Hey Yea Forums, I'm here from /agdg/ to shill my game

Hey Yea Forums, I'm here from /agdg/ to shill my game.

It's called Pawnbarian and it's a rogue-like puzzler. You progress through a dungeon and fight enemies using a deck of chess moves, and do some light deck building by upgrading the moves with a bunch of additional effects.

There's a browser playable build. If that sounds the least bit interesting to you, please check it out and tell me what you think.


Attached: 2019-09-08_14_37_50.webm (1280x720, 1.57M)

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Not my kind of game, but have a bump.

Put this on mobile and you'll probably rake in the cash

i don't see any zombies, open world nor survival and crafting mechanics in your indie game, delete it and start again faggot

Appreciate it

I want to release and polish on desktop first, but I agree that it's well suited for mobile, planning to go for that soon after. I don't wanna do any of that ad-riddled bullshit, and going for premium or demo + single IAP requires some recognizability/momentum, so that's a consideration as well

Looks good but I'll wait until its closer to being finished.

Looks interesting.

I don't want to drag my mouse - that's for consoletards and mobileniggers. Let me double click.

You mean rogue-lite? Rogue-like is something like shiren the wanderer

Oh, there'll be zombies for sure, that much I can manage

Yeah, I've heard this complaint a few times now. I'm working on a setting to allow this, maybe even set it as the default input method. A patch should be out within 2 days

I'm split about dragging on the card to move the cursor on the board. I'ts pretty cool but functionally it's a bit obtuse. It's cliche but a fire emblem style grid hover could work.
The enemies all casting their movement/attack spaces it's too much, you have no idea who does what.
The shop could do with a different colour or something to denote it's a shop. It's also a bit annoying to move around since you're limited to chess moves and the upgrades are all over the board.
Health isn't obvious at all. Small icons sit on the edge

It's interesting but I think you need one more mechanic to make the game truly pop.

Chess moves, even if they have slight modifiers, get old fast.

I thought it was fair to call it a roguelike because it has some major common elements even with the traditional console ones, like turn & grid based movement and the cliche dungeon crawling setting, in an era where even FPS-es with some proc gen call themselves roguelikes. Ofc feel free to call it whatever you think is most fitting.

Looks neat, dig the simplistic design with alot of fluid animations, although if ur going for commercial u probably should go for something eye popping.

I assume things like different shaped/bigger boards and more player controlled characters on board are on ur mind already

That actually looks pretty neat, good work /agdg/ user. Hoping for an android release too.

Okay after having fucked around a bit more on the browser version here are some of my thoughts OP:

The Good
>Good simple base mechanics to work around, perfect foundation with lots of potential
>Can hit it really big for mobile later down the line
>One of the better "card-based" rogue lites I've played

The Neutral
>While you have a good foundation, Chess can also limit your design space a lot in light of this focus on more interesting enemy encounters, perhaps stages with an expanded board, and you can even have a "Story Mode" down the line with different "puzzles" and scenarios to play
>I don't know if it's because I played on the browser version but do you always have to move max tiles with a rook, bishop, or queen?
>I only won once but I think the lightning modifier is way too powerful especially compared to the cleave/AoE, shield has its uses by getting an extra move is way too good

The Bad
>Fix the way you move pieces
>Play area, though simple and sleek, is too bland - my biggest recommendation is watching how satisfying playing a card feels in Slay the Spire, nice crisp sound and snappy animations (eq. hearing the sound of a chess piece strike on a wooden board would do wonders)

You have a potential goldmine on your hands user. Don't forget where you came from when you hit it big, you hear me?

That's fair but I'm fine with the game being pretty small in scope. I got a bunch of comments from folks saying that they really enjoy the relative simplicity of the mechanics, even though at the same time it gets quite hard. I suppose that gives it a bit of that zen-puzzler quality to it, like sudoku or, well, chess.

I hope to keep things engaging mostly through designing a variety of interesting enemy interactions/traits, and some unlockable characters with different decks and some permanent change to their mechanics.


That's actually pretty unique. Well done.

You're probably better off just making shitters pay for extra moves or do-overs. Microtransactions are what rake in the cash.

Also no strong black female lead or indication if the player and NPCs are non binary. Dont even know what pronouns should he used. I was never going to buy or play this anyway but I'm on my way to reeeeesetera to complain about this problematic game

haha wow you sure showed those sjws

Thanks, that's really encouraging.
>I don't know if it's because I played on the browser version but do you always have to move max tiles with a rook, bishop, or queen?
Yeah, you always move the max amount possible. I think this streamlining of the rules worked out well.

I know that's the truth, but I just don't wanna do that because I'm a dumb idealistic fuck. If doing gamedev according to my ethics and sensibilities doesn't work out, I'm just gonna go write boring CRUD apps for some hip corp.

Its fun, I like it, challenging, looks good. I like the controls except for the shop
dunno if this is what he was talking about, a double click to go to any space in the shop would be nice

This is exactly my type of game. I played it for a bit on my shitty office laptop with 2GB RAM, intel Celeron etc and it ran smoothly.
The drag-wheel interface is really difficult to use with a touchpad though, consider allowing key inputs like QWEADZXC for 8 directions.
The board and the enemy's info interface doesn't make it clear what threats are being posed though; why do some squares have one red notch in each corner and some have two or three? I imagine it's some sort metric to measure the threat of ending your turn on that square, but it should be made abundantly clear to the player how that metric's measured. Maybe have a tooltip below the enemy info area that tells you the risk of landing on that square.
Also, I can't get past the Blight Matron level. I seemingly die without any reason why given after moving my piece. It's a shame because I really would have loved to have seen more of what the game has to offer.
Also, consider having "Moves" and "Life" above their respective bars on the UI, and have something that tells the player how many moves the pieces have.
What you've got is a brilliant idea for a game that, if fleshed out with more content/a gameplay loop and a more coherent/clearer UI, would appeal to me and many others and a game I'd happily purchase. Keep working on it user, you've got something great in the works.


adds are not allowed on 4channel

Too big brain for the average Yea Forumsirgin

>why do some squares have one red notch in each corner and some have two or three?
Are you a brainlet? It represents the amount of damage you can take if you end the turn on that square.

Thank you!

The notches are the amount of damage you'll get if you end your turn there, and the skull simply means 4+. The Blight-mobs have various ways of stacking a permanent attack on a tile that stays around until you clear the level.

I know this is one of the bigger pain points in the UI right now, reworking it so descriptions will be per enemy and not per tile, so I can explicitly list the amount of damage, and maybe on click toggle between showing this enemy's attack pattern, and the sources that attack this tile. I'll also experiment with a separate graphic for the Blight but it might get too crowded.

Again, should be made abundantly clear. I die randomly on the Blight floor even though I land on a clear square. Really frustrating.

>too crowded
Nah lad. Just make the damage arrows from blight green.

fuck this actually looks really good

Same design flaw with most card games (especially roguelike ones), you can brick relatively often. Maybe include some kind of ability to redraw a card, like a mulligan at the start of a turn? And why can't bishops stop at any diagonal space? For some reason they can only go at max distance.

game is fucking shit and we can tell you're samefagging hard ITT, go shill your shit on reddit

Oh shit this actually... kind of looks neat
I'm on mobile but I'm gonna save this for later

Downloaded the game since the webplayer doesnt finish downloading

First impressions:
unless you're going for a chess visual theme and this is final, maybe you can reskin the board and characters into something more conventional in style
looks more like you're playing through a training simulation
chess mechanics don't mean everything has to look like chess
you'll probably sell more copies if everything is a cute anime girl, the MC, the enemies, the pictures on the cards, etc...

does this have levels with dangerous floor tiles too?

fuck off samefag


Attached: EBE063BD-152E-4A08-AC42-5D794F1D4DA6.gif (220x163, 211K)

Look at the poster count and tell me he's samefagging, you glum fuck. The game's fun and I'm glad he shilled it so fuck off.

Yeah, some enemies leave dangerous tiles on death or on movement. I assume you're asking because that's a shitty trope to have? Communicates easily tho.

I have seen your reddit post and I downvoted you.

yep, he is shilling, i can tell because since my post that made it 26 posters there has only been 2 other new posters, and the poster right after my post WAS NOT a new poster

>that filename
>le buzzword
get outta here faggot

No, I'm just asking because it's expected to have it due to how fun it can be

The way cards are dealt with is confusing without being told, especially with the game discarding your entire hand after each turn. I'm not sure I like that.

The font you used for the logo is bad, not very readable. 'Discard' looks like 'Discord' as well in game.

>pawn description
>"tompost row"

Attached: 1558300256517.png (894x773, 48K)


Who under 50 knows how to play chess these days.

I'm too much of a brainlet to beat the final round, but aside from that it's pretty good.

Having googled you, the original game you made is better designed. You've convoluted it with shit like the shop and the UI changes.

Look dude, I probably shouldn't engage at all but all my posts were explicitly written by me. The thread itself is posted from a different network since my main connection is range banned from thread posting, and that's about it.

Good catch. The clip is from an old version, the typo is fixed in the actual game.

I think plenty of people are like me in that they know the basic rules and like the idea of chess, but find the actual realities of the game tedious, because of all the required memorization and grinding through scenarios to wrap their heads around the enormous game-tree complexity. I'm hoping to tap into that simple, fun part in here.

sure kid, go shill you shit game elsewhere

The old version is the more pure game, but it was all about very methodical play. I stand by my design decisions. The loot system is a soft turn timer, a way to balance upgrade costs, and an additional layer of decision making all at once.

Can you use the pawn movement card to do a forward horizontal attack?

You can't do that in chess, so no.

Nope, pawns only have very limited movement like they do in chess, only move forward and attack forward diagonals. They're cheaper to upgrade than other cards and pretty easy to promote to queens while keeping all their upgrades, so they're still pretty strong, you just need to play around the possibility of bricking with them.

What engine did you use?

Unity, it's just what I know and it lets me get shit done fast. It might be a bit bloated for such a technically simple game, but it's not exactly hard to keep things performant on old hardware, I'm an alright programmer and don't do outrageously dumb stuff.

Seems boring.

Attached: [!] AGDG Embassy S01-E47.webm (640x360, 1.25M)

I've been wondering why more people don't use the basics of Chess, a game a ton of people understand at a basic level, as a basis for their game. I really liked this small puzzle game on Steam called KNIGHTS that's just moving knights according to their L pattern to specific spaces on a board because it's super intuitive. I think your idea is more ambitious than that, in a good way. Never looked much into Rogue-lites but this one seems worth a shot.

>to shill my game.
thx for honesty, gonna give it a try.

4channel was made for the concern of advertisers

cute idea.
needs a bit of intro explanation, didn't notice turn and rewards counter until a few rounds in, also in the first shop i tried to attack stuff because i didn't notice it was a shop.
the brain things feel a bit strong because they almost immediately shit up the entire field with attacks and i have to rely on shields etc.
long term, having only chess pieces is a bit boring. maybe get some fantasy chess pieces as rare drops.

You'd be surprised how many zoomers have absolutely no clue how it works.

Glad to hear that.

There's this game called Chogue, which similarly mashes up chess with roguelikes, though I only learned about it after releasing the game jam version of Pawnbarian, and still haven't played it.

Someone also mentioned ChessPursuit to me, which is essentially a tiny chess-based infinite runner. Very simple but breddy cool.

>maybe get some fantasy chess pieces as rare drops.
I'm planning a fully shogi-based character as an unlockable.

Include a Checkers character that has super limited movement but can combo captures without using more than one card/move and be Kinged if they travel across the board once or twice.