Just spent all this money on new pc

>just spent all this money on new pc
>still only playing games form over 10 years ago

anyone else suffering from this in current year?

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new games aren't that good

Witcher 3
DE Human Revolution

Do you just spend money on new systems without taking into account the games you actually want to play?

those and de:md are exceptions i guess

If you're just graphics whoring for modern games

-Hitman 2
-Battlefield V or Battlefront 2
-Gears of War 5
-Resident Evil 2
-Far Cry 5 / New Dawn
-Metro Exodus
-Doom Eternal (comes out in two months)
-Assassin's Creed Odyssey / Origins / Unity
-The Division 2
-Detroit Become Human (comes out in one month for PC)
-Crysis 3 also still rapes modern systems as an older game

I'm waiting for Christmas sales to splurge money on overpriced modern games.

I had a computer that was almost 7 years old, I decided that I wanted to build a new one that can play cp2077 at 1440p.

>-Gears of War 5

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It's shit but it looks good

Okay but what about games actually worth playing?

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they only good game here is Hitman

There are some AA gems released in recent years.

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play eurojank games. Those are cheap and fun time.

DMCV really doesn't really look good since the environments and enemy designs are so boring

the only good game there is RE2

Metro Exodus is the only game on that list worth playing. Everything else is a worse version of older games.

metro exodus is good tho


As long as you're enjoying yourself.

when i built my highe end PC I was like this at first, but over time you will get into newer games.

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>-Hitman 2
haven't been following this since Absolution
>-Battlefield V or Battlefront 2
AAA trash
10 hour long single player for $60, dropped
>-Resident Evil 2
I'll buy at a discount
>-Far Cry 5 / New Dawn
AAA shit
>-Doom Eternal (comes out in two months)
wait for a sale
>-Assassin's Creed Odyssey / Origins / Unity
>-The Division 2
>-Detroit Become Human (comes out in one month for PC)
non-game written by David Cage No and No
>-Crysis 3 also still rapes modern systems as an older game
AAA crap

This. People who support the middle market are heroes. I dream of the day these kinds of games can be as abundant as they were in the PS2/Gamecube and early 360 days.

none of these are even worth pirating


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is remnant worth it?

>spent 1000 euros on new pc with rtx 2060 super
>still playing games from 2004
fuck modern video games

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