>generally considered one of the fathers of the first-person shooter and a hardcore, edgy dude
>randomly yells "TRANS RIGHTS" during a stream
lmao @ your life if you think this lazy-eyed half native american transexual retard is actually cool
Generally considered one of the fathers of the first-person shooter and a hardcore, edgy dude
he isn't cool since daikatana, I'd rather see him going tranny than have other shitty game like that
You wouldnt hear Carmack saying stupid shit like that.
don't worry you'll get your wish, because he A) already dresses like a woman, and B) apparently can't make an actual game and can only continually piggy back on successes from yesteryear.
also, the dude is a literal cuckold and raises his wife's kid from another father LMAO
This is how you end up if you worship satan. Let him he a cautionary tale.
being openl pro trans is way more hardcore/subvertive/edgy than doing anything else today
it's not like that the majority of people view trans as normal
and half of the west view them as demon
carmack is an autist who only speaks in C
>being pro trans is hardcore and edgy in 2019
Better than defending trannies.
not surprising that carmack booted him out of the company. he probably thought he was a total faggot too.
Yet Yea Forums constantly uses a picture of him in the Old Devs vs New Devs meme. You're all stupid, fairweather faggots.
wasn't disagreeing
No it isn't. It's towing the line. It's like saying "wow I sure love jesus" at church.
Being pro trans is boomer as fuck.
>Yea Forums is a hivemind collective
No one has ever taken him seriously since daikatana came out. This guy was already on the shit list.
It's because of his psycho wife Brenda whatever.
Even normal people become like that from the environment they're in. Ofcourse there are a million things wrong and WERE wrong in american society. But it's a problem the way society is evolving today
The dude just says whatever he can to get brownie points. Think about it: he got ousted from his own company only to make one of the shittiest games known to man (and bragged about it prior to release), so his butthole has been recovering ever since. Now he just says and does whatever he thinks people want to hear so they'll pet him like a good boy and remember him as anything other than a washed up cuck. It's sad, really.
>>generally considered one of the fathers of the firs
nobody knows of this tard unless they are a shooter fanatic
Okay, would you rather have another fatherless child descending into madness and becoming another sjw scumbag?
I don't like this man but the fact that he even considers helping to raise a dadless child is kind of heroic.
We don't need more weak men.
Based Carmack.
carmack is literally autistic
check his joe rogan interview
>dude raising another guy's kid is heroic, only weak men don't become cuckolds
>little girl is going to become an sjw scumbag if she doesn't have a father
>father is an sjw scumbag, but that surely won't rub off on her
how much semen did you have to consume to arrive at this most bizarre of conclusions, dear fellow?
It's unfortunate to see him in such a state, but he still made the best singleplayer shooters available (doom 1/2 and quake 1), which ended up with ID making the best multiplayer FPS (Q3A), so he's still a god.
>carmack is literally autistic
carmack is a faggot too, but is his being autistic supposed to be an adequate defense in relation to john romero wanting a vagina?
What? He didnt say anything wrong. The guy likes computers, cars, and judo... Totally normal stuff. What's worse is defending big smelly guys putting on wigs, dresses and make up.
You also wouldn't hear Carmack saying "maybe I should help this drowning person" or "I should take care of my pet"
Nothing wrong with raising another man's kid. As long as you still impregnate your wife and have a kid of your own and give him a brother/sister.
He was not that great, He is hell of a show man though
Doom is a shit game
he's high functioning but misses basic things. like he gives away he expects employees to do 13 hour days
>best singleplayer shooters available
lmao, he didn't even make the best games in their respective series. also, giving him credit for almost anything related to Quake is a laugh riot -- this mental retard wanted Quake to have third person fighting game elements, and when he saw Darksiders in 2010 he said "that was the game I wanted to make". giving him credit for Q3A is even more a joke. he's not a god, he's a cuck.
Expecting hard work isnt as bad as defending mentally deranged creeps in make up and dresses.
>nothing wrong with raising another man's kid
Continue reading next time.
this might be the worst stonetoss edit i've ever seen in my life
Yeah he would say "Mitzi was having a net negative impact on my life" instead
I did, it was pretty cuckold.
why does stonetoss make libs so mad?
>Having offspring is being a cuck
Congratulations on publicly making yourself his bitch OP.
did you know that when a man impregnates a woman, a small amount of that man's DNA (transferred via the fetus) gets stored in the woman's brain permanently, and can actually transfer to future children? that means, if you marry a woman who has already been impregnated, you are forever walking around with that man's DNA right next to you. i'm not joking by the way, look it up.
both are bad in their own way
for instance he put down the family cat because it peed on his couch
like obviously anyone trying to appeal the trans fad is a faggot, but carmack has his own issues
don't let your mascara stain the pillow tonight, john
>having offspring with used goods and then raising another man's offspring alongside them makes you a cuck
why yes, yes it does.
doom and quake was only possible because of carmack. romero was just there as the obnoxious fag.
He's still making speeches about Doom's development. Masters of Doom came out in 2003. Guy is beyond washed up.
everyone else from id Software is still making games or doing something productive, meanwhile romero just collects vintage gas pumping equipment, lmao
>people change overtime to follow the popular culture of the times
if the culture shift between the 90s and now shifted into nationalism and racism you would hear romero shouting "FUCK NIGGERS" instead.
people follow what politicians and celbrities are doing, in the 50s everyone smoked and was racist because thats what john wayne did on the silver screen. 90% of people dont have stong held beliefs and will change them at the drop of the hat to not fall out of society
Translation: My wife is going crazy in the other room crying and shouting about Drumpft and how he's gonna deport my wife's son because his father is a caribbean illegal.
It's his fault! *does indian rain dance*
>Says two words
>triggers some schizo retard
Pretty based desu
he also does shit like driving really fucking fast in supercars
>OP is a schizo
>the guy who threw away his entire career for daikatana and wants to be a woman is not
Yeah, he's the schizo retard. Not the dudes wearing dresses. Go fuck yourself, scumbag.
You're losing OP, keep your retarded political ideologies on pol where you reddit refugees belong
>you're losing OP
at least there's one thing I haven't lost. not sure I can say the same for our uh, boy, romero...
False equivalency and reactionary faggotry is what killed the libs retard, I bet OP was the samefag from last night who thought peg legs in Minecraft was trans rights, use your brain for something other than seethe before the pendulum swings back due to your retardation
>false equivalency and reactionary biggotry
lmao what are you even trying to say here? are you just falseflagging or do you legitimate think transexuals don't have a mental illness? jesus what a fucking pseudo-intellectual potato you are, just go take a nap.
? Try reading schizo retard
sorry i'm just a degenerate phone poster with autocorrect and you are a transexual, we all have a cross to carry
One of those things is true at least, apology accepted retard
that you are transexual? well, okay then.
Nice meme, stay mad phoneposting schizo.
>collecting antique gas station equipment
this is sadder than guys who play with model trains
so if I call you a transexual, that is now a meme? is everything just a meme? I think social media has rotted your brain dude, just go outside for a little while. seriously.
wut? john romero wants to chop his dick off now?
damn nigga that 41% is boutta get higher
Sigil was good. I hope we get more map packs in the future.
>paying money to play wads for a 26 year old game made by a transexual native american in the year of our allah 2019
Holy based
Thanks for letting everyone know you're retarded. The .WAD was and still is free to download.
>Thanks for letting everyone know that you're retarded
my good man, I am not implying that I would ever be enough of a faggot to pay for a game or play this dog turd: I am implying that you would. now, begone with you, defender of the transexual menace.
I ain't defending trannys, Romero, or anything else in particular. I just want to
then go talk about video games you retarded faggot, nobody is making you respond to the thread. holy shit kid.
>carmacks actually autistic
Kino fellow autist
I'm trying but some faggot obsessed with mutilated tranny dicks keeps replying to me.
god he looks like an insufferable faggot
good one bozo
this dood knows whats up
no he doesnt
Carmack won a NASA rocket science design contest, beating out actual rocket scientists, and when accepting the reward said vidya design was harder. He is almost a savant in computer tech
What is meant by “trans rights”, exactly?
Far as I can tell, transexuals have all of the same legal rights as a non-transexual.
Doom 1 is the best in the Dooms series, Q1 is definitely the best in the singleplayer category. If you read The Masters of Doom you'd know that they wanted to make a game much different from Doom initially, but ended up just making doom in a new setting because of difficulty with development.
I dunno, I don't really have a problem with trans people, salt-white incels on the other hand throw tantrums and act like children in general, they're entirely self-serving and a cancer on society.
This, but unironically
sucks to have a few strong held beliefs that do not align with the current mindset though
Yea Forums practically gave birth to mainstream trannies, Bailey Jay, aka Linetrap got his start on Yea Forums. Nothing spells newfag more than identifying as a salt-white /pol/ fag from reddit.
Contrary to what many say, Sigil is very good. The environments are usually claustrophobic and too dark and some parts are bad, but overall it's a very rewarding experience.
People who are saying that Sigil is rubbish either do not really like Doom, or simply are the normies that are influenced by retarded people like Gmannlives.
>Doom 1 is the best in the Doom series
no, that would be Doom 64.
>Q1 is definitely the best in the singleplayer category
agreed, and romero had little to do with it
>if you read The Masters of Doom
lmao no thanks I've had sex
romero is literally "my wife's son" tier. he's raising some little mutt
at least carmack has kids of his own. hapa, sure, but still his.
>trannies aren't a cancer on society
>heh, if you identify as white you're a newfag, don't you want to be a cool tranny like me?
lol. just fyi, no matter how many times you pluck those moustache hairs, they're going to come back.
Who are you quoting?
>Doom 64.
this is a very common occurrence here I noticed this last week. Nobody in their right mind has said anything like that ever before. Did your favorite youtuber make a video telling you this ?
>calls people newfag
>doesn't understand Yea Forums
Who are you quoting?
oh look, a typical small-brain who dislikes 64 because it didn't come out on PC. let me explain something to you little boy: Doom 64 isn't just the best classic Doom game, it's the only good classic Doom game. best weapons, best art style, best music and atmosphere, best colors and lighting, best level design, best everything. Doom 64 rapes the original games into bone dust in every single way.
>unlike liberal snowflakes i dont get triggered like a crybaby over words
Good job /pol/cels
>Who are you quoting?
>unlike liberal snowflakes i dont get triggered like a crybaby over words
who said this?
because he's a fag I guess.
Doom 64 is Doom 2 with fewer options, less variety of enemies and atrocious sprites. It is basically a mod of dubious quality and with less content than the original games. Okay, you have every right to find the best entry in the series, but I think most of those who really know Doom don't take it too seriously.
>A re-release of Doom64 on Nintendo Switch will be released in November 2019
>announcement date: September 4th
oh I get it now :)
you're a shit-eating console warrior that has never even heard of this franchise until a month ago
>Doom 64 is Doom 2 with fewer options,
fewer options? like what? more weapons, more environmental hazards, more aesthetic and architectural variety? what are you even trying to say here?
>less variety of enemies and atrocious sprites
more variety than Doom 1, and if you don't like the CGI models you're a faggot, sorry
>mod of dubious quality
lmao, so let me get this straight, Doom 2, which is literally a glorified expak for Doom 1, is a real Doom game, but Doom 64 with entirely new everything is a "mod of dubious quality"? just how many farts does one need to huff to damage their brain as badly as you?
The right ideology is rooted in self-loathing, insecurity and hypocrisy, it isn't at all surprising. Just look at daddy Trump, you can find a twitter post from him criticizing every single thing he's done himself as president. Salt-white losers actually love it because they feel like they're getting back at Stacy for never putting out.
>trans rights this
>trans right that
Trans rights to what, exactly?
Seriously, what does this even mean
my first experience with doom was playing doom 2 in like 1997 with my older brother. I thought it was boring as fuck and played Marathon instead. I didn't touch doom 64 until 2016 when I was on vacation at a shitty hotel in Massachusetts and bought it alongside an N64 at a nearby pawn shop. doom 64 is a better game, sorry.
lol you repeat yourself way too much not to have autism
Why does that term trigger you, snowflake?
Doom64 is on pc though, shit for brains
It doesn't really trigger me, I just don't understand why you keep repeating yourself.
>fan port means it's "on" the platform
okay, and while we're at it, every Nintendo game ever made is "on" PC.
Cpt. Cuck up in here projecting again
more cringe and bs
come back when you are old enough or intelligent enough to post here without people calling your dumb shit out nintendie
I don't get it, what does it mean? Why are you posting that image in response to me without context?
>but Doom 64 with entirely new everything
the only thing that was actually unique to D64 was the unmaker everything else is just a reskin of doom
>gets blown the fuck out
>c-cringe, you're dumb
lmao got 'em. try actually playing Doom 64, you'll like it.
So easily triggered, just as said. You have to wonder if all the salt-white incels can do is project at this point lmao
user, these are people that will never have children anyway. Everything's a cuck fantasy to them.
>all new graphics
>all new music
>new weapon
>new enemies
>traps and hazards original dooms never had
>completely different approach to map design
wow they're like, the same
stop posting until you stop sticking out like a sore thumb newfag (tough luck with that seeing as you are dumb as shit)
did you find this site through nintendonews.org or something?
yeah they pretty much were the same. as ugly as they made cacodemons they were still cacodemons
we get it, you want a vagina
You have no idea what you're talking about. Doom 1 and 2 are designed to play with mouse + keyboard, keyboard only or joystick. The local or network multiplayer option has been around since the first release. When you weren't even born, the game already had texture mods, sounds, maps (single player or deathmath) and gameplay modifications. That's because allowing the game to be modified was a design decision by the producers. Do you understand what different options are?
These are the things available in the original games from the beginning. Anyone who played Doom near release knows that these things are inseparable from the original Doom, even if you didn't have access to BBS or the internet, things were spread over floppy disks and CD-ROMs. Books and magazines were released with Doom-only content such as new maps and editors.
These things were not accidental. The designers created the game to allow this. Saying that Doom64 is the best Doom implies that you know absolutely nothing about Doom and probably haven't played more than a few hours. That's why your opinion is worth virtually nothing, and no one who really knows Doom takes it seriously.
Please, no more projection, incel. My sides can't take it!
>they look and play totally differently aside from having a few weapons and enemies with the same names, so that means they're the same
lmao the D64 cope will never end
>new weapon
>claims new everything but only says "weapon" ie not plural
>Doom 1 and 2 are designed to play with mouse
top fucking kek dude, stopped reading right there
>lmao the D64 cope will never end
yes thanks for agreeing that you are coping
>they share weapons so they're the same
whoa, who knew quake was a doom mod too
>a literal "no u"
and here we see the limits of your intellectual capacity. good day old chap.
ye and its better than doom 64 which is the worst doom mod
One more proof that you have no idea what you're talking about.
>cant make an actual comeback
lmao no u
doom did not ship with mouselook and it wasn't added until much later. you are embarrassing yourself, sperm cell.
>Doom 64
Hell no. It's basically final doom level design wise.
Better then ps that's for certain.
>being surprised that an artist is a lefty
You kids are in for a rude awakening once you start looking up your favorite musicians and filmmakers, if you even have any.