Any good games about fighting climate change?
Any good games about fighting climate change?
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>not pictured: 120 acres of edible foodcrops burning because a single change in subsidies makes it's ever so slightly more profitable to destroy the lot and replant
Treasure of the Rudras
based brainlet flyover peasant
Russian Roulette
Civilization 2. Building heavy industrial areas are nice, but the cleanup involved makes it not worth it.
An actual research said that living in the city is actually harming the enviroment less than living on the countryside.
FF7, I suppose
>not pictured: cow farts, the real danger
>not pictured: rows and rows of subsidized mono-culture crops
wasting water on watering your goddamn lawn is not enviromentally friendly you dumb californian
based retarded namefag
but how?
Economies of scale, like people walking to the market around the corner instead of driving half an hour to one
Generally less transportation
Less infrastructure needed per capita
Probably lots more factors
it's all about containing the damage, rather than let it spread out
>eat bugs to save the environment
>move to a big city to save the environment
>don't have children to save the environment
What will these wacky people come up with next? Disabling parts of your brain to disable your energy need?
It's refreshing to see someone understand things beyond a high school level on here.
No man you have to connect your brain to the grid bio computer man.
for climate change of course
Why do farmers in NA vote conservative yet happily collect the socialist subsidies
If you can fit 30 people onto a single city bus you're clearing the road of 30 cars that would otherwise be stuck in traffic for hours every day and replacing them with a single bus.
Probably the same way that people can say that right-wing terrorism has caused more deaths in the US than muslim terrorism i.e. by starting the count after 9/11.
Reminder that people and these children activists dont actually care about the environment, they are just worried their lives wont be as comfortable in a few years
worst offenders are probably suburbs desu
Nobody in American politics is honest. Not the politicians, and not the voters either.
I read about the same study I think.
Another one was smaller houses due to more expensive land.
>move to a big city to save the environment
never heard of that one, what's the logic behind this one?
Because conservatives pretend to be fighting for the little guy. Nobody talks about how huge megacorporations are almost literally fucking farmers in the ass due to corporate greed coupled with lack of accountability and regulatory oversight, because the red politicians (and most of the blue ones too) are all paid off by Monsanto.
My vote goes for suburbs out in Nevada, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to build out in the middle of the fucking desert like that?
The farmers don't seem to mind cashing those subsidy cheques
>people who live in cities can't enact change because retards who live in rural area got tricked by city millionaires into thinking the city boys are going to take their farms.
Being saddled with retard flyover states is what's going to kill this country.
Bugs are an extremely efficient protein source, and it's not like you have to eat whole bugs, you can just grind them up into protein rich flour and have them as a supplement in other things.
Cities are better for the environment for the reasons said
Having fewer children is obvious because the total lifetime carbon output of a human is enormous, but that doesn't mean you have to have none at all and because there's no such thing as overpopulation, only overuse of resources, if and when the economy is able to de-intensify and reduce per capita resource usage then after that you can have as many as you like.
try ghost busters
cityfags aren't human
>volunteer at a highway clean up thing
>so much plastic from giant bags of hay the farmers rip open with out cleaning up
God damn it
I get the idea, but saying Cities don’t use automobiles a lot is bullshit and you know it.
Subsidizing farmers is generally a good thing. Agriculture is an important industry and the big companies that sell animals and seeds and pesticides and mechanical farm equipment are increasingly trying to jew the fuck out of our farmers more and more each year.
We overproduce food by about 40% in this country, though, so we would probably benefit from making some changes.
Because FYGM is a very real mental state, and its incredibly easy to justify the handouts you receive as being "necessary" unlike the dumb niggers in the ghettos.
Driving 5 minutes to get to the store is still less bad than driving 30.
Yeah but per capita they use less because they have other options.
A city slicker driving doesn't negate that.
Yeah, those idiots! How dare they care that huge areas of land will be submerged or literally too hot to live in (
Bugs taste like sand but look into it, dude, they are jam fucking packed with good shit.
That's why it's always important to invest in good urban planning and public transportation but the US kinda got fucked over in that regard when car lobbyists manage get most of the tram systems demolished.
Depends on what it is, you can't even swim in some rivers due to dairy farming for instance.
>not going for nuclear power
get a load of mr brainlet here
On the countryside you basically need one personal vehicle to get anywhere, especially in the states where public transportation isn't very prevalent
Many of those cars can be easily replaced by public transport in cities, such as metro systems that are incredibly efficient
A lower population density just means the same number of people have to travel farther by car to get anywhere on the regular.
>not going for hoover dam
Wait a second
1000-3000 cars used each day for 5 minutes
30-100 cars used each day for 30 minutes
Honestly the main problem with nuclear power is that people are irrationally afraid of it.
I, too, can just make up numbers.
Even if we doubled subsidies for "small farms" they'd still be failing in general, its just not viable in our current system.
By how many people?
what are you trying to say
For every person in the car there are hundreds in buses, trams, subways.
Shhh, it's the latest trend to get cityfags to feel better about themselves
>all that envy
Dabbin on them peasants
civ 1 - 6
>believing in climate change
lmao get a load of this faggot
Cities have more cars but less distance (Without considering traffic)
Urban has less cars but more distance.
>who the fuck thought it was a good idea to build out in the middle of the fucking desert like that?
Addle-brained boomers who want dry heat.
Not in civ5
My point wasn't about its impact on the environment.
It also shows how little you actually know about environmental damage if you think "less energy consumed means better environment" as expected of a cityfag.
>30-100 cars used each day for 30 minutes
Tractors, trucks, and other farm vehicles. What, do you think all farmers till and sow and harvest with their bare hands? Even the ones that use Mexicans have to use a ton of diesel to move all that biomass around.
people travel less in the city and goods have to travel less to get to them
irrelevant to consumption. But interesting to note since agriculture seems to compute one truck per cows when they decide to give you the "carbon signature" of meat.
that's true.
Why is civ 2 the most playable out of them all?
civ 2 > 5 > 4 > 1 > literal shit > 3 > 6
Urban has less people which leads to less cars
Per capita is the relevant stat in these discussions
Because they're idiots. People vote against their needs all the time. Hearing my family who are all union electricians talk about voting for a republican governor who has explicitly said he would rather "put children in front of unions", which is already a batshit stupid statement that makes little sense, is just fucking dumb.
>tfw eating fart inducing food to produce more CO2
I really wish "environmentalists" would broaden thier focus for more pressing issues like heavy metals in our waterways, plastic in our ocean and food chain, carcinogenic chemicals spewed out by chinese manufacturing. Only real answer is for western companies pull manufacturing from China since most of the cost savings from manufacturing in China comes from the nonexistent environmental protection laws they have.
I'm not taking about the environment dude I'm just telling you eating bugs is actually really good for you
They should just move to a city so they only use the tractor five minutes a day instead.
I want to throw every environmentalists in China.
If you're a peacock, maybe
The fuck are you guys talking about?
I ain't going to take a bus around town, there are Mexicans on them selling drugs.
Texan btw
>"put children in front of unions"
the fuck is that supposed to mean? Put children infront of union protestors to do what? Make them feel bad about campaigning for better working conditions? That's almost as insane as the amazon anti union training video
Need to have a realistic antagonist as well.
>chinese nuclear power plants
>that retarded peasant jealous of city dwelling actual people
Is he for real or just baiting?
I know /pol/tards are dumb as bricks so it's all Poe's Law, but it sounds just too cliche.
hey retard
>Per capita
No it fucking isn't. You could reduce emissions zero in Luxemburg and it wouldn't change shit.
>tfw we'll never save the planet because people are afraid of nuclear power
>that fluoride stare
godless, soulless little shit.
The chinese are pulling their weight, they might be doing some dodgy shit on the side, but they've contributed massively to the net growth of leaf area in the world and installing more solar power in 1 year than the US has total.
>No it fucking isn't.
lmao okay
>less energy consumed means better environment
Pretty simplistic take on it, but yeah generally that is true you dumb rural.
I'm pretty sure chinks evolved radiation immunity at this point
It does though, less energy consumed means less fuel burned, which means less carbon dioxide emitted
Also, getting protein from nice efficient invertebrates is much better than staggeringly inefficient fellow mammals, which use up huge areas of arable land for their feed, huge amounts of potable water to drink, release huge clouds of methane, and (if you care about that kind of thing) requires killing a huge number of sentient creatures while insects are basically advanced clockwork.
Environmentalists have two options
1. Convince strongman idiot dictatorships to start caring about the environment and stop getting easy money from corporations
2. Convince groups of legislators in reasonable countries to adopt beneficial policies, who then use their economic clout to force strongman idiot dictatorships to care about the environment
It's an obvious choice, mate
I'm sure Ralph Abraham was talking about teaching unions, but he used it in a broad sense of talking about unions in general. Our choices here in Louisiana are just dogshit all the time.
This kid is nuts. Remember being that old, now imagine sycophants feeding you a narrative and calling you literal Jesus for repeating it, AND calling those who don't take you seriously literal demons. She's going to end up whacking it in San Diego before long.
AI or World War will kill us all before fucking climate change
Especially the latter if climate change accelerates in our lifetime
>we need to stop climate change
>no, nuclear is not a valid alternative even though it's mostly carbon-free
>no, we won't adress overpopulation in third world countries
>no, we won't address pollution in third world countries
>no, we won't address uncontrolled globalism
>we'll just implement more taxes in western countries
Why are they like this?
No it's not. Its only big corporations that want this shit because bugs are so cheap to raise. They aren't the best source of vitamins, the only thing they have going for them is protein content. The bad is that they are open vascular creatures, so all their shit and other waste doesn't leave their body and we consume it. The toxins can accumulate if you eat bugs like meat. Its why in cultures bugs are often a side dish and never a main course.
>Tractors, trucks, and other farm vehicles.
But don't the produce get sent to cities anyway?
she looks so uncomfortable its hilarious
>energy baddd
no. coal power plants are bad. Aka not a problem in most parts of the world
because its a scam
That proves you know little about AIs and how they work.
Those chinese and africans have much lower per capita resource usage and carbon emissions than europeans and americans, and all the emissions they do produce are done to make the goods you consume. How many chinese people have iphone 11s, despite making them in the first place?
Yeah, starting from rural areas. Produce trucks aren't the only emission-heavy vehicles in a rural area.
Righto then. Although the more sensible solution to these problems is to just give public schools better funding and more robust learning material. That's all you literally need, good material and well funded educational institutions.
My point is that if the companies that effectively control the agriculture industries didn't do really shady things like genetically modify their plants to not produce recoverable seeds so they can force farmers to keep buying loads every season, or maintain ownership of the livestock they 'sell' to farmers to raise and mandate they be treated under specific (and generally cruel and bad for the meat) conditions, or sell untested pesticides that give field workers actual cancer, or monopolize the sale and repair of common pieces of farm equipment,
If we could make those things not happen there really wouldn't be a need to subsidize farmers all that much.
Ai has around 50 years from what is public with bio engineering.
A world war is more likely sadly
Muslims are right wing too.
The real fight against climate change will be a few months AFTER its hit a breaking point with society and is causing massive issues. We're a reactionary species.
Climate change is the cause, civil unrest or even wars the result
Turns out that the majority of humans live on the coasts that will pretty much disappear in the next 50-100 years, and those people will want to go somewhere else aka where you are
First off any report from the Chinese Government/State Run Media should be taken with a grain of salt. They have been caught lying time and time again. And all the solar panels in the world won't help all the heavy metals/plastic they dump into the oceans. I mean come on, not to long ago China was pumping out CFC again, i'll even source my claim
It's very clean, in look and gameplay, just a straight upgrade from 1, not any mechanical minigame stuff to worry about. War is very chesslike and you lose pieces through it instead of immortal regenerating troops in some or unstoppable doomstacks in others.
I really need to play smac at some point, I still haven't, but from the looks of it it seems to be a lot like civ2.
Money printers entertain themselves in the weirdest ways.
Fuck off bot you won’t fool me with your tricks
Counter point:
All that consecutive concrete pavement was LITERALLY the environment at one point and doesn't exist at all because of the city.
>but people are stacked up toward the sky, meaning less actual square area that's paved
Every single city also spawns miles of suburbs around it. Cities are environment killer, no arguments against it.
Because China makes the devices they need to make noise
Best thing for the environment would be to nuke China, India and Africa
it should be noted that we sell A LOT of our garbage to those countries as well because we don't even have fucking recycling plants
>LITERALLY the environment at one point
We're thinking a bit more global than a few square kilometres of concrete user
The anti nuclear position is a straw man. Stop fighting it.
I feel that as long as China, shits all over international enviromental regulations, us one-sidedly crippling ourselves does fucking nothing but help the Chinks become even more dominant.
Shut the fuck up about the climate, if you are so worried about it, go plant a fucking tree every month you fucking useless faggot.
I for one, welcome Global Warming.
One of Humanity’s greatest flaws going into the late 1800s to today was not letting enough people die.
We have labels on everything so that idiots don’t accidentally kill themselves.
We have medicine that would keep alive people who would have died and to keep people alive past their 40.
Third worlders who can’t afford 2 children have 9, which those children also have 9 each.
We are all so miserable in today’s age since there are too many of us.
We can’t get a decent job since there is just too many of us for money and resources to be passed around.
Every democratic election keeps pandering to the lowest common denominator every election since the normalfag population keeps rising, and politicians are forced to pander to them if they want to win, rather than what is actually right for their nations.
And you know what? This whole this is a little bit of karma by God for coastalfags for ruining his planet and for abandoning him too.
So you know what? I think I will have more burgers, drive my car a little bit more, and destroy the O-zone a little bit more to speed up the process.
>1. Convince strongman idiot dictatorships to start caring about the environment and stop getting easy money from corporations
The CPC already consider going green a core pillar. It's enshrined in the party's constitution.
>Adopting new science-based ideas for "innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development".
>Coexist well with nature with "energy conservation and environmental protection" policies and "contribute to global ecological safety".
We have to remember that the Chinese don't look at history in the same way the west do, they literally don't even consider the Thucydides trap to be a thing, they view peasant revolts to be the greatest threat to the nation at all times and one of the biggest grievances of people in china is concerns about the environment.
The African union is doing a lot more than you think, they're in the process of reclaiming huge amounts of land from the sahara with aggressive tree planting.
Unfortunately, yes. That's why we need to start preparing people now for a mass execution of the 1%.
Solar power sucks and China is one of the only place in the world where solar power is viable due to it being practically empty except for coastal cities.
a stack of plastic bottle doesn' impact climate. Ironically, globally burning the trash does.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Up until this point in time climate change has had fuck all to do with environmental damage outside of the poles.
The CFC pumping was the dodgy thing, they're doing stuff to reduce carbon that will do other damage to get around that. Because now everyone else isn't they're looking at it as a cheap way to do "something that will repair itself much easier so we can keep growing"
They're shady, but they aren't stupid, they know full well what the risks are and they have the power to curtail it.
Fuck City Slickers
>causing massive issues.
So... never.
That's what they do over there with our trash, they just burn it anyway because we lack the facilities to properly handle it
>no, nuclear is not a valid alternative even though it's mostly carbon-free
I despise it when people pat countries on the back for having "a lot" of wind and solar power, when they're still at +40% coal power, when they could've just gone nuclear and had less than 1% energy from coal power.
>We can't get a decent job since there are too many of us
t. retard that wants to make a living with an entry tier job
Energy doesn't just refer to power generation you plebe. Food production = energy production too.
Overpopulation doesn't exist, you can have as many people as you like AS LONG as you can produce the resources to sustain them - the actual number is completely irrelevant. And on that note, the total resource usage of the entire continent of Africa is a fraction of the use of America. Pollution occurs in third world countries BECAUSE of uncontrolled 'globalism', aka the spread of multinational corporations, based in first world countries. Taxes have to be implemented in western countries because they're the sole beneficiaries of this entire setup - and before you go on with your false narratives, no the taxes won't be on the general population, they'll be on the huge fucking corporations that caused this mess in the first place.
Are you fucking retarded? If I was a bot, how did I get past the Captcha? Stupid nigger.
Debug: EndSentenceSlur
The Chinese economy will take over the US economy, they have 5 times the population; it's natural.
If every population center was packed as dense as the closest city, entire states would go back to being virtually 100% wilderness.
Spreading people over a wider area necessitates more travel and more widespread infrastructure and that categorically features less nature.
you try convincing third worlders to stop producing products for first worlders user
Exports account for only 15% of China's emissions, try again.
>there are just too many of us
There literally are not enough of us.
We are not anywhere near the Earth's limit to support human life and activity, there are just some particular people who profit a LOT off of unsustainable practices, so we're stuck with them for now.
So climate change will end up destroying coastal cities causing widespread death and disease to run rampant in coastal areas?
Sounds like climate change will solve itself.
Literally the only reason we have all this infrastructure is to connect the big cities you absolute mongoloid.
We should double it and go underground
So then why do we need to stop buying goods then?
>per capita
you feel like sharing where you got that from?
>We need to stop climate change
>We're already funding birth control in the turd world
>We're focusing our efforts on the countries which are the most prolific polluters per capita (China, USA, Western Europe etc)
Why is everyone on this dumb board always so quick to go BUTTTTTTTT MAWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM WAHT THE FAWK CHINA DOESNT HAVE TO DO SHIT??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? THEN WHY SHOULD WE??????????????!??????????
Thank g*d for my government deciding yesterday that everyone except politicians and the big corps gets an extra carbon tax. I fell now soooo much better for doing my part.
>per capita
Thanks for titling the image so I know it’s pointless and can be ignored in any actual real world context
Yes, I'm sure China is near 0, they always played by the rules and were always truthful in the past.
That was 2000, here's 2017
Research shows that my life is awesome, and yours is horrible. It's science, so you can't argue.
Factorio is a game about CAUSING climate change
Have you seen how many cars are in the likes of the cities in Texas & California? So many people have to drive to the city as well, even if they don't live there
Fuck yeah nothing like having your country on top of a hill then dropping a planet buster on your enemies and watching climate change take care of the rest.
bUt wHaT aBoUt pAjEeT
Who cares? let humans die with this planet we reap what we sow.
civ 2 mostly was FAST. al lthe other ones take ages... unit management was such a hassle in the subsequent parts.
And it's a good thing, fuck those giant bugs.
While I can get behind the idea of the image, or what I imagine to be the idea anyway. This image still kind of pisses me off.
Take the western side of Russia's coast for instance. They've got nice fields like that instead of some smog infested shithole like on the bottom. And yet their coastline industry just drops all fucking waste right down in the water which then follows the stream and absolutely wrecks the coast where I live.
Just because your own backyard might look nice, it doesn't meant that your misconduct can't royally screw over someone else's.
>hey China stop the pollution
Oh well nevermind we can continue killing the planet now
Do americans not understand what "per capita" means?
>Per capita is the relevant stat in these discussions
It's literally not. Chinks have 1.4 billion population, even if 1 billion live in early 20th century tier rural villages with no electricity, the amount of pollution the big concerns produce btfos every other country out of the water.
China have 5 times the population of the united states. In order for the Chinese to be out of order the US would need to be below 5%
>Humanitarian debate
>Murrilanders turn it into an "us honest folk vs. them evil juus" football match
I'm not interested in bugs, but I'd like to know why they make you so mad. Do mushrooms disgust you too?
>he's a m*lthusian
The total food production of Earth is about 30% more than is used each year, even huge inefficiencies like meat production and corn biofuel.
The problem is not production, it's distribution, and this problem cannot be solved under a capitalist system.
Also, the global fertility rate is about 2.6 and the highest fertility rate in a country is 6, in Afghanistan and the Congo i.e. active warzones (turns out short life expectancy makes people have lots of kids, who would have guessed? Oh right, the people living in our own countries less than a hundred years ago).
It's not just cars though
One apartment building houses as many people as dozens or hundreds of suburban or rural homes
One power/gas/water line equally powers that many more homes
Amazon doesn't have to drive 30 minutes to bring a package to you, they have much tighter routes
One firefighter station covers many many more homes
And so on
Population density just brings down the energy required per person
>the amount of pollution the big concerns produce btfos every other country out of the water.
Correct. America does blow every other country out of the water, bar China
Fighting climate change it's impossible because everything we do in some way or the other contributes to make everything worse. Every time you use your phone or the internets or a train or car, your game console, the refrigerator... If you really want to help combat climate change then go out and kill someone.
>Canada, a country with 37 million people produces more CO2 than China a country with over a billion, and literally zero environmental laws
seems legit
>Do americans not understand
The answer to that is always yes.
Well, sounds like your country needs a little proletarian revolution if you know what I mean
Like I said in a prior post, everyone is way to focused on carbon emissions (because it's the easiest way to tax the west) while we are killing the environment with heavy metals and other such pollutants. And come on man, China is generating CO2 at insane rates,
lol, I don't think so, see:
so you're saying the jews aren't involved
>any real world issue
>America needs to do something
You must find real comfort in total insignificance and irrelevance wherever you are
You don't really understand what the problem is, right?
it's not that they don't produce any, it's that there's too many people.
>per capita
>climate change is only about burgerland
Fucking burgers lmao
>nuke China
>pollution on the planet lower by 95%, accounting the effect of such a nuclear blast on the earth
Those taxes are aimed at the western multinational corporations that are doing all the globalism and pollution. What, do you think niggers in Africa are digging up gold and refining petrol all on their own?
Any politician who tells you that YOU personally need to be fighting climate change is wrong, climate change can only be fought on an industrial level.
Whether or not you drive to work every day is less important than multinational corporations cutting costs by dumping shit directly into the water we drink an the air we breathe as a result of global industrial operations on the scale of a moderately sized country.
Carbon taxes on citizens is corruption, it's politicians pretending to share the public fear of climate change while still wanting to get paid by big oil.
An effective carbon tax, and it should be high and aggressively implemented, is one that affects the companies doing the actual fucking polluting.
Being disgusted by bugs is a pretty standard human instinct.
and calculating pollution per capita is just as retarded, just calculate pollution as is.
>renewable tech will phase out most carbon emissions if only because it be cheaper and the free market is powerful
Do you really think there's a free market? The fossil fuel industry isn't going to let renewable tech take over until the day they fucking die
>nuke 1.3 billion people
Let's consider the alternatives first.
You're not the landed nobility living in the castle, you're the just servant for those who are.
Condemn Palau and half of the middle east then. Oh wait, you won't, because you don't give a single fuck about climate change.
not him but mushrooms are tasty
bugs are disgusting
Any fantasy game really !
>Have you seen how many cars are in the country?
Genuine question, are you a teenager or have you only lived in the country/only ever lived in a big city?
I've lived in both and it's intuitively obvious to me without statistics that people drive less in the city, own fewer cars, use public transport more etc.
It's not a question of scale, it's per capita.
If a rural hick thinks he's better for the environment what happens when 150 million people go out and start living on 50 acres of land each?
Not really.
I'm all for nuking Dubai.
Just like, stop worrying about China, dude.
This is because of rising costs, people use to have big apartments to themselves on a decent paying job
Hell Texas cities use to be more affordable until Californians moved in to escape high taxes, then voted for high taxes again, but whatever
>all those americans going 'n-no per capita doesn't count' because it exposes their wasteful sloth ways
People are afraid of nuclear. Some of it is lack of proper science education, some of it is sensational lies in pop culture and the media, some of it is propaganda spread by oil and coal barons who don't want their industries to shrink.
Either way, we can't implement nuclear energy at any appreciable scale until we shake off the public's misplaced fear of it
>Those taxes are aimed at the western multinational corporations
>not one western country with carbon tax has them specifically aimed at corps
>in reality it's the other way around when large corps are exempt from them in the first place
Reality is truly a bitch.
>In 2015, China generated 73% of its electricity from coal-fired power stations, which has been dropping from a peak of 81% in 2007
At least they have 32 nuclear power reactors under construction.
fuck off retard
Public transport plays a huge part in cutting down emission and I've never been in a rural area where public transport wasn't absolute dogshit
Yeah, and if you've ever seen the inside of a slaughterhouse, you'd probably be a little disgusted by cows too. I still eat beef, but watching those videos turned me off of it for a week or two. Besides, most bugs are ground up, not just eaten whole.
Yeah, but once they're ground up into powder what's the difference? Protein is protein.
>literal eat the bugs fags
Tell Jamal McOogaBooga in Africa not to have 9 kids. Nobody's eating bugs except the chinks who like that shit, you kike memers.
>not one western country with carbon tax has them specifically aimed at corps
The Australian one was, until the party in the industries' pocket came in and abolished it.
They literally won't have a choice, most fossil fuel companies are investing in renewable anyways )
Such is western corporate oligarchy.
Do you want ants? Because this is how you get ants.
>Everyone tries to be involved
>Americans still feel solely victimized
But then again you faggots here suggest genocide of brown people as the perfect solution, clearly anything must be better than simply admitting you don't live in heaven on earth
Just ignore the miles of infrastructure and roads needed to allow you to live in a rural area. And all the car waste you output because you are in the middle of nowhere.
Cities are efficient. They destroy less land. You dont need a car. Theres more people per mile of infrastructure.
Cities are way better for the environment than your rural house.
go back to drinking your own cum /fit/
Could you name a Western country that actually blames its industry?
They're all pushing taxes on the average Joe and blaming him for everything.
In countries like Germany nuclear is just ogre
It would take way too much time to develop and build these new reactors, and that's after changing the public image which is a topic no political party touches with a ten foot stick
It's very interesting how per capita is used so strongly for climate change, is it because China & India have billions more people & you want to muddle the stats to make it look like the West is the issue?
The solution is genocide, there are simply too many humans on this planet, most of them are objectively useless to society and more will become so as technology progresses. Only by culling our numbers will we achieve utopia.
Just thought I'd add that I'm a climate fag but also think we should definitely nuke China, I'm not an idiot.
City "people" are fucking disgusting insects
>Murica self-appoints itself World Police (TM)
>wHy sHoUlD wE dO sOmEtHiNg
Per-capita doesn't mean shit because climate change doesn't accelerate/decelerate per capita, it doe through total output. I thought you people were the ones who were supposed to be the intellectuals.
>not him but mushrooms are tasty
Another man of refined taste I see.
How about we just kill all the oil and coal barons, pitch in to help China and India clean up their industries, and then build sustainable energy farms.
>per capita
Thing is in Spain or Italy you have barely 90 milion people, while Africa or India alone go over people. Also Africans having 7 kids per woman so gl.
Their problem. Let´em drown.
Resident Evil 5
China SHOULD produce more carbon than the US, they have more people, the US is currently producing far over what they should be. China is using the power of their state apparatus to do things that would be impossibly radical in the west.
They are making ridiculous strides for this because of the Chinese philosophy that they can only be brought down by internal discontent, and guess what people were most worried about? after their living standards got better they were concerned about the air and environment. So the party switched gears into that.
As an user mentioned above, Australia was on the right track once. That's how it usually happens, though, a sensible plan is made but before it can actually be implemented the process has a wrench thrown in by the corporate oligarchy.
>thinking that people who "believe" are intellectuals
You can be environmentalist and critical of China at the same time user.
All we gotta do is stop. Stop making cars, stop making plastic, stop nonessential industries, reduce energy use. Why is doing nothing made out to be so hard?
This isn't actually true, Iowa voted for Obama twice
Also unions are trash, they have done nothing but outsource jobs to china & collect union fee's to enrich themselves
No it's because using absolute numbers is obviously completely retarded idea
>one family living on a 5 km2 farm uses less resources than the equivalent thousands to millions of people living in the same square area in a city
no shit
Same. I have my qualms with the idea of detonating more nuclear bombs in the one atmosphere we all have to share, but I think in the case of China it's definitely worth it.
Ending the mass consumption society isn't profitable, oy vey.
The UK has had an emissions trading scheme for ages, Canada has an overall carbon tax, but it reimburses your average joe more than they actually tax.
a human as a living creature doesn't impact climate. the CO2 emitted by breathing is laughably low (a few hundred grams a year for an adult). The only real option is growing more plants, then keep the carbon matter from entering the system again (like oil was deep in the earth. the idea of planting stuff in the Sahara is actually good. Even a quarter of its surface would probably be enough to balance things back.
Your understanding of global population trends are about half a century out of date.
The global fertility rate is 2.6 children per woman, and this is decreasing every year.
Only countries that are active warzones have higher fertility rates, and the highest is a little under 6.
The modal number of children per woman (i.e. the most common number of children for any woman in the world to have) is 2.
Bugs are also a very efficient source of protein, and your revulsion at the idea of eating even just protein derived from them incorporated into other products exposes your childishness.
Ah, Amazon middle management. Funny seeing you here, I didn't take you for the anonymous type.
Silicon industry (aka computers) is one of the more polluting, you imagine how hard it'll be to shut that down.
Unions don't outsource jobs, companies do.
>cities are better
Sure, if they are planned, and have an efficient transit, cities in my country are inefficient and unplanned, small cities have everything under 15 minutes of walk, big cities everything requires 1-2 hours of walk.
Germans are the most conservative people on the planet
In fifty years when Southern Europe is a literal desert Germans will still argue over the pro and cons of nuclear
Because that would kill some of the biggest industries on the planet and the people at the top will not suffer the government to do anything that threatens their bottom line, let alone their entire existence.
Pushing to eliminate coal/oil/heavy manufacturing is the type of shit that gets public figures assassinated.
Yep, you really don't understand it. Go back to school, you're in desperate need of it.
Being a house nigger >>>>>>>> being a septic tank nigger
>the idea of planting stuff in the Sahara is actually good.
They're doing that right now.
Unironically a great start
The carbon tax is a fucking scam considering it's used to pay debt instead of planting trees and funding scientific projects. France always talks big during those world events, but can't be assed to shit the few thousands euros needed to replant the forest that burn there every year.
Bro you live in an apartment with 10 people & pay a ton of rent to some jewish man, the peasant is you
I was under the impression that the Sahara is slowly growing and can't be planted without first removing the sand.
Not an argument.
Eat the bugs
Because killing 1000 people will barely do anything.
The greens have replaced the SPD on set to be in government next time. They might actually be the biggest party.
Malthusian retard.
>friendly remind that most conservative "intellectuals" like cucker carlson and ben cuckpiro live in coastal cities where they bitch about coastal elites and fellate flyover fags but barely visit or live in those states
>friendly reminder that lolbertarians are cuckolds to big corporations and will swear up to god that there's some "deep state conspiracy" in the science community regarding climate change
>"muh china" isn't a valid criticism about the laziness about climate change
mods and jannies are shit and so is this thread
Why shouldn't he? Why should people not make ends meet so some cunt can get a third yacht?
>let me call you stupid but provide no argument of my own
You're worse than he is, user. Fucking faggot.
>Those chinese and africans have much lower per capita resource usage and carbon emissions than europeans and americans
The Chinese are far and away the biggest CO2 producer in the entire world, the fuck are you talking about?
OK, Ching Chong.
>be american
>emit the most CO2 in the atmosphere
>have the least belief in its negative effects
fuck off retard
Africa feels so isolated from global affairs it's always crazy to check up on them and learn about the wild shit they've been up to.
>not understanding that climate change must be fought SO THAT farts may flow freely
I am a BRAAAP warrior and I will preserve BRAAAP by any means
Culling the herd a bit is the answer.
Reminder that more people visit Yea Forums than /pol/
They still place second if you do the equation normally
Do you think the average chink or american is at fault for the rise in carbon emission?
This is exactly why we're not fighting climate change, people are too moronic and trying to put the blame on others, when the ones to blame are the corporations, not the average man.
No matter how you look at it, china and usa are both at blame in this.
This but unironically.
The communists have a lot of wrong ideas but the revolution part is very very right.
All we have to do is kill the people holding us back, and then return comfortably to the current system instead of doing all the abolition of private property bullshit that the tankies would do.
I think he meant kill the coal and oil industry, not literally kill them.
We only need one model of phone and computer, and there is is no need to continue releasing new models yearly. If we keep the same hardware spec for decades you can be certain everything will run well on it. Most performance upgrades are only used to compensate for shitty inefficient coding.
Because the media intentionally doesn't tell you anything they do. It's part of the way they want to try and keep africa under thumb. Why the fuck do you think the US set up fucking AFRICOM?
Imagine arguing about complex topics on a board where half the users don't even understand the concept of per capita
>four retards with one catch
Keep it up, shareblue is no more, but someone new might pick you up for your valiant efforts to deny science and reality.
then why do we need unions?
>France always talks big during those world events, but can't be assed to shit the few thousands euros needed to replant the forest that burn there every year.
Because our entire economy is sinking into paying the help for all those millions of subhumans our country let in.
You people are the college freshman redditors who think you're educated because you read articles from the new york times when they show up in apple news.
Go back.
>Keep it up, shareblue is no more, but someone new might pick you up for your valiant efforts to deny science and reality.
That's fair.
You can't help China and India clean up their industries because they are entirely uninterested in doing it themselves. To "help" implies a willing primary party.
China flat out lies about it's emissions and solar roll out.
You manipulative cunt, you know zero environmentalists ever criticise China
How the fuck is aussie land emitting so much co2? The majority of the country is fuckin outback
Or I just applied my basic critical thinking skills that I acquired from not being an underage hick
You have it backwards. Kill the indians and chinese, then let the american empire as it exists expand.
Friendly reminder that Tucker Carlson is a millionaire funded by billionaires to peddle lies to millions of people
Apple and Samsung depend on people with nigger rich mindsets to keep buying the newest model each year but never consider moving out of the projects or getting birth control after the fourth kid to a fourth father.
whoops, forgot my link
you know you are the major polutors of the earth, right? And you can easily cripple the chinese by imposing a Co2 TAX on them. your dumbass is owned by disney and you dont even know it. GG no RE
Postings pictures of yourself isn't doing your cause any favors.
So just like all news?
To prevent outsourcing of jobs.
>they want to try and keep africa under thumb.
But why?
Petrol production and low population density
I get that you're funposting, and I'm glad you're not posting wojak, but the game is up, man. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Yeah I'd rather not get lung cancer. Or live in a town where I know everyone. In a city I could get stabbed on the street in broad daylight and no one would give a shit.
>1.4 billion people in China
>this is fine
>4 million people in Alabama
>fucking white people, stop having kids & pay more taxes
Top: soulless
Bottom: soul
unironically enough,cnn has a show that talks about africa alot. They even talked about this wall
Fuck off gargantuan tortilla
not to mention the CO2 emitions of those good ol' diesel barges that move our trash up there.
Technology agrees
>retarded newfag keeps giving himself away
Yeah, and there's a fucking billion and a half of them. They have five times the population of America but produce barely double the emissions, and even just 20 years ago it was the other way around.
I do.
Nah I have no problem with how butchered animals look, I still remember the first time I saw some boars hanging in the basement at a friends house as a kid. My only thought was "I probably shouldn't be here." If we were instinctually disgusted by butchered animals we never would of made it this far.
That image displays emissions per capita.
Australia has lots of mining and manufacturing, with a very low (27M~ish) population
Because sometimes a company is powerful enough to fire anybody who tries to ask for reasonable wages or humane working conditions, so the workers very much benefit from collective bargaining.
unions have done an amazing job of that in another timeline
try talking to the US retards about gun deaths per capita, it's hilarious.
>doesn't even try to argue after getting btfo multiple times
>now it's time to move the goalpost
Every single time, it's the same shit with you retards.
>Union outsources jobs
>Now can't collect union fees from the people whose job they just outsourced
Damn, now THIS is Cyberpunk
>most of the bug people take commuter routes into work or walk
>most Alabamans own their own gas guzzling tiny dick lifted truck
It's not always about the raw numbers, user. Also, shame on your for being retarded and comparing a relatively small state to an entire fucking country.
>Stop talking about China, who cares if they built a new super massive airport & were caught using ozone depleting chemicals to save some money
>false flagging as last resort
lul zoomers
Africa has a lot of resources; the US would rather make sure that Africa is open to exploitation than it is stable.
Thats right now pay up *flies private jet across the county*
gun deaths per capita among white americans is pretty low, about european level
Also proxy wars. Good avenue to display show of force without doing it in a heavily politicized area like the Middle East
the problem is that he's depicting himself as a man of the people,despite his ass living in a mansion in la jolla,aka the rich fag center of san diego
>They have five times the population of America but produce barely double the emissions,
>just barely
>and even just 20 years ago it was the other way around.
Almost like they were a 3rd world shithole up until the last few decades.
>>most Alabamans own their own gas guzzling tiny dick lifted truck
Most Alabamians drive clamped out old Hondas/Subarus. It's a poor state yo
>pushing bugs as our meat replacement
>not mushrooms
>"yup your dumb"
Wow zoomy you BTFO'd those anons hard with those arguments.
Any of the Tropico games. You can make a socialist utopia where people are worked to death in factories, there are few farms because food isn't as profitable, and pollution is through the roof because of all the factories while presidente takes his private jets and yachts to UN meetings to decry the evil Americans and western Europe for being the racist homophobic islamophobic xenophobes they are who pollute the environment and don't care that the planet will die in (insert new estimate) if we don't tax America to death, start living in concrete sewer pipes, and eat insects while the rich and connected continue to enjoy their private jets/yachts/8 cylinder cars/multiple massive gated homes protected by armed guards.
China is the one exploiting African atm
>things that I made up: the post
sorry bro, it isn't. And gun deaths per capita isn't even including your stupid ass army that shoots brown people and each other with FF across the globe. Your country is filled with inbreds and everybody laughs at how dumb you guys are.
>10 is not just barely double 5
Are you even capable of reading a graph or do you just look at the lines and stop there
God fucking dammit America
Unions just move on from one company to the next, man. They're fucking leeches and I wouldn't be surprised if they're in bed with the companies that they unionize against.
fun fact : egg smelling farts are good for the climate, as sulfur is a global cooling gas.
>now he pretends he isn't the retard who can't argue
kek, keep it coming.
Bugs probably grow a lot quicker
Also I don't want to anger our fungi overlords
>murder rate in USA comparable to ukraine
>5 times that of Germany
>there are more burger gun murders per capita than total murders in Germany, by over 200%
>"about european level"
shame on you for giving non white people a pass when it comes to climate change
No, the ammount of pollution is the relevant stat.
Stop trying to shift the blame, and start destroying corporations, then we might live past 2100
Yes but this guy in particular spews an "I'm an average joe just like you" rhetoric and decries the influence of white collar elites who send their kids to private school and never have to deal with brown people
while also being a rich little faggot that grew up in a literal castle who sends his kids to private school and lives in a rich white neighborhood where he never even has to see brown people.
It's the hypocrisy that is fine tuned.
alpha centaury
>thread about video games
>5 replies then archived
>No videogames
>going to hit the thread limit with only 100 posters
niggers should die
for reference: You are 40 times (yes, 40) less likely to die from lead poisoning in a developed country like the netherlands, than you are in the united states of retardia. And as I said: this is excluding your retarded army shooting up and bombing innocent people.
Most american unions pretty much are just puppets. It's honestly an insult to even call them unions
a mushroom only needs a few hours to grow.
No, kill the industry, but also murder the people at the top of it.
mushrooms can grow in like a couple of hours iirc. ever been to a forest right after it rained? shit's everywhere.
Grow a fucking backbone you pussy, holy shit. I love animals but I've worked as a butcher for the past 7 years, and it's never affected me in the slightest.
don't post that image again
The shows of force are a pretext to keeping the military in place in this regard. It's part of why you don't hear much about all kinds of wild shit like the ultra militant christians
China are just joining the US.
>According to Perkins, his job at Main was to convince leaders of underdeveloped countries to accept substantial development loans for large construction and engineering projects that would primarily help the richest families and local elites, rather than the poor, while making sure that these projects were contracted to U.S. companies. Later these loans would give the U.S. political influence and access to natural resources for U.S. companies.
Majority of their energy comes from coal and gas.
They have no nuclear power.
The most of their emissions come from electricity, 33%.
Then it's transports 18%, which makes sense since they have low population density.
>omg america is so racist, we need to get rid of these idiot hill billies' guns!
Yeah, come and take them.
We mine a ton of coal to sell to the chinese & such, it's funny we are told china's pollution is because of them feeding the US, in Australia it's the opposite
>among white americans
I know reading, let alone understanding, are skills "people" like you have still to master, but at least try it a little.
But that's after the 'roots' have already been established which takes a lot longer
Their entire country is practically owned by a single family that is huge into coal mining.
I wasn't trying to, my bad if that's how that came across. I was just making the point that numbers doesn't instantly mean more pollution. As someone else pointed out, if some family in rural Africas has 9 kids, they're still not doing much to the environment. They don't use electricity, they don't drive a car, etc. One American/gook/etc probably creates enough pollution for a good several dozen tribal people
That's a you problem. The stereotypical meat-loving bear-man is one who hunts and guts his own meat.
So unions are useless?
On a more uplifting note EU has programs to bring stability to African countries. I know of a project where they send attorneys and lawmakers to Africa in order to teach law and help establish a functioning judiciary. One of the better things EU is doing.
daily reminder climate change is real, and is a good thing.
the ice age occurred due to overhunting of the megafauna, causing trees that were no longer being eaten to grow out of control. now that we're foresting and pumping a lot of co2 into the atmosphere, the globe is warming up -- which of course means it's not getting colder, so we won't experience another ice age.
That’s stifling innovation. It’s not how you get better tech.
>5 > 4
>The stereotypical meat-loving bear-man is one who hunts and guts his own meat.
user, you and I both know those people are like less than a percent of Americans. Life would be a lot nicer if game control started on populating more deer and turkey for hunting though. Fuck Tyson's
pretty sure you don't measure CO2 emission, but you approximate it based on several sets of datas, lots being indirect (for instance, fuel market numbers)
>wtf are these scientinsts saying that I, an upper class white person, will be personally inconvenienced by pollution in a few years?
>not giving up my SUV btw
Yes, i believe in climate change.
No, i'm not gonna do anything about it.
Most of it is corporate's fault and not mine.
Why should i stop using plastic bags when they are the one giving it out?
Start giving me paper bags and i don't even mind.
But if you put the burden on me, then fuck you, i will oppose you even if it means the death of us all.
>among white americans
it is bro, the vast majority of shooting in USA came from young african american males in the inner cities
Of course at least once a year some autistic white kid will shoot up a school & the media will pretend that's why the number of murders via guns is so high, europeans especially fall for this
i mean,american unions are trash because the reagan admin(and to a lesser extent,the carter admin) gutted union power. Now adays it's just boomers moderates who are too pussy to put their foot down. But that may change since gen x and millenials are showing a renewed interest in them
Unions are useful because they show the working man the struggle against the capitalists, who will exploit him as much as they possibly can and will never stop trying to roll back whatever gains he makes. This will help him realise the only solution is to seize the means of production.
What are you smoking? That dude admits he’s rich all the fucking time. I knew he was rich by watching him talk about how rich he was on his show.
Imagine being actually retarded enough to believe this
Not a burger.
What are those subsidized crops and why would you burn them?
As long as the US keeps propping up the tinpot dictators all over the show it's a limited use. But the French need to do something to save their soul considering all the shit they did.
"per capita" is a fucking stupid way to dilute the impact of China and India. We don't have individual power plants in each home. We don't all smoke. we don't all drink carbonated shit all day. We don't burn our trash. This thing is a gilt trip enabler, not a scientifically relevant piece of data.
>the globe getting warmer is bad
why is it bad though, for real
>muh sea level
name one human who gives a shit about california
No user, not all journalists are millionaires
at last i truly see
im looking forward to growing bananas in poland
>infrastructure doesn't support things like agriculture, logging, food supply, postal, and other material transport
>hurr I just need to get to city A from city B!!
You get better tech by government funded research, which tech companies then use, pretend to be innovators, and release the same model of phone five times in different casings.
>replying to yourself
>jerking off your hateboner about America
Also, does your government know you're speaking your opinion online? Do you have permission to do that?
>white americans
Yea Forums has a more civil debate about Global Warming than it does about the latest video games
Step right up! Step right up!
And see my wonderful Climate Change(tm)!
For only a few bucks you can also pretend it does something and that you are stopping it!
embarrassing post
Yea Forums talks about video games?
>per capita isn't a scientifically relevant piece of data.
god this thread keeps on giving
>name one human who gives a shit about california
The 40% of humanity who live on the coast.
The difference between Tucker & the other hosts, is Tucker doesn't hate the working class
My point was to provide an example in the people who love meat the most being the ones who deal with the bloody gore part of it the most. Most people aren't bothered out of food by seeing animal carcasses.
Agree about game control populating hunting grounds though.
And we should be moving away from the meat industry at this point anyways, we need less meat in a week than the average western person eats in a day.
It's a cycle, unions get big, and slowly get eroded by monied interest until the labor class goes holy shit were being gutted here and unions get big again.
I do love how all the key tech in smartphones was made by a government. Yet everyone acts like it was private research.
But can you also see CO2?
jesus christ
because video games are in a garbage state right now
There's this one guy who made a post about tropico
Even that is bullshit. I life on the fucking beach in Florida with a tree in my backyard half a foot away from high tide. It’s been that way for 30 years and the water has never gotten any closer.
>Climate change action now!
>wtf why is the new iphone 3x more expensive.
people seems to forget that we are in a post ice age era, so our "normal" temperatures are actually low compared to the planet actual "normal" temperatures that lasted for hundreds of millions of years before us. Humanity should have been waiting for the pole melting for years now. They are an anomaly. there's nothing wrong with glaciers disappearing.
>be on fucking fire
>"At least I'm not freezing to death"
You're just happy you get to roleplay as Mad Max IRL aren't you user?
Earth shifting a few meters from its orbit will affect global warming more than man ever will, chill.
you can use fucking recyclable bags, you dunce.
Sure, the corps are at fault, but when it's about something you can easilly change, do it.
now we just need to get pierre and manuel to understand that maybe we don't need to subsidize farmer like it's a communist union and then crash the african food markets whenever we have a surplus
user, more people are naturally going to create more Carbon emissions. Per capita data shows that the American lifestyle is unsustainable, and certainly not universifiable
>because there's no such thing as overpopulation
except africa, india and china.
millennial's/gen x are absolutely hopeless im sorry, they worship giant corps, maybe gen z will change things
She's really just a religious messiah for those people.
The sun becoming shinier as it burns more hydrogen will affect earth a lot more.
>Yea Forums-climate monitoring & discussion board
No it doesn't. you are defending China by hiding the damage they do because there's billions of them.
It's ridiculous how many hours I have put into playing this.
this user just had a stroke.
According to recent studies Gen Z is more pragmatic, entrepreneurial and capitalist than previous generations.
Are you for real?
Yes, we’ve all scene that episode of Futurama. I really hope we get Robot Party Week as a result.
holy shit i understand that you literally do not possess the brain power to fathom the fact that the world existed before you were born but at least try okay holy shit
our temperatures are low right now compared to the historical average you dumb fucking moron, the climate is literally still recovering from the last ice age.
you are a dumb motherfucker. this shit foul nigga
The problem isn't that they're melting (although that's a bummer for a lot of ecosystems), the problem is how fast they're melting.
The temperature is rising too fast for civilization to adapt to the consequences.
China is catching up to USA though
People forget USA modernised first, now everyone else is playing catch up, which is pretty fucking bad because China & India have almost 3 billion people....
First of all, stop typing like a goddamned baby. I don't care if it's a joke or a strawman of people you don't like. No one wants to read your retarded drivel so stop it, faggot.
Also people are allowed to criticize China because they have a much larger effect on the environment than the majority of countries.
Far from it. Try talking about nuclear power to anyone you know IRL. They immediately get apprehensive and concerned about it. The NIMBY mentality is also potent.
Worked just fine with mostly dirt roads before people started congregating in huge cities.
i mean, i too, can see the smoke come out from chimneys.
i must be a superhuman or something
Today I will remind them
their fear is perfectly rational, but just because something is scary doesn't mean it should be avoided.
Sounds like government is the problem.
You'd probably like Workers & Resources
greta thunberg needs to get fucked
imagine being in alabama with this preachy prissy mumble munchkin
you pull up to the candlewood suites in a fucking dodge challenger with aftermarket headers and parts that get you 11 miles per gallon
one rev of the engine and she's already getting inexplicably moist in her room from the sound of your massive fuel-guzzling V8 roadboat
you get out and take a minibike running on a lawnmower engine through the parking lot and into the lobby of the hotel because FUCK walking, we didn't invent internal combustion to scuttle around with our dicks on our hands
moonwalk down the hallway to the elevator while turning every thermostat you see on full blast and spraying CFC-saturated aerosol air fresheners everywhere
check your phone in the elevator and hit up your broker app really quick to buy a thousand more shares of exxon, bp, and shell stocks while shorting anything that has to do with solar and wind because solar panels look fucking gay and windmills are for dipshits
reach greta's floor, backflip into her door, breaking that shit down and sending splinters flying everywhere setting off fucking car alarms and barking dogs
her primal scandinavian woman survival instinct kicks in and she immediately presents herself to you from all the viking raping and pillaging burned into her nordic DNA
you put a plastic non-biodegradable bag from walmart over her muppet face, set a cooked rack of barbecue ribs on the small of her back, and go to town, throwing the cleaned rib bones at the back of her stupid cantaloupe head in between thrusts
after blowing your load and covering the room in non-vegan protein, you wipe your monolithic dong on her priceless handmade native american uber-sustainable fairtrade honestly sourced hippie sweater
jump out the fucking window into a formula 1 race car and cover the hotel in black rubber as you burn out and blaze off into another american night
global warm deez nuts, bitch
>people are naturally going to create more Carbon emissions.
you can compute it, breathing merely produce about a few hundred grams of co2 per year. Your lawn growth compensate for all the block.
The American way of life is fine, the only problem is the source of the electricity. switch to nuclear and it's done. (wind and sun is a meme at the moment, making the solar panel consume more than years of use of said panel)
I'm one of those "le evil climate s o y boys" except I avoid onions at all costs, hate resetera, and am a nationalist, and personally I'd prefer lab grown meat to eating bugs.
Yeah taking months to get anywhere is just fine, for that time.
No his point is that those places are extremely poor at minimizing per-capita resource usage. If we had some amazing future-tech that put us in a post-scarcity world, "overpopulation" really wouldn't exist because we can use renewable and sustainable resources to support however many people we want.
He's a tripfag not a namefag
Fucking electioniggers
to be fair, anyone would get a stroke from reading such a retarded comment, small miracle he only got a stroke and not cancer
>talks about pre-historical events
>historicals average
which is it, fire-lover?
Go eat your bugs faggot.
This. I think they're going to get a sharp awakening.
>Muh cow farts
I want boomers to leave
>Astronomers estimate that the Sun's luminosity will increase by about 6% every billion years.
>This increase might seem slight, but it will render Earth inhospitable to life in about 1.1 billion years.
>The planet will be too hot to support life.
Yes, irrationally, thank you for the demonstration.
GenZ is technologically illiterate, believes in magic more than the 10 generation before it because of the return of religion in everyday life. They also have compulsive needs but really low ability to do "uncool" shit based on "being seen doing it" alone.
It's a real thing actually, really really long term damage, like 1% shinier every million years, but eventually the heat produced will scorch earth.
I see it coming out of my nose all the time.
Constantly blocks my view and I can't see shit.
Had to stop breathing to type this.
Literally fake news
>public transport is communism
I think most of Yea Forums has same problem of stop breathing before they post also.
I mean billion
Jesus fuck the absolute STATE of China
believer in climate change or not i think we can all agree what china's doing isn't good
>Hay coming in plastic
Where? I drive behind these fucking trucks and they have no plastic preventing hay from covering my car.
You're forgetting the best part. We're currently in the Quaternary which is an ice age. Ice poles aren't "normal" in that sense as they only appear during an ice age. All that is happening right now, should the believers be right, is a premature turn away from the ice age to earths normal temperature. Movies like 2012 just gave all of them some wrong impression on what constitutes an ice age.
Which is why the CO2 in the atmosphere accelerating at an unprecedented level unlike anything in the millions of years of Earth's history before is totally normal and is just a coincidence, right?
With the population density of New York, the entire human species could fit onto New Zealand. 'Overpopulation', as in negative consequences of just having too many people, is a myth. The only issue is the total resources used by the population and whether that amount can be extracted from the environment sustainably - and in China at least, the total stockpile of spare rice could feed their entire population for a year so they seem to have the situation handled. The large number of people would only be a problem if they started trying to live the way Americans already do.
Huh, interesting. What year is this study from?
I've got my studies from here:
>Goldman Sachs analysts Robert Boroujerdi and Christopher Wolf describe Generation Z as "more conservative, more money-oriented, more entrepreneurial and pragmatic about money compared with Millennials".
>According to the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, about eight out of ten members of Generation Z in the U.S. identify as "fiscal conservatives."
Honestly I was surprised too, last time I checked zoomers were just like millennials except with pink hair.
No it's a game, soviet city buildan game where you manage industry, infrastructure and citiziens
Works for any time as long as we don't have cities with populations in the millions.
>470 replys
>not even 2 hours old
not even Yea Forums is this fast
It really is. Why should my tax dollars go to filthy bus users who are too poor to afford their own vehicle? I fucking hate cyclists but at least they are providing their own transit.
>human history is the only history
semantics and semen are spelled sorta the same so i can understand why u use the former cuz u drink the latter
Are there seriously people that think cities cause less overall pollution than the countryside? How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe this?
i'm retarded,wtf is this graph saying?
>Goldman Sachs analysts
Clearly a reliable source
What will actually save the environment
>Sterilizing shitskins who breed like roaches
>No more fucking hamburgers
>Nuclear power and mass transit
How the fuck did the ice age end??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>irrationally afraid of it
I wonder why, retard.
To think, we only have a billion year to develop a sustainable form of space travel, extreme distance teleportation or turn into deep cave lizards that feed by sucking on dirt.
And we are wasting all that time.
Quit making a fool out of yourself.
This is fucking embarrassing, how old are you?
Ok du D*utscher Lappen
Meanwhile the rimworld thread has been up for 11 hours
Posting facebook memes on Yea Forums should be literally punishable by death.
>and this problem cannot be solved under a capitalist system.
I love this meme. What do you suggest instead?
>clears the environment to plant crops to feed the people in the bottom image
Based retard
Yea Forums has been one of the fastest boards for ever
>disaster happens
That would be pretty tough to enforce I think.
If everyone on v would rather talk politics than games, why don’t they just go to pol?
Percent of millenials and gen-z agreeing with these statements
Nah let's just nuke every city with a population above a million, all of Africa and Anatolia.
Wonder why
but that's a video game thread that had nighttime speed
Yea Forums has strong opinions on the environment
But we did look at the causes.
What even keeps people coming to Yea Forums these days?
>I don't have the answer, therefore there is no answer
Based brainlet.
A regular increase of CO2, as a result of the natural ebb and flow of the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, this shit isn't natural
All kinds of polls say this. Boomers keep saying shit like "We just need to teach them about communism more!" and keep shouting "venezuela!" as if it's gonna convince anyone.
>disaster happens
>giga apocalyptic destruction of untold proportion
>LMAO people are irrationally afraid of it :^)
>Why should my tax dollars go to filthy car users who are too poor to afford their own roads? I fucking hate hikers but at least they are providing their own transit.
They do overall, but people will use per capita when convenient
the same people who use per capita when it comes to climate change, won't use it for crime stats
>both were human idiocy.
You're right, there's no cure for that.
Final Fantasy 7
Only because a million people per minute are posting “do we really need another smash thread? Can’t you just use the general?”
If nobody were complaining about smash threads, v would be dead.
Because /pol/ is infested with stormfront schizos
Porn roll threads
Are you from Luxembourg?
I know I'm right, I don't need your shitty validation. Never reply to me again unless you have something to contribute.
Yes, that's why nobody ever talks about vatnigger incompetence or nip retardation.
>americans seething ITT about per capita statistics
>no the taxes won't be on the general population
yeah france never happened.
dumb commie faggot.
Both were extreme circumstances and neither caused significant damage. Before you go quoting the ending of the Chernobyl series at me, no there were not hundreds of thousands of early deaths from cancer. What there are hundreds of thousands of early deaths from per year is air pollution from coal and oil power plants - which, due to the radioactive isotopes concentrated in coal, will give you a higher annual radiation dose from living near them than a nuclear plant would.
Not an argument.
chernobyl causes are basically imposible to replicate thanks to modern tech and new norms
Fukushima was cause by seismic activity, not the plant itself. Japan just has notoriously bad hazard control for some reason.
Meanwhile a country like France has been running on nuclear energy at 90+% for decades and nothing bad happened.
You are just afraid for the sake of being afraid.
we love per capita, especially about crime stats
Not him but I am
It's nice here
>If nobody were complaining about smash threads, v would be dead.
No then Yea Forums would be a musicals, nature and environment board as moot always intended.
Hold on, there are people who still go to Yea Forums in 2019?
It really is, communism is more than just a buzzword boogeyman.
No one is self consuming on the countryside, everything's for export. People on the countryside still go to the nationally popular mall company of your country, they usually do so by car. More things may come to factor.
>neither caused significant damage.
Aha OK, stopped reading there. You're simply retarded.
No, they talk about human error, which will always occur.
>3 mile island
>giga apocalyptic destruction of untold proportion
Epic fearmongering bro! Billions of people died at Chernobyl, literally worse than an asteroid impact.
Fewer deaths than any other source of power. Irrational. We could be exploring the galaxy with nuclear propulsion right now if not for you retarded green niggers.
The middle class always gets taxed the most bro, it happened in Australia too, our carbon tax hurt working families while the big corps trucked on, many of them putting more money overseas
This is why our Leftist government hasn't returned to power in over 10 years
>capital letter
phone poster
right so see porn/loli&shota/gore/bait-copypasta/mods moveing threads
the deepnude thing was all over the board
>we love per capita
Not when it comes to environmental emission statistics, clearly, because Americans started frothing at the mouth when they found out that, per capita, they cause more environmental harm than China.
those levels were reached in the past according to your graph though. Even in spike forms.
>2 giga destrictive disasters and that's just on top of my head
>t-they don't matter guise, there were circumstances that don't matter because I say so, pls understand :(
>our carbon tax hurt working families
It didn't though. You've just fallen for propaganda
What causes said natural flow, though? My personal belief is that it's not happening by itself, but the atmosphere's natural response to things occurring within it.
The ice age was brought on by the overhunting of megafauna, they got utterly buttfucked which caused trees to grow wildly all across the planet, made CO2 output levels drop drastically, and caused temperatures to drop.
What humanity is doing isn't natural, but the climate's response to it certainly is. It's just adapting, and at a certain point, the inverse will occur; things will swing in the other direction.
And we can't learn from our mistakes, obviously.
>Yea Forums on top
>Cities don’t use automobiles a lot
Cities have more people in them.
And not all of those people use automobiles.
It did, you just probably don't pay taxes because you are a NEET, no offence, but this is Yea Forums after all
>obey my fake science!
We are perfectly aware of the causes moron.
The point is, that nuclear power is more dangerous than it is worth right now.
We are still dealing with the literal fallout of chernobyl today. That's from one power plant going wrong and not even particularly wrong.
Could have been way worse.
That was lowercase, not capital. Are you a retard?
They're not that bad.
Still more deaths from per kwh from other sources like wind.
Still less area intensive per kwh than other sources even including the area not in use after chernobyl.
The worst thing about fukushima was the tsunami, unrelated to the nuclear plant.
Yeah, 400 million years ago, when there was no life on land.
>yfw too dumb to read a graph
Sorry, I'm not gonna fall for the jew tricks to buy a recycle bag.
Nice try.
>first rise coincides with the industrial revolution
>we need to go back to pre-industrial revolution pollution levels to have a small chance fix climate change
lmao, never going to happen.
People who live in rural areas tend to waste and pollute more because the effects are less obvious to them. Cities tend to have better garbage and recycling management because the effects of waste and pollution are easier to observe when concentrated.
I have lived in numerous cities,small towns and rural areas and this is almost always the case.
Well, it's just that whole cities and areas become permanently uninhabitable, no bigge really...people are just being snowflake pussies like usual
>rationally explodes and contaminates huge area for decades, melting skin of anyone who gets near
Psssh, nothing personnel stable isotopefag
Because Yea Forums is a bunch of uneducated underages, and the more uneducated an underage is, the more unfounded opinions it feels the need to share.
African countries aren't the ones causing the most emissions you dumbass incel.
>let's do shit we shouldn't do and see what happens for the lolz
>hey guys please don't put the generators in the basement and please build higher walls that can't stop a tsunami
>it's all fine, don't worry, nothing is going to happen
>shit happened and it wasn't fine
are you that autist spamming brainlet s o y s in the sony thread?
No, we can't. If we did, mistakes would never happen.
I've been paying taxes for twenty years, faggot. The carbon tax had almost no effect on the average Australian. There is literally zero evidence to support your claim
>being such a mouthbreather that a basic per capita division is arcane magic
>per capita is a fake statistic!!! IT DOESN'T COUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!
>on top of my head
Those are the only 2 historically relevant ones, and you literally need to dig into 40 year old events to fill your list. It's like complaining about plane safety because of the Hindemburg crash. You are a weak spineless follower driven by fear. You were fed a world that doesn't exist and are too content with that fear to check for reality.
Don't respond to the propaganda bot
Yes, the other ones are irrelevant, they don't matter because I say so and it doesn't support my narrative. The fear is irrational, guys, why don't you believe me?
>400 million years ago, when there was no life on land.
and? "it doesnt' count" isn't an argument.
>eurocuck seething he'll never be able to drive a pick-up truck recreationally
i was referencing the start of your post
It's happening way too fast for Earth to adapt now, that's the problem
Yeah that's right.
Nuclear disasters only happen when mistakes are made.
But ofc mistakes shouldn't happen therefore it's safe :)
More monie pls
From the people who brought you "fake news": "fake science"!
>We are still dealing with the literal fallout of chernobyl today.
Who is "we" besides Ukrainians?
>bro just ignore the fact technology has significantly improved thanks to our mistakes, it's not 100% flawless so just end it all LMAO
We'd be still painting caves with our shit if we listened to fearmongering retards like you.
And what? What's your point here?
An end to control of the economy by capitalists, i.e. unelected neo-feudalist parasites explicitly concerned only with gathering as much wealth for themselves as they possibly can, with economic decision-making returned to the hands of the workers who produce the wealth in the first place via worker co-ops, a form of socialism that seeks to avoid the pitfalls of putting both economic and political power in the hands of the same governing body (which can lead to political repression) while keeping the benefits of socialism's massive economic efficiency and growth.
Assuming the last sentence didn't give you some form of aneurysm yes, socialism provably results in vastly higher rates of economic growth as displayed by the USSR, which throughout the 21st century had the second highest rate of economic growth of any society in human history (the society with the highest rate of economic growth in human history was communist China).
As a regular Yea Forumsirgin /g/entooman, I can say that /g/ is dumber than Yea Forums.
And there is life on land now, user.
>The greens have replaced the SPD on set to be in government next time. They might actually be the biggest party.
I hope so. G*rms need to perish and since their women already fuck more nigs than germs we're on a good way there
Lol everyone could theoretically do that.
But that's really something only mud eating brainlets would find so incredibly enjoyable.
Really outed yourself as a lower class member there lol
Are your retarded? The average Chinese citizen is poor as shit, of course they're going to have a lower carbon footprint compared to a US citizen. Chinese mega corporations and the government are directly responsible for their insane pollution/CO2 emissions, because it's fucking China and they have no environmental standards.
muh china is the best argument there is.
why bother when they dont?
>lmao don't worry goy technology would fix it
I remember you people saying this shit right before fukushima
Lol who cares about those Ukrainians amirite? It's literally okay as long as it doesn't directly affect me. People are just being irrational, I'm telling you.
Oh oh hotdog
Slavic hands typed this.
Also those 'spikes' were about 30 millions years long
All of fucking Europe you moron lmao.
Have you researched this at all?
>Tucker doesn't hate the working class
Nice joke lol
He talks about how the elite are trying to sow political dissent among the working class in the same breath he tries to sow political dissent among the working class.
>Who is "we" besides Ukrainians?
no one can be this stupid
The only thing environmental standards would do is push the manufacturing elsewhere. The actual problem is consumption that leads to the production in the first place.
France happened because they aren't commies
>expecting change from capitalists
Liberals gonna lib
If those mistakes were common maybe nuclear power could be as lethal as wind power, but so far it isn't.
This guy owns stock or is some kind of shill.
Nobody would suck corporate dick against their own interest so hard without getting paid for it.
Shoo, shill.
Coal mine collapses, explosions, etc have killed exponentially more people throughout history, even if we limit it to the time frame between now and the establishment of the first nuclear plant.
That of course is ignoring all of the health-related, non-violent deaths coal and oil production cause.
Fear of Nuclear power is the same as the stupid fear of flights.
Statistically, it's extremely safe, but when shit happenes it REALLY happens.
The fear is completely irrational and unfounded. Pop culture and media has spread the idea that a nuclear power plant can explode like a nuclear bomb, for fuck's sake.
wtf i totally believe nuclear is safer than solar panels now!!!
>bro don't cross the road there's a chance a driver makes a mistake and kills you
>bro don't get in a plane it can crash even though it's safer than ever
>bro just stop breathing
>nips don't control security
>WTF this is nuclear's fault!!!
The average Chinese citizen is only poor as shit compared to the average US citizen when looking at yearly income averages, but economies of scale is something that you do not seem to understand the concept of. Most Chinese citizens are middle class.
>tfw no green solarpunk utopia
We fucked it up boys
My point is that people kill themselves by being retarded all the time. It's not the nuclear power's fault.
Stop using that retarded phrase.
>wtf you can't disagree with me, you're a shill otherwise
The toddler's guide to arguing on Yea Forums
Reminder: The party least willingly to reduce the emissions will be the last one standing. They just just gain more resources while you're expected to live more minimal. The winning party will just come in and buy your home and business and make you cheap laborer for them as the have more capital, because their industry could stay competitive for a longer period.
China causes more harm overall
>Pop culture and media has spread the idea that a nuclear power plant can explode like a nuclear bomb, for fuck's sake.
>pro nuke fags actually believe this
No retard, what everyone fears is radiation and the resulting cancer/mutation it causes. That and the tiny problem of nuclear terrorism.
>nuclear power plant
>causing a nuclear explosion
They don't do that, dude.
Yeah OK, let's make nuclear power as widepread as those you just strawmanned about, to make those accidents exponentionally more damaging, what could possibly go wrong?
>Lol everyone could theoretically do that.
no even 4 door sedans are too expensive for most europoors
>no don't show me the evil factual numbers I wish to believe in my previous belief instead
good job
It literally is.
The issue that people seem to be having with nuclear energy is the fact that if something does actually go wrong, it's going to be really bad, and it will "Stay bad" for a long time.
>as lethal as wind power
Okay. I'm gonna humor you here. Enlighten me.
>inb4 Trump-esque rant about dead birds
>pol colonies highest iq
>but not pol
antikino at its finest
please delete this
Yeah lol everybody fears the radiation nobody thinks wrong things lol haha someone tell
Not if the others team up and award serious trade penalties and restrictions to those who refuse to reduce emissions.
There is noting punk about a mormon's wet dream.
>>nips don't control security
>>WTF this is nuclear's fault!!!
Ah yes the Japanese, well known for their reckless safety regulations
>ignores 3-mile island
Nice larp. Prove it
Putting lead in water pipes was also retarded and not the leads fault.
We still stopped doing it.
>The only thing environmental standards would do is push the manufacturing elsewhere
You're retarded if you actually think that.
That's fantastic, and obviously unsurprising since there are more of them. Per capita, Americans cause far more damage, and it's funny because even in general chinks don't even cause 2x the amount of damage despite having almost 3-4x the amount of people living in it. The American lifestyle is just that bad.
No, you are
Go look up the total death toll from both combined, then look up the total death toll from air pollution
In fact I read somewhere (can't remember the source, whatever fight me) that because the primary radioisotope pollution from Chernobyl was iodine, which gives people thyroid cancer, they hugely increased thyroid cancer screenings in the area, and because it's a very treatable type as long as it's caught early they probably also saved lots of people who would have just gotten it anyway. So the death toll from Chernobyl may very well have been negative.
>Well, it's just that whole cities and areas become permanently uninhabitable
>social media
pick one
Eco-Fascists versus Megacorps when?
>lets go from something that has 100000 deaths per 1000 TWh to something that has 90 deaths per 1000 TWh
A lot less would go wrong.
Coal isn't just bad because it's widespread, coal is worse per TWh.
Ne, Schweizer
Safety regulations don't mean shit if you don't follow them to begin with.
Oh boy were you wrong.
Ech kann feierSproochen an ginn bezuelt fir studéierenze goen.
What's wrong with solar energy?
No we want dark skies and nuclear waste you dumb librul. Without coal I wont be able to make a living mining for it.
Imma get muh gun and shoot you if you don't stop.
Coal literally causes more death per plant in operation than nuclear
what people fear is shit like Chernobyl happening again. given, the likelihood of that happening is slim.
the fact that it has, and in recent memory too, caused significant disasters and still isn't a 'solved' technology like coal or electricity) is more than enough reason to be scared of it. it's a simple, logical concept to grasp.
yes, because commies would never dare to tax their own people.
dumb faggot
What happens when the chinese middle class continues to grow? like it is now
>Yea Forums&co.
>social media
Aren't you non countrymen French?
>(...)Fascists versus Megacorps
Nuclear power is already widespread. If we stopped using resources based off two accidents in the production process, we wouldn't have any resources to work with whatsoever.
Source: literal reality fuckface, do your own research for yourself giga retard.
Nope, that's really not going to happen. People will always buy where the prices are lowest. That just how scarcity works.
imagine all the bugs and spiders you would have to deal with.
More like germano-french hybrids desu
eureka seven has ecological terrorists against the government
>600 replies
Yea Forums mods in charge of doing their job. Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppp.
Looks like portal 2 concept art
Yeah and people grossly misunderstand what even happened at Chernobyl.
Popsci "documentary fiction" hasn't helped with that.
>nuclear shills are actually this retarded
You aren't convincing anyone, nobody with a brain will suddenly think that nuclear is safe because some workmen fell off a roof installing solar panels. Jesus christ grow out of your autism already.
Expensive to build and maintain. Takes up a lot of area for power output.
>chernobyl STILL has a huge cancer rate
>chernobyl STILL has mutant animals getting born
>chernobyl STILL has less biodiversity, despite being protected from most forms of pollution
Too inefficient and expensive at this point.
>no u
I rest my case.
Shame your country got tainted by the frog desu
it's objectively safer than all the alternatives while also being greener
Only downside is being expensive to build because it's not widespread enough
We'll find out, but that has no bearing on the current subject of environmental pollution per capita within the last 5 or so years.
Where do you get these information?
This is seriously hilarious.
You do know where all those fancy BMWs, Mercedes, Audi, Ferrari and such come from right?
Compare that to the cheap plastic pieces of shit you are producing.
American cars are bargain-bin tier and have a very poor reputation.
Fucking Koreans make better cars.
Completely divorced from reality you are, based flyover mud eater.
>nuclear isn't safe because of three (3) historical accidents
>coal is totally safe and doesn't cause deaths at all
Thread lasted so long we could get participation from the climate deniers who can't grasp statistics and complicated stuff like "per capita" and the anti-nuclear people who can't grasp statistics and complicated stuff like "per kilowatt hour"
Shit I forgot to (You)
>>chernobyl STILL has less biodiversity, despite being protected from most forms of pollution
it's 4channel dumbass
and misunderstanding what's gone on in a highly specialized field that even experts don't totally, 100% understand, is completely rational. it's not smart, it's not good, but it is rational. you gotta understand people are people, and what's normal may seem illogical to a person of a different perspective. people aren't crazy because they're scared of nuclear power, they just seem crazy to you because you're not scared of it. likewise, you probably seem batshit insane by their standards.
The frog has been within us all along
We still use their language in most official proceedings and let me tell you it's fucking garbage
Actually the fact is nuclear plants do not make cities permanently uninhabitable, please do your research giga retard.
Don't nuclear plants develop waste that you can't actually do anything with but bury it underground for decades?
German shit is a meme, just buy Jap products
t. German
Nips are notorious for bureaucracy and "upholding an image".
The reason they didn't make Fukishima safer after being told to do so repeatedly by the safety engineers is that they didn't want to make an impression that Nuclear power wasn't safe and cause panic in the surrounding towns, so they did nothing and just hoped for the best.
Chernobyl and Fukushima objectively happened and it clearly showed it couldn't be less safer, retard. Who do you think you are fooling here?
It's not objectively safer, nor is it greener.
You're right, maybe we shouldn't let capital make all the decisions or distribute goods based on wealth
Those threads die in 2 hours from hitting bumplimit, there's no point in removing it now.
No, you recycle it
See france
>>eat bugs to save the environment
If you don't the world won't be able to support 12 billion consum- I mean citizens...
Germanfag here.
I once fucked a french girl in france.
Honestly probably the best sex in my life.
Lady frogs are WILD in bed.
Nuclear produces so much more clean energy than solar, that workmen falling off roofs literally creates more deaths per KWh than all nuclear disasters in history.
Seems like Luxembourgish will die out because you don't vote your right wing party
Whats better, putting that waste in the air and pretending it doesn't exist, or concentrating all the waste in a single barrel?
Based and solarpilled.
Why aren't YOU praising the sun yet, Yea Forums? Solar is objectively the most aesthetic energy.
No it's not rational. Thinking that a nuclear explosion happened at Chernobyl is not at all rational.
Yes, but very little and can be reduced even further.
Is that image from Cyberpunk 2017?
Yes if we ignore the facts then everything you want to believe is objective true, that's correct
Expensive, it produces power when you need it the least. Inefficient when it comes to the resources you need for it.
You need more power during the winters for heating, but it's during the summers you get the most energy out of solar. So during the winters you still need power from somewhere.
iirc batteries aren't really efficient, but there are some ways you can do it, like I think in the netherlands they used excessive solar power to put air in pressurized vaults, and then when more power was needed they let that air go through a turbine.
Always shifting blame somehow aren't you
Yeah, Chernobyl didn't do that either amirite? Ooooooh wait! It doesn't count because something went wrong there. Normally nothing goes wrong in nuclear power plants so it's safe!
>dude trust me
again [citation needed] because when I look up reports on chernobyl's environment I find this
also chernobyl
>people working and living there on a daily basis who have not melted from spooky evil radiation
Only in the USA, because nuclear recycling is banned there for some reason.
Almost 700 replies
It's still the common language and in recent years efforts have been made to allow for the use of luxembourgish in every official capacity, we'll be okay
do you not know what that means?
How many workmen died falling off roofs at nuclear power plants?
You really had to dig deep with that cherrypick to come up with some metric that makes nuclear look safe.
Too bad it completely ignores the problem of storing nuclear waste and the (irreversible) long term effects of nuclear disaster.
there are people living in chernobyl right now and have been living there for decades.
You can design a nuclear plant such that spent fuel can be almost entirely recycled.
Nuclear waste is a lot easier to contain and store than the carbon pollution and acid rain from coal plants that invariably escapes into the atmosphere
Battery tech is going to be the super industry of this century
The first who figures out a new method of storing power efficiently that can be scaled is going to make loadse bucks
What facts are those? An unsourced table posted on Yea Forums?
Not really a problem, a very small amount of space is used for it.
There's no stats on nuclear power taking up excessive amount of space because of nuclear waste per kwh compared to other energy sources, which is the implied problem here.
it is if that's what you're told, user. people can't just magically know stuff that they haven't been somehow taught.
the solution is to actually teach people what the deal is. it's the ones who explicitly refuse to change their beliefs when presented with evidence that are irrational.
Tax doesn't exist under communism because goods are distributed by the state, which is (should be, frequently isn't) the political expression of the will of the people
Meanwhile under capitalism the entire relationship of production is taxation (of the worker by the employer) without representation in the economic decisions that directly affect their lives
its because our nuclear plants were built to produce material for nuclear weapons
>vatniggers do funny shit while ignoring safety regulations
>goes boom
>what is capital?
Really think what you just said.
At the bottom of the article you can see the scientific sources
Carbon pollution is pretty easy to store actually user, trees do it naturally.
Nuclear waste is literally easier to manage than the chemical and atmospheric waste from coal processing and usage
>Why yes, I recycle, why do you ask?
New reactors create waste with a half life of under a century and we're talking about a very small amount of waste.
the elite want to replace the working class with people who are willing to work for less, Tucker doesn't support mass immigration
Not reading, attention whore. Get fucked.
Chernobyl actually specifically has huge biodiversity, all sorts of species that can't survive elsewhere due to human interference are thriving there
Have you read those sources?
Doesn't matter.
German stuff is expensive luxury brands and American is cheap garbage plastic with tasteless TV commercials.
That's all that matters for the sake of this argument.
I too prefer Jap cars, but I drive them in a sea of BMW and VW.
>dem niggers, not dem gunz
hahahaa, silly inbred white trash leftovers from medieval europe
Tax doesn't exist under communism because there is no state under communism and there is no money.
yeah and the goods just magically manifest, right?
I hate commies.
People live in Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Even if you wouldn't recycle, you could designate one random km2 in your country of choice and have enough space to store spent fuel enough to power the country for centuries
all the communist states had a state and money.
>you're either for an authoritarian socialist regime or total anarchy
poop poop poopy!~
Please go vote next time so these retards don't get to decide who's President again
If you say so. Only old people speak it
>be murrifat
> think other people are less free with ur gubmint having pretty much nazi-style liberties to cage you for whatever 'terrizm' suggestion under the patriot act.
0 because their brains are so big from working on nuclear energy that they function like balloons preventing the falls
The area won’t be safe to live in for humans for at least 20000 years, no they fucking aren't.
>i am silly
But I'm not old
But I also don't live in the capital
What, so like depleted uranium for tank shells?
You can't "manage" nuclear waste though, you can hide it away and pretend it's not there, but that shit will still be there after your wifes grandchildrens grandchildren.
Thankfully I don't live in that inbred country, I've had public school that was half-decent, thx 'socialist' EU.
>Luxury brands
Yeah the prices lmao. I would rather take American cars than German ones.
Yeah because communism doesn't work. Imagine trying to abolish fucking money.
Yeah someone made a mistake and made a city uninhabitable, who cares lmao. If he didn't make a mistake it wouldn't have happened! Nobody will ever make mistakes ever again, humans aren't like that. Totally.
nuclear waste takes up astronomically less space than solar panels, holy shit give up
That's not even remotely the same thing. China has plenty of trees but its cities still have acid rain. Because the rate at which plants convert carbon, even on the massive global scale, is not enough to keep up with our carbon emissions. That's the basis of global warming.
This thread deserves a sticky
>As of 2019, Chernobyl had a population of 500
rolling sticky, until the planet is saved
You can store and recycle it completely removed from complex interactions with the environment, dude.
Communism means state-owned corporations, fucking read actual political literature you dog.
Does per capita really matter in this discussion though?
'Capital' in the context of that post is a stand in for 'capitalists' or 'those who own capital' the way 'Washington' might be used as a stand in for 'the US government'.
Either way, being economically coerced into being a cheap labourer only makes sense in a capitalist system where you are alienated from the product of your labour, whereas in, say, a worker co-op you would retain democratic control of the wealth you helped to create so it would be nonsensical to talk of being exploited that way.
Look up La Hague
comfy thread desu
Well, Frenchification will happen, Jean Claude Juncker.
I googled the sources and concluded that they have been published in reputable magazines, written by established experts and referred to by hundreds of other papers
Are you now going to be disingenuous and claim that you have to read every article in its entirely and reproduce all their numbers before they can be used as evidence in an online discussion
>I do not know anything about the accidents
>we need to ban X because retards make mistakes
Then ban all technology retard