Cube World 76: Invisible War

The last thread died and with a mess like this, you know we ain't done yet.

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Other urls found in this thread:!dS4CiQLR!yynOPwvIVmwNkg-gGQl9DI60-xovJedZzK0Re2baI-E

Anyone figure out a cheat table for this abortion yet.

Patch today

How does one somehow make a game even worse through 6 years of game development

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i cant fathom how anyone can find a game fun where you have to kite your first basic mobs around just to kill them

Already happened I think.

>post yfw you didn't fall for the scam/hypetrain and then ensuing let down because you could see the red flags from a mile away

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>saves the day

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All I wanted was Alpha but bigger, better, stronger, faster. Why Wollay, why?

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it's still too early to conclude anything

Hey how about BotW but every time you travel anywhere you lose all your gear and abilities!

The entire Internet hates it. It's over.

He can't have spent 6 years gutting features for nothing, could he? This is all a big prank for alpha buyers, right? He's gonna show us his magnum opus on the 30th, right?

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>Just do white dungeons guys!
>go to white named dungeon
>boss with 4k hp

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Do any of the classes not rely on kiting?
Anything with stuns, evasion, regeneration, anything but running in a circle waiting for cooldowns?

My friends made me get Arma 2 because of dayZ back in the day and they also made me get Cubeworld 6 years ago. To this day those 2 were my absolute worst buyers regret titles. I got a lot of shit like the beyblade game for gamecube and star wars for gba when I was younger, but those 2 really take the cake.

Post yfw you never cared about this because you thought it was some Minecraft rip off back in the day.

No, that's legit the entire game.
Not even meme'ing, that's how Wollay likes to play so that's how his game plays.

>running in a circle waiting for cooldowns
If I wanted to play Risk of Rain I would play Risk of Rain.

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this is that minecraft clone that had people gathered in a theater setting and watching youtube videos on a big screen right?
chirst, the game is gonna be a hotbed for illegal porn.

Fucking hell
And here I had faint hopes that I'd just picked the most boring class with scout

can knockdown enemies, block damage and heal through lifesteal while in rage.

Funny thing is the original XP system was in the game until the start of this year at least. His screenshots on Twitter shows the XP bar in January.

I have never heard of that but holy fuck if it is then fuck yeah thats a massive improvement over cube region

Modanon is our only hope

That's the thing, most of the stuff that's gone is IN THE FILES STILL, WOLLAY YOU KEK I HATE YOU

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Don't get your hopes up for a third time.

Then there is hope that someone can restore the game, moron

That was Hytale

Literally all he had to do was flesh out the skill trees, gear system and other rpg mechanics while adding more content (more structures, more mobs etc) and maybe some sort of end game. That's it. That's all I wanted. Instead we got this abortion.

If not for the week's early access I would have said this is a cheap attempt at doing a minimal amount of work and then cashing in again. But it seems as though wollay is so fucking dumb he thought people would like this. It's like he played Breath of the Wild and thought... hey, you know, I could make this, but a lot worse!

They removed the fun again? kek

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wait nevermind
I found the game
you just know there is gonna be dozens of private servers showing snuff, bestiality and child porn.

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Arma 2 is good cunt

I can still be mad at having 6 years of lingering hope be smashed to bits by a german retard, even if the pieces get glued together by a kinder soul.

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And you just know his wife was praising him for every terrible decision, encouraging him to go even further. The only feedback he got for six years.

Unfortunately hytale is probably going to be riddled with horrendous microtransactions. Look at the minecraft server these guys run, it's awful in that respect.

I really want one of these games to wind up good, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

Quoting an user from the last thread, "lack of criticism and feedback is exactly why he's made some very bad decisions. If no one tells him what works and what doesn't, it will never get better."

that's what you get if you create something in a hugbox. creators should be constantly challenged if they want to produce something great

Pray for Terraria 2 withing the next decade

Alright since every other procedural infinite RPG is dead or NEVER EVER I'll make my own. See you all in 6 years for the beta!

remember to make it so we can stream memes and porn in some kind of cinema area like hytale

looks kawey, is it anything like dragon quest builders?

marking my calendar

>get slaughter because you can't find a good weapon
>find good weapon
>game is now too easy

Where the FUCK is the level scaling? Absolute fucking bullshit design

God damn this piece of shit game. I've spent hours trying to find the fucking fun in it, and the most exciting interactable I've found is the "Exit game' option. The world would have been a better place if he had just left it as fucking vaporware.

Thats totally true
Nowadays companies rely heavily on customer feedback because they have realized that the more disconnected the company is from their clients the higher is the probability of building something that the clients didn't want or ask for
Wollay ffs read steam forums

remember like 6 years ago when new races were on the road map? lmao

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this please

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>open source

How do you change FOV?

hook an user up with the mega link

Sounds like good creepypasta material

where the fuck are the cities that jewlay promised

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So if there's no proper leveling system how do I get more HP? How am I supposed to kill 800hp monsters when I'm stuck around 200hp?

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It's a minor thing, but man, there are some neat races I'd like to be able to play as.
>Spike Creature
I'd also like to see a pigman or some kind of fantasy robot.
As an aside, is it currently known if the alpha dogs, or the smaller, similar dogs (I forget their name) are tameable?

CTRL + scroll wheel zooms in and out the view which helps a lot. I don't think it works on Windows 7 though through experience, could just be a bug.

Run around and pray you find a good weapon for your class laying around. No really, that's it.

>I don't think it works on Windows 7 though through experience, could just be a bug
On win7 here. Works fine for me.

i was running around the region for over 3 hours and found NOTHING, not even items for other classes from packs of monsters

Paulo get out of Yea Forums you fucking piece of shit. I already told that I'm sorry for making you buy Cube World.

You have a roadmap for street racing?

I can't believe that p2w Trove turned out better than this.

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It works for me but not for my friend on Windows 7. He can't even get the custom keybinds for the feature working.

Yep, that's why i stopped playing after i completed the zone i started in. Who the fuck wants to do that again

Steal their assets, copy their code, make Godot version.
it will be easier to develop and maintain.

Games like cubeworld just really prove how fucking dumb GAMERS are. I mean the game started in development YEARS ago and within a year everyone knew it was a scam and pure shite, years later and it is still developing along with no changes really but wait what it is coming to STEAM!?!? OMFG PRE ORDER PRE ORDER FUCK YES GOTYAY YAYYYYYYY!!! And low and behold the game is even shittier but retards still fell for it, again and again. I mean how fucking retarded can you be? What other industry fanbase are this fucking dumb time and time again?

I played cubeworld all those years ago but not the beta.

Gimme a quick rundown of whats wrong please

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The alpha was great. All it honestly needed to do was add more content. Wollay completely butchered the gameplay loop instead of just improving upon what it originally was. Maybe if he didn't vanish we would have been able to give feedback of development. He never showcased any of these problems in his yearly tweets.

I unironically blame reddit. The cubeworld sub was up all this time and people basically turned into cultists there. Yes, fuck off, I know, le >he browses the sub lolol
The point still stands, if the dumb subreddit would go away this game would rest in peace as a promising alpha that never got anywhere.

He just gutted the alpha and released it like that.
There are less stuff that there were before in.
Really disappointed with it bros.

I don't have the kind of time to invest into a project of that scale, and it looks like they're already making good progress on it
maybe some point in the future if development on this halts

I agree about a Godot version being easier to maintain but I think it would be better to wait until 4.0 when they implement the new rendering system

From last thread

>progression is all gear based, your level is determined by the amount of artifacts you have
>artifacts are literally just QoL boosts and have no combat value whatsoever
>gear gets reset every region, unless you find +gear which lets you go one region farther
>changed worldgen
>no seeds
>boats, hang gliders, riding pets are all 1 zone only, you can't buy them either
>piss easy to find op legendary gear that lets you solo the region and just bumrush any artifacts you know about rather than going and finding lore to discover more
>before finding it it's literally a run away from everything simulator
>can take hours to find a weapon if you are unlucky
>no skill trees
>no extra subclasses
>miniscule if any changes to customization options for races/hair/skincolor etc

Reminder Stardew Valley has been released for 6 years, gets constant updates that improve the game and add more content, and its been ported to every current gen system, and it is developed by ONE person doing everything except translating for localized releases. Cube World has 2 people working on it, there is no excuse to be in the state it's currently in.

it had potential imo

>Cube World has 2 people working on it
that's reaching a bit, 1 of them is a woman so it's more like 1 and 1/4 people working on it. And the 1 is an autist with no clue about game design

>fell for it again
you know you got a free key if you already bought the alpha all those years ago

Wollay's wife is unironically a harder worker than him. he's a lazy shite. if only she could code

>gear resets every region
>boats, hangliders, riding pets are all 1 region
wtf why? Exploration was one of the games strongpoints? That's absolutely fucking retarded

>got a free key
Thanks for proving my point you utter retard.

>My toaster runs the alpha perfectly fine
>Beta allows me to play but the world barely loads and if it does, I can't go far before entering the realm of eternal fog

>Exploration was one of the games strongpoints?
Yes! That's why you can explore and find it all over again in new region!

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Yeah, but working hard isn't the same as being able to code or having good game design knowledge unfortunately

>fell for it, again and again
>time and time again
you're implying people bought it again you fucking dumbo. they "fell for it" once

In a nutshell
>exploration is discouraged. You need to stay in an arbitrarily confined region, finish the "lore" (walk up to random slabs of rock and press E), and happen upon a decent item.
>You either die instantly or you're invincible. The only inbetween is white name enemies which can also stampede you if you're not careful and chug HP pots
>Skills were gutted out for no apparent reason. What you have is what you get.
>If you leave the region, your items' stats get nerfed to fucking hell AND you lose all of your mobility items like the hand glider (this can happen mid-air) or boat (this can happen in the middle of the fucking ocean).
>XP was removed. There's no real reason to fight enemies.
>When you finish your region, you move on to the next one. All of the above happens. Meaning, you almost literally start a new game.
>the only exception is special +1 items that just overpower your enemies in the next region, throwing balance out of the window.
Everything's gone to shit. I don't know how he even managed that.

I fell for it twice, but technically i only fell for it once since the €15 i spent on cube world alpha i got like 90 hours out of and i enjoyed all of those hours.
The real one i fell for was Starbound

I just want hytale bros

Has a good base to work with,the reset system could work but it needs an overhaul and shit like fucking boats and glider shouldnt reset thats just dumb.I wouldnt listen to the faggots around here they shitpost anything Wollay needs to just take feedback for once its still a fun game.

I didn't imply anything money wise you nonce, get better reading comprehension. I was obviously talking about the hype and how the game will be GOTAY you fucking dumb nigger.

Also again you said
>bought the game
>got a FREE key
You are an utter retard and proved my point perfectly

>looking forward to anything anymore

This game fucking sucks I just spent 3 hours walking and I have no idea where I am but I've been fucking walking and nothing has happened yet also the game looks like shit is no one else bothered by the graphics after 3 hours of this I can't see right anymore

>over and over again.
The poor souls who are still waiting for release have no idea just how literal that is.

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Guys help, I can't stop playing the game even though I know it's objectively trash.
How do I fix this

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how many artifacts you got user?

Unistall the game

He does coding and she writes tew lore

So basically she does nothing. Cause the lore in this is fucking non-existent

Friendly reminder to farm up while you still can using the quest glitch

Teleport away from a gnome in a pot thing, teleport back, the loot respawns with him
even using this I've only gotten a single fucking + and it was only rare

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Totally not the beta+alpha game releases.
Totally not a fix for win7.

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The saddest part of all of this is that any other developer would’ve been given the benefit of the doubt and believes the game can become better later but this is fucking wollay

My armor's still a mishmash of blue-gold stuff with blue weapons, so there are still some purple and gold areas I can't deal with yet.
Maybe once I finish this one region I'll feel satisfied that I've beaten the whole game and be free.

nice try user

the saddest thing is that after watching all this

i still want to try it

Same. I want to experience the trainwreck for myself if nothing else after six fucking years.

Oh, i thought you actually were like a dozen zones in. Yeah no, the feeling of wanting to play more completely evaporates once you've got full gold gear and explored your entire starter zone.
Well that's what happened to me anyway. Took 7 in-game hours


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The beta came out like today, surely the rar is clean?

Is that the rune golem one that shoots lasers that one shot you and has aimbot tier aim? Cause i fought one of those in gold arena and holy fuck what bullshit it was

Time to make some gold.
>it was only rare
The loot quality is based on the difficulty of the monsters.
I'm not going to get anything better than blue from this gnome.

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>trailer shows wollay using the same weapons in different biomes
I think this retard forgot to turn off his dev hacks while play testing his own game lmao

howd you get all that health

Arenas go up in difficulty each wave and the difficulty color on the map changes to match.

No, this one spins and has a guy that pops out and murders you when you knock it down. Took me a solid 20 minutes of hiding under the pump and poking it for it to die
Gear my dude, pic related is my current stuff, which I think is as good as it gets for zone armor, but I need to farm more.

Friendly reminder that at 100% LORE not map completion you start getting + gear frequently. You will still get it rarely without it.

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name of game?

i know, that golem was the 4th and final wave, my armor was 2 golds and the rest purple, my weapon was gold. Still got one shotted by his bullshit laser

Square Planet

Cube Region

Can I get a quick rundown?

Did he actually make the game worse after 6 years? Why?

Read thread fucker


Cubic Globe


I can confirm how much of a trash fire this game is right now;
>One of the big things for this game - removed infinite leveling
>region locked travel equipment and gear
>leveling only increases exploring based skills
>no balance waht so ever you're either a worm or a half god by randomly finding good gear
>most quests require combat to resolve them despite even mobs below/on your leveling killing you in a couple hits and points I listed above

Wollay is either going to man the fuck up and listen to waht people want or let this game burn down in its own petrol (yes, those are 40k fuckers)

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Box Realm

>it's been a year since switch got the multiplayer update
>still not on PS4/Xbox
>next PC patch is being held back until the porting team does their fucking job


Is this game any good?

Hangglider in the middle of a vulcano
no, boats don't swim in this - i had to high jump across the the fucking lava to just reach it in time

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>terraria is being held back by the fucking smartphone port
If hitler was still alive this wouldn't be happening.
Alpha is decent but lacking. Beta and likely release version aren't worth their btyes.

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My only real gripe is the travel equipment/utility stuff not coming with you. The game would be improved a whole lot if he just removed that. non-+ gear being region bound is also pretty fucking dumb, if he just nerfed the stats or rather, gave legendary gear a boost when it was used within the area it was found, that'd fix most of the issues.
Balance seems fine to me but I haven't ventured out of the first zone yet

>Game is clearly going for exploration themed game
>Remove all of your exploration gear per region, which is fairly small in relation to the amount of shit you gotta explore
>But the reward for exploring a region and getting an artifact is more move speed or lantern brightness in absurdly small amounts
>You gotta pick up a glider, boat and saddle in every single region thus reducing your travel speed by default

What the fuck is this goddamn fucktard trying to do?

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It's ALWAYS in the volcano.

Hexahedron Earth

>It's like he played Breath of the Wild and thought... hey, you know, I could make this, but a lot worse!
You posted the exact same passage in the previous thread you fucking autist.

there is leveling up. you just have to find the relic in the current land you are in

you gotta chug potions will jumping it's the only way

>leveling up is based on finding things and not fighting enemies

did wollay just look at classic RPGs and think "well, I HAVE to be unique to stand out amongst them all!"

Autism simulator

The only positives about this game are its visuals and the fast travel system right now, aside from that I have to use cheat engine at 3x so I don't fall asleep traveling the world, I can't fight anything in the area and have to avoid it unless I feel like fucking tracking the same road again for 15 minutes

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Wrong you stupid fuck. Factorio isn't even the same genre, and it's a much better game.

Take a flightpath to the nearest location and hope the distance is short enough for you to land on the Glider with the glider you get from being booted off of the eagle.

>Wollay bows to Pixxie
>In contact with spike creatures
>Possesses autism-like abilities
>Controls the regions with an iron fist
>Owns mana pumps & shrines globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient liar devs
>Will steamroll even the first dungeon in the land (Thanks to legendary drop from random bush)
>Owns 99% of cube-editing research facilities in the land
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be frogmen
>both Wollay and Pixxie said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence to scrap core game right before release
>Ancient lizard people scriptures tell of two beings who will descend upon Earth and will bring countless disappointment and questionable game design
>They own equipment labs that produce gear that becomes worthless immediately
>You likely have dust from the infinity-snapped gear floating around your room right now
>Wollay is in regular communication with the Todd Howard and Sean Murray
>He learned how to code in under a week and then how to scrap it all in less than that
>Redditors entrust their reddit gold reserves with him
>Cube World is about seven decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
In reality, it's a timeless game existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know if it was ever released in a satisfying form in any timeline. We're still waiting.


Thank you very much user. Now I understand it.

Iknowitsshitbutcantstopplaying: the beta

What are you guys talking about? Items don't vanish. I asked a friend and he told me you can just reequip them.

I'm sad the warrior weapon glitch got patched. It was fun smashing shit while using 2 2-handed weapons.

Now that's lore.

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>bigger midriff
an improvement i would say

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>ranger bunnyhop got fixed

reminder that after SIX, yes after 2000 days you can't build ANYTHING in a game made up of fucking cubes

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but you can build houses like in the alpha user

Assassain allows you to one shot some weaker enemies with his right click while sneaking, managed to clear some basic "save this dude" quests that way for some equipment.

Good, I don't want to. All I need is my swastika sword.

>Terraria is still the king of this genre
And it doesn't even have an infinite map. Not even saying that Terraria is bad, but goddamn, I wanted another game to at least try to not suck ass so I could have fun with it too.

At least there's another big update coming soon, so i have another reason to play it again with friends.

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hes got 6 days to completely rework the game dude

DQB2 is better than terraria
same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was