All video game movies are ba-

Attached: D7UcRqe.jpg (1166x1500, 227K)

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-m margera, what will he do next?!

what ever the fuck i want

Attached: bam-margera-dr-phil-1-2000a.jpg (2000x1333, 1.94M)

Shit sucked. Was worse than one of those SyFy channel movies. Direct to home video was a dead giveaway.

Samefag op trying to bump his dumb thread. Sage in all fields.

>The only demons are Imps, Former Humans, and some OC thingy
>The weapons look nothing like the weapons
>Le tacticool in the far future
>The protag could have worked if casted better
>Not a whiff of Doomguy

>this will now be known as the good doom movie

Attached: Doom (2005).jpg (813x1200, 180K)


The first Mortal Kombat movie is unironically great.

both doom and MK 1 and SF were fun as fuck movies. If you did not like these you have plebeian tastes.

All other game movies suck ass.

Silent Hill was good. Captured the atmosphere of the games pretty well.

never seen, thx recommend

Agree. sequel is trash though. I do also think MK and Doom are good enough for what they are. MK moreso than Doom.

"good" is a very strong word.


Attached: 3AFAB329-E565-4165-ADFF-78D7F9114773.jpg (638x917, 80K)

It's unironically good. It's an adaptation of a silly game ffs, what did people expect.

I don’t remember playing as a girl with a fivehead in Doom.

The game is a first person shooter, it would not matter even if you played as a potato.
People should stop pretending that doom is high culture, it always was brainless fun and so is the movie.

The movie isn’t fun. It looks like complete shit.

Reminder that not even the devs acknowledge this shit

I was going to say I bet we are going to see a ton of mock up guns made from Arsenal rifles. Then I started watching the trailer and within first 9 seconds you can spot the first Bulgarian waffle AK mag.
Also the character gear is recycled from other low budget movies shot in Bulgaria.

Attached: doom_annihillation.png (1282x720, 318K)

>> it would not matter even if you played as a potato.
Yes it does you literally see doomguys face in the hud and theres reactions for everything that happens to him.

I watched it and I disagree, it's as good as the first one.

Carmack's name is mentioned.

>A small picture is representative of the whole game

Attached: D86DD24D-9056-47D0-9A25-07EAF74242CE.png (1412x823, 150K)


>Carmack's name is mentioned
I mean there's this tweet

Why did Universal want to keep the rights to Doom? Did they really need to make this?

What do they get out of this?

Attached: 6B395822-0D46-406F-8A6F-429C0D08FBCB.jpg (262x246, 15K)

Another ip

Carmack is the original maker of doom, nudoom soidevs don't matter and won't matter in the long run.

>it's as good as the first one.
and the first one was fucking shit so there you go

They get to keep the rights to the Doom movies.

>A small picture is representative of the whole game
thats not an actual response to anything but ok

A chance to dip into that possible video game culture cash pool.

This new doom guy is pretty skinny he should eat more and workout.

I mean he directly involved with this? Or just credit cameo only?

A dead scientist is named Carmack.

Do media companies really just release lazy shit once a decade just to sit on some rights to an IP they don’t plan on using?


yes, they do this all the time take a look at fucking konami

Postal 2

I think it was supposed to be an arch-vile

So it's just name cameo. Ok.