what's the hands down best spot to farm this shit as a warrior
What's the hands down best spot to farm this shit as a warrior
ungoro, epl and burning step
gl tho the spawn rates are garbo
thanks :(
Auction house
This thread is Reddit.
I hope you terminate your life soon, nobody loves you and nobody ever will.
You are wasting your time in an online reality that has no impact whatsoever on your life.
You're a waste of air. End your suffering.
>You are wasting your time in an online reality that has no impact whatsoever on your life.
Funny, you do exactly the same here.
dayum thats deep and shiet
Stay defensive, manchild.
When you see yourself for what you are, a balding obese waste of living organism, it will already be late for you. You will feel so sorry for yourself you'll want to end it all. You'll wonder how did you end there and you'll know for a fact that you're the only one to blame.
Therefore you will commit suicide and be forgotten in a matter of weeks.
All mmorpg players are mentally damaged but the fact that you can't even do a simple search on internet or ask some other players means that you're below human interaction.
Even more: You can't look up wowhead or any other well-known site for WoW information which means you may actually be underdeveloped in intelligence.
Try again?
Imagine sperging out on Yea Forums and telling others they're the ones wasting their time online LOL
You're both doomed
>having to fight other people for resources
fuck that. become a based skinner instead.
There is no "best spot" because this game was solved and all the best spots already have everyone mass farming it.
Also this isn't Reddit, fuck off.
End yourself immediately.
I only come to Yea Forums to fight losers like you.
It always lifts my spirits, but I rarely get a good banter, it's usually buzzwords and "no u" as seen in your replies.
Don't forget: You disappointed everyone that has ever met you. Including me.
? Skinners fight each other for devilsaur basically 24/7
1. get farm bot
2. sell shit
3. buy what you need
fuck you doing getting a second virtual job. Fuck that shit.
Un'Goro Crater by a mile. As the other user said, Classic is a bastardization of the real experience, so it's ruined by farmers
Auction house sniper botting is better profit and less detectable.
what's the next best area?
Do your own dirty work.