What exactly happened with Cyberpunk 2077? Why did they hype seemingly just vanish?
What exactly happened with Cyberpunk 2077? Why did they hype seemingly just vanish?
shitposters and shills get more (You) with borderland threads
Turned out to be a cinematic action game with bad graphics instead of a generation defining RPG
You care about it enough to make this thread, but not enough to know the obvious answer to your stupid question. HAO BIZZAR.
the whole pronoun/gender debate ruined it
people busy consuming redditlands, don't worry, they manufactured hype will return
People realized it's not the next coming of Jesus but just a regular action-RPG instead.
>generation defining RPG
Kek if you thought they could pull this off on current-gen shit boxes you;re delusional.
All you fags who fell for the hype are retards.
Having said that I think the game still looks neat for what it is and I'm still looking forward to it.
Looks like a proper Deus Ex sequel famalam and I'm really in the mood for one since MD was trash.
I never cared about it.
nobody cares for cinematic gta movie featuring t. ranny
also its not even cyberpunk
Just wait until there's two months left or so until release, literally every thread will be nothing but shills shilling this game. I mean, there's no coincidence the protagonist is named V. Anybody who was here during the Witcher 3 launch remembers the insane shilling.
Personally the more I see of the game the less I want to play anymore. They seemingly made the UI uglier as well, from a blue and red color theme to brown. The vehicles are sweet though.
>seemingly just vanish
Because you're a retard?
Nothing to talk about atm shitposters had there fun and everybody waiting for it are still, surprise surprise, waiting for it.
It's literally just going to be a walking and talking simulator with """fun""" spoofs and gags relating to (cyberpunk) pop""""culture""""
What an ironic image to see posted on Yea Forums considering how hostile this place is to actual critique. But we gotta "ask questions" about the lighting engine and vehicle design I guess. These are the important issues.
What is cyberpunk according to you? And don't mention the sun.
Cyberpunk's going to be an insane financial success, but an extremely overrated game.
I've already decided I don't like it.
Play Underrail.
>CDPR create worst dystopian shithole imaginable
>REEEE why does it look like my home town?
Based Polacks.
>Why did they hype seemingly just vanish?
delusional af
This game will be a massive success both financially and critically and gamers will also love it and there is nothing you can do about it.
Seriously you are basically doing free marketing at this point for the game.
>Yea Forums hates her
>Play to see why!
If Yea Forums shits on a game it's likely a good game
They pushed the hype waaaay too early before release
Now it's cooled off because hype only lasts so long
>Why did they hype seemingly just vanish?
It didn't vanish people are incredibly hyped for this shit.
they showed gameplay and ridicously small world
because they've been going back on their word on what the game would include
They showed gameplayer where stuff was changed and cdpr going lefty. trannys hate that the ingame ones are better looking than them.
Also reddit is playing borderlands and when they get board they will hype up for cyberpunk.
It'll look like everyone's hometown eventually. That's the point, dumb fuck.
>ridicously small world
Yeah becouse we need more of 3x the size of skyrim filled with random garbage
When it was announced it was whatever you imagined in a cyberpunk game.
So I had a list of things I was looking forward to.
As more info has come out those things have basically been confirmed to not be in the game.
So there's nothing to look forward to anymore.
I don't think other people had the same list, but everyone's probably going through the same process of realising whatever they imagined won't happen.
People don't know what they want.
They were just hyped because "CDPR are the best devs in the world".
I'm not a mutt but ok.
We're already living in the early stages of a cyberpunk dystopian global world order shithole. And it'll only get worse.
I hope they will include a tail prosthetic in some way
Just look at California
>less is more!
Enjoy your "you cannot go that way"
>we could have had this
>instead we get WE WUZ HACKERZ N' SHIEET
It hurts.
>ridicously small world
honestly the city in the game which looks pretty damn big is the only thing I'm looking forward to.
They kept releasing new info. None of it was good.
They decided to cater to twitter trannies and consoletards. Also multiplayer cancer.
This washed out style of graphics reminds me so much of GTA 4 or 5.
I just want to be a filthy punk and be done with it, all this talk about gender, pronouns, 3rd person camera, trans is so fucking tiresome
Hand made content > randomly generated content
If you belive otherwise you never played a good video game
>gender, pronouns
Literally noone but Yea Forums
Can I run this on a RTX 2070 super?
how long until reshade or someshit fixes this mess after release?
It runs on current gen shitboxes so what the fuck do you think.
yes easily even at 1440p, just don't be autistic and run everything on mostly useless ultra settings.
Day 1 patch introduces night toggle
Sunfags obliterated
absolutely based and redpilled
>ridicously small world
surely you can provide more info on that
Deus Ex did it better
>3rd world mutts still seething over CP2077
top kek
>Why did they hype seemingly just vanish?
Little by little they removed every single feature people were looking forward to. I don’t have the mood to argue with retarded fanboys either, so it’s best not to discuss it entirely.
CDPR locked themselves in their discord/reddit with a bunch of cocksuckers who are incapable of providing any criticism and at this point the company is probably convinced that everyone is more hyped than ever.
Still over 1 year from launch.
Let it rest.
It doesnt HAVE to be an rpg
>Little by little they removed every single feature people were looking forward to
They never removed anything. Most "leaked" info was just LARPing Yea Forums-fags making shit up like saying you could join up with different factions such as trauma team or the police to get unique missions.
A game of this scope would take many more years to finish and would probably not even be possible on current-gen shitboxes.
It's better for devs to shut up about it until it comes out. Everything they say just makes it worse.
Well, it isn’t anymore. They somehow managed to change everything we knew about the game within the span of an year.
Hype didn't disappear. There's just nothing to talk about until release (unless something new gets revealed). .
this, ironically Bethesda is doing the right thing with elderscrolls 6 even tho the game will be shit house.
They consolized it a lot, but I am still going to try it out. Just not as hype as I could have been.
Also I think a lot of the resettrannies and consolecucks are shitposting the hell out of the board right now. I can't believe epic actually paid people to shitpost here, so it must be the aforementioned.
When the fuck did I mention leaks? I’m talking about their own words about the game last year that no longer hold true. Things such there being multiple apartments, the nature of the game as an RPG, the idea that quests and treatment would differ depending on your gender and whatnot.
Considering that it looks like an early PS3 title, probably without a sweat.
geralt predicted this
ciri was always full of shit
Some of the gameplay looks good but not more impressive than mankind divided which is old by now
You sound like a shill trying hard to fit in.
>Downgrade: The Game
>Why did the hype vanish.
Gee I wonder.
It's still 8 months away. Do you really expect daily threads for a game that's not even out and has limited gameplay shown?
for me it was Keanu
low and behold shit kept going downhill from there
Yeah, pretty much. Every new info they drop makes the game worse.
So do you.
>We're already living in the early stages of a cyberpunk dystopian global world order shithole.
Kek, the world is safer, cleaner and overall better than it has ever been you fucking edgy teenager faggot
>won't be out till 2020
>no new info since E3
Gee I wonder fucking why
It will be a generation defining RPG in the sense that every other RPG is so shit that people will actually remember CP2077 as a good game.
Is it bad as Bladerunner?
This was the turning point.
>le immershiun is very important to us!!
Yeah, because a hollywood celeb (that has a horrible character model) doesn't break the immersion at all. Nope, not at all.
Not for long.
pretty much. and the way everyone lost their shit for him to. I want to blame reddit but I'm sure Keanu has some good PR groups.
You can't incorporate mainstream and not become them
Because it went from "cyberpunk rpg made by the people who made The Witcher 3" to "action game with a few rpg elements made by the people who made Mass Deffect Andromeda with a good dose of sjw shit that only people who don't play videogames asked for, oh and a bit of cyberpunk sprinkled on top"
Nice picture of yourself retard, they've straight face lied about content that would be in the game and then back pedaled on it.
It's called development
Keanu was probably the only decent pick for the role, but zoom zooms can't remember The Matrix or Johnny Mnemonic. They did fuck up when they replaced his model with the boomer meme though.
>source: my hairy shit-stained arsehole
>the world is safer, cleaner and overall better than it has ever
the 'corporate wars' haven't happened yet irl, once china achieves quantum supremacy and races toward true AI and mass bypassing of all encryption Google will declare war on China.
I am betting my fucking asshole this game will not actually have nudity on release. You can print this.
>Turned out to be a cinematic action game
Which is what it looked like from the very beginning. If you're still getting fooled by the "It's a game where you can do EVERYTHING" marketing, then that's just on you. You've seen this shit a billion times and there was never anything shown to indicate that this would be a good game.
>the nature of the game as an RPG
>Hurr some retarded PR tranny called it an adventure game because focus groups show that the term sells better, along with the retarded space marine cover, therefore it isn't an RPG anymore.
Don't go with every single argument no matter how retarded just because it fits your cause, there are plenty of legitimate problems with Cyberpunk, there's no need to invent more.
lol this guy defending keanu all while shitting on boomers and zoomers
A better pick would be no celebs at all
>underageb& don't know muh matrix
god I hate Yea Forums
I am going to fully penetrate with no lube or foreplay.
>A better pick would be no celebs at all
It probably matters a lot less than you think.
I was never interested since I never liked the Witcher
There are plenty of other good sci-fi video games to enjoy user.
>instead of deeply immersive rpg with action elements, it's fps with some rpg elements
USA is not 3rd world.
Marketing team invaded the dev team and now makes sure that you'll get the blandest experience possible.
Ok. But don't fucking excuse cutting promised features with "it's for the ImMeSHioN" when at the same time you have a fucking hollywood celeb that has no range in your game.
I’m fine with Keanu but I feel they’ll overuse him. The trailer last year had you choose something like an idol, and Johnny Silverhand was just one of them. Now it feels he’s taken over for everyone.
I’m also concerned about how much they’re spending on a Hollywood star when the company isn’t that big to begin with and they could probably be using the cash in improving the game.
that guy looks so cool
I’m not inventing, they went out of their way to remove the RPG label.
>I’m fine with Keanu but I feel they’ll overuse him.
Well considering that he has the second most (after the protagonist) dialogue lines out of all the characters in the game, yeah.
>I’m also concerned about how much they’re spending on a Hollywood star when the company isn’t that big to begin with and they could probably be using the cash in improving the game.
CDPR is valued higher than Capcom, for example. They got the shekels.
He has like 8 hours of dialogue I think, he finished it all in 15 days.
Why are EGS shills so desperate to attempt to run this game into the ground?
he has the second most lines in the game, rip
Anyone have that screencap of the Yea Forums post about this image?
Where are you from?
I recall seeing some marketing shit that he can be your enemy. Obviously you can side with the corpo so.
It's basically just contrarian retards on here, plenty of people on other forums(not reetardera interestingly enough, they think the game is transphobic)are looking forward to the game. The people on here who are still looking forward to this game, like me. Mostly don't post in these threads because we aren't interested in getting into stupid arguments with autistic morons.
Take a guess.
it has none of the tone that the original teaser had
We literally saw the original teaser in the police portion of one of the recent trailers.
Aiming for the stars doesn't matter much if you explode in the atmosphere.
Except it will be a good game, it just won't precisely the good game you hyped up in your own head with limited to no corroborating information to support said hype.
>dumb single-digit IQ niggers not realizing that most of the footage they showed only took place in Pacfica, which is only 1 of the 5(?) districts of Night City
This pretty much
I wanted something akin to new vegas
Looks like its gonna be another witcher 3 but in cyberpunk setting
Dude, he is determined to spread legitimate FUD. He's not retarded, he knows what he's doing.
>I wanted something akin to New Vegas
It looks like that's what we are getting, sans a lot of the perks and the ability to pointlessly join factions.
You sound like someone who has never played new vegas
???? It's that part where the guy is standing in front of the TV screen freaking out.
In fact I have put well over a thousand hours into New Vegas and the mods. I have replayed the game about five times. With the last two playthroughs being heavily modded.
Seems like a classic scenario of smaller studio expands and loses touch with what caused them to expand in the first place. They now feel they have to concern themselves with more than just making fun video games.
It's not dead, you're just an attention seeking faggot and made a low hanging fruit thread to get responses.
No it doesn't.
>not reetardera interestingly enough, they think the game is transphobic
Lol no. They did a few months ago, not anymore. You’re pretending like CDPR hasn’t been hardcore pandering to them in the last couple months.
>dev hypes the game saying it will have X
>dev later says game won’t have X anymore
>the good game you hyped up in your own head with limited to no corroborating information to support said hype.
Where has CDPR pandered to them? Was it making the world the "worst city in America"?
And you still think it compares with witcher 3? Or that cyberpunk is even gonna have an ounce of its depth? Keep dreaming
>Where has CDPR pandered to them?
Gee, I don’t know. Was it when they fired an employee when they demanded his head or when they changed gender altogether after heavy journalist backlash?
>Still think it compares to the Witcher 3
Point out in my post where I said that. I said cyberpunk will be more like NV sans pointlessly joining factions and a lot of the perks system.
>cyberpunk will be more like NV
That’s probably the dumbest comparison so far.
They didn't change gender. You select male or female.
>Fired an employee
You got the paperwork that says they were fired? Or you going to take Twitter as gospel like a tranny?
>No argument
That is Nederlands.
it looks more like a loot shooter with some RPG mechanics thrown in, it doesnt matter to me because i got it for free on the Steam Summer event
Not him but i already gave you arguments on why its a retarded comparison
Also you could answer the question yourself by looking at both games
Oh, okay, nevermind. You’re just another retarded fanboy in denial. I mean, they even had Mike Pondsmith in the deep dive spending forever to address game journalist criticism about the Voodoo Boys being cultural appropriation, but that has nothing to do with CDPR pandering at all, it’s just a coincidence. Kys retard, you’re the reason we don’t get good games.
>I already gave you arguments
AKA literally no argument.
Not gonna point out my post just because youre such a huge faggot please die
Cyberpunk and witcher are shit go cope somewhere else faggot
>Cannot provide source
>Y-you're just a fanboy!
>Seething this hard because he cannot provide arguments
>coping this hard over a shitty tps
and the vocaroo link vocaroo.com
Not quoted user, but you’re fucking retarded.