes i have accrued many mental illnesses over my life user, but i am still correct about the role of group grinding in growing a servers community. In the old days you had to sit around and chat while waiting for respawns/mana to regen/the puller to come back. Countless hours of downtime to get to know each other.
Groups would last for days, with people joining and leaving, then rejoining again the next day as spots opened up.